HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-10, Page 2Registering are Bart Blainey, Joy Fox and Phials Mason, all of Wind-
sor, as they arrived on Saturday for the P.Y.P.S, Rally, At the desk
is Miss Mary McMillan, Wingham,
• • .
e first league game,
them when they meet Hanover
gaested, by restraining each calf
while it is being vaccinated.
'Under the Act certain restric-
tions apply to the movement of
female cattle into supervised areas,
Full particulars with regard 'to the
nature of these restrictions may be
obtained from, your veterinarian
or agricultual representative.
Yours very truly,
W. P. Watson,
Livestock Commissioner.
United !,W.M.S. to
Pack Clothing Bale
WBONETER—Members of the
Woman's Missionary Society, Unit-
ed Church, will hold their regular
meeting hi the church on Friday
evening of this week, October lath,
at 8 p.m, All latlieS of the con-
gregation have been invited also
to the W.M.S. of Clifford United.
Church. The latter groin') will pro-
vide musical numbers," Mrs. Gil-
bert Howes ba the guest
speaker and the programme is be-
ing arranged by Mrs. Frank Earls,
Mrs. Jim Sande/toil and .Mrs,
Stuart Higgins.
The W.M.S. Will pack a bale of
new and good used clothing or
bedding to a needy community On
Not/ember 1st, bonations for the
bale will be gratefully received
and may be left at the elititcli be-
tween now and the date of pack-
Mg.*. Lot year two bales valued
at *485,00 were sent to a diettict
where the initiletet lied Seven
ehurebes in hie titre. Needless to
s4ty I,e Ifund the clothing
great help treble WOfk.
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
8,30 am-I.—F(01y Communion
11.00 aut, —Mortling Prayer & Sermon
p,fn.—Chr.l.iclt School
P',00 Ptayer & Sermon
* * *
Fri., Oct, 12th—Churth School Teachers' Meet-
ing at the Rectory
Tries. Oct. 1.6th--Evening Guild at the home of
Mrs. M.t)avis
w •
A New Drug
Specific for C.R.D.
ea Front Grocery
." Phone: Our Prices Are Lower
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep
411•1414111.1041.11110 111111k111=111111.04•11041111111•041110111111111.11411111.1.111=44•=11•00MIMINIM041111.11.1111,11,11111114111.1:111000,.
Young PI ople .Negister
Our thanks to 'the many,: people,who have 'ex-
pressed their interest in the page of last ,week's issue
of this paper de.voted: to National Newipaper Week
and activities iri Our own office arid.plant.', Manyhave
told us• that it was their first insight into the pro-
duction methods employed by a modern paper. We
would be glad to have you drop in anytime tb see our
equipment in action. But two at a time, please.
* 9.c
Patience is the motto for those Who are complete-
ly befogged about mail deliveries. The new truck
system has created the necessity for entirely new
schedules and it will take a bit of getting used to.
Ten to one you're not half as upset as the post .office
staff is right now.
Moans and groans are to he heard in some quarters
these. days as plans are impleMented to proceed with
the erection of the second addition to the public
school.. Another $80,000, expenditure in an already
burdened municipality is not, to say the least, the type
of thing most taxpayers really look forward to,
J ust a Moment though, Mon of us have never
serYjecLon the .publiC school. botd and are therefore
not as Understanding as we might' :be. Can you
imagine the criticism which. would Surely arise if the
members of the' board were to imitate the ostrich
with his.head in the sand and his posterior 'exposed to
the sift kicks of the' passerby? Whatiwould . the.
general,public have to say. about the bOard ltwo years,
from now when "school opening in September found
40 or 50 young scholars without classrooms?,
Additional school accommodation is, indeed, cost=
but it hats become the' coMmon 'need of every
healthy, cdinmunity in Canada. What is, more, it is
an encouraging sign that More and larger young fam-
ilies aregroWing with the years' into the age of re,
sponsibility and activity which will make Canada one
of the; great, nations' of the,motroW:
Would we be any happier if room after room in
our pUblic school had :to be closed for laCk of attend-
ance?' '
Cancer Society
'Met in Viingham
WROXETER.--A befthell of the
Canadian Cancer sootioty, Which
Was organized' In Whiglitirti reeen-
tly, held 1n Wingham town hall
last Friday night With two tepte,
eentattot froth title district iii
attenditnee. Literature arid filine
ate iitiallable for the diking;
hootaaantattvelt from the Goderich
blanch Were .'present to 'Oil:gain
how their Wee* :Cot the society IS'
carried ant. John iefekibboris
Witigitaiii, is thealiteSident ter this
district arid Mrs, NM .Currie Is
eeereteity. It is 'hoped' that this
district Will soon have en active
krid eficietiVt aindietY Wei+ doing
Its' part to Ain* out Cenral:II
Mrs, Gilbert How es
I ,Guest Speaker
WROitETEtte-MeS, v.
