HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-10, Page 4-AIWAtienelilt. WeePlea .0t 1001 FOR, SALE THE, 33IGT R=Au. 1 $ATA you've vver eeen. You get two • fee the price nf ono by paying an Mara eent. $hen) arid save at %le 9eiginte4 Rexall eaIe. Sale dateet Wed.., Ilium, FrL, Sat., , Oct, 17,, 18, 19, 20. At afcKib- bens, The Reaa11 Drug Store. Wing halm 10b -- • N[EAT von siLLE 'GOOD BEEF for ado by the qtlar- ter. Beef killed limier license trent the Department of Health. 1 Choice Hereford yearlings, ftAan. INTARD ACKERT, I-1 olyroo d, phone 24.30, Ell:dela 16rrb OUSI'OM MADE slip covers made to order. Apply te Mrs. Harold Elliott, phone 709w4, 26,3,10,17" LIVESTOCK FOR SALE _ REGISTERED Aberdeen Angue bull for eale„ 2 yeas old, Apply to John Rhin phone 33r13, Rressels. 10e I45 CHUNKS a vp for sale. ApPly to Herold Finley, Phone 15r2 13ehnore., at)* - e---. TWO GOOD Durhant-Hereford eroSs steers, 6 months and 1 Iyear old. APP1y to aert Stapleton after 6 pen. 10b 8 DURHAM STEERS for Sale, be- tween 7,00 - 1300 lbs,; one Pure- bred Oaford ram. Apply to Webster Ja.eklia, R.R.- 2, Wrete- eter, phone 2r12. 10* DRESSED CHICKENS for sale. Appiy to Mrs. Harold • phone 709w4. 26,340* ,CC)1VI.PLETE Brownie outfit size 8 for sale; girl's winter coat • 'size 8-10 e -ears; glee 2 -piece suit 8-10 years, Apply to Mrs. )5111 Heridereon, phone 314. 10* 80 -lb, milk cans for sale, one used °MY two months. Ap- ly to Jahn Riley, phone 84r11, russeIs. 10* SHAYIVIP COLORED formal dress for sale, Lace over taffeta with Matching jacket, size 18. Worn Alse baby buggy tlunners in geed condition. Mrs. ROY Burchill, Minnie St., Wing- ' hani. •' 10* EQITIPMENT ''.60trAR 13EET Harvesters fee me- ''-'•*clititn' arid light land. Can be orifivqrted to turnip's. Only $600„ •tekiltece lifters at bargain prices. p Corbett, Paris, Ont. 1017* . SAVE: UP TO .81 in $4 on oil bills. Duo -Therm Oil Ilome Heaters •• itievith automatic •Power -Air Blow- er circula•te heat by force, put •eililazee" ceiling heatto work. Slash ereafuele bine up to 25 per cent. Mo aMtleis styled to fit. your room, -11Pricedto fit your budget. Patti- . e son Radio and Electric, 10b 1,§ FAWN. Station Wagon coat for Sale. Size 34-36 fur collar Good as new. ?hone 7r4, Wroxe •-eter. 10* ootrociss :FOR SALE 8 weeks • old, just .right for training, 1.4,45:65 eacb. ,Alexander's • Hard- hinevakeeeWingharn. • 10b •THREE 'STOVES for sale. Classic With high oven, medium sized Quebec heater, Coleman. oil bur- •„,..nere Also kitchen cupboard. Ap- , ply- to Harry Newell, Scott St. 10* 195TALFeT0N, FORD truck for ' Signal. Ilene: In good con- Cenal.:aet Phyllis Keith, "eleteeielf 'en week -ends. Phone '`49/(2a, ° . • 10* •ALLIS,CHALMERS W.C. Trac- teetorefee sale. Two -furrow plow, faiMustalee sold! ae farm is in grass, Apply to D. McKenzie, plione 189 ie-Blytli. •• •10" •DUR.,CHROME and plastic kit - ...then chairs for sale; Simmons tubular drib. Phone 5043 10b HEADQUARTERS FOR. HEAT; '• Malie Dho-Therm Oil Home Hee- 'ter'S to:choose from,. Genuine per - 'Z iod et stunning modern styling, '",; Worlilesa, dirtlese heat for 1 -room ot 8. Pattison Radio and 10b QUEBEC HEATER in good condi- tion fot sale. Apply to Miss Ma- e rion •$impson, phone 559R. 10* PIANO for sale; also Lloyd babe. ,buggy in excellent condition. ' Phone 7osil. 10Ie BOX ;STOVE for sale, with iron. egrates. Phone 745312, 10b •TWO CHESTS of drawers,. one large and one email; 1 boy's 2- pant suit, blue -grey check, size •• 10-12; one c'hild'e red snowsuit:, •size 2, both in goose eeralition. , for sale. Phone 436M. 10* ,,I4LTJETIO HOUND, 10 months old; •.