HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-10, Page 5OD •
Wingham Phone '237
Krug, Mra4 ParraY McDOwell,, ,OrVal 'TOW) Zan UaUãhni flues
Mrs. Oeorge
&WM; Mr. Walter S.CiOtti, carVtAg,
'Aihert Vincent, RH. Coultas, Ow
try gravy, Mrs, Lyle .flep,
Per, Mrs. Cecil Chomney, Mrs.1 -A9--
bOrt -Higgine„ Mrs, lierb Wheeler,
is StellaJgethery; ,c9ffee, Mrs.
erect Cook,. MM. J'esso Wheeler,
Mrs. ;tank, ArideraOh, Mrs. ;oseph
Punhar, •
Turkey room, Mrs, O. WatlOt
:COh6" taphIC•cl frothoinutY.
Stratford, Ontario
• Phone 78'
Autllorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola LIcE
Committee .Named
For A rmyol Super
.D.EX:4911,41rE%--Ata judla meet-
held recently. in the Delgrave
Aioinhinitity arena, .it W4-4- decided
tO., hold- the annuiti turkey supper
94 October 4.
:Who following w,ere .nitmcd to the
variou.s tentative ,conitnittecti,- the
first 'named tO be Chairman w/th.
power :1;o. add to their eommatees;
-General Chairmen, C. W. Harnial.
turkeys, Ocorge- Cook, Stewart,
.Broeter; tickets, Q, Wade, C. 11,, Coultes and martin Orasbyi tahles„
'Ken Barliour, pen Campbell, Hay
White, 'Gorden lvfeOee, john NIXOn,
Norman Cook; aeating, J. 130 .000,
teiti Bred Cool; Jack McCalltirri,
Jesse Wheeler; ticket Colleetora
We Peeolk Ames:X.0001w, Fred
DitaCcni, Gerargit .040; &Orating,'
Reaa Robine0.4 Clifton Walsh, Mrs,
Cliff Pardon.. Oeorge Johnston
Mr, ,444 MO4 ..44101 McCrea,
Johaaterli turnips :and potatoes;
ROSA .Mdersop U, Walsh, D, Am
strong, Mach Scott; stoves, Mason
ROOM LeallePQit,,Roy Robin*
GOrd94,' pppgally, 0.ordon
.139st-flan,. .
Program, ,Simon
-COMMittee: $rd Morris, tables,
Mrs., J. M. Congos 404 Mrs. Stan-
ley Hopper; 4,th, Morris,. 2 tatlitia;
Mrs. a., K. Qoultes .-giaral' Mrs, Ted.
VOW ,0th MOrria, tables, Mrs.
-Earl Anderson, And Mrs. Clair
'Vancamp.; loth g, WaWannab, 2 ,
'tables, Mrs, ,bloy.4 Montgomery and
Mrs, Norman .goulltes; 9th E, Wa-,
wanosh, West,. aV1.04, Calvin -
Robinson, M.1.24.0.. P. CIAM/20Y; 9th
WawanoSh Oat, table, Mrs.
Q. G, Anderson, Mrs, :Athol Brttee;..
Oh E. W.awanosh, a tables, Mrs,
Allen Dunbar; Mrs. Ivan Wightrr,
men, M. Q, Rath, Mrs. 14-wis
ook village Of .Relgrave, 4 tables, ,
Mrs, Ralph. lVfpQrea, Mrs, Cliff Lo-
gan, Mrs. Clifford Purcion, Mrs,
Mack Scott, MrS, H. Walsh • and
Mrs, L. Vanfle..1%
Th90 committees .Will meet in
tho recreation _room Of' the arena
Monday, -October 10 'at '8.30
Mrs. Joe Morgan, and family, of
Ailsa Craig, visited last week, With
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win.
Mr, Soloman CloakeY' has return-
ed to his home in Mazined, Alta.,
after visiting with Mr. and Mrs,
Carl Procter and with other rela-
tives and friends,
Mrs„.. R, Nichol,
Speaks at WM09,
movovATA .The Of
.KRQN Presbyterian: Cherch met in
the ellareb schopiroem on, ThlArS*
day, Oct, 4, the president, Mrs. H.
