HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-12, Page 66P1
11 lt Weineitula, 11,110ti —
-.. Mraertt.' osti
Lumber & Building Suppli
Hemlock, Pine, Spruce, Ash„ Hard ilvtole,
Dimertsiou Doors, Frames, Windows, SaA,
TAM, Arborites, Hardwood Flooring,
Plastic Wall Tiles, Linoleum and Vinyl
Floor Tiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Sydney Thompson, who Were married on Sep,
tember 1 at McIntosh United Church, will reside on the groom's farm
near Wingham. Mrs. Thompson is the former Winona Ella AMelia
Wright of R.R. 1 Clifford,—Photo by HamMerton.
Sees Slides
On National Camp -
FolpwIcH— Fordwich
With their *others, met in the
basement of the United,Gbureh,
Miss. Dianne Carswell gave her ex-
perience and whet she had learned
at camp this year.
Miss Elizabeth PatterSon„ who,
was one of 69 girls -chosen. from
Canada to attend the national
camp, showed coliared.slides, of the
activities and the girls from other
countries who were, there. The,
pictures graphically illustrated the
far-reaching scone - of the C,G.I,T,
organization, The ineetieg closed,
with 'reps.
Husbands .Wivet!
Want new Pep andViiill Th„,„„„,„.oF couples are weak, were,-opt, eS—
hmisted solely because body ]twits irou, Yor,new
vim, vitality, try Ostres Tonle Tablets. Supplies
iron you, too, "VP; SItlepleown-
talY doses VitanIM "Get-acquainted" size
costs little. Be weie, get pep, new liecdth, quick
thrifty way. Try Ostrex today. Ak an, dyugpsts.
Baler Twine
All Canadian Twine - Made in Kitchener
Charles • • • Hod , gins
1.111.1111,194.11 oilisrlighisinschisthithisitiiiiiiisturinotillorinilii.1111Sillit11 0111h
oci"0, „SS
011.0cEitlEti •
aims Moat Ball's.
Spork ,. •
Kraft Cheez Whiz_
JELLO, assorted,
Quality Cakes Mi. BEANS
Aylmer Choice CREAM CORN
Betty' Crocker CAKE MIXES
Johnson's HARD GLOSS
IGA 'Doe Hotise' DOG FOOD
Westinghouse BULBS.
IGA NYLONS, "A Pair and a' Spare
No.,•1 Beef Trinunhags. •
bears, Fresh, -grgirintl. madefroni govl..gvaded. beef.
fiROUND BEEF 3 les f or $1.0.0
IGA Tableritc SLICED BOLOGNA 12 oz.
IGA Tablerite CHICKEN LOAF.- 8' oz. •
I AA Tablerite, MEAT & OLIVE LOAF - 8' oz.
'BEEF LIVER . 1 lb. Pork or Beef Liver FOR AND
SIDE BACON. 1 lb. MA Side
B"" -$1•00
One of these clays, Fred's going to take
over the farm. Meanwhile, he's planning,
studying and working hard leatniUg
right on the job.
• already he'S learned a lot about modern
fann'Inari3genleot, and how a chartered
bank can play. its, part in making farm
living more comfortable, more profitable.
He has found., for examples, how useful
the bank can be as a place to build 'up
savings, to obtain credits to seek financial
advice and market information, lie knows
that the bank manager's door is oien
to everyone,.
When you.. see a good.looking, well-run
farm, chances are the fanner uses the
services the chartered banks- have bUilt
up for 4/i Canadians.
Winona Wright Weds
Sydney Thompson
McIntosh United Church was the
scene of a Pretty wedding on Sat,
urday, September 1, when Winona
Ella Amelia Wright Was united in
Marriage to George Sydney Thomp-
son. The bride is the daughter of
.741`• and MO, Gordon Wright of
Clifford, and the groom is the son
'of Mr, and Mrs. Fran1 Thompson,
Wingham. •
The church was decorated with
white gladioli, ferns and candel-
abra. Rev. Harold West performed
'the wedding ceremony. Mrs. Ham-
ilton Eallagh of Mildrnay played
the wedding music and Mrs. Mer-
vyn Mann of Listowel, was soloist,
The bride wore a floor-length
gown of nylon net and Chantilly
lace over, crinolined slipper satin,
featuring a peplum, portrait neck-
line and lily-point sleeves, Her fin-
ger-tip veil of French illusion was
caught to a headdress of sequins
and pearls, and she carried a cas-
cade of white mums.
