HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-29, Page 79 1. seat" THE SIGNAL large s iipmerita of onions have `eels made• from Homan the hot few weeks, tlri. \{'1411, an' URI 11111-r r,•.Idoopassed t of Stephen township, pas arta)' April .'11th. Mrs. Hourrwan. widow of the late August Bauu rrwa, tile' April lMIh at ier home in the township of McKillop. She wok 1n her mixty-eighth year. The death tas•ltrrtrl on April 15th of Jaden politer!. of Centralia. In his .e•ventrstourth year. RNtldes the widow, two sotto and one daughtersurvive. The village of HMt.anll has lost nee• re of Ito old sidents hi the death of Andrew 3ohgswa. whleh tot u April 30th at the tine of eefeuty-dti room Hr leaves a groou-up family. Nn April lUl4, ollk•lutlug. The happy couple will re- side oto the groom s farm at EHiarllle. mrs. mimes txpenence a -tor. Ates• Mol?-14enealL--haw Guid ro Women Passint TITWOMEN ,��, OF MIDDLE AGE ghen ttw• toulratt for the erection o6e at two-story addltlou to his uI4co.i tbrou I t k t providelucreaa.d sxtutaurt gb the Change of Life • 1N ', 11 nation for his tarp medical practice. A spring stork slow was held et 1 Itinerate e.n April 30th and in spite of inclement weather was quite 'seers- fns It was held under tlir simples* of the 'I'nrnbrrry Agricultural Society awe is Itktdy t„ be an annual event. Itrt'rrty Nash. of Howlek wentship. the eldest Iyl0 of Thomas Numb. fur lnerly editor'ef The Gurrie Vldette, died nt posse' unia Apra '_tat. Hr was this' -ohne years of age and served in the Groat War. bring one h. rrlasa• of Mlles Clara Morley.of the first to enlist. In the 1111.4 mina". ". of Mr. and Mrs. John ]lar- Thr 414,41 ter Mrs. Ouipsi Plwvttate. o.sIlia m, to Ewart ft. Pym. an old reaiteut of l'whorur township. took plane at {fd,nelhnw .Nrurret nn Sunday. April 18th. T11r dec.-used. slthoush la her YIllefy-Irst year. was up and around as uhrtal un- til a i•w day's before her death. when iNoma:onto developed. Hsi•• husband 'diel many years ago and sir Is sur- vived by one son. Wlllham, with whom ;114• Stade her lunar. o Electric The People's Power Cook by Elrsaicity Weak by Electricity Iron by Electricity We guarantee our Hydra lamp. for 1:1110 hour. awe. HYDRO STORE North skis of Square Gederick At the home' of :1r. and Mn. Wil• ��re Ilam Itreumer. 4th concession of (trey answer tettars from women mg, ,1111[. then. are alae' 1 to01 1111.. on Saturday. April 17tH. 'bent your medicine., u I cannot , le' uldltlun fM their daughter. Flnrenve Mar!'• was Walt too highly of them." -=Mn• grrndchildret and three great-grauti- uuitel in marriage to Aller[ E:Ishan Mina WILSON. 471 Wilson Street, •,hlldr•u. • t',it,'4. only son of \r1Nw I'artialf. Halmi1Wn. Ontario. '' TN' Esetrr iwhllr uttlltt.s e,mwis 111 her slier there. 971• deceased uswt w.' Sold by druggists everywhere. C .inn ha• revolved from the Ontario w oil known in %urich. thi Hamilton, Ontario. - "I have taken several bo e f Lfdts E. Pinkham's pound and I can- not speak too highly of it as 1 moat the Change of Life and was all run-down and had no appetite. I ease very weak and rick, and the pains ill my back were so bad 1 couldhardlymove. 1 got very sad at tunes and ught 1 had nut a friend on earth. 