HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-26, Page 57,7s, -7Eierer-77.4e United• Church Holds Anniversary Sunday HLUEVALE—Anniversary sere vices will be held in Hluevale Un- ited Church next Sunday, Septem- ber 30th, at 11 and 7,30 p,m, nOv. Hugh C, Wilson , of Wesley,' Willis United. Church, Clinton; will be the speaker, , The choir will render sPePial Music and will be assisted at Ilia morning service by Mrs. Harold Hamilton, soloist, of Wyoming, and at, the evening Service by Miss Doris Johnston, of Clinton, playing marimba selections.. ATTEND OPENINfi OF COUNTY LIBRARY BLITEVALE—Warden John Fis- cher', Mrs."Fischer and Miss Ruby Duff„of, the /15luevale Library Board, attended the annual meeting and luncheon of the Huron County Library Association at Goderich on September, 21st. Angus Mowat, Provincial Inspector 'of Public Lib- braries, was the guest speaker. Mr, Fischer and John Hanna MLA., gave addresses, The visitors were shown through the new court house, a model of beauty and fine equipment. Mr. Mowat officiated at the open-. ing of the new Huron County Lib- brary, situated in the court house, Leave for Ottawa BLUEVALE—Mr, and Mrs,.Arn- old Taylor have returned to Ottawa after visiting with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Johnston, following their ,re- cent marriage, Mrs: Taylor was formerly Verna Mae Wheeler. Friends and neighbors presented them with, gifts, a modernistic wall mirror, smoker, card table and ,a purse of money before they'left for their home in Ottawa, WINS SCHOLARSHIP FORDWICH—,Residents. of Ford- wich and district were pleased •to learn that Goos Winkle has won a $500 Provincial-Dominion Schol- arship. Goes, who was born in Holland, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Goosen Winkle„ of H.R. 1, Fordwich. He has been a student, at the Norwell District High School and -is- now studying for an honor, degree in science at the'Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph. Mrs. Witi. Austin Witis Mystery Box FORDWICH—The Ladies' Aux- iliary to the Hamrick Legion met in the Legion rooms for the Sep- tember meeting with the president, Mrs. Mary Moore, in charge. • After the business period plans were made to hold a Hallowe'en dance on November Z in the com- munity. hell. Two letters were read from soldiers in Westminster. Hospital for treats they had re- ceived. The mystery box Mrs. William Austin, sale was discussed Auxiliary convention London the week of Lunch was served gionnaires as guests. • was won by A rummage as was the to be held in Sept. 23rd. with the Le- SAMPLE TABLE caSN MONTHLY NUMBER OF . YOU RECEIVE PAYMEN11 NOUS $103.73 $10,00 i2 306,38 04.40 is 5110.66 .27'0t) 24 736,56 40.00 24 the year to fix QUALITY GOODYEAR TIRES . TEESWATER FALL FAIR OCTOBER 2 and 3 oursmOnNo LIVE meg snow ,1-n CLUB snow ILAANESS AACIN PANDs Vis,UDg visas 1;000 Deserved Seats for After- noon 4,0rods14,nd 750 relish Seate 30e Send cheque or ineehe order' to sia Home, See, Teeswater Mrs, J. A. Baliantyne Was Morris Native' ELUEVALE—The death eeetirred at Se_ Xeseph's Hoepital, 'Llantion, on .September .19th, of Margaret E. 1-4, (Peggy) Oarnies, wife of 3arries' A, .Ballentyne; in her ,54t11 year. • She Was berm in Morris and lived in Bluevele, Brussels and. London. Besides her husband, she is .sur- vived by her parerits Mr. end Mre, Charles of London, one . sister, Mrs. Helen K. Seat, of tWo brothers, Glenn, of Hamilton and Alan, of London,. The funeral service was held on Friday in Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels. • Rev, Angus J, McQueen, of First St, Andrew's United. Church, London was the officiating minister, assisted by Rev. Harold Colvin, of Mehlille Church. Rev, McQueen. spoke Of. Mrs. Hal- lantyne's service to church and communnty, From her early 'dayS in Hluevale she was constantly. act- ive in young people's work and in musical circles. She was a - valued Member of First St, Andrew's choir, London. , Interment, was in Brussels Come, tery. In the Arena - Qet. 3rd 8.30 pin. HOLIDAY RANCH Canada's most populer Televis- ion 'Show starring Cliff McKay and Monique Cedieux 2 HOUR SIVAGN 51 rove pANCING4ALL 1.00 :tan: Eight Musicians ADMISSION 'under 12 — 50c Aullowsnammomminsumeammw PLAY•BY.PIAY Coverage by I.