F, Melgarray preside*. The Meet-
ing .pperied with prayer' followed by
responsive reading of the Scripture
APS.Pen, .read by Mrs. nolnona
-Mm • Wm. Elston and Mrs.
Der:nerd Thomas. gave 'readings
and Mrs,' :Felker gave a „report Op
the W.M.S. executive' meeting in
.1.ticknow recently.
Mrs, Eldred .Ncliol spoke On the
'topic. "The Women .of the Bible"
and eapeolaily of .1.6Stlier,
BBLCRAVE.- -Mrs. E. Anderson
is convener of the .eitixeriship. meet-
ing .0 the Women's Inatitate to be
held on" October' 1.6 at 8.30 pan, in
the Foreaters' Halt with 'White-
chimph, Brussels and Wingliam In-
stitutes as guests. , Roll .call, ,"One
way in which I could be a better
citizen." Address, "Legal Facts
that Every Woman Should Know"
by Judge Finglaria,
Mra, Ja.mes Lamont ana Dale spent
day In Stratford last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl l?rocter visit-
ed last' week with Mrs, p. •Miller
at .Listowel,
Mr, aria Mrs., Russel Kelly and
family of Sarnia spent- the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Kelly,
Mr, and Mrs. James Lamont and.
Dale and Mrs. Thomas Smith vis-
ited on Sunday. with John Allen
and Mrs. ThYra Townsend and
lVfiss Elizabeth ToWnsend. at Mi- .
Mweelr' g!endM.wAlltt(h)n a .hc7y4hsetrc:r;smpersn.t Etab'rel
gaasliP and Jack at.Durin.villo,
Plans are under Way for the
Woman's Assoeiation. of the United
-Church to hold their :annual sale
hi the 'schoolroom Of .the elltirch
oh :October 31st..
otr.srendtMlrbs4..niifv5ignIgMn;'Cwiltbole azaard,
and los. Carj....johneton.
Mr. ,and NM Ira Hertfelder of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Allan
witglvfng h Mr.
net Mrs.
Mrs, john McKee .of Montreal is
visiting her mother, Mrs, Joseph
"Mrtri,(5'and Mrs. Gordon. Hall spent
Thanksgiv-ing at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Masters at Alsia
Mabel Harris- of Lambeth
spent the week-end with • her
rnothe;'), 'Mrs. Edward Johnston,
At Knox Presbyterian 'Church on.
Sunday Vie pastor Rev. Maurice
lVfeNabb to,ok for his theme "The
Temple There". The choir,. under
the clire6tion of Mrs, Nora Moffatt,
rendered the anthem "Prayer of
Thanksgiving". The soloist for
service was 'Miss Margaret Hendry
of Tiverton, who sang 'How -Great.
Thou Art."
Art.: M Harry Darling of Toronto
spent the weekend with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling.
Visitora.for Thanksgiving at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kinnon were. Mr. and Mrs. Spence
MeKinnori and Bobbie of Corn-
wall, Mr. and _Mrs. Milliere of
Mount Forest, - Mrs, Armstrong
of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs.. John
McTavish, and children from Turn-
, Jack -Elliott, who is with the,
Hydro at Fitzroy Harlior, Ont,,
spent Thanksgiving with his ,par-
ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith and
5on were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Bosman. -
Mr,- and Mrs. Albert Berry and
children of Sarnia spent the week-
end with Mrs, Berry's parents, Mr.
and Mrs,—Geo, Thomson.
Miss Margaret Hendry of Tiver-
ton and Miss Ruth MeNevinp of
-Goderich who attended the, Young
People's Rally in the Presbyterian
Church in Wingharn spent the
week-end with Miss 'Nora Moffatt.
Miss Marilyn Moffatt of London
also spent the week-md.iwith.-Mrs.