1 did not care if 1 lived or died. 1 was very nervous, too and did not go out very much. A friend advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham•s Vegetable Compound, so I did. I am s farmer's wife, and al- ways worked hard until lately, and w in bed for two months. I began to feel like a new woman after the first bottle and I recommend it with great encores, also Lydia E. Pink - ham's Liv Pills. I am willin to egetable C o m. GODERICH, ONT. County and District I Thar.day tpril YII, legit. 1 t •:uatelon. tl. 11. Smith mud R. A. Rue: N'LNGH.%M • u groud'u n twutlttee. T. K. !tele, Robert Fisher and Thomas %Vinson. Than.- thy. August 19. was ret for the annualrink tournament. 1t wear decided to hold o ett•ult•h doubler tourney. the hate to be tad. The treasurer r.•ir•rtwi the club in goodtivau.•I*I standing.. -tt,.t,,,,,t,. atk.twhug rp&rWtt'1 IlaIn•ia1 and 00wrrk*.1 luc'rrrrs to all de- • part melds (enures' Nle annual wee'•' blit of La•know United ehurch. tit *Welt the pna.4r, Itct•. 'P.1{\'.owwunl- i.reddwl, 'Ilor. ar. :117 cants a,u the roll, twenty-six h11ving been rose ise1 tturlug the year .4u pru- fte,afuu of faith and 111 by t•t•rtiticate. t Ie' 1001 lou of Ur. 41411111114.4. 111114 S. 4'. Rr' Rothwell. a hearty vote of uPp''ir- tiou wails ..X1.11.1.11 til flees. T. W. end N ,. r'...4'.,. ti,' fur tht•Ir faithful •ati!dt•.1- tk•h•Ilt work: ,airing the ,rear. I w•.4- mi nut o ..it. -hes were given. :Irl moundlui a note of optimism. Tlie stewards wore all re-vle•t.d. EXETER Klug liras.' store was robber' during the night .1 April 11th. twit expeu.sitte:, fur mats aurand several tlreasa•s itwn Sults la•tng *mien. 11* ruldN•r guile's' entrant to the stort• by using A long ladder. whk•h be futwd nearby. and by awwus of which he Ine114•110t1 1144 05 the upstairs window% at the rear. 141 teethes ilare been -working .wt 44." ease, but so far without result *N• tat i of \\'ttghaw, tied tot Ute louse of his son. John It. t'atuphelI. in Toronto. .n \aril 17111; in Isis ,•lghty-rtxth ).'Mr. I The holy was brought to Wiughaltt andIN•14. the f .cut t.Nok place front the'' haws tot his brother. Alexander 4.111111 t\'iuibaw futcude to have a 24111 of 3luy c,•Icbralluu. , d. 1'.• Erlwtt 'net with a iatiulsd 114 i cid[ tow Int hile working at 31a.•Iwau s ', sawmill our. day Inst week. One of . the hekvy truck's felt on lila. frtctur g srvrral ribs.Peterter Mucl.arel. one•if {\'tugliam's , Michael 11141161died ►wdlealOa,oldest t•ttttr'1i died on Friday last in April 1711. ie' his ninetieth year. He his uluety-forth year.Hr taught i putt never known a day's hisses in his nt•liesd as 5 Paul wan. later settling lite and he paused away *111 t ,del•• „u a farm at Nlughaw J •Uop• gess mot Ili ysn•s,•nsbnl or all hi., (nett'., where ht' r'eJuali 't for tNruty years. Iles. He could even read %MI.'S' lie thea retired/anon came inioetuwu. 4'Ialwes. H.tu Ile wow herrn in Ldutt. Hos wife diel thirty years ago. and E:uglalol, but had lived fu Exeter fur nue daaghter. Je.sir, sltryhrs. 'alumna st•veutyfitr years. He Is our- - rived by one daughter. Mrs. flame E:I- .ti's. three sons h*4ing predeceasedn. has 1)4111 reported. 1•rter cum doll. a foiuwi rewb1 enl • ROBERT WILSON for -- ' Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fendng Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street. Goderich, Ont. 1 - PERCY ROBINSON Fuller Brush Service Orders taken for Fuller Brushes of ell kinds. Residence cora Trafalgar Street and Cambria Rod, Gderich. . ZURICH • Jatub 4Irtweiu, of the 11rous,41 111*•. was callts! to :0,4.uaine. \heel.