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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-29, Page 4P1 t. 4 Thursday, Apr11 29. ), " At. 541,,,A.............--4..................11' 157 TIRES 3o z 31/2 Fabric $ 8.5o Oversize tord i0.00 Come in and 400k them over. 1 have a large stock of all sizes to choose from. F. R. MILLER Service Station Career Elgin Ave. --Vol Vide& Stmt. P.:64414140041414041111 Aluminum Ware In co-operation with the menufate- traetions." THE SIGNAL ....ainoim amen. ^ , , v 1t A -r- DODERICII. ONT. .Plf4 4 •I 7 , KINGSBKIDGE KIM:SMUDGE. April 116. --Mr. Frank McCarthy ivai. returued from !Windt. where lie attended lite fuu- vral of Miss McKenzie. Airs. JOill) Boyle. of Goderielt, 115110(1 friends in Kingsbridge this * Miss Lillian Dalton. of Gutierich. spent the wock-etiti at her home littre. Congratulations to Nlessrs. Moroni 1)141,411. Jiw. Meyers, Gilbert Frayne and Jerry O'Connor. who nre sporting nillnew ears this spring. We are pleased to report that Mr. Thi... Garvey. who ha,. had a severe Attack of II,-uRIUa 15 reeovering. A loung Life Take. -In lketroit titintitiy iiftertesin. April iso*, 11 accident . occurred which plunged Kingsbridge lie a shroud iif gloom &lbw .Agatha O'Connor. on her day home trout Providence hospital s here «lie wits merging. was struck by a rl Alves motorist. A few hours later she died In the arms of her skiers l'reula *mutt Monica, while the last prayer's of the Church were being PM 14 by Rev. Father Henigan. Agatha was the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. 3. treontior of Rktgsbridge. and was horn February Ilth. lUdi. Noted always for her sweet. tUatelliell dbrposition. after finishing her educa- tion In the parochial* 44.11001 here. she went to tit. Joseph's hospital. Chat- ham. Ont., from which she graduated In May. 1923. 111 September she pined her sisters in Detroit and pro- . reesks1 In Iter quiet. winning way to weave herself Into the hettrts of all otho siime to know her. On Mondial night the two sisters, accompanied by Misses M. and. R. Sullivan. and Areosrs. W. j,alroIi alb! F. uttlettly. left Detroit with their sad burden amid the silent grief and sympathy of a host of friendly. On Tuesday af- (ernoon and Wednesday the body lay In its childhood 1)011114. banked with OMNI tributea and mass eards. Thurs- / day morning the solemn high funeral 111111111/41. Wait Jiang In St..-Jowsplia chorea where an Immense crowd had congre= gatcd. .t orousin. Iter. Father Mau - 1 rice Sullivan of Chatham; celebrated. and was assisted by Rer. Fathers Dean and MeArdle. Ttw funeral *444_ f$ftgctl4sfl? w.r. 11011OrdsP4 • Agatha's Mr. Walter Ihtlton. i who (htriod the mass rendered beauti- Ifully the solo "Wilt Thou hook l'pan Mr. Mother. " and at the chow Miss II. 'en 1 ta I on snug /tWet tabour of My Soul." The palibear ors were a; 10U41l'. J Oill/ N. and Denis Dalton, Leonard and /croak triti'illYi Michael Foley dud Gerald Garvey. Agatha Is survived by her fatitiserandx1 ansmother. two htutaera• joh °noun. and seven *lidera, Mrs. A. Kinahan. or St. Augaistine; Ursula, Monies. Elizabeth, Gertrude, Elaine and Marcella. All Ashaeiti, as well AO hawkish' of friend* In De Iron. extend* warm sympathy to the bereaved famity, alio have in their quiet resignation given u beautiful exatuttle of faith. In memory of one who has gone we say. "May she reel In eternal peeve!" Those who at- tended the funeral of MIs,' lF1'onnor from a instance 111411111111. M1144441 Mar - gang Long and MMUS 1411111Va11. Wal- ter !Milton and Frititk O'Reilly. from Detroit. Mich.; Jno. Desmond and Len O'Reilly. of Greeniick ; Mr. and Mrs. .%. Kinalutil. Mr. a1111 MM. D. 1 101./111:1111111i. ME. Had Mrs 301.1. Bro- phy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Forehan. Mrs. F. Devereaux. Missies D. Cum. mins. 1.11.1`lia and 31 1114 ledirly„ Messrs. Thies Cummins. Gus liever- 1 aux. .