HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-03, Page 7QUEEN, OF AMATEURS WILL NOT TURN PROFESSION4L • ti .• • Cie bOanrtr,Zi*rft WHE WINOIAM ADVAWCEMMES, WEDNESDAY OCTOBEIliSrd, • — Finger .evereci In Threshing N:lishap. , :le ,QADWICH.—Htlysol Nichol suf. 100- A severe accident threshing At home, 'In some manner -the - middle 'finger ,of has Ieft hand was AA.Vght and taken off at the .second Point and tWc other fingers. were badly 01'1400, .Dr, Fordo took him to 1.41St.owel Hospital for treatment, Re r turned to his .home over the 'week', _ attended the fair PO ,Slitlircia,Y. Mr, and 0.031001011 of Toronto visaed week 4h4! with. Me, and, Mrs. Cro4iby Sothero an,' 'Jr, and, Mrs. Steve fiutebart. Toronto, ,./r: and Mrs, 1,es Burr Good ,eather: Brings Large Crow To . Howick f.01 Fair at For4iivich . P, Douglas, 2nd; Miss M. WEI- wain, Chelsea buns; Mrs, W. Peel, Gorrie; tea biscuits; Miss Audrey McIntosh, Clifford, 2nd; Mrs, W, Peel, bran. muffins; Miss A, Mc- Intosh, Johnny cake, Mrs, M. Tay- lor, 2nd. " Mrs. Ken Graham, Fordwleh, chocolate layer cake iced, Mrs, Les Hymers, Listowel, 2nd; Mrs, ,K, Graham, plain orange cake; Mrs, G. Richards, angel cake; Miss M, Mc- Elvvain, light fruit cake, dark fruit cake; Miss Addrey McIntosh, light . cookies, Mrs. W. Heimpel 2nd; Mrs, Mel Taylor, oatmeal cookies; Miss, A. Mclnitosh, ginger cookies, Mrs, W. Wilson; drop cookies; Mrs, C, Carswell, teats; Mise •M. McElwain, date loaf, Mrs. C, Cart:IWO, pumpkin pie; Mrs, A. McElwain; raisin pie, Mrs, THE MiniT TIMES PURISHED AGAIN rows of London, 71/fir, and Mrs. end. Louie Bride and Debra of Niagara Falls, Mr. andOttP giVfert of Galt, -Mrs,' Ruby' 'Forester :and Miss Mary Corbett of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs.c .Hernlii• Hamilton fif Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs,, Peirdon A fire in the barn of William Bolt, about 11/2 miles •from Wroxeter, jest off the 13elmore-Wrox. Brown of Pearnsville all •attended the fair !here Saturday, • Mr, and ,Mrs, Arnbld MeDratgal. , of PalMeriton visited Sunday with' Mrs, .Jennie MosUre. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Stewart of Listowel I/lilted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Vittle, Mr. and Mrs. Dick. Aldrich and' David of Galt :,yisited over the week-end here; , • ''• Mr, Don Schaefeeand David of Kitchener visited over ,the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. - Ira Schaefer, Mel Allan, 2nd; Mrs, L, ,Hymers, M. and Mrs; • Dart Baker and lemon pie; Mrs, Mel Allan, apple family of London 'sited 'over, the pie; Mrs. C. Carswell, plate fancy wee cookies, k-end with *. :tir:• and Mia, George Baker., : • Miss A., McIntosh, canned apples; mrs. Ross, poi r is spending, this Mrs, G, Brown, raspberries; Mrs. J, - pears Miss L. 'Matthews, black cur- M"' James Wray Oath- Baylor, strawberries; Mrs, J, Bay- , lor, peaches; Mrs. Q. Carswell,urines ' " .. ' week with relatiVes. • St. the and rants; Mrs. C, Carswell, raspberry Ponikt?, of : St. 413.P I:tt jam; Mrs. Ed Hamilton, Trow. week-end .at their',. home here. ' bridge, strawberry jam, red currant Mr. and MO. Frank. Graham Of jelly; Miss McElwain, apple jelly; St,' Marys visited' over 'the ;Week- Mrs. A. Taylor, orange marmalade, end here.