HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-29, Page 5( 7-\ fit • a# TBE SIGNAL 70•4' Lesliellbeasts4 .a • -- GODER1cfl, ON; , •-•�sW..».. res .. n:.... +w.;II tf. Springtime is Kodak time T be place to fit you out to take pieture)s. Brognie Cameras k # $2.25 up, Kaiaks $5.()0 rep. Films and all Stjhpliell needed for amateur finishing. Our experience of many years it, at your service either in finishing or taking picture. Duping Printing Enlarging D4 Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich ODEL THEATRE WE= OF MAY 3 TO 4 Monday and Tuesday SWEET, RONALD COL - MAN AND LEW CODY IsrA fighting, sport romance of lore, adventure and Intrigue 'THE SPORTING VENUS"' td (`omerFy AWAY" e :.. ;« ~had ♦, saes Wednesday and Thursday WiMdAAM1 8. MART ���� w�imitts,�� WORO wonderful cast l� pg Vii- thrilling and apteetacutar Weetern matc Pathe (:omedy "1111INV urn vennIBLE" Friday and Saturday 1 - -PHOIMBON AND tl<MLirS$ the famous daredevil *hint team In a mile-a-minote 'teflon picture min BANDITS BABY" THE TRIMPRONR GIRLS is "FOR THE LOUR OF MINX" PATIiR REVIEW Matinee Saturday at 3 p.m. COMING --"THE 1'NBOLY THRICE" Shingles D. C. XXXXX .red XXX Sdhdaeler Jabs Mesal. Asb.,e..l. Jobs M..viU. Asirt.w Roof Comtism. Gd.asisaai Ridgway. I aha says yew newer w Mf of tide motorist. ISTANDIiSH East Phone 369W 1 �ingst sol. a .4 re r en over the n Street age share of the tronage. ,; AiRED •HE D lie•e•ce• i re.ulr. • • ;va ELECTRIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. GEO. W. STOKES BROCK Streit. P.O. e.. 601 THE GODERICH 10%/' AAlW1 IN N °eioes( ? MOW alLGE rr? r t Ve. HEAT FOC" IN r'•oR -► tel 10: How Many steps does a house- keeper take in a day? It depends to a great extent on the kind of coal she uses. Heat Folks coal means fewer steps Less" sweeping and dusting -less window washing and curtain clean- ing. Fewer tripe to the furnace or range Leas time a�enT7frtle -kitchen. Reduce her daily work to a mini - ream. r� Order your coal from us. -CALL THE- itb4Y (=tit Good Clean Coal MUSTASD COMPANY 1 Phone 98 - Goderich "env nos, t 41,SHF1�ILD services in connection, wltb this whist!, 11`e will not soul forget Y'ur 1 It Meier*. Ae1dc Mae;Adatu and 'Allier Thain (the url4aal "Ad." and "Ah." suit Jimmie Uraut left last Thur., day for Sturgeon Hay, 11Th., t take lip their duties on tie. .ttamshil J. M. Kenaady. They have the good . wish.of a large elide of friends Ger a very JQcceasful wasp)) and. ans oaf return. Mr. William J. Johnston hot Must Monday for Ashtabula. Web.. to begin his season', tailing from that wort. Mr. Halliday Caird. of Mlnoewttu- 11a1, Minn., la la Aabgeld visitingm anion' Lia numerous friends.. 1'e are all pleased to see Halite. SALIIVORD ova ) t aut. oUr ktnduew to-, the boys Ib J view clans; your energy and thought- - fublees to mak* others happy and u etw►fortahte and in promoting every 1 enterprise In the community that might head to progress anti to tetter Itt•tug. We will miss you. but we rem- - Ilan your leaving un means a daeidel mute -44. .aa.. other Sunday, school and uelydtw,rhsud, and s,1 We all john In whaling you the very best that lin- eal' give. Will you aeeept this clock 'so a kis-peaks. of nit as expresai,ig in it* own way the esteem and lure In a'hhb you are held by the Sunda) 04•h001 here. '.$Igned 9n behalf of the acta,W) Mrs. Het eriugtuu. superin- tendent Harold arel.ran. tre•a'urtr. Miss ltlsst expremed her thanks Io all for their kind extwessioi of a pprtela tun. Malden! Wtady S hoot, -The• an- nual we•tlug of the Saltfurd Wmtlay aehad was held In Ow $.inelaty ..hood PINE RIVER room un Friday evening. April 2nd. --- Teachers anti utt s*'rs were aptw,itileti I're+044tat4ea to Mrs. J. A. Bradley. for 1111 following year and the Mean- -Frio-tots and neighbors gutlterad at eel neport war twerwutt.1 (y- the Ireu.. the home of Mr.. J. .1. itrudley .4, user: Turistay evening of last we..l anal )1tHei:1PT14 presented` her with a beautiful sliver Bala/tee from 14524 x•14.91 tea service. Rey. 1). 