HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-03, Page 5Fiiit Quality! Better Wearing Sheers!
Extra Large 80" x 90". size
IBEX Quality Blankets
Enjoy the warm comfort on the
lit'hights ahead of these thickly nap-
ped big size Ibex quality flannelette
blankets Sock up now at this money j
saving pride . . white with blue,
Pink, yellow or\ green itriped borders.
54 gauge, 15 denier
Specially priced for this Great 'Target $01*
Save 22c' on every pair . • .(
* Full fashioned for, fine fit.
• Every pair first quality.
Fine dark seams.
Neat panel heels.
Two new Fall tones, ',Beige Taupe or•Rose
Sizes 9 to 1I in average length.
Eleige? •
Nylon -Oblongs !
Printed. Squares
$1.00 "and
$1.98 values
bnior B Hockey Players
State °age, experience, position •played,
height, weight.
Try=outs start next week,
Write Seaforth Athletic Association
Miffs and Gloves
• Imported
1.00 to 1.98
All first quality specially .pur-'
chased for this event . broken
stock lines and travellers sari-
ples . • a wonderful assortment
of colors and trim's . . . Small,
Medium or Large sizes
With wet tall weather as we are/havinz
the smart motorist will want his brakes.
in top shape.
Whether it be Itoghoeing your brake drums$ ter
just a setting operation, let our skilled mechanics
do it.
winihon. ?bout 139
Martin and Jenny -named the kitten $usie
; ;Or"
estop;e •
Especially purchased selection' of
18" x 44" fancy nylon oblongs
in Pin, Romance blue, Shrimp,
Red, Pink, Coffee,' Aqua, prirn,
rose and White, and Satin or
Crepe, 32-inch printed 'squarqs
with hand-rolled edges. •
Save 12c to 1..10 each
"No," he repeated miserably,
"nobody ' ever 'comes here at all.
And I don't believe—"
But at that moment he heard
an unusual sound—"Miaew! . .
Mi-cow-owl" And up the garden
path came a tiny .bla,dt kitten,
"Miaow!" cried the kitten again.
"I haven't got a home!" May'. I
collie and live here?"
"Of course you maY,' said the
cottage kindly, "but nobody lives
here, and there won't he anybody
to give you a saucer of milk, or a
soft cushionto lie one---" :
"It . . . 'it 'doeSiiit itafterl" said
they kitten, "at least I'll have a
rdef'over mybead and -somebody.to'
talk to."
So the kitten came to,' live in
the cottage, He wandered about all
the rooms and he ran through the -
long grase, and one day he saw
the notice-board which had fallen Sask., who had spent-the last two.' down, saying,. "COTTAGE FOR
months visiting' friends returned SALE."
home today, • , "I've got an idea," be said to the
—Mn,s Alex Miller and her 'son 'cottage, When the cottage. asked
Ross Miller, Mrs. Milleetand 'baby • hiniewhat it; was, he wouldn't say.
visited on ,Sunday with Mrs. D, He went racing off down the -gar
Rae, - . , •den path and along the lane until
—'Captain.'dams .of-,Shuter 'St e
has been a patient in Wingham
Hospital for the past. three weeps,
Suffering 'front Severe arthritis'.
—Mr. anti Mrs, Stewart -Forsyth
and his ;mother, Mis, Alex Forsyth,
and Mise Mary, and • Mrs. „Newell
attended the 'Forsyth-Fagan
tials at Guelph on Saturday last,
Mrs. John Purdie of Aneherstburg
Spent a few days last week aethe
home of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart For-
—Mrs,' Pearl Casernoee,' Chat-
ham, Mr, and Mrs: Vietor Case
more, Bratitford,'and Mt. ond
Carl 'Carlene:no, of Ravenswood,,
spent a few days this week visiting'
Mr. and Mrs, Ernie <Casernore,,
. Mr, 'George Vorter, the tent of:
Mr, and -Mrs, D. P. Porter, Wing4 ,
ham, returned last week to Queens
'University, itingston, where' he Is
entering his third year ;hn engineer-
—Mr, Win, Newton of brOSSelS
left by plane from lVialteli AlepOrt
On Monday morning 'to Visit with
his brother Mn 'T. Newton: of
—Mrs. Morris , Swanson, Mrs.'