- t Clifford Ladies to Be WM.S. Guests BARN OF WM. BOLT DESTROYED BY FIRE heifer 2 year old, Joe Weber; herd, consisting of 1 male and 4 'female, Joe Weber; heifer under 12 months, Gordon Wright, Clifford, Herefords; Aged hull, bull over 1 yenr, bull ;under 12 months, breed- Mg cow, heifer 2 year old, heifer 1 year old, heifer under 12 months, herd consisting 1 male and. female, L, & W, Jackson, Listowel; dairy herd, Alex job; best dairy cow, Alex job. HORSES Agriculture, Brood)/ mare, foal, heavy draft, brood mare, Old, geld- ing or filly, N, Sehmidt. Best Tnn^lem, Eldon Realviek, Clifford; carriage horse, Norman •Larnhertua, Walkerton; team In haraeee, Norman Larribertue; best wagon team, Eldon. Reniwlelt;'single wagon, Eldon Renwick, AYRSHIRES Bull over 2 years, bull under 2., years, bull calf, cow, 4 years old, cow under 4 years, heifer, 2 year, old, herd, consisting 1 male and 4 female, Alex Job, Moorefield; yearling heifer, Edgar. Howatt, Bel. grave; heifer calf, 3, W, Strong, Best:Mord Jersey, Alex Job; spec. best purebred Ayrshire calf, J. W, Strong, Best herd pf purebred cattle, Joe Weber & Sons. Best beef calf, Howick and Turnberry calf club, Ernie Dinsmore, Gorrie. 3 head , beef breeds, Joe Weber & Sons. DAIRY CATTIX Bull calf; heifer, 2 years, yearling heifer, N. Schmidt; heifer calf, Russel Rattan, Gorrie; herd con- sisting of 1 male and 4 female, N. Schmidt. WROKETER---The October edi- tion of The -Midget Times, the Meggaine edited and printed by the pupils of 5.5, No, 2 Turnberry, has now been delivered to the sub- scribers, The front page shows a picture of a school pupil sitting at a desk with the proper posture and is entitled "Sit Tall". The drawing is by Margaret Paulin. The new officers for the coming year are! Editor, Phyllis Grant; sports, John McTavish; poems, Margaret 'Paulin; stories, Doris Paulin; local news,' Mary Franck; humor, Glen, Harris; art, Gale Kir- toa; press, ken Grant; helpers, Franees Paulin, Shirley Ross„ Tim Kirton. Former editor, Elaine Kir. ton is now a student at Wingham High • School, Toe Junior Red Cross group was organized with the following of- (leers: President, Sheila Ross; vice- pro., Margaret Paulin; sec„ Ken Grant; treasurer, John McTavish, The: Paulin and Grant families will be responsible :for the meeting on October 5th. :The final page, of The Midget Times shows a picture draswn by Mac Harris, s boy and 'a girl with a glass of milk and below the slogan "Drink milk at every meal", This cleV•er little magazine is a 'credit to teacher arid pupils and the -subScription list is growing. Ideal Weitt/Wr prevailed for 'the Howick pall Fair,at rex:010.0h on Saturday a large attendance and excellent exhibits, Prize wind tress' Were as felleWsi Fruit Winter apples, Ontario, Mrs, Ira, Neil; northern spy,, Mrs, L, Wip- ers; greening, Wagner, king, Ms- AO, delicioue, Selo-nide; Mild- may..peewatikee, J, W, Strong, Gorrie; talmr.n sweet, Mrs. L, Hy- iners, " apples, lalexander, J. W, StrOng"; now N. Schmidt; St, Lawrence Mrs,• L, liymers; weal- thy, N, Sehrtildt; McIntosh red, Mrs. Heirnpel; collection fail apples, N. Schmidt; crabapples, W, Campbell; pears, Mrs. J. Baylor; , • :Plants i Flowers Asters; Mrs:: Mel Allan; dahlia, Mr* G„ Richards; sweet peas, Mrs. Taykirl , gladioli, Mrs. G. Rich- ards; rose oloont, Mrs. K. Graham; pansies, Mrs.. J, Baylor ; petunia, zinnia, marigold, calendula, snap- dragon and larksput, Mrs, Mel Alt: len, ,Hornernacla corsage, ;Mrs, G. Richerdse African Violet, Mrs. O. Carswell;; house fern, Rol*. Hub- bard; 'foliage, Mrs'. K,' Graham; hanging pot,,,Mrp. C, Carswell; win-. dew box, •Mrs. C, Carswell; cacti garden, Mrs. Ira Nell; gloxlna, MrS; G. litichards; Mums, Mrs, Mel Al.; hin. Living 'room bouquet, dining- room bouquet, bouquet of annuals, MM. Richards; winter • houquet, Mrs. Ira Neil, Roots kind Vegetahles.. Early potatoes, Mrs. Mel • Allan; late. 