• Single barrel shotgun, 12 gauge; guitar and case in good con- - clitioe, aor sale, Apply to Mr. . Bert Hertog, Bluevale, Ont., phone Wroxeter 15r9 after 5.30, • 10* bRBSSZI) ROOSTERS for sale; 35 'White Rock pullets started te lay. AOPIY to Wallace Conn, phone 662w1, Ob •CANADIAN CEMEN1' for sale, • aL20. per bag, Mowbray Coh- struetion, Witighain, phone 564. 10b •13.0tS TI-IREE-PLECE blue Wool ,• etatt eet,, eize 3, like new, feu eettale, Phoue 878. 10* LOST SATURDAY, October 6, between Lloyd ivrotagiarxletyPit, 10 con. E. WaWenesh alid'SYd farm Ci. Cutross, a nearly new band saW, Finder Please calJ LlOyd Uontgcnnery, 10* t4i111101014hUtrilailliatihttOIWOWWWIfiltii~o Box Holders' Names B' Not Given out , 2 0 le strictly against our rtdeei Ito divulge OM hame addeess of any adeerthier uebni an lAdvatiete•Theies Bo* Nutrifeer,ii tle not ask okt tot Mild n-1 , Interotion. 1- Lloyolimooroushiiiciiiimmoodooionoj 9 YOUNG PIGS, nine weeks old for ,ale. Apply to Robt. Moffat, phone 63232. 10" COWS for sale, 2 fresh two days, one due in two weeks, second -calves; one heifer due in month. Apply to Charles McIntosh, Molesworth, phone 5r$ Moles- worth. 10* SIX SHORTHORN yearling steers for sale. Apply to Jos. King, phone 549w3, lob iSIX 2 -YEAR-OLD Hereford steers and 6 Hereford yearlings, also 1 Shorthorn heifer in calf, due in 4 weeks. Apply to Geo, Fisher, Whitechurch, phone 747w11 Winghaxn. 10* POULTRY FOR SALE 60 ROCK -X -SUSSEX pullets, 41,i, months old; young purebred York hog; 2 young purebred York sows. Phone Wingham729312. 10* 75 SUSSEX x LEGHORN pullets ready to lay, for sale, Phone 734w3. 10b 250 R.I.R. x C.R. pullets for sale. Apply to Mrs. R. Reavie, phone 713J2. 10* 40 LIGHT SUSSEX x Barred Rock pullet!, laying, Apply to Ross Turvey, phone 11r1.7 Brussels, 10* 200 SUSSEX x ROCK pullets for sale, 41,(2 months old. Phone 40231, Ben IVIcClenaghan. 10b PULLF.TS WANTED 100 OR MORE Hyline pullets, • ready to lay. Harold David, Gorrie, phone Fordevich 541:22. 10* miSeELLANEOUS FOR REPAIRS, to all makes of TV and radio call Dunkin Television and Radio, Teeswater phone 27 or Wingham 70331, 19rrb TS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all rcsit coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. •2rrb STEWART A. scum can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance, Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for fanners. For further Information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb 'SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellar, etc., pumped' and cleaned, quid; service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louie Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 15rrb 7VATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are 'Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle 13reeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or MiJdmay 130r12 he- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available —*top cinality at low cost." 25rrb NOTTCE TO HOME BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a` building project this sturimer, we are in a position to give you first °lase eervice for you cetnerit work, House haematits. and floors, barn walla and floors (eornpleted in one pour. Contact Made Christensen, phene 11r7, erb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our to Cog Vihaiicing Seenice With complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 • - Whighain •.25rrb TENDERS FOB, SNOW PLOIJOHIENO •Tenders. plainly Marked' as to contents will be reepived by the elerk tilt 12 e'eleck noon en Fie - day, October 19tfi, 1066; ffie rtdW ploughing hi the ToWnshlte of Hewidk for the year Of 1050 anti 1957, Totitioro to state pride per: hour and hind is! equiPhient rig ti . standime to be giVeri cern- neeticing Deeeniber 181 tit' March kst, Frth For fuer partidulters dOth taet the read ittunetantendeht, Arie eon 'Galbraith, Geerie, Oritatio. The lowest ot any tender not nedeilsare fry adeePted, I; Harold P011eek, Clerk• , Township Of ItOWIdk, 1 COrrle,- Onttirlo. 