Bur rlatiari opened her home foe the
October meeting of tho Tuesday:
Starlight 060 of Wroxeter Vetted,
: Mira. In the absence Of the
1;itesidellt Mrs', Elated Cathere
presided and Mee, Ituth Mitaititi»
aid acted Sae SeerettitY.
A centeet Wile welt by Mee. leek
Mra. RAO+ Gibson read
the 3rd PSliirni. Ghat speaker
Was Mrs, Gilbert 'owes of ViirrotA
IRO, who SPolte Oh "'tear, end
Werty''. Meil. Archie Millie itiz
t4 the gierati to Meet at het
in NoVerisber.
47001( VgNiltS :MAO
Mr. George Wade raised the
frame work of his new atm), on
*Wednesday. The building is. 0040
feet and will have stables. and root
cellars Iliitierneetia
Mr. Nell. McGregor is nursing
a brOken rib, He was paging lip ,
Window One of Chia.beiffee new •
eetteges on 'the base line, when he
slipped and fell across a. joist with
the above result,
On Tuesday, Dr, Kennedy per-
formed e skillful operation en •
Mrs, Wight1nan of, Adrian,
when he removed: a large abdomi-
nal tumor, He was assisted by Dr.)
James MacDonald administer-
ed the chloroform:',Drs, Garin of
Clinton. and Johnston, of Adrian,
were also present. At -latest reports
Mrs, Wightman Was progressing
favorably, -
As Mrs. Tipling was driving up
the bill on the Diagonal Road on
Thursday night of last week, she
Was' rim into by Master Willie
Dawson, who was driving towards
the town at a professional gait. The
electric light shining, . straight
ahead prevented William from see-
ing the rig corning and hence the
sudden stop. Mrs. Tinting and two
children, Who Were with her, were
thrown out but were not seriously
Mrs. R. Ruacimea has rented the
old pork packing. building on Vic-
toria Street and- will' open up a
machine and repair shop in a few
0 - 0 e
A large number of the members
of St, Andrew's. Presbyterian con-
gregation together with old friends
of Rev., Jas: Hastle, the-first pastor
of the church, spent a very pleas-
ant social, evening in 'the church
on Thursday evening of last week.
There 'was a good Progriat and
refreShments were served and
many of the older members of the
congregation were pleased to have
their former pastor present with
them for the evening. Mr, nestle
found' many changes in the town
and in' his former gongregation
since leaving here over forty years
ago. Many incidents of pioneer
days were recalled in' the, conver-
sations during the evening.
The people of Wingharn gave the
boys of the Wingham-Company of
the 161st. Battalion a 'hearty wel-
come home on Thursday last on
their arrival shortly after two
o'clock via special., G.T.R. train_
from Camp Borden,, this being their
last leave before going overseas,
During the forenoon the differ-
ent business places and pablic
buildings on' Josephine Streg were
decorated with flags and bunting
and the town preSented a holiday
appearance when the boys arrived.
0 - 0 - 0 ,
Tuesday evening saw the inaug-
uratien of the popular game of
box lacrosse in Wingham when
Walkerton played 'Wingham and
won by 7 tai 1, This is the first
game the local boys have played
and they made a very creditable
blowing, the experience received in
this tilt will prove beneficial to
Junior Fanners;_ J.I.
Hold Annual Banquet
WROXETER—One hundred and
twelve were in attendance at the
annual banqUet of 1--lowick „Junior
Partnere and :Junior',Institute
in ,`;atirrieas,ahiiiitiltiW Vetir 4. Oh
Tuesday evening. Following the
dinner a variety programme in-
cluded two skits and musical num-
aileat speaker for the evening
was Rev. W. A. Young of Guelph,
padre at Ontario Agriculture Col-
lege, who, in a witty and inspiring
address,, compared farming in the
time of our grandfathers and now.