HEASLIP -Earl Heaslip passed
away at his home, 61.6 Pine St„
Dunnville on Wednesday, October
3' 1956. Beloved husband of 13er-
nice Shaw, dear, father of Jack
and brother of Archie of Barrio,
, Ont. Age 61 years, Funeral ser-
• vice was held at the•Ballard fun-
eral home, Dunnville on Friday
at 2 pan., Interment was made at
Maple Lawn Cemetery, Wain.-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglis, of To-
ronto, are moving' to the Inglis
farm on Highway 86, west of the
village, in West Wawanosh. •
Mac McGregor and Gordon Wel-
wood spent last week on a motor
trip to ThinninS-
Mr. - and Mrs. Floyd Bott and
family of Belwood visited on Sun-
day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Purdon,
Miss 'Jane Watson of Aylmer visi-
ted on Saturday at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Gilbert Beeeroft, and
Mr. and Mrs. Mehdlle Beecroft and
1-.Gitislir*:.Mrs. flown Mt"
chi= f Wingham was the guest
snealter on Thursday when kiln
tWheaVf jlnoT:aPrelgtrehrIaor°e4eItixniglhrr°yr
Wag held at the home .of Mrs, J,
Dunbar, Meinhers of the White-
church Auxiliary 4129 were guests
On this occasion.
Mrs. Me13urney pregided 444 op-
ened the meeting With the call to
worship and prayer. The Psalm;
'GOti of 'Mercy, IOW of 'Grace' was
sting and the •Worabip service Was
taken by Mrs. r owl) ng the
in prayer.
secretary read the minutes404
plans were made for the PreshY-
terial Missinn Band 0.14' to he
4:e Qb201 vit3werelAP°rt"Cai .h6 called,roll Mr, la1Db re-
the offering and the presi-ceived
dent led in the offertory 'Prayer.
The hymn "Simply Trusting Every
Day'! was sung,
sti Aitchionst and Spoke Ch
is an
introduction to her address she
read Psalm 121, WC who are en-
gaged in this pilgrimage are all on
the same road and should be help.
ing each other on the journey, The
pb eogr na nagn d the ft
e l influence a of e is- Worth-
while things should he stressed in
youth. In deploring the appalling
state of neglect of the youth of. tp-
day, the speaker Placed great res-
ponsibility on grandmothers • in
helping ,to overcome this neglect.' by
reading the Bible to little children.
Parents are leaving far too much to
Church and Sunday School. • •
Along the way provision rqIISL he
made-for the end of the , journey
by havingoungGr ged' :is, ndtQ Uicr epprlga Christianis fhath
close contact through prayer as
possible. We have only scraiched
the surface in prayer and our ac-
complishments would be unlimited
if we would pray rnore:-.:Ijneds
cannot save us,. only through: our
acceptance of Jesus Christ as our
Saviour. Our personal philOaePhY
is important too, and decides Iliany
of our attitudes and, decisions.
The speaker also emphasized 'our
need for greater thankfulness for
the many blessings that are 'burs
as we jciurney.
Mrs. McBurney led„in a 'Thanks-
giving prayer. A solo by.. ..Mrs,
John McGee, "The Lord 15!-)My
Shepherd" was much, enjoyed.1MrS.
Conn, of Whitechureh, was the.ac-
corripanist. Mrs. Anderson thank-
ed the speaker,-;,the soloist anik the
Oa MOM. Astiatp
row a basket party!
Cub Charles Keating.
with. sparkling Coca-Cola
t -
* A basket for every guest Pii 'Oft Ngi li\ti '0';-- :Pn-brown
Southern-fried 61lickeni iktity eftto6ito c1iip3 d6corative':
border .of good-tp=intinch"seallions. Now, rnalw "h guest has
'-•hiS ice-cold bottle of sparkling Coca-Cola. . jour •
good food and that great taste of Coke! ' •
On Saturday the Wingham Boy Scouts and Wolf
,Cubs will be parading our streets and knocking at
the doors. They will be laden with baskets of apples,
and no doubt, weiring grins as broad as Barry Fuller.
and Charles Keating.
This is' the one big event of the year when the Scouts
and Cubs join forces in full strpgth in an effort to
supplement their funds. We are all aware that Scout
ing is one of the most valuable activities in any corn=
munity for building the bodies and minds of our
Give them your support on Saturday buy an apple.