‘tu. Gibbons. Jaa. teddy and Thos. Carney. of St. Augustine; Mrs. 1110. laynnoh, Mr. B. Johnston. Mrs. Jno. Ilussey and family and Mr. J. 1 Simpson. of 1 Death of Anna McKenzie -Tile 1(1e:ult. title to heart 41/411l4.e. occurred IIn St. Mary's hospital. Itetroit. Mich.. 011 Thursday. April *h. of Miss An- na li(.liettale. (laughter I of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie /Der Margaret Mc- Namara), formerly of Asigieldt. le- t -eased hdd been la failing health for same time. but hire her sufferings with patient resignation. Miss M. -- Kenzie WaM only twenty-one years 01d, IITIN as FOW was welt known in thew parts new. of her sleath was heard here with deep regret. .1 Tbs. funeral took 'Aare .it Saturday morning from b. home at •..Nri Winder street. De- troit, to the tkithislral of St. Peter sod 81. l'aul, where requiem ma PS W A II toting and/ter. Fair Hunt spoke un her beautiful life. Interment was made 1,1 Minot' Oilvet cemetery. Anna is survived by her parents and two sister.. May and Cecelia. To these we extern! sympathy in their la- rea1,1414111t. -Removal of Rev. Father Deans -The news of the removal of Her. Father Dean as the pastor of St. Joseph's church was 'ward with deep morrow by all the parishioners. For , the pa't 1144",.11 years 14e has labored faithfully amongst us. and grown dear to one 41111I 11111. Father Dean will leave [ids willweek for his new home at.Port Lamb - Be Available for gregation by- 3dr. William McCarthy and the following addre.s. 44114 read Good Shows 1. ton. currying with him the good islu.s of all. On Sunday a presenta. on was made on behalf of the 1.041- • by Mr. Andrew Martin: Dear Reverend Fathern .-The ews bait gone forth that you are leaving tts and our hearts are sad Indee(1 is we meet here today to hid you fare - .1 letter was received by the W411. Gladly would we make any ef- town clerk a few days ago from fort to keep yon with 114. but in your ods wn worthe voice that bids yon go a booking company having its forth I. for you the voice of God. /Old address in the Royal Alexandra to that lilddltig we reverently submit. Theatre' Building, Toronto, our quiet acceptance of the order. stating that a plan was being" t4 I r %I! 11( , (141CS not" take the pang worked tint to form a eirenit of rf our hearts. and we feel our loss more keenly as we realize each slay Ontario towns in Which mitsieal mom fully what your departure shows. minstrel shows and small means to ust. one 1,1" our own ley... dramatic shoWs might be put on. we were always proud of you: as a The letter asked what aecomma„ priest of God we gave you that Godench dations existed in Ooderich for whirh thP limPl'- Pt A*bfiriii have always' given to the Lord'. taking care of such engagemental anointed. and 8 5 our pastor we have and also "if the people of your loved you and depended on Ton with town would welcome this. clianee a fleVendenee that we never realized of getting legitimate touring at- unfit the newso. f your departure re- vealed it to us.. You have been to us everything that a good priest. a faith ful pastor. and a kind father i.ould Is.. When things were well with us we knew you rejoiced in our happiness!: when trouble (MP, or danger threat ened. we turned 10 you for comfort. eonfidlent always Ilf your sympathy and your help. But it was only when sickness and (tenth entered our homes that we understood fully your unfailing kindness and untiring zest Father. friend, pastor -all this you have been to ms during the years -- only too short --that you have tali with us. and now that you are lenvitig 1141 we feel Mill By bereft. Little 111 deed can 1..4. do to show our heartfelt tale but we earnestly wish you la God's blessing. in your new home. May