Chairman was president of Junior
Farmers David Dinsmore, Ruth
Toiler was pianiet. Members of
Gorrie Women's Institute catered.
Glenn Underwood and Jean Lohia
gave reports on the year's Pro-
gress, Warren ZUrbrigg thanked
the juniors for entertaining their
WROMETER e- At Worldwide
Communion service in Wroxeter
United Church Sunday Morning
the following new members Were.
received into church Membership
by certifieate and profeasionof
,faith. Vern Napier, Mr. arid Mrd.
Bruce Chambers, Mr. and late.
ketinetli *Michael, and Mr. and
Mrs. Fl. 11J. McLaughlin. Reif.
W. 3, V. Buchanan *twin charge
of the service and with the elders
welt ereed the Ilea/ inernibers.
Women's Institute
Meets on ;Wednesday
wEtoxgrort — Mere ereirteey
on the highWays is the mato for
the October meeting of Wroxeter
Women's Institute, which Will be
field hi , the conainutilty ball on
Wednesday alteenteni at 2.20. Mrs,
Harvey will give the Itaitto.
Highafra, safety Is the etibject to
be dieeUseect by Mrs. Allen Monte.
There 'will be a rePort of Guelph
area tontalon by Mrs, ,Otlbert
Howes, roll call, "A resolution
Would like to send to V.W,I.O.Y
Dr, H. IL and ,Mrs. Hethering-
ton of Brampton ,spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gal-
Mrs. G. A. Wearring, Concord,
spent the holiday week-end at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hunter and
daughter Susan Jane, Walkerville,
were holiday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Rey Hunter.'
Visitors With Mrs. 0. S. Mac-
Naughton during the week-end
were 111e. and Mrs. EclWard Hanle
and family, BroWnsailfe, also Mr,
and Mrs. Wm. Campbell of Owen
Sound, *
Miss It. Hazelwood, wh6 has
spent several months in Vaticottver,
returned home On VridaY.
Miss Win Munro of London
spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro,
Mrs. Ken Edgar, Mrs. Frank
Earls and Mrs. D. S. lVfacNaugh-
ton attended the North Huron
Presbyterial meeting of 'the Wo-
Mates IVfisSiotitury Society at Brus-
sels on Friday, Mrs. J. I-I. Childs
of London was guest speaker at
the afternoon session.
Mre, W. G. Gilt on has return-
ed home after spending a holiday
With her :daughter, Mrs, J. D.
MeGilliVray . Paisley.
Mr: and Mrs, Wm. Hart of St.
Catharines Spent the Week-end
with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Mart. Mr.
and Mrs, Lyle Hart and daughter
Patty Were also week-end visitors
in town,
Mr, and Mtg. Robert Ment-
gomerA Toronto spent the holiday
Week-end at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs, George Brad10
and daughter Maeyann of Toreirle
Spent the Weelf,end with tind
Mrs. S. H. 'Wylie end attended the
Wylie Cooke Wedding, where Mrr.
iltedity Was an attendant.
Dr. end Mrs, Glebe. Wylie arid
baby of nelleville are visiting the
faintedperetits; Mr. and Mrs.
Greet Wylie,
Mr, end Mrs. John Howes and
Jeannie, Chatintin, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs,
Howes. Mr. arid Mrs. Reuel
Deatlifilkit and son John or To-
ninth Were alSo 'visitors tit the
HoWes home,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. brown of
EsSor were holiday guests of Mr.
and MO, I): McLaughlin.
ColiefOones Vows
'setting for the wedding of Mildred
and chrysanthemums formed the
Roy Arthur Cullen of Gerrie. The
Heard on;Monday
Catherine Jones of Wingham to
Decorations of Oadical, dahlias
bride is the clapghter of Mrs, Ma-
tilda Jones of Wingham and the
late Mr. James Jones. The bride-
groom's parents are ROT, and Mrs.
