HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-03, Page 1WAN
By The Pedestrian
Members of the town council en-
joyed a delightful surprise on Mon-
day evening when a deputation
came •foiward to of-fer a present
to the' community-with no strings
Oeorge Tervit and W. B. McCool,
representing the since-defunct
Horse Show, stated that a balance
of between $1,020 and $1,040 re-
mained ,on hand from horse show
days: A meeting of those interested
had been held and it had been de-
cided to offer' the money to the
town e fter the purpose of erecting
a traffiC 'Signal at the intersection
of .Vietoria, and Josephine Streets.
An estimate of the cost of two
2-Way "signals 'had, been secured
anda it, appeared that the horse
show ffin'cls b'ould come very- close
to covering the needed outlay for
such a set of signals,
The offer of the former horse-
men was accepted with the coun-
cil's thanks on motion of Council,
fors Hamilton and Burgman. The
streets committee was instructed
to seek the permission of the De-
partment of Highways to proceed
with erection of the traffic lights.
The Strains and
Sprains of Sport
`Sfert art eWinglisen - this" Week
sent three football players ,and
one youthful 'girl to hospital' with.
Minor bruises.
The football players, William
Martin, Brussels; Bruce Robertson,
H.R. 2, Bluevale and Jack Grewar,,.
Brussels; were injured in 'a earrea
itetheeRriirigleam High. Scbonla
Vvillietreeined the fingers on: WS'
left '14/.16 , sprained, Bruce and
Jack had I to have their ankles
strapped for sprains. All were al-
lowed tc return to school after
Ten-year-old Jane Anne Colvin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Col-
vin, of Wingham, sprained her left
Wriet during the field day held at
Whigharn :Public School. The aeci e
dent happened as Jane was taking
part in the high jumping event.
After a strap had been applied at
the hospital, -Jane Was allowed
Improved Road Top
At Wingham Hospital
A great improvement has been
made with the recently laid black-
top paving at the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital.
Tne• public parking lot, the doc-;
tors' parkinv lot near the ambul-
ance entrance, 'the staff parking
lot at the rear of the building arid
the drive-way of the residence,
have all been treated with the new
-Mr, M. McPhail spent a few
days last week in New York state
visiting with relativee,
President Whitney Grose was in
the chair for the regular meeting
of the Lions Club at Hotel Bruns-
wick on Friday evening, Guests in-
troduced included 'Don Lloyd, the
guest' Of Don Nesmith and Larry
Sampson, guest of Gordon 'Buch-
anan. ,
Dealing with business matters,
the club Was pleased to :learn, qf
the donation of $25.00 by. Marvin
Howe, to assist the Lions -in
their, welfare work;
A discussion was held regarding.
the hour of meeting and after a
vote was taken it was decided that
a majority of• club members favor-
ed 6.30 rather than 6.15. Time of
meeting was officially set 'at
6.30 p.m.
Following the discussion of busi-
ness the club members adjourned
to the CKNX buildings where Bud
Cruickshank escorted them through
thp radio and TV departments, ex-
plaining the function of the various
typee of equimetent* which are used
to produce and air the prograMs
seen and heard 'over the local
station:''' •
Nursing Studehts
TraiA, at Wingham
Twelve- new students entered
training as nurses aides at •Wing-
ham General ,Hospital last week.
The ten-month Ontario' course • is
given at the hospital under the
supervision of Mrs. D. Anderson
and the hospital's superintendent,
Mrs. Iris E. Morrey.
The students who are taking the
course are:
Jean' Cottrill, Tiverton; Dixie Jo
Dunham, Pt, Edward; Melda Adell
Elliott, R.R.3, Thedford; Noreene
Ellwood, R.R. 2, Sarnia; Patricia
Ann Ernest, R.R, 4, Walkerton;
Corry van Eendefiburg, Atwood;
Helen Winilifred Johnston, R.C,A.F.
Station, Clinton; Margaret Jean
Martin, R.R .1, Ethel; Kathleen
Mosses', R.R. 6, St. Marys; Patiline
'Grace 'Schwass, R,R, 2, Port Elgin;
Ruth Sweetman, H.R. 1, Camiachie;
Cortie Verhoef, R.R. 5, Clinton.