y-itir every undertaking be crowned with 'nevem. and may you turrr we are offerhsg•for tea day* Some months ago the agent of IIgglifinuellt of Aluminum Ware, "The l)nmbbells," one of the first quality, absolutely gnieranteed.' A liac assortment of Percolators. Po- tato P44141 l'remervIng Kettles, Fay ran.. „Round !Insiders. Dairy i'aUs. Tea Kettle.. Ile.. all 'at the one price mama 99c Blackstone's Furniture Exchange 011 the Ilrenivra• of finch-41th most successful entertainment companien in Canada, was in God- erich to see what accommoda- tions could be obtained for put- ting on, their production here. He went away without making any engagement. It is being stated by opponent* of the town hall bylaw that there are no sneh Allows to be had -to help provide a revenue ,•for the town hall. The facts above rusted, deeplte rattier difikuld situation. Final settlemeat will be forthcoming in the near future. The merameut of the Lord's Supper will be administered in Benmi4ler church nett Sunday morning. The sermon -story. ''The Story of Two Young Men.- will be given at tbe evening service. BABY CARRIAGES as elaborate or simple as your taste or pocketbook dictates are to be seen here in many style& All are well made and will give good *entice. ao matter what price carriage you pkk out. Mothers should come in and asse these go-carts and carristacea which make life happier fur both moth- er and baby. J. R. WHEELER .. Farsiture Funeral Director Hatailtee Street. Godes-kat. 0.1. 10/1114-14- E. U. Cleveland BAKER Phone 114- West -Street The Home of Good Things • High-class Bread, Cakes and Pastry We specialize in - - WEDDING CAKES Phone 114 and have our rig call. ' A Last Minute Word II . The Citizens' Committee has for the last few weeks endeavored to present openly and above -board all the information pos• Bible in connection with the new town hall proposition through the local press. The opponents of this public improvement have been making a personal canvass and moat of the matter published has been to correct misleading statements that have been made 'on the street. Nothing has been published against the proposition and it is difficult to answer or know just exactly What is being said. To correct more wrong impressions some more facts are being published in this issue of the paper, which is the last before voting, and we trust that there will be no need of any further circulars to combat any erroneous statement or "roorbach" that might be sent out. THE FACTS AS PUBLISHED HAVE NEVER BEEN AND CANNOT BE CON- TRADICTED and it is hoped that the citi- zens can now vote more intelligently on this progressive proposition. Any further- lest-ashmte propaganda should be looked into carefttUretitt counted accordingly. The citizens can be aimed that every oonsideration hu been tad .Lro. vision made. . . Vote for the By-law it, .0, SEMI -TRIMMED ALL PAPE s '41100041001110411410111 state cone naive eon tentinn. 3. isprove Special Announcement We have been successful in securing, for ,Goderich and vicinity the agency for the ft4a -141 Atl% fize sr .aas4 Wood's Lavender Line of kA04.. Silk -Knit Lingerie • This Lingerie is lock -stitched and is guaranteed by the manufacturer not to run. We have in stock Vests, Bloomers and Slips • * fo.10tf: 4514Y!, ONE DEPARTMENT OF OUR STORE OF SPECIAL INTEREST JUST NOW IS THE - Wall Paper Department • t - reap a harvest of lentils that will be n Joy to you -fair jiff Weffilff:- "rSfefried on behalf of the congregation of the parish of Ashfield Jamey. Wallace. Hugh Mitrehoson. William McCarthy, Hotteph B. (tileughlln. Reverend Father Dean replied feel- Ingly. expressing Id. appreciation In • few wollehosen s ord.: and bidding farewell tl) h .orrowitui.parIshIoners Moitittay the pupils ipoltssr Fath- er Ikan to the achsfal. where MOM - Nora filenahlin rend an addreisa farewell nod tittle Frnattes Dalton: iia behalf of the seitool children. pre-• aentril him with 11 token of their re- membrance. Het hfh Wily the departing pastor. estSreedell Me pimplier at their littrwitift. a lag time that he world etre mine the children of Aqhfleld. 