<EN ELLIS Sat., ,Sisiat. 29; 2.05 p.m:, D,S,T. Sun, Sept:- 30, 2.00 p.m., D.S.T. • Detroit at Cleveland Detroit at Cleveland EXCLUSIVE! () _a Alexander's Hardware 10 Starts Friday, September 28th We Offer You. the Best Values in Hardware Merchandise ! 1'T atiwo Mvaucorime* Wodapoolv, Sapt. Ao, NEWEST IN PLASTIC RursoRRs VOA IVOSIgiN.. ANP-044440)04,N • . • ,11,40011.4011 F,•AOry c.oluto in 1$1441c, Vrovv)k, Charcoal, arid 'Clear $1,795 -to $2,45 • WANT PRACTICAL GIFTS? HARDWARE IS THE' ANSWER — SEE OUR W=I=D,E SELECTION A, Er- Smith has turned over his gas and confectionery business to jack Gamble, retaining the post office, Mr. and .,Mrs, Gamble are IneliPYllig the dwelling adjacent to the store, When Don Fairbairti broadcast from Hayfield on Sunday morning in celebration of the 100th aniver- sary of Hayfield Fall Fair (WNWh. will be held .on. Thursday of this week), Elston Cardiff,' M,P. and Warden .john Fischer Were among the speakers, Mrs, :Goble, of Toronto, is Visit- ingr her daughter, Mrs: Jemee. John- etdie Those attending:the funeral ser- vice for. Mrs, Archie Haliantyne in Melville Church, Brussels, en Fri- day were Mayor R. E. McKinney and, Mrs. McKinney, Gordon Mes- ser, Raymond Elliott, George Greenaway,, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott, Mrs. Burns .Moffatt; Mrs, Nellie Lillow, George Fowler, Mac Scott,' Mrs, Neil KacKachren and Mrs,' William Mundell, Mr, and Mrs. John ,Bourian and Jiin of West Lorne, were week-encl' visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charles - Bosnian. Mr, and'. Mrs, ,,Charles" I3osrnan Gordon Messer visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher at Wroxeter on Sunday and attended anniver- sary service in Wroxettr United Church. Dr, and Mrs. Robertson of Owen Sound and Mrs.' Alex:, Armstrong of Brussels, spent Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. It H, Meitinnon, Mrs. Jarnes Kirton and Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie visited in Orange- ville at the week-end. Mrs. W. J. Johnston attendel the funeral service for her nephew, Harold Watson, at Gerrie, on Mon- day. FORDWICH—The W.M.S. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs, Norman Harding. Mrs. Wray . Cooper and ASS M. Me-ElVvairt presided, Mrs. Wray Cooper opened the meeting ,with a poem, "Life's Lee- -Son" and the hymn "0 Master of the Waking Wprld". The roll call was answered by naming an item of interest about the countries in the new study book, Minutes and the correspondence were read. Mrs. E. Collins is the euit-M for this month. Plans were made to start the Bible study group again this year on Sunday eve- nings with Mrs. Cecil Wilmot) as leader, A welcome is extended to everyone to attend these interest- ing and helpful meetings. Mrs. Elmer Ilarding and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg were named dele- gates .to the sectional meeting in Brussels on' October 5th. The members were reminded that next month is renewal month for sub- scriptions to the Missionary Menth- ly, Mrs, W. Bird cendpeted a short worship service and the Bible study from the book of Ephesiaris. Mrs. S, ClarIcson read the Scrip- ture lesson. Mrs. J. 