'potatoes, Mfs. N, Schmidt; tur- nips, W. Campbell; table turnips, Mrs. R. 'Gibson; yellow mange's, Ed: POwell, Winghani; carrots, Mrs. J. Baylor; corn, liOn. McMic- hael, Wrbxeter';' celery, Mrs. A. P. Douglas; potato' onions,' Mrs. J, *Baylor; onion, nip* Mrs.' R. Gibson; pie pumpkin, 'Mrs, lVf. Allan; pars- Wm, Campbell; citrons, Mrs. Ira Neil; beets table, Mrs. W. Heimpel; turnip beets, Mrs. A. P. Douglas; large tomatoes, , M Mrs: M. Allan., White Cabbage, Miss L, att- hOwa; red cabbage, Mrs. M. Allan; peppers, •': Mrs. A. P. Dogglae; 2' cauliflowers, Mrs: M. Allan; squash, Mrs. C. Carewell; ripe cucuMbers, Mrs. A. Douglas.; green cucumbers, Wm. Campbell; table corn, Mrs. Geo, Baker,...ForchVien; corn, S. J. Robinson, 'Fcirdwich; bater. beans, Mrs, Ed, Hamilton; farnlere vegetable basket, Mrs. Mel Allan; best colleetien' vegetables, • Mrs, lkobt. Gibson., WR,CXETER—Nlembers of the Woman's • Missionary Society, United Church, will hold their October meeting in the church par- lours on Friday evening, October 12th at 8 o'clock. All ladies of the congregation and members of the Clifford Wo- man's Missionary Society will be gnests,' Mrs. Gilbert Howes will speak and there will he musical numbers by the Clifford group, WBOKETEB.--William Bolt, who lives in the second mile north of Wrcxeter, lost his barn by fire during threshing.". operations on Thursday .afternopn. With about five loads still unthreshed, Bob Bennett, who was feeding the machine, noticed a flash and at mica the fri:e was wide spread, 'Although the men were able to rescue some belts and the :tractor it was impossible to remove the machine. Some chickens arid hogs were driven from the stable hut the' latter, 'n their panic, returne.i and were blirned, The Wingh'am fire brigade was called and' were 'able to save the driving shed near by. Mr. Bolt's loss was partially coy- 'ereal by inelvance. •• The estimated damage is about $15,000. . . WROXETER Mrs• Stan Bride and 'tire. Clare. Harris attended' the' Worthen's:In- stitute area ,1cOnventign in Guelph last week. •- : Mrs. YStaii . Bride, and Bobby visited' ovar ' tne week-etich With friends in PataWawa. ,Mrs.. Rosa Toirtlin returned, to her • .hdree - in Detroit , on Friday after spending the past couple, of vireeks':evith"hei parents Mr:. and Mrs: Art'FOreater•.16 , — ; • .1 'Mr:" and George'. WAS • of ' Galt visited 'oliet. the' Weak-end With Mr. and Mrs. Bob tignpbelL Mr. and MrP.'Riabt; McDOWell. of Millbank and .11fistet•"Gaty. DoWell• of Galt";44ed. Sunday Mr..nild:Mie, M. Aiinstrong:. The latter remained for -a'langer 'visit. The many friends' of Miss Marg.: aret :Brovin will be Porry Ato hear she is confined to, Listowel Host; A ppeedy return to health le' Wished-'for "her, Messrs. Gol.aon'Slaght and: Bynee. Wilifam'son'otr over' the week-end with' the' latter's motne4 Mra. Emma Williamson. • Mr.' and Mrs,„ Ross, NUM.'" and family' Of Gowanstown .yisited 'Sun- day with Mr., and Mrs.. Tom Mc- Clement. 