HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-26, Page 4IMO 10.1tonl A,d'1'i►!•40elfi,41les, WcdnewIsy, Sept, 26, 190$ FOR SAL °0iU4 Mil'ATV for sale;, used only 2 menthe, McCrary 51,000 B.T.U. Like neve. Sale price $90.09. Apply at Stainton Hardware, 20b MEAT IrQR. SAL;E'. t:OQD BEEF for sale be' the quar- ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health. Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY- NARD ACKERT, Iia 1 y r o o d, Phone 2.4-30, Ripley. 16rrb QUEBEC, HEATER for sale, for coal or wood. Also Budgie bird and ceage. Phone 530, 26* SAVE up, to, 25% on fuel bills, with an Oil DUO -THERM Horne Neater with Power -Air Blower. Models for every need, Easy terms, Apply at Pattison Electric, Phone 171-J, Wingham. 26b USED COAL or wood range for sale. Beach, all white enamel, no reservoir, a neat stove in excellent condition, $75.00. Apply at Stainton Hardware. 20b GIRL'S WINTER coat for sale, green, brown velvet trim, size 12-14, good condition, Phone 758w3. 26b CUSTOM MADE slip covers made to order. Apply to Mrs. Harold * Elliott hone 709w4. 26 31017 , p, , LARGE WINE c hesterfield chair for sale, in good condition; kitchen cabinet. Phone 3. 26* USED. COAL or wood range for sale, Wingham Clipper with reservoir, new fire box linings, a clean stove in excellent con- dition $100.00, .Apply at Stain- ton H r. v Stain- ton az dt are.26b • DON'T buy a heater by guess- work! Get our FREE HEAT- ING cLINTC SERVICE, CEr Fits "'tile heater to the space --assures pomfortable heat in coldest e,fleveather. Oil Duo -Therm models for every need, Apply at Patti- - son Electric, Phone 171-3, Wing - ham. 26b DRESSED CHICKENS for sale. leAce Mrs. Harold Elliott, 1+e' w4. 26,3,10* ED COAL or wood range for alet McClary Royal Charm, withreservoir, all white enamel ih excellent condition, worth 230.00 new, sale price .$150.00.. pply at Stainton Hardware. 26b B LTE"'NOW SUIT size 3, white oro°ehesr size .5, baby .carriage ike new, •,chrome high chair, aby b; tb .for sale. Phone 561J. 26b THREE-PIECE station wagon outfit, size 6, for sale. Phone 141v!21. 26b INTERNATIONAL ensilage cutter cuinpiete with pipes, hay, straw loci :grain attachments, in new eondtibn for sale. Apply to Jack s, Centralia, RR;. 1, Ont., ;R'irtkton, 103r18. . 19i26b TEYS for sale. Order now fee Thanksgiving. Laidiaw's, Phone 3663 Wingham, 26b USED COAL or wood range for sale with ail new fire box, a clean stove in good repair $65.00. Apply at Stainton hardware. 26b POULTRY FOR SALE 100 SUSSEX x RED PULLETS for sale, ready to lay. Apply to Ira Leeson, phone Seimore 16r2. 19* 150 HYL1NE HENS, 1 year old for sale. Apply to Stewart Procter, R.R. 5, Brussels. 26* 100 RED -ROCK pullets, 81/2 months old, laying, for sale. Apply Charles Bosman,Bluevale, Phone 610w3. 26b 300 SUSSEX -RED pullets for sale, laying, Apply to Mac Newton, phone la orciwich. 47r4. 26b 48 RED -SUSSEX pullets, 6 months old, laying for sale, Phone 779J21. 26b REAL ESTATE 6-EOOM HOUSE In good location with garden for sale. For particu- lars phone 714W evenings, 19,26* 11 .ItOO`Vt FRAME house on Mill street in Wroxeter for sale. Also one lot for sale on Anne Street. Phone 08 Wrbx te e rd r the e Wrox» eter Dost Office. 26,3,10,17* FOR RENT IIOVsz; FOR. RENT. Centrally lo- cated, available Nestenibee 1st, Phone 5120. 26b WAN `,riIia<o SMALL, APARTMENT Wanted to refit, Apply to ,Box 76 'Ithe Advance -Times. . 26* WJ TED SMAl`•T,• LOT With garden suitable for a Clouse wanted fMniediately. Good Coeatled six outskirts bf Wiinghafn. Phone 729w21 after 8 pet, 26b riff, 1,t„,1,"ilri,lil,I,i i, CIO al UM tell ri Box Holders'. Natiles Not Given. Out: In is stilktiy against otic ;i ules i ; ;its divulge the irinryne Or tress e ne aril' i>idvortlder nein* tin Adtartc eT ires ;Box NY rMbol,- x Please Flo net aektial 101. this l In'formati'on, oimeet'rfiaeletereielow i,11ii'voseadYYYieelioss til•' ANT.. LADY OR ,GIRL to share up.to, date apartment with every con, venienee, Call 535w after 7:30. 