HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-10, Page 7• • . , *her Vtiit an* 401/Anice4ittattn $.401441514 414111. .TNI • 0911.• ••111.1-00: TN* •11-1.41001101ii;•!ilt • • •„, . •,• . „..1295._. • .:*•. • TOUR *Amax SHOE STORE W,1140HAM PHONE 12 ;COURT. OF REVISION IN ts.:TVAIVANOSit . . ON NOVEMBER 6 tf, Th. htahoihmoni of KITCHENER•WATERLOO DISTRICT OFFICE• /announced Isy COMPENSATION BOARD to provud. MORE.:.•AND,:spEtOtER.:: SERVICE . • C°101PENSII:TIOti kiATTERs for , HIGH SCHOOL Highlights ' Wbrlimell: EniiilaYsrsY Labour ,Oraanikatio,ns, itealltsentaiives of the Medical Profeiiion and ' other intOtistedigroupt in Waterlao':WitIlinigton, rarth•im'd 1-1,:iron Counties. ' Now in coOtt!iitilin,:.the hati.o.Kiit4hiSie-Watisr100:toittriit 'office makes use. Of teletype and . ... , , • other,time-sciripti cOM, mutilOtiOn dsvges.lo provide speedier sirvice in handling 'COmpenta- . , Hon claims conkccimplithit aircingentsnis.for the'', treatment and rehabilitation • of injured , • .i. workmen .'c'' , , r• I, • :', - 's,•. r, . t, •,, ',,; ., '<r, •, . • •''' . , f The, KitchOrier:WateridotDittrict 'officer „,w111.•Olso stipreat a centre of information concerning .1 . . „ . , . ,, . . .;••• Workmen's cbMpsnsation•for.Weiterloo,5Netitnoton,PArth and Huron Counties. ' ..,-, . I' The Kitchener:WOterioo-Dittrict offiCe,addreli• is: ' • \,• , t, ,' .b .. . S. SCOTT STREET KIT.tkiENER;•ONTAMO , , . . Duncan. IOicroft,Dist.1•Itejsresentistive. , IL McLeod Southgate Assist. Dist. Representative: THU WORKMEWS-.COMPENSATION BOARD .ONTARIO Char • J.:F. Cooley Inas-Chairmen ' • • A Dr. E. c, Sigel*, Commissioner • ••• . / • , • Winginun Listowel With the leaves turning red, and school bells ringing, the foOtball season gets",,off to its annual be- ginning, and the Wingham District High :School boys again return to. the gridiron, • ,As the pun rose high on Septern- ber 26, it 'saw Witigharn battling Listowel High School in an exhibi- tion game which pro -tied to be very interesting and a, thriller to the end. The ape Went as follows: In the first cmarter Listowel ran a touch- down but the convert Was blocked, thus leaving tha score 'six 'to noti- ig M favour a Listowel, Wing - ham. retaliated in the third quarter as Dtiug Murray ran a.louchclown and 'Bruce Robertson „Icielted the Convert putting VVingham' ahead by a scute of seven to. six. However, Listowel found a big hole around the Wingham end and ran 40 yards for a touchdown which was con- verted, Making 'the score thirteen to seven for Listowel. But, in the last seconds of the game Dotig, Murray crossed the goal line for ' a. touchdown which was converted by 'Bruce Robertsen again giving the gime to Whighara by a final score of fourteen to thirteen. • Congratulations boys ,and good luck in the schedule. opener next student' boclY "went to the POlee and the result was, an.exceilent Vemocracel 'Marie NOW, XIIB 0 •• 0- 0 '. The Cure af Jgnorance One of the most frightening things in this world is ignorance. By ignorance we do not merely mean the lack pf knowledge, but 'the ignorance of not knowing that there are better things, better *aye of doing things and the accepting t0eg't• thewhefteheeiri ntgb etsboatth lint gds°: sr are tk nthowatr: 