HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-03, Page 10't • N or LL,,,P Sponsored by Wingham. Sportsmen's Assoc. Slim Boucher, Pres. ...... _ ..... When It Comes to Advertising. It Pays to Hire the Whole ffand. Advertising is never profitable when it's hied out as a "one shot” affair. The Wingham Advance-Times offers the f range of instruments b v i•Ych ,the print- ed word can be made your servant. Illustration service, casting eoluipment, typesetting depart/lit loth-engraving plant and concentrated, guaranteed circulation in the Wingharii shopping area all combine to provide for the consistent advertiser the best value for each dollar spent. People who' ive and shop in this area depend on The Advance,Times to bring them up to date on happenings in the community. The good merchandiser uses The AdVance- Times to keep readers up to` date on the goods, and services 'he has to offer. kaa' Advertising in The Advance-Times is not an experiment. It has been proving its worth for the past eighty-five years. tlitiperial,with by far Canada's most extensile oll'4 research facilities, has spent 20 million dollars Jiver the past .tr yeatsim,research alone, impertel spent 65 millioe In the soar period directly on new_ equipment lo 'Improve gasoline quality, eistiog more and more nieney to make the gasolines required ( by toclY!.more powerful cent tersen struck out two and gave lip two hits in nt innings, The Wheatley club had two eta Tara while Wingham committed seven errors, truee Lotto' Tien tat- tertion and Tim Carepbell, 't elleeted single hits for Wingham, :•••----""47r4Wafts1RORPRIRRe',;144:'1 1?"' •`71.1% /Mr .17171 .1001‘ 4V 0V-40P6 4110004 1V0400000',, 50,60,N4'e Dancing School has re=opened in 'Wingharn Legiop Hall. Claes are held every-Tuesday afternoon from „$ p.na. until 8 pm, L S YOUR FAMILY SHOE •:s.roRE WINGFIAIVI Men's RUIIBEIt ROOTS Men's $3,95, $4.45, $4.95 110Ye 0,45 Women's $3.45 Children's $239 u,,69 f Brian Cronkwright and Robert Armstrong. Grade 1, Kenneth Tay- Joq and Lyle "s ii, IThrrie Cone ron and Newton Richardson; Joe Hill and Douglas Mowbray, Grade 2, Tommy Miller and John Par- rott; Kevin Fisher and Harold Jar,. din; Norman Garcia and Kenneth Skinn, Grade 3, Charles Keating and Barrie Smith; Bruce Golley :Hid Larry Aitchison; Warren Rich and Donald Carter. Grade 3, Rae Corrin anti Larry Taylor; Wayne Gordon and Ronnie Goy; Bryon Collar and Bobby JackSon. Grade 4, Jon Bateson and Wayne Seddon; Bobby Crowson aid Douglas Scott; John jay and Jimmy Scott, Grade 4, Robert Beattie and - Jimmy Na- smith; Robert Campbell and Rod- ney Cameron; Glenn Madill and Billy McKibben. • Running Races Grade 1, (Girls) Elaine Carter; Mary Joan Corrin; Melanie Harris. (Bays) Douglas Elliott; • Barrie - Ceram); Newton -,Richardson. . Oracle 1, (Girls) Joanne Dunbar; Ann Marie Meyers; Sheila Crew- son, (Boys) Downe Baker; Robert. Armstrong; Douglas Oarneron. Grade 2, (Girls) Brenda Ellacott; Janie Baker;. Patricia Sienna'. (Boys) Brian Carr; John Parrott; Norman Corrin, Grade 3, (Girls) Ann MeKibbon; Ruth Anne Hamilton; Rae Gurney. (Boys) Bruce Gauley; Spike Bak- ker; Jimmy Sims. Brade 3, (Boys) Ray Corrin; Leggett; Brian Collar. Grade 4, (Girls) Jacqueline Saint; Bonnie Jardin; Sylvia Hollo- way, -(Boys) Jon Bateson; Rodney Hickey; Joe Vanstone. Grade 4, (Girls) Judy Callan; H'leu Carbert; Joan Riehl. (Boys) Jimmy Nesmith; Robert Campbell; Robert Beattie, Junior Girls Standing broad jump—Beverley Cunningham; Mary Jane Messer; Susan Bennett. Running broad , jump--Susan Bennett; Jane Ann 'Colvin; Beverley Cunningham. I Novelty race—Mary Phillips; Faye Yee; Joana Redman.-Book-on-head Grade 1, Judy Irwin and Naacy Whitby; Judy Jay and Dianne Jef- frey; Sheila Crowson and (lather- ine Due/lame. Grade 2, Georgina Brooks, and Brenda latlaeott; Bar- bara Henry and Verna Hunter; Patsy Skiing and Joan Canteion. Grade 4, Joan ViThitby and Jacque- line .Saint; Bonnie Jardin and Lyn- da Sangster; Sandra Dunbar and Pauline Redman. Grade. 