'Friends of Mrs.' Albert Gallagher will be sorry. to *eat., that she' is confined AO the -.Witigham Hospital, A speedy return to- good health is wished' for her. : Mr.' and Mrs.' &ell LYnn. and Karen of Cirahgeville".Visited over the :week-end with Mrs. Dora Rural Schools at Howick Fall Fair Lions Club Plans November Concert W-111TEcilll4P1. Fordyce ecnix/rehildren searched at Lucia/4W Fair, sang their song Reaeniindvteodguaiv:euirttdthi4eitrii;.ielYe.o,m,l t, swrst Iti:if:000iy1.111,erloirtrf Paces• on the 'platforrn. They re- No. 9 Kinioss, received' fifth prize. Mrs, George Fisher;, .teadher at Forddyce and Mrs: Vieten Emerson attended the teadhers'„ *convention at London on.,,Erklay with Mr. and 'Mrs. Arneld:; heed,'Kinross teachers, will ; attend their convention this Friday at ChDera Rley.ioh ard irvtine Who hak spent the past month with bis..:parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,Verson Irwin, visited for a few day* at'the home ; of his sister, Mrs, Arex -Nethery. at Hamilton, 'before taking 'the plane on Sunday for his horde Lang- ley Prairie, B.C. ••;,•,' Mr. and Mrs,: .Melviii,McClena- ghan and Michael. of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with- his parents, MMr.rasn.dEMdrse.:rtinIvrcefCi rttilapglellY.ana.nd Mrs. John Itutledge,...of Brussels. visite Walter. d on TuesdayTueeday last 'with 'Mrs. and Miss 'with Carrick of Lucknove visited 'With NETS; Lott. .on .Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruee Buchanan and Children of - London' spent' the week-end with her parent*Mr: and Mrs. Albert Walters. Mr. and Mts. GerShoin Johnston visited on Sunday` with, Mr. and Mrs. Qhas. W pod .of Seaferth and with Mr, and Mrs 'Kenneth aTolut-r stop. of Clinton, Mr. acid Mrs. John- ston and son, Jack :and Miss Jean Stanley, spent Monday at !po'ronth. Mrs. Ethel Steevert of :Wingbam and yr, and Mrs. Victot2Eirington of Dungannon visited On Sunday with Mr. and •Misf•Dan. Tiffin. Mr. and MrSi ,Ed .Sx4t1i, poreen and Bill spent the. Week-end at the home of his brother; •Mr. J. Smyth of Hamilton. and 'Madeline McKinnon of Teeswater spent tre week-end with Albert and Lillian Smyth. Mrs. John liactiee had the mis; fortune to scald her right foot acioss the ankle one day Met week. Mr, and Mrs. T. K. Bibb of Har- row visited for a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Mc- Ritchie and brothers Wm.. and James H. Currie. Douglas Coultes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes has been under the doctor's care during the week-end suffering ,from tonsilitis. Dr. Corrin bf Lucknow, is a pat- ient in a London hospital this week. I/VR.0 XE TER—Every rural school in Turnberry and Howick was present, in the parade at How- ick Fair on Saturday afternoon and their marching, with attractive costumes, was certainly the high- light of the fair. The 'children's work and projects attracted many people. They were praised .highly for their work by Inspector Kinkead of Goderich, and other speakers. Highway Safety Is . Theme of Meeting WR,OXETER.—"More Courtesy on Our Highways" is the, motto to be discussed by Mrs. Harvey Timm at the October 'meeting of Wrox- eter W.I. to be held in flie com- munity hall n Wednesday, October 10th, at 2,30 p.m. Mrs. Able z Munro will give' the topic "Highway Safety". Mrs. Gil- bert Howes will give a report of the 'convention held last, week at Guelph. The roll call, "A resolution I would like to send to F.W.I.O.". Hostesses, Mrs. F. Earls, Mrs, H. Timm, Mrs. J. Doig, Members please note change of date owing to a district fair, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Collier and Miss Donna MacLean, all of Lon- den, spent the week-end with their Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ira MacLean. Mr. and ,Mrs. Campbell Brown and 'baby daughter of Markdale, visited' friends here during the week-end. WROXETER—Howiclo Lions Club will arrange a concert for November and hope to have a re- turn engagement of Dime Munt= ford and GnMpany , of ' Brampton,, who entertained at the recent Lions Frolic.