HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-12, Page 4llighant AdVarnee-Times, WesineedaY Sept 12, 1946
-WA Sel,,LE
Mtr. rou SMX
QD P.,U1 for sale by the quer-,
, Peet, killed under licease
fr4m,t DePortment of Health.
'Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY-
IerARD ACKERT, IloiFrood,
phone 24-30, Ripley. lent
' 'BARLEY •se
We have a quantity of Genesee
Registered No, '1 winter wheat:
for seed, Also No. 1 commercial
winter barley ,for seed, -Rowan
and Howson Ltd. 29,5,12b
„s , •
sale, three shelved, drawer and
glass door. Phone 435J. 51219b
GARDEN CORN for sale. Apply
to Ken Dickson. Belmore,
FARM PRODUCE for sale, home
grown, eresh from the field sweet
table corn, special freezer corn,
cucumbeet, table and pickling
sizes,. dhl, -etc. phone 407. 5.12*
sleeeCLARY QUEBEC coal or wood
range in good condition for sale.
APPN to Box 71, Advance -Times,
vitli 4h14-. water attachment for
Sale, Purchased - new and used 7
inonees,,egood condition. $36 will
say it, Phone 30431, . 12*
Stele7S1-44, BABY CARR/AGE
Complete with runners, parcel
barrier,' germ, eth„ for sale. Also
istrellerewith parcel carrier, both
goocleeseeeewe Phone 260J. 12b
"dust ahliege If.25 e bag. Slain -
ton's Hardera,re. 121)
e8,cededh, Round, oak dining-
frooin table with leaves, and six
hers, 4PPles to Ianville
ateurtereseg Phone 197. 12b
rt rAt.;F(finTA.1314X Typewriter
'en pg.% poncljtion for sale. Speelal
oelt ecaletee, for stencil work.
60?).9„,;Applx• ce-Tins es.
PA-4V/RTOV;car radio end aerial
1. yeareeike for sale, Reasonable
pieene 676. S 12b
!re941:qeN FORD TRUCK for
..;eale. Phone 502112. 12b
49 VAIPelieHet 6' cylinder, good
toirdetlekeneiVeelll buy it. Phone.
967M.• • '
COLONIAL, PIANO and bench for
esale ; good, condition. Phone 63232.
.i..,;rOutarnr mut SALE
215 DEKALBYROLLETS, Teo.- 111, 4
iiesoliths old,,,, Or sale, Apply to
ugh Aroistrong, Teeswater,
phone 12*
or saleelaying. Apply to Bernard
fichoneei, R,.1e, 4, Wingham, phone
',Arneleie lirli, 12*
fers for sale. Due in September,
1st. of October and November.
Apply Roy •I:lastings, 9th line of
Turnberry. 12*
CLERK WANTED at once for
grocery store. Experience pre-
ferred. Write Box 414. 12b
WOMAN OR GIRL to clerk
grocery store fiiini'ediately, Apply
be Box 74, Advance -Times. 12b
PART TLYEE• contiugent worker
Wanted, apply to Simpsons -Sears
Order Off ie, Wingliane 12b
LADY WANTED to share central
Up-to-date apartmeet with ever'
eoriveniende. Phone 5$5W after
seven. 12*
CHERRY LOGS veented. Highest
cash prices paid. Apply to Wing-
litthe Se.W.Mill Co., phone 576,
zlvtAt„T., pict sidewalk bicycle want.
ed,„,lit !good cdisclitiou. Phone
Dtaigannon 02, 12b
DtADET:octc XlEal-OVED—rotTir
yoUr far,tu promptly for sanitary
dispdsal, Telephone colic a t:
Palrnoreion 11.13W, Durham 308 or
LIMITED. " 316
,,,,, 0,17/itint04.116410ttifttlinfriMtnlitiltti4,
lIox.1-1orde.ra' Nanies
.•,: , Not 'Given Out
e et le strictly aireinet etie rttleeS.
itheViIne I,,ge fiSainte re, addresel
a' , weir ekleertieer tieltie„ash
Advatice-Ternes Box
Pie e* eitatie lade u11 fee 1:1110.