1 REVIIILLIBR April Ar sesff TR the following shacks: Chantilly, peach, pink, orchid, white, cinnamon pink andOdle filithekM erin froth an pt taek of arteries. Silver grey. You have to see and wear these garments to fully appreciate their splendid value. • F. E. HIBBERT Telephone Quality Merchandise at Moderate Prices Mrs. fiardlner and Mrs. Poniter •t - MOM the meeting of the 'Woman's floetety of the Presbytery at Clinton on Tuesday of this week. sad report a very inspiring meeting. .14411 firmg. Mr. .1ohn Treble, Mr. Arthur Flaher and Iter F., Poin ter attended the meeting of the emus.- *neatly..� of the various churches contervied In rearranging the work of thin and nelghborIng district.. held at gatairn on Moods* atter/moo. and re port that nothing hat the moat har- monious and gracious redrit wee 111111 l - t A to* *A* **114A A * 44° ,',Aft ;,A"'A . " , :"Itttrirt•47, O The opening of the WallPaper season is interesting time --- and this spring we have a v, 1 1, A than ever before. rztt.4•?,A,i) We invite you to see our stock of dainty new combinations, which we are showing for " "decorations. . ;•-• . 44 • A' little money spent in wall decoratingo-will .wice yotlr nOme attractive than any other Value is •vitocotirnts merch se)) Wi4 Papers •:as p ry,. es, at the low price fbrNivality goods. marked in 4. •14.1'1,4 *4.*A • Buying Connection With • 1'i I't44151.5' 9'`" "4," 44 ' tansit.. v • " eS.A. Three Large Dry Goods • , . iilc-1 111 Iv .-1- IN) 0) • :'' "ION^CCtr. iii- 'P •CLOTTIES• "ItCanBeDone!tl -FashiowCraft have proven that it could They set out to give Canada new value in suits at a pop- ular price. . . , The result of theirwork is here for you now. Suits of • fine KM --47.1C-6. -worsteds -the • newestagorings, fine tailor- ing -and value that estab- lishes a new standard at i - ---7",- $3450 A r..;iihilitt;4 W. C. Pridham & Son Men's and Boys' Wear :.,.,.,44i.H, "The Store With the Stock" Phone 57 :-: Goderich •l11.t.Vtl , silo TIRES 3o z 31/2 Fabric $ 8.5o Oversize tord i0.00 Come in and 400k them over. 1 have a large stock of all sizes to choose from. F. R. MILLER Service Station Career Elgin Ave. --Vol Vide& Stmt. P.:64414140041414041111 Aluminum Ware In co-operation with the menufate- traetions." THE SIGNAL ....ainoim amen. ^ , , v 1t A -r- DODERICII. ONT. .Plf4 4 •I 7 , KINGSBKIDGE KIM:SMUDGE. April 116. --Mr. Frank McCarthy ivai. returued from !Windt. where lie attended lite fuu- vral of Miss McKenzie. Airs. JOill) Boyle. of Goderielt, 115110(1 friends in Kingsbridge this * Miss Lillian Dalton. of Gutierich. spent the wock-etiti at her home littre. Congratulations to Nlessrs. Moroni 1)141,411. Jiw. Meyers, Gilbert Frayne and Jerry O'Connor. who nre sporting nillnew ears this spring. We are pleased to report that Mr. Thi... Garvey. who ha,. had a severe Attack of II,-uRIUa 15 reeovering. A loung Life Take. -In lketroit titintitiy iiftertesin. April iso*, 11 accident . occurred which plunged Kingsbridge lie a shroud iif gloom &lbw .Agatha O'Connor. on her day home trout Providence hospital s here «lie wits merging. was struck by a rl Alves motorist. A few hours later she died In the arms of her skiers l'reula *mutt Monica, while the last prayer's of the Church were being PM 14 by Rev. Father Henigan. Agatha was the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. 3. treontior of Rktgsbridge. and was horn February Ilth. lUdi. Noted always for her sweet. tUatelliell dbrposition. after finishing her educa- tion In the parochial* 44.11001 here. she went to tit. Joseph's hospital. Chat- ham. Ont., from which she graduated In May. 1923. 