4, Susan Spry and Judy Callan; Joan Weld and Coralie Hammerten; Janice Henderson and Mayling Lein. (Boysa Grade 1, David Langridge and Warwick Hammerton; Robert Tiffin and Hawn) Macintosh; IAN—Janie Peyton; Mary Jane Slosser;. Sara Crawford. Three-lege ged reate-- Mary' Phillipa and Joan Redman; Esther NM: and Bever. ley Caineingliam; Brenda Wawa. nen and Jane Aim Colvin, 'Relay race-- Esther Kerr, Bever. ley Cunningham, Mary Jane Sloaa •ser, Brenda MeDerinan; Mary Pall, lips; Patsy Stewart, Betty Sang- ster, Joan Redman; Edna Map Armstrong, c Linda. Sue Crompton, Sheila Gibbons, Judya Steno. Soft ball throw—Joan Redman; Faye Yea; Brenda MeDeneatt. 75-Yard daah—Susan Bennett; Joan Red- man; Mary Phillips. High jump.a Faye Yco; Joan Redman; Janie Peyton. Junior -champion, Joan Redman; runners-up, Mary Phillips and Bev- erley Cunningham. -- Intermediate Girls. Standing elated jump—Shirley Lo- der; Freda Lott; Nancy Clark Running,. broad .jump—judith Mc, Kibbon; Dianne Deyell; Linda Templeman. High jump--i.+ redo Lott; Nancy Clark; Judith McKib- ben. Novelty race--Shirley Leder; Dianne Deyell; Judith -McKibben: Book-on-head race—Barbara Hall; Barbara Cameron;-Jane Salter, Re- lay race, Shirley Loder, Dianne Be-, yell, Linda Templeman, . Nancy' Clark; Jill Thompson, Freda Lott, Barbara Hall, laaye Yen;' Barbara Cameron, Janette Henderson, Joan Chittiek, Judith ajekibbon. dash, Shirley Loder; Judith Mc- Kibben; Dianne. Deyell, Softball throw—Linde. Templemin; Judith .Melaibbon; Barbara, Hall, Three- legged raceDianne Deyell and Joan Chittick; Shirley Loder and Nancy Clark; Jill Thompson. and Barbara Hall, ,. Intermediate champion, Shirley Loder; runner-up, Dianne Doyen, Senior Running race—Greer Dunlop; Betty, Ann Lapp; Karen Elliott, Softball throw—Jane Hethering- ton; Rota Brooks; Karen Elliott; Board on head race—Marilyn Chamney; Maureen Poyto n; ,Lynne Stuckey, Running broad jump-) etta Ann leapP; Karen E' hat, Rosalind Le(10, Hop, Step and jetty—Greer Dunlop; Betty Ann 1•41311; Sue Nesmith, 'Tnree- legead race—Greer Dunlop ,and Marilyn Chanmey; Sue Naarnith and Ruth HodginS; Rota, Redman and Bennie Stemma Relay race— Rota Brooks, Karen Pat- ricia Heywood, Sandra MacDera- nun; Jane Hetherington, Greer Dunlop, Ruth Hudgins, Sue Na. smith; Deanna Griffith, Susan: Mc- Arthur, Jean Jones, .Betty Ann Lapp, Novelty race—Sue Nesmith;' Jean Jones; Reta Redman, High jump --4110 Hetherington, Than Colvin; Betty Ann Lapp. Standing broad jump— Greer Dunlop; Sue Naamith; Vatrieia Heywood. • Champion, Greer Dunlop; run. ner-up, Sue Nesmith, ' Junior. Boyd Softball throw—Bob Lunn; • Geo. Kerr; Terry Merkley. Threp-legged rah Bob Lunn end George Kerr; Jimmy Lem and Douglas Camp- bell; George Rich 'and •Don Cask- anette. 75-yard dash—Bob Lunn; Douglas Campbell; George Kerr. Wheelbarrow race—Terry Markley and George Kerr; Bob Luna and Wayne Casiick; Fraser Streng and Martin Parnit„,s. Running hopa step and jump—Bgb Lunn; George'Kerr Douglas Campbell. Standing break, jump, Bob Liinn; George Kerr; Bill Yemen. High Jump—George Kerr.; Bob Limn; Fraser Strang; running broad jump—Bob Lunn; Geo. Kerr; Bill Yemen, Champion, Bob Lunn; runner-up, George Kerr. Intermediate Boys Softball throw—John Bennett; Wayne Riehl; Dennis Callan, Three legged race—Philip Adams and ,Brian Camdron; 'Dennis Callan and John Bennett; George Whitby and Jim Newell. Relay race—Paul Strong, Wayne Riehl, Dennis Cal- lan, John Bennett Philip Adams, Brian. Cameron, John Campbell and Barry . Thompson; Charles Sangster, 'Jim 'Newell, Eugene Shinn and' George Whitby. High jump—Dennis Callan; Wayne Rhiel Barry Thompson.