1017), • WANTED 'XV 1101/ HOUSE vvAzrrgr) TO BUY or • rent in Wingbare. Apply to Bor- den Jenkins, Minnie Ste phone 276w. 104' ItEA.X4. ESTATE. $ ROOM FRAME house on Mill street in Wroxeter for mile. Also one at for sale on Anne Street, Phone 98 Wroxeter or the Wrox- eter Post Office. 8-noolvc MODERN frame house floe sale. Reasonable. Apply to E. Fitzpatrick, phone 811R, 3,101e HOUSE for sale to close Estate; 11/4 storey frame house, Jose- phine Street. This is a 1ne storey frame house, 3 bedrooms, arid is being offered to close an Estate. For full particulars apply to CRAWFORD & HETI-1- 3,10b 1 BUILDING LOT for sale. To close or an Estate. We are offering f sale a choice building lot, situat- ed south side of Bristol Terrace, Wingliam, For full particulars apply to CRA.WFORD 8z HETH- ERINGTON. 1 "3,10h TWO APART/NT frame de:fel- ling in Wingham. Sun porch, hydro. Located on large lot'With small barn. Priced right at $3,800.00 to close estate, Apply A. 0. MacLennan, Realtor, Inker- man Ste E., Listowel, Ont., phone 412. lb*• DWELLING Corner Leopold and Patrick Streets, 11/4 storey stucco. Living room, dining rborn and Kitchen. Oil heating furnace, Cook stove with oil 'burner. 4 bedrooms and bath. On this property is one of the most de- sirable •building lots in town.. For immediate possession apply to H. C. MacLean Realtor, Wing - ham; Ontario, phone 115, 10,171e FOR RENT EiGHT-ROOM red brick house for rent. Four miles south of Wing - ham adjacent to highway. Hydro, water. Available soon. Apply to Nornian Higgins, eleave phone Brussels 32r9. HOUSE for rent in Lucknomeoil - heat, hardwood floors through- out, modern kitchen da-undry4 garage Reasonable rent ate tenant who will keep home in good condition, Apply mornings' only to Mrs, Nelson Bushell or K. Canieron, postmaster, • Luck - now, • 10,17b THREE ROOM apartment, ground floor, hot water and hydro sup- plied. • Phone 4173 evenings. 10e 4,R.00M HOUSE for rent on Scott Street. Apply to Reuben Apple- by, RR. 2, Wingham. 10* DEADSTOCK :WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. 82.00 service charge for each es -11. Telephone collect: Pal- merston 123W; Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. • rrh ROOM AND BOARD ROOMERS and boarders wanted or will rent rooms. Phone 552w, 10* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in Huron CountY, Trade well established, Exeellent (at, portunity, Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept, 3-453-180, Montreal, P.Q. • 10b START A permanent year round business, You begin earning good money the first day. Strict- ly your own boss. Openings in your surroundings. FAMILEX, Dept. A. Station c Montreal, 10h ElVIALE HELP APPLICA,T1ONS will be taken at the 1:/fai1land Creamery office for female funp to be trained as egg graders, 10b LADY COMPANION wanted, far tompanionship, Good home, all eonveniences, Phone 895w1, Listowel. • 10* PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical chimney cleaners TO kl.,11VDNATt SOOT AND SCALE FROIlt TOLJE STOVES For tise • oii, coal and Wood fired • 'twits volt SALE AT IVIacham Hardware' wiNsufAst Mcbougall's Grocery • tourEn votwatAlvt i3:16erb •HMIS MONTGOMERY—In "W 1 ugha xn General Hoepital, an Tuggle**, Oetober 2, 30,76, to Mr, and Mrs. • Gordon Montgomery, Lleeltnow, THORNTON—In Winaliam Gen- eral Hosoltal, on Wednesday, 0 October 3rd. , 101, to Mr. end •lees. William Thornton, et.R, 2, Gordo, a daughter. JOHNSTON In Wingbara General HosPital, on Thursday, October 4th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. James Johnsten, R,R, 1, Winfrghare, s°GA11. wirkgruun