‘ President Herold Townsend• pre- sided and 'a new member Jimmy Wylie was welcomed into the club. Two meeting's aye' held each month, the` first Monday is a business meeting and the third Monday a supper Meeting. Members of 'the Woman's AssOeiation catered and the meeting was, held in Wroxeter Community Hall. Ridley. " - • Officers-EleCted at • ,Guelph Convention Corning Events Mrs. A. P. Douglas; canned chick- en; 1VIrs, W, Heimpel, beans can- ned; Mrs. M, Allan, corn canned; Mrs. John Baylor, tomato catsup; Miss A. McIntosh, canned, toma- toes; Mrs. Ed. Hateilton, pickled beets; Mrs, .C, Carswell, mustard pickles. , 1 lb. fudge, Mrs. C. Carswell; box homemade chocolates, Miss M. Mc- Elwain; maple , syrup, William Campbell; best, collection jellies, Letitia Matthews; best collection canned fruit, Mrs. A. P. Douglas; best collection pickles, Miss M. Mc- Elwain; child's school lunch, Mrs. R. Gibson. SPECIALS Borden's special homemade can- dy, Mia. C. Carswell; best variety baking, Miss. McElwain; *etch of centennial cairn, Mrs. W. J. V. Buchanan,. Gorrie; clubhouse sped- ial, best chili sange, Miss L. Mat- thews; best raisin pie, Mrs. Mel Allan,; best apple pie, •Mrs. Mel Allan; best cherry pie,. Miss Mc- Elwain; best banana layer cake, „Mrs.,-K, -Ol-ethane;.Domes,tic Mrs. M. Allan, 1st; Mrs. Itif; -Taylor, 2nd; Mrs. Leellymers, 3rd, Domes- tic cake, "vire. W. Winton, 1st; Mrs. R. Gibson, 2nd; Mrs.' Mel Allan, 3rd. 3 uses 'of, whole milk, Mrs. R. Gibson, 1st, Mrs. M. Taylor, -2ML • Best wrapped gift box, Mrs, R. Hibberd; table centre child's party, Mrs, R. Gibson; Collection fancy work, Mrs, Wes ,Heitnpel; collec- tion, •crocheted doilies, Mrs.•. R.. Gibson; child's lapel ornaments, Mrs. G. Richardie oil painting,' MM. R. Gibson; braided rug, Mrs. L. Iiymprs; rag rug, Mrs. L. Hy- niers; lady's slippers,-Mrs. G. Rich- ards; shopping bag, Mrs. W. Helm- pel; handmade doll, Mrs. R. Gib- son; handmade toy, Mrs, G. Rich- ards; artificial flowers, Mrs. C. Canwell, specimen of felt craft, Mrs, G. Richards, • OTHER PRIZES Sow over 1 year, Win, Campbell; sow under 6 months, pen any, breed, W., Turnbull; special pen 3 bacon hogs, Cecil Wilson, Fordwich; best fair of pedigreed sows, over 6 months, under 6 months, W. Turn- bull, best pedigreed boar, any age, Cecil. Wilson. ' Sheep—aged ram, Don Brown, Gorrie; ram, lamb, ewe aged, shear- ling ewe, ewe lamb, Don Brown. Hackney pony—team in harness, pony driven single, pony team in harness, saddle pony, Howard Mc- Kelvie, Walkerton. 