HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-26, Page 3(,it)forth„Awaliary
Resumes Meetings
The .Coforth Dven1ng Auxiliary
of St, Andrew's I'resbyterlan
Church held its. opening meeting
on Tuesday evening of last week,.
in the Sunday School room.
ThiSi president, Mrs, K. Arbuelsio;
opened the meeting with the call.
JO worship and. the 11).•crin,r 4 p, For
a Faith that -Will Not Shrink" was
sung. Mrs; 1,. Vanderliolk led in
Prayer and Mrs. Ii. McIntosh read
the Scripture, comments on the
Scripture were given by. Mrs. PI,
•Gauley., •
. The hymn, ""Out on Life's. Dario
Heaving Ocean" was sting. • Mrs, G.
Scott then read a very interesting
chapter from the study book.
Plans were made to bold the
Thankoffering meeting October 2,
wito, tun euest Eileiaker owag Fir.
Angus MacKay, a. missionary
India Who 14 visiting .111 le9ndon•
'Ilbe .offering was received and Mrs,:
N. Hateman led in -prayer. A solo'
was sung by Mrs. R. HarriMon.
A panel discussion "In the Midst.'
of Revolution', followed, This. was
• led by Mrs, Gataley :arid those,
taking part were Mrs. Vanderliolli,-
Mrs. M. Rap, Mrs. J, Ponallson,
Miss .10lmina Irarale and Mrs. .R..
Gray, •
, 'lhe hymn, "Lead On, ,0 King
Eternal" was sung and Mrs, It.
they closed the .meeting with pray
er, A social time- followed.. ,
A slow-burning cotton rope with.
firecrackers inserted into the twist
Makes an. effective .device to, repel
blackbirds. The method was devel.
oned by the Fish and Wildlife Ser,,
The regular meeting of Wingham
Branch Women's Institute was
held Thursday in the council
chambers. Mrs, N. MoLaughin was
in the chair.
• The meeting opened with the Ode
and Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs-W.
Henry read the minutes of the last
meeting which were approved as
read, and gave the treasurer's re-
port and correspondence. An invi-
tation was received from Belgrave
to attend an evening meeting
on October 16th, at 8;30, to hear
legal • facts 'discussed by Mr. Fing-
Announcement of training school
for the fall project of 4-H girls'
work to be held on October 23.24th
in the town hall. Mrs, • Margaret
Guy and Mrs. R. A, Powell were
selected as leaders. The subject will
be "sleeping Garments". Each girl
will be ;required to make either
pyjamas or a nightgown. A house-
coat and scuffs may also be made.
Girls between the age of 12 and 26
years may participate.
Mrs, R, A, Powell was chosen as
a delegate 7 to the - area •convention
to be held in London October 16th
and l'ith,,Mrs, 0. Hablcirk to be the
alternate. A Beautiful - picture of
the Queen was: donated : ,by Mrs.
Gowans, Words of appreciation for
'the pletilie expressed teMrci.
N. Keating. It Was hung in the
council chain:hers.
The 'program was in charge of
Mrs. H, Aitchison' and Mrs, S, Bate-
son. A whistling solo was.given by
Mrs. If. Currie accompanied by
Mrs. Coultes, Mrs. Bower gave a
splendid paper on the motto, "Man
made the city, but God made the
Mrs. H. Aitchison then introduc-
ed Mr. S. Stothers of Lucknow, who
was born and received his early
education in Ashfield Township, In
1916 he graduated from O.A.C. In
Guelph and for 33 years served as
agricultural representative hi Her-
on, Essex and Wellington. He was
Huron County's first representa-
thre, opening the office in Clinton
in 1918. His talk was on a trip
through Eastern Canada.
Mrs. W. J. Henderson thEinkecl
the speaker. The ladies Were favor-
ed with another whistling solo.
Mrs 0. Hablcirlt spoke on floral
arrangements arid gave ti splendid
demonstration, The roll call was
answered by naming a flower be-
ginning with' the letter of the mem-
ber's name.
The Meeting was closed with the
Queen and a social half hour spent,
Children Baptized
At Rally Service
Rev, Alexander Ninuno officiat-
ed on Sunday at the Ralpttstu of
six children, the oceaSion being the
annual Rally Day service at St.
Andrew's Presbyterian -Church.
The following children were bap.
tizedi Margaret Kathleen, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mr; Keith DIM.
bar; Hrian William, soh or Mr. and
Mrs. William. :Bain, Stratford;
jaines Norman, son of Ur, and
Mrs. Norman Welwood; Diane
Plitabetb, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
Andrew 1/di:agile; ;fatties Peter,
sera of Mr, and MrS, Sohn Patti.,
son and Carol Sane, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vortune,
vv!,4,X time
there's something wrong with me
any wife nays have to stop
erances 2qarWiey ,-1/Vect
At United Church Evenittg Guild .
fain, aiea -salaam go 'I,J ?Nat palm
fight to the deeth for the shades of
religious interpretation .is surely a
denial of religion itself. The haste
foundation. of religion is latunantlY,
the love or ininum men and ..voirieo
for their fellows. That to the is the
essence of all faith.---Sir Miles
Tboinitii.• •
„A 5ll,(1Ei,hou. 444: taw 441,411, :441i4
the cloctoes office. and .reglietated
treatment for .his ankle,'•
Tbe doctor examined Ks leg and
agliecl•f• "How long have ,you been
going. ..about like this?”.