General Hospital, an Friday, October 51h, 1958, to lear. and Mre.' Arnold Gadke, R.. 1, Clifford, a daugh- ter, no child died the seem day. FOXT011--In. Wingharn General Hospital, on Sunday, 'October 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, John Pax- ton, Wingbam, a. son. The laant later passed away. COMEkrer ENTENTS THE REGULAR Saturday evening Bingo under the mistimes of the Canadian Legion will be held at the Legion Home an Saturday at 9 o'clock. Good prizes. " CEleerrit WOMEN'S" INS'IITUTE'' meting •wjilba ,tha Council Chambers, October 18th. Exec- • titiye in charge of the meeting. ,Rfeterestanditraeel talk by Mrs, John Beinighlon, Hostess con- Veliere Mrse McCormick. cutop _ - MALE HELP 'WANTED RART T.BLE • ' LOCA14, MATURE,peeson to mate i credit nveetigatione, and aerve s local correspondent Wingh* area, for a national credit ngeny. Work is part time on ,a fbo basis. Write to .T, D. Aldersen c/o Wingham Advance -Ties. • - e0,19b - • IN MEMORIAM •, NIXON—In loving memory of :a dear brother Edmund Nixon, who passed away October 9th, 1955. If all the world were mine to give • rd give irk yes and more ' To clop the hend of euother / And 'see his srnileeonee-more. You, who have a brother, Cherish hiin with. care, For you'll never know his value .Till you isee his 'empty ehairee•-• Sadly missecl. by brother Alex 10* CARD OF THANKS • Dahe, and 'famil ; Goma wish to express their al's- preciation' of --eheemany acts kindness shown timed by fthear neighbors.andeeeiends in their re- cent sad bereavement. 10* e • CARD OF THANKS 1 ) r wish to • expreselemY issinceee thanks and appreciation to all my frien4 and, neighbors, and rela- tives for the lovely cards and floe,- erh and treats sent to me while I was a patient in the Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Meleibbon, Mrs. Moreey and her nursing staff.—Alfred MoCreight. i0* • CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our since thanks to our friends ane neigh bours for the lovely gifts and purs of money which 'were Presented' r us following our recent marriage The kindness wa,s very Much eel preciated,—Verna and Arnold Tay lor, Ottawa/et-Anne I '; e THF. 111011WAV, LOLLOP 1 14.EMOR14111 eDONA loving memory Of a dear husband and father Don Roy McDonald, NVIIQ passed ..awny October 13, 1949- ver repee111- tiered be' hie wife and family, • 19b. Brother Passes in London , James Redmond McGlynn died, at his home in London last week. Ma McGlynn, who was born M Wing - ham, was 60 years of age and bad lived in London tor the past 31 yeara, Ile retired front the CPR only three years, ago, after having been empleyed tie an engineer ftir near- ly 40 years. Stirviving are his wife, the ferni- er Helen Casey; one daughter, Mrs. Louis Leclair, of Montreal; four eons, Dr. John 0, McGlynn, of Yellowknife, N.W.Ta Friar Berry McGlynn, 0.Feat, Detroit; James R, McGlynn and Thom ae P, Mc- Glynn, both of London; one Water, Mre, Rose Fite, Toronto; and two brothers, Tbonias, of Wingham and Harry, of Winnipeg. W.M.S. Sends to Canadian Indians' autemled for last week) BELMORE —Mrs, D. MePhersdn, the vieeepreeident .opent-ei the Sep- tember theeting of the Women's Missionaree•Society' KA= Peo- byterian Church; Behnoee,, tie call to evotsnip and'Uae.henin "The Church's Orie Foundation". „ Mrs. WM. Darling -read a pOrtion of the first epistle of St. John after nrinelt Mrs. Zinn ledein prayer, The roll call was answered with quota- tions from the Pealms of David, Mrs. Curie asked members to re- new their subscriptions to the Glad Tidings this month. Mrs. Mac - Adam listed the many Useful arti- cles which ghe had packed in the, bale to send to the Canadian In- dians,. - On motion of Mrs. Zinn and 1VIrs. Steuthers it was