100 stake for best heavy draft, Glenn Johnston, best brood mare, N. Schmidt; best light horse on greurids, Norman Lambertus; best ,'Pan. light horses to ,be-cltiven4an-,. denl, Howard McKelvie. LADIES' SECTION Child's cardigan, Mrs. W. Peel; infant's set, Mrs. W, Peel; best boys' article made from used cloth- ing, Mrs. R., Gibson; best girl's arti- cle, made from used clothing, Mrs. W. Heimpel; luncheon set, Migs Jean Fraser, Ethel; bridge Set, Mrs. L. Hymere.;, buffet set, Mrs. Budhanan; guest , towel* Jean Fraser; ;y pillow cases, Mrs. W: Heimpel; 'sheets and pillow case set, Mrs. W. Heimpel; dresser scarf, Mrs, Jim Inglis, Clifford; falicy cushion, wool, Mrs. .Bertha Plant; cushion, any kind,' Mrs. B. Plant; bedspread, Mrs, B, Plant; guilt, pieced quilt, appliqued„ Mrs. Ed, Hamilton; plain colour fancy quilt- ing, Mrs. L, Hymers; nursery quilt, Mrs, Ed, Hamilton. Specimen of petit point,. Mrs. W. Heimpel; brooch and earring set, Mrs. L. Hymers; specimen of shell- craft, Mrs. Ed Hamilton; a small article of ceramics, Mrs, it: Gibson, Howick and' Turnberry Residents Only Quilt blocks, 4 patterns, Mrs. Ira Neil; cotton quilt,' Miss M. McEI- wain; infant's set, Miss L. Matt- hews; child's pullover, Mrs. W, Peel; kitchen apron, tea apron, Malec dress, Mrs. Bertha plant, Men's mitts, "Mrs. Ira Neil; men's coarse socks, Mrs. W. Heimpel; men's fine socks,' Mrs. W. 'Peel; men's sweaters, Mrs, W. Heimpel; Men's ',dress shirt, laundered, Mrs. C.' Carswell; pot holders, pillow cases, tea towel, Mr* W. Heimpel. INSTITUTE PROJECTS Fordwich, first; Lakelet, second; Gerrie,' third; Howick Juniors, fourth: , Lady's nightie, Mrs, R, Gibson; lady's pyjamas, Mrs, K Graham; lady's house coat, Mrs, W, Heim- eel; lady's, house dress, Miss Sean Fraser, Ethel; lady's tailored blouse, , Mrs. C. Carslvell; bed jacket, Mrs, L. Hymers; kitchen apron, fancy apron; lady's slip, lady's hat, Mrs. W, 'lleirripel; sport shirt, Mrs. B: Gibson; pyjama, salt, MrS C, CarsWell, Wit's socks, fine, Mrs. W. Peel; Mettle, wool gloves, Mrs, W. Heim- pel; child's dress,Mrs, C. Carswell; Child'soveralls, Vira, B,. GibSon. Domestic Science, Dairy !Products Mrs. Willard Peel, 1 doten brown eggs; Mrs. Ira Neil, 2nd,; Mrs. Wee Heimpel, Wroxeter, homemade soap; Mrs, A. I'', Douglas, Ford- wich, 2iid,; Mrs, William Wilson, best eold lunch; Mrs, George Rich.. aids, Harrist'on, homemade white bread, Mrs, C, Carswell, Fordwich, 2nd; Mrs, A, P, Douglas, Fordwich, brown breed, Mrs, John Baylor!. Gorrie, 2nd; Mrs. John Baylor, whole Wheat" bread, 'Mrs. A, P, Douglas, 2nd.; Miss M McElwain, dorrie, Parker HettSe rolls, MOS, A, Presbyterial at Brussels on Friday WROXETER.7-The annual con- vention of the North Section Hur- on Presbyterial will be held in Brussels Unite() Church on Friday, October 5th_ The day's 'session will commence nit 9.80 o'clock and the 'theme is "God's Changless Word". October 9-11, Central Iriterriation- "The grass withereth; the flower al Forest Insect and Disease Con- fadeth, but the 'Word of the Lord ference, Southern Research Station, endureth forever." Special speaker Malle, Ontario. for the day will be Mrs. H. J. I October 9-12, In ter natio it al Childs of London. ' i Ploughing Match, Brooklin, Ont. Little Patty Hart, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her grandparents while Lyle and ,Mrs. Hart, who• live in Toronto, were moving. Mrs. Neil White and daughter, ,p,ata of 'Tororito spent the 'week-a erid at. their home here. Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Wyoming, spent the week-end with Mrs. D. S. MacNaiightori and other friends. Mrs. Hamilton was guest soldist 'at Bluevele United Chur, on Sunday morning, Miss Winnifred .Munro, London, spent the week-end with her. par- ents, Allen t end Mrs. Munro. Mrs. G. A, Wearring, Concord,' spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Thomas Burke,•Mrs. Gilbert Howes and Mrs, Allen Munro of the 'creel Women's Institute, at- tended the annual convention at Ontario Agriculture College, on Tuesday of last week. Friends hare regret to learn of the ,death• of Miss Margaret Mc- Kee, of Guelph, formerly of Wing- ham, which:took piece on Tuesday in Listow;g1 Memo rial Hospital. Miss McKee had been in poor health for Some time. . . • POultrY FORDWICH • eter highway, destroyed farm. rimehiner)kjivastocit,• hay and grain, on Thursday 'afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Leach of Los Angeles spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ries and attended the wedding Saturday of the latter's son. Mr. and r Mrs. Crosby Sotheran spent last Thursday in Strathroy visiting Mrs. Sotheran's mother, Mrs. Slater, who was celebrating her 91st birthday. Mrs. Lena Ellsworth received word last week that Mr. Jack Thomson had passed away in Winnipeg. His wife, the former Susan Rae of Fordwich, passed a few months ago, The late Mr. Thomson used to work on the Fordwich Record with William Wafters. Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Devitt spent a'day last week with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Mel Allan attended the wedding of a relative in Strat- ford On Saturday, Miss Esther Harding of Preston visited two days last Week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, HamblY and Janie, Mr. and Aire. Lyle Simmons and Anne Were in Kitchener one evening last week. IVIessrs. Jack Daig and .Tamesfr Grant of Ste Catharines spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Rods Dela". Mr, and Mrs. bong Wildfang of Toronto spent the weekgend with Mr, and 'Mrs, Hoy Simmons. a Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ries and Ethel attended the wedding of their son at Hainilton on Satarday. Mr, and M.S. Earl Corbett of Woodstock spent the week-end with Mrs, AlVeretta Wallace and All NEW MEMBERS INITIATED AT MIT WROXETER—Mrs. Norman Smith of Shallow Lake Was re- elected chairman of the Guelph Area of Women's Institutes when the convention was 'held last week. The past chairman is' Mrs. Alex Hammond of Moofefield; 1st. vice- president, Mrs. E. V. Thompson of Arris; second vice, Mrs, Elgin Smith of Atwood; sec.-treas,, Mrs. Edgar Chalmers, Poole.' Convention Secretary is Mrs. Wm, Small of Guelph RR, 5. Executife committee named Was Mrs. Stanley Mead, Mount Forest, Mrs. Howard Mayberry of Poole and Mrs. A. Maundrell, of South- ampton. Conveners are Agriculture and Canadian Induitries, Mrs. Orland Richards, R,R. 3, Lucknow; citi- zenship and edueation, Mrs. How- ard Weicker, RR, 1, New Ham- burg; community activities and public relations, Mrs. William Makin* 1t.R, 1, Stratford; home economies and health, Mrs, D. W. Cameron, Walkerton; resolutions, Mrs, W. D. Smith, Moorefield; Jan- ior. representative, Miss Florence Porter, A.R. 1, Stratford; historical research and current events, Mrs. Cecil Barbo,ir, Wellesley; auditors are Mrs. R. A, Jack, 'Milbank and Mrs, William' Anderson, R.R. 4, Stratford. imard direetors elected were Mrs, Clare, itinehart, R.P. 1, dampbellyllie, Mrs, William 13a1-• lentine of Adtcln and Mrs. R. J. McKellar, Kincardine, Centre Bruce Wits Weleorned at1 new district in the area. The second meeting of the Wing- ham C.G.I,T, was highlighted by the initiation of all 'new Menthol's, This seemed to be a harrowing ex- perience for some but all passed tile testa. Following the opening sing.song Mrs, 0, W., Tiffin conciliated the worship service