HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-10, Page 1.177,97
e .
GROSE ERROR—Somehow word
got around towir this week that
Whitney Grose, Ed Make and one
i.. of the Lee boys had taken off for
= New York to set the World Series.
There wasn't it word of truth in
rumor, all three Were sorry to
Now' we ,find out that 'the'106, sea-
son has seen more ball games in
the local park than 'ever before.
Unfortunately there were less
People, out to see them than jn pre-
Vious years. More than a' bit, dis-
couraging for both players and.
management.'— .
• (1-0,0
,ently traffic exhorts buyeawaicen-
ecl to the fact that the average car
driver decant see •too Well. In.
Waltham' the stop signs haVeall
been treatea , to 'a red., background
on which white letters stand ,out
sharply.. On Ontario highways the
curve' and other; directional signs
have': beep changed "to black• on
yellow, while, signs which indicate
routes to various, towns, and.cities
are white on green;
'THEY 130 STAR'!' BARI,,Y—Al-
ready the juvenile jokesters, have,
been operating..on windows along
the main , steeet with seaP.and wax,
a full month befoie Hallowe'en, the
occasion. which :is sapPbsed to 'Woe
vide a one-night excuse iorasuch
shenanigans, The joke ,'.gets more
than a wee bit stale ,by the 'time'
busy pioperty owners haver , ata
tempted to: keep their ''windows
clean for a month, a
Wilkinson's new apartment build-
ing, located behind' his store on the,
est side,. of Josephine Street, ,is
regressing, with the`, exterior of
the structure nearing completiOn.
BIG SHOOT—Over . 1.00 marks-
men from this district turned out.on
Monday afternoba to eompete in,
the shooting match- sponsored by
the Wingham Sportinen's Associa-
tion. The sheet was held an a gra
vel pit on the laluavale react' jest
east of the junetiOn." Live .fowl
Were offered as, the prizes,'with
classes open for both 'shotguns and
rifles. • • '
The anga,genient is announced of
Agnes'Doreen Carrie, Reg.N.,
daughter of Mrsa.Rabrirt• J.•Currie,
Wingham, and the lateaRoaert J.
Catrie to Welter'', Deitigla,s aline-
sea, son of Mr. ,arid Mrs. W. D,
Simpson, TeesWater, The wed-
ding will take plate Sattirday; Oc-
tober 27th at 2.30 • pon. in - the
Wingham United Olairela
Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Donald', of
Geelph, wish to announce the• en-
gagement of their youagest'ilaugh-
ter, Norma Mitatikla to Ronald
Thomas Short, 'sea of; Mr. .'and
Mrs. Lawrence Short, Fergus' The
wedding will take place in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Guelph„ on
Saturday, October 20, :he 4 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster' Jacklin,
Wrogeter, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Nora Clara
to' Mr. Douglas Kaufman, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Kaufman, 21
Mansion St., Kitchener, 'Lir wed-
ding Will take place Oetober 27 at
5 o'ciech .at St. Paul's •Lutheran
Church, Kitchener. • F10*
The Wiagiram.Balage Club is be-
ing re-orangiied with a number of
new members expected: Any per-
aona interested in jaining are in-
vited to the ..first meeting of this
season' at the, recreation room of
the Firemen's 'Fiala on Monday
evening, October 13th at 8 o'clock.
Annual Turkey Dinner will be
held in Brussels United Church on
Monday evening, Oetober
from 6.30 to' 8' "pan. A Varied
program will follow the supper.
Admission $1.26 and 600. Flab
BOWLING LEAGUE a Ladies' Tlit'r'e d ay afternoon
Bowling' League begins Octoaek
sharp,_ Interested
Members call Mrs. Alton Adams,
pinkie 233. F10b
Will be held in the Council
C'hambe'r, Saturday, October 20th,
3 to 6 p.m., Draw to, be made on
ele e tate f rap att. F10,17to
acilibdicekltyo, ease back 'Alia hot jninp
trite the construction project t90
when it was posaibie that tile Mort-
0 market Might be in 4 healtbieX,
staoItef, ws i ne C Cc 0 tuhl ed 0:ajvceet 1 4 tv ea an 'tlo pgeert
money as inexpensively as pogaible.
eent of the taapayera' MeneY by
waiting it would be worth it," said
the mayor, ',
if °ItnewOlnueldmbbeer pg)pfsatihblee'Ptoea rraqisilesktaede
money locally, but doubts were
raised la this regard.