agreed to *seed a letter from the eociety to •ClelelX regarding the change in religious programs. ,• Mrs.' Struthers gave a brief re- sume of the September Grad; Tid- ings.',The topic, which continued the study of what the church ,.is doing! for less develeped, people in the realm of education and medical scienee was' taken by Mrs. Leeenri; assisted by Mrs. G. MacAdam, Mrs. Kailer and Miss J. Inglis. Mrs; McPherson cid5ed the meet- , ing 'With prayer. William H. Irwin Passes in LondOn BELMORE—Williath H. Irwin, a former Niell-lcn v n and highly re- spected resident of 13elmore and C district, passed away suddenly on - Thursday ..morning, October 4, at e the home of hie daughter; Mrs. ti` li:Obert McKay and Mr. McKay at • 200 13 roughdale Ave., London. Mr, - Irwin would have celebrated his - 89th birthday on Monday, October' , 8 • . , no2'z111. Hevelek Township, he • %vas son of the at 'William' Hehry. andeMary Irwin, atid Was the last* dale/lying member. of *the family, Ma Irwin lived in the Bel - more district Mot of hie 111e Wher9 wf.ii a:farmer. Pour years ago he meeeied to London to live with his daughter and son -he -law, Mr. and ,Mrs. Meitay, 4s4itr leaves to mourn his paselhg, hi0i•• wife the • forxner Markin r.- raee two daughters, Mrs. Ernest (Lilian) Jackgen •of Exeter aecl'• Mt*' Robert (131anche) McKay, of' , Re's in :hie etirly wen ees. 11e4 initials aetairefee His ,full name* really doeSOV ateatter:.."'Althougle. he is stile,teliA,,thefeeenot Xeich 3)51 -:ter off thateetteeeloYelylryeting whose face jaunts his dreams, the girl who sat beside him in ihe car that night. ea - 11 ha•ppetieetafeate#irst re wink the dance, a dein* of latitmlessel highballs, Heitkels R.R262'dbcolittti of the drive home. "Miefobt heavy on the gas pedal Alma nigh A curve came up on us and I mise judged it at high speed, '1 pet the brakes on too hard, We skidded. Then the ear somersaulted.- 14 later learned that my fiancee Was killed instantly, — As for me, sit here en a wheel chair. The Oboe tore symay be an invalid 'ter , The drinking driver has an be- eident rate 55 tines greater than the man who lays off the. stuff when he's behind the wheel, John Barleyeorn nearly 10,000 an- nually on the highways the USA. to say. nothing of. the handl reds of thoueands maimed arid etippled for' life. , From, "The Highwa.v Killer They Don't Talk. About'. MedbanieS Illustrated, Sept. 1656, 16b Londoa and one grandson, IKerineth 4 ;Jackson of Elmvale, Ont. Funeral seNice was conducted at the James M. Carrothere and Son funeral home, London on letida evening by his pastor, Rev. B. R. Stanway of Robinson 'United annitch, followed by service at the 17i., A, Currie an'd Sons funeral Home, Wiegiunn, on Saturday with Rev. Stanway officiating, assisted by Rev. Wna, Taylor of Dorchester and Rev, H, Wet. Pallbearers .were Henry ./Ohane, 'ritonitte Abraham, Arthur Pith, ,Joh Stok, Harry Mulvey and Carl Fitch, Interment was in Weeeeter Cenictery. Frieatis attending tim funeral froriia dlitailee were Ur.' Albert ef Englehart, Mr, Clifford Hall of North Bay, Mrs. Len Atl- naine of Willowdale, Mr, arid Mrs, D. 0, Katnochan, tetronte, Mtg. 3, arnard, Monnt Forest, Mrs, W. Barriatd, Holetele and Mr, /ten- neticladksori, of Elmvale. 44. High School, E(?IiIcation For as little as 96.p6 monthly with all. 