on the theme "S,ee- ing God in Nattireb, based on Mat. there 6, Veeses 25 to 34, Tire poem "The Teacher and the Lilies of the and the story, "Christ and the Sorry Thistle", carried out the theme. Miss Thompson's group was hilt- iateA by ivrm. Tiffin's and Mrs. MCMUrchy's group conducted a treasure hunt. Group I have named theelseIVes the "2 B's" or Busy Bees; Group II the "2 A's" or Happy -Heinen; Group III; the "2 'W's" or Willing/Workers. Mrs. MeMbrehY's grout) tOrnPlet' ad elections with the following re- sults: President, Mary LOU Mriffat; vice-president, Marion Farrier; secretary, Sliarl'n Lewis., treas. liter, Shirley Atinstrong, Plymouth Rock, rooster and, hen, John DonglOs, Stratford; Barred PIYMOnth.,:lared to lay, nboeter„ Don BroWn; hen' and pullet; Don Brown. . :' • , likoWti' hen, 'John 'Doggie* Plymouth ieOcks,• A.O.V., cock, Don Sttatferd;. cockerel, .John Douglas; pullet, John. Deuglaa . • White. Wyandotte*: •cock, John Douglas;, hen; John Douglas; cock- erel and pullet ; John. Douglas;, Legliorne,,S. C. pallets; 'cock,' Geo, •Cdekeret,"Geci.! hen, Geo. Mitchell. Leghorns, bred „to lay, -cock; Don Brown; nen, Don Brown, cockerel, Don Brown; hen, Don Brown.... • Minorcan, Black, cook, 3. Doug- las; hen;• ' John Drieglas; cockerel, Douglas; hens, Den Brown, New Hampshires, cockerel, hen, pullet, 'Don Brown. . Pair ducks,,. Pekin,' Don Brown; pair ducks, Bonin Don BroWn; cockerels .ready for. market, .Dori Brown. 3 crossbred or hybrid pullets, bred to lay, Robt. HibbOrd; 3 eras- bred or hybrid, P. Douglas; 2 crossbred pullets, Don Brown:. Pen sheep, Don Brown, Shorthorn Cattle—aged bull, • W. Turnbull, Brussels; bull. over 1 year, bull under 1 year, breeding cow, heifer, 2 year old, heifer 1 year old, heifer, tinder 12 months, W. Turhbull, • Herd consisting, of 1 male and four females, W, Turnbull; Aber- debit Angus aged bull, Joe Weber Miklnitty; bull :tinder. 12 rilOntite, Joe- Weber & Sons, 'GRAIN • • Winter wheat, N, Schmidt; bar- ley, .Geo. Underwood, Whigham;,. early oats, N, Schmidt; late oats, Ed Powell; red, trover seed, Alex Taylor; timothy seed, Sheaf fall Wheat: sheaf White •eitte,theaf bar- ley, N, Soingiat; 'forage hay, Wril, Campbell; one bale hay, N, Soh-o Special Prites • Barley, any Variety, 8. j: Robin- son; Garry oats, Howick residents 'only,. S. 3, llobinsoti; Garry oats, Turnberry residelatS, Ed Powell; Rodney Oat* Tilielberkat residents, Walter Woods,`" Wroxeter,' fall Owhetit ally variety,: N, Selinliati late or inedinineigt* HOWlek 'and Turn • berry Panto:of Wayne Wierehli Wingliatiti; Garry :date, /field beep torriPetitiOn Only, Ed POWell, SWINE Beer 'Mitt 1. year, boar over 4 Menthe, 'brood SOW,: OW over 4 '.OethS, ;Aberdeen Angus': breeding Ctpnriltirtion Sunday —emeriti press flair tdimi 'Conquering heroine's woleente was ,accorded Marlene Stewart 'on her return to 1'611th -ill, 0nt,, her honie town, A huge made of cheysanthernams testified to her victory in the ti.S. Wanen's atnatettr golf chaMplonships. Her other principal victories—the 'British and Canadian attatetit Contests were hair-breadth affairs, and this one was no exception as 'she cane from a lour-down to win the "26. hole final' two and One, She says she will lieVer turn PrOfeseionali 4/* WR O XET E R'-The United Church will hold Con na:union ser- vice on Sunday morning next, Oc- tober 7, following morning service. The Milliliter itet W, j, *tr, Buds- anaa will be en. charge,