HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-26, Page 7• ii4+4144. 411MIPM..1011111044.10.11101.0.1111.(MMINNIMINININNIN.011•4411MO.M•41,010.!Ip..4.41111104,11.10.111111. No one goes fart on a diet ot bread and water Optometrist fairick_St., • Win.04.10 Phone 770 inioplisplonglibluatiliiiiiiilisaigitnigillin1011011101111111101,1i. N ,a.,er ,.:.wine All Coluolion Twine Made in Kitchener APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET PER POUND NI'VE IlAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK Charles Hodgins YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER , ullijimill11111111111111111111.11111111111111111.111$11110111111111111111i1111111111011111111111111111r Use ;'the Classified Column for Quick Results, A SIZE FOR EVERY HOME Sold Through Dealers. Only — Made in Windham by — It's. :easy to keep: track your money with a Current Account at,. The Canadian / Bank of Commerce You may wonder where your money goes. But one thing is certain, you can't save much runless you spend wisely and budget well. For good reason, you'll be far better able to keep tracks of your expenditures when you open a Current Account with The Canadian Bank of Commerce: This gives you these outstanding advantages: At the end of each month, you receive typed statement from us. This shows every deposit and very withdrawal you have made—as well as the balance standing to your credit. You .also receive alt your can- celled cheques, You'll find this combination "a great help in keeping an exact record of your expenditures and receipts. rho lwo 40Y, G. MAN WILLIAMS StephOlt L.,. 100.4- Killed in Crash GORRIE--Stephert Larlein wing died on Wednesday, September '10, following a car-train eraSh two and a half .miles west of liEkrriSten, /Vfn King was born on January 22 1,888 in Howl* Township, the son of the :late Fthelhert :King ,and, Mary Elizabeth ‘Giliriuson., His wife, the former. Mary MeCaliong.h. pre-. degeased him in 4900, • Surviving are one •daughter, Mrs. Wide, ;IOhnson of Louden and•three sons, Harry of London, Leonard of toistowel and Lerne of PIPPO; a son Elgin predeceased him, ,8140 surviving are four brothers, PereY. of Mount Forest, Garnet of Ford- Mel), Ellrflar of Palt0erSten, Wil -liam 6f (+or* and one sister,Mra, Pearl Motherseli of Owen Sound, Funeral service Was conducted by Rev, F. E. Russell of -St, 'Step)), era 's Church, Gorrie, from the 1-11, V, Flth.,,ar funeral home an Vriday,‘ • • Pallbearers were William."' Harr ristim, Ed. Day, Morley Bell, Gar- 1.(11101k oUll.nt1170'Wne.ed, Bill Partridge and Interment was in Gerrie ceme- tery. - • Mrs. H. HOtchiSon Passesin Londori., co13.ra--01/Ers. Hutehisbn, :Who died ,at Victoria HoSPital, in LorldOn on Thursday was' the for- mer jean Marie Johnson arid was born in'London'on Feb.. 4, 1984, Slip was married to James Hugh Hut- nhisen on June 21; 1952. ' Surviving 'besides. her .husband er4 tWo Sons*: Larry; arid an infant son; her mother, Mrs, Velda johnson, one sister,' Diane, . and, one, brotlier,. Michael, all of Lon- ,don. Rev. W. 3, V. Buchanan of T,Thited Church,' geminated the funeral service at the' T. V. Ed- gar funeral home on, -.Sunday •at 4 . p,m, Bearers of the beautiful floral tributes. were William.,Hut- chison, Robert Edgctr, Plielma and. Shirley. Bennett and „Nay, Pallbearers were •Geoige ',Gregg, To Ritchie, DeWitt AciannS, :Stew- art Strong, Earle King' and :George Cor'ey. Burial was in • Gorrie Ce- metery. 0011M1— The September Meet-, inP of the 'Wonan's .Assoelation, ef' the United Mora Was held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Earrialt, Russell Man was leader` for the worship ppriod, Wing' the theme,. "Hurry is, making 'some of - us mushrooms, when, we wore tended to he .aalts." Mrs, bower Parrish read the :Scripture taken from gNetitni 194,41, Mrs. Manaa. offered prayer, A :nOinil t Wila bY Mrs, O.. Whitfield; had Mrs. C. Pyko .gave • the topic dealing with the theme.' She said, "Gad sent the .children of faraei on p,, round-about way to the Preneised Land, We live in nt1 age of Impatience; short cuts are .be- ing found, in every. aspect