111 September she pined her sisters in Detroit and pro- . reesks1 In Iter quiet. winning way to weave herself Into the hettrts of all otho siime to know her. On Mondial night the two sisters, accompanied by Misses M. and. R. Sullivan. and Areosrs. W. j,alroIi alb! F. uttlettly. left Detroit with their sad burden amid the silent grief and sympathy of a host of friendly. On Tuesday af- (ernoon and Wednesday the body lay In its childhood 1)011114. banked with OMNI tributea and mass eards. Thurs- / day morning the solemn high funeral 111111111/41. Wait Jiang In St..-Jowsplia chorea where an Immense crowd had congre= gatcd. .t orousin. Iter. Father Mau - 1 rice Sullivan of Chatham; celebrated. and was assisted by Rer. Fathers Dean and MeArdle. Ttw funeral *444_ f$ftgctl4sfl? w.r. 11011OrdsP4 • Agatha's Mr. Walter Ihtlton. i who (htriod the mass rendered beauti- Ifully the solo "Wilt Thou hook l'pan Mr. Mother. " and at the chow Miss II. 'en 1 ta I on snug /tWet tabour of My Soul." The palibear ors were a; 10U41l'. J Oill/ N. and Denis Dalton, Leonard and /croak triti'illYi Michael Foley dud Gerald Garvey. Agatha Is survived by her fatitiserandx1 ansmother. two htutaera• joh °noun. and seven *lidera, Mrs. A. Kinahan. or St. Augaistine; Ursula, Monies. Elizabeth, Gertrude, Elaine and Marcella. All Ashaeiti, as well AO hawkish' of friend* In De Iron. extend* warm sympathy to the bereaved famity, alio have in their quiet resignation given u beautiful exatuttle of faith. In memory of one who has gone we say. "May she reel In eternal peeve!" Those who at- tended the funeral of MIs,' lF1'onnor from a instance 111411111111. M1144441 Mar - gang Long and MMUS 1411111Va11. Wal- ter !Milton and Frititk O'Reilly. from Detroit. Mich.; Jno. Desmond and Len O'Reilly. of Greeniick ; Mr. and Mrs. .%. Kinalutil. Mr. a1111 MM. D. 1 101./111:1111111i. ME. Had Mrs 301.1. Bro- phy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Forehan. Mrs. F. Devereaux. Missies D. Cum. mins. 1.11.1`lia and 31 1114 ledirly„ Messrs. Thies Cummins. Gus liever- 1 aux. .‘tu. Gibbons. Jaa. teddy and Thos. Carney. of St. Augustine; Mrs. 1110. laynnoh, Mr. B. Johnston. Mrs. Jno. Ilussey and family and Mr. J. 1 Simpson. of 1 Death of Anna McKenzie -Tile 1(1e:ult. title to heart 41/411l4.e. occurred IIn St. Mary's hospital. Itetroit. Mich.. 011 Thursday. April *h. of Miss An- na li(.liettale. (laughter I of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie /Der Margaret Mc- Namara), formerly of Asigieldt. le- t -eased hdd been la failing health for same time. but hire her sufferings with patient resignation. Miss M. -- Kenzie WaM only twenty-one years 01d, IITIN as FOW was welt known in thew parts new. of her sleath was heard here with deep regret. .1 Tbs. funeral took 'Aare .it Saturday morning from b. home at •..Nri Winder street. De- troit, to the tkithislral of St. Peter sod 81. l'aul, where requiem ma PS W A II toting and/ter. Fair Hunt spoke un her beautiful life. Interment was made 1,1 Minot' Oilvet cemetery. Anna is survived by her parents and two sister.. May and Cecelia. To these we extern! sympathy in their la- rea1,1414111t. -Removal of Rev. Father Deans -The news of the removal of Her. Father Dean as the pastor of St. Joseph's church was 'ward with deep morrow by all the parishioners. For , the pa't 1144",.11 years 14e has labored faithfully amongst us. and grown dear to one 41111I 11111. Father Dean will leave [ids willweek for his new home at.Port Lamb - Be Available for gregation by- 3dr. William McCarthy and the following addre.s. 44114 read Good Shows 1. ton. currying with him the good islu.s of all. On Sunday a presenta. on was made on behalf of the 1.041- • by Mr. Andrew Martin: Dear Reverend Fathern .