empower,/ ,Iffiliit/Otiir 143,Y1110VOittYl*IIIIV/#1t0+11
_comma. gvglwrs
September 21, King Shows, en-
tries for competitions in show-
room, Saturday afternoon, Sep-
tember 22. School Children's Par-
ade led by band with Ann May
and her Horse, Increased Class-
es and Prizes. 4-H Club Competi-
tions. Norse Races, Pony Race,
Calf Race, Tug -of -War, Baby
'Contest, CleNX Barn Dance and
-Program in Community Centre at
8 p.m on Saturday night, Septem-
ber 22nd, George Gernhaelder,
Seeetreas. CE1.2b
will be held on Thursday, Sep-
tember 20, In the Council Cham-
bers at 2.39 pan, Program eon -
yellers, Mrs. H. Aitchison, Mrs.
S. Bateson. Speaker, Mr. S. B.
Stothers of Lucknow. Hostess
convener,' Mrs, H. McLean,
THE REGULAR Saturday evening
Bingo under the auspices of the
Canadian Legion will be held at
the Legion Home on Saturday at
9 o'clock. Good prizes. CE12rrb
sale, 6 rooms and bath,' built-in
cupboards. Immediate possession,
Apply evenings or Saturdays to
Geo. Drelunann, phone 460. 12b
on Minnie Street, 5 -roomed apart-
ment sipStairs and 4 rooms down,
'Immediate PosSeesion of down-
. stairs. Pbone 453, 5*
7 BOOM HOUSE for sale, on Bris-
tol Terrace, newly decorated,
new 3 -piece bath, hot and cold
water, new hardwood floor in
living room. John Shinn, phone
265. 12*
$12,800.00. A house of distinction,
in desirable location in Winghaen,
Oetario, Modern 2 storey frame
construction, containing large
living room, dining room, den,
breakfast room and kitchen for
sale. Open fireplace, oil heating,
large wall mirror, Lot 66x132, nice
lawns. Near Public and High
Schools. Bargain at this price.
Perfect condition. Owner leaving
town. Call: H. C, MacLean, Real-
tor, Phone 31 or 115, Winghani,
Ontario. 12b
GENERAL STORE for sale. Turn-
ing over $70,000 per year. Situ-
ated on main highway in West-
ern Ontario. Seven room apart
meat attached. A real oppor-
tunity. Serving a. general earm-
eing, and, tebaeco eltatrlete APPIY.
Box 75, Advance -Times. 12b
FARM HOUSE for rent on main
highway, la mile from village.
Hydro installed, low rent. Apply
to Jas. P. Stokes, R.R. 2, Wing -
ham. 12*
for rent, Josephine Street, Wing -
ham. Both can be m- occupied im-
mediately. Apply to Box 72, Ad-
vance -Times. ' 12b
FURNISHED, heated rooms for
rent, central location. Apply Box
73, Advance -Times. 12*
the Belmore area, In order to
satisfy all farmers Jas. Struthers
& Son livestock shippers at Bei -
more will have two complete
marketing systems. On Tuesday
of each week they will be ship-
ping all hogs FOB to a graded
and Inspected plant with no ex-
penses to the farmer. Highest
market prices paid. On Wednes-
day of each week we will be
shipping through the Hog Pro-
ducers' Market Board to stock
yarde in either Toronto or Kit-
chener, Phone Belmore 22 or
Wroxeter 20r21. 5:12b
iesured for all risk coverage?
For Information phone 203, Stew-
art A. Scott, Wingham. 2reb
STEWART A. SCOTT can now save
you 15% on your car or truck in-
surance. e Yearly or six months
policies are available. Si:melee
rates for farmers. For fitrther
Information phone e93, Witigharre
Septic tanks, cesspools, cellars,
etc., pumped end eland, quick
service, all work guarahteed.
Apply Louis Blake, 'Mote 42r5,
nrusseis. 15rrb
AesciciathirC"Where Better Belle
Are Used". "Foe Artifleitil ine
gemination inforeetitien: or set' -
v1 ee fresh all breeds Of eitttle,
phone the Waterloo Cattle
treeding Association itt: Clinton
1111 24441 or Midway 1300.2 be-
tween 7,80 'and 0.30 run, We
have all brdeds available -.:.• lop
quality at low cost." 251111
UP YOU Aftrd planning a, building
project this ettittnier, We ere in
,tt. position to give you first tlase
tierelee for your COMMA work.