• by the• sud.k•u death .4f his sister. Miss Ida Ortwelal, who was staying with un - alto of [trey township. Tile e•Irtaony %sus Le.rforwr.1 bvltev. 1t. M. ('_west of 1 Ethel. The hu1N+y r„uple w•I11 rcAde an the groom** farm in Grey township. ma ng a 'the e nppeill IN• hearth before I e'umuii.-tu41 will commence work uinns•r rr:`hk•uts br the 'loath u[ 3(rs. salm wt u ,lacy and i shorllr oto the Iluktng elf 1:n1ud Ib•ud Poo er 1 'owud wdou crellt s au*ram s _ 1 s:o snerltattadjtlst•W4404 to till' 1 township of Fast e'a'st of power. The local evgttmtasion N Illluuls also Iw Ilullet townr+111p ham haat one of Its inept ru,l that t 1e• • let a stns+l• has rw.•tret waren that Ilse Provincial a'11vtu H•ro.11t11n w•t'1th a+•nrr•d oaf i t L r a 1 tae ,T.. Iagr h4t•,r •Idterl later. l'u'll they' with the Ilydru ayste•m. .\ mitt -slit 1 wee 1 Hatt le' Iw• lea ' are .Nei'°" of the work on Ihr .cht•mt. 1 Unt1 tt 111 IN won btJ r1 Exeter and In $.:* yeah. Suisisy• April 1st Iv, 1n her ninety The, dhortly war torn cannot be 4.rw•c'sled with. � Grand Resect. uud It. system wMH Is• in J+,•.,11a1nL awl shortly aster her Itttkd e'1 1 1 nd tier husband came tuner age•. She u BLYTH 1St t'nnads �i, t. over oisig,-five year` want Ihtsliwaol. CreUtutt •rad t'enU'alia as well ao Ilraud (tend. Fifty per cent. of Ile eost of the 01 - up 3m retro on the 11th concession.I M+ [.rat h after several geek. 111- h•uslou wilt 1.4• told by the Gtwrrn- II t k har•et of 'serhr. .fat.• they arrived In, Hallett and took 1 ,. whet, thrix Ilr+si until. or et4 11f i.e." I. Again .1.t• to iiw r -' Airs. John Willis. r furull-r re„Itkut their Ijce•A. Mr. Hntmfitun Itlel loony Ilse Presbyterian chur.•Ii arrri.•t•s, • ant ag11• but two liars and .h,urT lit'-rr*nit ".d 111.• t,uit44t 'for thru� -f-thin_. se•tiuu, died recently at tbt• d I hotel- of her slaughter. Mrs. tt*rr:-W. 1Mnghters survive: MON-rt. ]wn and new to del %setae's,. on ow ++ ').eels of ltarwk•k. Rainy, htie.r \stele•. on the h,.apxuad, James. Mrs. elan of St. .tudr,ws eluant has ise•u 1 d1s1rict. at. the age of w•r.uty-eight .ed/ ser. atuuauicel. 3I,•ssrs, d'a'le'- Flugltul'1' peel em Ihr claughu•r, utse lAt•re .• th oe re', ac + I ' E.I. Willi,. of E serer, survives. a.•rt• th,• throe rlrtel. • Plans ore said to br nearly eowplelc , .\u old .•iiii+•u est Itiyih Imis.m.1 away l 11?AI^ORTH for u blit dralagr work to cover un ,41 Friday wuruiug ln.t. in tis• pt•r- ern u( 141.(441 uerr>i toed afl'e•U'sg ihr ...nl of Jow�,h .\dell. 'Pic deet• 1 Jamew 1 1 1 11 hl t Ildlaw re ars• 1 1 alt of Huf,'lt. it Jotw tkaa le .nd Mrs; u 1 townships of McGillivray. Ihoanquer. wtiu Ons jm his ,4 1ity-first $acne. East WIIlhltas and S4.ydorts and the formerly' n resident of Morris town - 100'11 .,f - l'urkhlIl. The work calls ebip and novel 1., Blyth about six for the de•p•uiug of the Aux Sable years vitro. He Reeve's n wbk.w. three {titer up t0 Grand Petal. the waw of mus utrl ou.•`,WntrhI,r. nowt of whom ohlcll is estluot.sb rt *44041(!. It Is err living in the W, -,i. terst.NNt fink the ;owu,dlip of Ste- pwn I::I+ nlym•+1;••d ngal1st Ilio assess- .\her an Illness of tau ywlrs, Ft•r- 44iu•••••l N Ales. aids' on April 14515 at the age 0f- ttfiy'-.ix- ;,-or,. -'1'1.6 sh•- ,tayd wens linen bit Zurie•b sad *beat Ili. lift. lits• with ills* .•vcty'Uun of a fes years ie' North tbokott. III• was .•unaged III lit• carriage tool sagou buslne•ss trot's his youth. 