Cecil Caen of Carrie,
The marriage eereinerlY Was per-
formed by Rev, Iver Botienha,m of
Bayfield assisted by Rev, Murdy
Getty of Wingham, at tile home
f Mr en Y. 1 SAlVYti. Cttaljenfsi4o
caeftpet;i.on, Weber 5th, at ,2,80, fol-
lowed by a lovely iniffet lunch re-lowed
in marriage by'' her
brother, Orville, of Lueknow, the
bride wore gown of
satin brocade, The, bodice styled a
sweetheart neckline With lily-point
sleeves, A. veil of nylon tulle of
finger-tip length ,was held by a Op,
trimmed With Orange blossoms and
etephentals, The . bride . Wore
string of Pearls With matching
earrings, the gift of the groom, She
carried a cascade of Better Time
roses and stephanotis.
The matron Of honour, MM. Wil-
mer 1i-eremite was beeomingly
gowned Ili A areas of. pink nylon
net over taffeta and carried a nose-
gay of Alt anti white gladioli.
Tile groom was attended by his
obtr ioaititteorrd,Mr. Gerald Callen, of
The bride's mother, received in'
One crepe with rose accessories,
With a corsage •of pink roees, ne-
sieted by Mrs., Cecil Cullen, step
Mother of tire grcrern, Who 'Wore
pearl gray, With corsage of pink
roses and stephanotis. Mrs. Caine-
bell, sister of the bride wearing
a blue crepe dress with pink trim
and corsage of pink gladioli, served
as hostess, at a buffet luncheon
to the many guests.
Later the bride and groom left
for a motor trip to Toronto, Ot-
tawa and other northern .points,
For travelling the bride's dress Was,
rose with chareoal brocade, with
matching hat and gloves and black
accessories. Her corsage was pink
roses and stephanotis,
Barry McQuillin
Wins First Place
ST, . HELENS—Barry McQuillin
brought further- honors to the com-
munity at the Western Ontario
4-13 Championship Show held at
London an Saturday.
Barry's calf, Scotty, won- first
place in the Shorthorn .division;
For his showmanship Barry won
first in the Shorthorn, 'divisipn,
first in the beef section and re-
serve grand champion of the show.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred .McQuillizi,
Mr. and Mrs. .Andreve,Gaunt and
Murray also attended 'the slow
while Mrs. John'Miller visited With'
Mr. and Mrs. John Sparkes.
, His many 'friends hope for the
speedy recovery of Mr. Arnold
Woods who suffered a severe cor-
onary thrombosis and is a patient
in the Wingham Geheral Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCabe, Mar-
vin and Brian of Windsor were
holiday visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs.
Carl, Johnston of Bluevale and
relatives here. On their. return
they were accompanied uy Mr.
John McQuillin,
The death of J. D. Anderson on'
Sunday morning came as a shock
to his many' friends in this com-
munity, The sympathy of a host
of friends goes to Mrs. Anderson
and the family,
Mr. Gordon Green of Princeton
was a holiday Visitor with his pa-
rents, Rev, and Mrs, B, F, Green,
Mrs. R, Woods,:. Mrs. Alex Mur-
die and Bob of Kitchener spent the
aediday Week-end at their .home
0411e.', ' Visitors' with ,Mrs, I), Todd for
ilte Thanksgiving week-end were
Mr. and Mrs, D. J. McIntosh of St.
Catharines and Mr. and =Mrs. Neely
Todd, David, Janet and Mary of
Mr, and MM. Gorgon Miller and
Larry of London were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Taylor. •
Mr, and Mrs. C. II, Cadman have
returned to, their. home after spend-
ing seveal months in Lacknow and
Mrs. F. McQuillin
Speaks on Cancer
sT, amr.Axg—mo. Prank Vie-
Quillin, .convener of home econee
mics and health gave an inthiltala
live and thotightptoVoking paper
at the meeting of the Women's
institute held iri the Ceratrithaity
Mali on Thursday afternoon., She
based her 'Verna:NO mainly on
cancer, Mrs, Andrew daunt, the
president Wtte in the chair and
there were 22 ladies in attendan ce,
Mrs. -a. mtiotihfiq%ott agreed to
be a leader for the girls' that Pro-
ject oil sleeping garments ` With
Miss JeanAltehistor es aSeeterit.
