HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-19, Page 9Plan Tulip Garden
Foi Ten full
By Mel Thistle -
Some peat* are' inclined to sniff
a little about tulips. "Yea," they
Say, "we grant you that they are
indeed beautiful, and
even•good-looking-but the 'trouble
10,• they are all over in a week or
Now this is not true, Even if it
were true, the tulip would still be
Wore than worth it, But in point
of. fact, when the 'weather is reaa,
()liable (as It sometimes is), It is
an. easy 'feat to choose your species
in such a way that you can have
tulips in bloom in your garden for
as much As ten weeks, And with
hardly any cheating at all,
The secret of the whole thing is 4b very early tulips,. These are so
different from the ordinary Dar-
wina and Breeders and .so. forth
that dealers go to ridiculous lengths
to' try to find a name for them. • •
It doesiet matter what you call
them. Most bulb dealers carry
few kinds of them, and all really
good bulb dealers have a very wide
range, usually under the name
"species" tulips.
They lodk a little different, too.
Most of, them open out flat, like a
Couple. Married 50 Years .
Apy Magazinaisted'rkt This.
Newspaper, Both fer Price shown
sainrany Night thi-wreitiv 43.91/
O 51aeleaa's iThigaZInc
(26 ishueS) 4.40
O Calauliaa Mane journal 3.90
American 51itgazine ..... „.„ 4,85
l chtitelaino 8.80
0 Popular Seleneth 4.95
• Canadian Wakes
k- 4.00
1,00Ic 4.95
lieratd.mal Weekiy Star 9,15
• intlintig In Canada 4.25
O Chad tire. -4.85
q rawer (;rawer ,...„ ........ 1.85
LI Realmek Maga:dna 4.60
0 corricr's (hi-m(ldy) 4,85
Cl Irumaty munnty's (10 issues) 4.85
p ttmulro 0.80
P (M(000e Lire 4.13
semen Sharks 4.25
El Camera MagivAlue 4.90
Lo Sathedi (Vrencli)
(amnia Nutaavine) 4.15
[:1 Christian Iteraitt 1.05
(3 .51 Wei e 0.90
Cl Wmana's Anhui ConMtkiMiii 4.95
P "Marrrizia0 ..... 4.60
rtess Weritiy . rrairin "'armee^ 3.75 ▪ truo Stars' 1,25
q Pareals' Magtotno 4,55
0 American tart 4.40
l Compact. 0.0 isstrorn 4.85
Peewee eater/ling' 1.85
El .0,10,16 lumast Liu issti('s) ..... ...... ....„ ,1.83
Newspaper and' Magazines
y• ears toilets term shown
Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order.
O Maclean's magazine (13 issues) 6 Mos.,
1:3 Canadian Home Journal ,. I Yr.
O Liberty Magazine
• Family Herald & Weekly Star
El Free, Press Weekly Prairie Farmer I Yr. •
O Saturday Night (bi-weekly) I Yr,
O Country Guide 2 Yrs.
O Chatelaine a I Yr..
O Farmers' Magazine ... . .. --- ... ... . 2 Yrs, '
0 Canadian Poultry Review • .1. . 2 Yrs.
1:1 4 La Revue PoPulaire I Yr.
EI,Rod & Gun in Canada I 'Yr.
• Modern Screen . I Yr„
Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order.
2 Yrs'
I Yr.
ci at etc- jrap s
If your evergreens have -made
extra heavy growth since their
spring pruning, prUne them
again. Trim and shape them just
befOre they "throw" their sec-
ond growth late in September.
The worst treatment for ever-
greens is to neglect their prun-
ing until they are all 'out of
Shape, and then try to bring
'them back to size and form by
heavy shearing or pruning. This
too often results in harsh, irregtii-
lar forms, stab, ends, discolored
foliage and soinetinies in pet-
maneat injury. '
As happens not inftecniently,
spruce or pine trees will de-
velop two leaders; as shown in
the accompanying Gardeo-Graph.
