HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-26, Page 6;,pent ..nartay vritn 4V1r, •Ziad Les Douglas, Mlas Ethel Reis; of Fordwich, • spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs,. Harvey McMichael, Mr.. and. Mrs. Allen. Munro and Winnifred were London visitors on :Sunday, Win remained and will .at,. tend Western University. Week-end visitors with Mr. and .n'it's. 44,41u Pakb01,' W PJ .,t•teta. McLennan and Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Fraser, ail of JarnestoW.n,. Mr. and .Scott Hunter and daughter, Susan Jane have retorn-. ed to their borne in Windsor two Weeks' bolidoy. 10, Hunter, who is a member .of the staff, of the Hank of Commerce at W4lIcervilic,. was recently -appointed assistant accountant. ..7.‘itciqienes4 Visitors during the week-Qua with Harvey and Mrs,. Timm were Mr.. and Mrs, Herman Depew, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Depew and baby Brenda, Miss Dorothy Millar, all of Toronto, Mr, and Ms's. R. 'COMP- hell, Mrs. Lloyd North, Doane and Sylvia, all Qt London, and Mr• and Mrs4 Gerald: Timm and Mr. and Mts. Bin Connell of Wingbarn. Mrs. Nelsen Gowdy, Wingbam, Spent Sunday with Mr,- and Mrs, Jim Dolg. Mr. and Mrs Allister Green and' two .smalt daughters, of Wingliam, spent Sunday with Mrs, W. Weir and Miss gorty Bush. Week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hart were Mr. mid Mrs. Lyle Hart and daughter, Patty, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hart, of Si. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Orr, of Byron, spent the weck-end with the lat- ter's father, Mr, George Laekie, Mr, and Mrs:, Aussell Rae, of Braatford, spent Sunday with the former's mother, '''.M•rs, 3.1, W Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Rae have just re- turned from a three weeks' trip toy Saskatchewan, Mrs. line's fernier' home. • Mr. Arthur Green, Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. uno. Mrs, George Harris. - Mrs. Alex Wright, Brussels .and Mrs. William Finlay, of Listowel, t's Later Than You Think ! , NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE THOSE STORM WINDOWS REPAIRED /l ND TrIE BEST SERVICE IS GIVEN BY lexandees Hardware WHY NOT PHONE .27.' NOW LOCAL MEMBERS TO ATTEND CONVENTION WROXETER—Delegates, fro ni this district will attend the Wo, .men's Institute convention on Tuesday and Wednesday in Guelph, The theme for this year is "No Tree Can Bear Fruit in Antumn Unless It Blossoms in the Spring", Chairman will be Mrs, Norman Smith of Shallow Lake. Some of the outstanding speakers Will be Dr. J, D, McLachlan, Mrs. Gordon McPhatter, of Owen Sound, provincial pl;esident and Miss Helen McKercher, director of home eon, omits. Dr. Margaret McCready, principal of Macdonald Institute will address the gathering. Miss Dora Burke of the department will speak on "Better Bazaars". Prof. W. T. Ewen of the Soils department O.A.C. will also be a speaker. Eentertainment will be provided by Padre W. A. Young of the 0.A.C, staff, accompanied by Mrs, R; Kidd. Soloist, Mrs, Frank Tanner, of Newton, will be accompanied by Mrs. H. Bond. Accordion solos by Mrs. Milton Riehl of Sebringville, monologues by Mrs. Marion John- ston of Stratford, Mrs., Cameron Lush, Mrs. Clare Robinson and Mrs. J, N. Watson, all of Rock- vood. A skit "This Canada of Ours" will be put on by R'eid's Corners Branch, South Bruce district. Miss Jean Scott will have charge of the girls' session on Wednesday morning. A banquet will be held in the Royal Hotel. UNITED CHURCH W.A. SETS BAZAAR DATE WROXETER—Mrs. Stanley Gal- laher and Mrs, Rae Loutitt arrang- ed 'the September meeting of the Wornan'S Association which was held in' the ehurch parlors on Tires day afternoon, Mrs. Gallaher pre-% sided for the devotional period and opened with the hymn, "All Things Bright and Beautiful", followed by prayer by the leader. Mrs. Hart read a poem entitled "Times Parade". Mrs. Louttit spoke en "The Birch Tree",, the tree of 100 uses. Mrs. Lloyd agee chose for the Scripture reading Ruth, 2nd chapter. Roll ball was answered by a verse of thanks, Mrs. Buchanan gave a short talk on the growth of the church giving it a personal touch by telling of some of , the churches she has at- tended as wife of a minister. "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung. Mrs. Hart, president, took 'the chair for the business and Miss 'Mina Ball presented the treasurer's port, Mrs. George Gibson secretary, read the minutes. The, date of the annual bazaar was set for November', 1.0th,,,land Members „expressed, the 'hope that the ladies of the congqgallon will assist in' the Work by making dona- tions of something saleable. A new catering committee was Set• up to take care of two banquets this month, Members of the committee, are Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, Mrs. W. T, MacLean