HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-12, Page 7GROWING GiR S'
and •
sat, $00-t: to, fg:no sthc, Sept. 16, pen., n.A.N.
New York at 'Detroit 'lotto) at Detroit
A young' Toronto housewife, who has' lived hi 'Canada for only
eight weeks, is the 'winner of $4,000 in cash and merChandise a,
prizes on Canailee.4 most .popular radio quiz "Who: Am 1.1"
sponsored ova. MINX - RADIO by Canada Vaelcers.,
Shown above is Mrs, Freda, H. i'leleiriteir, 'of 11.611 tecirsley
Avenue, Toronto, receiving her prize from IVIe.,(1. F, Alien,
Toronto City Sales Manager of Canada Packers. Mr. Alex
deMarch, her Iniebend, look on.
Mrs, &March's hitter, correctly' identifying "Dehorah,•:Meite7
ifs the. "Who Am r?e MyStery person was the litat:'Aeirfeet
answer drawn from the "Who Am I?" mail diem liYMeinly I1alI
popular "WheAm I?" master of eereMonies.
won a Halliday ,'`Ar'g'yle" prefabricated summer tentage' Valued
at $1,000, and t$3.000 in cash.
Mr. and Mrs, ideMareh end their etwo _boys arrived in
Canada en1P'eight iveekS'age bean Englanit ee It :was the first
time Mrs. deMareh had entered a contest in Canada,
The, current "Who Am I?" jackpot consists of two Austin.
cars and a large. cash prize. The program Iselnared on CIINke
Radio every Monday,' Wednesday & Prifiee;- Inerrning at ten
From filling your gas tank to a majo- overhaul
job on your car, you will find that we eicell in
jresent Chalice and
Paten to Chkirch.
pox nIE.-The Cirriid of St, Mar-
tha of St, Stephen's Antellean:
Gin ereh held its first, meeting of the
fall season at the Legion Hall when
Mrs, W. Austin_ .wa$ hostess, A •
Chancel 'Guild was formed,
Plans for .e. cooking echoed to be
given by Mrs, Seriven, of CKCO,
Kitchener, on September 25, were
completed, A chalice 40ct paten
.re displayed, These -axe a gift
from the St, Martlinei Guild to the
GORRIE—In the United :Church,
Fiequitnalt, B.C., August 25, the
Rev, H. Palmy, united in marriage.
A,13, Q.M. Johnstone. Fa.rriSil, son
of M. and Mrs. Elmer . Farrish,
Gorrie,' Ont., and Delia Mae Robin-
-son, daughter of Mrs.- Della Robin-
son, Victoria, B,C,, where john-
stone is, StationeQ, With the ROyal
Canadian Navy.-
St. Stephen's ,W A.
Holds Pall Meeting
okim-Mrs. Gordon finder-
wood, }'lee-president, was in the
chair for the opening fall meeting
of St. Stephen's W.A: at the borne
of Mrs. /Jerry King, A portion of
'Sam I Was toad by Mrs, Earl.Un-
derwood and Mrs, Ted • Newton
read from Luke 2, The Scripture
reading was followed by prayer by
Mrs. T. C, Vittie„
"Harvest" was the theme of . •a
paper by Mrs. Harry king. She
said the soil is clod's. greatest, gift,
and po'int'ed out the' similarity of
soil and Kiln; the seed falling on
each and the ,need Ofiraitli for the
harvest. The roll call, ."HarVese
brought a good response. '•
"Our Missionary Problein in an
Old Dlodes4" was the chapter re-
viewed by Mrs F' ftore
the study book "Who Dares Stand
Idle", The Diocese Of QUebpo has
the Problem of dwindling cominuni,
ties, and PrianYVothers are the same.