1.. l'amtAeil 1o11et•tlut. for 17r25 . , 127.n► !)resided over an totemsatIng program 1teat of hall. Itr2.1 ":,•IMI of songs. re•Itationa. and askires.sa. 24,_S Darius the program Mrs. Walter 13,!.112 ltruwn read the aeblrea. and Mrs. hel.iel Geo. 4'laaidtn made tot' presentation. 1.lH ' Mrs. !)rattler leaves In the earn- fit. ture for her new home in Goelerleh. $44,01 r F'. having Is the address: !tear a1r.. Itra.Wey. -Your friwtdt. .a 7tlta).it; anti neighbors have clop• li,night to 273.011 oleos the evening with you and to ex - 241._9 press to you how much we regret your deturrtttre-from our. midair. We know 440x.9I ; you will Is• with your nearest friends 1•'.JII the loudness meeting. a ' and not w, fur away but that you ran »41•14) evening w•aa 01,-,.111 by inti l7MF- f c'u a to het IN oft. ). wt• retell the eels and elilldren, many )earn you h,n • Inuit regi 841;,t - - 1 us. 114 how tunny limes yon shares! Ithe joyn and sorrows of the com- munity. Your free de dart trout you wit)) much regret. but we know yon will be more 4wurm/able• to the town. Tun may rust assured that you will always have a warpt !lace in mar beans -lett 1 tr}it _ la.pe to aue...l un ausnng tn. often. We ask yon 111 1,e- eopt this .14411 gift as a token of our esteem for you. and Wt. 1.111,1111/1.1111. 3.414 1u the care end gui.unce of the grew liravendy }'other. who ha. ,rv,tnls•1 Preaaefatiee.-t'revioua to tbe ►mar- riage at )Ilya Margaret Itiseet (now Mrs. J. H. ('utt) she was rude the recipient by the t(altron) Sundey veins)! (4 a elm*, acro ltwe11 ed by the f.itl..wtng address: -Tbe members of Saltford Suuuh►y school and friends wish to exprine to you their sincere appreeilitl,n of your Picture Frames are right if we make them. We hart a better choice of mould- ing* than lots of the city attires. Thi only 'difference between ours and the city framing is our prime, which are mulch cheaper. firms yosiiilctni,es 7u�re to be framed and be convbeeed. SMITH'S ART AND GIFT STORE East Street. Phone 198. Men's Merino Underwear at Special Prices Good weight Morino Shirts and Drawers at 79c and 95c Combinations 11.45 and 41.75 Cashmere F.,lrirts•and Drawers in cream or natural shades. Regular 44.t10. ? Clearing tint at ...,..95e M. ROBINS eP 14, For Mother's Day, May 9th ----- Send ,)!other a bunch of flowers, or in Memory of Mother wear a flower 1 "From GEO. STEWART'S RlRUCt STREET , PHONE 105 • s /44:* t of Ladies' Dresses of t- • pe-de-Chene, Rayo Crepes, • riga, • • loths, Silk Fugi, 'th . -' borders. .,t New Shipments of Kei Ladies' Dresses -and-Coats JUST IN r� i • ce adl s A new shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, snappy style and latest materials. Always the latest styles and materials in ladies'wear at Cornfield's, ring Curtaining and Draperies t d Bordered Scrim by the yard. •' ' in with pretty frilled edges. rr.�.. .:aux rF: e• '- red Marquisette in shades 0( white, ivory and ecr m8 in osrious patterns. staining by the yard.: r' ad ottoa Pan& ,- attaining, yard Sp�gl value at 65c per yard. i Overdrapes in ' erent "hide , fi overccertales. c .nes this ilverdrapas. ..It e 71S 4r ..e FIEL •1a1� L ARE INVITED TO1SHOP" . West Side of Square a Phone 418 r ' ` .rich, Ontario '' P i rt WNITECHCRCH witrrEettritCli, April '2U.--'elle• snowbanks on the l,ut•know•Whiglta14 road were the* ant this, week. and uuw the term are again on tint Uultll roads.. A splendid run of maple sap has been reported. Mims Alba Fon spent a few days • this week with Mrs. Geo. Walker. • Mr. t►auiel Martha was torahi to return to Imnefon hesepMrt wit Tuesday last. Mr. George Falconer. Jr.. ut ('ulrosi, stent the week•eut1' with his cousin, Jas. Falconer. Mry. Fred Uarids,,n and Mrs. Eli Jaeotthes are in Toronto ultevuYug toe• W.)1.8. emtvrntion of the lou -concur- ring churches, Mrs. Wm. Barbour unit Miss Teal I•abllaw will he lit Clinton on Tutwduy attending the W.M.S. Presbyterial meeting. Christmas entertalumeut Bazaar - sale of hall Monk Interest EXPENSES 