26* LADY WANTS room And' break.. fast. Call 318 before noon. 26* $OARDFR.S: wanted, Apply to Boar 77 The Advance -Times. 26b HELP WANTED HIGH SCHOOL IBQY WANTED for work after four o'clock and Saturdays, Opportunity to ac- quaint himself with trade in view of future i'lermanent employment, Driver's license preferred, Apply Advance -Times. TRUCK DRIVER wanted, Apply to Box 76 The Advance -Times. 26b , OOHING EVENTS THE REGULAR Saturday,. evening Bingo under the auspices of the Canadian Legion will :be:held; at the Legion Home on Saturday at 9 o'clock, Good prizes; . CE12rrb A SERIES OF. pre-nata'1 classes 'sponsored by the Huron Couhty Health Unit will begin Tuesday, October 2, 1956, at 2.p.n. at the Branch Office of the 13eaeth' Unit, downstairs in the Wingham iIo teal s be will P These „' held'at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited, to attend on the. abpve . date; or phone ,the Public Health Nurse, Wingham, 862J between 4 p.m. and .5 p.m. • CE26b GENERAL BULLDOZING DIGGING STUMPS; stones, haw- thorns, rns fences, bottom ° new land cleared .and' worked; ,lags skid- ded; lawns levelled= back -filling. Ross .Hastings, phone 740, Wing - ham. • ° 25,rr27S* MISCELLANEOUS FOR REPAIRS to all makes of TV and radio call Dunkin Television and Radio; Teeswater phone 27 or Wingham 703J1. lerrb ZS YOUR. TELEVISION . properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, 'Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT' can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six . months 'policies are available. Special rates• for.; farmei;s. .For further i fo"m zon„°' n •r at plldne=294;•Wing'hrim,. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE dispoeal septic tanks, cesspools, • cellars, ete., pumped, and cleaned, quick service, • all work guaranteed Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels: , 15rrb RATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or sere vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding, Association at:. Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12' be- tween 7.80 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost." 25rrb iOTICE TO HOME' BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a building, ro' p sect this summer, we are in a position to give you first class service for your cement work. House basements and floors, ' barn walls and floors (completed in one pour. Contact Mads Christensen, phone 11r7, Blyth. DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly foe sanitary alspose'. Telephone' c o fl e c t: Palmerston 123W, Durham 39e or Wingham 378, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb FINANCING A CAR? Before re you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with co. m le to Insurance P Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham 25rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 'THE ESTATE OF SADIE McCORMICK ALL ISERSONS lav- ing- claims against the estate bf the ;above mentioned late of the Town df Wingham in the County eff l!iurbn, Spinster; Who 'died oil the 130th day of August, 16560 are re4ulred tb fife preof of barna with the undersigned on or before the 6th clay of October, 1956: After biiet dote the executor Will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then, have had notice, DATED at Winghttht this 18th ltiy of September, 1986. dItA,CJtt.D l W NG'rLyN” Winghark Ontario Soliclt5rs for the Execiitt'tiz. 1•gi26.,4h BIRTHS DAVIDSON—Mr. and Mrs. Ken Davidson (nee Norma VanCawp, Reg. N.,) of Glencoe, are happy to announce the birth of Mary ;Sete at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, en September 15th,. 