Wilfred White, contracter for the
addition, who was also present at
the meeting was asked. Wile could
hold off Construction work. until
the, spring. He replied that if work
did not begin in a few weeks he
vico'eArnutltrdeare th. acvaere ftuollywait ' for •several
months and that this delay would
the contractors te bold off and put
he thought it would be unfair to
tvveen aow and the spring was an-
oo pt mhi neio. n. w hp ,ro:iatT eieamwtthlooa tbweatsfea4ci,te. de clog rd hti as
possibly cause several ,complica-
atir vAthwihthimSalleibie°11tra,et-"s as well
them in a difficult position: The
could inerease 'considerably be-
spend the winter months on the
contractors, had', considered this
tact when they tendered for the
job and he, • as well as the sub-
fact that building material prices
Board member :Herb Fuller said
coriaidering all
the difficulties the board decided
that the arrangements ahould be
made as quickly as possihle to sell
the debentures,.at the best price ob-
tainable and to start the censtrue-
Lion of the new addition at an early
Wingham Residents
Married 50 Years
On Wednesday afterneon, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Garniss' delebrat-
ed their golden wedding anaiver-
sary at thear home in Lower Wing-
As 80-year-old Mr. Garniss apd
his 72-year-old wife cut:their, thl-ee-
tier anniVersary cake .'to the' ap-
realise of a host of frienclsa,akid
'relatives, the couple recalled tae
day 50 years ago when they OWere
married by the Rev, Geergaaaker,
at BroWntown Church, .ia '1Vforris
TOWnthhip. • ' °
'Said Mr, Garniss, "The aun
shining on Us 'today just as it was
on our Wedding day."
Mr. Garniss' brother Charles, who
was groomsman at the wedding,
and who is now in his 90th yeaa
-gave a toast in which he expressed,
the wish that the sun would shine
on the happy couple for many
years to come.
The lady who was bridesniaid at
the wedding, riow Mrs. Jack Gar-
niso, and hor husband of Toronto,
were also present.
°there wno attended -Were Mr.
ana Mrs.."aarniss"", folir children,
Mrs. Leifle ,Melalaugalla, Mr. Harry
darniss, Bokert Thompson, all,
of Wingham and,Mrs. Jack Thema-,
son, of ° Twenty-three
grandehildren and 20 treat-grana-
children were also present. ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Gagniaa have, lived,.
in Lower Witigharnfo,v the past 18
yeara Beeere that time. they farm-
ed in Morris Township.
Joins CKNX Staff,
Miss Betty Ann Giesler, formerly
of the office staff of Larsen and
ShavV, •Walkerton, has joined the
staff CKNX as assierant to Miss
Margaret 13rophy, in the women's
1Vliss Giesler commenced her
duties at ClaNX on Tuesday.
txperienc:ed rifleman, Percy Biggs, of Witighart, coine along to Watch the shooting event held just
gives a. few pointers in the art ef the sheet to otitaide Wirighaan oa Moaday of this Week,
yeaaabld Donald Young nf LticktioW, Who had
Wits; which is sornalgemited the G?rrie Vidette end Wrozeter 'News
by The radimitrtan
Me/inhere Of the .WhIghalla
Bitahless Association are asked
.to meet in the council clumdier
at 8 o'clock next Monday even-
tag, Detah” /.5,
This meeting is a particularly
important one as far as the
merchants of the community are
concerned, 'for at this time the ,
details of the Christmas Sailta
Claus promotion will be dis-
cussed, Other business will also
• be handled at the same ,gather-
The executive of the Assoeia-
tion is particularly anxious that.