4'arrylug on Sunray school Pian, !tetany in Hank ASHFIRJJ) .1811F'tELI►. April :'ll. -Rev. Mr. 5'a,ne•n1,. of Perth. Out.. occupied the pulpit of Aaitlheid Presbyterian church on Sunday Owing to the snowstorm and the etadltlon of the roads the at - to edam. was not large. The W.M.B. of Ashfield I'rt•sby- te•ri4u rhnrrh met at the home of Mrs. I)rtrt MacDonald. . near inc•halah. ° 1 on April Star. a -mer � -OPifT xretl--t+e+er-�u--iut_n ' • n t o ben re attended. over twenty answering the children. (Signed on behalf o ite- roll call. After the Imsineeas of the Is,rs and ftiemdxl Robert .'hat meeting n dah,ty.ianch w•ny.aer'td. I Matthew Welsh. Mm Mrs. aelhalel, �chtit,w of the late James MacDonald, of Lothian. passed NO MEDICINE LiKE I ' away Saturday morning. the result of an attackopneumonia. BABY 3 OWN TABLETS The play and box social held in l.rxhalsh baU on Friday night lust 1 was welt attended. Atter the play. w•hieh was very mla•h ctnJol'ett. eeme Por Zither the Newborn Babe or boa ox atrial. azul the rest of the the Growing Child evening was spent i, dancing. .Ill There is no ether medicine 10 44111111 I joined in haying a gntsl time.. !tale. 1tw-s. Tenets fur little renes. The May meeting of the into II whether It he for the lew•lu,rn babe ioLieir a-tfr bru-t te-ill 11' IekL-at-the.-,.-a.r_tht•. growing 1)1111 the THh'et ai- hums of airs. I)Ick MacDonald. Kite wars- tttitsgoo d. They iter p11�'1T41(,•1'. ' Natl. oil 'rbutselay. Max 511h, j free front opiates ..r 1.th,r-hnrmful Mr. Will Matt .,:. Jd. of Detroit. ' drugs and the mother ran alte-a}. spent the wt•rk-tend .yt the butte of feel safe In using the ut. h)s parerts. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Mae- l'oimcrming the Tables. Iles. Johan Donald. of Ki,rtail. 1 Armour. HILL. South Monne/tam Miss Flora MxeUonald. rm,tesslen Un L. say1:-.••1t'c Iwye there flue. 111. .lrhlle•Id. is visiting friend*- In healthy children. to '1% how. wheal a (:.ah rich. nc4ltctne 1a net -lied. We - lohre given Miss Ruth MseAdam. of (todhrich, holy Ilaby'. 4)'.,-,, Tablet.. The 'rah - Iter friends at KInrail at the lets are the last 1111.4.111.i111. yen 1111111111week-end. keep in nny home where theeare .• u lramie e•Itiblre,." PARAMOUNT l Itsby's 54wti Tablets are a mill het ills iL14=- ,tln. ' thorough lnxative thiel nictitate Clue 1'.tftAM411'NT, April 23: -.Air. it. .'t. .sumach 111111 bowel,: lslpi.ai rv.1141.. (:rant has returned to his home later potion and hutlle•stion: break up a ple'n,nnt visit with friendsart rolls and simple fever and hnske Sarnia. ' teething en.y. 'rho -3 are' sold 1,3 Mrs. al. iGtynard is visiting her f meel4•bn, ,haler" or direct by analis 1f daughter. . Mrs. A'. .then. who has •23'.,e4ts a la,x froth The 1)r, lt'illinnay' been ill. alelfeiue ('o.. 11roa•kyitle•. .at. 11 r. 111.1 MDs. :feint He•anlers,n eatlii gym.-frie)sd,a.at-Whitechurch 419 Haunter. ii'e are .series to see (iridium - Nay able to take up his school ,holes after n week',, !lineae front`!: grippe. Miss lavas{. Barnby. of Lothian. re- turned hump hist week after a visit of it few mouths with frkende in Hein - Ilion alai Toronto. She was uecont- pn11ed by her liftle lu•phow. Stewart ltarnby. of ltamiituu. who will re- main with her for mune time. air. Rail N4.tronaht. 'of l(arnlna, n'noresl up 41x1 slant a fee' days Inst week yi'itIng with lana father at K110811, Miss .1n17e Davis. who tine tired nil her Ii e n ' ar to stay with friend. at Arthur. I'rior 4. her departure she ,Wast 1/reeaeuted with n purse of mutiny retail- fricr:da . illia- hist. irk ena- joying good health and .lei ninny friends will he pleased to hear of an impro,ve•lnem t. )(r. A. Hamilton, of Henfryu, clotted with friends during the week. A ple'a,wnt ikefpgitooft wax stent at the honer of Mars. W. Ensign, 'then the Itarausett tt Ih•14 its monthly ,lflrlflting. ()*Ing to tie ahs,vle of the secretary. Mra. •,Wm. Mettpl aeteed 11, 4hat rapacity. Egg and cream tooling *ere dl'.,'n.na'd. and a atdentl}d pro- - fags watt carried