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THE SIGNAL 1'1tINTIX i 1;U.. LIMITED, 1'uhlishrrw.
t'harles J. Holyar. a well-known
Evening. June 7
HAMAT PRESENT resident Clinton. died at home (l,t"rrettr.1 on Friday The Wedntwday Half -Helldal I Od4Helletwli Chards Parade The Red `lute Navigation 4'4•m,,a1 IN BUDGET DEBATE
+++ there 1'u Saturday after 41 trrlrf UL Thr 8nounl inaprliou or the COI" I Although 4,o nolle• w'a• Rive, of in- Members of 11uneu 14alin•. No: tC.
mr•,. Thr late zees IIeIylr ens In his Ieitlatr IIMIIUt. erdels will he agai4, *animists the big. low•fur4 tin- I
"Ixuy-uluth y,r.r. Hr w'rs 11uru au't held at Victoria Pork on 1'rh48y after- 1 t1i1. to mitay r 11,• .tones' dee wry .1 ltif llo the 1 byah tt ut.rtt•- renal excursion 011 the steamer (:rey-
• - I thus wrl. menu 1 tic stores'were ,,try of tNldfrllowMl►fp rtteu.11ui {,sound from I:urlerlrll to Detroit Snit
Contends that Agriculture in
)y w i%ateatod on Monday by lived ellj,lw Ilfe 111 ('Ilutou. ills •:'n,:'' ,,,8m at 1.111 uilak. 4'.h Gillespie. of closed Trrterdu7 rfterw.n, and next service at North stress I'nlUrl church rerun,. leaving Golc•rich on Tuesday. Canada Cannot Be Helped
Majority site! a SetII
WW1 that 1'f blacksmith. Hr eras London, will i"• the Ino pr ting , m.'r. nark and during the summer Mouths 4•n Sunday morning. Rev. t'. F- June nth. at H.'*► am.. urrlcllg I4•tn'it •
Large 1.r ]
twice warrtwl. bis first wife pnro•- In atklltla, to the u.u+al tient wxu- the \\'eh,rwhly half holiday will Iw• 1'Inrkr, pastor of the cbunh. ..r4, Relby High Tariffs
t J nm. Ada}' end a -half will be gtt,•u
Oonteat 'craning him several }'wars ago. He is oeuvres. there w111 1•. ..ue sandal i generally °beerved. the pdpl. Hr rxlwtlwl n hrnrty all excursionists hl Detroit. the I:ret
- -
survived bJ his wire. 0114' res. 114,3• "f features io the work 4•r .ir;u:,llers and Xelid,is,ring towns are obs.•rr1uR the welcome to the Itrdrr 1011 •puke o° 1 1 mak Ing the rel 4ru 1rip frons daze lege a obis avr•k Is gh'r0 n ►4,w•
The nteionyet' turned �4 it on Mum" Winnlix•g. and one daughter. 41rs. '- stretcher-)MHr,rr•. 1'he o4•h11. Is L► ! weekly halt-howns--Clinton.obserWes the work and growth of 4hkir lluw- shut Irriut on Thurwlx} 4,t L111 V.w. °"a r} of the .parch of )la 'Chbm:w
day and butted the tow hall bylaw 1:a111urr. .r Colborne township. 1' ..• rdt•d to *Rend anti •.,- the nork ••f I forth. Blyth and Wk+gbam o4, Weln,-- ship. The subject of his sermon wase Al •%1111 )1.1•. for t4luth 11*1a1. In
o[ 173 1 1 The fare Is •., low and the *cc1'n,1°o the bndipl debaly it Ottawa. Po1Ww=.
ander an nterer1e ala tjrlt7 funeral 1uuk place on Tuesday afi'r- the 4ldets. ,tai• 1 uekn.w•. Ripley and itnls'eI. on •Thr Man by the Sldr of the Road." ,kt1lvus caul nerclvt. of the Grey hound vo[r44. it w•as w nroid,�roli for a by- .owes to 1'IIv1'n cemetery. Sen'I••e' 1 'lhursltsy, • and h4' into a" hl" text the pxr41ble of art. ,,O very' One and comfortable that l4,, it'' a 111011• rxtrmdwl report o.f the 4
law' in Godrrich, Yogi,_ volt"' bring were conducted by Ker. .1. E. nogg. of Fire at Saes. ('. I.. Morrr's iit•aidrrree the G,xol Lias his t L Special music 110 nue can rRurd to wlss this anounl •s'ucluding 1"'1(11'11 1'f his 4,ehirew.
puller.. not tnttntlng 1 few rlee'lta) Wettley-Willis Unite(' church. of which The Are alarm was -minded just ! oplNrrttu,it} to visit nue uf'tlre largest "Itut. 4,h: Nr. Sassier. 1 had almost
j .another Coni Houle for M11111rrek wa• rendered 1. the .•bode. including
ballot.. '19,1" was 173 torr votes church. Lir. Helyar was a mensher. after 4 "'cluck 4,u 11.111..11j% ,•vraing A third )Mrformnnc,• of the oiu.)re) :t wdu b}' Miss 1MtI1r flume. and most wagrIIk•eut clues o4, the t4•rsote.. the J.N•r farmers. Iho,.
alwu were wuntrl in tkr January , Inst. the cull coming from )Irs. C. I..1 grufottelu tli.• il.• trtl us you wont
vete on the same bylaw. 01 the tlddl M,arr,', nrldrn.e un 1:0.1 Street. The 'Iurw•, ler the 81"41-,- 1'f the l:I - continent.
not for r the f d
weer favorable
JOAN silt. H4►LMES cricb LL.nN Club. was �11w1 l4, \'ic- 1'rvIbylery of Huron Thr w1'unllghL run out of God.•ric), r' armors; you must k.r ,,
Ilona' votes oat= five _ The depth occurred at Hulrues)111e flee stxrted 111 the•, cellarx04 ill 'f111011 thr I tura lrp'ra House em Tuesday night. The 1'nr.bylet- of Huron of the on )1uu11*y night preeedlnt; the .x- up 4he uuriR INc*use Ih,• farmers are
to the Irrlr%, thy remainder. 1.J, la- un•Sund*y morning. Mai -. of Juhl, the first flan i4, the fnnil room The show wan prat'tkally the same a. l'nit,d t'burch of 4'4111114111 111,1 i4, Wes- cursluu has saws}, M•rn one of Use big ••iawuriug for high pnaec-ttou on the
Ala raw a5a11ut the bylaw. R. Hulloes. *CHI r Rizer -tau yearo and hour,•. The Are brl5xdr nuuh- N ,quid4 wNIr1 1.V1•1143.t I:ourrich. for it brings
{•rice of (heir g,nerrl fares product..