of life. The wilderness way is GoWa way for most of us, lie may have even greater plant). for us, We can spoil Ells plans by our haste.". Purina the 'business an invite, Oen was read to atferal a cooking school on SePteinher 25' with Mn. Schriber, it.elqener as derrionstra- tor. It was decided not to have a slipper .this year, The president, Mrs;, • Gordon Bd.. gar' Closed the meeting 'with the M4pait benediction and lunch was served by the hostess and . the. lunch tionnnittee.. social time was eajOyed• daring the limek peried, United3Chureh.News • . • GORRIE2-Group four of the Gorrie"United Church will meet' at the home of Mrs. Dick Carson on Thursday, 'September 27 at eight o'clock. The',prograrri:committee is Mrs. H, .Hynclman, Mrs,- Cameron Edgar and Mrs. A. DuStow, The Northern Helpers will meet at the home of Mrs. Ken Haktie, on Wednesday, September 26, at 8.80. Mrs. Gerald Galbraith will be in charge of the program. • The Collie Official' Board meet- , ing will be beld in the church ball on Thursday, September 27 at 9, * " • Church and Sunday School ser- vices will be . on'. Standard Time next 'Sunday. and Mrs. Albert Thistew spent the, week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Woodrow Dustow, Toronto, Miss Judy 'Watt, of Mitchell, visited on Sunday with Miss Ruth Grainger, M SuIdrayanciatNtrhse, Ti ho4ni. eAlPoir Me4r,",:nndt e tea of the twelve members 0 the nsLc ohlecekrf ,aFm91 gathered lan, qdl before ch, wr their sister left for. her home In Va Miss Vet* Metcalf, spent the week-end with Miss Karen Michel, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Miller at- tended the funeral of Mrs, Albert Lang in New Hamburg on Mon- day. voMmr,rrdanMdrsm, 7r14`,,Ln. Nrusestiline;rviidogit: Palrnerston on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Hood, Ronald and Douglas of Dundalk ware recent viSittirs at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, The sympathy of the conmminity is extended to the families of the late Stephen King, Mrs, Hugh Hut- tl liserveamnedn lit. arold Watson 'a their bereavement, Wylie, Betty Wylie of Toronto and Mrs, Jas. Wylie of I.,eaSide spent the weekend with •Mrs. .john Mr. Archie Scott held an auction sale of garage and household fur- an ni sdhei rn gosf o Fn 0Sr ad twulredhayti, aMs rp, rde h, aBsoeld- the Property and will open a shoe paonsclsehstIrsiennesgn rSeePpatierm 1:ehroPd ' 9tlit.a-4 in g Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ilyndman and family visited Mr. and Mrs, Glen Dilworth of Galt on Sunday, Mrs': Percy Colmpr, Toronto, spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Miss Karen Michel and.Verlle Metcalf, of Wingliam, attened the Milverton Fair on Saturday and visited Mrs, Zimmerman. .Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Fulton and Richard of Geilt spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. IL, Harrison„ Mickey, Ralph and Brenda, of Wingham, spent . Sunday at the same home. Mrs. Jas. Magoffin, Fordwich spent Thursday 'with Miss Etta Burns and Mrs. Mabel Stewart. A number attended anniversary services in Wroxeter on Sunday. Miss Mary Copeland of The Tor- onto-Dorninlon .Bank staff under- went an operation in East Genera] Hospital, Toronto, on Friday. The October meeting of the Gorrie W. I. will be postponed one week, meeting on Tuesday evening, October 9th at the home of Mrs Harry Rhame, at 8.30 p.m. Appoint Delegates To iArea Convention BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of the Belgrave Women's In- stitute was held Tuesday evening of last week, in the community, centre with jvirs. Walter Scott in charge. Delegates named, to the. London Area convention were Mrs. Albert Coultes and. Mrs. Mel Taylor, the alternate being Mrs. Walter Scott'. Members were asked to collect arti- cles for the fall rummage sale, arti- cles to be left at Mrs. C. R. Log- an's; A card of thanks was read from the Kelly family. It was announced that a short course would be held in Belgrave in the spring, sponsored by the W.I. The resolutions were voted on at this meeting. Mrs. Harold 'Procter was conven- er of the