1956. A sister for Karel Lynn. - WZLKINS•--•At Wingham General H9spital, an Tuesday, September 18th; 1956, to Mr. and Mrs,' Charles Wilkins, R,R, $, Leek - now, a soil. KUIPF.,R--At Winghann General Hospital, on Friday, September 21st, 1956, to Mr, and. Mrs, Case Kuiper, Wingham, a daughter, SHIESTEL--At Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 23rd., to Mr', and Mrs. Harold Shiestel, Teeswater, twin sons, CRITCH--At Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, September 24th, 1956,. to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Critch, Bluevale, a son, stillborn. .F,SKR1TT—At Winghaln General Hogpital, on Monday, September 24th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Gar- nett Eskritt, R.R. 7'' Lucknow, a daughter. REL,L---To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bell, of Soest, Germany, on Thursday, September 13, 1958, a son, Raymond. Mathew, DONNYBROOK . Mrs.. John R. 'Thompson, was a week -end visitor at Niagara Falls. `Mr. en. g I a Mrs' o d Cor Chamney n and sons of Auburn were Sunday visitors'With his parents, IVLr, and Mrs. R. Chamney, •'' ' A number 'of Donnybrook people attended anniversary services at Westfield on 8>1nday, Next Sun- day Anniversary services 'will be held here with Rev. R. S. Hiltz in charge of both morning and even vitin se ie ged . ry e, you are cordially in- ONE STRICT RULE In 1941, Detroit had • 47 fatal accidents and 1774 injuries caused by D.W.I'a. (Driving While Intoxi- cated). The following year the figures were almost the same. Then the Traffic' Courts really swung into action. They • began to follow one strict rule: jail for" the man or woman convicted of drunk driving. No exceptions! A falling off in deaths and acci- dents resulted sharply and .,dra- matically. During the last five years in .De- troit there has never beenea year in which more •than five people were killed or more than 150 in- jured in D.W.I. accidents. Judge Watts, who has kept after Detroit's drunk drivers 'withrun- relenting fury since the :campaign began, declared recently, "Every- one in Detroit gets the ' same treatment whether they are factory ownerssweepers. or factory weepers. This policy has been largely responsible for the great reduction in traffic fatalities and injuries." • One strict* rule—jail for con- victed D.W.I's Detroit shows the way. 26b CARD OF THANKS ' Milton S. Watson and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness shown to them during their recent bereave- ment. 26b CARD OF THANKS Z wish tostake this opportunity of expressing' my sincere thanks and appreciation to :all my friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely floral tributes and the kind- ness shown tome at the time , of my recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, A. Nimmo and the R, A. Currie & Sons funeral home. , —E, Parish. 26b TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned' Until• October lot, for tlie,sale 'of ,the tormer Salem United Church frame building with at- tached' church hall: Church to be 'removed from `proprety by pur- dieser. Also tender:a fox frame shed and land, shed approximately 40x80, shed /nay' remain or be removed. Any tender will not necessarily be accepted. A. Munro, Wroxeter, Ont, Sec, Wroxeter & Salem Trustees, 19 :26b ' NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Courtf Revision onthe o 1957 Assessment Roll for Morrie, Township will be held in the Towne ship Hall on Tuesday, October 9th, 1956, at 1.30 p.m. ' Cxea, C. Martin, Clerk. 26z3b PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical chimney cleaners. TO ELIMINATE SOOT AND SCALE FROM YOUR' sloviES AND rII'Es, For,tJ a In ' oil, coal and wood fired until • Ain wail AT Maehiuii Hardware VOR40filitt f.. Go McDu l o' al re,. c.