Howard Madsen and Mrs. Parrish •
Moffatt attended' the cenvention'of
the 'Grand Chapter ,of 'the ,Ordei of
the Eastern Star held iri the .Royal
York Hotel' Toronto, ,last week.
—Mr, Sal -Gloakey of',Maienod,
'",Miaow!" cried the' 'kitten,
Matures , by Gabrielle von Fremd
,,Ohristian ,Science Monitor
Silently after p p,m. last Friday,
a car containing lour people From
the R,C.A.0: station Glisten,
plunged off the highway about'
One mile south of Blyth High-
Way 4, and travelled more than
400-teet along a ditch before strik-
ing a pile 'of large stones and over-
Itoward Fletch-
er and Mr. and Mrs. A, Broome,
the four oceepitets of the ear, all
suffered SOricius injuries, Wilson
sustained Sevat lacerations and
fractured .ribti; Pletcher had his
right ankle cut, Mrs, Betty Broom
Suffered a fractured hip and 4
fractured leg and severe lac'erµ
ationsi her ' htisband's Injuries liv;
chided a fractured' pelvis; cOneuS+
sloh and head injtiride, Broome
was on the &Weal list for two
days, Minato :to the Car Was
estimated at 42,009. The invests-
it. e t .0, hymn ehti the —Mrs. moth Warwick, Whig. .gitting officer was Constable Bo-
,repenting rOf the benedit,. haul, 'visited friends relative's That SIMS, of the 00016 de-
in Behnere last Week, 1"thelorteht of the 4t.).PA*. tiort .0etect the meeting. /
Plane 'for the turkey 'dinner for
the laymen of the distilet to be
held Cetober were discussed, Vancouver, tate,
OF MRS :it., 60 Y.
t the Womab!s Missionary Seelety of
Bet :ore touted Church held its
meeting .at' honie of IVirs a
BEIIATORIOn :Wednesday last ,
aewdy. Fifteen ladies and two
thildren were .present, The hyrnh
"Beholtl'the.amazing Love of 'God"
was sung and prayer by Mrs. Alvin
Fitch opened the :meeting.
The theme, "Deetined to Be
Sone", was followed with Bible
reading froni Eplieeians,
• . the absence of Mrs, L,. Met-
calfe a reading from the Mission-
ary 1N/tenthly Was given by Mrs.
Mrs. N. Newans read a echapter
,frond the study 'book, "The Imrith
grain'in Our 'Local Churcih". Mrs,
Fred Alberni gave a reading on
tenriperance entitled "Why I Do
• Not brink": The roil call was
r. "What T-/Like Hest ,about. Mis7
Moue", Mrs, West thee took over
the business part of the Meeting
after whieh a hymn Was sung and
Alvinrs , eloeed the, leading
Mrs. McTaggakt is'
Hostess to Group
The September meeting of the
Young Woman's Evening Auxiliary
of the t.lnitea Church was held at
the' home of 1V1re. D. M. MeTeg-•
Mrs. J. Walker wild cOnclueted •
the worship service gave the theme
of the new study book "Destine'd to
Be Sons'.': The "opening hymn Was
felleveecl by o prayer led by Mrs.'s
Bob Carbert, The Biblical readings
freler Ephesians were read in uni-
son after which the members divid-
ed into groups to aeswer questions
based on the Scripture readings, A
solo "Now I Belong to Josue", was
sung by . Helen Haines, ac-
companied by Mrs. C. .Bondi.
The guest speaker, Mrs., G. W.
Tiffin, first spoke of the course tit
Alma College which she attended
as a delegate to the School fOr
Leaders, She then introduced the
new study book for the year Which
is based on South East Asia, Kerea,
Formosa, Hong-Kong, The way of
living', political siteatior! and COM'
monistic threat were outlined fol.
leveed by details of what is being
done and suggestions as to how
We can help, through prayer and
Material aid. -Um D, Rosenhagen;
expressed the 'appreciation ,of the
The worshii• closed with the
ferhig and :t hymn.
The pteeidelet, Mre, W. Creellek,'
conducted the business lieried.
ports were given by the See-retell
and treestirere The Members were
rerainci.d of the Presbyterial meet.
ing to be, held at Brussels. The
president explained the anneal
every person canvass which is to
take plate &ring thdefall.
he reached the ,main road. Then •
he sat on 'the graSs and Waited.
