HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-05, Page 11.SCH904. MS' AN WILS' TENNIS St!OE • RASONAK .YRICES Iti011 TOURNEYS HE ON LABOR DAy T syo golf tournaments were held on the Wingham course on Labor One, held in the morning was an 18-hole, 'pairs low ball handicap game, for men, In the afterpoon a mixed "two-ball tourna- ment, with eloStacre4 was played', The pairs for the tournament wefe• balanced to eliminate handicaprl. Winners of the morning tourney were: 1st, J. and V. • Loughlivrearii,rit:WPist' h riveits1 5oar; 2nd, R. S. 'Hetherington and D. C. Nesmith, with a net 60; C, Fellows, a visitor, and M. Boyd, with a net score of 62„ Try;, the 'afternoon'winners were Mrs,' Joe Kerr 'and 11.,Spr'Y with' 55, Second were Mre. T. ,P. MeKilibian .and J. R, Lloyd, with 51. Mrs. 'SI)ry and S.' A. Scott, returned a score of 60 to make third Place. , At 6.30 p.m. ,the ledied served-a pot luck supper' to 'about 50. mem- bers and gueSta of the dub, ' Winghain Wins Softball Tournament ' On Monday afternoon the final softball tournament Was' held for Huron Presbytery toting People's Unions of the -United Clinrch in Wingham town park. Teeins from Blyth, Clinton Wesley-Willis arid Viligharn took part.' ' Tn the first game - Wingham de- feated *244. karg, Mafhan and Bob Campbell pitCh- ed for Winghani and Electimi Yee' and Ron Steene for, After a short rest Wingham canie back again to, score a `victoty• over Blyth 29-7. By, winning tllia tournament Wirighan1 receiveS, the trophy previously held by Wealey- I,Villis for two years'. Line-up for the final game were: PLYTH—Carol Tyeenaan, Doro- thy Rhiel, Wayne Jackson, Dennis' Weymouth, .T'Ob Camp- bell, June,' 'Cartwright, Frieda Rhue and Marilyn Johnston. WINGHASK -- Ken Crawford, Bob Campbell; IVIarg Meehan,' Prances Walker, Marlene Stainton, Muriel Gowdy, Merle'. Gowdy,' ReV, D. MacRae and Earl Jenkins. Wingham Bowling Ladies' Doubles A Ladies' =Doubles match ik,ad plafed at the' WinghamBowling Club green on Wednesday:when 25 rinks took part, * Results ,were: let. Mrs'' Allison and partner, Goderich, .3 .witia plus 16; 2nd., Nx's; PicikEtrd add part- ner, Paisley 3 Wins- phis 14; -3rd,'; Mrs, Fairservice, Clinton', •3 wl>fs plus .13; 4th, Mrs. E. R„ Harrison and ,Mrs. R. E. Arniita'ge, Wing— ham, 3 Wins ples ONO *ante, wzinrierer4-teete::-, Mrs, Townsend and partner, Code, rich, with 2 wins plus 13 and Mies Y. McPherson and lvfea. J, Mein- tyre, of. WinghEirn, with rivins plus 13. . Twenty-five rinks took part, coming from Goderich, Clinton, Paisley, TaviStock, Hanover and Wingham. • Junior Team To Meet Wheatley The Wingham hardball team should be well worth Watching' at the park in Wingham, on' Saturday at 3 o'clock, when they meet Wheatley in the first garne, of the 033./A, semi-finals, This is the first year the Wingham ball team had reached the 'Semi-finals in Junior hardball and the boys &Serve fi good turnout of fans to give them support, Operas Inspired by Shakespeare's Plays According` to the record given: in the Rook of itnoittledge Of the fainotia tifueie inspired b' Shake. spectre's playa no less tha'n eight operaS are, based on 'various plays, including such rnasterpieillt& as Verdi's 'Othello' anti 'Falstaff, Gounocl's 'Romeo and• Juliet', anti. Geetz's 'The 'raining of the Shrev0, equally farnotta are Mendels- solia's incidental nrusid to 'A Midattinhaer Wight's Dream? and Schubert's exquisite, settings of We songs 'Who is gylvia.V and 'HOZ Ilark! the Lark% Modern and tOilterilporiity cOniptistra, ad "Well as those. *hose nimetart house hold Word* have tattle'(' thir Olityt a 'continuing StAireill of inkOirittiok HOLD THAT CLUB,. GRA:NDMA! Kraft Theatre Jos.. N. Welch, the distinguished Massachusetts lawyer who served ,a,s. the Army'a counsel in the 1954 .