'books Invilsited-oll can netv ceinpiete your High School edileatien a onl� Iu your snare tinie, Tests are espetelallY eireparell beetle Study and are not Die same as Dune) used by the MS. Deprirt- nick, of PalutittiOn, no not let age or lack of education hold yeti back. Graduates will re• receive the DiptOma, of The American Sehool. Send for Fred 14-psige descriptive Booklet and rree Trial i4Ns011. Write Acetic -an School, Beet. W -A,• liomcwood Avenue, ilarnitten, Ontario 'no A dress Married at Goderich • WH/TtCHURCI-t-A marriage of interest in this tornrounity was solemnized in Ooderidli North Street 'United Chutele enSaturday, Oetoleer 6, 'at 4 p.rn„ when Miss Dnrit AM16 Jelniston, daughter of Mr. and INtra, Clateride Johnston, bedtime the bride of Carrnau rt. Via, eon of Mr, arid lefts, Atield Viiit, With Rev. Chas., Durarit of ficiating. The attendants were Donna McXerisie and 0Ordoo Mein, et. The reception Tor about forty Btlelits was held at the Tiger Dun. lop Mit IIJ If Mr. Wrote AiteheSon was able to ret Urn heme trent Wingham G'elletal HeePital an ThOreditY after atinizeaticilisire4perwlir,i,n thargo of the communion service at BOW( United Church on Stulday at the baptiSMal serviee, when Mariano Mrs. gh- iell, bVIaltAat:1;n1t0i:ilhrersdcif:'. heir Jas. son eir doh the as, of the th. ea - the ok, of eth rid ilY on nd a- rid on hp r- te. a- i - he an leg - 11, o, d n of n d n x n r d r. f 3, 5. d e - d - • e s '1, I - Louise, daughter of Mr, and GNrige M9Gee, Jana Ellen, dau ter, or Me. and Mrs. Jack MI and Mrs, klellrY Pattisell was tainzAteitdrCl: all Sutanne, daughter of and Mo. Ales," Nothery • ehildren of Hamilton,. spent week -end with her parents, and Mrs, Herson Irwin, Mr. Mrs, Scott Reid and Judy.,of WI ham visited: there on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Davis Toronto epent the week -end Mr,*and Mrs. Lawrenee Taylor Ma and Mrs. Roy , rife*, 14 and Frank, of Toronto, spent week -end at the home of t uncle and Aunt, Mr, and mrs, MActIrir.Atutbz'clMrs: Sidney %limp Spent Sunday at the home of th parents, Mr, and Mrs, Oor Wright of Belmore. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coutes family' visited on Sunday at illoeTrey oofehi,earislefyaother, Th Mr, and Mrs. Sam Smyth Mitchell visited on Sunday at home of his brother, Mr. Ed Smy Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Kelley of S Earth visited on Sunday at benne of her uncle, Mr. Harry Co Mr, Ann Mrs. Charles Currie Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Kenn Winegarden and family, Mr, a Airs. Frank McConneit, and ram and Miee Jean, Cuegieieof. Lend and Mr, ad Mrs. •AlV4:1Currie family of Clint, spent ethe wee end with their parent0Mr. a Mrs, 9eorge Currie. • . Mr, arid:Mrs. Basin Thomps 'and family' Of' Catediin'', spent;,4 week -end at the heine; of her pa erg Mr, and Mrs, Arthur -Meo . Mr, Jas. Forster 'Of W., 2WaNv nOSh,tas.been a pation iii Win liany; General Hespital dieeinge t past ,Wedlt. e•tid, Mrs. Wilts*IVIcOlenagh or,Rock Creek). Ohio, are visit this week with McClenaghan fanii lies in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mitche Gordon and Eleanor of Toront spent the week -end with Mr. an Mrs, Will Henry, Mr. and Mrs, John Hutelelso spent the week -end at the home their daughter, Mrs, Ed Nichelso of Thamesforcl. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forster an ,farnily of Palmerston visited o Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ale Robertson and -with 'his father • i the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fairbrothe and children of Toronto visite thie week -end at the home of M and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. , Mr, and Mrs. Georgs'Ootlites E. WaWariosh visited on Sunda at the home of their daughter, Mt John .Ge.urit. Mr. Med.:Mrs. Rintool, an family visited on Sunday at th 11.,i5iitViif her sister, MrezeVf4ek Car diff of)3eusse1s and M. and Mrs •tGoeuoi.rge%.Caldwell of Blyth visite on Fridaf with Mr, and Mrs. Rin Mr, and Mrs, S, Lambert of St 'Catharines visited last week at, tie "fanliefe.a.tittfeitati,411, Myk Sf. Marie. Mr, and Mrs. Raphae St'Marie and baby Michael of Lan Ishinefe:IVLioh4 -spent the.. week -end Mr. and IVs, Walter Lettner and Rose Marie, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lettner, of Toronto spent the Week- end at the home of Mr. John Boyle -and with other Boyle relatives in this district. Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Cameron and family of Ashfield visited on Sun- day at the' home of bete brother; Mr, Gordon Rintoul. • Mr. Jim Cummins of Ailsa Craig spent the week -end in Montreal, fieMicir,4. ;tend xMl,iersoi.oi.H.tarry Cook and Frank Coopee of Iveatemeh, and Mr, andS:Mk ToltorcL'i,e4siit at West - the Vint -John- ston ,WeZdTitg eiretiOodarich on Stit- dee,'Ye ee'"' a- • Mr. 'and dales; Shirley Towers And n, Phnl, t.sheeencitontf, spent the ek:and WitteMreaftel Mts. Harold son of Itigeirclinallnd with Mr. d Mrs. Kehneth'Mason. Mr. and rs, Mason and family visited- oh' ursday at the home of her bib- et.c-aitte: Saln 'Skinner of Centralia, And afte Alfred Clarke, of nsalkvisiteeniti: the Mason home Wednesday last. • dr. arid Mrs. Marcella Phillian, Aerie and David of Hamilton ited with her parent, Mr. aud e Thompson of Goderich on Sun - Y and with Robinson relatives in Yittievanosh, a and Mrs, Roger Inglis and ergo of Walkotoh. And Mrs. phert Little of Haeover visited Sunday With Mr, arid Mrs, Al- t Biernam ahd Mrs. Harold Slosser and ily of Glenna Mr. and Mrs. ldon Jadklin ahd family of tied% Mr. and Mrs. Donald k and children, and Ma Vide s:• Jack Lewis- ahd.• children ef *ham visited en; Sunday with Ir eetteente, •itift. and Mrs. Harry k of Marooeh.. r, Alfred MeCreight was sible rehern .„ borne Wingham pital on Thuteday, tifter spencl- tWO weeks there, folloWing an ration.. Me, and Mrs, HoWard he of Kincardine, visited with r tincleatital atilit Mr, and Mrs. Creight on Tileaday, r. tintl"lette. 'Hugh David Mc - ur so we lVf an Th tit au4 Mi Ile on Ma vis da E. 00 Ste on bet lath She 013g Mr Wix the Coe Hos leg ope Bur thei r" "1" is 1 LEE'S' TAXI • 24-hour service, PHONE 185 : INSURED . WHILE YOU- RIDE • oit • sr ow.* al DOnald and Mr„ Oertlen BintoUl Tortberry and hi; PalvIlt4, und Mrs, Robert, Johnotou ;01/Ving., • Mm, visited on Sunday • at • the inna0 ,at Mr, 'and •Mrs. klarvo Tanner of Newton.. Miss Mary Ross of TorontoISS the weeli-end wIti) hor perm Mr, and Mrs..IiIrank ROSA berrY. Two .cars •of VSF.M.S, from the Presbyterian :Church attended the• Thanitoffering meeting of tile• Beigrave presbyterien• on Thursday -of laot we,* nttho bome ef AV's, joseph Dunbar. 'Tho appoial *palter wee Mrs. tlorace Aitchison of W14014111, who spolto from the stud' hook on The t411- • grimage of Life"., Mrs. Tohn McGee sang the 23rd .Psairn and all en„ ..loyed a social time atter thc meet - mg, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Montgem., ery end Mr. William Elltett visited an Sunday at the hem° of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ratan of Pordwich. Mr, and Mrs; Montgomery. Mx'. 51- 11011 and 1.1frkL John Jamieson spent Saturday in Kitchenen.. telided the Ede, Fell Fele 00 Sat - 4r. and Mrs, flarl Casliolt visited on Swday at tho hone pr daughter, Mra, Ronald Coultcs or Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs, 10coll 4oultos and Railutra spent the weeir-end at the home of box, slater, Mrs, Allan ArmesA of Windsor. Mr. and Mks. Gerald Watson of Forest, spent the woe -end at the home et her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pattison and Mrs, Pattison accoMpenied them hone to stay a week at Forest. Mrs. Rutherford Ileave and Mrs, Ronald Qoultes motored to Toronto on Friday last and Mr, Reavie, patient in Lynhurst Lodge aeon, Pained them home for the wok - end. Mr: ArOold Woods -has been a patient in Wingham Hospital e,are Mg the past weelt, suffering from, a