HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-05, Page 4CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingluun, Phone 48 d. H: CRAWFORD, Q.C, R, S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. itri BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Money to loan OffiCelil;Yer MeekWhigham WELLINGTON FIRE Insuritnee Company Est. 1810 An all Canadian Company Which hats faithfully served Its policy holders for OVer a century. ' Head Office = Toronto IL Ci. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham • " -.Notice to% • Watet'corisurners: .. lit • .• • • The hou.rs ..for • watering lawns . and ri U U it U billed, accordingly. . ii • bile Ut win m 1 SUperintendent . 77,= • • -- „. ;111111.111.1111111101111111111,111•1111111110111111111111111•111.1111.111.1111111P11011211111I IIII5 gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount .of 10 per cent, is made fore the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone feu watering lawns or, gardens, who a ' has not paid for this service will be \ f. .44 ''-er ,',t1ttom!",400" VOW' "Plo 1VIMIg,lliAila Adrtufee-Tillier W4:4Iiiestl81Y, Sept, lith, ateib• tke,I 414, MEAT riot SA/X. GOOD BEEF for sale by the quer- t9e. Beef 41110 Tinder license ,trorn. the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY- NARP ACKERT, Ho ly r o o d, phone 24-3Q, Ripley, lerrb PRESSED CHICKENS for sale, 6 to .8 lbs. Anply to Mrs. Her- old Elliott, phone 709w4, 22rr13h TEN USED COMBINES, P1111 type, irro and motor, AC H-10, Case, 095 up, New threshers, $1500 complete. Used threshers, $100 up. George South, Heatlicote, Ont. (near Thornbury), 27:5b SEED WHEAT and "%VENTER, BARLEY Wg bave a quantity of.Genesee 134.gistered No, 1 'winter Wheat for seed, Also No, 1 commercial winter barley for seed.—Howeon and. UpwSon Ltd. 29,5,12b WALNUT CHINA CABINET for sale, three shelves, drawer and glass •door, Phone 435J,' 5:12:19b CORN, BEETS, Carrots,- and. Tom-" atoes for sale. Apply to George Eaird, Town Plot, 5* ftED-SUSSEX PULLETS for sale, ready to lay. Phone 5r31, Belmare. ,5* 1 USED GRAIN PLATFORM for sale, complete With, sides. Tudan Feeds, phone Arthur 87. 5b PEACHES—Vedette and Hale Haven canning peaches now ready. Bartlett pears ready the ' end of the week."Elberta peaches in ten days to two weeks. Come to Govenlock Orchards, one mile north of Forest, on Blue Water Highway. GARDEN CORN for sale. Apply to Ken Dickson, Belmore, .5:12* C,C.11/1. BICYCLE 26 inch wheels for sale, good condition. Stewart Musgrave; phone Wrox- eter 10r6. . 5* CARLOAD OF• SPRUCE lumber 'just arrived. Call in and see us about your requirements, Wing- ham SaWmill Co. Ltd. Phone 576, 5b = 3-PIECE. CHESTERFIELD suite, 2 burner electric range, Maytag washing machine for sale. Apply to Jim Thompson, phone 471J. 5b 1949 VAUXHALL 6 cylinder, good • condition, $200 will buy it. Phone 967M. • WHITE ENAMELLED cook stove and a coal space heater for sale. ' Phone 453. 5* 1951 INTERNATIONAL Model 120, Pickup, 8 ft. box. Good condition, 2 new heavy duty tires. Apply ,Stan Kay, ER. 4, Wingharn, phone 642W2.. FARM PRODUCE for sale, home grown, fresh front the field sweet table 'corn, special freezer corn,. cucumbers,' table and pickling sizee,,,, dill, etc. phone 407. 5:12* COLONIALTIANO, and bench for sale, good condition. Phone 63232. 5b• 114, CI-AV...SEDAN,. good clear 'ear, Priced to sell, Wingham Body Shop. 175 REDxSUSSEX PULLETS, 6 months old, laying for sale. Phone 779J21. 5* 12 CHUNKS for sale, apply to Itayeriand Elliott, phone 709J2, Wingham. 