"Two,. weeks." •
wp weeks'', 'Your ankle is
en man. Why ..clidn't you. come
to see Me
Utch4011 'ar 4t
WpCiding at Gorrie
The wedding Of Clarence Harvey
XeCuteboon, MR- 4, Wussels, son
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey IOW:-
cheon, and Miss Marie Ann liar-
pis, daughter of Me. and Mrs. Al-
bert M. Harris, R.R. i, Wroxeter,
look plaPe ut St. Stoptien's Ang-
lican Church, Gerrie, an Saturday
afternoon. The Rev, E. Rus-
sell officiated at the clouble,ring
miss Jean Rein, of Wingham,
acted as bridesmaid, and grooms-
man was Mac Shoidiee of Walton,
-The bride wore a white strapless
waltz-length gown of nylon mile
and net over taffeta, embossed with
embroidered ,snow flakes with mot-
oiling bolero with iily-^polot sleeve4-finger-tip nylon, net veil held by
a coronet was sprinkled with se-
quins and Jily-Of-the.velley. She
carried a cascade of red Sweet-
heart roses and stephanotis,
Two gig() year old clay pipettl,
jointed as a drain, were unearthed
recently at the temple of Hisinya;
/ran, •
• Frances Dlizabeth, daughter of
and Mrs. Harry G; Merkley Of.
Winghare. was united in Marriage
to Harry Murray 'Gerrie,. son of Mr.
and Mrs, Harry Gerrie, 40 of •
Wingham,, 'at "Wingliarn Visited
Chttreb. on Wednesday, September
19th, at three o'clock. .Rev. D. J.
MacRae performed the ceremony.
The church was decorated 'with
White gladioli and fern.
Given in marriage by. 'her father,
the bride wore A waltz-length gown
of erystallette over net .and taffeta,
featuring a, :broeaded get bodice
ending in scallops on the bouffant
skirt, ,She-wove a matching jacket
with a brocaded net collar. Her
rhinestone tiare, ,eallght a- three.
quarter length veil of , French 11-
11.10ion and • she ..carried a cascade
bouoilet of white carnations and
stephanotis, '0
Miss Patricia Carmichael of
Wingharn was the maid JO hewn,
and Miss ..Gwpnyth Gerrie, of Wing-ham, sister of the groom .arid. Mrs.
Jere lVfatkisley of London, cousin
of the bride, were bridesmaids.
They were. gowned' alike in peacock
blue .erystalcharta with matching
geaddres; • .They - carried cascade
bouqUets. of White gladioli.,
.• Little Marlene :Jamieson was
flower girl. Dressed in 'pink cry-
stallette, she carried a basket - of
White baby' mums and blue cora-
floWers. •
Wedding music was provided by
William Connell and 'MM. George
Guest was soloist,
Gerald 'Gerrie Was his brother'S
groomsmen and Raymond. Merkley,
brother of the - bride and Lionel
'Gerrie, brother of the •groom Were •
r .
First Fall Meeting
The Bvaning Gitaild of t, PaUt's.
Anglieati held its Ursa
Mooting of the season on Tues-
day night of last week, when them
members me; at the home of mils
Mary Johnston, l'wenty members
Were out to the meeting and hos-
tesses were anembeta of Kiss
billie101r1S group.
Templeman had the Christ-
Meat cards and sense of the ladl
DOW have them for sale, The GUild
Inks decided to 'place a ,second
big outside the church, to match
those being given by the' Misses
McCracken, it was hoped to have
it in place by Harvest Thallics1P-
ing Sunday, et which time it could
be dedicated.
The group system, was quite sue-
cessful last year end will be 0.00-
Willed, Re-arranged. grOIVS will, he'
assigned at , tile • October meeting,
which will be held of the home of
Mrs. Miller Davis on Oat-Ober. 16.
Rev. H. L. Parker showed color-
ed slides, Some were,platures eon-
psefed with activities at St. Paul's
Church and others were of church-
es that he had visited While on
1•Inn Rot
.,00.40.060,100.0100•••-••••••••.......,0 .04•••••r•........t.....,*•••••••••••••••^0.00.1 4.1...."00•14.0....0.0
The bridesmaid were a waltz-
length strapless gown of powder
blue nylon net and lace over ta,
feta with matching bolero, head-
dress and gloves. She carried a
cascade of pink roses. •
• A reception was held at the Ho-
tel Brunswick, ingharn, Guests
from Harrtilton,•K eherier and Cilf-
Ord Attended,
For travelling the bild.e 'selected
a beige wool flannel suit with
brown accessories and aLeossagg of
yellow and bronze mums. The
couple are spending their. honey-
moon in Northern and Eastern
Drive-In Theatre
Turn at Armouries on Hwy. 88 ushers,
A reception was held at Hotel
Brunswick fellowing the ceremony,
The guest's were received by .the,
bride's mother, wearing a gate blue
dress of nylon taffeta with cham-
pagne red accessories. Her corsage
was of American Beauty roses.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother, who wore a navy crepe
dress with turquoise accessories,
and a corsage of white mums.