41. is sur- vitei by Ills wife and tau danghtt•r.: Mrs. 11tev.1 1.. iiall'ti. t64cII. ut,E:1Mirc4. 111141 Idiot Ethel. tat 1 •. ' .tuls'ult who attetidtd tit• flanrra1 on Suu.lay. April 1sth. were Mr. and11Iust... ci,rloo Iti.0.1 of SnItfur,1 Mr+. Height s. Ww. Mtrruar is prep.tt•fug 1 • ohwu a g.'neral-stnhTli Tear 31.•rm'r -Mork-. Tit.. Zurich La'me'nts c,,tjrt•4t:!tion lar dt•.ldel to build a two churn' shed and 10 bare a lsi..•tw•I11 put uu- der 4heb,lurch ba'''lm. N111rly 5•._. filo 1/as alreotly !welt sabscrift d to 1Le building Nutt. as.+ . • .Iohn t k•,s•h. jr.. 1111$ g111e to fine- ii. ' -Whir. _--At+ ,i.} r"44"14 at Sell rib -Lapels' .-}tk91., when. he N -j11 �w•nl tilt. •4111.- i TIME MENDS EVI.RYTHING BUT A LEAKY ROOF Don't decorate your walls and ceilings and then have a leak from the roof spoil everything. Spring rains are coming. Fix that roof now. We have the mea and material ready to do the job. SEE OUR CEDAR ROCK -FACED SHINGLES AND ROLLED ROOFING Goderich Planing -Mills Ltd. (BUCHANANS) st. [cep Your Eye Peeled t, .r er.' nett ny Ali �!S n all awtn ly- TMrr are many dx,iam in eirrulatitia and ly- ug nr.41nd in drawers that have Kiran: valor. For example -the copper p.nny, else,,; 4ttitt, with the- hank of 3loutnat ,tet to tan• is tunny worth *13.00 It le not «, much Ila• acre that cornu ---it is the ocancity of "articu ar coins et certain dates. ' THE RARE COIN CATALOGUE table you &beat Ilse rare coils of dilerttnt. countripo, includin Ca,natht and the ltntish tltnw. stun giver yon die prices 1 IttSEN ntr4111 poy SENT POSTPAID FOR EIGHTEEN CENTS (Six Throe -Cost Stamps will de 1. James Carson Doherty, 96 Wurtemburg St., Ottawa. Ont. CLINTON 1-T111-6-611:ifttt 441 -Charlotte Amr•ltn To - FOR ONLY _ : wurtlul. widow of the lute .huhu 1t. 14* ! Treses lha. •.f t:udtsu criwl to.hlp. :11111 'TWENTY-ONE CENTS 5 ; mother 1r' W. '1'r. wart's. U.I'.1'.. 1 ,s _.real Sntar.lay m,riing last nt h• 'mine f \Its It. sane, t:alrrirh SILV (1d/ 11ptrati NN'T DELAYJ t away on "hnrwby miming loot. in mer. �. Ihr Is'eso of Mrs. Charles Goblins. after a few dope ''lues" of Iau•u• • us.tlha. 'rile tkr�nsrd. •I.1 born E:11011 Int st•v,dtty-w• Iia i yer+ afro. j 11x11 five d to rk'ttorth fur forty-oev..n ick r". Two sins 111114 our dkingIde•r 1 wttt•ite: J. 1'. (Sell, of Toronto. UAL of Swtforlh. awl Mfrs. it. J. Tv. Pelted. of liraudon. Mrs. Hobert Ilawthorti • has re - 1 dame i t;, Ler ho • herr after a visit teeth i-tir s.st- Wolter lhutrthurur. oaf t 11N 11•YI,'It. (Seven Three Colic St.a.p. oil de) t one o sAitl.1.1,n \fe 1 will send you. by mail. post paid. a , township. The (sus rat took plait 1' ' ,heath ,N'•• 411ut/lu c.•meo•t'y oto 31.411,14* after .KEY -IG TAG \ft,•r Nn Mlle,.. tot ,11.111114. wewkr. Jcu- stamped with Your Ne sad Address. ni.• Walker. %tire of John W. E:ilintt. Ko-i' TO-DAYI Surely Your Keys are Worth 1,.,.,1 ;+mac ar 1 1, • ,m I't•lday. Twenty -One Cents. ' \prll 1e The 11/.1•141$1141 0.31.IN • horn CARSON DOHERTY r 1 OTTAWA, ONT. TREET mei Incsday. .'Orin 21st. the urrel of Hary McIntosh. %%Won- .n- .f the late John Campbell Nlac• key. ant ill age` of eighty -font' year.. The tit.•. a.^d ons 31 1111411.11 of the tow41.hi1 of i1cl�illop. Sh+• leaves 101 .ons and three ,htntrlders: Jll.s 3lnekay and 31r... Lnnrhliu of Toronto, lir.. Charles W u'. tiat.Lly- and Nils.. M. )•. of S..afnrtli. 