House basertiorith and fleeter
'ham walls add tleots (OefinsIated
hi One petite Meted Mule
Christensen, PhOne lief, Meth,:
Wores fell up to express te you
Oar kind neighbors, relatives anti
Wends our bearteelt appreciation,
for the many acts of kindness arid
words of evrapather, the beautiful
floral tributes, Gideon Bibles and
the numerous and helpful gifts we
have received during our days a
great sorrow. We wish to especially
mention Rev. has. Krug, Mr,
Norman Keating, soloist, the Wing -
ham and Florence Masonic Lodges,
the W.A. Group erom Belgrave
United Church, the pellbearers and
flower bearers and Re A, Currie ies.
"And we know that all things
Work together for good to them
that love God." Roman 8:28.—The
felony of the late Clifford Kelly,
We wish to take this opportunity
to express our sincere thanks and
appreciation to all those who sent
floral tributes or helped in any
way at the time of our sad ber-
eavement. Special thanks to Dr. B.
N. Corrin, Dr. C. W. Betz, Miss M.
MeClenaghan, Mrs, D. S. Mac -
Naughton, Miss Berva Gallaher,
Rev, W. J. V. Buchanan and the
T. V. Edgar funeral home.—The
Hupfer family. 12*
would like to express my 'thanks
to all my , friends and neighbors
Who remembered me with treats,
cards and flowers and special
thanks to:Dr. B. Corrin ein. Dr. C.
Hiltz ahd Mrs, I. Morrey.—Mrs.
Geo, 'Anger. 12*
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all my
friends, neighbors and relatives
for the lovely cards, flowers, etc„
that were sent to me while I was
a patient in the Winghare. Hos-
pital, Special thanks to Dr. W.
McKibbon, ,Mrs. I. Morrey and her
nursing staff and Mrs. Anderson.
Also thanks to the Legion and Red
Cross for the loan of the hospital
bed.—Mrs. Wesley Haines, 12*
REVER—In loving memory of a
dear mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Raver, who passed away Sept-
ember 11, 1953.
Take up thy cross and follow Him,
Nor think, till death, to lay et
For only he who bears the cross,
May hope to wear the glorious
e crown,
ti; that bright eternal' city,
Where no tears e'er dim the eye;
In the home of many mansions,
We will meet her bye and bye.
—Lovingly remembered by the
family. 12*
DIGGING STUMPS, stones, haw-
thorns, fence bottoms; new land
cleared and worked; logs skid-
° ded; lawns levelled, back -filling.
Ross Hastinge, phone 740, Wing -
ham. 25,rre7S*
SEALED TENDERS plainly mark-
ed as to contents and addressed
to the undersigned will be received
Until 4 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19th, ism
for General Contract Work on 4
room addition to above School.
Mane and specificatione may be
obtained from the Architects at
address shown below,
A deposit of $26.00 by cheque is
required for each set 'of plan ,s and
This' deposit is forfeited if said
plane arid 'specifications are not
received at this office intact and
in good condition within 10 days
of tender closing date.
the plans and specifications at the
Office of the Chairman of the
School Board, S. C. eteia, at
CKNIC-TV, Wingham.
The lowest or ally teridet not
necessarily accepted.
247 John Street Z., Hamilton, Ont.
effect e stitd chattel', garden toOls,
carpenter tools ter sale, Real
estate will else be 'offered for
tale subject to reereee' bid, on
Saturday, September 15, at 1.30
p,rn, A. a Adams, John Street,
Wingham. 6:12b
13efeee you buy ask about our
LoW Cost Plrientihg Service With
complete Insurance Coverage,
ohoir,6 293 Whigham
Patrick •St, Wingham
Phone 770
• MI'S« C, Inglis Dies
In Car Collision
Friends in this eemmtinity were
saddened to learn of the tragic
death On Saturday afternoon, of
Mre, Cameron Inglis, of Atwood,
who lost her life in a two -car
collision eolith of Listowel, Mrs.
Inglis was a daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. John C. Casemore of
Morris Township, and her mother
resided On Scott Street until her
death In April Of this year, Milo
(laseMore, Morris, is a brother:
The accident occurred as Mrs.