The roar by hlrlliva sal.dlclrluss SIX months. The sloe eaa4.rl ani n lift -
with the taw or truck a,41 farm I Dot an formerly with the• exception. of Icy chs ter. t'll0u.u, on Tuesday. April -What are the fn. 4'. In 1!r�l, t'*u-
h the Jralun' cute for eomilarl- .,venal new songs, The boor N•88 17th. Iter. G. Telford. ,if Rlyth; prw hundn'4Ye from town and country he
wit lung resident ..f Itoltnesvi1l.•. and h.• had U4•• base.• 00114'1 control Omsk' ,.rowu.rl. and the proceeds, whl.•!, aldol. \early ell taw• charger .f the all directions hundred/.
to enjoy the t un-I4,ur ads'. lotrl she fa lural p11123. lou,
app. was 4144 f/dlywa: will M• Hoch m[►•e,l by the Idrl{de n[ erabl• damage. iiMounting 411 etre amounted h, well carer ern. hundred Presbytery were rrq,erw•0tr1 by maze {1 o4, .eke Huron and the music and c.usL.tlug of a; ri.uln,ral unto cege•-
haNltn[ the r•.•mmunit3. 'Although he had out itol la ys. will I•4' donated to band funds. Iste•ra and laymen. Reta,rta from (he and Huber entertainment uu•ul 014 - table pralm<•uw 14n.l animals and mai-
. clay January leen enjoying very gonna -b x1444. -14e4 11 ''
Par Aral.., 1'ur Acaln"l atts'1lrtttito. erre irtayvd try ihr --various 4Mat5.n showed- tLM-cud of'lancingl..r+ tJa<«. JRJ+L 1 1 !w rtael
wade n trip to la-troit Mr medical G'Mlcrich baud prior to the slew. the church In thi. I're•sbytery to be i4,
rvprup)"•r.I1M state.
It.qu.sts for su{x•rannunti°x were
presented from Rev. A. A. Holmes. of
t'Iliton, and Iter. E. Sheppard. of 1:x4 -
ter. the forw,r having completed forty
years 4,t ecth•e service and We latter
being compe•Iled i,' ill-hw►Ith 111 ask
$1.0110. wa" dome by smoky anti walrr
tot by the name •.. ti L'
among the articles damaged. Tlw hers
y�1► 1 ..41 1110 50 K7
treatment several weeks prior to his Ir e•ori'red by lasuraplr. An Orel"
,dta` . ..57 O4 47 S73 l • death. 10 {willies be ails a staunch he•attd furnace was the corse of the Public School I�Oard
;. 64 711 • ('onis•rvistive. He was an adlwrent of are. Tl,• monthly meeting of the public
. -` S •see 148 5I 87 I thegra Holm( t.y . .Unitedt, church. Ile f. (1.3_1. Conviction Quashed school Want Will held on )Iun[My
• N1,,w, ii. by one sister, )ins. M. .t. evening. the member. pressen; (wing
¢. S ..Ip n• N • le 57 i1o1141, of (i'Mlerich. Rol two n►w t„ Jn.Iee In•wh has given. judgment V
;. Y ..�, :MI 51so
anal six nephrws:'Mina E$t,411a Hames .ua-ping the conviction by \lagiatrat. Trustees Carrie (In the ehair4. Wal-
- and Mis. .1. S. w'a(ann, of Ilrtruit : 110.1 of Harman I:III. of 4.raud !lend. lace. Saunders, Nattel. (.lilt and Mil-
kfor a %iola1ion of the tulariu 1'1•w{er- ler. Nile of rile t.arbers had in 4418df-
571 UR 307 IhuUry Holmes. K.l'.. of \\'Isgli*m:
Rajorlty against bylaw May 3111--17'1 1111ton Ifolmes. of Port William; P. It. :121.•.• .lel. (:ill. who N11s emidw'Ili,g tar for Im•r.a*,l **!arae.. Then'
Majority spinet bylaw In .l+lnunry 4 tlolrm•.. of Toronto; 11r.... W. Holm,•.. no hotel at Grand Bend last Summer. were 111111 over to the June meeting.
NOTES • I of lh•Iroit • 11. Ii. Nowell. of Cain.- wait (enrol guilty of having liquor iI-, along w'lib Mls% Olive TI1•I4tor,w s *is-
khan:, I fined $1111 amd4n... plication fora potation .n the ('e•nlral
•ktie adverse w•ae increased IS every rill•. and M. W. Rowell, of G.Nlcri, ii.
Tl it pleaentT-ler funrrr
ihsnl trip. t mal pr,Nllt•t,+. was $1.:54.1.1:4'2.1x1*.
fir•st•1•irpm Detroit orchestra w'111 fur- ►uring the me year we expo ,
141.h musk fur ,lancing in the hag new thole• L:r4a.U01.7'4t. and ut the balance
ballroom on the wrond deck of the we kept 011 1110 farms of t'anaan far
(Ireyhoun,L and all olio cele are sure the purpose of feeding the 'tl) 1{ui•k
of having a wonderful time and an*q.. unit producing Canadian beet. mutton.'