-Wriny-MeCerthYzheating4:.iirt-Vash•.: ington, will appear',personally on. Kraft Television Theatre, Thursday to introduce the produetioa, "Mock Trial" at 9,30 p.m. on Channel 8. The personable IdWa-bern at= torney: who won nation-wide fame for• his conduct of the Army's ease during the televised hearings, will discuss briefly the hanurtel,emente Of law preceding the produCtion.' "Mock Trial", the story of a young law student who turns the school's annual mock trial into the real thing when he 'puts the town mayor on the' stand,' will star Ed Begley, Richard York and Henry Jones, Joyce Smigh,t will be featur-, YON DUD:TACES THE i IC TEST Sim Anderson promises his son Bud a boat if he raises his science mark — and immediately, Bud de- votes himself to master science. While he is studying alone at seheol after class, the questions for the next clay's test fall from the teacher's deale. Bad) picks ,them tip just as the setenee 'teach- er enters, Glover assumes Bud has been cheating. Withholdig Bud's name but pegging him as a had' student) Clover asks the ad- vice- of the student eotmell on the proper hearse to puratte. Bad is pa to a great test in both honesty and science. Yotl Will want to see the outcome oil Channel A Sunday at' 9,30 Nil, C to a pe , Folding • FLOOR . , Aluniiinnir • Altnnimun ., WALL SASH ' • In these days of high an, rising prices, whafihaPPened40 the price of gasoline? Let's compare wholesale gasoline prices with the government's, general wholesale price index., Since '1935-1939, prices in general have risen 120%, In the. same period, gasoline hat gone up only' 38%. Gasoline prices have gone up' lest • than one-third at much as wholesale prices In general , 51%0 Wilightkii 4111.104105,1310 • e-._.r_...tareemeustatous,•,••rmots,rega-o.rph • WIN.G1-1A.111. YOUR F414114-Y SHOE STOWE .• Thank:You Sheriff 13rent would like to thank, behalf of the Lions Club, all those u helped ,in any way to make RiTiAt Days the success it was. 0 PHONE 12 4e41 • • • .1.41 A picture that looks lilre one from an olu albuni, Which War in fact, taken Joist week when members of the ladies' section of tee %Ing- ham, Golf , Club, dressed in old fashioned clOthes for 'Thursday's meeting of the club. During the afternoon the ladies came Jae town and paraded Front left to right, Mrs. 'C. Hinde, Mrs. W. Henry, Mr's. R. E, Armitage, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. DuVal, Mrs., W'. H. 'Gurney. Back, Mrs. Joe Kerr, Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs. G. Ernest-, Mrs. R. O. Gannet,,,Mrs. W. B. McCool, Mra.• H. C. MacLean, in costume to the delight of afternoon shoppers. Mrs. R; E, McKinney, ',Mris. Frank Hormel': Mrs. 13, A; Coutts,- Mrs. W. H. Gurney, MtR, 'W, .1, Greer, Mra: P, Carmichael' Mrs..: Joe Kerr; Mrs..H. , MacLean, Mrs. ,DuVal, Mrs.. W. MoCool. Mrs: R. E.' McKinney, Mrs, Chas. Lloyd, Mrs, C. Roberts, Mrs, R. A. Coutta, Mr$. Wm. Tsbister, Miss Anne Henry. Standing in rear, Mrs. Prank Hopper, Mrs. Geo. Howson, Mrs, Frank Sturdy, , Mrs. Herb Campbell. "Sure is," a ald his companion, "and why do .you reckon they Made the banittertl to 16‘00 Two guys were waking off the effects of a big party when they accidentally found themselves stumbling along a railroad traelt. After truding along for some time One eorelltentect: • "This is the longest stairs, I 'ever tried' to climb." Who's Herb Gott? Herb hasn't got anybody here,' in case you were wondering just who. is Herb Cott, then the above picture, should settle that for you, Herb can be heard interviewing interesting personalities on his Saturday radio feature, "Who's Herb Gott?" on the Trans-Canada network of the CBC. • ':.4)0C.L.tiStit„Et PEA''-BY-PLAY ,(0werstoti: by KEG ',Sun., Sept, tt, Detroit at Kansas City C ipt." diov tit * .."