People have moved to the-cities and
those remaining are*uneble. te sup-
port a church. The probie±n, is being
solved by combining small: country
congregations, Soint, churches are
another solution; Some, held , set-
vices at different 'Ili:Side; in others
different denominations Worship'al-
ternate Sundays and anis retain
their church identity:. A chureh
camp program is fine 'training fat
the young people. Churches.have to
minister to the varied' needs of In-
dians, fishermen, farmers, miners,
prospectors, new occaSiims teach
new duties. , •
An invitation to attend the 50th
anniversary of the W.A. of Trivitt
Memorial Church, Exeter, was re-
ceived. • • )
It was decided to serve a' srnor
gmbord supper in the Gortie• Com-
munity Hall on Wednesday even-
ing, October 10th.
Meeting was closed with prayers
by the rector, the Rev. F. E. Rus-
sell. Lunch was served by the hos-
tess assisted by Mrs: Ernest King.
Mrs. Jean MacDonald returned
to London ore Sunday , after, spend-.
ing a Week with relatives here, '
Mr, and Mrs. Claus O'Kraika
have returned from a week's vaca-
tion spent at, Huntsville, Peterbor-
ough, Trenton and the C.N.E.
Owing to lack of ewe, am
compelled to confine my repairs
to watches 'only:
George Williams
Located in.
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GOrtie Brawl
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littniehain AiiNeiteetel)Pieee riept, .134 eta it ikleee DWI
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W.I. Hears Talk on
Flower Arrangements
0-ORRIE—Mrs, John Baylor
opened, her home on Teeetlity even-
ing Septeriaber 4th, for the meeting
of the Goerie W.I, with the, eltesi-
dent, Mrs. .G. Edgar, in the chair.
Sixteen members and seven visitors
Were • present.
Mrs, Harry Rhame brought
thoughts on the motto, " A Thing
of Beauty Is a Joy Forever", saying
a person may have seen a picture
in an art' gallery, or have made
something which they cannot for-
g'et and it is a joy forever, She
closed with the poem by Words-
worth, 'The Daffodils".
Committees were formed to look
after 'the project "Fifteen Articles
for a Hope Chest", for the W.I.
exhibit at the Ilowick Fall Fair in.
Fordwich, September 28th and 29th,
Mrs. Vera Gregg and Mrs, Andy
Edgar are the committee irk ar-
range for ,attendance at the Area
convention in Guelph September
25th and 26th. •
Mrs, Vera . Gregg presented Mrs.
Glenn Johnston with a gift on be-
half of the W.I. in appreciation of
her work with ,the 4-11 Club girls,
also one to Doris Dinsmore, who
has been her-assistant,
Mrs, Everard Carson gave a talk
on flower arrangements. She had
several different containers and
demonsttated suitable arrange-
ments for various occasions. Mrs.
Harry Rhame.presented her with a
small gift.
The Rev, W, J. S. McClure show-
ed slides of the Howick and 'Grey
Centennials and some other scenes.
These ,were enjoyed by all, Mrs. G.
Edgar presented Mr. McClure with
a small, gift.
The institute will pay the $d-.68
.for the fund for the Judy for the
,Huron Co, Museum. All Institutes
'in the county have been tequested
to ,contribute the same amount.
Mrs. C. Sperling- and Mrs. G. Ed,,
gar assisted the hostess in serving
Mrs. Lottie Thornton, Mrs. Effie
McCracken and Mr. John Cathers
attended the funeral in Mitchell on
Thursday afternoon of their cousin,
Mr. Roy' Cammow of .ListoWel,
E. Falliseof orclwrch was ae
visitor with Mrs: Vera.' Gregg last:
Mrs. T, L. McInnes was the lucky
winner of the $100 , special at the
Mildmay Rotary bingo on Wednes-
day night.
Mr. and :Mrs. Bill David, of
Huntsville spent the week-end with
relatives here.
Mrs. Jas. Shera visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Merkley of Belmore on
Mr. and Mrs.' Robt. Stephens
'were guests at the Robinson-Wray
wedding at Wasaga on Saturday.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mrs. Chas. Lawrence were Mrs.
Paul Hershey, Ohio; Mrs. L. Gra-
ham and Lorraine, Chatham, Mrs.