For the wedding trip the bride
donned a beige wool suit with moss
green and tan accessories and a
corsage of yellow baby murns.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerrie will reside
in Wingham. a
Always Fresh
Fri„ - Sept. 0-28
"The 'Night My
Number Came Up"
Michael Redgrave,
Alexander Knox, Sheilla Sims sa lving ., bi• If g is1 your ggest problem, drop in
and see your'local Toronto-Dominion mana-
ger. It irtaYa w411• be that he can help you,• .
save the money You need.
Sat., Mon., Sept. 29 - Oct. 1
Double Feature
"Gambler 'From
, Natchez"
(Colour) *
Dale Robertson, Debra Paget
*What should 'do about
While- saving' is something- you .must -do
yourself, We can offer a few helpful sugges-
. tioni first, and PrOably the easiest
method if you are,strong-mindecrenough, is)
to simply open,a special savings account and
use' it regularly. OP,.on a smaller scale, you
can save fifty-cent pieces, ,dimes- or even
pdrinies:1 04'Yotican use a; piggy-bank as a
;handy 001ccumulation point for all loose •
A0angb4Attuall, any method of saving is
good but you must save regularly.
Phone; Our Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
25c OFF
liailan a 100
TEA BAGS . . 89c
Mother Parker's .., 2 oz.
Instant COFFEE 57c
Numite • 16 oz.
Waxed . lb.
No. 1 10 lbs.
Bissett's k ' pt. bricks
14TORONT01)0mim oN BANE
0-299#' (THE BEST* '4 14? ANKI E)
(Colour) •'•
• Bill- William Jean P8rI ; P., '
Maple Leaf Sockeye oz,
10 oz.
10c OFF 16 oz,
Chocolate Quip 52C
Instant ' lb. ,
MILKO . . 37c
2 pkgs.,
Kraft DINNER 29c
cherry 11 oz.
Honey BUTTER 33c
• Pat-a-Parr 25 lb.
Pastry FLOUR $1.45 G. A. BEATTIE, Manager
Gorrie Branch dI.OoLOONI.110•16.04mLoilLs041m.11
N. L. SMITH, Manager
Wingham Branch
Tues., Wed., Oct. 2-3
Dianne Cilento, George•Bilter
. , . and the pleasing
service at Downie's is
music to her ears. Make
a note of the name a'1*d 1
give us a trial.
A r.r. z" .41""'""'
Two Shows Nightly, Rain "'''oV,
Clear_-: Box Office Open at 7.30
First Show at Dusk
Children' under 12 in Cars 'Free
Cartoons at Pinch Performance ,
SERVICE vill-G4ttr.gh
rbLLAR. 4'06S' •
SiLlago OILS
4., • V40.6 .3 6 J ...FOR
1-1954 Ford 2-Tone Coach, perfect throughout
1-1953 Ford Black -,Sedan, 'very clean inside
and out.
1-1952 Chevrolet Coach, a beauty
1-1952 Dodge Panel, a real buy
1-1951 'Ford Custom Coach, dark blue
Numerous cheaper cars.
1-1947 Allis Chalmers• Tractor, A-1 shape
ta,ta..• ,•••
• .,
•....A0?-4a4t$:•• WHEN YOU
. NN.4111t ',Dozens of 0 ord Tritalrriodels
priced below all competitive makes/ Ford
• MOM give you he oil: and ,gas economy of
the most modern shoit-strokc'erigine8V-8 or Six I.
Ford!Trucks are built stronger for proved
longer lifel,Ford TrUcks carry more payloarl
per ton of Weight because capacities have been ,
increased in models nil througli the line! •
Finally, when you come to trade, you'll find .
you get more for your Ford Truck—
further proof that Ford Trucks. cost less
railalong thelinel
A. D. itlacWILLUM
Winghatn Phone 2171
F.100 PANEL e.....earecrznEmituteciesaliiii.loom
4.:4;:s, •
Slightly Imperfect
NYLONS :•:••
60 Gauge 15 Denier
Ford costs start low and stay low...
they offer more and last longer! '
uron Motors Limiter This is you chance ladies you will want several
pairs of these lovely hose!
So shop now and always at
ar c1 aei's
The Pamily Store
Ford and Monarch Void Trucks
Wingliamo Onto A.1:1114aWilliant Telephone 237
COUNT ON THESE SIGNS Phone 1w' Wingham