‘"0 AWNINGS . TILES DOORS '7" 11)M1361 . CUPBOARDS 260w Wingham ,.6.11•1••••••11.10.111111.1.10.1,,;••••••••, Look how gasoline prices6 have ctayed down NO ONALPRA EQA A CiAMVE4 dirI4 100 "'keep, the itigg.40.0 His steak is scorched, 'ins P,P,eert More chames, ,of having harred-- their nambor. To 11*7 they are delicious; 13ut if at borne they wore cooked thus. Thinga would' sTian OPPItiOUG, WM be 100404 Vie 00" marnerameariateereas lan.er,er.rellettleetrrieeii Reduced Prices Brand New 1956 FORDA ONAR Both• 6 ant 8 Cviintler ligtor HURON MOTORS. A, D. 111seIVI1.LI4IVI QidD - istowA14D11 Wingham PhOne 237 , 0.10904011•01•111•01,1, 011.41,.. Challenging emPletythent combine with valuable experience :and train- ing in Canada's Regular A, my.. The ' pityrhaispsgPabdtiaYdeo,u or learn t i -fru e ‘tvo ' sbkeills; leader. Yon get a taste of real- adver, Lure, have a chance tO make life-long ! sit - . friendi' with fine' men . . . young: for t e inree ' fi , , . After three years' you make your ': enthusiastic,- a Cut above average: ch.oice—tO leave, or stay and, mate a • greatest ears' years career with advancement, training Oanbcluata,atitoleisty. Find .out, about one of Canada's better careers—no if/• iotirlife - sn • I Army Information Centre; ' I 468 Richmond Street, I London, Ontdria'; • CANADIAN ARMY i Please ler me have full•inforroatioii on Informatiim Centre et, 1 Army C.areer.• 466 Richmond Stre N ome.....,.. .... . . ........ • . ... London, •OntariO. street •••.•••••••, Telephorai 4-1601 City Local 149 , I am Years old. 34 No plus 8 other outstanding vaudeville acts ,,,,foiniocty of the Ariliut ,Gitilfrey , in the "International Revoe' Show — teetered °rich evening THE M NER the irounds. You May he the (4.cbrnploti home erected{ on' proud Owner", • Grandstand. " featured on the Ed Sullivan Show ;•••• each afternoon and,' .veninta in front of the Grandstand, • MIDWESTERN HAYRIDE A afternoons— Grandstand direct from the NEIC•TV Net. Work — Monday and Tuesday SquARE DANCE Lassie COMPETITION i3,104- The Mighty Superman Wild Bill Cody, Joe Phillips and His Trained Horse, Smokey Harness Part of the, array of Riddles' TV Favourites acing featured in "Kiddie Kapers" Friday and Saturday afternoons—Grandstand. Special Canada's Richest Colt ttakei, Saturday morrling Wednesday and Thursday taw. ki0Ont „, CHILDREN'S MIDWAY • GLITTERING HORSE SNOW • CATTLE SHOW ,• CONKUN'S MIDWAY .'HYDRO- ELECTRIC DISPLAY, • ADVANCED ART SHOW • CANADA'S FINEST DISPLAY OF codoar and dorm equipment_ 816 MIDWAYS (ADULT and Kitlidts) SEPT. iosis London 4 Ont W. D. /MCKEON, Rianifi*i r. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Mitson*s Book Storeo .StatIon CKNX DISTRIBUTED LA E DISTRICT • • • Ry .W: H, „Cantelon • Pfieagant distribution 'for the Lake': :Huron- ,Distriet was corn- Dieted, on • Friday, August 17th. Ire all, 10,000 day-old nheasallt• chielcd and 17,000 seven to eight week old pheasants have been placed in the Most southern town- ships in • Haroit, Wellington and Waterldo Counties where the an- nual snowfall is consistently leas than 55 inches. Most of the town- ships• in Halton, 'Wentworth, Brant and Okfcird• received a portion 'of both. day-old and seven to eight- week-old pheasants. :In 'the majority of townships, a pheasant codnnittep is appointed by the township council and this eortireittee works, With Lands acid Fort officers from the middle of May JO the ,middle, of August placing pheasants' in brooders and rdleasd 'pens operated by interested farmere. We would like to 'point out to all pheasant' ]hunters that" apprOxi- mately eighty fainnera in the counties Of Htiroli, Waterloo, . Oxford, Brant, Went- Werth and Mitten willingly aecept the job of rearing pheasants fet eight woks during the summer months. This is done in addition tb the regular work of ploughing, sending, harvesting and other farming activities carried oil dur- ing the busy schism& ,months. To the .11irrners and phhaSant eenimittees, of the various town- ditipi, We owe a great deal of gratitude for their unSelfish efforts to Prelide better hunting, antt Oahe to Mint.. r It, won't be long new until ptit1/410 r „t mr•tilvt,-1,44,44,1,