J5,rtunily for meeting people frotp all 1100. 90511ry and dairy products. 411.
over a territory within a radius of least hundreds of millions of dollar.
thirty -tire miles of Goth•ricb. worth. '
for release. 10.rh request. were • • "When w'e resllu• that wee' MUNI 111111
granted. PERSONAL MENTION - ' our market abroad In Ike open mar-
A n•..Itti.11i 'Nils peened affirming leis of the world for Gila cast surplu.•
Miss Edna Itiver.. of Seaforth. Is which I11 exported. and the price uh-
the guest of Mrs. W. F:. TI•bbutl. rained therefor regulates .the price oh-
-Mt.- and Mr,. Itt f Itumbalt. of hum. cb.An0*t eurp•rft•irl. -
diat, were in town at the weel4 41. - abse'rrer-eight to know -nkat .It would .
4:. Uaeistnell, a make no difference a
Kitchener. were week end clsilurx in price 11 the Govertlmrnt lmpuael 100
per vent. duty on similar .' a of
flan t'Umllie 1.11.8 tat visited with pro acts coming Into s cot n -
adherence to the principle of prohibi-
tion of the liquor traffic and express -
his lwlgt _ Judge Lrw'4• .'-.nrl who'd stag. idles Lath, lfrntley.' Ing nrnOdeneeyla .the Outaslo Tempo -•-
poll, but eapeefalty In Not. 1. 1 slid 4. N•} were a pt°hat the un(orrobolrated erkkiui• 4,f who ball been with ter---0144-14-at (ell- see Act and urging a program of
• • • pietist Mr. Hugon 18 I.4 s. Taw fine I tl a single wittresN for tIN• 1'rowa iw gall. Alberta. the {wast year. applied ince rtntr' ,'d4l'vtiun i4, the Sunday
i►r arta )ars it. f k t r the domande
oppualtin who .trongl' or. oral took lrcr from his residents• on for and want granurl am 1N•r r w•hords and utlx•r urgauiytrti4•ns of the
act ('uOdUPtwl a vlguroUM \Celue.dx to Malt er•metrry, ant suftivleat wu1Mr aH thetlrrlls K Tars hal 1 •rxy
�,,41111•• ro w•a rrti0i a cmvk•t boa:' J. .11!ave of altsrnse. The )rro48•r1y ecru- cb0n•h. tuna
e .1s the n-ults shoo. It Rev. 1. Kili,rrII41 condnrtlnR the •••r- M. McEvoy. K.1'.. of iondun, was 'mltltw was auto.•rlro'I to pun•haw. •
The stUlstkrl r.pr14 allowed
L I 1 1 t this t Irtj A
w,+' r *a (Rucrlcr campaign. y1044.. The One
were five counted for 0111. and 4'. Seeger. K.('., made-iinloon uww,r for uw• that this 1'r.-hytery included forty-
orty friends at T.ruelh, lust week, high tariff fennel lncn•aw the du
+i o raudue ,hew ,1f 11M K six charge., with 1_.Ct:".r members and
Mr. W,w. Illlpin ha: gone to fort atrNtk pylar of nli� article of whkh
• • • 11rphrw, and w R 1 repreoentd the g'row'n. 1'tow•n sit- at Victoria school.
W wont bale to itst up w'ltk the awe*seas lar. puibt', F:. It.lwere. 0f th.,rtlles 'tate that under the U.T.A. The April report of Central w•Ira.i 5•1411 arges.'. alai 1`3.111 I.ersl.rS Un 1'olt.orn.• to lulu the steamer Royalton. there In • large exportable sur 44
�at1e�.► (*od,rHh-• 1 girls wlroae.1. der ianhornl4•an. A total of $34t.�i1 Mr. frank Woke. left on Monday r4,- *Itch *p chest', cattle. bog.. wheat. _.-
o:d tollrn hall for a. w�R 7414 _ Corroboration Iw Not n" fH1 1 ., 4 ouaf acre. •i fit{ FF115 *zed S►«
1 • • • ♦. .the cow will be c*r1w1 t1' the Ibltrt with tit nteragr �ttrafaaerag N7 113. had been raised the ta,st }.ars .h,• n•suwe work for the. suunl,•r at Caw etc•• rs oge•r Nle peer lent..$ these•
and 91 RIrIepo rt'e $43 of Nat. Prhu i e items being 5past ' for min uh,gUlu. also iNlNtnrthllln must Mt1 u ton•Igpl
Al any rate, we ran show- our J.1MF:.1 4144111)4,X 4,t .\p)8•:,I at Toronto.(s'
visitors to the Centennial next Sever An old ural n.144.1ei residers of 1'ttlnc 'lank lh{xx•lt14 'were ti1•i.Yi, Princip f items
rt, t;rtrg 0 fur the main- Mr. William HIII's mum! friend. ,u''• market: far that the whole argument
the old town hall lhxt they knew when town departed this life .n Welhlrwlay I' *eur"ion Rate, :Again in Effect \'letnriu who4 rnJs,rltrl 1'44 'boys 1011811/''' and o•struslun food cud allose pka044t to aur him sur again after a fur 111511 IarIR 4hltkc. upon tarn pre
of last week. in the Person. of Mr. .41 b the N'om,u1's Mis.ioou'y :40• hmg and WHIM. illurss. dltrtp is Simply t b1111d; am! IntT441a,11
they were I".ya and girls. -r 1'. 111 when l;uelrrich each Mae and 4.1 5.' attendancew, the roll in 1 ,.r at►d y eatdatllera drip*
• • • Junu•s (:op 4,u. Lighthotux• +tn"4. w'M0 mer w4•.111e llhjetic,• )N,I01 of a loam• an 7 boyst' 1544g .. tilt {x•11 cent.Mak ,let e. )than T. spirting has retnnurl home duties irk troll and v
The town council will {d.1ae awe Ila, rencbea lh. yowl 4•141 *g,• 1,f eighty- Irr of railway excursions from inland I1.i7 boys and l:att girls 1. Pettily I(aiik anter visiting friend. at Toruoto. a lure to rrmmit the 1'a0pdhn far�lg�,
)"• !' )M11444) may return this year. the reit. 'M' 11+ to .Itr_ltlgk proleelio0 hi faro 4�ItY►►
that the ratgwlrrs want Fcuw,m tiv4' ears. art. o:anMa fan+ born les wrrr $05'1::. l'hiNholt-)le('o41rt frit ley snd.ulher dollar.•:_ - is
tlth a ('splint E. In municipal *Rules. toe North of tkrrtiarnl awl eam.•,tu %'4,y. having aunrnned n reverent 461 - ,Sacred Ileurt church. St. August i hie. I, ]Ig, .pd Mrs. J. II, dd*a8r1ri kart Maher clip. Far Tim 19f�1
• • • this Country In hos early yeare. 111.4 the {sdh•y- whk'h of Isle years had A Meeting for $allass w'4,• tar sl ale of a beautiful wedding return., from lode -G a. *theme' iTiey
Fur x ytuu.gst4'r. 111' 4'itlsa0*' fro- imrrnttr settling .n (h.' 1444)1 44411141•• .1011,14' +Ilei, exeursious practleally lin- A very plywood evening was spent I4,u h.