1rel.d1:1:18:14lailacleel3"ailidt.6 C' r rilrels'e t d By-law No, was read the first and second' times, 114e0Owari - Buchanan—That bY- alansvd pNaPs.se8Rdo.11itdarrecr4ihe4etici,:ees. '11" time Stuart Mcturney, salary and bills paid, $175,50; Wm. T, IrWin, wageS, $65.40; Geo'. T. Currie, wages, $26,25; Carripbell's Garage, pedal pads, .0,08; Murray's Machine Shen, welding, $2.25; Reavie'a Ser- vice Station', brake Mild and lab- our, $5,25; Workmen's Comperisa- Um.' Board, asSpsarrient, $55.79; Stainton's Hardware, axe handle arid brtish-clippers, $12•.52; W. S. Gibson; premiutris of policies, $1304 Dominion Road Machinery Co„ By Tom Brydges,•XIIA, sATuRDAY, OCT APPLE D4Y Wolf Cub Boy Scouts Buy an Apple and Help the Boys The Past Wa.wanosh Counoti met on October 2nd,,, with all the mern-t bers present and the teen paid - ng The rairititea of the meeting held September 4th, were read and 'adopted on motion or Buchanan aw1,-;:clew:trilairannttgaolifhtah*taolitaPPhis74413rPorPeesretnyt, .14:.:;i'a dad, At the evening service a transferred front U,s.s, No, 11 East' trio of Auburn and Westfield girls 8,S. No. 8 Hullett. sang two numbers which were very strong and Mrs, lg, Jefferson Sang Aftez hearing Mr, Knaiip's story numb appreciated, , and since the EaSt Wawariash Among those Who attended Limn - school beard had tte objection, it Was Moved by Buchanan seconded Versary services and visited with bY 1\149"n:that 'Mr' ICeel-ilYe 're- 'friends here were, Mrs. Richard early as Chamney of Belgrave with Mr. and quest be granted and the necessary, bpYo-s1saibWle.beCaprrrelePda.reci as Mrs, John R. 'Thompson and How- PuraomaannaL-That the rod DONNYBROOK (Intended for last week) There Was a fairly good attend - once at the anniversary services in DonflYbroOk ort SUnday. Rev R. S. Hiltz delivered inspiring MeSaftges at both services, At the Morning Service the special ltdincluded an anthem by the cheir, a quartet composed of Misses Marie aria Dorothy NOM, Mary and Sharon leffersOn and Mrs, Tora Arm- or, not. For ignorance •there is, just one, • successful' cure, the cure so many •of Us are passing by and many Will neglect to take advantage of in clays' to come—education! • Multitudes will ask, "Where do 1, find this one and only cure?' The answer to this is that there are three 'ways to'attain.the neces- 'sary' edueation. Schools and col- lege have been built throtightnit the'oountry Which provide the re- qnited erudition. Books pass on to the reader much to be comprehend.= ed in a. painless way. The last method iS to.associate with a good, grader repairs, $5.87; Treasurer of intelligent crowd and to make use Ont„ tax on 200 gals fuel 1311, $22,00; of beneficial entertainment Canadian Oil Co., 200 gals ftiel oil, In this country of ours, ignor.! $40•00. , • withaprevalentdegradingavanabie Gebeta che4mot Workmen's Compensation Board, • amilecnea c • asse.smnient, $10.92; Robert Arbtick , Bev. Stewart, le, alloWances Johnston drain, •,, By $16.35; Chas. Congrain, alloWance • Johnston drain $70,85; Itaroid Rut- FORDWICH The many friends of Mr. Charles Perce will be sorry to learn that ptesent ...confined, to toWel Hospital having undergone Campaign Speeches aril emergency- appendectomy Sat- pemaarae'y should be found in tuhrrt mn odrngh He has also bdeep t in an PLeytigrrit:itr is every part of the world and in our at preessielMr high schoi31, the Literary eXectr- Perce is 82 years old, tive represents ihia principle.