Since two leaders spoil any orna-
Mental tree, trial Oat the upstart
leader, as Marked in the Garden-
Ora pie
When checking over pines and
tpraces, look for telltale signs of
weevil damage. If there Is evi-
dean that weevils are working
in your trees, spray them im-
mediately with DIM Oirect the.
spray at the terminal twigs. This
will discourage the female wee-
vils from laying their eggs there.
if ehe top shoots have already
been badly damaged by the wee-
vils, as shown in the Garden-
Graph, cut them out and bure
them. This twill also destroy any
grubs that may be developing
under. the bark and will lessen
the extent of tree injury next
When pruning. the "Christmas-
Tree'l grOup-fits and SprUces
remember that their beauty is
best shown , by a perfect cone
formed of soft masses of needles
not too obviously barbered, Cut
branches projecting beyond the
pyramid back into line and prune
All side growth in general to
overcome pateldneee.
Safety Deposit BoxVault- King & Yaw Sts., TOrom
As our celebration draws to a close, we would like to remind you
of the free book we have waiting for you at The Toronto-Dominion
Bank. This book is a special gift mathing our ,,100 years
of banking service, We know you will find it interesting •
and will want to have a personal copy as a permanent souvenir,
So drop in to The Toronto-Dominion Bank nearest you
aed'pick-"Up your free copy soon.
Capt, Webb tlf)einpft fo swim fhb NioDato Whirlpool ,
imagine a man braving the fury of the swirling Niagara Whirlpool
. or the wife of a Prime Minister riding through the Rockies on Ito
cowcatcher of a train. These are but two of the interesting
stories you'll find in "Selections from Canadian Yesterdays".,
You can pick up yoar free copy of this fakinating book
*ft 106 v at any branch of The Toronto Dominion lank.
'rl-tt ttii'at ilAt‘liAlNiti, ttElkt.Vit
Isl. Lu iVialiaget A, BEM' Manager
Winghani Branch Cc "rite I3raftch
Die Winghlirn Advik19c4-71mck Wea3104414YA pt. 1.t9, 19$ role
ite,a‘ Nome484,44/./
wutxer.ally, instead. of. looking like
an egg with the tap cut off. And
all of them , are ••eharinleg,, but in
different ways, The .e.atile,at one of
the lot is called Katifirtantliana, or
the water-Illy tulip. If you cheat a
little, by putting it a few inches
away .from YOU Month faiindatie4,
it wilt bloom about the first, day of
April in Ottawa. This Is about three
days ahead of the erocuaa Off rime,
where in a flowerhed, The Kaufa
guillidalla is white. inside and quite
indescribably beautiful outside,
Naturally, the KaUfManniana has
been tinkered with. At my last
Vaunt there wore about twenty
hybrids available in Canada, all of
them later than the, old ,original.
About-the nicest of 'the lot, for my.
Money (about 2fic each) is a mar
vellous ,yellow with red 'markings
called Solanus, but the Vivaldi and
Shakespeare hybrids. are - by no
means to he sneezed at.
These hybrids will take you
through the first three weeks. Then
you have .Eichleri, a marvellous
thing in redo of moderate proport-
ions; of Fosteriana Red Emperor,
the biggest tulip in the world. (I
have grown them ten inches across,
and have envied others who have
grown them an even foot from
wing-tip to wing-tip.) Or, if you
Pfefer, a few days later you can
have Bilfora, the smallest I have
seen, one lailf-ingh across in ,poor
soil, Pamper them, and they Jae-
come ;toss at a full :ineh or there,
abeute, Twe or three whitish
blooms to the stem,, •
Then" the Praestena tekes.
over, This is a strange and lovely
flower, 40 many as five blooms on
4 single stein, and an orange red
that seems to glow from within,
like the billboard paint of the same •
Then comes Tarda, a smell,
white, and many-flowered thing,
followed by a few -exotica such as
the yellow Batalini, You can have
great' deal of fun experimenting •
with tiny groupg of these till you
0)UL-which sort appeal to yen most,
These take you well into May,
when it is possible to have for-
midable display of single early
tulips (keizerlcroon, for. instance),
In spite of their name,. they actual-:
ly are early, compared with • the
kinds that most people think of as
"regular" tulips, They bridge .the
gap 'to the Doubles, Cottages,
Breeders and Darwins, which take
you into June, Some Parrots ,are
later still, such us Blue Parrot. If-
you .choose some very late Dar,
wins, such as Garden Lovea these
may see you into the Middle of
June • .before- they fade.