W441neec. April 2s4 h. l4, 111 4,.111.. , tbs. Wlaer womb,. Tktve ear:y vegetal) es wergine
te[•tire-.1•r4'INt1011 made quite as 411411 of Aoderh•:sihle. F:fw•tiv.• from May lint.. fare 0i1 Frl[Iay haat 111 the lam)I
aeetl of the when an' Marguerite. ourly daughter Maw, MaeViear was al Toronto last Int[, (lits c 17 now Its Nr under 111
'plash. Ttih township. near 1'110• I" li:--Yirrt4•lilx 74411* IIR" he war" and sur -third for the nnual iTip Witt MOM le lthrary, n111`re Mr. $peedie.• the of the hue 11'w. and 1111.• Margaret 't week Attending the summer wlliiuer}• 70• ler tent. duty. Is that out high
• • • to a Tares o4, tkP Aphfield INmndnrr• be given whim 145) 4,r more adult farts sailors' iuissla*ry. who llr.l ctmlt44l M44 01111, 01 Uuugnuuo,,. 44:144 n11it.••t , ,geninR". ruuWllt l4, fay opinion It Is tar Int
t'p to the hour of going to prem.. 4,o al I4b.ppnrdUnl. where he lived mall or their equivale t art. Rtlnrnnt.•t-l. the beats at the harbor during 110 )u marring. to Mr411ohu 4'htsh4•ltlt. ill-in+a11 r1'rrempoillle11e,•: Mrs. W. 1« high. Tbmw early it -getable." .nay
application had been mark for r n- fourteen yeses ajo, when fie rttihd with a minimum diorite °trate. When afternten . had Invited the pallors to. Atmel 1.04, of ,11r. and firs. .14•1111 Jones and fondly Intend umvinR. t POMP In l4, larger 111111 lit* at a st.a-
from the fartn1111111 41)4 to G,"Irrt.•11. t . here tars_ _01111 when tliey a _riot dived 11 "m the -
count. '"JfNI or more adult fares or their e'4{ni- mrl•1 the taeHra of th44 W.4..T.1 . for 4, �t`hlaherlm. of,l'..11x/na�• tote's+hip. lir►-•-, r:udridrh $doll week l� 1 •• 1► 1 �
• • • Ills wife diel i4, September. lar: t. and valent are .ginr*uteeel IIekets for the so•IiI evening. Ite•v. It. 1'. M4 Ih'rwd J. H. t'tllstwlw. lowlier of the groom. I ,1,,,,,.. h4•. sr'nrrl a 'timid position. •• ma`tket by our trek farmers,, awl 1*
Par R'"slue.'. "oke. we are not get- of +1.1am113' of four Isms 1111'1 1111444.• -round 1111 w•111 be wd1l at the *bogie- took the chair. lIymu» wrrr• thrown perforated the uup1SN.I c•reniony. Th••; e, ;lfnrth News: Mr. and 311 r. MI•I•
mai cone x tear haf(o0a1 ao)'rrnm.ut.
tau Into \\'alkerton's class. are w1•t .htughter$ ail allrvk11' but one. They fare rate, with a minimum of :114.• for o4,. C811 VMS, 1114' N,ys joining In the 'treaty bride looked youthful In 11 , vitt Clark. of God,•riell. were guests at9 a got -eminent worthy of the Deter.
• • • are: Angus. on flue homestead ■t Slogs *dolga• and 'Sia• fire tlilldl•u'. tirk4'N,- .blglu5. Iter. R. J.fieno,l gay. ihr. charming 1'Nristnn,/eN•k .•f Auey_wtlu-, IIe. ho1N1• of Mr. mad )IIT. 11.rlwrt torn, t mei should cant'a tk at Mat-
)'.ei, the leat'ht�er man was agate dt.u: William. Indian xgrit .411 For Sunday. w•bw4 exeursiens 111 0111.11 lag prayer. it•t. ('. P.'rritik' faF,1 .7114611. ehilitWati4. r..,hr..Mh..•4 1•o11.•r. ,lata trout a iser,x•hlxl. ir,lat.ut._tlu',
L• 1•'.l'.*• )1. yr1- Wan tend and MS- . •r.ray 11(mp44. Mar,:: Al.•rsNdw*-1'ns`'-gingticrurr tate w•111 *pptr 00 -ft gone- inlvr tile lu544111 a uLlruu.,,ia.akhn*.111 W rhLrcrtline14 1ntl_Is !'.4 um! lx.. ' )Ins. l:44M and Miss All,..•1111 Yater It ouglu to I"• Iilatllred by a motional
t r u� ai
,41I ( \\' N k \Ins Alex. f 1- 1 adult fequivalent.terms td high praise of the boys win/ I panel front with helR iralrt - trdlu i I,,,r.,. r,•tl 11.•.1 hi+ON' vffii•r ciFTt tag or Tiff1."•k rind -ilMftsr that tire horn- .`
well the
y for 1 new Wall hall41.4.f/sow o - •)lass► . .
• f
.� d sal ' 4"+eph• whir weer will- r .ter.. 1, N11uup. n•'.: .. -. *ate• 1, .a asst t ens or .