- . To obtain our Literary exetu- tive for 1956 every student had -a chalice to nominate a suitable can- didate. for'our "DemOcracy", These candidates 'had a chance to with- draw or to stand'. • About a week later -these stu- dents, along with the school body, met in ,the auditerium. Each can- didate had . a chance to express himself and state hovv he. or she N.V./Add try ,his best to fulfill the positionq on the' exe.autive, After a number of Imm•Orous, as, well as serioits speeches, the meeting ad- Jr:mined.' The next day the whole • 4 "Dad! What's the easiest way to make $47?" 3. • . . What would you say . . , aS'fihtineial wizard to the family? You khow that making money is not the easiest thing in the . world, no matter, what the amount. tet there is one simple 'Way to make, $47 without fuss or tisk. Just buy one of the • new $100 Canada Savings l3onds. if you hold it to maturity t, .you get evety dollar back plus' $47.38..in interest, And that's hot all. • Catiada, Savings Bonds are good for full "face value plus earned , • k— interest at any bank in Canada at any time, You can buy Canada Savings Bondsin handy sizeg of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5000. And your. monpy is safe, while it .earns, because • Cnnada Savihgs 13(4)&0'611)6AM by all the resOurees of Canada,. ' Our reputation as tt financial Otput iyon t stiffer tt, bit, if you buy OFFICERS ELECTED AT NIT MEETING .FORDWICS, The • Vordwich C.G.I.T. met at the home 6,f Dianne Carswell for the. first Meeting of the fall seaSon„ The :meeting open- ed with the N'atitinal Anthem, Lord's prayer, purpose and ansWer. Worship service Was taken by Dianne Carswell and Sharon Pol- lock ' The election of officers then took place and .ieStilts ate as follows: juniors: Pres., Nancy .Sothern; vice pres., Dianne Carswell; secre- tary, Patsy Harris; assistant sec,• retatA Sharon Pollock, Seniers: Pres., Margaret Me - Carni; vice prea., Rah Hibberd; treas., Elizabeth Ann Ccropet, Contests and &Ines were enieY' ed Innen Was served, The meeting closed with 'Taps. ton, allowance Johnston drain, $32.70; R H TlionipSon, by-laws and g clerk's fees, Johnston di -sin, $60.09; O. court of revision, - Johnston drain, $4.00; J, litzehaitan, court of revision, Johnston drain, $400 ahna court of ierisiiin, Johnston drairi $4.00; O. McGowan, court of revision, Johnston dram, $4.00; A.Purdon, court of revision, Johnston drain, 4.00; ToWnship of Morris, E. WaWariosh Share John - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baylor . arid family moved on Saturday to sten' drain, $1339X40; The Blyth their :new,, home recently vacated Standard,- printing; ,$54,34; Lloyd by' M and IVIrs. Jim HudSon. Montgomery; fox Vanity, $1.60;•Al Mrat•Earl.Moore is visiting this bert Conites, brucellosis inspector week :With' telatiVes, in Galt arid (663t20); $13.20; Wm B Gow;p13rw-' Kitchener.il Galbcellosis inspector (24x20), $4.80; 1VIr. arid Mrs. Cecraith • County of Huron, rent of shovel, of Guelph visited °Vet the week - $50,00; Harvey •, live - end* with Mr; and Mtg. Lindsay