,qty good representation of the
Businessmen be on hand for
Monday evening's meeting..
School Construction to Proceed .gin
Spite of Debenture Sale ..Proble*1:,.
Tvvo distinguished visitors to St.
'Andrew's Presbyterian Church ar-
rived •on Sunday afternoon. They
we Sir Francis and Lady Ibiam,
who are at this time on a visit
to-Ontario churches and 'who, dur-
ing' the 'next 'two months, will visit
Canada from. coast to-coast.
o Sir Francis Akanu Ibiam was
born. in Nigeria,. a member of the
Ibci tribe. He received' his early
edtieatiop aat. the Hcipe Waddell
Training- School of the Church of
Scotland Mission and continued his
studies at Kinga College,. Lagos.
entered the medical faculty 'of
:of St: Andrew's University in. Fife-
sait,e; 'Scotland. After graduation
he ',asked to serve among his own,
peoPle ;with the , Church 'Oa, Scot-
land Mission, Sir -Francis, served in
mission hospitals at Itu and Ubliru,
and' for .a time at A,biriba, a hospi-
tal ..which he opened himself and
of which he was the only doctor:
His Christian services were pub-
licly ,recognized when he was nam-
ed .in the New Year Honoufs in
1951 and was awarded. the, K.B.E,
He 'received the accolade daring
the-'recent visit of Her Majesty,
Queen Elizabeth to Nigeria in Feb-
ruary of last year.
,Lady Ibiam is a .Nigerian of the
Yoruba tribe„ who was trained ats
a nurse in London, England. She
has One outstanding work in as-
'slating Sir Francis as a voluntary
nursing sister.
The' equate arrived at 'St.. And-
rew's. Church shortly after three
o'clock, Sunday afternoon and were
received by the Rev. Alexander
Nimmo, minister of the church,
and Miss Mary ,Scottlk secretary of
the London-Hamilton Synod Yount
People's Society,
The noted couple were then in-
troduced to officials of the Y.P.S.
and Were welcomed to the Fourth'
Annual Rally which was held at
the church -during the weekaend;
Addressing the rally, Sir Fran-
dis 'spoke about tae excellent work
the society is doing and said that
it gave him a ecat 'deal of plea-
sure to speak to the young people
on the important occasion of their
annual gathering,
Cancer Society to
Hold Conference in
Listowel Next Month
The Wingham Branch of the
Canadian Cancer .Society , held its
first meeting of the season in the
council, chambers on Monday night
of last week.
The president, John MeKibbon,
Was in the chair and after a short
business sesSion 'turned. the meet-
ing over to the guest, speaker 'for
the evening, Robert Sperling, areal:-
dent 'of the. Goderich„Brarach., a.ar,
Sperling explained to the Organiza-
tion the committees and duties of
the Canadian Cancer , Society. He
brought with him Fted Sturdy,
chairman of the education com-
mittee of the •Goderich Branch,
who gave a short talk on his duties
and, purpose.
The Canadian' Cancer Society is
having a 'conference in Listowel on
Novernbeia3rd, from 9.30 a.m. to
4,00 p,m. Anyone front 'this area
who is interested in this fine
Work is requested to attend, Any-
one wishing to attend please get
in touch with John McKibbop or
the secretary, Mrs, Jas. A. Currie
by October ,22.
Watch this paper for notice of
the next meeting to be held in
Wingham, when it is hoped that. a
large 'attendance Will be on 'hand.
WiaA.A. Annual
1n ;Wingham Hotel
The anhual meeting of the Wes,
tern Ontario Aahletic Association
was held irt the hotel Branswick
on Wednesday 'night, About thirty
members of the Association sat
down to dinner prior to the meet-
ing. Report, of the gathering will
appear in next issue.
'at their
More than 200 young peOple" ar-
rived in Wingham over; the week
end, from fowns within the SPIN
of Hamilton and Leedom% They
came to Wingham to take part, in
the Synod's fourth annual fall. rally
organized by the Presbyteriaa
Young People's Society and held, in.
Wingham this fall ' for, the :first
would bq the outeorne of the Rally.