-The ews bait gone forth that you are leaving tts and our hearts are sad Indee(1 is we meet here today to hid you fare - .1 letter was received by the W411. Gladly would we make any ef- town clerk a few days ago from fort to keep yon with 114. but in your ods wn worthe voice that bids yon go a booking company having its forth I. for you the voice of God. /Old address in the Royal Alexandra to that lilddltig we reverently submit. Theatre' Building, Toronto, our quiet acceptance of the order. stating that a plan was being" t4 I r %I! 11( , (141CS not" take the pang worked tint to form a eirenit of rf our hearts. and we feel our loss more keenly as we realize each slay Ontario towns in Which mitsieal mom fully what your departure shows. minstrel shows and small means to ust. one 1,1" our own ley... dramatic shoWs might be put on. we were always proud of you: as a The letter asked what aecomma„ priest of God we gave you that Godench dations existed in Ooderich for whirh thP limPl'- Pt A*bfiriii have always' given to the Lord'. taking care of such engagemental anointed. and 8 5 our pastor we have and also "if the people of your loved you and depended on Ton with town would welcome this. clianee a fleVendenee that we never realized of getting legitimate touring at- unfit the newso. f your departure re- vealed it to us.. You have been to us everything that a good priest. a faith ful pastor. and a kind father i.ould Is.. When things were well with us we knew you rejoiced in our happiness!: when trouble (MP, or danger threat ened. we turned 10 you for comfort. eonfidlent always Ilf your sympathy and your help. But it was only when sickness and (tenth entered our homes that we understood fully your unfailing kindness and untiring zest Father. friend, pastor -all this you have been to ms during the years -- only too short --that you have tali with us. and now that you are lenvitig 1141 we feel Mill By bereft. Little 111 deed can 1..4. do to show our heartfelt tale but we earnestly wish you la God's blessing. in your new home. May y-itir every undertaking be crowned with 'nevem. and may you turrr we are offerhsg•for tea day* Some months ago the agent of IIgglifinuellt of Aluminum Ware, "The l)nmbbells," one of the first quality, absolutely gnieranteed.' A liac assortment of Percolators. Po- tato P44141 l'remervIng Kettles, Fay ran.. „Round !Insiders. Dairy i'aUs. Tea Kettle.. Ile.. all 'at the one price mama 99c Blackstone's Furniture Exchange 011 the Ilrenivra• of finch-41th most successful entertainment companien in Canada, was in God- erich to see what accommoda- tions could be obtained for put- ting on, their production here. He went away without making any engagement. It is being stated by opponent* of the town hall bylaw that there are no sneh Allows to be had -to help provide a revenue ,•for the town hall. The facts above rusted, deeplte rattier difikuld situation. Final settlemeat will be forthcoming in the near future. The merameut of the Lord's Supper will be administered in Benmi4ler church nett Sunday morning. The sermon -story. ''The Story of Two Young Men.- will be given at tbe evening service. BABY CARRIAGES as elaborate or simple as your taste or pocketbook dictates are to be seen here in many style& All are well made and will give good *entice. ao matter what price carriage you pkk out. Mothers should come in and asse these go-carts and carristacea which make life happier fur both moth- er and baby. J. R. WHEELER .. Farsiture Funeral Director Hatailtee Street. Godes-kat. 0.1. 