5* GENERAL BULLDOZING PIGGING STUMPS, stones, haw- thorns, fence bottoms; new land cleared and 'Worked; logs skid- ded; latens levelled, back-filling, Boss Hastings, phohe 740, Wing- ham. 25,11•27S* LOST p1/2 " BELT,lostbetween'Con, 6 and 8; Tuenberiat. Finder please content .Fred Lewis, phone 18r9 Wrtneeter. WANTED v:4.4444,4 CHERRY' LOGS Wanted. Highest .caSh Iirice9 paid, Apply to Wing- barn Sawmill Co., phone 576, 29:5:12b BAILED WHEAT STRAW Wanted, :Phone 80, Wroxeter; 5* PEABSTOOK ,WANTED DEALSTOCK REMOVED from o• ;Mir fatin prOmptly for Sanitary then0801. Telephone co 11. e Pithrierston 123W-, Derhett 398 or 'VVingliant 878,. GORDON YOUNG LXMITED, lath rieeaffirmatieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oo BILLING CLERK,CASSIER ter the Wingham: Public Utilities. -office, to work full or -pert time. Typing, but not shorthand, re- corired, Apply by letter ,only give ing full particulars of training • and. experience, 29rrb FOR. PART TIME WORK, 3 or 4 mornings a week. Apply to Mrs, C, J. Taylor, phone 11. WOMAN interested in, a fascinat- ing and profitable career as a Beauty Counselor. Earn while you learn. Managerial position for right person, Apply Mrs. Margaret Robinson, Palmerston. 5b REAL ESTATE NINE-ROOMED FRAME dwelling on Minnie Street, e-roomed apart- ment upstairs and .4 rooms down, Immediate possession Of down- stairs. Phone 453, 8 BOOM FRAME HOUSE on Mill Street in Wroxeter for sale:. Also one lot for sale on Anne Street, Phone 98 Wroxeter or the Wroxeter Post Office. 5:12:19b 4,'BEDROOM FRAME HOUSE with 3,-piece bath for sale, 2-piece bath downstairs, dining, living room, ,kitchen, -utility room, all modern. Box 70, Advance-Times. 5b WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, 6 or 7 room house in . Wingham. Reliable ten- ants, phone 140. ROOM AND BOARD. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WANTED by young man. Apply to Box 69, Advance-Times. 5b BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED, Apply to Box 68, Advance-Times. 5b STRAYED PIG STRAYED to the premises of lot 24, Con. B of Turnberry Twp., on Highway 86, Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement. R. J. Laidlaw, MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION ALL FARMERS in the Belmore area. In order to satisfy all farmers Jas. Struthers & Son livestock shippers at Bel- more will have 'two complete marketing systems. On Tuesday of each week they will be ship- ping all hogs FOB to' a graded and inspected plant with no ex- penses to the farmer. Highest market prices paid. On Wednes- day of each week we will be shipping through the Hog Pro- ducers' Market. Board to stock yards in either Toronto or Kit- chener. Phone Belmore 22 or Wroxeter 20r21. 5:121) IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special . 7 rates for fermsrs. ,For further' information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phohe 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or IVIildmay 130r12 be-- tween 7.30 and ,9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available — top quality at Iow Cost." 25rrb NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS ry YOU ARE planning a building project this summer, we are in a position to give you first class service for your cement work, House basements and floors, barn while and fleore (completed in one, pour, Centact IVIade Christensen, phone 1.1r7, /Myth. 25rrrb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Coat Einancitg Service with complete ItisiiratiCe 'Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT ohOtie 298 Wingham' , • • ,„ OM) OP 'THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank mrs. E, Morrey, the nursing staff of the Wingilem. General, Hospital also Dr, P. Leal* for the 'kind ntte6- titi, giVett Me while al; Vittiett the Winghttra 'Odiginiltert $ic NOTICE As of this date, anYene %tending credit to Mrs. Herold. Whitehead must do so at their own risk, Hat'- Old Whitehead, • Oh COMING EVENTS SPARERIBS, Sauerkrant, served every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at Commercial Hotel, Forniosa, 9;45,19* AUCTION SALE • of household furniture and 101121elnents will be held in Gorrie at the' residence- of .ELIKER DOWNIE on • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 8, at 2 pan. John Dinsmore, Auetioneer, 5* PUBLIC AUCTION By PUBLIC AUCTION household effects and chattels, garden tools, carpenter tools for sale, Real estate also be offered 'bar gale subject to resreve bid, on Saturday, September ,15 at 1:30 ,p.m. A, C. Adams, John Street,. Wingham. ' 5:11h -CLEARING AUCUION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE , Centre Street, WINGHAM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th 1;30 p.m. Chrome kitchen suite; Refriger- ator, nearly new; Westinghouse automatic washer, nearly new; Beach Electric Range with table top; pop-Up Toaster, Electric Kettle; Sandwich Toaster; Electric Clock; Sunbeam Mix-Master, with mincer; China Dishes and Cooking Utensils; Chest of Silverware, white &chid; Kitchen Cupboard,' 2 power Lawn Mowers; 24-foot Extension Ladder; Step Ladder; Carpenter Tools; Skill. Saw, new; Blow Torch; 21-inch Westinghouse' T.V., new; Writing Desk; Combina- tion Radio•Thonograph; 3-Speed Record Player; Studio Couch; Cof- fee Table; 2 Occasional Chairs; Tri-Light Lamp; Book Case; Im- perial Loyalist Dining Room Suite; Iniperial Loyalist Lamp; 2 Single Beds; 2 Night Tables; Desk, 3. Lawn Chairs; Continental Bed; 3 Table Lamps; Portable Singer Sew- ing Machine; Vaccum Cleaner and Polisher; Bathroom Scales; 9x12 Axminster Rug, new. Terms - Cash REAL PROPERTY 6-room Brick Dwelling with 3- piece bath and Automatic oil fur- nace, Hardwood Floors, Modern Kitchen. ' Terms on Real Estate-10 per cent down on day of sale, halance in. 15 days. Real Estate offered sub- ject to a reserve bide Bob Rider, Proprietor. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer, • 5b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FLORA * McCALLUM ALL PERSONS having .clainiso against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, Courity.of Huron, Spin- ster, who died on the tenth day of July, 1956, are required to file proof of same with the undersign:- ed on or before the eighth day of September, 1956, After that date the executrixes will proceed to distribute the es- tate.„ naniiig, regard, only :to: the -then, haVel-M,4 the 6: *J. DATED at Wingam this 21st day of August, 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ont. Solicitors for the Executrixes. 22,29,5b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE- ESTATE OF PETER MOFFATT ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate, of the above mentioned late of the Township of Morris, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the seventh day of August, 1956, are required to file proof of seine with the -un- dersigned on Or before the eighth day of September, 1956, After that, date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to tile claims of which he shall then' have hhd notice, DATED at Wingham this 21et day of August, 1956. CRAWFORD & (HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22,29,5b CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to Father Durand, to. the staff arid nurses of Wirighain sal Hospital, and also to Drs, /3. N. Corrin arid C Hiltt for the Many kindnesses shown to Miss Sadie McCormick during her re- cent illneeeeeThe McCormick Irani-, 5* Miss S. McCormick Dies at Hospital A life-long resident of this dis- trict, Miss Sarah (Sadie) Mccoe, nalek pasaed away on Thurday at the Wingham General Hospital. Miss McCormick, who was 73 years Of age, was a -daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Donald McCormick, and was born, in COlreSs 'TWA ship, She is survived 'by two brdthers, Frank, of Winghan-Vand John, of Cuirass, and five sisters, Mrs. Ca- tharine Roth, Forest, Mrs, Isabel Young, Wingham; ;Mrs. Leah Fitz, patrielt, Kitchener; Mrs, Effie Possorek and".Sister Innocentia, both of Detroit, Requiem High Mass was sung in Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, on Saturday Morning, by Father R. Durand and • interment was in the TeasWater Roman Catholic cemetery,, Pallbearers were ne- phews of the deceased, Harold, William and Donald McCormick, Prank Roth,- Frank McKenzie and Donald Cronin.. Former Resident Dies at Teeswater The death of a former. resident of Wingham. occurred in Teeswater Amos Attwood, 57, died at the home on Tueaday of lapt reek. Mre, of her daughter, Mrs. Douglas Mc- Donald. • Born in Toronto, Mrs. Attwood resided in Fordwich and Wingliain before moving to • Teeswater in 1933. , She id. survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs, McDonald, of 'Teeswater and Mis: Ruth Mora- son, Toronto, ,and one sort, John, of Owen Sound. • Services were conducted at the.. Church funeral home in -Teeewater. on Friday at 2:p.m. by *Rev. Fred Starkey, of the Teeswater United ChUrch. Interment was in the Teeswater cemetery. 