T, Thompson, Wingham, Mrs. Wrn.
Henderson, Chris and Patricia of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Nuhn and
family spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Chester McChesney
of Barrie.
Mr, Elmer Downey held a sale on
Saturday of household effects and
some implements. Mr. Elwin Sum-
mers of Sebringville has rented' the
Downey property, Mr. Downey will
join his family in Kitchener.
• .114:t. V. 'HolMes left on Wed-
nesday for Toronto and this week
he and ' his sister; Miss Irene
Holtnes plan to go to Moncton, New
Brunswick, to visit their nephew.
The Rev, F. E. and Mrs. Russell
and Donald Wete in London on
Gerry Austin and Perry Strong
are•motoring to the West this week.
Mr. and Mre. , Clifford Hackett,
Kitcheter and Mr. rind Mrs. Earl
Maxwell, Bearnsville spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Ambrose David,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Charles and
faintly moved on Saturday to Bur-
wash, Ontario, where Don has been
Mr. anti Mrs. Alvin Simpson and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haste° Vent
Sunday at Milton.
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All in one policy. consult--
Canada Life
Newlyweds Will
Live in Lucknow
Lucknow Anglican Church was
the scene of a pretty autumn. wed-
ding on Saturday, September 8th,
,at 3.30 p.m. when Marie Brodabki
and Allan Earnest Johnston were
united in marriage,. with' Rev. H. L.
Jennings perforMing the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr..
and Mrs. Peter Brodacki of Fox-
ford, Sask., and the groom. is the
son of Mre and Mrs. Fred C. John-
Sten of Lucknow.
Mrs, Fred McQuillin presided at,
the organ and her son, Barry Mc-
Quillin was the soloist.
• The bride was given in marriage'
by Victor Errington, of R.R. 2,
Auburn. She wore a waltz-length
• gown of nylon net with lace inserts
over a full taffeta skirt and con.-
'ttasting lace .jacket. Her floral head-
dress was draped into a finger-tip
nylon tulle veil and her bouquet
was made up of red gladioli and
white. mums
bridesmaidsThe were Misses
Freeda and -Lois Johnston, both
of London. Their street-length
dresses were plances.s style with
V-necks. Miss Freeda Johnston's
gown was of white lace print over
turquoise 'taffeta, while Mies-Lois
Johnetpri wore bronze taffeta be-
neath her white face dress, They
carried white gladioli and mums.
Karen Gaunt, dressed in pink
nylon and -carrying a flower basket,
was flower girl and Douglas Gaunt'
acted as ring-bearer.
Floyd and Bob Johnston of Luck-
now were the groom's attendants,
• A.'reception was- held at the John-
ston home, R.R. 7, Lucknow. Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Stewart, of
RR, 2; Milverton, Mr. and Mrs.
John Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Scott and Mr. 'Jack Scott, ail of
London, were guests at the wed-
ding. Goderich friends were also
The bride wore a pink • tweed
suit with a pink hat for the wed-
ding trip to Niagara-Falls,
The young ceuple, will reside in
Lucknow, • •
Mr: and Mrs. Albert DustoW
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Hefty Holmes, Molesworth.
Mr. and. Mrs. Geo, Cameron and
Murray John of Hamilton, spent
Labor Day with Mr. and'*3/Irs. Mur-
ray Edgar.
Mrs. Stanley Knapp, Vanderbelt,
Mich., visited her. sister, Mrs. Elmer
Downey and left. Downey at the
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Wellwoed,
Mr. Bert Cole, Mrs. John Falconer
and. Mrs. Arthur Cronin of Caledon
spent a day last week with Mr. and
Mr's. T, L. Methnes.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hyndman
Were at the C.N.E. on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Harney Pritchard of
Paris and Mr. Harold 'David are
spending a feW days in the Mus-
koka district,
Mr, and Mrs. Bower Parrish and
Sons spent Sunday with Listowel
Mr% and Mrs. August Roil and
Mr, Coo. Keil spent Saturday at the
Toronto EXhibitien . and visited
With Mre and. Mts. Albert ;Stoll of
Clatheon over Sunday.
and. Mrs, Fred Feigel and
family spent Sunday at Kitchener.