Inglis was on the way to an
afternoon tea atthe home of a
neighbour. She was driving west
on conceselon 6, Elm Township
when her car was in ;collision with
wiener vehicle at an intersection.
The second car was driven by
Mee. Joseph Semple, of RR. 21
'Lletowel, who was injured and re-
moved to Listowel Memorial Hos-
pital, Her mother-in-law, Mrs.
James Semple, a, Was .aiso ad-
mitted to the Listowel Hospital,
'where she died eleven .hours later
as a result of the injuries sustained
in the accident.
Dr, O. E. Connors, Listowel,
eonduated the preliminary inquest
in connection with Mrs. Inglis'
The former Laura May Case -
more, she was born in Morris
Township 50 , years ago and was
married at lehlevale in 1937 to
Cameron Inglis and had since re-
sided near Atwood.
A member of the Atwood Pres-
byterian Church, she ' belonged to
the Northern branch of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society, was a
member of Maple Leaf Women's
Institute and of the Atwood Re-
bekah Lodge.
Besides her husband, she is sur-
vived by a son of a. former mar-
riage, John Or, at home, and a
brother, Milo Casernore, of Morris
Sincere sympathy is extergled.to
the bereaved family,
Clifford A. Kelly, 28, of BeigraVe,
died in the Calgary General Hos-
pital, Calgary, after an illness of
two weeks.
Mr. Kelly was born in Winghare.
and had served as a student nil*
ister at Rutherford and Florence.
Surviving are his father, Wil-
liam Kelly; "an- his mother, the
former Jean Anderson, of Bel -
grave; a brother, Russell, Cooke-
ville; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Mor-
gan, .Allsa Craig.
He was educated in Wingham
High School and University of
,Western -Ontario. Be took one
year at Theological -College. To-
ronto, and was for two years a
Student minister at the Unita
Chuch at Rutherford and Floe'
Ile was a member of the
Masonic Lodge at Florence.
Funeral service was held on
Friday at 2 p.m. at Belgrave•
United Church, ,with the Rev.
Charles Krug • officiating. Burial
took place in Brandon Cemetery,
A Masonic service was held
at the residence of his parents at
Belgrave, on Thursday evening.
James D, Smith
Buried at Brussels
Services for James D. Smith, 47,
a Morris Township, who died in
Kitchener Hospita,l, were conduct-
ed in Brussels Saturday at 2 p.m.
in the Ranh funeral home, by the
Rev. Andrew Lane, Interment
was made in Brussels Cemetery.
Fraternal services Were conducted
in the funeral home by member's
of Brussels Orange Lodge.
Ile had lived all his life on con-
cession six, of Morris, and was a
member of BrueseIs United Church,
and of Brussels Orange Lodge,
Surviving besides his wife, the
former Adah Grasby, are six
children, all at home, James,
Donald, Rad, Bobby, Larry and
Joan, and anew sister, Miss'Jean
Smith, Morris.
lerAYLOIles-Milton Roy —At hie
home, S Benlarnencl Ave., Toron-
to, an Sunday, September a 193G,
Milton Roy Naylor beloved hus-
band of Mary Jane Irvin and the
late Delia. Higgins; dear father
Of Loteeii (Mrs. Irwin Campbell)
Of Peterborough; Betty, Dorethe
(Mrs. Ronald Sulliette), Toronto',
Vernon, of the tt.C.A,10, Statiem,
royniourie Ont., and Irvin, of
Neweriarket, Ile le also Survived
by three brothere, David, el Ma -
Man.; William, of Port
Huron, Mich., and Alfred of
dhathatit And One SiStetr Mrs.
Steven Wood (Annie) of Brans
don, Man, The elinetal service
was held trent the johneton
SOn funeitil home, Lueltnow,
Greerthill Cello:tem
TAYLOR ----At Winglittin General
Hospital, on Saturday, September
. 8, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Taylor, R.R., aorriet a Pee,
BARBOUR—At Vingliant Genera;
Hospital, on Saturday, September
8th, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Barbeene Belgrave, daugle
ter. -
HASTINGS—At Wiogham General
Ilotepital, on Monday, September
10th, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Rose
Hastings, Wingham, a daughter,
DOBSON-e-At Witightun General
Hospital, on Monday, September
10th, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Dobsen, Wroxeter, a."' daughter.