Miss Carol Derbecker, Wingham,
as maid of honor, wore wait--
length copper erystalette, with yel-
low and brown accessories, and
carried a cascade of yellow and
bronze menu. Other attendants
were the bride's three sisters: Miss
Sandra Wright, as bridesmaid;
Miss June Wright, as junior brides-
maid, in waltz-length aqua crystal
charm, with biege and aqua acces-
sories and bouquets of bronze" and
yellow mums, Janette Wright, as
flower girl, wore yellow nylon over,
taffeta and carried a basket of
baby mums, Rodney Wright,
brother of the bride, was ring bear-
William Pardon, Winghtim, was
best man,- and ushers were Graham
Wright, brother of the bride, and
Murray Shielt.
The bride's mother wore acres.
Chantilly lace over taffeta with
brown accessories and corsage of
yellow baby mums. The groom's
mother wore French burgundy
crepe with matching accessories
and corsage of yellow baby mums.
For travelling the bride chose a
turquoise faille sheath with biege
cashmere coat, brown accessories
and corsage of yellow baby mains.
They will reside on the groom's,
farm near Wingham. • ,.
Murray If
Lett -rf °
Carter rf
Campbell 2/3
Bain .311
&bray lb
Fryfogie p
4 1 2
0 2 2
l 1 2
6 1 2
4 0 1
Plywoods, Shingles, Insulation
Glass, Hardware, Paints
Etna. Stripping I x 4 & I z 5 Dressed one aide
White Ash — Truck Rack, Stakes, Sills, Floors.
Phone $76
Use the Classified Column for Quick Results.
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
During the past three months, our nunv-,
ber' of' cows inseminated and increase
has been as follows:
1066 1966 • Increase Percent New
Increase Mernhers
June. 7260 '8971 1718 234 16.2
July. • . 4833 6502 1764' 30.0. 117
August 3480 070 $9.0 204 06. 4 -
DO aS'otlwrs are doing,, call us when, you
have cows to -breed, • -
Far service or more information, call collect to.,---
Clinton HU2,3,441 or Mildmay 1,30rI2
. .Between 7.34 and 9.,30,.. a.m.'.
If you can send nine pigs to market out
of every litter farrowed, it stands to
reason that your cost of production per
pig is a lot less than if just 4 or 5 pigs
reach market. That's simple arithmetic,
There is no secret, It's a question of starting
with' well-bred sows, using good rnanagement
For the dry sow we recommend SHUR-GAIN
DRY SOW RATION — a feed designed espec,
Tally for feeding the sow during gestation to
assure a strong vigorous litter. For the nurs-
ng sow we recommend SHUR.GAIN NURSE
INC SOW RATION a feed that keeps your
sow fit and helps her produce a good milk flow.
Tests prove that balanced fed sows will weaP
wore pigs per litter. Use these two ',abutted
geds to feed your Sows and be assured of
,ofeeds that are FRESH
Guests at the home; of Mr. `arid
Mrs. Crosby Sotheran this past
week were Mr.. and Mrs. George'
Buriston of Millbank, Miss Phyllis.
Honeyforcl. of Guelph, Miss Edith
Britton of Toronto and and.
Mrs; Kenneth Grant and family,.
Mr. and. Mrs, Harold Pollock-and.
family spent Sunday at Toronto •at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Glen.
Mr. Gordon Ridley and two sons,
of London were, week-end visitors
with Mrs. Dora Ridley.
Mr. Clayton Brown left last week
to resume his teaching duties at
Hearst, after spending the summer
months at his home' here,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Bolander are
moving to. Gorrie at the end Of
September, where they . will start
harness and shoe repair business
on October 1st,
Mr. and Mrs, E. Hargrave visited
on Sunday with Mr: and" Mrs. Har-
vey Orth in. Listowel,
Mrs. Duncan and Johif of Guelph
visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Jack Brown.
Mrs. George Bolander and little
son John returned to Orangeville
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Lynn, for a week's visit.
Mr, C. Leppard of Calgary is a
visitor this week with his brother-
in-law, Mr. A. E. Cooper and family
Mr. ;lames Brown of Sault Ste,
Marie is visiting his brothers, Mr,-
W: Brown and' Mr. Lindsay Brown
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer left \
o,n Saturday for -a trip through the
United States.
Miss MariAnne Doig of Scarboro
visited over 'the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Httrold Doig.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wray and
Donna of -St. Marys spent the past
week-end at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith and
Miss Phyllis Keith visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith
in Kitchener.