program. The motto on "Earn a Little, Spend a Little Less" *as read by Mrs. Leslie Bolt. Joyce Procter gave a •cornet solo. The address :On "Memories" was given by Mrs.." Charles Mathers. The roll calli jvas answered with a use for salt and' MES,"SteWart Proc- ter condticted a quiz about hoUse- hold hints and remedies. Luria was served by Mrs. J. .M. Coultes, Mrs, G. Higgins, Mrs. Har- old Procter, Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs, A. E, Coultes. COLLECTORS NAMED FOR BIBLE SOCIETY BELGRAVE—The annual 'meet- ing of the Bible Society was held in Trinity Anglican Church Wednes- day evening of last week. The president, Athol Bruce was in charge of the meeting. Scripture reading was given by Rev. G. A, Ertig and Rev. B, de V'ries led in prayer. The district secretary, Mr, G. P. Parson of Toronto was present and gave an address and showed the film "Getting to Know Our Bible Better." The following officers and col- leetOrs were named for the new year: President, Robert Higgins; secretary, Miss Stella Nethery; collectors, 3rd Morris, Herman Nethery; 4th Morris, Howard Wilk kinson; 5th MOMS,. Clare Van- Camp; 6th Morris, Ernest Noble; 6th Eait Wawantish, Albert Caul- tesi 9th Ea'st Wawanosh, east, Jae, Anderson; 9th East WaWanosh, weft, Gilbert Beeeroft; ltith East Wawanosh east, Norman. Coultes; 10th East • Wovanosh west, Alec Robertson; No, 4 Highway •south, George Johnston; No. 4 Highway north, cooper Nethery; Belgrave, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. It is requested that collections be in by November 1st, Rev, a T. Colvin closed the Meeting With the benedietlai. )orenr* Pays Tribute to Clifford Kelly The following tribute to the late Clifford Kelly, who passed away in Calgary three weeks: ago, was writ- ten by .13.,ev. Stanley Smith, Allg117 can minister at Florence, Ontario] "The Sad news Of Ow Passing front ow earthly scene of C7lifftird Relly must have come as a great sheck to the community of Flo. rence and Rutherford, His active ministry as a theological student reached far beyond the bounds of the several charges he so faith- fully served and indeed "Cuff", as we affectionately .knew hint, Was highly respected and liked by many wlho were not members of the `United Church. "To the, young people; his pass- ing will be a great loss for in Clifford Kelly they had a true friend and one who always bad their interests ,at ihcart, "As one Who was only privileged to know him hut a short time, I can, say the community is the, poorer for his loss. I greatly valu- ed his friendship and sound advice and was, happy to be associated with him in the recent Vacation Bible School held in Florence this summer, How fine to think that one' of his last acts was to speak to us at that wonderful closing service, "It is sad to think that such a fine young life abould be marred by tragic illness but as Christians we'. rejoice that our Heavenly :Father has called him to same zrander employ in that larger life and He will surely say, "Well done, than good• and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of thy Lord." Mr. and Mrs. Shaw Presented at Dance BELGRAVE—A shower and dance 'was, held in the Forester's Hall on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Shaw, (former- ly Donna Anderson) who were married recently. During intermis- sion the young couple were called to the platform where Clifford Coulter read an address and George Johnston presented them with a gift of money. Leslie made a fitting reply on behalf of his bride and himself. Music for danc- ing, was supplied by Bruce's Orch- estra. Knox Evening Auxiliary Meets BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of the Evening Auxiliary of 'the Woman's lVfissionary Society of Knox United Church was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. George Johnston. The presi- dent, Mrs. Ross Anderson, opened the meeting with prayer and Ei hymn. Reports were given by the treasurer and secretary. There were three home and three hospital visits reported. The group .accepted an invitation to meet with the Afternoon Auxil- iary at their Thankoffering meet- ing in October. Mrs. M. Dennis is to be the speaker at this meeting. The group was reminded 'of the sectional meeting in October at Brussels and Mrs. Cameron Walsh was nominated to the Finance Committee. Delegates to the meet- ing named were Mrs. Clifford. Log- an and Mrs. Ted Fear, .!