out, inrindtng.an 4lfpmi411al. jay Mrs. )tarl)ermkF: a Ry Am4nda Mael)nnalrl. and n pl r etc "Kitchen Wrinkh•a" Ivy Mrs. 11(.1)+44l41. The roll rail was re- ataladost to by Sen1t•h jolter). foie inanity eluting hrnilght the meeting to n close. Serf oro ting Is to be held at Ihr home of Mrs. grant 31i•11•rmi,l. 1114 May ttkh. TM' Higher Endura,,.. Tr -setter: "Johnny. what can you to 11 nta#nt the Illgr:m f:nihers?" Jnhuay : They wets the ones who .threes) atom and (Aril by see. the rigors of n !few Final,nd winter and n h9ak and rowekl1.itmi .Aare.' Telenet hind 51* I'Ilartaa. moth - era. Mangle?•' Marg..:, "Please. mother ways they **re the nuns who not only endure.) storm and tort) by sell. the rigors of 4 Now lrnglaaid whites en a !beak and rew,tttw)pM east. bat they aIo endured torr P igrtm tathem." i JENNER'S Music Store *Clean Up Sale 16 only Red Seal Records. Reg. $1.75. Special 90c 14 only Red Seal Records. Reg. $2.50. Special $1.35 23 only Black Seal Rec- ords. ' Reg. $ t.50. Spe- cial 50c I - _ only Victrola. Reg. $135.00. Special $75.00 I only Portable Phono- graph. Reg. $40.00. Special $25.00 1 lrandes Table Talker. Reg. $10. Special $6.50 Baldwin Loud Speaker. Reg. $20. Special $10 1 Westinghouse Radiola, 3-A complete with bat- teries. aerial and speak- er, in cabinet. Reg. $108.75. Special $65.00 1 Westinghouse 3 -tube set complete, as above, without cabinet. Reg. $96.75. Special $55.00 SPOT CASH at these pricer. Jenner's MUSIC STORE 'TWO. el Theodor, April 211/4 MU. soma. LOOK A7 lV_:y� CONSTRUCTION Twenty or thirty first-class meebanios and working men would take three or four weeks to build up a good engine or piece o; machinery. • r1' tais DEIITRUCTION One husky man of no mechanical ability could take a sledge or hammer and destroy this engineia about one houb but he could never rebuild it. The councils and citizens who have the best interests of our good old town at heart, have been considering, planning and pre- paring to build a new Town Hall for the last number of years, and now place before you a completed proposition. If there are any good criticisms, con- sider them carefully. Don't listen to the "knocker" who just goes around with his hammer, merely try- Orr ' ing to destroy, iind offering nothing. . ash Vote for the By -taw May 3rd II kt Your Family and Friends want your Photograph. Make the appointment teiair. R. R. SALLOWS t v COAL Empire Anthracite Stove Si**. A car just in. Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump ;MAGA too.___ Briquettes A first-class furl for stove* and furnaces. Let us supply your wants in Fuel. I Prompt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone 178 j MILLINERY In styles and pxces to suit all, We invite you to1eall and , see" our display, Universal Millinery 01d hydro stand, North Side of Square. Join Our Women's Exchange -- - N'e even still Ud.l a ft W ntatn- Ie'rs to our Women's 1 x - change. Membership fee, 41 it year, giving the member the privilege of contribut inor Palley lt'ork and kindred articles to be ..old on (nn)mission. Miss S. Noble - British Eaelange.$lock - "MOTHE=R MINE A Ploy in Three Act: to be given in The United Church, Port Albert, on Friday Evening, May 7th by the Young People of Smith's Hill. Spet•inl Mush. between Acts. Admission . Adults 35c, Children 25c. fr We are headquarters for Farm Machinery McCormick -Deering 014 -Town' .• nn r Our Spring order of - PAINTS, VARNISHES and OILS has arrived Also a general line of Hardware. - i Give us a call Our primo et* right HILL'S Hardware, AUBURN PHONES: Dung , 5 ring 3. 81,11, 32 ring 12. Take a Peep AT our windows, and see the beautiful models of the newest in Footwear. Not only are they beautiful, they are of ezcelknt' quality and workmanship, the products of the ' g„ best Canadian factories, and th s prices are • very reasonable. a' May we have the opportunity to fit you with your New Spring Shoes? 'SHARMAN'S' 'The Loading Ske. Stere" W. RIXO. SHARMAN GODERICH Phone 168 r 41 :I • ft 451 .