4) DIED KELLY—In Calgary, Alberta, Clif- ford A. Kelly, beloved, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kelly; of Belgrave, brother of Russell, Torento and one sister Lois ('Mrs.0 '. Morgan) of Ailsa, Craig. Funerdf, arrangements are not yet cont plete. TELFER—In St, Joseph's Hospital; London, on Sunday, September 2nd., 1956, Matthew W. Telfer, husband of the former Christina Rintoel, of Wingliam. Besides his' wife he is survived by.one rianghe; ter, Helen, (Mrs. William Spector Kensington, Maryland), also sur,,, vine one sister and one brother, He resided in Wingham" prior to going to Parkhill. His wife, is a sister of Mrs. Fred MacLean of Shuter Street. TENDERS FOR WINGHAM ' PUBLIC SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS plainly mark- ed as •to contents and addressed to,;the uhndersigned, will be, received dour 'AVEBNESI P. ktik, SEPT.'"19t1V195if for General Contract Work on 4 room addition to above School. room addition to above School. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Architects at: address shown below. A deposit of $25.06 by cheque ie. required.for each set of plans and specifications.' This deposit is forfeited if said plans and specifications are not' received at this office intact and in good condition within 10 days , of tender closing date, SUB CONTRACTORS may view the plans and specifications at the office of the Chairman of the Scheel Board, S C. Reid, at CKNX-TV, Wingham, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. KYLES & KYLES Architects, 247 John Street S., ,Hamilton, Ont. 5:12b Legion Makes Plans For Armistice Day The' monthly meeting of •the Wingham Brelleh of the Canadian Legion was held in Wingham last Wednesday evening, John Pattison, president, was in the chair. A. M. "Scotty" 'Forbes, Ontario Provincial Command Service Bu- reau officer, was introduced by the president, Mr. Forbes was in Wing- ham on vacation and, had looked in on his old branch to see how it was doing. ,Scotty congratulated the members oh the meeting and Said that althceigh he was not at- tending in any official capacity, he would be delighted to, come at any time and disctiss,problems or give information on the work of the Command. He . .was accorded a warm• invitation to., do so at some future date, • It was suggested that a light be erected over -the entrance to the Legion Home on 'John. Street and that a railing be put up there. Comrade Adams mentioned ' that aeveral, weeks ago ,%a, lady fell' on the steps and it • was ,felt that a railing was , necessary ' ID prevent futher ,mishaps. It wa's decided to repair the steps, erect railings and to put a light over -the entrance. The Salvation Army Band from Hamilton 'is to be contacted by the Winghain Branch of the Legion, to lead the Remembrance- Day church parade to be held on Sun:: day, November 11th: One of The Salvation Arrhy officials will be the speaker on that occasion, The 'president read a letter he had received front the Clinton Branch, outlining a magazine sub- scription scheme for Huron County in which , the, proceeds would 'be used to purchase wheelchairs, hos- pital beds, crutches and other items to be loaned to residents in the county without charge. Mr. Patti- son explained to the •members that all the 'items were already avail- able free • of charge through the Red Cross Society and it would, in his estimation be duplicating the present services. President Patti-- see said he had been approached by a representative of a publishing, company and had refused to have anything to do with the scheme, but he felt