HANNA—At' Wino= Peueral
Hospital, on Monday., September
10th, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Ernest
Hanna„ -R.R. 1 Liolyrood., Sell,
IeNDERWOOD—At Wingham Gen-
erai Hospital, on Tuesday,. Sept-
ember 11th, 1.958, to Mr, and Mr's.
.0mar Underwood, 11.13., 1, Wing -
ham, a daughter: •
ToMrorlsi,toN.Vm. Hart spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hart, in
Mrs. Thomas McMicliael and
Miss F. B. Weir ,c)f Wingham
ed here on Sunday and attended
funeral services for the late Mrs.
Robert Hupfer,
• John IVIaeNaughton spent Mon-
dageinTdsorioelelit•oe. Were grieved to
leare of the tragic death of Mrs.
,Carneron Inglis, of Atwood, who
Was killed in a car accident near
Listowel on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Inglie is well known here,
having lira on the 4th line Of
Turnberry before her marriage to
Mr. Inglie.
lefise Emma Gerrie spent
Part of last weels with her friend,
Miss Beatrice Shearer,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Montgom-
ery, Toronte, spent the week -end
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allee, -George,
Dick and Miss Margaret Gallaher
have returned to their home in
The Women's' Missionary Society,
United Church, will bold their
September meeting on Friday even-
ing of this week at 8,30 at 'the
home of Mrs. W. J, V. Buchanan.
Mrs. Allan Munro is arranging the
Paisley, spent the week -end with
Mrs. W: G. Gibson. Mee, Gibson re-
turned to her home after a. holiday
ed friends -here fe:.:I,,:e.vwei:ek-e*nd,
Mr, and Mrs: J.
Miss Nellie Ball of Toronto, visit -
at Paisley,
Mr. and -Mrs. B" ill Doherty and
two sena are visiting Mr, anti,' Mrs.
Harvey McMichael and other
friends here. Mr. Doherty was a
former resident of this village.
United Church Mission Band held.
its first meeting of the fail season.
on Tuesday afternoon.
Family Gathers
For Birthday
BELMORE—On Saturday, a
birthday party was held at the
home. of Mr. and Mrs. William
Merkley in honor of the lattees
mother. Present for the occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Merkley
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Coupland and Carol, Mr. and Mrs,
Percy Coupland, Wroxeter, Mr, and
Mrs. Harley. Merkley and Cathy,
Cornwall, Mr, and Mrs. Ronnie
Bennett and fenelly, Walton, Miss
Anna Miller, Toronto, Mrs. James
Shore,. Gerrie.
'Mr. and Mrs, Harley Merkley and
Cathy are spending a few .wieke
with his parents, Mr. and Ws.
Wm, Merkley. Harley is a, Provin-
cial policeman at Cornwall.
Miss Mary Coupland rettirhed
home from Toronto, where she has
spent the past two weehs. Stuart
Cpuplainl ale° spent a week at his
Pioneer Printer,
IX Mowbray Dies
Word has 'been received here 'that
Daniel Wilfred Mowbray, 62, of
10325 148 St., a resident of Edmon-
ton for 30 years, 'died in Editions
ton, Saturday, August 25th. '
Born Wingharri, Oritario, Mr.
Mowbray wcat in 1906 to Edinoire
ton, where he later was employed
in 'the printing beide. A Member
of the International Printing Press-
men and Assistahts' Union No, 265
for 44 years, he hod beau .outplayed
by Haney Press4Ltd, for 32 years,
Mr, Moivbray had beim a roember
of the Thintle and rteytti Curling
clubs for the past 20 years, His
main hobby was gardening,
Surviving are his widow; brie
daughter, Mrs. T, 3. Adamson, Ed-
menten; one son, Allan, Calgary;
five Sisters,' seVen' brothers and
three grandchildren.
Mrs, Robert Hupfer
Passes in iWtoxeter
WROXIITErie-At her borne
W'roxeter South, on Friday, Sera
tember 7, there entered into rest a
well*Itnown .and highly eateemed
citizen in the-persoo of Mrs. Rob
ert Htipfer, following a long Illness,
Magdalene Ringler Hupfer was
bern at Blandterd io 1807. Li 188a
she was united in marriage with
Robert Hofer, They took up real
donee south ,r)f Wroxeter, where
they farmed and where the remain,.
der of their lives was spent, In
1,93.5 Mr, and Mrs. Hupfer celebrat-
ed their 50th wedding anniversary.