He watched the motor, cars and ,
-the .lorries whizzing past, and he ,
stared up at them hopefully, "Surma
ly one of them will, stop," he,
thought, But none of them 'did. At,
last—aboin lunchtime—a blue
motor car came 'slowly along. It
was driven by a man called Mr.
Kerrey, Who Was taking his wife
and his two children, jenny and
Martin,' for a picnic.
"A-h! Here's a little lane at last!"
exclaimed Mr. Murray and he stop-
ped the car. The kitten jumped ups
from the` grass. "Miaow!" he cried.
Everyone got out of the ear, and
Jenny and Martin .ran towards the
kitten. "Do you think Ws lost?"
they cried.- -
Theititten •darted off in front of
them, mia9wing loudly be the time.
He led them 'along the.' lane and
into the garden of the cottage.
`Then ,he went jumping through the
long grass until he reached the
notice:board that said "COTTAGE
FOR SALE"—and-the sat down on
it. Martin came running along and
picked him up. Soon he was joined
by Jenny and Mr. -and Mis. Murray,
While Jenny and Martin were
stroking the kitten, Mr. and Mrs.,
Murray were 'staring 'down at the
"Cottage for sale!"'they exclaim-
ed; " And doesn'l it look i'lavely,
" I believe it's just what we've;
been looking for," cried Mr. Mur-
The Murrays brought their pic-
nic basket into the garden, and
after lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Murray.
looked all over the cottdge. Mr.
Murray went •hack to the notice-
board and copied an address from
it, Then they went away—taking
the little black kitten with them.
Soon after that, workmen arriv-
ed tat the cottage. They began to
hammer in nails and screw in
screws. They took paint brushes '
and watt sw-ish, sw-ish, up and
down the walls and across the ceil-
ings, Floors were scrubbed, win-
dows and 'doors mended; 'and the
rooms were painted in gay colors.
The roof was mended -so that the
rain no *longer came dripping
:through, 'When the cottage had
been painted inside and out, a large
furniture van 'came lumbering tip
the lane, and four men began to
carry carpets and beds and chairs
and tables and Chests of drawers
and cupboards and mirrors and pic-
tures inside the cottage.
When everything had been car-
ried in, a blue motor car came
along the lane, and out pot Mr. and
Mrs. Murray, 'Martin and Jenny.
Jenny was carrying a basket. She
lifted the lid, and out jumped the
black kitten!
Murrays-quickly lighted fires
in every' _room and popped the
kettel on. Soon the family Were ea-
ting around the tea table enjoying
their tea, While &isle—for that was
the name they had given the black
kitten—was lapping up a Saucer of
milk in faint of the fire.
That 'night when 'the Moon was
shining above the cottage and the
Murrays were all fast asleep in,
hed, the kitten Said -to the cottage,'
"Wasn't My idea a good one?"
"Iiewas a , . • WONDERFUL
idea!" cried the ,cottage. "and I
don't know h6w to thank you,"
"And I 'don't know how .to thank
you for letting me coin° here in the
first plaeet" said the kitten. "I'm
so happerl'''
"So am t!" cried the eottage. The;
kitten :began td ptirr, Presently the
'cottage began to sing Very softly,
le a happy little voted!
"I've lovely carpets <on mY floors,
And shiny handles oh lay doors,
Every 'room looks bright Arid gay,
A jolly family's come to stay!"
—Mlle Bee Bobbins has return-
ed to Edmonton after visiting atl
the home of Miss ISabel Fortune,
Miss Hobbins WaS a delegate to the
Allied plOrist ConVeliti611 which .
Was held'redently at Delewima Inno
Roney Barbour, -
(Continued 'from page one;)
much informatiOn possible from
each municipality.
He mentioned a .letter sent from
the Association 'protesting the
rurnored..eurtailment, of passenger
and express sail services, to Don-
ald GordOnepresiclent of CNR, and
.quoted a reply, saying that no such
curtfdiment was expected in the
near futu e e g any service, is to be ,
ctn. out, it must 'first he approved
by the Depart-Meet 'of Transbort,
and the municipalities would be ad-
vised -prior' to this- request being
J.41..•Stretton, Brussels, express-
;ed his particular, concern over 'the
loss ,of,anall service to. his muni-
cipality,, since it is without a pro-
vincial highway and: rail communi-
cations are essential to the econ-
omy of the village.