- Standing, broad jump—Dennis Callan; John ;Ben- nett; Gordon Rintoul. Running hop, step and jump—Dennis Callan; Paul Strong; Barry Thompson. Running race—Sohn Bennett; Wayne Riehl; Paul Strong, Stand- ing hop, step and jump--John Ben- nett; Dennis Callan; Paul Strong.• Running broad jump—John Ben- nett, Dennis Callan; Eugene Skinn; Champion; John Bennett; runner- up, Dennis Callan.enio sBoa=s Running high jump—Barry Ful- ler; Bob Foster; Carry. Templeman. Relay race—Barry Fuller, Bob Crawford„ Byron Adams, Frank Riehl; Murray Kerr, Bob Foster, Garry Templeman, John Fryfogle; Douglas Spry, Edward Hand, John Strong, Donald Lee. Three-egged race—Murray Kerr and 'Frank Riehl; Edward Hand and Kirk Vankone; Paul Rintoul and Doug- las Hamilton. Run, hop, step and jump—Barry Fuller; Byron Adams Garry Templeinan. Running broad jump—Barry Fuller; Bob Foster; Byron Adams. Shot Put—Bob Crawford; Bob Foster; Byron Adams, 75-yard daala—Bob Poste/,• Byron Adams;, Barry Fuller.. Standing hap, step and jump-a'- Barry Fuller; Garry Templer-ow Byron Adams. Standing broad jump—Barry Fuller; Garry Tem- pleman; Bob Foster. • Ckampion, Barry Fuller; runner- up,'Bob Foster. WHEATLEY JUNIORS TAKE SEMI-FINALS The Wingham Juniors played to a aix-all tie in Wheatley last Wed- neaday afternoon. The game was called at the end of the eight in- nings because of darkness The Wingham club led 'through most of the game but costly errors proved to be the cause of the tie game. The Juniors Were leading' Wheatley 5-1 in the sixth inning and then the' roof fell in with Wingham making 3'errors, Wheat- ley took the lead by the score of Wingham tied the score in'tbe seventh inning 6-6. The 'two teams Were held scoreless for the 'rest of the gaine. jetty Fryfogle was MI the mound for Wingham, giving up'e hits and Striking out eleven. Thompson started for Wheatley and was re- lieved in the 5th inning'try '2'oung who was relieved by Navels in tbe 7th inning. Wingham collected 10 hits, The Wingham club committed 4 errors while. Wheatley played errorless ball. The Wheatley Sviniors advanced to the ail-Ontario finals when they defeated the Wingham Iutfiors 12-3 last Sunday afternoon. Bailey Was on the mound for Wheatley giving tip ,just three hits and striking out seven. .Terry rryfogle started on the Mound for °Winghartx and was relieved after OA infilegs, by Ron Patterson, laryfogle struck out 13 batters and gave' up nine hits, Pat- Got'nil Nod • (continued •from. page one,/ barn is growing, for .the population : has increased by about 40,in the past year, Through the addition oC 'new assessments and some adjust0 meat to existing figures the total. assessment has ipereased by about $40,000 to a total of $2,335,525.00 From this total deductions must be made .tor municipal, hospital, school ,and federal buildings, to leave a net assessment of -$1477,928, Population of the town stands at 2,745, '.rho assessor's roll was accepted, on /notion of Councillors Burgaian and Gorbutt, Cotirt 'of 'Revision if required, was set for the evening of Oe- Ober 29 at eight o'clock. Members 'of the court will be Mayor Malvin- ney, Reeve Adair, .Councillor Wil- kinsona R. 8; Hetherington and W, .H, French. No appeals have been received to date, No Promise oe.Ilridge. In response to a letter' urging Action on the areplacentent of the MacKenzie Bridge at the north end of the.• town, the Minister; of Highways replied that • the matter has not been overloo,k0U by the department hut pressure of new construction projects elsewhere has made it impossible to set any time for work on the bridge here,-, The Huron County engineer wrote ' a ,report • to council after Malting a limited examination of the bridge and dam at Howeon's mill, He stated his belief that ex- .tensiee repairs are needed to the structure and advised that a con- sulting engineer be engaged to make a full report on the condition of the dam. After some. discussion council de- cided to consult -such an