• LoWI It yV C,k i t 26;3:Ithe 'United W Quarterly arterzy Tea WHLTEOHURCIfea The. regular monthly .meeting and quarterly .tea meeting of the W.M.S. of the unit- ed Church was held on Wednesday lastat the home of Mrs. ~Barnet Farrier with eighteen ladies pre- sent and With the president, Mrs. James Falconer presiding, All sang "Come Let Us Sing of a Won- derful Love,” and Mrs. John Pure don led in prayer,, Miss Olive Ter - riff led in the Scripture lesson from Ephesians, chapter 1 and Mrs, J, 0, Gillespie was in charge of the temperance clippings, Mrs. Fal- coner read a poem. Miss Terriff and Mrs. E. H. Gros- korth wire appointed to attend the Fall Presbyterial at. Brussels on October 5, when Mrs. Childs of London will be the special speaker, Mrs. W. R, Farrier played a. piano solo and Miss Terriff read the last chapter of the study' •book, Mrs. Bera Scholtz closed the meet- ing with prayer, All enjoyed the eocial tea which followed: The ladies of the W.A. decided,to hold a bazaa}r in Luck - now and made plans for this meet- ing with . the president, Mrs. J. • D, Beecroft, presiding, Mrs. Peter Watson Born .in Kinloss WHITECHURCH.--Many from a distance attended the funeral of the late. Mrs. Peter Watson, held on Tuesday afternoon from the R, A, Currie & Sons funeral home, Wingham, to Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. Formerly Marion Case- more she grew up at the home of her parents, the late Mr, and Mrs.. JerryCase more, mor2nd e ofFi o � ss n1 and attended S. S. N.o. 10, Kinloss. Many sympathized with her in her long illness .from a heart condition. Her husband predeceased her about eight years ago, and since then, she has made her home with her only sister, Mrs. Ed. Marsh of Wingham Junction, Two brothers, Mex and Roy, were killed ever- seas in the First World War, and the five brothers, Oscar, Carl, Ern- est, Chester and Victor, were all present for the funeraI. The many friends of the family in this .dis'- trict extend sympathy to the be- reaved families. Rally Service at United Church ' Whitechurch—Rally Day was obe served in the United Church here on Sunday; when the service w conducted by the Sunday • Se1io 1 Superintendent, Robt, Laidlaw. E wyn Moore read the story, "Th Lost and Found," telling .of tlzp separation of two little Korean sisters, when; their home , was bombed :and their parents killed, and Karen Groskorth told the story of the man who walked twohund red miles to get a Bible. The juni- for choir sang "Now, Thank Ve M1 Our God", •,and Rev. R. A. Brook spoke on the work of tl missionary doctors, who worked with the children of that war-torn land; Korea. Service in the United Church will be withdrawn next Sunday on accountf anniversary se esrrvice in o Bluevale United Church, and in two weeks communion service will be held on the World Communion Sunday, October 7th. .P 1YHITECHURCH Mrs. Kenneth Dowling spent Sun. day at the home of her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rooney oi: Mount Forest, and Mr. and Garnet Rooney of Sault Ste Marie visited with Mr, and Mrs. Dowling, on Thursday, Mr, •and Mrs. Robert Scott slld children spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs..Johrp A, Johnstonf o Goderich,, ,, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Devereaux of St, Augustine and her sister, Mrs: Michael Cummings spent the week- end eekend at the -home of their. sister, Mrs. Jos. Kurtz of Galt, and with his sister., Mrs. Frank Carroll of Kitchener. Mrs. Ford and Miss Helen 0t Wingham and Mrs. Wm, Rintoul spent Saturday in London. Mr. nd• r Ja a M s, s. Mclli• th & spent �[., Sunday with Rev, and Mrs. R. D. 4 cirriof' W to w C e a rdo n Mr and 'i4Irs Wm.Rintoal R rtoul azrd