'Warrell, .assisted by Mrs. W, Horshurgh, Mrs. Hird and Mrs, W. Zurbrigg, instrocluced the new study hook for this year, "Con- versations about Southeast Asia", Southeast Asia has come closer to us in the last few years. There always seemed to be a mountain between us, which we could nei- ther climb nor get around, Now it has shrunk away and there is a plate glass window, They can see us and our way of life add they don't like what they see, so it is up to us to make an effort to over-' come this growing hatred, by love, Christian love. The meeting closed with the benediction. Mrs, F. .Graham Receives Gift • .FOrir)W104—on4Friday evening - a very' pleasant time Was Spent at • the home- of Mrs, Ruby Foster, when members of the W.A. of Tri- nity •• Church ,gathered to bid fare- well to one of , the members, Mrs. Frank Graham, Mrs. Graham has recently. left with her husband to, make their home. in St. Marvst where he is employed with the Cap; nation -Company. The evening Was spent in a so- cial way and Mrs. Stan Forester, on behalf of the W.A., presented the guest -with, a cup and saucer, Mrs. Graham thanked everyone and lunch was served. Mrs. M. Armstrong Oldest Grandmother FORDWICH—The VVomee's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs, 'Robert Gibson for the September Meeting. The president, Mrs, Clare Harris, was in charge with Mrs. Stan Bride as secretary. Mrs; Scott Clarkson had -devotions, Mrs., Mark Armstrong' gave the ,, motto, "156 not resent growing old; •nmeef,, are dented, the privi- lege." , Yell c,a11..was "4, Memory of My' Gran chnOther", „-thi s, being th .e grandrnetherS'‘meeting, Twen- ty-five mem'b'ers and foul visitors answered the roll call. ,There„ wa-5 .parade •of hats' made, from kitchen ,utensilh: Mrs, Clarence Carswell , received first prize aricl,Mrs. A. E. Winston, sec- , ,• It was decided not to have. a booth at the fair, but a tea and bake sale later, Radio and TV eval- uation were discussed by Mrs. Crosby, Sothern. Mrs. Wally Gib- son -conducted a sing-song and took charge of the remainder of the meeting.' The youngest grandmbther was Mrs Russel Nichol and the oldest Mrs: Mark Armstrong. Each was awarded a gift. Every grandmo- ther present received a corsage. The topic, "What does a mother owe herself, her home and her community," was led by Mrs. Har- old Pollock,. Mrs .C. Carswell, Mrs. Fred Hambly and Mrs. Wim Camp-. bell, and was in the form of a de- bate, which proved very interest- ing, A sale of homemade eookier was held and the meeting closed with the national anthem. Lunch was served by Mrs. C Sethern, Mrs. R. Doig, Mrs. W. Hargrave and Mrs. W. Sothern, Miss Marian Doig, of Scarboro visited over the week-end with her, pa4vEssreints. Phyllis Keith, of Stratford, visited over the week-end with her parents, r yfJohn Craig suffered a very painful accident on Saturday wher he had the end of his index finglir on his left hand taken off in the belt of the threshing machine. Dr. horde had him taken to Listowel Hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker spent the week-end in Galt and at- tended 'the fair in that city... Miss' Shirley Ashton, of London, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ash- ton. Mr. and Mrs, Harry McLeod and daughters, of Tara and Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunnington spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham. Mr. Pittendreigh,,of London, spent the Week=end with his par- ents, Mrs. Clint Jantzi and two child- ren, of 'Haden, visited obi Saturday` tklyliatint, Mr. and Mi.' Hiram East- Mr, and, Mrs. Cecil Cooper,. of Atwood, spent one day -last week with friends in town. Mr. William McCann returned home froth WeStminster Hospital last Week, where he was -confined for three