HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-12, Page 8• ,The Winghlana Advaliee,Thi es, Wellineacl4ay, SePt. > 1g0 -..,C S RESPONSIBLE "Ha Pay be a great artist haul :•peculiar way of doing 4000,,1 IOW's that?" "o says he •painted, his •fl aaterpiece on an empty T i aho yr each night aOrst sat x.16 Tl ltril.,,:Fri., Sat.,. Sept, 18-14-15 I,;deraee Dorothy Malone In • 'SINCERELY YOURS' Here is a musically fascinating story loaded with human inter- . est and romantic value, Non., Tues., Weel., .Sept,. 17-11149 An A11,British Cast in "STORM OVER THE NILE". A pieiure dealing with the bravery t+f' :a.. Britian .Officer labelled as a `cbwa'rd. -The story takes piece in the Sudan. Miss Cora Cilkipson Presides . at Meeting Miss Cora Gillclnson presided for the first fall meeting of St. An- drew's Auxiliary of the W.1yM.S. on Tuesday afternoon of last week„ The, program was in charge of Mrs. N. L. Fry said Mrs. H. V. :Pym. Miss Kathleen Pringle read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, R, McDonald, the Glad Tidings pray- er. The minutes were read by Mrs. Horare Aitcheson who also react aninteresting letter from Miss Dorothy Douglas, missionary in Formosa. Mrs. 4'V Ringrose reported on the contents Of a supply bale shipped in August. Ma; Hannah Wilson led in the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. W. Ido- tnuth sang a lovely solo, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled". This topic, "What Is the Church ' Doing?" was: introduced by Mrs. W. J, I3'enderson. What a chat - lenge the world presents to .the church to -day. It is a personal respcnnibiilty for every Christian for only through them can the, i whole world become Christianized, Mrs. Pym told what the churches of the world are doing to help In this great work. Mrs. Pry told of the ,work being done by medical missionaries: and nurses and Miss Walsh explaihedi what assistance is' being given by agricultural missions. The meeting was brought to a close with the .Lord's prayer re- peated in unison, Another reason why health is better than wealth is that nobody can. borrow it. Cash for �-it-you.rseIf projects When you need extra money for materials to complete. a home project, borrow with confidence from HFC--- , Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company. Loans from $50 to $1000 are made in one day, in privacy. Repayment plans arranged to fit your income. (Loans alsa'made to pay bilis, seasonal expenses, or any good reason:) Phone or come in for friendly helpful service. SAMPLE TABLE CASH MONTHLY NUMBER OF YOB RECEIVE PAYMENTS MONTHS $105.73 $10.00 12 3011.34 24.00 15 . 510.64 27.00 24 x'736rl Y 40.bO 24, '56 a a a the year to fix ! HOUSEHOLD FINANCE • 8. F. Bedford, Manager ,S West Street, second floor, phone41501 GODERMCH, ONTe ,< FOR MANY INJURIES lisle visiting with relatives In li;itchener, Kathleen Hedgins, 1Q - year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ',Hodgins, Wingham, free- tured her right arm as she stepped off a Wagon. A cast was applied at r'Vingharn, General Hospital op Monday. Oa the same .day, Mrs. Margaret Carter, Winghan , was taken to the hospital with a fractured left wrist- and ristand injuries to her back, Mrs.. Car; ter had fallen in her kitchen. Falls were responsible ler injur- lea to two other people last week. Mrs, Albert Cardiff, R.l, 1, Ethel was on a Step ladder when it felt sideways throwing her heavily td the ground, She suffered painful in jtit'les to both knees. 'An X --ray, at Wingham General Holpital was made. There were no fractures and Mr's. Cardiff was allowed to go honie. Josephine Smith, 5 -year-old slaughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Smith, was injuredat her home when she fell over a email fence. She was allowed home after a cast had been applied to a fractured left arm. Chester Hackett, R.R. 7, Luck - how, was admitted to the Wingham General Hospital' on: Friday after catching his hand in !rt baler on his farm and fracturing a. bone in his right hand, Be was .allowed home after a cast had been.applied.' On Sunday, Ja}ates Coultes, 16, soli of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coul- tes, R.R. i? Wingham wag., playing at his hoxre and '• was' ,apparently struck on the left`- ,shoulder.: An. X-ray showed a fracture .to his collar hone, A splint was applied anll the'Ooyx,waseellawa,d to retarai to his home. a FUEL OIL HOME HEATER �u • 'AUTOMATIC- POWER4IIL BLOWER i CHOICE OF TWO STS • WAIST-HIOH CONTROL DIAL • WASTE STOPPER AND HUMIDIFIER Radio .86, tlectric DUOTHERM P To libneyrnoon At Puerto Rico In a petting of white gladioli and lighted tapers la the Wingham United ohurclr, on Saturday, Sept ember 8th, at three .'clock Vows ' were exchanged by Sally Lou Mac William, and Peter Laird Ray mend, The bride is the daughter of M and Mrs, Alexander Douglas Mae William, Wingham, and the'green the son of Mr. and Mrs, 1"rani Durst Raymond, London. 