engineer in the person of Mr, Ross at God- erich in order to determine .the cost of a full examination and re- port., The town's insurance .brokers advised an inerease. in boiler in- surance coverage from the present $5,000 to $50,090. The eoverage rep- resents public liability Insurance- in case of accident caused by• the boiler in the town ball. It was decided, however, to continue the insurance on the present basis. un- til 'such time,. as the brokers could give the council more information on • the matter, Application 'for a building. Per- mit for a new residence being erected by Harald Taylor was, ap- proved on motion of Reeve 'Adair and Councillor Garbutt. . . Reporting for the property com- mittee 'Reeve Adair said that the , council chamber, which is used ,for public meetings; had been redeco- rated and. new. blinds had been placed hi the rooma The .chairman of the fire com- mittee, Jack Gorbutt, reported that 300 feet - of new hose .had been • secured as well as 100 feet of, one- inch hose and several waterproof helmets for the, firemen. Industrial Committee. Councillor Earl Hamilton said that he had attended a meeting at Clinton last Wednesday evening, in which 'organization . was set up for.Zone.1 of the Mid-Western tario • Development Association,' Considerable work-has been done in suggesting to municipalities). throughout the area the type of ill—. formation .which' must he readily • available should the executives of larger industrial firms make in- quiries with any thought of locat- ing in a town in. tiiis district. Councillor Conron said that the recreation program for the sum- mer had been sueceSafuly complet- ed, One hundred and seventy youngsters had, regieVered for the swimming lessons and an additions al 130 had to be turned down be- cause of insufficient transporta- tion and pool facilities. Ceein*cillor Jack Gcalbutt was named chairman Of a eornraittee On civil defence. Legion Auxiliary Holds Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion was held on Wednesday night in the Legion Home, President, Mrs. S. Forayth was in charge of the business and opened the meeting . with 'the Usual ceremonies. The secretary, Mrs. T. Gainey rear/ the minutes and roll call and treasurer, Mrs. L, Dawson gave her report on the Frontier Day booth. ?Moen dollars was daunted to the Unitarian Service Club, tuchres are to be held hi the Legion Home starting In October, with It/frs. 0. Brooks and Meg, (4. Walker in charge for October, The meeting closed and lunch was serv- ed, Day (Ciantintied 'from page one.) Griffith and John Hanna; Michael, Pleury and Keith. Henry. Grade 3, dap Corrin and Larry Taylor; Leander Boucher and Billy Kerr; • a. • Xnutteth Chandler and Garry Car- Ur, Grade 4, Jon Bateson and ViretYrie Seddon; Rodney Hickey And David Crothers; Paul Walper and Joe Vartatene, Three-Legged Race (Girls) Grade 1, Sharon Willie and ElaineaCarter; Patsy Walker and Mary JOan Callan; Lee Weng- er and Mary Ann Cruickshank, THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY, OCTOBER at Jenkins Farm Highway 86 between Wingham and Bluevale „nanAgNaQ,.' VOW:, Lumber• & Building Supplies FOR EVERY NEED Hemlock Spruce Pine — PLYWOODS: Doors Nicolson Windows Sash Fraines BIG STOCK OF INSULATION AT VERY LOW PRICES. We can give lou first class service on FlOoring LINoLinnu, VINYL ac. FLFIXOCIIR01%11; FLOOR TILES INLAID LINOLEUM VINA 1W in 27" 36" 64" widths We will install our products at, very Moderate Prices. Come, in and see our samples. WINGHAM SAWMILL COMPANY Ltd.,: Phone 576 Wingham it iaket rnoneyio make good gasoline 4asoline quality has risen tremendously in the past few years. Two gallons of today's gasoline do the work of three in the '20s, Finding new techniques to make these unproved, gasolines, and 'new equipment to put these „techniques to work, has cost a lot of 'Mow._ • .;