and Mrs. Ken Bennett. The ladies then worked on a pure White quilt 'with fancy quilting, Which will be sold at the bazaar, Supper was served by the'commit- tee in charge and a social hour en- joyed. *.NEW COURSES :ARE STARTING • •FOR See, write or telephohe RCAE CAREER COUNSELLOR iLc.A.P. RECRUITING UNIT, 149 ICing Street tondirn; Ontario. Phone: 4-7314 4-7315, lots wi servers 4Po .44 IT. 44_, a. - • . a. • o•O::•%0V..::•:4;.:.k.O.:•: • 4, 7ro. • • • :,..000;:*••: : . e AT Ti-te SHOPPING CENTRE PROVING GROUNDS OF CHEVROLET POPULARITY East, West .. ;across the land, wherever cars are parked, on every street and highway, you tee more Chevrolets than any other car because far more people drive Chevrolet than any other car! And the preference for Chevrolet is growing ever greater. Because more and more people are discovering There's No Value like Chevrolet Value! otc)rs Winghetrn • Phone 139'; • RKEYS FOR hanksgivin NO LONGER A LUXURY We have a Factory Trained Mechanic for you. Don't Delay . . Come in. Today Plymouth - Chrysler - Fargo Trucks Josephine St., N. Wingbarn LOOK OVER OUR HI-VALUE — LO-COST USED CARS ant soinetelp with. your homework, Dad?" It's a gui 'thing young Ted is only joking. His dad is studying the needs-of families like yours for financial protection. If he took Ted up on his offer, the.boy,would be overwhelmed by problems about man- aging family incomes, succession duties, ptotecting a business agains* Ioses caused by the death of the owner, and other matters. • Ted's father is a modern life underwriter. Today, life insurance repre- sentatives not only study better ways to provide life insurance protec- tion — they seek a real understanding of people's needs, and shape plaps to meet these. needs, which differ-with every family. You'll find today's life insurance man a good man to know. His pro- ,gress reflects the many ways in which the life insurance business has }developed with the Ones to meet your changing needs! THE tIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L.451,11) I • 1 Canadians have a wide choice of life insurance plans o 11 , ,.-,,offereci by more than 60 life Insurance companies .1 •. -1.1 f ' operating, in this country. '1.;''', .:' I, .LAIDLAW'S Phone 3663 Wingharn q I • fdigUaruAgt% attruf1:1111VOik 49441•. - • 1.11,131, t ay-it it;g For Mrs, P, Watson • services. were conducted on Toes; day froth, the H. A, Carrie 84 Sons funeral home for Mrs, Peter Wat- son, who. died in the Wingharn General Hospital .on Saturday, The service was, in charge of Rev, j, MacRae of the WinghaM United. 0herch, assisted by Rev. AleXander Nitrono of St. Andreves .Presbyter,. Ian .Cberch, Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery, Lueltnow, The former Marion Casenaore„ she was •'born in Kinloss Township and had spent the greater part of her' LoCknow, Her husband,. passed away in 1047« For the past five years She had resided with. her sister, Mrs. lildward Marsh, in Torriberry Township, Mrs« Watson is survived by one daughter, . Mrs. Harold Gaunt, West Waws.nosh; her sister, Mrs. Marsh, and five brothers, -Oscar and Ernest, of Wingbarn; Carl, :Ravenswood; Victor, Brantford,. and Chester, of Top:berry. WROXETIO 'giaiet wedding was solemnized in Fairbanit Presbyterian •Church on Friday evening« Sept. 21, by the Rev. R. J., Matthews, when Milli,' cent Marion, eldest .datighter of Mr. and. "qrs. George King, To, route, was united in marriage to • Ronald. Stewart, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C« Murray, of Wing- ham. Their only attendants were o Miss -Caroline "Ackert, of Toronto and Maurice Steinton„ of 'Wing- ham, The couple will reside hi To., onto,. Mrs. G. W. Tiffin Tells. Auxiliary of School for Leaders The Evening Auxiliary of the Wingliain United Church held its September meeting at the home of Mrs. F. Blakely on Tuesday eve- ning of last week with Mrs. E. Webster in charge. After an opening hymn. Miss Greta Harris led in prayer. A special , study of the first chapter at Ephesians was made. Mrs,. D, Miller read the chapter' from the revised version of the Bible, which was followed by reading the chap- ter a second time from the stand- ard version. The Auxiliary was divided into four groups to dis- cuss one of the four vital questions in the Chapter. At the end of this period the questions, with their answers were presented to the meeting. • At the end of the worship ser- vice the collection was taken and' Mrs. D. Miller offered the prayer of dedication. Misses Merle and Muriel ''Gowdy sang a duet, "The Old Rugged Cross", accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Rennie Goy. Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, who was a delegate from the Huron Presby- tery to the School for-Leaders at Alma College, St, Thomas, in Aug- ust, before introducing the new study book, gave a short rest:arid of the course; She said the course itself was indeed a real beauty treatment, because of the ninny fine associations, the great bene- fits received from the course itself and the wonderful spiritual uplift it gave one, She said that of the 106 who registered for the course, 50 were girls 18 years of age and under, Mrs. Tiffin introduced the study program for the coming year-, which is composed of two books, "East of Buena" deals with the people of Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Formosa and Korea. It tells. about their way of living, religion and history. Their, civilization is the• oldest in the world. These countries, whose population is 170 million, approximately 1000 to the square mile, are tremendously im- portant. Mrs. Tiffin told about Miss Pel- tharne, a returned . missionary •from Korea, who was a special speaker at the School for Leaders., She told about her work in helping Christian refugees. Although all Korea needs help desperately," it is only the Christian refugees who receive help through the United Church as missionaries know where best to give needed articles, "Make Way for Brotherhood", the second book deals with the ways, in which our Western civil- ization touches those eastern -na- tions through the Council of Churches and other organizations. During the business of the •meet- ing Mrs, .Tack Reavie read letters from Mrs. O. Lindaltken, of Red Deer Lake, thanking the Auxiliary for parcels sent to help the desti- tute Indians in that vicinity and from Jim Shynkar, expressing his thanks for the many parcels he had received this summer to help relieve the .hardships • of the In-• diens .among whom - he was work- ing. She also read a letter fr944. a United Church port worker at Halifax, acknowledging ditty bags sent to them and saying hoW much these useful articles were apprec- iated. It was', decided that the October rrieetingWduld„ take the foi'm of a shower of Christmas 'gifts and pil- low cases to be sent to. the hospi- tal at Hazelton, B.C. The meeting was closed by singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah benediction. in. unison. A delicious- Inn ch was served and a pleasant social time was en- joyed. REV. J. R. WATT • IS hUEST SPEAKER WROXDTDR---A basket arrange- ment of late, summer flowers gave a suitable setting for anniversary services In Wroxeter United Church on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.M. Rev, J, R. Watt of Mitchell was guest speaker and in the znorning Chose for his text, "But Ye shall re- ceive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jeru- salem and in all Judea and in Sam- aria and Unto the uttermost parts of 'the earth," Ada ChaPter 1, verse 8, Under the leadership of Mrs, Rharne, organist, the Choir sang an anthem' "Praise '9'e the Lord". A trio composed of Mrs. Carl Doug- las of Delmore, her sister, Mrs, sack Day of W,ngham, and brother Wm, King, 'Brussels, sang' "The Holy City". Hymns used Were "Praise My Saul, the king of Heaven", "We Lava The Place, 0 Gerry and "Lead On, 0 Kirigitternal"„ In the evening Mr. Watt spoke on the theme "Xs God Really Here," speaking from the text, "Oh that X knew Where night find Hire, Clob chapter 28, verse 3). The choir Sang the anthem, "Jesus }lath promised", and Mrs" DOughts and WM. Ring favoured with a duet, r'0 'That X ItiieW Where t Might on Debentures and Guaranteed Trust Certificates w ••for 3, 4, ,,„4604,0, and 5 years 334% For one and tviii4leari oe. CANADA TRUST Head ves Office Lorldoja, Ont. District Represetitati tatA & titonentsoldg, worottasi —tit. It vomit, wRoxttni it w. DttSWIE140/ WINGHAlit . Th6 Tuesday Starlight Group, United Church, will hold its meet- lag on the evening- of October 2nd at the borne of Mrs. W, J. V. Hugh- anan at 8 pall. Mrs. Robert Gibson and Mrs. Eldred Cathors will have charge of the program, Me, and Mrs. Roy •Brambill and baby David of Palnicratori spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Dane. Mrs« Richard Jackson, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Jardine. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Dane spent. Tuesday with Goderich friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, 1.)/jng, barn, were Sunday visitors with Find Jesus". Hymns used were "An Hail the Power of Jesus' Name", "Jesus Thou joy of Loving Hearts" and "Will Your Anchor Hold". There was a large attendance at both services. Rev, W. 3. V, Buch- anan, who took the morning see- vice in Mitchell was present in the evening and conducted the service, Rev. jr, R. Watt was minister of Gerrie United Church before going to Mitchell, and with Mrs. Watt and -daughter Judy -enjoyed meet- ing many of their .former friends at the close of „the service, S •