Mrs. W. C, Xing, Mrs. K. Hastie
and 1%08.100,1)1mM spent Tuesday
inr Totorito. Mr. and Mrs. Xing arid
Mr, and Mrs, l'Xastie accompanied
Mrs. MacDonald to London on thine
Ladies Hear of
Life with Indians
GORBIE—Mrs.- Arthur' Stephen:3,
was hostess for the W.M.S. meet-
ing on Thursday evening at which
there was a good attendance of
members and visitors,: Mrs. E.
Whitfield opened the meeting and
after the singing of "Jesus Shall.
Reign", Mrs. L. N. Whitley led in •
prayer, Mrs Wes Tremble gave a
reading, stressing our duty to new
Miss Betty Zimmerman ..,gave a
very interesting talk• on her life
among the Indians and her ex.
periences while nursing at Hazel-
ton, B.C. Mrs. L. :Watson and Mrs.
TornO'Krafka gave an enthusiastic
account and outline of the day's
activities whin attending • the
Sehoollor Leaders at Alma College,
St, Thomas:
'A. letter . was read from Miss
Alice-Edgar of St..Catharines, The.
;oil call was eneevered.by repoeting
Visits to the sick and shut-ins.
Lunch. was served hy the hostess
and Committee and a social time
was spent.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr.- and Mrs. Lang Vogan were Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Chatland and family
of Copper Cliff; Mr. Grenville Vo-
gen, St. Thomas; Patricia and John
Harris, Vordwieh.
Township Council
Names Pioneer Park
A regular meeting of the HoWick
Township Council was held in the
clerk's office on September 5th
with all members present and
Reeve Ii..Gowcly in the chair.
The minutes o'of the last regular
and special meetings were read and
on motion of Allan and McMichael
were adopted aS 'read. Carried.
clerk and reeve be antiferizetri e toe
sign the petition l`fet -interhn, pay.
merit of subsidy on road expendi-
tures under the Highway improve-
ment Act, Carried.
Gibson-IVIafichael—That By-law
No, 11-56 of the Township of Mow-
kir for the year 1956, amending
By-law No. 0-56, to change the rate
of interest on bank loans, as read
the third time be finally passed.
Allan-McMichael.—That Warren
Zurbrigg, Ivan Haskins and Arthur
Gibson be a committee to regulate
and supervise the use of the park
where the cairn is located. Carried,
Haskins-Gibson-That the mime
of 'the park where the cairn is
located be named Howlek Pioneer
Vatic Carried.
.MelVfichael-Gibson—That By-law
No. 12-56 of the.Townsnip of How-
ick for the year 1950, to establish
the Howiek Pioneer Park, as read
the third time be finally passed,
Gibson-Allan—That the road ne.-
counts as. approved be 'paid. Cite-
Hasitine-MeMichtiel---That the
following menet; be paid. Carried.
County of Enron, hospitalisation, •
$45.60; Provincial . Treasurer, in-
sulin, $4,25; Hartieton RevieW,,
printing, $87.50; •Gestetner' Ltd.,
enpplies, $22:30; Albert Heibein,
sign-painting and lettering, $7.001
Stt'ath Craft, plaque, $66.00; County
'of Tinton, Fordwich sidewalk; $76;
W, A. Gibson, sheep killed, $20.00;
road Account, transfer, $7;613.04.
McMichael Gibson- That we do
now AdjiSITrri to meet again on Oct-
Ober '0th or at the rail of the 'reeVe,
C4.177 Irer ied..oid Pollock, Clerk
H, teovo,
Live i LuckizQw
Following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnston
will reside in ,Lucknow, where they were married in the Anglican
Church on Saturday.—Photo by Hammerton.
to take ballplayers, to Sebringville
and Wheatley
See Vic Loughlean for times,
Ce a "pole
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