weeks. Letitia Mat- thews returned to her home from. Victoria Hospital, London. Their many friends hope Ahoy both prove in health. Congratulations to Mr. Harold Roberts, of Listowel, formerly of rwooroddw. ich, on his marriage on Sat- urday to,Miss Marion Mann, of At. Sunday • visitors with Mr, tine Mrs. Tom IVIeClernent were Mr and Mrs. Jack Plurne arid child- ren, of Holstein, Mrs. m Plume Of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.. Glenr Haase and family, of Winthrop., Mr. and Mrs. Semes Vittie, and Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern and family visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart in Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. John Englis were Sarnia visitors one day last week, Mr and Mrs. Patti WaSYIYSYsn and Donna, of Port Colborne, vis- ited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan, IMPORTANT DATES FOR JUNIOR FARMERS Junior Farrner and junior In- stitute members in Huron County ar reminded that All entries for the Huron County public speaking Colt. test, debating contest and quartet and trio oompetition Must be in by October. The eyent is to take plate on October 15th. Junnuary 15, 1051 is the date set for the Junior Farmer Conference in Toronto, when the finals for public waiting, choir and •other nuisie COtiltrtitintlA tvtil 1.410 PlatO• Everyone will be admitted into the hall upstairs immediately, and will be called by number for supper. Absolutely no waiting in line outside. ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 75c CONCERT AND DANCE concert-follows the supper at 8.15' feat, tulii 1361-;kobeti:son and the Rauch, Boys and sWr..1:144';:the Paull BrOthers and Shirley, -followed b'y dane to the music of-the Ranch Boys 'from Rlp,,,j,o 1.30 a.m.. Admission to Concert' and Dancedirilifs 50c • Children 25t • There will- bed Carries, Wheels and Bingo throughout the evening:, - • Cash for do-it-yourself projects When-you need extra money for materials 'to complete a home project, borrow with confidence from. RFC Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company. Loans from $50 to $1000 are made in one day, hi privacy. Repayment plans arranged to fit your income. (1.,04as also made to pay bills, seasonal expenses, or any good. reasons) Phone or come in for friendly, helpful service. NOUSEHOL FINANCE El. t. 8edtord, Monagar 36 West Street, secend Oboe* phone 1501 Gotttnitn, ONT., BLUME • New oblong shape saves refrigerator tipace. Space saver juice container. Soft plastic • 50 oz. trftewseal. • SHOP AT OUR STORE WITH', CONFIDENCE , ‘— RIGHT PRICES, TOP VALUES WITH SERVICE W.M.S. INTRODUCES NEW STUDY BOOK The United Nations estimates that 150 million families in underdeveloped areas lack adequate housing. 'One ahsWer is a frameleSS, build,it-yOurselfhOuse designed by Canadians of Canadian alum- Mum: it needs no foundation; is `nEireeorroshie and Vettninpreof; is so lightweight that it is padted in cartons tits ly carried by plane, jeep or-even burro. The Colombian government has Ordcmd 3,200 of them to help relieve the shortage of rural 'housing in that South American country. So it's not strprising, 'with aluminum travelling so far mid doing SO Much, that Mean is again increasing its smelting elleaeity in both 'Quebec and tritisit COltrinbia, AtUIv't I NUM COMPANY CANADA., LID, (AILCAN) 69 Surt-o EIGHTH ANNVAL TURKEY SUPPER at the Formosa Community filembrial Hall • • . ion TUESDAY., OCTOBER ,200( Supper served from 5.15 p.m, to 8.15 p.m. Use the Classified Column for Quick Re-sults. SEE US FOR J77 MARATHON Y.c11 001)111;EAlif SIZE 6.00 x 16 .95 010 Yey y. • 5113 04,1,1/4RANTEEDi' WINGHAM. roux, rioinor SHOE 00.0RATMATIONiP Winsham Juveniles'.' • C~I ow ()ASA 'Hchompio4