'lh doable -ring' ceremony was perform ed by .Rev. Donald llaciiac, lata.. tonal wedding music was provided by Mr. Bill Connell afid the saloxst was .Mr. William Conroe. Escorted by:her father, the bride wore a whited floor -length origins" ' copy of impukied French embaoia erect satin with long illy poles sleeves, Sweetheart neckline end fitted bodice, the full skirt sweep ing• into' a Cathedral train.. A sill. box headdress held her finger-tii, veil of French illusion, She parried a cascade -of white orchids' and stephanotis. Bridal attendants were Mrs James. Currie, matron of honor, .Miss Barbara Stainton and M.sa Patsy Brophy, bridesmaids and Miss Elizabeth MacWilliam of Chatham, cousin of the bride, jun- ior bridesmaid. They were gowned alike in floor -length, coral chain- payne taffeta with matching head- dress, bouquets of white mums! daisies and stephanotis cornpleteu their ensembles, Mr, Peter Mills was best. man and ushers were, Mr. Cosmo Cata„ lino, Mn Alan Cusack, Mr. Martin Thomas and Mr. Gordon Smith, all of Lohdon. A. reception followed at Hotel Brunswick,' Receiving guests, the bride's mother wore 0. cocktail gown of ashes of roses embroidered 1iylen sheer over taffeta with matching accesse ries and a corsage of orchids. The • groom's mother chose a' blue printed crystallette cocktail gown with white ' acces, series'and corsage of roses and `stephanotis. For the honeymoon in Puerto Rico;' the bride.donned an egg Shell'wooi original, with brown ac- cessories and—orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond will re- side in Toronto where the groom is attending Osgoode . Ball. u e Honored by Friends On 25th Anniversary , Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fortune of R.R..1, Winghara were pleasantly surprised on Monday night when a group of neighbove and relatives called at their home. The occasion was thd• 25th anniversary of their marriage. ' An enjoyable evening was spent playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. For- tuhe were. presented with a pair of matching lamps from .the rela- tives 'and other • indivdual gifts from the neighbors. , The .ladids .had taken lunch, evinch they served at the close of the evening. a Married 40 Years Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins of Blyth were, 40 years, married on August 30th. Mr. Higgins spent over 65 years on the 6th line of Turnberry, where he was Vern. Mrs, Higgins.is the former Margaret Brown of Wrox- Ip honor of the occasion the couple was presented with a tele- vision set and two lawn chairs by - members of the family. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Higgins extend best wishes. Wed at United Church' ealqr, and UM, Oardner and x.sfr, and Mrs, Tvaa Gardner return- ed 'esn Satnrday after spending two weeks' vacation in Neva Soo, la; where they visited With Mr. and Mrs., Glen Tasker. Mrs. Tasker Was formerly Marian Oardner nf tonoinlaw. Mann 411 Offiger at the OFOOP,Wand MS. Mr Stql(PS(Nari RSPB. HALL Sunday Wiwi .a.m, Gospel Meeting at 7,30 p,m. Bach Thursday evening at 8 ton. Prayer Meeting and Bible audy •:BACKACHE May beillaritinq Backache is often canoed by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, sszcess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow, Thafe the time to, take the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work, better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pill; now. 51 .. intent on coming to faCtion is a part of each (IN) trans4ction. You'll like the friendly service. Phone 38J SUNOCO SERVICE Wingham Sally Lou 1ViaeWilliam became the bride of a double -ring ceremony at Wingharn United and Mrs, Raymond will reside in' Toronta. Peter