-Mrs,-„lames Walsh is to' have the liecamber meeting,home. at her 1-1),71r,s.r1VOI'Man 6.eok was in charge of the devotional period and open- ed it With a; hymn, The topic was from the book' of Ephesians, "the book that sings". , Mrs. Clifton Walsh ,led in. prayer. The study bohIC was about South East Asia and the following read about it: Mrs. James Walsh, Mrs. Harold Walsh, Mrs, Norman , Cook and Mrs, Cameron Walsh. Mrs. Norman Cook led in recrea- tion and the hostess served lunch. is moray- burning a q,000 hole in your pocket? AL, , Old?. Get Pe' fool full . • in,,u2tbaust0ci.Tiy(),,ItTOrl optc nitegknopdod utter 4i) —,by Way down .bottoitsp• httictittg V,It!4 vigpr, .yiWity,1:1;aqszvildi 'CO Optp.,.. y04,o v000gor, 1444 0 0 n.6.0t,g64 clointocr 41.;e,ft ,gpt .roP, )IPsY titticir thrifty W y, 111' .0.001( (94ey,.4.14 .nil uis.t ill THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE mi.RE THAN 725 RRANCHFS ACROSS C ANADA MRS. t. PYKE 3113 TOO MUCH 1JURRY comitog-0,40, +op, •.1,410 -.004( Open tt Curreenit 46'601,11f111 withits todaii. Our nearest branch, 1411 be olad to heti) WINGHAM BRANCH W., 0. ,STRUTHERS MANAGER Lumber .Supplies. FOR EVERY - NEED - HEMLOCK - PINE - ,We. just unloaded a car of. Western SPRUCE. WINOHAM SAWMILL COMPANY lid.; Phone 576 Windham PLYWOODS - INSULATION -"SHINGLES Arborites - Metal Mouldings - Trim' Windows:- Doors - Frames - Sash • THIS. WEEK'S SPECIAL 12" Hardwood SLABS$4.00,cordAeliver-ed (In Truck Load Lots) 12" Softwood SLABS $2.00 cord delivered (In Truck Load Lots) SiONNIE t Small sums can easily "burn holes" in your pocket and these "losses" can add up to a small fortune. Row much better to put aside your small change and let it grow. An Investors Syndicate plan I will help yotf, Cell or write: I • Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 WINGI1AM ONT. I John W. Wajnes RA, IISTOWEL Phone 1042 riiVO ***Orli lli,yn -0? dANKOX, tomtit; 0.1#14.0 IN kili.Vli2,,V,f17411., •r.4ratas.m)4 ORDER NOW!, Seed Wheat Reg. No, 1 Cornell Coin. No, 1 Genefiee Reg, No. 1 Genesee oCom. No. 1 Cornell Coin, No. 1' Dawbul, Treated and PACKED in new jute. Corn. Tetra Pektis. Itire Cleaned and Treated Custom Cleaning,& Treating Seed Wheat HIGHEST PRICES• PAID! FOR WHEAT, BARLEY; OATS, WHITE BEANS and OTHER GRAINS ' • Also-Buying Timothy Seed—:Let Us Quote You We are interested in Oats suitable for seed BRING IN A SAMPLE W. G. THOMPSON Phiiiie SONS 'LTD.' BALANCED FEEDING ALWAYS PAYS FEEDS There's no doubt about it — no one wants a steady diet of just bread and water. BUT — if you're feeding straight grain alone, you're asking your livestock• to live and thrive On "bread and water". And it's been proved many times that you can't get the results from grain alone that you get by feeding a balanced ration. It's been a hard job getting grain harvested in many areas this year and losses have resulted. Further loss can, result if the grain you do har- vest is not fed properly. For instance, it takes about 1,100 pounds of straight grain to put 'a hog to market compared to just 650 pounds of a combination of grain and SFIUR-GAIN Hog- mix Concentrate. S=T=R=E=T=C=H your grain supply by using, SHUR=GAIN Concentrates, We can recommend a profitable custom mixing program for you. CANADA ....... WINGIUM acticiarommetwitill111110111111111111111111111VIETRIllif It 91st Glanworth Copsignmimt Sale AFTERNOON SALE 100 HOLSTEINS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th --- 1 P M at the Glanworth Sales Arena between. Glanworth and St. Thomas MOSTLY ACCREDITED AND VAcipliNATglol • 25 fresh and f,pringhtg purebred Cows and heifers; 35 dose up purebred first Tali heifers, 15 .01'04'0 open beifers,"10 area tested grades, alsti calves awl; .bully '• ALL SALES WILL :BE 1 p.m, IONTA, guaimEn NQUVE HOLSTEIN SALES LAST THURSDAY OF pvieRx. MONTH..