14.4•1364.41'.14.4•1364.41'. -luso .411111.•4s tt1. her .entire life loot.. K1'7.314411Slo. Is survit..I by her hnslnlwl and tICeim'rhr.-- tau ..Ills: 1:. 1:11i•rt: of Toronto :rel Mark/tr. '.lemic Elliott of l..4n,l„t W. :\Inrka - Oliver Jolw.i.0of tioderich. wa. 111 Irl.,...ol wzis the Oa...[ brother of the 4'tlntuu ntteotiug file ft41ternt of tin. Int.- 14,- Ma! -Lay. tli.• farnnns iniwiou-I nae 31r.. .1. 11'. Elliott. my 1.1 Formosa. -. Tlw Seaford" spring fair: oto Tries- dnc of last week. wan well attended. Mrs. C. Rupp bits returned t.. %au ich after spending the OiW.r Introit. Autous'blle Iuttn.-i- have 111•1`11 .11 recentlulproved in recent yr.,r• It 1- said n wolf w•nut•hiug 111 a- 1111111111.:111' 1,",r 1111 limn ' . r .ars the finish. 1h•troit Nev.. J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended 50 day or night ' PHONEY{ Store 335 Residence :F�iO' Hamilton Street. Goderich Brophey Bros. TIM LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS •rdere n112'4101, attended to at all bouts. night or day GODISRICH r UE RT- E5t PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Cumulative Class "A" Sinking Fund PREFERRED SHARE` 1 !t�E1.S tout dl•rr.• t.is :1 large Its of ,• ntrtt• v.,h.. -"tr15 11.11.1 r•:,r., s ut•re .0 The MOMal uu,tiug of Abe ISrn rets ,areti•nlsrty 151 the r•arriagw :and alsri iIht.iness Nh•u'. Assn, lance' ort. held ' 1rnllnrnl rL^,+.y.. on Ni illi:.* . rruliiL• ..f last O'Irk. Ult• ltr. .%i.\. 4'.. lilkill. .. of 'Toronto, d/.1 i. -cal, t\,. i'el.,Wilii., presiding. grace n very bh•rewting lecture in the 1. I.eitoh ts;e r!,s•Ie.1 president for I:gtuun,ltal!o h'u'es' clilrol oto the rho coming year and F. It. Smith wit, 1•rrntns ' .'spel4 1!111., his . it je't :Ir- ree•t•ha•tel secretary -treasurer. \ , Iwa "An Errntuil . with ituls•rt Inntls It-SrIntlon Its. pasw.l e•s;pres4Int op- I Ntwyen.,n,... protan of the 1441,•y of bringing Si -I Iterttt coal to tlntario. Thr n•ual ' _ Thursday half -holiday will be 11it- I se•rc,el 41,i• y, -:IJ•. wo euchag t1.ry 411 and ....winning to the etsl of 4 h•t•.bcr, I A committee was aPpo into) to report on the holding of a .oft -ball tourn.t :. .luring the: and anoth.-r eonnutttee will bare large i.f arrangements for a plenty..' at. thy lake.id, • - Willi**,..t,fit44tlt,• fnrup rlr '.1 !Into holds no terror" for that 5*P provides Rei comfort spina rein, wind, msec con4 k maim keep oh* I' 5 g, is. lie big, wide dean aw x ;- • rW mad mini ebb ere tine. s ri neTs. list frons going to ilia work tit 4;n,ll,h. where In had Ilvel the last sin years. lie woo ridding .m a truck and fell from it ar It emusl 11 corner. and the rent sheet. trent over his tilnit4uws. Councillor Get. Muldoon arrives home last week from a trip to the West.. Ile report -61m 51110 lit N1aui- • toha. hot winter -tall 14.1411110 the. fort in NortIr rn 4'Mario. W ('KNOW T. s. --fete, mInsia •r of the local ',ranch of the. limits of Montreal. has been spending a bowie of weeks at Toronto. Victor Whitley sot .154* .I4Pglaud Rare left for 4t.Akatchewan. At the Inst meeting of the -diens• e,nncll.a reflood ons pr.•.r•ntel front the public` library Instrdt for the deaden Annual grttnt of PPM. The tp.unell . voted a greet 11f 9110 and in-tette/ed ./ie clerk to with. to flee Illtrarr board glt'At11na that more money shroud fps Alien iron the patrol* of tit• 11• Ary, Anel if rb11. Mntld not Ire dour an Appeal shank( he until.