In 1940 Mr, I/Pester died,
sUTVIret sJoonhau,ailLdloyidivealiddaVuegtinteoln's,
of Wroxeter, Harry of Detroit, Mrs.
Richard (Kate) Griffith, Mee Har-
vey (Annie) Maliebael; Mrs.
Merles (Orville) McOutcheop. and
Evelyn, all of thie dietrict and
Elva. of Sudbury, Two daughters;
predeceased her, Mary and an in-
fant, Ada, Also surveying are two
sisters, Mrs, Elizabeth Hart, Wind-
sor and Mrs, Annie Tennant and
one brother, Mr. William R,Inglee,
both of Detroit, '
IVIrs. Huger was a member of
the former methodist and later
United Aurch, and active in its
organizations when, health permit-
Through the long years her quali-
ties of i character Influenced not
only her family but all who had
come to, know her, By all her
memory will be cherished, For
some years she had been an invalid
and was given loving , care by a
udetviio)fteerd, daughter, Miss Evelyn
Funeral services were held from
'the home on Sunday ,afternoon
with. 'Rev, W. V.. :13uehanan of
Wroxeter United Cheretens enserge.
Pallbeerers were Renald and Glen
McMichael, Allan Griffith, Oliver
Riley, Georgel Gilepoisk eine. .Fraelt
Earls. Flowee bearersaerere Audrey
Riley, Shirley' saldInfielastaia • Betty
Sharpe and,Eva McComb.- Inters
maul was Made leieVreciiieter Ceme-
tery, • . •
Mr: and Mrs, Clare VanCamp
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. -Cecil Pierson and family, of
Kintore. -
Mr, and Mrs. Harry McGuire and
Mr. and Mrs, Russel :Walker, are
enjoying a: few holidays in the
Parry Sound district.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna, and
family, of Auburn, visited on Sun-
day with Mr.' and Mrs. C. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and
Dale, epent Sunday at Tobermory
and -called on Mrs: E: C. Bell 'and'
Mr, and, Mrs. Ben, Jordan.
Mi. David' Armstrong, spent last
week 'visiting with Mr.' and Nies.
Cecil. Armstrong and family at
Thorndale and Mr. and Mr. •Gib-
son Armstrong and family. at
London. ,
The Nome Economics meeting of
the Belgrave Women's Institute
will be held on Tuesday, September
18, at 8.30 pm. in the Community
Centre, and they will 'have as their
guests the Junior Institute mem-
bers. Convener will be Mrs. liar -
old -Procter. Motto by Mrs. Leslie
Bolt. The roll call to be answered
with a use for salt, Address by'°
Mrs. Charles Mathere, Bluevale;
Music' by Joyce. Procter, Demon-
stration on arranging a salad plate -
by Mrs, C. Wade. Quiz by Mrs.
Free Delivery - Phone 82
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15 oz. tinrs:`.:2 for 21c
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canning .
WI PANEL REVIEWS hook. The r:41:EaiFigt;'17alittod and
EFFECTS OF TV _ ... . ;meted
Memorial 0 lutloils which will
delegate to the conveie;eitec;
• imsinf:tepectaeandottiblee .rstresavisliliraerL4reily
her on September 25th anti -30th at
Mrs. Gilbert Howes was nurri.‘
Mrs. Thomas Burke presented the
PI tal:wilItal;
at the convention were reviewed.
Mrs. Herb Patterson gave the
courtesy remarks. Refresinnente
were served with Mrs. J. II. Wylie,
convener, assisted by Mrre•Uarvev
Timm and alys, John Lane. A vote
of thanks expiessed the appreciae
tion of the visiting email, .
. ,
WROXETEE—A panel , discus,-
eion "The Effect of Television on
Home and Community" Was the
topic for the September meeting of
the Women's Institute, which was
held on Wednesday evening in the
Wroxeter Community Hall,
Childrenle programs were dealt
with by Mrs, Gilbert Howes and
Urge John Lane, Mrs, Allen Munro
brought out some fine comments
on women's programs, while Mrs.