Dr. E,", A.s McMaster, Seaforth,
stated fhat express be the CNR
,routefrom Goderich to Stratford
'and back was: four times what it
bad been' four years ago, and that
passenger traffic had increased
With the increase in motor vehicles
since people preferred travel by
J. D. ,Oaks advised keeping or-
,ganized against any movement for
curtailment of service, and when
the matter went before the Trans-
port Board- for a hearing, that
every, affected municipality should
get on the bandwagon arid make
its v oice heard,
Two committees were appointed.
,A planning and development com-
mittee consists of Mayor J. E. Hue-
kins, Goderich; Councillor Earl
Hamilton,' Wingham and Mayor W.
J. Miller, Clinton. •
A water resources and conserva-
tion committee is headed by Mayor
Dr. E. A, McMaster, Seaforth;
Reeve William McKenzie, Exeter
and Warden Jack Fischer, reeve
of Turn-berry Township. It is pro-
posed that this committee plan for
a dinner meeting at a central loca-
tion and ask Dr. Pleva to speak.
Secretary of the Zone 1, Midwes-
tern Ontario Development Associa-
tion is Miss Wilma D. Dinnin,
Attending last week's meeting
Were Earl Hemilton and Jack Alex-
ander 'of Wingliarn, and Warden
John V. Fischer of. Turnberry
Full :balance; spring construction .cif Wit tern-
pored springs, securely interlocked - ONLY, $47.51)
Built with a deep sturdy 220 spring constriction, -tailored in 'a
high quality woven ticking, attractive in so"' C
-pattern and core= - ONLY 41'41 scil
TRADE IN your present Spring and
Mattress, on a Marshall Box Spring and
Matching Mattress.
,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,l, lllllllllllllllll MOMMIMMIMIM llllllllll q lllll llllllllllllllllllll lll i llll lllllllllllll 11141,..4
Telephone 260w Wingham
By Muriel Holland
In Christian Science Monitor
Off a certain main road and
down a narrow lane, there was a
little cottage, Nobpdy ever came
down the lane nowadays,' Motcir
cars rushed along the main road,
but they never 'turned into the lane.
The cottage had been empty -for
a long time, All around, the 'gras;3 ,
grew bigh, and the. 'flower beds '
were full of weeds. A notice-hoard
which had the words "COTTAGE
FOR SALE,;' had fallen down, and
was now lying hidden -in the long
grass. '•
"Oh, dear!" sighed the , cottage,,
"nobody comes to see me ally
more. My windows are broken,
my walls are shabby, and the rain
drips through my roof. And .
yet I'dernake such a lovely home
for somebody, I've got', cosy fire-
places and a bathroom and 'a kit-
chen. „ . but what's the ;good?'"
And he began to sing sadly to him
"What's the good of :taps
That no one ever turns?
Whatis the good of fireplace ,
Where a fire never burns?"
One morning be woke and. felt
the warm sunshine on his roof,
and he wished that someone would
come walking down the lane. "But
nobody ever comes," he thought._
He sighed and his wooden floOr-
boards creaked. In a sad little
voice. he began to sing.
"There are no carpets on my floors,
And no handles on my deers,
Cobwebs hang from every wall,
And nobody:ever comes here at
The Wedding -of Glatlye thee
• Pearl 13litek, daughter. of the late
'Me. and Mrs. DavidiS, Errington,
and ,Mr. Oeorge.Turnbull, soli 'of
the late Mr, And Mrs, William M.
Turnbull, RR, 2, 131.tievalc, took'
plaee at the Presbyterian manse;
Whigharn, on Saturday, September
29th, 19'56,
The Bride Wore a hiege Stilt with
brown riebeatiories, and a white
e ltii blouse, Her corsage was of
• lavender and -theme, •
Th6 couple are to reside at
itIt, 2, Pineville, When they return
from their litritymoon which Is
bOlinitHspent Comber,
lend, tilattifrigteh
Huron's Promotion
Group Disbanded.
New One Formed
,-Ceetrel Press illerrilen
This I00-yearold turtle car.
'thinly wasn't "pinched" by Police
s Chief Atha taking for speed-
as It ambled along highway
nt Pink ering, Ont. No one seemed_
to know where it teme trete, but
-the thief:knew where It was
itoing 4,- to the lee a where it
would . 'p :feel ,mole at
1aoine than At the IOW jail.
• .4 . t tme,;y