family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Caldwell of Blyth, Mr, Harris Purdon of Blind Rivet was home last week-endfor the Holmes-Purdon nuptials ,and left that evening for 'x'obernlory td eateh the boat fol Manitoulin, 16#rs. Robert Bolton and Mr, atter Mrs. John 13olton and Clriidten .of Teeswater visited on Sunday at the home of the former's daughter!; Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm, Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer bf Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr, and IMee, Russell Ritehie and With Mrs. Reuben Tittle, Mr. and Mrs, Einer Huffmaia visited With Kincardine relatives on Sunday. inr, and Mrs.. 1•larry tea densinitlr arid Wile of Walkerton spent Stine day at the home of her brother-' Ceti Weber. Several Men from this .district attended the cattle sale at Wfartbti 'Thursday, Mr, Chas. Tiffin and Mrs, Will, $ro h L u thaw v e tatted 011 rte r Su day with the iatter's relatives IVtrs. Annie Cousins and her family of Goderiett Mr.. and Mrs, Walter James and ' Presbyterian . 'W.M.S, Met on Wednesday WHITECHURCI•i•• The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Frespyterian Chnrcli was held on Wednesday last with the pre. sident, 11Irs, Dawson Craig: presid» ing, The Seripture lessens from I John and Ionians were xead by Mrs, N. Caswell and Mrs. Donald Ross led in the missionary prayer. Mrs. Craig had charge of the toed', tation period, speaking on "The Way of Love Mrs, Robert Ross: bad charge of the study hook, spearing ,on "Old Wine in New Skins", and telling of the hard way of faith, a missionary story of In - dile Mrs, .MeItznis gave a read- ing, "Why Go to Church", strossing the fact that we go because we love Gpd, Ten ladies were present.. The Glad Tidings subscriptions will be renewed this month. The nzeotieg' was closed with prayer by the pre- sident and plans were made for the October Thankoffering • meet- sons of Woodstock spent the week- end at their home here. G Miss Winnifred Parries, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Far- rier, • Rev. .7, Ure Stewart of Moorefield visited one clay last Week at' the home f a Mrs,Mac Ross os s a d iss • Terrief and ith other, friends in. the village. • Mr, Allan' ,Reed of Dungannon has secured'the mail delivery from Kincardine to Wingham with the work starting on Monday next. Mr„ and '.Mrs, Ed Robinson and sons, of St, Augustine, visited 'on Sunday with Mi. and Mrs, Gershom Johnstdn and Mi. Jack Johnston London o spent the Week -end there. e Mrs., Thos Meore was a patient in Wingham Hospital for a few days last week. Rev. Robert Watt, of. Mitchell, was the guest minister at Wrox- eter United Church anniversary on Sunday and in the afternoon Rev. and Mrs, Watt and their family vis- ited with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. 3, Watt. Rev. Angus Mackay will' have charge of the service in the Pres- byterian Church here next Sunday morning and in the evening the congregations of South Kinloss, Langside and the United Church have been invited to come to see Mn, Maolcay's pictures, taken on the mission field. All are cordi- ally invited to attend Mr, Jdlin Allen, North Bay, vis- ited with Wing'iiazn, London and Stratford .; friends. Mee. :Isabel. Young, who has been • in North Bay for the last three months, ac- companied him 'and spent the week at the home of her daughter, Mrs, John McBurney.. Miss Jean Currie,: of London, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Currie, Brick Church W.M.S, 'meets this Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, Norman Coulter. Brick Church Sunday School held a Rally Day service on Sun- day morning in'the Sunday School room. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Conn and family 'visited on Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Scott, at Ripley. Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Cronin, of C led n a o visited for a few days last week at the homes of her broe that's, Cecil and Jaynes ralconer, A reception was held on Friday evening in Langsicle hall in honor of Mr. and Mr:, Wiilian;r Purdon, newlyweds. During the evening they were presented with a purse of murrey. Tiffin ltrothere provided MUSIC for 41110114,e In the Septet lber+0ctober nun her of 'The Bible in tiie World" ;it hi reported that .Rev. W. S. Sutker, hied, .B,A,, a former paster of. the Presbyterian Church here,, ilea take en a. position, les general secretary in Eastern Canada of the Bible So, eiety, succeeding Rev; 13, V, Moa Lean, wilo hes retired after twenty year s of Melee, We With him coccus tri lois ianportent worlr among the churches. The hes iy rain ori Saturday night delayed harvesting again in this di,striet and many are hoping for a dry week en that the brain will be in better shape, , Mr, RonaCO 1t_lc a .es •• 1 �,tartcd out :on Satukday filling, Gordon McBur- ney's silo. Corn crap,y in ,this dis- trict have stili escaped the frost, Mr. ' and Mrs. Cecil Falconer silent the ween -end at the home of Mr, and. Mrs, Reilsen Falconer at Sarnia, V ' Mrs, Fred )ailsie and son Car- man of London opont last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney, Mrs, R, J. Currie :arid Doreen and Barbara visited on .Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr, And- rew Crozier of Seaforth, Mr. Mae McGregor of New Yoric City is spending his vacation at the home of his brother, Mr. Ross McGregor. Mr. and^Mrs, James. Currin visit- ed on Sunday at the home bf Mr, and Mrs, Russell Gaunt. The ordination service for Rev, Angus Mackay was held in the Presbyterian Church here on Tues- day evening, Mir, Gordon McGee spent ,the week -end at Kitchener with his brother, Mr. Rey McGee, Miss Janet Watson, of Aylmer, spent Sunday . with Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft, • Mr Ashfiand Mrs. Ralph Cameron of eld rand Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ro.binson:were, hi London. Oa 'Sun - clay tii visit•rveith lies Malice, Mrs. Albert Cdrneron, in' V'i'ctoria Hos, pital.' Mhrn'Camertershes been very ill after an operation. Mr, and . Mes, JOT) ; McBurney spent Meiltiay at the home of her sister, Ale% 1st 'one Armitage. at Lonclp'n. • , , ,+ Mr a ndMr s Clarence ae •tit I . c Ritchie ch' and' children spent Sunday at the ionic pf his brother, Mr.. Leonard Ritchie at Lucknow. PublicSchool children have been practising their marching and calls these past few weeks in prepara- tion for the Lucknow fall fair this -Wednesday, `Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis and family, of Gerrie, Mr. and Mrs, Roddy Inglis• and family of For- est and Mr.- Mac Inglis of Toronto spent the Week, -end with their par- ents; Mr, and'`Mrs. Thos. Inglis of W. Wawennsh, • DIE • PR:)CTER--A,t•. -Wingham ''General Hospital cn Sunday, September 23rd., 1958, Mr;.William Procter;` rage 77, of Brussels, $ifrviying,= his daughter, Mrs. W, C. Kerr, of Brussels. G1:LIES-•-Ae, Winghaen Geheral 0 II spiral, on Monday, .Septcmbsir 24t1, 1956, Mrs. Jean Gillios, age 77 of TieR. 5, Lucknow, Surviving • is her sister,. Mrs, David Milian : ! of Lucknow. ,, - - M1 LEE'S R TAXI 1 24-hour Service ' .. 1 PHONE -185 '■� JNSURED r S 1'sED WHILE YOU 1 r RID11111111 E MI — w w 11111 till , 1 Cec. Folding Aluminum AWNINGS WaIp:ole FLOOR Aluminum WALE , ',> ASH TIL'ESb' e fiD:O O RS, LUMBER BUILDING " CUPBOARDS' Telephone 260w • Wingham 10 DAYS ONLY - SEPT. 27 .00T. 6 'TIE t WALLPAPER SHOP SEMI' - ANNUAL • . WALLPAPER SALE Group, 1° Washable • jag, 1 I VING ROOM C and DINING 140014 • Croup 3 - Washable BOO I0_0M. S and nd !