bear' attack, Mrs, Harry Tiohbourne. of Godo - ,rich and Mrs, Toynbee Lamb of Colborne Township, vieited on Fri- day with the former' mother, MI'S, pavid Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sid Payne and David Cullen of Teronto 'spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin of Kinloss and with ()tiler Tiffin relatives. • Mr, and Mrs. Walter James and eons of Woodstock, spent the Week- end at their home here, Mr. Roy eGee of leitchener, Spent the week -end at tbe home of his brother, 'Mr, Gordon McGee. )4r. and Mrs, Russell Chapman' and -Gary spent the week -end. at the borne of their daughter, Mrs, Ross Smith of Toroth, Mrs, CamPbell, .Jean and Barbara Campbell of London spent the •Week -end at the home of Mr, and Mts, Robert Ross, and Misses Bar' bar and Jean Campbell motored to' Walkerton on Sunday to attend the serviqe of a former pastor, Rev, Cenner, of Walkerton United Mira. a Mr, and 1Vers. Stewart Smith and family of leitehener„. John John- ston and Miss Jean Stanley of Lan- don, • M. and Mrs. Ed, Robioson and eons and Marie Noble of St. Augustine, and Mr, and Mrs. Ro- bert Eurchill and daughter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Ger- shom Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. T, K. Bibb, who had spent last week with Currie relatives in E. VVaevanosh, left on Friday for their home at .Harrow, Mr, William Currie accompanied them to Harrow for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnston of roti. havent nioney,,c, to bum - :react this You probably don't burn / your "spare" deniers but.. perhaps they vanieh any- I way. Why not put tho:e dollars to work—builflina . a substantial cash reeerve feu yeur future? An In- I vestors Syndicate plea will help yeti, Cel! e., Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 I WINGUAM, ONT. • 4 I John W. Waines n.n. 3, LISTOWEL Phone 1012 Illialece:retcote CANADA, LIMITED 1.11.9 off)cgsn..2hiar9.orricts PRaicIPA}cirlts In the early day's of motoring, aUtO Manaracturtng strove to put bigger and bigg•er wheels on their ears, , It was supposed to be a matter 'of the liigger the wheels, the better the ride. There was a practical consideratiole too. Wheels had to be big to take the car over the'euvernoue ruts in the roads of the day. It' got so tidictilous- that some ears needed a running board Of two .steps to get .paSSengers inside. A lot has heenedone sumo then to improve the ginootluiese of the. ride, and paved.roads are wily a patt of 114 -Although Ford has been fatiume for aTears for the tomfott of its ride, rep rawer seen so many improvements in one year than on the noW .Mercury. There have been si many, a single colninii couldn't list theiii att. You home to be .an engineer to understand seine of the eliangea, but you only have 10 drive the new Mereuty to appreteate all that's been done, The Mercury is in inch closer to the ,ground thib year; adding to the fattens Ford, road - bugging feel And improving the exiee of beetalling. • The tear shock absorbers- have been put at an 1.01iNt McDONALL angle that's more herizontal ("and what (lees this do?" you .might ask). It does tare things! there a softer ride ,and less shake as a, reault. e . , Ffora the spark plugs (Which are a stOry 1. VlainSts(yes) to the eihaiist eystene the Meeetity is a great neW car: The story of banovatiens is se interesting and inipoetaint /al like to tell you about than any -Untie you can drop arcikuid tee A took -see, • CeOvills 4* 04- • 4)(Sailjtti lutOFIWOY tiAlifol> OD. erPOSSEilili0141214S1 SAZ/15 a-4 SF/eV/CE 149viaia F-14c),,,E_ 4 .459 -CAVILLER, McINT6SH • & NXIAirt CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS " BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING kertott Wa Ontario