Five dolbaiii4 was voted to the'
C.N4.13. :We. Andrew Gaunt Was
appointed as a delegate to the
area convention in London.` An
Irivitatieit front the Wintethierelt
ladies to their theetirig on Taos,
day evening, October tith was
More, Ntaotitiotsou teed an article
by Padre Young on If you ask
me work is a' blessing instead of
itt curSe u,. Phyllis Barbour &Voile.
ed with a solo ''Counting Yotit
,Eleestrigs". Jean. Altehlatiti. gave .
a reading "What to rot** and
What to Remeniber". Mrs, 'Charles
McDonald gave two , toeing, "Au
Old Prayer" arid "Recipe tot a
Happy Day".
A Remo-At -ailed bay service was
disetieSed end it was agreed to
procure a wreath to be placed on
the cenotaph. At the 06101106h a
stieltil hour was enjoyed with Mts.
Cilierles Maloriald and MiSt Jean
Altehiebit Ae hottesset.
York , 20 or. Club House 16 OZ.
Fancy PEAS .. , 19c Peinut Butter • , 42c
'CORN . ... 2 for 29c
StokelPs Fancy '111 oz. Monarch 7 'be.
nensches choice 28 in. No. 1 Ontario 75 lbs. TOMATOES 2 / 49c POTATOES .. $1.60 y.
5 bag kits - bag $1.60' Libby's Cooked 20 oz.
. SPAGHETTI 2 /3 7c
Fresh, cello• - 20 or. Maple Leaf Sockeye 734 oz.
CARROTS 2 for 21c SALMON . • ..49c
McIntosh Fancy Bushel.
APPLES , $3.49
ghtilttl TWo ',Ilia 'Wingtouro Advium30.10.4ei., w000ksio, tliet. Jf1, Imo
Saturday will see the annual fat rummage sale,
sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingtain
General Hospital, This year the event is to be held
in the and if past history means :anything the
crowd of buyers is likely.to lie a large one,
We know of few organizations whiCh are more
deserving of .support.. The members of the Aux-
Wary don't spend very much of their time. in social
chit-chat„, but rather are they occupied with the
practical tasks of providing linens and many other
necessaries for the comfort of the patients ,at the
Despite the fact that money is available in vast
sums for the construction of a new, hospital addition,
the ladies carry on, as they have for. many years, "with
the tasks which only,busy hands can bring to fruition.
• Take. time now to rummage out those articles
which you no longer need and see that they are de-
livered to the arena on Friday. If you can't get there
yourself,. call either 31 or 208 and your contribution
will be picked up.
Now that's a silly question, isn't it?: Only those
who are mentally off ,the beam are ever guilty of
arsonl — Don't be so sure.
Fire Prevention Week is specifically planned to
make every indiYidual consider himself as a possible'
firebug, unconscious of the fact though :he may be,
A large percentage of the 1,30Q fires whieh.break out
each 'week in this country are innocently caused by'
the careless arsonists who simply fail to fake the ne-
cessary precautions.
Bearing in mind the horrible toll of human life
Which was taken -by fire last winter, each one of us
should spend a few moments in fearful contemplation
of the- fire hazards around our own homes and places
of business — and then act at once to _eliminate even
the smallest possibility of danger.
The Wingham AdvanceiTirnes
Published at "Wingham, Ontario
!Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor
Member Audit Bureau of Citetilation
Autithrized as Second Class Mail, Poet Office Dept.
SubscriPtieri Rate —One Yeat MOO, SIX Months $1.50 in advance
U.S.A. $4.00 pet year Foreign Rate $4.00 per year
Advertising Bathe on applidatiett,
Dear Cattle Owner; •
The toWnships' elf I-thron County,
with the exception of Hey, "Osborne
and a/MI(1110 were 'designated as
supervised areaS;under the 'Brucel-
losis Act, 1950 on 'October 1st.
Thereafter all female calves must
be vaccinated within the ages pre-
seribed in the Act, and the cost of
vaccination be borne by the
Province of Ontario. Inasmuch as
the services of township inspectors
are being dispensed with/ it be.'
'comes the• responsibility 'of each
cattle owner to make arrangements
.for the vaccination of his, calves
mid those who fail to carry out
this requirenient may be charged,
with an offence under the Act.
Insofar as possible- 'every cattle
owner will, have the privilege of
having his calves vaccinated by a
veterinarian of his own' choosing.