• • ,
Minor, ,A cclde i
Victims .Tr0.04'..
On'Wedrienday Stuckey,
17-year-old son • of Emery ;Stuckey,
bef5yfuei IWnesinatg4o166411liaL4'dkief?:ledte:I'lldi%1411itrifeS.'*7t6:5:rttullbh:lie-buins ;were: treated atthe,:.V,Virig-
halitlGetietal .44 lie Was'
, .
JEhrieGrintbildbie AA; 2, ileres-
water, fell•Acirn 9. Oink he
was loading on 'Fildak :and
fractured fractured hia 'right hip Mr,Grim
olay was. detained 'iii the? Wing
ham General HtisPital;,.1114..; deridi- .
tion is descidbed;as ,s4tisfiictfiry: •
Ross McPherson, ttlt. 'Lhelt-
joir P'wrillsaya4Litiettre,d,a...;:,tlitebtilL64
which he had 'a finger :iirtilitgated
hY r. hay 103,06i.,*o...iPlispitai:
in .t .satistaetory,lgonditOni..6,s.1;
'Randy Scott,
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, , of
Belmore, fell down' a "Ilight of
stairs at his home on,Fridaye in- •
juring his head, The child was
X:rayecr at Wingliam General Hos-
On Monday; Kathleen Defter, 14,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. James
Deitner, fell down Antra, at the
Wingharn,High Scheel and injured
her back. Apparently she was com-
ing down the steps and stood on
another girlrs , skirt which caused
her to fall. Kathleen, who comes
from R.R. 1, Ethel, is still in hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph'Redman of
Wingham wish to announce . the
engagement of their eldest daugh-
ter, Iveildred leotretta- to Douglas
Henry Nesbitt, son of Mr, and Mrs.
John Nesbitt, of Ltrcirnovv. The
wedding to take place the latter
part of October. P3b
The engagement he announced of
Mildred 'Catherine Jones, daughter
of Mrs, James Jones, Wingham
and .the late Jaines Jones,. to Roy
Arthur Cullen, son .of Mr; and Mrs.
Cecil Cullen • Of :Vordwieh. The
wedding • to take place early this
month. ' 1•431)
Lagfes of St.' Stephen's Anglican
Church, Gerrie will serve a' Smor--
gasbord 'supper in Gorrie. Com-
munity Hall, Friday evening, Oct.
12, 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. Come and
enjoy ,a variety of foods. Adulte
$1,00; Children 40e.. • F3b
AT BELAGRE • < , „ ,
A turkey supper will be held in
Belmore Community Centre on
Wednesday, ,.October 10tha Supper
Served at 7 pm. • Adnrisekin, 'adults
$1.50; children (12 years and
under) , 75c. ,, 'rickets '''.maY be ob-
tained from •any Of 'the, rink :com-
mittee - and any aof the' business
prentises in Belniore beferehand. '
`. pb
Mr; and Mrs. A, W. Hall an:,
nounce the engagement of their
datighter, ;Shirley DOW to William
Harvey Stafford, son of Mrs.
'Moines Vittie and the late Cleve-
land Stafford, of Wroxeter, The
marriage to take, place November
3iel, '1956, at three o'clock in
Bracebtidge Baptist Church. F3*
The restrike meeting of. the
LeclieS' Auxiliary to 'Wltigliarn Gen-
eral 8oSpital Will be held iia the
Council Chamber go' Friday aftee-
noon, October 5, at three, o'clock.
Plans Will be Made 'ftir the fall
rumniage Sale, ' „„' Fab
a -
Mie and Mia. Gieirtime Of ,
Lower Wingham, .Who wilt cele,.
brat° their 56th Wedding atriliVer-
,slitY, on WedneSday,'OetOber 3rd.,
will be home to their: Itriericls• and
neighbors !rain tWo to five in the
afternoon and seven tei nine In the
eVeairig, F3b
CAVI-10141(6 ii71:10V,13 ifeE'AdiLlE
Harvest Teti, take !dale and
rate will 'be held in the Legion
ohne, on "StittirditYf October 6,
froffi to tVerYorie ,fa wets
&nett, 03b
With which is amalgamated the corrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
KINSMEN INSTALL Public .SchOol. Holds
Field Days .Thursday,Friday .