10/1114-14- E. U. Cleveland BAKER Phone 114- West -Street The Home of Good Things • High-class Bread, Cakes and Pastry We specialize in - - WEDDING CAKES Phone 114 and have our rig call. ' A Last Minute Word II . The Citizens' Committee has for the last few weeks endeavored to present openly and above -board all the information pos• Bible in connection with the new town hall proposition through the local press. The opponents of this public improvement have been making a personal canvass and moat of the matter published has been to correct misleading statements that have been made 'on the street. Nothing has been published against the proposition and it is difficult to answer or know just exactly What is being said. To correct more wrong impressions some more facts are being published in this issue of the paper, which is the last before voting, and we trust that there will be no need of any further circulars to combat any erroneous statement or "roorbach" that might be sent out. THE FACTS AS PUBLISHED HAVE NEVER BEEN AND CANNOT BE CON- TRADICTED and it is hoped that the citi- zens can now vote more intelligently on this progressive proposition. Any further- lest-ashmte propaganda should be looked into carefttUretitt counted accordingly. The citizens can be aimed that every oonsideration hu been tad .Lro. vision made. . . Vote for the By-law it, .0, SEMI -TRIMMED ALL PAPE s '41100041001110411410111 state cone naive eon tentinn. 3. isprove Special Announcement We have been successful in securing, for ,Goderich and vicinity the agency for the ft4a -141 Atl% fize sr .aas4 Wood's Lavender Line of kA04.. Silk -Knit Lingerie • This Lingerie is lock -stitched and is guaranteed by the manufacturer not to run. We have in stock Vests, Bloomers and Slips • * fo.10tf: 4514Y!, ONE DEPARTMENT OF OUR STORE OF SPECIAL INTEREST JUST NOW IS THE - Wall Paper Department • t - reap a harvest of lentils that will be n Joy to you -fair jiff Weffilff:- "rSfefried on behalf of the congregation of the parish of Ashfield Jamey. Wallace. Hugh Mitrehoson. William McCarthy, Hotteph B. (tileughlln. Reverend Father Dean replied feel- Ingly. expressing Id. appreciation In • few wollehosen s ord.: and bidding farewell tl) h .orrowitui.parIshIoners Moitittay the pupils ipoltssr Fath- er Ikan to the achsfal. where MOM - Nora filenahlin rend an addreisa farewell nod tittle Frnattes Dalton: iia behalf of the seitool children. pre-• aentril him with 11 token of their re- membrance. Het hfh Wily the departing pastor. estSreedell Me pimplier at their littrwitift. a lag time that he world etre mine the children of Aqhfleld. 1 REVIIILLIBR April Ar sesff TR the following shacks: Chantilly, peach, pink, orchid, white, cinnamon pink andOdle filithekM erin froth an pt taek of arteries. Silver grey. You have to see and wear these garments to fully appreciate their splendid value. • F. E. HIBBERT Telephone Quality Merchandise at Moderate Prices Mrs. fiardlner and Mrs. Poniter •t - MOM the meeting of the 'Woman's floetety of the Presbytery at Clinton on Tuesday of this week. sad report a very inspiring meeting. .14411 firmg. Mr. .1ohn Treble, Mr. Arthur Flaher and Iter F., Poin ter attended the meeting of the emus.- *neatly..� of the various churches contervied In rearranging the work of thin and nelghborIng district.. held at gatairn on Moods* atter/moo. and re port that nothing hat the moat har- monious and gracious redrit wee 111111 l - t A to* *A* **114A A * 44° ,',Aft ;,A"'A . " , :"Itttrirt•47, O The opening of the WallPaper season is interesting time --- and this spring we have a v, 1 1, A than ever before. rztt.4•?,A,i) We invite you to see our stock of dainty new combinations, which we are showing for " "decorations. . ;•-• . 44 • A' little money spent in wall decoratingo-will .wice yotlr nOme attractive than any other Value is •vitocotirnts merch se)) Wi4 Papers •:as p ry,. es, at the low price fbrNivality goods. marked in 4. •14.1'1,4 *4.*A • Buying Connection With • 1'i I't44151.5' 9'`" "4," 44 ' tansit.. v • " eS.A. Three Large Dry Goods •