that it was for the' branch to make a decision on the matter. •After a discussion it was decided, that the members would• iiiveatiga.tn,the 'Preneaal before reaching a conclusion,. Three applications to join the branch were received from Wing- ham residents and two new mem- bers were installed at the meeting. A 16 •m.m. motion picttire sound projector had been' offered for sale to ,the Legion and -it was, decided that.the machine should be demon- strated towards the close of •the' meeting, TwO films were shown to enable the members to judge the quality of the projector and after seeing the films and examining the Machine, it was determined that it should not he purchased. Police Investigating Accident To Girl Darlene Campbell, 18-year-old naegliter of Mr ..and Gladwyn qa.7001,.0 .0#0g_nY. a car on lqiiiidEly night. Miss Campbell re- ceived painful injuries to her back. After being X-rayed at Wingham General Hospital, she was allowed home, The 'accident ,was investi- gated by O.P.P, Constable Mc- Donald, Walkerton. CARD OF THANKS , would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my friends, neighbors and relatives ' who re- membered me with gifts, cards arid flowers, While a patient in the hos- pital, Special thanks to Mrs. Mor- rey, Drs. G. F. Mills, W. A. Craw- ford and W. A. MclCibbon, and the staff at the Wingham General Hope pital.—Mrs. Ira McLean, 5* Warning for them. They are actual- ly in much more danger of becom- ing alcoholics than their husbands. A hundred-pound woman would suffer just twine the harm from alcohol that her twcebundred pound husband would, for the ef- feets are directly proportional to body weight.—Advt. tb •:•-central Press Canadian • ' When Argos 4aced the power- ful Montreal Alouettes, in their Big Four opener, at Montreal, Scullers young • Canadian quarterbacic, Gerry. Doucette, ; 22, etherged as the - individual' hero of .the hard-fought contest. The first • homebred to. start • at the pivot spot for a Big Four team in seven-years, Gerry played •the whole game and almost made supporters forget the talents of ‘, regular quarterback Torn Dublin- ski, who is suffering from a knee injury. Although Montreal. edged Argos,' 24-20, Doucette completed 14 of 24 passes, in- cluding a 69-yard toss. Macadam Roads. Had Early Beginning • One of'the men whose -name has passed into 'the language 'because 'of 'a • notable discovery was born two hundred years ago, on Sep- tember,. 21, 1,756. He was John London: Macadam, A Scotsman, he lived niost, of his life in Eng- land, but resided for a .time in the United 'States. ,According to the Book of Knowledge Macadam achieved lasting fame by discov- ering- a simple fact that if .a roadway is well drained, a layer of irregular 'Stones a foot thick, with., smaller stet-Ms on ton of it,. natitee '.`'a ra tiiarlcably' good' surface 'for horse-drawn vehicles, Maeadarn roads were .first: used in the early part of the nine- teenth 'century and thousands of miles were 1 subsequently built in England, the "United States and elsewhere, With the' coming of automobile-travel:other road-mak- ing methods 'were devised, becarise the rubber tires did not grind enough rock dust to cement the stones properly, Furthermore, the swiftly mooing tires sucked up the dust that was already there and' finally the Macadam road would in 'a condition where it could no 'longer shed rain water and holes and ruts developed: When painting with a roller, line the paint tray with heavy alumi- num foil, It saves much scouring; im sok Et 0111 I LEE'S TAXI, I 24-hour Service I PHONE s :INSURED WHILE YOU I I RIDE L 1. 11111 Complete Real Estate Service List your farm, home or business with ... 