Don't For the
Rummage Sale Town Council Gives Formal
$80,000,00 School 'Debenture,
Has your fall boaageleahing pro-,• •N , EW' OFHCERS
duced any clothes, furniture, hats., Installation of officers, took. place
einSei novelties etc., that you can 'at the regular meeting of the Kips-
not user If r, bring them, to the men Club on Friday evening at the
Wirigharn •Arena. where the La.dies' ,Queen's' Hotel. Present for the op-
run-in-ewe sale on' 'Saturs10.3!'
bold their - casion was the new Deputy Gov-
erntir Art Gillespie, of Maritdale, KOapit41., Auxiliary will
afternoon, 'October: 10 at' two ,who•A3okei. briefly to the club be-
Ilia Sale depends a pan for installing the n ew e?ceent i ve,,
' Kin?Art instructed .each new officer
ltr, Fuller outlined the vital stet-
Optics in connection with the ex-
tension, The contract ,itself, Award-.
ed recently to 1,Vilfred White, -totals
$68,053.00, Architect's fees will
amount to 1.4,083,18, $2,900,00 has
to be set aside as a, contingency
fund and furnishings are estimated
at $5,863.52, The total is $80,000.00
The board chairman • showed
Town • Council, meeting in regu-
lar session oil „Monday night gave
its approval to the public school
board for ce-operation tin the erec-
tion of a new WIllif It the sch9OI,
The school, board, represented by
Herbert Fuller and the chairman,
Seat Reid, requested that the
town proceed to raise the necessary
funds for the erection -of the wing,
The Wingham Public School held
the annual sports meeting on Wed-
nesclay and Thursday afternoons
With ;perfect "weather,
Senior boy champion this year
was Barry Fuller with Bob Foster
a close runner-up. The'glies' senior
champion :was Greer Dunlop, with
Sue Nesmith runner-up, Grades 1
to 8 held their events on W0c11100^
dny and' the senior grades, 5, 0,, 7
and '8 participated on Thursday,
The results of the skipping race
(girls) was as follows: Grade 1, 1st,
Sharon Willie; 2nd,. Elaine , Carter ;
3rd, Lynda Seddon, Grade 1,
Jeanne Dunbar; Sheila Creweon;
judy Irwin, Grade 2, Patsy Sieling;
Brenda Ellacott; Georgina Brooks.
C411100 3, Rae Gurney; Brenda Hall;
Mary Ann Maiion, Grade 4, Bonnie
Jardln; Sandra Dtinbar; Pauline
Redman, Grade 4, Suitor "Spry;
Jean Riebl; Helen Carbert.
Wheelbarrow Race
(Boys) Grade 1, Lyle Gauley and
Kenneth Taylor; Joe Hall and
Douglas Mowbray; Barrie Conron
and Newton Richardson; Grade 1,,
1), Bakker and Van Dittrner; Ivap
McBiirney and Douglas Canieron;
Jimmy Henderson and Kenneth
Slade, Grade 2, Brian Carr and
Donald Brooks; Dean Balser and
Paul Tiffin; Tommy Miller and
John Parrott, Grade Spike Bak-
ker and IVIaryin Skinnd jimmy
(Please turn to page eleven)
council the' urOtteOVa.4rawing' of
the new wing which- Will extend
Westward along jOhn, Street from
the former addition Mlle explained
that the new seetion'.4 the building
which will contain r fOur ' ,,elass-
roorns and other' rooms 'for the
use of the Staff, will regpire 1lb
toilet or boiler faellitiesa because
provision had been Made in the list
addition for :these' needs, When the
proposed addition l -completed the
Wingham school Oontsin 15,
classrooms end a kindergarten,
, Mayor McfCinney:%said';that the
town solicitor hits Already been in-
structed to Mahe neeeSsary
application to the lAtinielpal" Board
in Toronto for.approval of the
$80,000.00 debenture issue. „MO. ap-
plication be completed as soon
as the public school board: has sup-
plied the town solicitor with itedeee
nary date,. The mayor assured- the
representatives of , the 'beard that *
every effort will, be made to com-
plete the application and hurry the
approval, sp that work may 'be
startee before bad 'weather, sets in,
WLen .the matter. of debenture
sale was under -discassiOn the may-
or stated his, , feeling: that' it was
time the Province of - Ontario as-
sumed responsibility 'fnr :guaran-
teeing municipal :debentures for
education and health expenditures.