Two Wingham girls, ,Mary. Scott
and Mary 'McMillan, both members
of the Synod P.Y.P.S. executive,
who had spent several weeks pia-
paring, for the, 'Rally, said that
telegrams and good wishes for the
success of the Rally had been ar-
riving at• the church; from all over
Margaret Hendry, first vice-pre-
sident, presided on Saturday morn-
ing and prayers were offered by
Rev. A. Nimmo, ReV. M. B. McNabb
and Rev. j. R. MacDonald.
The Rev. Wayne A, Smith was
the featured speaker on Saturday.
He chose as his theme, "A More
Excellent Way".
Discussion leaders on Saturday
included HoWard Salmon, presi-
dent of the P.Y.P.S.; Garry Mor-
ton,., John Allan, Donna Truscott,
Kay Ferguson and Mary Chalmers.
In. the .eveeing a banquet was
held, the chairman being John Al-
lan, convener af. Evangelism and,
Stewardship. An :entertainment
followed and the day's activities
were brought to a cies° by Rev,
W. K, Palmer, honorary president
Of the group,
Sunday morning services includ-
ed communion at 9.30 and the mor-
ning service at 11 a,m. A song ser-
vice, discussions and a Missionary
rally, at which Mary Scott, of
Wingham, missions convener, pre-
aided, Look place in the afternoon,
Fair Francis and Lady Ibiam at-
On Sunday evening the installa-
tion of officers was held after the
evening' service in the church.
afro n day morning the, young
people attended services and dis-
cussion groups at which Jean
Clark, secretary, presided.
Plana for the fall rummage sale
were completed when the Ladies'
'Auxiliary to Wingham General
Hospital held their October meeting
in the council chat/ibex% This aaleas
on Saturday afternoon, Octobea 13,
in the Wirigharn Arena, Commit-
tees were forreelt and helpers ar-
During the, month, two sewing
groups had been kept busy 'with
the ineading, While other groups
Made new articles, The cutting
toreinittee reported 241 articles
ready to he sealed. Authority was
given for the purchase of blankets,
ailloWs and sheeting,
Further plans were made for the
fiftieth anniversary tea of the
auxiliary to be 'held la the &nitwit
chamber bn the afternoon of. Sat-
urday, October 27 and to which the
whole toreintreity ,is Invited.
The president, •rs. B, fe.
Kinney presided at the Meeting.
On Tuesday, October 2nd„ one of
the' biggest barns in alowick Town-
ship' was •destroyed by fire. The
'barn, owned by Everett, Zurbrigg,
was situated on the and, concession
south of Fordwich,
The fire was iirK noticed by
Mrs. Zurbrigg who was in the
house at the time and saw a glow
Most of the farm implements,
which were stored in theqdriving
shed, were saved. Dainage was es-
timated at about $20,000.
Another barn fire 'on Tuesday
of this week occurred in Lower
,Wingham. A small barn belonging
'to Ted Foxton was destroyed and.
one calf died in the blaze. Wing-
ham fire brigade prevented the
'on Parades
The regular meeting of the. Cub
and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was
held, on October 3 in the Legion
Hall, The meeting opened with
the Mothers' Promise and' the pre-
si'dent, Mrs. W. Congram, tread a
poem, "Training the Other Wo-
man's Child".
A short sing"-song followed, led
by Mrs. J. Batespn with Mrs. G.
Davidson at the piano.
The minutes were read and the
roll call taken by the secretary,
Reports were given by the treasura
er Mrs. J. Strong, and the sewing
convener, Mrs. M. Keating. Cor-
respondence was read by the sec-
retary and several items of busi-
ness discussed.
Mr, Herb Fuller entertained
the group with Moving pictures
taken of several Cub and Scout
parades and also other pictures of
local interest. Mrs. Madill thank-
ed Mr. Fuller on behalf of the
group. Refreshments were served
and a social hour enjoyed.