Galbraith • stock °Wit chickens, $21.00; John ard; Mr, and Mrs, Mark Arm- strong .of Belgrave With Mr.and Ms. Torn Armstrong; Mr, arid Mrs, Cecil Chamney, Belgrave .with M. and Mrs. Sam Thompson; Mr. and Mrs, 3, 0, Itohinson,"Wingharn, with Mr. and Mrs„ Edwin Robinson and sons ad 'Mr, and Mrs, Elwin Chaniney and` daughters, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Charnney. rfosx ctiAss WATCH REPAIRS AT NOPERATE 1.)010$8. Owing te lacic Of apa04,' SPM compelled to •00rifine pepalra • to watches only, • George Williams' j..oeate4 in MASON'S STORE -3 don't miss NICKEL'S WORTH the fascinating film Story of the nickel ,industry- in Canada•,.. —its origins and developMei4tV its scope and progretts, See it on . HERE AND THERE SUNDAY ° OCTOBER 14, KNx Tv AT 1100 rm.. CHANNEL ********************************1**************** 4 "PLANT A HEDGE" ,,,"ORDER NOW!' : * * 4, CHINESE ELM PRIVET RED BARBERRY durfomumaroomfausiammul mawamNos Maroon -red all season 1 .-12-inch size. 25 or $9.98 Or 522.00 pr j 100. . * PEONY ROOTS It e rnlerrr""7, _£ ink, • * 3 for $1.98. * simmoNomismff f Easiest and Fastest Growing * — 12-inelt size. 100 for .IC 55.50; 18 -inch slze, 100 for 57.95; 2 -ft. size, 25 for 53.98 or 515.00 per 56.98 or 525.00 per 100. i 100: 3 -ft. thee. 25 lor FREE AdgEefEeDirsull'AENIgiffiS'AdAtittrt.Dati DnfnE -1V- • BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY- 'NURSERIES ,„ "Aniurenso" Rad. ety. medium growth—the only hardy kind; 18- ineh busby size, 25 for 54.98 or 519.00 per 100. • * 808,185141ViLLE (Phone Day or Plight. Market 3-3345) •ONTAnio ********************************1**************** I.:. • ••• Weekend and Thanksgiving Day P. McCallum, livestock Valuer and visitors with. Mr. ,and Mrs. Stan mileage, moo; Bride were Mr. and Mts. • W. Hanna - Perdon—That council 'of Toronto; Mts. 3. Richardson adjourn to meet November 6th, at and, Ruth of'WhithY• Mr. and Mrs, one o'clock and eourt of revision Mad: Mantesh Of Biussels and • . on the assessment roll at three Mr. and 'Mts. Jack Riddell and o'clock at the BelgraVe Community little daughter of TeViotdale, avtr: Bernard King, of Hanover, Centre. Carried. • visited oveflhe week-en/1 with his, OrVal.Taylor, Reeve parents, Mrs. Garn King • .11. H. Thompson, Clerk. Miss Pearl' a131Sai'llo a MviCsMitoliirr atl>tthTotlEtit°aet home. . . and Mrs. Nilo Soehner and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Giles and and Mrs. Ed, Mundel. Miss Elaine Derterling of Lon - two sena, of Atkoria, visited over don spent last week at the herne the Week -end With Mr. arid Mrs. George Baker. • • .of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Anson Mr. • and Mrs. Jack Fieis and D6metlingr two chilaten, of Streetavillet vis- Mrs. Elizabeth Hainstock spent ited over the Week -end ...l-1, Mr ten days at the home of Mr. and Al Ere's. Mrs, Trey Hainstoek at Milton. • Miss Ritth• Johnston arid Anne Mr. and Mrs. Art Busby arid Lindsay) of Teri:late, visited over Ann are Visiting for two weeks the week-erid with the formers with relatives at Penetang. parents, Mr. ad MrS, Ab Jo.htis• atMterirdeadhdtheMfrusneStatalnof8trtePriellariaVhe ten. 1V1r, and Mrs, 'clarence Wade,- Oflif_Torento one day last weak - 13ewave, Nit and„ Nits, )1;w mt. and. Mrs. Jack