In thiS way the communities' which
must raise ..the money would enjoy
the, benefit of b'etterinterest rates.
Be stated*,• that alinost 'every
instance of debenture sales
recent months -: it-, has' been. neces-
sary to sell at figures tinnier par,
which adds „eonsiderably -to the
cost involVel In -the erection of
Town is Growing
The report of, Town Assessor H.
L. Sheri:tali:4; rindica04-:t.hating
(Please turn icy° page,,eleven)
Former Horsemen Offer to
Buy Traffic Signal Lights
NET LOSS--One member of the
town council suggested at the close
of Monday night's meeting, that'
they had shown quite a loss, for
the evening's werle--479,000. A
ghlenation of $1,000 fronn the former
.i.or,se show directors was a little
more than offset by council's agree-
Thent to issue debentures totaling
$80,000, for an addition to the public
school, '
' . 0 e 0 - 0
UP THE HILL-Mel Keating,
long-time employee with the local
PVC, moved to a new JO oli TueS-`.
clay, 4When he 'commenced work at
the CKNX i television etudio. Mel's
cheerful grin from the n top of a
hydro pole will he missed.'
- 0 - 0
employees haVe been working at•
some temporary repairs at the
Howson dam this week. According
to the information council has re-
ceived so far a complete remedy
for all the ills that beset the dam
will be a pretty expensive under-
' taking.
0 - o
Industrial Commissioner Earl
Hamilton returned from a meeting
in Clinton 'act week with the in-
formation that to new-'industry
Seeking a: place to locate. The ,firm
hopec to employ between .500. and
600 men, needs 150 acres of land
and will require a millicin gallon's
of water a day. The pre'duetaailue.
40th Artniversary '
art and "Mrs. WM. ae, Davidson
Port. Cplbourne visited here and
celebrated their 40th wedding 'an-
sisters,, husbands and wives, at a
. niversary -with their brothers and
turkey dinner given inn -their honor
at the Queen's Hotel ma Thursday
Following the dinner they • spent
the evening at the home., of Stuart
'and Mrs, eVIclaurneeaeni Victoria
Street playing „games and discus-
sing the happenings 'of 40 year's
Nx era Ft o.
Agnes Williamson, Mrs. E. Slier% Miss G.
and Miss Phyllis Johns,
District Convention
To Be at Durham
The September meeting of
Branch 1.80, Canadian tiegion, was
held in the LigiOn Home ,on Tiles;
day evening of last week, aE which
62 members were present.
Addressing the members was
Comrade John Cruickshank, who
spoke abOut the trip he had made
to Labrador with NOrm. Welyvood
and Ed Blake, as guests- of the
R.C.A.F. In an interesting and in-
formative telk, Mr, Cruickshank
said that the main purpose of the
trip was to make et film for tele-
vision and to complete tape-record-
ings for use. oh radio.
During the meeting it was an-
nounced that unfortunately the
Hamilton Salvation Army Band
would not, after all, be able to
take part in the Wingham Remem-
bradee Day parade on November 11
and that other arrangements would
have to be made., It was hoped that
the services of this excellent band
wou'd 'have been possible, and at
the last meeting of the branch it
was proposed that an" effort be
made to get the Hamilton band
for the parade.
The president drew the members'
attention to the District "C" con-
vention which it to be held in
Durham on Sanday, Oateber 7 He
sail', that at the zone meeting held
in Blyth a few weeks ago there
had been a good 'turnout of Wing
ham 'members, and President Pat
tison expressed his hope that the
branch would be well represented
at Durham also.