Mayor R. E. McKinney, speaking
to members of the 'Wingham Pub-
lic School Eoard at their meeting
on Fraley night advised the hoard
that this was a poor time for them
to go into the money market with
the sale of debentures for a school
The school board, hewever, decid-
ed to proceed With their plans to,
construct an addition to the school
as °quickly as possible,
The 'Mayor had been requested
4) attend the meeting to give his
views on the raising of funds for
the erection of a 'new wing at the
school which is to cost in the
neighborhood of $80,000, With Mr.
McKinney at the meeting •was
Councillor Elmer Wilkinson, chair-
man of the finance committee.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Godkin
spent .the week-end at' St. Thomas
at the home of her 'brother, Mr.
Wilfred Murchison, attending a
family dinner on Saturday before
IVIr. and Mrs, Gordon Murchison
of Ottawa, leave next week to make
their home in Florida. However,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Godkin were
surprised 'to find that the family
had gathered to honour them, on
the twenty-fifth anniversary of
their marriage, and Mr, and Mrs.
Godkin were presented with a
beautiful bouquet of autumn mums
and roses and other gifts and re-
membrances for the occasion, The
guests present were, Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Murchison, of Ottawa, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Bloomfield of
Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Duncan
Murchison and Joan of Toronto,
Mr, and. Mrs. Wayne Murchison
and daughters of London, and Mr.
and Mrs, Herb Elston and children
of London,
- To -ring-the 'changes an lire an-
elent adage—aAn apple a day keeps
the boys. at play”, the boys being
the members of the 'Wingham Wolf
Cubs and BO Scouts and their
"play", ranging from campfire
siegsongs to doing good deeds, is
a vital part of their training,
Scouts and Cabs are taught that
money should be ' earned rather
than begged, so all over the world
Scouts set aside a certain amount
of time daring the year to go out
and earn some money for Scouting.
The Apple Day idea was started
in Canada more than 25 years ago.
ft began originally as• means of
giving value for money received
instead of receiving donations.
On Saturday the Scouts and Cubs
of our town will be on the streets
and around to the homes selling
apples. The boys are once again
working for a cause, and one they
believe in—a cause that threugh
the years has- encircled the world
and has done a tremendous amount
of good.
You can help the boys by giving
generously, so take a leaf out of
the Scouts' book arid be prepared, !
Help the boys to help othemselves.
Incidentally you'll enjoy the apples!
Sir, Francis and Lady ibiam, Nigerian uhris-
dans, -are introduced to Miss Mary Scott, of
Waltham, by the Rev. Alexander Nimmo, minister
of St. A'ndrew's Preabyteiimi Church Sir Francis
Celebrate Golden Wedding ,
Mernbera of Gerrie
serve a hot turkey shaper in 'Goirie
COmmunity Hall, Friday 'evening,
Oct, 19, 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Adults,
$1.25; under 12, 60e. FlOh
Come, bear and Seetire Word of
God in aetien. Bting the eitati'
lathe, lined, deaf and dillah. We
have a message Of deliVefanee fer
here. Jesus answered and acid
again these tillage Whiali Ye do I Ma. and Mr.. Martin Gateias cut the gdicteri wedding take
pinto their!, "Go atid • slieVir John
hear and see," is 1.x:4.. Vlt, W. home Wednesday, when they celebrated their 'fiftieth
Lodeia FlOb ariniVeraara With their fel-Villa,.
and. Lady Ibiam visited the church on Sunday. and
addressed the members of the Presbyterian :Yoking
People's Society at their fah rally.
et work in Listowel. The Wing-
Over 200 Delega es Attend.: ; chaaimiedRatinrad,
— • trated on saving a large driving
Rally at
t.- An rew s . Y.P.. .