• to our- mswdifg munlrfprtlttleik no mini- to, Ids front theme min'irtnelltlet uta'k,• me of tin iibrary. The t,* tnttw hewn bowl iu& chili belt Ito annul meeting on Tite•r+lly everting. •\Orel 211, when ofScers were elected no felines : Monetary prod- . rd- �t.able* o ; dent. COST 1A. W. Hamilton t xlew-pre*Ident.Jet Agnew: meshetohip .ntitifttoe. J. H. • The Company: The Sepertest Petroleum Corporation, Limited. deals in the voteless/it and retail distribution of Supertest Petroleum Products, snob u gasoline, lubricating oils, etc. The Comps became known some three years ago, since which time its growth and development has been rapid and consistent: ly sOrd table, until to -day it owns and operates several well-equipped task stsrtige depots, as well u sixty-seven service stations, lasted or the moot part La Western Oatarie. Security: The Class "A" Cumulative Preferred Stock is the first security o: the Com- pany, being preferred both as to assets and dividends. It carries • sionista-' -. _flee divides/ et 7% per annum, payable semi-ansuslly. Total assets over -`� amount to 6619,096. Gabiie nobondedainst ock dcktoo r bank loans,tstudirql 1sadis 'eslm.tttll 9396,000.00. The Company free e l deet with the exception of current trade amounts. Growth and Earnings: The combined earnings of M constituent companies since their inception have been particularly satisfactory, showing in exec .s of 25' ,, per annum on the paid-up capital. Earn- ings f or 1925 and 1996 are sufficient to show the Preferred Stock Dividend earned between two and three tones. The following table shows the development of the company's business. YEAR No. STATIONS SALES YEAR No. STATIONS SALES 1923 3 $112,933.73 1925 67 Over $ 900,000.00 1924 16 342,476.16 1996 (estimated) 96 Over 1,250,000.00 Ars elan' qa.itt Cllevnlees allympemod fib a »esdy, ymtil eamrat'ii 93111 AL E RI't*iH The weakening agony of piles robs life of its pleasure, turns days of brightness into days of misery, sad brings periods of acute suffering. Overwbel m i nrev idence proves 7.am - (Int incomparable for banishing the pain, bleedang, swelling and it6ammation. Mr. Alf Brown,dMerritton,wrheifbe 1 hope that my testimony will reach thousands suffering from that dreadful siment, piles For alt years I was never free from pats. No nae ever spent more money is search of a remedy. A sytm- pathel.c friend gave me a part of • boa et Zam-Bok to try. its soothing power • er»imply of this grand herbal heeler. I used 7.am-Bok unit the old *del tremble was gene completely." Equally successful for eczema, psoria- sis, salt rheum, pimples basks, bad legs, minors. scalp disease. poise.ed wounds, eats, hares, scolds, etc. Dealers every- where sell Zorn -Sok ats0c.tool. 3f0 91.96 ET Gam.BUK. TO-QAY Purpose of Issue: 4$ It is the intention of the Company to extend Its business by opening up new wholesale and retail units. The earnings ani accounts of the Coattry 'e been audited and certified by Messrs. - Oscar, Hudson & Comuany, Chartered Accountants' while the legal details have been attended to by til . Slake, Lash, Anglin & Cassels. • PRICE: 9100 per share. (Carrying a 60' bonus of Common Stock) Ix( rtyMd Pull Descriptive Circular upon request. MURRAY & COMPANY Metropolitan Building, Toronto and HOUSSER, WOOD & CO. Limited INVESTMENT BANKERS Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto ..4 411144 •