Laird Rayoread, in Church, on Saturday. Mr. Presentation .to Sally SiosSer Thursday at the , Sacred Heart parish hall, when about 27 mem.; bers of the Young Ladies' Sociality gathered to boner one of their members and churehorganist, Miss Bally Messer. Saly leavez for Lon: don on September 19th, whete she Will attend Ursulihe college. During tile evening the young ladies presented her with a foun- tain pen. Following the presenta- tion a varieta program was enjoyed and lunch was, seayed.' Prances. Merkley Showered rhurs.day Franees 1Vferkley Was the gtiOst of •honor at. a, shower. laat- Thursday evening et the home of when het friends gathered to wish her happiness a before her ali- PrOaching marriage. The bride - elect was presented with 'several pieces of Revere ware and many other kitchen utensils. After an enjoyable social evening lunch was served lamp the dining table, centred with a silver bowl of' pink roses flanked by lighted pink tapers. , Hostesses were Misees• Patricia Carmiehael, Joan ,Aamitage and Barbara Edwards, EDINBURGH 'SEES CANADA'S DES? Married 35 qars Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris of Wingbarn .,eelebrated their., 35th wedding anniversary on September 10th, and,6. Sunday, in honour of the occasion, a faMily dinner was held at the home of their' 'daugh- ter and sop -in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herris were taken completely by surprise, -4- turkey 'dinner was enjoyed, after which their five grendchildren presented them with giftS. Also present for the celebration wore Miss Florence Harris of Lon- don and•Mr. aad Mrs. Wm, Harris Friends JHold Shower For Bride, --Elect Many arlends of, Miss ,Saily Lou "MaeWilliant agatlaired at the Legion _Home on Wednesday of last week to extend their best wishes, prior to lter marriage on Saturday. The bride -elect was presented with many lovely gifts, Following an enjoyable evening lunch. was served by the boetesseti, Mrs. and Barbara Stainton, assisted by the motherS and friends. An old-timer claims there is one thing's, man can stilltdO, and that is, take a chew of tobacco Without feelinq he should first offer one to a lady. ront roetery Phone: din:Wices Ai`e Lower 590 "Wi Down 'the Upkeep Free • Deliyery Always Freth Campbell.'s Tomato ' 10 oz. Carnakon Tall 'KETCHUP 6 for $1 2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat 35c CORN SYRUP Interlake TOILET TISSUE Salado, 120's TEA BAGS $1.49 CHEEZ WHIZ 65,c TOP 2 lbs. MARGARINE. . 59c Dainty RICE ... 31c Pat -a -Pan Pastry 7 lbs. Pastry FLOUR 45c Sehnelder's J4 lb. ,Breakfitst Bacon 43c 5 lbs. Sliced or Piece lb. Ground Fresh lb. Bulk ,,, 3 lbs. • • First Showitig of Fall s Newest Styles,. • Featuring three, outstinding poups fat very 'attractive prices Here is your opportunity to purchase yourNew Fall` & Winter Coif 'ahd it the game time GROUP The early shopper will find a better than ever selection imports in AIM simple faihions to suit the indisaanal 'taste. Regalial• $39.50 S,241 50 SPECIAL . • ,4 4 I • 04, • CARDS FOR $5 00 Inciudes Chance on All of the 16 Big Games at' the - $5 000 CASH BINGO IN CLINTON LIONS ARtNA Frida September list boors Open at 1130 pan. Games Start at 9.00 p.m. $000 DOOR PRIZt a—vo presented at arena door gives' you an EXTRA CHANCE pn the $500 Mot Prize. Too es Many adm Or Free Beer Prite TieketS.as yen bin ger 2GAMES tor 10, GAMES for II t • 150400 1000 pRoup Preen this selection yort may make yoirr choice from 'lush They all bat% that look of top quality, anti elegant StAtig, Note the neat tollars Seine with WO sireeklines anti throw 'back hoods, 6there lightly trial/bed Wail Int. Regular $49,50 SpECIAL $39 50 GROUP No. 3 quality accent matormis qton AVM find hr Vide line namos offer rot the best lit 1400.061aq Elyialtute find Itegulr $69.0 SPECIAL • ',MI oceetit Go the Clinton Corninunity:Switntning vo4 for Seltiand with Amelia Hall to appeat with Stratford shake. speareim theatre .group's preeettallehe at the gtilhburgh sodium], festival, Tho trip Was the biggest event in the story ef tad Stratford group 'Who have made Canadian drama khown ornationally for the first Unit. ,Iteir presentations at Edithurgit lea 'oedipus Rex mid Henry Sixty-two members of the oast tri, Edinburgh along with g,OtiCi pounds of theatrical eguipmen4 Si sea Ireeellearaa.