Mrs. Atchison Wallace returned,
home last week from the Palmer--
stun Hospital,
Mr. James. Robinson spent last
Week at Geneva Park, Lake Gnu-
chiching,, He was the delegate for
Huron in Club work.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Moore spent
the-week-end in Paris with Mr. and
Mrs, William Foote.
Mr. Peter Chloiney of Port Col-
borne spent a few days last week
at: the home. of Mr. awl Mrs, Alex
'"*14A.-Maitlyn -"•-0ii"i51Sdr"leakreesithis
week for Macdonald .College ,at
Guelph; where she will , take a
year's course in home economics.
Mrs. Robert Gibson and two sons
spent one day last week in Toron-
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnston,
Mary, Helen and Sharon Pollock
spent a day last week at the To-
ronto EXhibition,
Miss Phyllis Keith and. Miss Mar-
lene Johnson left -far Stratford on
Monday, where they will commence
their course at normal' school for,
Mr. and Mrs. W, Hargrave and
Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Mac MacIntosh of Brus-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart of
Listowel visited oil Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern.
i<rr..ti---To Mr, and Mrs. Scott
Keith of Kitchener, on Sunday,
September 5; iaG, at the IMO-l-
oner-Waterloo Hospital, a son. •
TA'I'LOR----To Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Taylor on Saturday, September 8,
1956, in the Viligliam Gefieral
Hospital, a sob,
W.A. Decides to
Hold roWl Supper
ronnwicH—Tlie. Woman's As-
sociation. of the United Church held
its September meeting in the
church parlors with 10 present.
Mrs. George Richards, president,
was in charge, With Mrs. William
Campbell as seeretary. The presi-
dent led in the worship service,
the thane being "The Lord Is My
Reports were *made concetning
the alteraticns to the church entry
and also about the garden party
fund. It, was decided to hold a fowl
kipper hen month With a Shaft
programme to follOW. The meet-
ing closed with the INfiZnah bone=
HostesseS for lunch wore Mrs.
.0.athers for
Brown Rego i911
Forgmon-- Thp- Rrown elan.
01..11;!Yed happy get' .together when
the families ',assembled on Satur,
day, ,,Sept, I,. at the hone of Mr,
and Mrs. 'Wray Ceop,er for their
annual reunion. Dinner. Wag serv-
'ed on the spacious lawn, spien-
did pograra of skartg wag..raa aft
under the direction of Miss Agnes
•neard, with prizes for all kartici,
James Douglas, Opyrte, and
Cooper had the honor of being the
oldest: gentlemen Present, fAttie
Miss t -eno clelyk was, the. YeangeSt
person at the reunion. .Oongratu-
larions were extemieck 41'. and
Mrs, Stephen Dnteba0, Toronto, it
being their 33rd wedding, anniver-
sary, Two minutes' sileiree were
observed for, two•dent1„rted Mein,
hers, Ronald Aldeorn,`Toronto Pted
ireter Moffat, PIUeV4.10+. James
Brown, Sault Ste. Marie, came the
greatest distance to be present et
the reunion for, the first time. Ow-
ing to the inclement weather sup-
per tables were arranged id the
garage, where 50 guests parteel1 .4.f
bountiful meal. —
• Families 1,vere present from To-
ronto, Flesherton, Elora, Dundalk,
Bearnsville, Sault Ste. Marie to vis-:
it with -relatives and enjoy a,seciol.
time together, Erin Park Was
chosen for next year's piceig,
The following officers were chos-
en for 1957: Fres,, Mrs., -Gordon
Brciwn, Heard, vice-pres,, Miss;
Agnes Tpronto;" see.-treas„
Mrs, Emerson Thornsen,, Flesher-,
ton'; sports comm.,' Jack Heard,
Marilyn Cooper, Shirley Betclieft
Rey Aldcorn. •
Crafts Are Subject
HEM% Twenty=fiye
ladles attended the very fine meet-
ing of the Vic Znstittne held
in. the community on Tinwa-
day evening with Mrs, • Andrew
Qatint• the preAdeet in charge.
The guest speakers, Mrs. Gordon
Niticlanci and Mrs, Oliver Mae,
.Charle4 were introdneed by Mrs,
Wm, Phrden, convener of Agricul-
ture and Canadian Industries..
Both speakers delighted the ladies
with their informative talks and
display of work — Mrs. "Kirkland
on kathercraft. and Mrs. Mae-
Charles on metaieraft, Mrs: feorric
Woods gave a splendid paper on,
the motto. "Pacing the futUre.on
feral takes eatirage and a strong
right a rm".