1 f Tr he•rn•• \Ino Mrs. J. . wail the wens: of their .idwld1d ca11111R. Whirl► Intuit from tat. 4hnulder4. • Nhrl movers' uowt11r of fits 'rlmroas, 4'M of Ihr wournl mer as w at
w•Ir M old d.( 1\nia.a. of lt9ha, 114140 a •__,_ •
BRIBER - __ f*zed of Muir brht•cry.L1 Gum of Ilan, iter' _r 0.antifitl veil with .'rrnth nf',dud uth.•r pofut� 4)14. Iii -.r is worth} of fait eunH.l.•tn
h1 1 ,haus •1 `
led to dols -t their mnu.;v to ale Miley Gordon. wMr wan tier p rtmta' I jp,r. \Cell might trey bold tln•ir lilies -of the-cullij' iilZf Wild lI'nil. . 'y(q. d sults: y; iL }+arh• aw.i:rl+♦ht---tfvu_
' ,1 fad eom mitiuu•11, their declining Le• Itr1''.' .•gems is coming 1.. tow'u , 111.114x. 'tip. Mr. 3114rr11.' 211'.,. .islke while her white lose. 111,1 w111 4- kid., ten, of t\'i11uua. IyN•u1 11 few • drys "Th.•n•fun•. 1 aa7.again, Ill.' farmers
)Nuap• cumph•nri the buudwowr with th.•ir relalir1'4 herr tin- Vast ss a cl+I5" should r.ullas that tMutr
1• in 11 have 11E04' W rnl rr ilat{ou+ were guru thou to e.. .+lir currl,•d a level}' i"m4I441C4 i wrpl . muklnu tt a trip tIy tmrt4•r. Htlg tinine# tori tot IVO
u 4'f, klllcl whit. far aR 1 I TI i 4
tris Voda dirt r.+'.4''.. iilit«.u(•ika,.vulfa•;�----�d.•T . F;r;i.n••�«: -alts. lu•J 11'urtlyr_ .al_ yr,s_(mriii, . w bleb 11L tie
-stet maiehl,Mnir (ern. fT4t.- 4:.wh•rlclt_---int_ei.itl1.g her rimer blit_kor t,Nu Wilk ler Wlld�b• a .in 11 --
Oaatio11 fur 4oubhtut Ihr tariff 'ot
uo11u(aclnn44l, ipsNls, *Eifel. nim h.
efw•,It. 111 raking 1111 !trice. of I14••.e
go,"1• to illnne•lf 11,1,1. Ilse general , err
punter lit hitt ...amity.
'•A'. ,t humble reeirr•sentntive of Ile,
great' :trrlenttoral 1 04477 117-allow-swr- - •
to soy tin• farmer Itears no feting of
ttM1p4,1117 towards 8417 .9Iu'r Ilbr of
industrial life. 11.• wi:k•um,a withit.
oar Boer!*'•' -p.rry---h•gitimnn• form •'f _ - .
Imlustrlxl eR4•rt ; Int far d1' ray that
The Murree* Chirpier. .• ihr tine fix 44 cola. 1111) 411 Iter 11141..1
Ildnst rho1 x1111 tint martt•tirhni o'..
sh1'u141 I"• •Ixvitett, like taw farmer. t•, •
cher joss 1'f euai.
it w u.Yy.(,.
Hol 1 tr. tF•-7Pan1 ttainia_ •, -t '-
for near fat
TRP 14.14,1
r Med ill
}wars. !lett. -tile }041117•st .,n. *It 1111 Friday.. -1111Y 21144• highly 4,r (le. sailors apd their work.
ell w 11 1 t u' ' r 14' .-11111•111 s• 4'emrtl" , v4' _.. , •vl
" ill Tit*'. Til ltItil. 'itr: tirrr'T1T71' u-Ril•i1T:turm-an 'tlfe fipmn•. fn $invert frltr nrr,fruml7. -aftr'r w h\ h
ueial .•I •tion that ip coming i4, ,kru was til F1 .I4jT)1f i1- ':• 4'r 1M'rodent -4t--walittrie work-•
:111 rol). 'Ili.• f •nU h«lk Ili g,"..1 i:ruditluu xnd ,I!uo11rrtdte frit- precwnttet each sailor with a Well -111441 5lv.'n do marriage hr her 1)1x•11. 1k -1 -Mrs. Amite llm1)11. who has Mr•u seri:
e•. • • • plate• from ihr f,unUy nsld4'nte on Ae i•.5rner,al, .tiff}' latg. Thr recipient. 1'xpresw"1 .lits. Rertmonel, with whorl .he hos re- , ...cooly 111. brit Is non rel".rt.rl to be Ina-
` ,1( i ttlr4ay, '..•rad,•,•
!ming co11dlllte'I b3 The W.e'.T.4'. will unrt h1 the T.•m- hearty thanks to ihr Indi.•s of kr shied all her life. Iter torl,k.ulald.' proving.
I,440'. 4' 4*'UIakel M ,' Mc14•rnd.)' u -.I tel -ht i,.',,0: !ioll Monday. May '11.11,• of a W.4'.T.1'. The sniping of •'Gel Sart* Nit.. M1trt 1':y'111,. 4•( 4'llgtnn, 1,., dI MIs.. 1. -Linlaysob. %1a, M{N•nt 1111'
teeing. ren ,'AI:. -jou.. R1 t.
• •• ,ii Rev. J. F:.. Ford. Tin• p11111N'ir"r' p.m. .11I are well . the• King" emielnde► the meeting. lovely Iii n -114•11pu'k .nth, ole..+.. w
'-rt'rre 1Frsat.n-J14119; _1L_ Graham. )Lm. ; Mrs. Ii, 11.. Redd •'will reevic". 1111. r ' i
i. ..f the bylaw: air. Seung, Juln, •Howrle ,rod •.\411 n, fns{ , Monday, )Loy 17, from 4 to 44 p.m:, at The ry,•S4NavNpt
,.;Intl' ter. Tlie Interment on. in Clint's' 1 her residence on 'Vest street.