And• there You are, with ten
weeks of tulips. If you really like
tulips,,why' not have them for two
months Enid a half?
Mr. And Mrs. William Joseph Mc-
Murray of Bruasels celebrated their
Golden Wedding anniversary on
Wednesday of last week at their
A large gathering of .friends and
neighbors were present, as were
their daughter, Mrs. Jim Smith (Al-
berta), and her husband, and their
son, Robert J, McMurray and his
wife, together with five of their
six grandchildren. The sixth grand-
child, Robert J. McMurray jr., of
Toronto, was Unable to be with his
grandparents but sent his congra-
-Mr. Earl B. Hall and Mta.
Albert ailing of PaSadena, Cali'-
fornia" are visiting at the hOrneabf
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Biichan.ln,
They are son 'and'' daughter ofa-a
former editor of The Winghtilii
Advance; Mr. Theo. Hall.
-Dr. Peter F. Fisher of Royal
Military College, Kingston, called
on his aunt, Mrs. G. C, Hanna on
his way to Stratford to attend the
10th anniversary of the Perth Regi-
ment Veterans' Association.
-Misses Lenore. Guy, Betty Fox-
ton, Veda Arthur, Joan Arthur and
Verna Griffith are taking secretar-
ial courses at the Canada Business
College, Toronto. •
-Mrs. Jas. Godkin spent a few
clays the past week in Toronto
attending the funeral of her
sister, Mrs. W. J. Clark, who
passed, away Monday, September
-John Congram, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Wilfred Congram of Edward
Street, leavaa today 'for' Waterloo
Where he will begin his studies at
Waterloo College.
Mr. and Mrs. McMurray have x' .-
sided in Brussels for the past eight
years, but formerly farmed in Mor-
ris Township. They were married
at the home of the bride's parents
in East Wawandsh Township by
Rev. William Hartley, rector of the
Belgrave Anglican Church. Mrs,
McMurray was the former Annie
A three-tier anniversary cake
centred the lace, covered table' at
the reception held on Wednesday.
Mrs. George Davis of Brussels,
Mrs, P. Jewell of Brussels and Mrs.
Jessie Wheeler of Belgrave poured
Good housewives in summer will
save their own seeds
Against the next year, as occasion
One seed fOr another, to 'make an
exchange, ‘•
With fellowly neighborhood, seem-
'eth not strange.
(Fromoinirer'llitifdred Points".bn
Good Husbandry", by ,Thornas Tus-
ser (1573).)
0 - 0 - 0'
A more recent one from England.
written during war years when
Lord Woolton was,, Britain's
stet of Food goes:
Those who have the will to win
Cook potatoes in their skin;
Knowing that the sight of peelings
Deeply hurts Lord Woolton's feel-
' ingS.
Baby's finger and toe nails grow
very quickly, and, although they
are soft, the child may scratch
himself unless the nails are kept
short. Fingernails should be
rot:laded but toenail's should he
cut straight across.
,fOR 10,10ElLEGT
Prior to. her Marriage, Miss Irlrta
Doris garrigen was guest of honor
g several social funetiona,.
Wedneeday evening', Anost
29th, the nurses'. Council gathered
at its monthly party to honor Miss
fiarrison of the hospital staff,
prior to her approaching marriage,
The party !took the form so: a show-
er at which Miss garrison WaS Pro-
sented with me electric frying...pan,
an electric tea-kettle, and table
linen as well as other. useful
On Friday evening, September•7,
Mrs, 'Jack- ft. Oiggins, assisted by
Mrs. Mae Smith and Mrs, Leonard
Phillips, entertained at her borne
a number of the friends of :glee
Harrison, This proved to be a
shower also, and the gifts present-
ed to the bride-eleot, were an elec-
tric,Mix-Master and eeveral pieces
of the "very popular hammered
aluminum serving ware.
Mrs. George W.' Joynt, of Luets,,
now invited close friends .. of the
bride-to-be to attend a dinner
'party held in her home on Septem-
ber 10th, During •the evening, :Vila&
Harrison was - presented with a
.beautiful table lamp,
On .Thursday evening of last
week and just priot to her mar-
riage, a large group of friends as-
sembled at the Legion Hall • in
Wingham to wish Miss .-Harrison
well. and to present her with a
suite of patio furniture and a small
All of these •functions. were held
to express to' the. bride-elect the
best wishes fora long and happy
married life, and her very gracious.
replya.made upot each occasion
showed in ho small way how Much
she appreciated the thoughtfulness
of all of her friends.