.Consequently :every practicing vet-
erinarian will be given an oppor,
thrifty Of participating in the pro-
gram. In order to ,qualify for re-
muneration it will be necessary for
the veterinarian :to enter 'into an
agreement with the minister of
agriculture, and each one who signs
an agreement will receive a certi-
Beate of his appOintment. Under
the -circumstances cattle owners
should make certain that a veteri-
narian has an agreenient with the
minister before placing a request
for vaccination .services, otherwise
they may be liable for the cost of
Calves may, he vaccinated after
reaching four months of age and
Must be vaccinated before • becom-
ing nine months of age. Thus a
calf born on January 1st may be
vaccinated anytime between May 1
and Septeinber 30 of the year of
birth. Incidentally, notice that a
calf is available for vaccination
may be given after it is four
months old, but must be. given' be-
fore it is eight months old,
;In addition to notifying a veteri-
narian. that Calves are 'available
fOr vaccination the cattle owner
must assist the veterinarian, if re-
The Wingham Fiae Brigade held
a very successful euthre and danea
in the armouries on Wednesday
evening the object being to raise
•furide to purchase new uniforms,
Iminediately after lunch the
ners were announced for games
and lone h4irals for the ladies, Mrs,
Ed. Hawkins, games; Mrs. W.
Phair, lone hand's, For the men, G.
Thompson, games; J., 0, Habltirk
for lone hands.
The Bell factory which has been
a land'anarlr of 'the town, hae pass-
ed Into the hands ' of a, wrecking
firm of Toronto, who this week
commenced to tear it down. This
building. has not been in use for e*
number of years and had fallen
into disrepair. •
0 - 0 - 0
An event of special interest was
celebrated on Sunday,' October. 5th,
the occasion being the 75th anni-
verkery of 'Each& Presbyterian
Church. In the afternoon a Coven-
anters service, as in 1560, was held.
Members of the congregation tak-
ing; part in . the service Were, ses-
sion Clerk, Peter McDougall, gird
readers, David Fortune and Leslie
Fortune. The service of praise was
led by a; precentor, John• S.,,Mac-
Donald, of South Kinloss„
On Saturday of this week local
BO Scouts will hold their annual.
Apple Day, ;Members of, the troop*,
will' visit harries and sell on the
streets. Each -year *the 'public of'
this community nas been very gen-
erous but thaa Spouts Would appree-
late the making of Apple Dey' big-
ger and better than ever.
The Rummage , Sale which is
spon'sored every fall by the. Wo-
men's Auxiliary to the Wingham
Hospital will be held on :Saturday.
afternoon, October 18th at 2
&block in the Council Chambers.
The annual meeting of the'Wing-
ham Ladies' Rifle Club was held
recently and the following officers
elected, Hon. Pres,, Mrs. Grace
Webster; Pres:, Mrs. Myrtle Platt;
Vice-Pres., Agnes Williamson; Sec.-
Treas., Hilda Brown.
41.1061WW040,404.1,40gri.+1 000iMitiMAI*M 04 4 4,401141.6.114.140001.,040.41iiiiiptillAffilliMMOotHmiliti.
-- The manufacturers of the
very effective new soluble vita.
min K for the treatment of
hemorrhagic disease in' Pout.
try have released another new
drug, which is said to he spe-
cific for C.R.D.
Check with us right away
and avoid, costly losses
due to C.R;D.
',DA. Brand 3, 6 oz. '
a 4 lb. jars
16 anti .112 oz,
NOXZEMA Skin Cream
For a limited time: '- A 6 oz. jar for
SACCHARIN TABLETS 4c 4c IA grain - .101ret 500's, 1,000's
C, I, 2, 4 lb. jars '
SPECIAL - 10 ounce Economy size jar only
TOOTH' PASTE 279c Save 35c - Get the,p7c tube I.D.A. Paste at .,,, for
I.D.A. Weekly
24c, 49c
Agency for—
DuBarty, Hudnu1,
Ayer 'and Reilori
Phone 18
Animal Health
1111 llllllllllll 1 iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111111111111111111/ iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 iiiiiiiiiiii 1111'111s,iii iiiii
59c, 98c, $1,69
29c, 49c
59c 'ko