It i• •1aJ110 ,1n(oHg 11n/s.• a'w'es at "N.. ihifenee Whate've'r'. 14 the name pm. wit. the .1•'
. . • eefm Ivry.
the fnnernl were fir. Alex. iinrilon. of , a .11 *tor}'_hy . Victor l-uitrlstnu• lieNi• tniMiwhi ll - eneheil fool an %print.* hnlw. brollOr-nf Ilio. gr.s o. 114.11..1 as
,iLMtx.l• Il with .(4,•k.. and )Ir. Georg 4:or- i i•rleh 0141 1".y. now or ('Intl•t,i lit the day night mut 12 a el" k *Ith a ,•nr.
I, 4,u �ntinlny- molt. \\'ntnnli•. 5r.ronisnul,..lftgr con5rntu1:,t14•h• 111
t.' from if 'Walkerton .kin. of K1,0111141% :, net,hew of I he, ru'Ten r souther of Mystery nutg:lxiw.. 50 of i(1'..4wWr InsI:rls of wheat for the the church. the. brldnl )darty' motored
tr 1 \h 'k ('1 1 1111 P will rimier
ad already been' used by dec•n14e,4. to1!1 hone. 1'f the bride'. .1uu•Ir. Mr.
K bylaw and
Opens •
rr arrival of the ave-
r .zee/. Captain Harry'
1 R1'rrdr•ss ..f -:nee timme,t wit 11 Ill
rer 1014. 1.III -1%,,1 ,unl 1, .e 4.4 match
and black polis l4uu1Vs. She carried i
',hell -pick ruse.. lir. Iien.,'u fits -i
t elevator. Site left fort .\r-
un Monday and cow throng!'
1411e11b1, iteavj der 011 rho. lakes.
H1 little difficulty.
The steamer La rill Ile. .111e of last
seiiiuu1. natter lima.- t1141rhnrgcl Iwr
uw.ut tar pill 1,1 o Wheti .and
winter ninths with !k••
trolt and New York. returned home
host w,•.•�c: -"T -
Me••rs. Murtla0u - and Whliam.
Itnkei left on Friday for Buffalo 14,
1018 the crew .d -taw -t•rli»4'r Se11.1'u-
unik.r. .in which Hwy will salt this
Mr.. Strt05 has returned home
$1.1111 'forouto. where she spent onto.
•d 1Ge winter months.
- ' told a 4lotne-made pule 4,u tint- thn
of ate • La 3
�11s (114.1.011 to 411. offer 1,111)141131 TIIT100104.N 'inlay. i ;e Nt 11• 1110 l4, )Ir,' w
h tllundrl Ro .lor•ly l4, the .\ Ions and a41lve life WAS brought i inn''. store, corner of Reel ,street
bulatlug ,t new town hall. to a clo4• by the i1,aul, 1111 Thursday( and ihr aqua" Afl,nnanl tea w111
onlay. lisle- heard frt.m Iasi 4,r lir. i3.a1rge Thotl�im. 111 hie; *bee 1,' .*'rve'4d,
in tin - -m.4l1114tac. "_The. Globe- _r1.110p-aixt11
ratter feeble c.1.lnnuliun. lxeu_. It failing heal;,) or revert )larin4•. and G4•u�•rnl hospital.
hat it had an 1(11,1,1 11 of try }•.,ors. R1• w•nsl Ix1rt:' In llrsntford 1
fln4uc.• th.• riots' on' the _lir ttattnrthtp to 1,441'. 14,)41 for 444,814 tlmt property c,Mudttee hos
idents of (hoderlcll were an- 1i, i,ls early Iffy lived 111 the township. lir. 11'. 1f. Gond In Ills 91
thet'am of '1' MOW.* n••- of T;N•kersilIlth. l4, tlri. county. In Chairman Collate has
\Cinm. of men nt work In ('o
getting It 4'1.,4,0'4►
airs.. 41441 has
needed. and wit
the Square 4,i
the coming
The tow
n•d adrocatro of ihr bwontt
ylaw tsio: be wont . Zola..... not
mune then sow mune.i1r•1ah *drib- 1,1.11,. and engaged iXF(r+lvety and
the fart ttat it woo made o li e..dully in the Innll"•r I.1dn.4e.
the eve of ;lolling. 1111'001 we In 1011 he 4111114' to 4:i"i,•rlch. toll In
10104 It ens• merely t col 4,-I- 011111141 11111 w'111, .1.1114' 1"•111 In.I,r"M
4•r aha. Ip14•rm,uton of The mel 4-t*)lashed the tialerh-Ir I. Il•r
Ile 134l anybody ala Is Interested. 4'.,, whirs• 0IIJ of the harbor ens 1, INtnrdm
alight 1N• stwtel 111111 Iioh'1eh la Ions,' place for 1#1111/4. 34,111'•. • 311.4.• th1'. n
about 111ce the site of Walker- mill reamed o)N•raIIIi s. Mr. Thomson tow
and In other rtwpe'et' there 1+11 nu had eentinnwl hip wmn.•'-rllm with the
• edeas letweyo the two places. ' lumber badness In variom. enpwlelths. 111'
While a rp,ldent of Tnrnberry hr ens
h tar., bt1114
4 '{ was Reeve for pr)'ern. teles. In
created ninety ,he married Mary. W11114. who di
oat�'ompan7 '11123 after Hwy had been oriel!
, rias 4•f file celebrate their anklet. 14,41
ens 1114 ll m, nd welding miniver
Is the n -
to to 1.4.