' Final fU'rangenlenta were Made
for the display, .at the. Lucknow
Fair, Mfrs, .ghtland aucl, Krs,
Mancharlos judged the . pumpkin
pies with the award going to
Phyllis Barbour, At the conclusion
lunch was enjoyed.with Mrs. John
Cameron and Mrs. Frank meow).
lin as hostesses.
Mrs. Keith Black has. been a
special nurse far Mr. .Ale/c 1V e-
Millan, in ,the Wingham General
'Hospital for the past weeks,
Mr, McMillan has*been removed to
Mr. John McQuillin Is Spending
a few, days with Mn and Mrs.,
Carl Johnston at Pluevale,
C'engratelations to the boys who
entered the Junior Farmers' judg-
M3' cornnetitkonS, at the c,N,g, last:
week. Murray .0aunt won . 'first
roots and grain in, ,a :0000 ¶f
22. Barry MeQuillinwee placed
first, in ; the Junior Beef Cattle
in, a, class of 33, and David Kirk-
land won, second in a ,elasS of 20
in Senior Beef Cattle:
Ft, Lt, Keith Black, who has
just completed a Mission to Singa-
pore spent the week-end, with
Mrs. Black and boys,
Mrs, Collins, 93
Fractures Two Ribs ,
VORDWICH—Mrs.i.rtrila Col-
!ins, e8, fell at her home .on Friday
and fractured two ribs, She was
taken to Listowel Hospital by Dr,
Porde,. where she will be Confined,
for several days.
Her- son,i Herb, for whom she
keeps, house, had, just returned
from, . hospital last week after a
three-week stay. Her Many friends
wish her a speedy return to her
Mr, Rirke Rabertson of Tees-
water was a Sunday visitor with
igr. and Mrs, Glad Edgar and Mrs,
G. Robertson.
Mr, and Mrs; Harvey Plant,
George and Audrey of Alionford,
aecornpa,nted Mrs, Hertha 'Plant on
Sunday, to :Fergus and Guelph,
Mrs. Frances. Strong is as welt, as,
can. be expected following an
°Perak* on 1w" hip Pa Tuesday of.
last week when the hip Was pinned
and 4' silver plate was Put in at the
Wingharn Hospital.. Mrs. John
lay is somewhat iropru.yed elate
going into the hospital,
Senday visitors to the rectory
were Dr, and :Mrs, Jeff van Sticord•
QUUOW14 hair. kitAtW '' 01114 i -04
rcilp i es .of liraLdos11(tt, Win,
Miss Marion Toner is teaching
this y9a.t sat Eliaira. Bob Black 14
at a school on the Howl* Carrieir
P-11Ye Vast of McIntosh .charele
13.ohert reel at a school near Elm-
V:Ittio4aGyi 4
.Ct Matheson,
aoie411.o. Budd0 .h gone north t
Mr, .and MrS..Rorialti Armstrong
of Toronto anti Mr.‘ and Mrs, A, J.
Prent of Bothwell visited with Mrs,
;..Are41,:rral.tsiAytreTlfgtr°410m144turedY."44'. MaiTti
Mrs. Prout to Teeswattif to visit
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Adams of
Toronto have been visiting tine for-
rives,' parents, Mi. and ATM
,sell Adams.
By Barry Fry
In the Witigharn town park on
Saturday afternoon, the hustling
Wheatley Jrs. blanked the Wing-
ham Jrs, by the score of 7-0, Bailey
was on the mound for the Wheat-
ley club and gave up three lilts
and struck out 10. Jerry Fry-
/ogle suffered his first defeat of
the season as, he gave up 12 hits
while striking out 12, The Wheat-
ly boys had two errors and the
Wingham club had four costly
Wheatley took the lead the
first inning by the score of 1-0.
The game stayed that way until
the fifth inning when Wheatley
started a rally. Wright for Wheat-
ley knoelted heirre run with two
Men aboard in the fifth Inning,
Barry li'gryfogle collected two of
Winghani's three hits, while "Red"
Hengliten collected the other one.
Wingharit plays in Wheatley on
ThUraday, and the third game, if
necessary; will be played in Wing-
barn next Monday or Wednesday,
1. Pryfogle of 4' 0 2
I 0 0
8 0 1
4 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0' 0
3 0 0
3 0 0
3 0 0
30 0, 3
W.141:0ATLOY AO it IX
Koep es ..,...,...„F..,.....,,.,2, 2
Thompson If
Bailey li
Donmore 8b
!Addle 1i) 6 0 2
Potiltet' rf 3" 0 0
Sielchde 4, 0 0
— 140trelaft nat'ablit, Mrs; Wilmer Har,
39 I aiding taw Oleim jehrriterr,