•UC 'C7ildrei's Rootis 'Group 2 3 { LIVING 1100112 t7 C and BEDROOMS Group 4 1 ✓ C IBOM ROOM LOTS CLEARING at HALF PRICE OR LESS Every Pattern a Bargain! WALLPA 0009-4' COZUiPLA Hullo Folks' It bas always interested me that so many of the stories lovely., ing the Manan side of the Royal Fancily involve automobiles. Prince Philip likes to take the wheel of 'a racy sports Cal now and then, and from Mutt we get 'a picture of the spirited yboung 2lraii he is. In ,New 'Zealand one clay he drove the Royal Tour car himself, with I+lizaboth beside i him, After all, every nanlikes to take his wife for a drive,. A lot of iranadian soldiers in Enghuid during t"tie -mu! got JIM frosty, a kindly old lady in a .big e1'r, and discovered eater 4Ja y were riding with Queen Mary, I always remember .the two Canadians who were liending up to London from the boat train after the big Vim ,reunion In France before the War, Their car broke down (obviously wasn't .one from ons lot) and filmy were picked up by ii, young Man in a big Deimlor. Ttiey cxoinulged notes auui found they were an heading for , Lpndon; so the Wan lite .the Deluder said "well, C late on Atli antl Minya a drink with !no" -., and before they knew it the'hig ear Was lrbheeiing into Jiuekin,g'innnr I'.alacc. ,.!Behr friend, they found, Wets the Duke of Olouoester, the thud son oi George V. • For the Royal Family, automobiles were a way ,to get out from under tele restrictions of palace protocol. Like everybody else, 'the'y found that driving opens the way to many new adven- tures, new :places to see and neev people to rdie0t along the way. And there's a satisfaction In LORNE McDONALDowning your own car, I've always thought,. the , satisfaction of controlling exactly where you're going, how 'far and how fast and when you're going to stop, , If you want to do this 'in a Daimler, dont see us, we 'haven't nay. But for a wide"Y'aaige of used .ears That any eine of pooket- bo,olc can afford, drop around. Nothing like a cher to give you that royal feeling. C OPY,i3OHT $966 WO11.51117 ,I,efOCS • emit.. those pa'S es With wet Mall weather, as we are having, the smart motorist will want his braices in • top shape. Whether it '%e re -shoeing your brake drums; az; just a setting operation,'1et our skilled ' mechanics do it. WINGIFIAM MO Phone 139 RS Wingham Use the classified,Calttmin for Quick Results. sQii3111114111r111a111m111�IIIr111ii16•IIAIIirIllMl111119{111�111121191111SeleellIle1111®19IIIIIIII l •, I hIee W R HAMILTN i — u "'Thoroughness • Ability. — Time tested OPTOMETRIST Phone 37• for appointment t ill I N I11I111l11 ii$l I lil111111111111I I111q 1111111111111111iiU im i llE111631 Nil1 N 1118!l 1111s111i'1i 11i11111111l li BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. MMTAVISN BAttRI STA+JL ' OI, C S I. T.i' OR and ltlO'1AR7i' PUBLIC Tr A'pLrFLS1 V ii, ONTARIO O Telephone 23 Toostvater WVrexeter-=.ilvery Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 .pen., ee lOst appolntinont. OR L A. SPENCE DENTIST OFFICIO BOUIt •10 ir..nl, to 6 p,iu. ' PHONE 91X Brussels, Ont. CRAWFORD ET INCT N 9.I ITa m' i .zstoi•s�ori o forp Etc, g , Fhoiie 48 J. II. CRA ORD, Q,Ct, R. S. IBETIICRINGTON, Frederick F. Homuth Phm.lt, R.Q Carol E. Hoi ut.Il' R.O. Mrs. Viola H. H 1_ omuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harri3to'nf • .. • ' Ontario RIJNAUJ G. KANN Public Accountant Office; Royal: Bank y 7SIdg; est z detc.0 R R : attenbury St. rhones}ii11 k 4o5 rANNTON o. TTAittn V W DUSI�I �I�C.D c c. l3atristQr, 'Solicitor, N'etnry, iGrte. Molloy to Loan 11leyer Woolf, Whighain office "W111\1410N,FIRE , Ilnsirrande Company Est, 180 Ali iril Cai aJla.n Company evhicli has faithfully fr 1Iy served l ltrl policy holders for over rrt century, Head Ol;tlee Toronto lilt Cr, lain an insuranceAge t 1'C€inglrann