Leslie Douglap covered agricelleire,
everts and the news,
Parente should take thee to eup-
erviee the programs their children
are interested in. Television does
not discourage reading in young
people. Librarians report an in-
crease of readers' with TV. Women
do receive benefit ;rem programs,
especially for them, such as clothes
staling, interior deeenating and
handicrafts and in /Irs, lefunro's
opinion there was no better way to
put It across. Wrestling, as it is, is
taboo and should be abolished ac-
cording to Mrs. Douglas. Less
crime stories in the newspapers
and sticking to facts not imaglea-
tion Would give a better news pic-
ture, Mrd, De S. MaaNaughtoe led
the pante in the discussion,
"Ari ideal husband is one who
treats his wife like a new car,"
was the motto on which Mrs, G.
Howes gave some humorous, as
well 'as serious thoughts.
Fifteen members of the Moles-
worth Branch were guests and in-
cluded MPS, Andrew Simpson,
trict president, who gave a very
Informative address on the Hand.
3. S. Procter and lunch will he
served by Mr's'. 3. Coultes, Mrs,
G. Higgins, Mrs.' 'Herold Proeter,
Mrs. W.- Seott,•413,51 Mrs. A. E,
Coultes. • '
24-bour` Service
I PHONE* 185
i;NRIDEmo a.
for guaranteed
Hullo Folks!.
You may have read of the drunkometer test they use in come
cities for drivers suspected of having a few too many, The
driver breathes into a balloen and the police test his breath
for alcohol. A certain percentage of alcohol and , . 'you've had
It. And no chlorophyll gum can help you.
Most people know about a similar.test you can try on a met
car (not'that our elm IOOk drunk, mind you, bid its Minna
idea). Almost everybody watches for smoke from the
but I find a lot of people really don't know' what they're looking
for, or why.
When you're browsing around tteed car, race
the engine a few times and watch the exhauet
fumes for blue smoke.' I.e's' the bide you want
to look" for, not gray or black, .
What does it all mean? The ear that billows
Ole smoke 'is burning oil. 'Eventually, it will
require' a ring job, as all cars 'do so.itiev or litter.
Tt's not, a sign of anything fundamentally wrong
:;.ctIte (Mier in the breath tpst can, be sobered up
Yquickly),,, If you like-thi!i, car ,Ini+Alte.r ways it
will 'still be a good 'buy. •
"its We didn't have any blue -smokers on the lot
LORNE. fesDeNALDiase time I looked. When .you're shosiping around,
though, I hope you'll, ask to be shown everything you want,to
See, ask the. things you went 'to know --- poke teound a little
yourself to make sure. •
Take a Oar out on the read and drive. it the way you'll be driving
your own. You do that much for a new pair of shoeS, -we want
you to get' time "feel" of your new -used car, too.
CoPV*)15 lit 190
c.arThey m•raffmr 1.ra,
• Et-,
; Help Wanted
Male (11 Fe k
for shift work in poultry
eviscerating plant.
1 Hours 7 a.ik to 4.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
ja Apply in person to
-1 Canada Packers Li lited
Clinton, Ontario
Li. Notice to
. OR
0 .Water Consumers
--i , • L
# The ,'hours for watering lawns and ii
• gardens are from 6 a.m., to '9 1 m , and Et
a . f 6 0 c• • ri
i .
from p.m. to „. p.114 t"
, . . .
This will be strictly enforced.
An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, leee prompt
ri payment discoUnt of 10 per cent, is made,for :
"..! the use of a hole or outside tap for the above
noted 'purposes, ,i
Wednesday,itt ht e p.m. Interment .104 Anyone found watering a nb et gatden , wit 0,
by the Otelier Soeiety of Canada, '0
pp 5 1
has not paid for this service win be
WIN 00110NION CONTEST billed accordingly,
rit the six weeks' contest, pot on
Thoroughness — A day — Time tested Wingliam foblie Utilities- Commission 1#
top benefit Wert takeli
Molittcai and Goo, 1. v-1 --
One 37 for.ppointmntC. E. .Sbera, Superintendent
Hatron, Wingbatii, Tina contest g
was (Veri to ell Gram' Society' N
ff111101110111141111111111111101111110111141tilifilli1111111i111111111111***• 110 Reall1101111111111111•1101111111110110113111•1111110113CM
dealers across' Canada, _