Ladies Win Prizes
At Goderich Meet
At the annual district golf meet
which was held in Goderich last
Wednesday four Wingham ladies
won prizes. Ladies from Owen
Sound,. Kincardine, Walkerton,
Goderich and Wingham were com-
Mrs. Wm. Conron won the low
net in the Bronze Division, Mrs.
Norman Elliott won low gross in
the Century Division, Mrs. Reg.
DuVal won first for putting and
Miss. Marianne McKibben, was
runner-up for the Junior Cham-
pionship. Mrs. K. Binkley of
Owen Sound won the District
Oh ampi onthip.
No situation is entirely hopeless
to an honest man who has a sense
of humor.
Visits: "Toronto
Miss Greta genie, manager: of
Stedman Stores in Wingham, was
one of fourteen managers from
Stedman Brothers stores in Ont-
ario, to visit Toronto last week, on
a .conducted tour of the ririn'e
Toronto offices and warehouses.
The ladies were shown how the
mail-order system, was, operate;
and a selection of new lines which
will shortly be on solo in the var-
ious.stores and discussed future
sales plans.
During the three-day meeting,
the first in the history of the coin-
pally, a short eight-seeing tour of
the city, and an evening at one of
the shows was enjoyed.
Managers from Walkerton, Dur-
ham, St, Marys and Fergus were
among those who attended the
Although we may not credit the
squirrel with having many :brains,
he isn't so dumb! His practice of
Storing food while it is plentiful is
really quite sound, In fa'et, many
housewives are busy now doing the
very same thing.
With the convenience of borne
freezers it is possible to have fresh
vegetables and fruit all year long
and now is .the time to store up,
But don't make the mistake of
thinking that as long as the food
is in the freezer it will he all right.
Proper packaging can make the
difference between that garden
fresh flavor and a slightly off-fla-
vor or even possibly spoiled food.
The most important factor la
successful home freezing' is an air-
tight and moisture-tight,. container.
Flexible polythene plastie has both
these qualities and in addition is
not affected by low temperatures.
Polythene bags are now avail-
able in special freezer sizes and
are best for freezing bulky items
like roasts, abicken, cake or corn..
The bags have ties to fasten the
top and food stays just as fresh as
when it went into the freezer.
Freezer jars of the same material
have a snap-over lid that seals
them tightly keeping air out and at
the same time making the contain-
er spill-proof. They are round in
shape which makes them 'easy to
clean and are easily, stacked for
space saving fn the freezer,
Freezer paper is now coming in a
combination of extra strong white
kraft paper and a protective film
of polythene. Packages can be
wrapped in this paper without fear
of food sticking to it. A special
feature is that the paper can be
used over and over again.
Take a lesson from our friend.
the squirrel and prepare now for
the long, cold winter ahead, The
season for fresh foods needn't be
e Toast breads may he frozen either
bartially er completely baker(, uneekee
read may be frozen toe, but it should he
aloe he thawed completely and allowed
IS n9t ree917141011494 for freezing.
Patrick St., Wingham
'Phone 770
Fishermen who begrudge the
effort involved in catching live
crickets for halt can bey a quart
, .itcheeriti f.alm by. m. ail, fr .a om Ceorgis corf k
• We learn that it takes fifteen
days for .cricket eggs, to hatch,
eight weeks for the insects to
growto bait size. We lope, too,
that the brooders• where they
laze about in 85° temperature,
lapping up chicken mash, are
made of aluminum. But we con-
fess we're not too surprised. It
Simply means that this .busy
metal has found still another use
in the busy housing industry
this time providing clean,. warm; •
pleasant quarters for aristocratic. •
crickets, You see aluminum
everywhere these days! •
'• OFFER N®.1
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Speeders don't 'really "get away
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prove that excessive speed
always catches up with you
eventually. All speeders are
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Local Manager ,wota, • :444rlinp;
watch my Wilietline.'
fortunate you are, .4.4ritt,.
it right out them .wlfera
'Vie' 'es'vet