Welsh ef Cruickshank and ,fatrilly of Wing- Toronto spent the week -end with ham visited Sunday with Mrs. W. Mtand lVfts. Ernie Darcey, Wade and Beatrice. Mr, and Mrs. Mr. Ross Doig and Donald spent Wm. Campbell of Owen Sound also the Week -end in St Catharines, Arfrg. Doig returned home with called at the state hOme. Mr. and Mts. Ted }Terris and. thern after a week's viait Were, family of BrownsVille visited oVer Mt. and IVIts. Roy Simmons the holiday With Mrs. Nellie visited ftoin Friday noon until amble and John. • Monday With Mr. and Mrs. Doug Week -end vialtots with Mr. and Mahn* in TOronto, litre, Everitt Allen were Mr. and Week -end Visitors with Mt. and Mrs, nob }Tolland 'and !aridly, Mr, Mrs. Fred Attinbly were Mr. and Weldon Hanibly and two children Of Tetorito, Mr. and MrS. Vern ifambly and three children Of Guelph and Mr, and Mt*. Max Hambly of Kitchener. llvtr, and Mrs, Wenn stahrotton spent Friday and Saturday tit Sitridoe, Mr, George Tinian bf Port. Col- bethe visited over the. Week.end 'With Mt, and Mrs, John Tilden, Wit, and lin. Les Longliratt and Mabel visited. With relatiVeS in tOridtlii an "8nlitlity.. Me, and Mrs. Il'arveyVitilllarn8ort and tWe daughteta of Thornhill visited rivet the week..eficl with 1Virs. Z. Ittillis, Mr.. and Mrs, .Wilmot ttag bf TortititO ViSit6devethe 'holiday with Mr. and Mie, W.. -Cralg, Mr. Peter Chiemey -of Port Col, boo* vlalted nVer the holiday with Mr: arid Mr, ,Aitx it Mai, 'Messrs. Saints Vittis •Atid Mel Allen attended •Zi5hit 0 convention of the eithitatt 1460611 Heid ifi NAM* frit tiiiiiiiik• ' Mr'.•Yotie•Itilot'all41101111"8AYMithit4Oillt(1146Ad ti!rt elie vreek.end trIth 1§it ontl. iiIrtf, WM. Abthetti, ecir Walpo e Folding FLOOR Aluminum. 1 Aluminum .., , „...., WALL . ,.,SASI-L. AWNINGS . TILES DOORS s , LUMBER -- BUILDING -7 CUPBOARDS Telephone 260w ' Wingham ' uttiar B Hockey Players State age, experience, position played, height, -weight. . Try=outs start next week. Write Seaiorth Athletic Associatitin SEAFORTI-I, ONTARIO fer cud ylasteirilents *reliefs' your benh, litykitMeht d,.1Sr *pit' art loon com1)08V in 0.i'80aie Vela iffirkt • THJfl titifblifINTOW LADTEW LEGION AtiltILIAIRY are holding a Pick The Stars Of TomOrrow Contest Wednesday, Oct, 3lst in Lucknow Town Hall 8 to 8,13o path , tilldWitiOAltiOVS:,-, 'is. Mid 1;1010; 13 yi-S. to 10 Yrs; 24 ik$. Mat tiVit CASH tkRIZES, AhYbrie wThlilnj'to ellier,,piease torwaril writtei. applieittlon 'tot St4511StniY, *1114. VtInitti WWI nitti h tfl4kflOW7'10 *in 001;Olier 241•11. M.C. for the eVaithig sedots of idEttilt Potosi S1IAit.11011Citiglit AND Ins GOLDEN i)ItAIRIE bOVVIittil4 WILL tNtaitlatAIN AND rtSt Plitt DAM% -TO ttait.OW litamoimi(to hross Avnt bet oilier of ilio .eveming with prized tor best uretic • VOENO AND OLD ARE INVITED i"'E!4 Como aloha, hint 110,V0 A good fftfi6. ADADSSION pitimron goo To Candert and Daticdp Adnits 1St , 1,4:04Cit COUNTER WITTI HOMEMAMii• VIES WATCH FOR TV TUNE TIME --- CHANNEL 8 beginning October 15 WiN CASH PRIZES Tulle irne • Monday to Friday, • 3,30 • 4.00 p.m. • Featuring Reg Elkton at the console • Easy to enter • Easy to win TUNE TIME ENTRY FORMS ARE. AVAILAI3LE IN WINGHAM AT BURKE ELECTRIC WELWOOD'S Variety Store CKNX-TV Channel 8 Wingham Znia,!-•