. ,,,, ,Larveecithae i= -hbayd ledtotnineginiut cohutdabme:
' shed near the barn. Neighbors
inT the haymow. Mr. Zurbrigg was •
'In a message of welcome the Rev. .,fire from spreading to nearby Alexander' Nimmo;minister of St
Andrew's Presbyterian Church`., said , •
that although Wingham- was hot •a 5 Earlier' on Tuesday Wingham
large centre, what it lacked in Size brigade answered a call to the
it would More than make up in home of Charles Robinson, on ,
quality. The Session and Manag- Diagonal Road, Wingham, and ex-
ing Board were happy that the tinguished .a chimney fire. Only
Young People had decided to come slight damage was done.
to Wingham and that they were ,
looking forward „ to the aairituad, k+, ,, a' enthusiasm and uplift that the rally a
was sure to bringa Mr. Nimmo con' Scout ,Mothers See tinued by thanking the, gatheriag '., •
once again for coming and said he Film hoped that Many lasting benefits'
Reading a letter Which he had
received from finarcial experts, Mr.
McKinney said that they advised
a "go slow" at the moment, to
wait Perhapa until after the U.S..
electioa was over before trying
to make debenture sates,
• The U.S. election, it was explain-
ed causes the bond market to flue-
tuate and at present the market Is
falling off sharply, Because of
this aituation the sale of borate at
a reasonable figure has become dif-
After he had read the view of
the' city experts, Mayor McKin-
ney said at would be clear to the
board how tight things are at pre-
„sent and that the reason they had'
been given this inforrriatiena was to
see if they could find it at all pos-
Several members of the Wing-
barn Branch of the Canadian te-
glen attended the DiStriet C eon-
vention held in Durharn core/Min-
ity centre on Sunday.
In all, more than ail!) delegates,
representing, 18 Legion branches,
Welt part In the convention, which
was officially opened by Mayor
Prittil Irwin, who extelidea a 'Wel-
eoine on behalf of Durliain and ita
Provincial Liberal leader Irarou-
har Oliver, M.L.A. for south GreY,
brought greetings frein the pro-
vince anti ArldreW Beblimon, ar.
for Bruce, represented the HeUse
of CoRtutlena.
New 00!•Ora Ware PreSonted to
District C by David L. Burgess, of
OttaWa, The telors were accepted
by Rolland Fell of Guelph, :District
C comilakeder.
A/tong several resolutions paSS ,
oci Was orie urging an increase in
War Veterans' tillieWancea to keep
level With the existing high Cost
of living.,
Honored by Family HI BOARD DECIDES
On 25th Anniversar
The regular meeting, of the Wing-
ham District High School board
was held on Tuesday eveniag.
A. D, chairman of
the finance committee, stated that
school expenses would have to be
kept as low as possible for the
next three months,. Be told the
board that the fitting of one pane
of glass, replacing a broken win-
I dow at the school, 'had cost more
than $28. In fact, said Mr. Mac-
William, the total .cost of repair-
ing broken windows had reached
the sum of $435. It was stated,
however, that future repairs would
be less costly since -the sehool now
has a supply of glass and would
be, able to do the repairs much
more cheaply because of this, Con-
struction machinery, which had
been lying at the bottom •iif the
school field for a considerable
time and which nobody seemed to
want, should be sold as junh, de-
eidecl members of the board. _They
had asked some time ago that
whoever owned the machinery re-,
move it, and at the time had given
a period of ten days ip order that
this Might he done. No One 'had
come ferward and it seemed that
no one would.
Board, member j. S, Armstrong 'of
Brussels, announced to the board-
that one of the members,. W. P.
Todd, who is also a member of tas
finance committee, was leaving'
Brussels in the near future and
would therefore not be attending
any further meetings of the Bbard.
School Principal, W, S. Hall,
read the school enrolment report
and said that the total enrolment
was 469 pupils. During September
the attendance was 94.5 per cent.
Mr. Hall said that it is hoped
to obtain jim Coulter, an ex-pupil
of Wingham High, who is at pre-
sent on the staff of the Stratford
Teachers' College, .to give an ad-
dress at the High School Com-
mencement. Mr, Hall informed the
Board that the Athletic Society had
been formed with Dr, W, A. MC-
Kibbon as honorary president of
the boys and Jean Thomson hona
orary president of the girls. -
A heating system for the school
barn was' discussed and it was de,
cided to wait until the matter of
costs and types of systems could
be gone into in greater detail,