4.0m,10,j,,ok14,0AA0$0kliooboowovioto00001uAlboi, WANTED THEATRE CASHIER MALE OR FEMALE Hours 7 p„m. 11 p„rn, . Phone 233 after 6 Pan, LYCEUM THEATRE Alton B, Adams ,n,$)swoolal . . ..................... .. . slifitOmrmilmmiumputmMOW4010,01.1 i1WWP1110)MPA00,WIWIla • Hullo Folks! ' The most heavily taxed people in the country are those who drive cars and. drink liquor, They are, often, of course, the same people, Almost anyone will agree that liquor is a iwolry, but whyshould cars be taxed , as if they were something that was bad for you, . , . . . • The figures to .prOye just how • much. of a luxury cars really are to . the •Caltadian people 'Caine - to' me • a little while ago from •oile -of the automobile trade associations. - . They showed that 54 out of every.100 families in this country own one or more cars. : Ontario, is 'way ahead in ear ownership with 65 out of every 100 families owning. cars, Tile Maritimes have the lowest with only 34 in. every 100 poodles. '. . - Since we are in .the' business of „sailing .eemunitical transporta- tion, this is the,figure that -really interested me: in •65 percent of the - families that own . cars, ' the chief - bread- winner 'earns..leSs limn $60 a. Week. - -Here's another figuie.thiat caught my eyel of all • 'the families. in Canada . supported by someone - ;earning less than $2000 a year, nearly half own. at 'least one car. , ' .: Farniere ,Own a higher percentage of •ears than ' city residents,-this research showed, And mother interesting thing: nearly 'half of all tins cars on Canadian 'roads arc 10. years old or more, These figures meant to nie that alMoSt anyone with a job can afford a oar 'to make Shopping, Oz. going to week, family outings and. life „in- general ' l'°80){En Moir usedN ear lot we have cars to suit every' pocketbook, 'so much easier. • , , , . -cars that prove what this .survey showed, that cars are no longer 6' "-'1114x1etis il..;:i - cars are in •excellent • condition and on our let right . - tw now, , 1955, Ford Sedan .— two tone Blue &. White, custom. radio, turn signals, heater, -.Ake new. .8, 'heater - vary Gleam r..c1.957.2.7•ill,,.lot:rilr:Sett;01:1. ,t, T BIltte &5;White, cuStom radio, turn , signals, . . , - 0 . ' V1.14-. BUSINESS, and PROFESSIONAL' DIRECTORY A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every 'Wedneeday, aftermion, 2-4 p.m, or by' appointment, Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTONETRISTS PHONE 118 Holliston, Ontario .FOR ,SALE HELP WANTED-.FEMALE. Box liolclere Names Not Given Out k strictly againitt Our rvilkSiE Aittitigo the MIMS or AddreSS 'it Any ,wheettitioie wine an E. Mvaiiite-'Mmes Boa Nutniter,•1 ,do not risk its for till,i W01134100, 0000Prirrririr lerieferreinfieliale Pi G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St, Wingham Phone '/10 "GOOD' SPORTS" "It might he that CEtnadlan WO- men try to be -geed sports and match drinks with •their men." Dr. Gordon Bell, special lecturer . on aleoholiarri at the University of Toronto,. suggests the above pas- sible reason Why there are rnoee Women drinkers in Canada than hi the United States, Dr. Bell has been associated with the treatment of about 3,000 alcoholics ' and problem cirlitker6, His Wards Should carry weight,. The Alcohol Research Ftitiride- tion of Ontario, • with which Dr, Bell has worked, reports that 64% Of Canediati Wendell take a drink, compared to the United States, In addition to this •Stattlink Statistic thete is tile sobering Met. that betWeeli 1944 and 1952 the: number of Wentelt fildehOlics in Canada inereased, by '60%. It any e( alit Canadian women lire'lire'ttrying to Mitch deliika with . their Medi I7r, ie1X b9.1 Ia 40116%bi' WILLIAM REED • WINGHAM PRONE 292M Salesirian for Lloyd Michel Real Estate, Business 'Broker Brussels, Ont, 109 ACRE FARM With extra large barn,, cement house with furnace, hydro, hot and cold water and other convenienies; drilled well, implement shed. 'Pig pen, hen house. This farm is in excellent state of cultivation, located at Con. 19, lot 25, Culross, All enituiries should be addressed to Dryden Green, R.R. Noo 1, Holyrood, Ontario. This ativelhtifletnent ,puldisited Free by A1,1,060 IPAAT4 tilgiMitlEtt„ thiAdoks Street:, London) ()Mari°. ' s • or • • RONALD G. MCCANN Public Accountant ()trite: Royal tank Eldg. IteSidence: Plitteributy St, Phonos tot 34 485 CtiliTtor ONTARIO