1: 1
t 'r
„nal i
11 Ill/.
e IHR• ro
h1y gets')
la Sts reran
Otic wln4,•w
'made trim ern we
orlalra,l it4q(a., ysix'1'
.4.404 4.111 last e,Ne'
05 (n tar (-•osteo
, of sing aper,
wse • ire
rat's her
11S. 1(eUon1,1, alter,* n sonptnon4
we. • 4 inner ens .•reed h. the Int
n14411814. 111.111.4'. of, t w• 114 ,• 10,1 , . 144... . rn4411 r. pro
511,.111. R4't. niftier 311e.111)e pro- Molotov trim ,1n•ofn. , JMsk.. where '1w. 1111,wld, throngll the me1immn of
4atet.Lthu Inadat_ir-.Inv Aride-.,tud_wns .he sie.ul 11;1• whntt %'.tilt Mr. unit I high tariff 410th-. t.. IM44rrwe a Irurd'44'
lied inti -Tv rhe -girth'• t.rnthrr. Mr. Wm. 1'.muai'lo. - ni"'u agri,•ultiir.• tut -Tab. gnat (534
,_ .. • t -+"•'i• u••.•--.:-• -'_.•.a-
nd the 11114 tr.r•k. Sire is still 141 port and It ,,acrd nutny- hntd'.,m1• gift-. 14.11111111 Terraucc. 4,l Stratford, r1N•nt the past InJltslke to gluier*
1.IN.ltltd 1. caul 111,4411 lupe wlp•m she will clear. evidence o1 the high ,'sl*-t'lit in which ''.,-, k at the home of h.4• parents. )ir. "Win ne4e•r any 5ocerrinte•1tf 145 flit
d ht re•latlrts. n4'ig1s1",rs and 1 mol Mrs. .lamas T1 Ni¢. .,f I'• llxirur tr, hand not Ms+1.1 fAene14,tet-arl7 kH' ' - -• '
Nna•dant dun was olN•uel hire 011 tins- .Ise is hl 1
td n untidier ill' m,orning. w1Nnt trine etettlts•r+ trh'nnts. _-Th-e -lrrlatm'x- YMt tl) lbw tow►„Clp. � ((€ ia4tu"t-rasa--*,•elvt} 1p latrtr 4If
Hon4. 1','rk.�,elear.-.l: I.amtetu11. Kamlf"gn. 1'runt- bridlstonid wap 11 ln•witlfnl letr-Ids met I Mr.. It. 1'. Murray .tn.t r.., ,child- flitch tariff ,1.111,- obi the gesst' the)"
14.1 til. 14'uauu:.�101. iiiiss•: 4,aketu11. Itiyitsi, with lle*t'ls Nxd 44, gaze• 11t'io•msut.tu S. 14-18. 1,f. 11ay10.14L ..,are .1i.i11lig „I 41, pn"hn44 It I1Ms M1 Illju111.e 10 lMrw
who tun thos4• g,aaN-. star to 4'i•-• .
turn spit ,1 also tilt-RtlrertlfN•nt fav-
or.. Thu. the vicious eircl• Is 115111 •
and ...twinned by our class of iiro-
thtrerM or ula11nfa.tlrers 1451,11, 5 the
lucrwlse 4•n. to Ili. other *twilit 41,m4a
(Nark --
"PITO, to the farmer. *ht. i•amta
1111114i din .Ii1*_Thr•TC:rimii_hitt ni' � ilii, ,ti
unto because Ix nano( .4.1114.21.• In the -
open nunrkets of the world and take
welt +//4111 who'rerinitfnnei att1'ntintl
I."rk leiter (hill' ever
had It. aununer aspect on
,\"111.11 111,4111 (•ars wap•• In
'n1 the gauntry' purronn,llnR
e $.10
4•11 Was busy. WI111 ohms
Aund*y- alto was like a ,.errl►n,rr
7. Trolls. hap iN'4q, reeler w'IaHlrr
*Ow ,- bolt 14 t* tNrw worming nu soak'.
111 leant of ihr Wellington .tns.t 1'1110'.)
p, churl -h. ihwntford, Ito.. J. re. Rey•
81 attrt i croft. formerly of (lollerk•b. s'l'ed
x , 1 ". I4ylr 1. th.• t rihnle 4,f the cmgr45atlon In a
ass mar( awn do115ht1•r* 1411.4': 1'l',*I ' unan1mnna m(rs1tu of *Jgrre•t*1lo t. 1n
crick. of 110,4,y MnnI41 li 14011444•. AI- hon0rnrllnn of 1411' and an Invitation
I#rt' : 1r•w1', .rf Ar,kn. 31lnt. ; H. My, t•• "''111111-1w- ),Is p. slorr4.•.
of \CIngllism, Hud Rey..'. E \I. 'rhnm-; -` ---
41110. who;in pr'1r4PPnt o1 ihr 14rodo11 Patrick. TIN• 1141111448rer. %err MPwrtrt
('1,ufrr of the 1'nite.l ('hnr4I:1 Prank 111.11.).. ll. W. ilt)well. H 1..
)Ire. Ada 1111,•1* null Mrs. 11'. Herne i ftulk.ld and 11. It. Lata .111 Olio-nl(•nf'
n lo,r dl'4YS*d '•444 .i Ilfeln»g1 tiers of fle fancily mere pr.w•nt eXe1111
s /
apy11.'*r44 1411 ..M.-Ixl of th.•
rfro14t1Mtnrrlh h1 1111. town.
tr Iral h
l.) at re, Maitland
iatnr4ey morning. The
`lee at '114.redden.e .n,
31laple•ourr. M111and King and Moor -
110... most of them 11011/14 Iv Illy bead
4,1 1111• I•ake+. Tt1• NA'. the i1111.11.1opening of uavlgk11mi at 11111 'tort for
many years. There 1s still etmaid•r•
able ice ontolde of the breakwater.
Io tic .t•nlaer. malni,d to break
thr'gh it. -
The $nrnhn mm11'- an attempt 11)
11.01'.•1111 T.1ea,lw,v'xherixduf. 11111 broke
il► lbP'•-h+•4'-t
lw'.rl ale• -ph,. Mr. awl)Irs. ('Ills•
holm will re'id1' on the gnsom'e floe
farm. which he hog re'18rtly pntnfins(rl.
on the Lake Shore 141411 111 Colborne
11.44'14111p near (Irs)erleh.
lu,nN• 4•f 311r'.. T. 0..4.1..y. \4. 14'. 'Iris 1,
and w•Ith her mu -titer of !IOP t'vllsirlw
A ps rltn.l t•. •
Mr. 1I. 11. /tallow- 1- n444'41'0 hi'.
Atoll.. after being *radio. 41 to his home
for several wksWhile hale mottlingCIItK('H NOr1CS • pour wind 111 gave Idr'Astt n s •lore
• gash. mcr•asltath,g 11 rent.