Mrs. Pearl Walsh of Blyth visit-
ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Herold Walsh.
'Mr. W. E. Bell of South Burnaby,
Vancouver, has returned to his
home there after' spending some
time visiting, his sister, Mrs, Carl
Procter,rMr. Procter and with oth-
er friends,
Mrs. Floyd Campbell, Mrs. Clare
VanCamp, Mrs, Thomas Smith and =co,
USED' CAR plucEs
Come in to Huron Motors, Wingham
and drive away a brand new 1956 Ford
or Monarch, factory guaranteed at a
used car, price. Huron Motors are clos-
ing out 1956 stock nibdels and demon-
strators to make room for 1957 models.
1-1956 Ford Custom Sedan, 'Blue in colour,
1-1956 Fairline Sedan," demonqrator, with
automatic transmission,' power steer-
ing, safety belts
All above are equipped with heaters and de-
frosters and winterized.
1-1956 Monarch Black sedan automatic trans.-
1-1956 Ford Fairline, Two-tone sedan, ,auto-
matic transmission
the Interest .C:dotritunitp ',Welfare Zbe:. te..titgbatn •abbantrZinit4
Scout Barry Fuller
sons of Otterville visited aherelthn
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Harrier
and family of Long J3ancliorind
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto,
are visiting this week' With' th"eir
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. , Far-
rier, • ,
Mrs. Jas.,Faleoner. and .Lois," Mrs,
J. G. Gillespie, Mrs, Ezra Scholtz,
Miss Olive Terriff and Mrs. J, D.
Beeeroft were at Brussels, on #'id-
day last attending the Sectional
meeting of the W.M.S. PreshAerial.
Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs. Gilbert:Bee"-
croft, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor.. and
Mrs. Chas. Shiell attended the
meeting from Bri ek, 'United. Church.
Mr. Pat Coulter. of Chatham spent -
the week-end at the home of. Mr.
Sam Coulter. -
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sininions
and Nancy of London, visited over
the week-end with her parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. Chas. Martin and' Mr.
Jas: Martin.
Mr. Clayton Scholtz of. London,
Spent the week-end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ezra Scholtz..
Mr, and Mrs: Sank Gillespie and
children of Sarnia, spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Gillespie, and -other relatives
Miss Matilda Alexander' a visit-
ing for a few weeks at the libme of
Mr.- and Mrs. Mark Armstrong of
Mir. and Mrs. John Norman and
children of Toronto spent the
week-end at the home of M. and
Mrs. Jas, Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer
and children of Sarnia, and his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Falconer,
who had been visiting at Sarnia,
spent the week-end here.
Mrs, Mae Ross has been Wider
the doctor's care during the week-
end, and Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm
Ross of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Sig
Poien of Toronto and Rev. and
Mrs. Graydon Cox of Fonthill were
called home. However 'she has
shown some improvement, and Mr.
Ross and Mr. Foien,o-eturned to
their homes on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher of ICt-
chener and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Lougheed and baby, Cheryl; of Lon-
don, spent the week-end at the
home of their parents, Mr, and
Mrs, George Fisher,
, Miss Florence Beecroft of Tor-
ante is visiting this week With her
parents, Mr, and, Mrs. J. D. Bee.
A special rally service will be
held In the United. Chureh here on
Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. With
the Young Adult Groups in Charge.
The thane of the rally is "Co" hi
the Gospel Message, The special
speaker _ will be Rey, Timothy
Tarn of Bong Kong, who will speak
f the urgency of misaenarY Work,
in the Bast today, A special rnuslo,
cal prograin is' arranged and all ht
the community are Cordially inVit-
ed to attend, The reguitCY servide lb
the afternoon is withdrawn.
Word was received here on Sun.
day of the passing of a fainer
Waivatiesh resident, Joseph D.
AnderSon, fOrMerly of St. Helen,
Who Was hi his eightieth year, Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson have resided hi
Lucknow for some years, Theft
son, Terranee, passed away a- fóW
years ago, and their dalightert Mrs.
Blue, resides in Detroit. Thtertnent
was in South lKitiloss CemeterY On
Tii d