Left. to right, Bryon Collar, Alari Leggatt and-5.RaY
Corrin receive their ribbons at the Public Sehcol
field' day last Wednesday, The teachers arc Miss
girl§!c,:lwripOn; ,;i9413 juni
girls' champlop;;•Barry Flitter, senior boys' charn-
pion; Shirley ilendere intermediate girls' champion',
and John BerineetFeinteerriediate boys' champion,
. •
have a smile :,f67••••••tiii Canicra after the schtMefield
day.held last week, The champs are, left teleeight:
Bob. Lunn; junior boys' champion; Greer DOnlh• •
the co-operation "of the whole epen-c'ne turn regarding his particular munity so donations arePeededit''position in the ,club for-the coming
and anything can be sold. As all :year .and congratulated him on his
artioles have to be sorted anVapp0intment to office,
priced,' parcels should be left at ). The immediate past president,
the arena on Friday, .Oct, 12, If' Jack Gorbutt, received his past
you wish anything called for,. (president'sQpin while the new presi-'
please phone MI% 'H. C. MacLean dente Jack Lloyd was presented
31, or Mimi V, Johns 203, Don,t r;Witn his 'pin 'and the gavel, Jack
forget that all roads will lead tO'eavas received as the new president elavith a hearty round of applause as the Arena en Saturday, Oct. 13. k he..ztbiteook his position at the head t
After his opening remarks Presi-
ldent Jack welcomed the Deputy
povernme, the giieet speaker and
iprosPective new , Kinsmen in .the
'persons of Raymond Merkley and
,Des ;Brophy.'
FolloWing the reading of the
,minntes read by the secretary, Jim
';Currie, a short business session -Was
.iheld when reports were given by
aviceepresident Jack Walker and
:President, Jack Lloyd: on their re-
:cent. inVestigations regarding the
Proposed swimming pool. Heading
'Ticked committees, both kinsmen
had 7gained valet-able- information
as a ;result of visiting other centres
and interviewing persons who were
• informed on swimming pool
prcijecte., Extensive study of the
.. pool question will be continued. •
The only other item of business
''was a reminder to all- present to
be on hand for the. Kin paper drive-
on 'October 10.
Highlighting the evening was a
very interesting and informative
`address, by: Ed Blake of CKNX,
' who gave an account of his recent
:trip •to. Goose Bay,. Labrador, in
company- with John Cruickshank
and Notna Welwood. Ed painted a
• '-very clear piature with his excel'-
'lent :description of the• , country,
:the airfields. and the communica-
',ion's system at Goose Bay, After
'his , addreSs, he showed colored
' were equally inter=
esting.. •
Kin Jim Currie thanked the
speaker on behalf of the club and
the meeting adjourned.
READY SET - At a meeting of the executive of
Zone 1 of the Midwestern Ohtario
Development Association iii the
town hall, Clinton last week, the
two-year-old Huton County Indus-
trial Promotion Board was dissolv-
NEW SCHOOL ADDITION ed. A balance of '$63 remaining in
the treasury is to be turned over to
the directors of the Zone 1 Associa-
tion for use as need arises,
R, D, Jermyn, president ' of the
Zone' 1 Association, was chairman
for the meeting, which heard a
number or industrial promotion
men, Included were J, b. Oaks,
Guelph, president of the Midwes-
tern Ontario Development Associa-
tion who urged the use of planning
on as large en area basis as practi-
cal and that,"land OW' plans were
definite' asset for the protection
both of the taxpayer and of the
W. A, Wall, 'Trade and Industry
Branch, Departnient of Planning
anti DevelOonent, 'Detente, invited
a strong representation in Toronto
on Monday •and Tuesday, October
1 and 2, at‘tho Municipal Industrial
Development conference.
tt, C. Drew, Manager of the . -
western Ontario Development Asp
Weanoday dope tio viate, and tailed for as Public Scheel Will look after completion, seciationo. Stratford, outlined work Artist's linpresSion of how the new addition to the
(COlitititted °teenage fiVe.)
ene heti:Miele which .has been designed by the
namilton arehiteets Ryles and Kyles; will contain.
rout elassrobins, ten: offite arid telitherie tdOiria,
Wilfred a. White of Winiihitiat hits been awarded
the contract, anti work is Otireeted, to eoninlbriee
et au early date.
Waiting for 'the word goi these lads - get Apt to
break the records'in the sprint event at 'tilt yvirce. ham Public School field day, held
and .Thursday afternoons,