4h•torla S1ree•t Culled titarrh: Rev.---- Mrs. Wormy.* lois returned home
M4•Ibv J,•Rrri,. ir.rstort. ':Motli.'Y' afire -pending the winter with her
ih)Ntt. -tTrM-ii„*.Int•.- ltWumtm444*' daimhter. lir. ite•R. ItMrk. tat iM,n-
1 p frtlT a .tlttg o 11119 a. ort• 0 retnnl • Ir or +- elm's'i-T«. '•f-ir.m.. 1111114 11)514/. .-+4n-th,- Wit'-4wwwe• 44* ba hlluac.IL .
Hairs. th4tt4' 1/ay 111g.atrs. 7.jrppa Moth4rs'I she vlslt,1l her ...u. Mr. title*art 11,11- holt sea l4, tin• eimtir•mmrkets by the. a
The Sarnia'. std Turret 4'nnrt Ito}- These. -.r Ilam.' at BFvntItIe with rely, it •I'It14'111 r. 11a. i Ixw u( supply nail"iivmand. .lbfi
el,•nrcl lid. 11'hur•eb,y I 1111'1'11111M - 1M• Ord rElta ante th4' album. . Mr. and .Mrs. .I. 11. I'll.. bare r•.-Se/,o.d. 1. the working -chis con -
The steams s.'uator I. exp"'tel The se• n? North stns.(( tilted turned from 11,, Ir winter visit to . •r. want i'. nl ,' 141.4( by the Milted,
will a ear
go . R of grain for the G,Ni/'7a rival ,•inrch next t4o,d5y *111 Ore a. to! }14r1dn nod ars '.trying for the pr.-- pries.. he bps 1.1 lady for his nrlalrr
elev-litor. Iowa: le Mlawbn ltoiwl. rhnrch Put Ai 10mde"ta,rd. T114•r %p•n1 111 v.. mrnl1. , -
.-_ --- - chromes and 311.4,'" ('duh. "Wiry ern month. in tin South. mwo.t of the lino. "1 r4p.•nl that it Is upon the release-_-
Sl'Et'IAI. OI'TI('AL OFFER and Roy. rail" Is the 140144• to , 1 411. at St. 1'etl•r,burg. 11r. i'ip• s11y, M' 1111,1111. .f hone. lust fatally H8F ow
11'yth ,tend'' gldd-1111441 „(x•rtbe•1.•• find ,.,adapt 14y the M'•n'p 1'11rh. The int. wa• rather 41'.xp)sit,t4,1 in Florida. wonlr of the grt.ait•"t raindrop of It • " .
g - iph inf., iter. 4'. E. Clarke. silt condilcl The eltinate I. ratI.r dam, awl rho- blab terga$ wt11 always tan. it tWa/t'- -
1'ye iM.•r'. with Id•rt �itf - rrhvU 1
ten.a for -only AL/111. ,111 other 'tel,. 11,,, m.rt•kw NI 11 1.n,. and 7 pin. country nnrnr,,.11t.. with Ilt,le 4,r no roct4.1 against tire'• and Lana*. -,
of franc'. and 1.0.4•44 tit 1114.( JW1ce.. }1. rInotl w,hjr•t•: 1) ■:R::' "111aplh.1 1..aeration where it 11n. Id1'l 1t 1hit' lolls 110.4 parent) for niltdre: '
Wo lrwcdi. 401.18 11. 1"*1 0wk.' of the
five lirrrk• lleuher:'. 7- ytLan.. -An lo- I frrtllilN•.I fur orchard pnr)x,ae•p, her-cplldren. Those who 3,5 lo, nn ,•bald•
IN•'.I maker,, 4 1:1'4.s exnmirxrl by unr citation Ton 4'xnnnt Afford to Iso.. " far n. the real ,•'.flit. boom Is (1111. 1 rco Mrg••ly .'4.alte. t1... i*•nitiy 1"•-
well-known 111114'111 list. Mr. 1111511441
.. 41Mm session of 110• ttnn44hc
.lay mil...l 1 •rnetl. . o1114blr1„ that -0141.1.1."' room. they' 44, riot ‘11.4.41110 hay three
with •Iwenly-neves 3, Nrs' ex(lerlen,''• In the ehnrb atulltorhlm at 3 p.m.
Yon nr - 11,s11re/1 of the i.e.. ..plea)
*Mil to Ix• 01411 host atilt at nlesh•rn to
Kai rm,4lttfed 1,y 11•'. 1'.; Mpxsrs. J. A. 'Morton, H.' is. pekes. Thar -lac 01st F'rItlay. )lay
n.r1s11A by IW4. S. J1ffer- 6111011 and W. J. (:rear of WlndklMM. !(1. 21. SMiTH'M ART• 87YIRR. God
1 11. Ford and R.. 1. KII- sod \Ir. 1'. W. Soot I. of I1eigrwve. , crit.
.• N64114.)9.( t'hnry 11 and' Ihr iwv, .4.1114 111 the West. amt (Harm
1n *Rend/ince were Mr. Magee, 01
RnrRPpsellh•. Ihit Ili'.. Moody. Ii(
Rn,c•flekl: 3111. nod Mr.. t:4''. Thtrm-
emi and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alriaadlit
of Stp(x•n : Mr. John Webster. of Pt.
ww. NEM,
.r.}• _.r'!"'-.•;....rte.
When there wersm'1 any Detre spec-
hUIN.. peopl • Port hal the Adger. and
("14 another ,Mips• 1,f 1.11011101.--4Ishii •
far Reformer.
property 1. all right. lint Na with all . gond.. 71411'. n Mention' '. Inst 11)8•.1
omit JWnp1w•Ilion4 one most beware of 1 chil(Mr.4 home..
loving 'moiled op w Ith property too for i Ratified 1. Praise
from any ('01441' 10 hard• 1111)' 4441114'.; "If then• I" •0,.• mmirthitlar in which
R► este A0 has no Intent too of r.funr' ihr Klh5 Ito%I'M 11.•n1 1• malt led t1, the.
Ing to Florid. 44'lullnl.rl on ;at Rr x a