HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-09-05, Page 1:GIRLS, 'WE LOVE YOU!. " which s iRl alai mod the..•,00i VIN GRAM, ONTARIO, WVIDN Married Fifty Yea)'s Mr"; and Mrs.- Alex Hackett, Wingham, who celebrated their gelden wedding on Wednesday of this week. Railway on Mail Service Cuts ommittee Named to Oppose ity •The Pedestrian BACK TO TOWN--ForgOt to tell you last week that Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, who have resided in Seaforth, for the past few years, have moved back to Wingham, much to the joy of their many friends here. They are occupying anepartment In the W. W, `Arm- strong home. O - 0 - 0 -.NO SERIOUS MISHAPS--Fron- tier Days were not marred by any serious accidents, despite the crowds which thronged t h streets, One1 llttle girl was knock- down by a Car, but :fortunately 'her" injuries were not serloUs. With the exception of a few drted fenders. and one car door pushed in, the . remainder of the" celebration was without accident. Speaks well for. the local police. force, , • O - 0 THE .GOLDEN ROOM—Mr, and Mira, Alex Hackett held a wedding anniversary, dinner in the, Bruns- aS wick Hotel„ on Wednesday evening'. in :the hotel's new dining •• room. This was , •the first Ocoaeion in which the, new dining TOM had ••been used. ,It's nice to think the occasion was ft Golden VVeelding, anniversary. • O - 0 - MAITLAND LODGE No. 00 WATS ON SEPTEMBER, 601 Maitland Lodge 119'. will begin Its regular Meetings err Thiirsday, BepteMber, 6th at 8,80 p.m., In the lodge reoniS, There , Gaeta business on hand ae, tifelloWa are urged t attend. P29161t • Thirty-five delegates from muni- cipalities in the counties of Huron, Perth, Bruce and Wellington gath- ered in the town hall here last Friday evening to discuss some form of action to meet the threat of railway service curtailment, The gathering was also attended by •L. E. Cardiff, M.P. for Huron, Marvin Howe, _ Wellington- Huron, John W. Hanna, M.F.P., Huron-Bruce and ...T. W, M.P., Perth— • The. Arteating Was- PPArkerl,' .a • public notice which had been placed on post offices in this area, asking' for "bids" On a "tempor- ary arrangement" for carrying the mails other than by railroad. The bids were to be in by Saturday, Sept. 1st. • ' Representatives from. the towns and townships wh,lch will be af- fected by the rail cuts, if and when they occur,, voiced the opinion' that every indloation point- ed to the curtailment taking 'place 'at once. Chief concern in, the matter, of course, arises from the fact that the:rains/ay company was on the brink of curtailing services four years. ago. At that time it NVas propoSed that not wily mail, but passenger and exprebs service be eco ec COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, Alex' Hackett, of Wingharn, -.celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Wednes- day, September 5th. They had, dinner at the Brunswick Hotel and later a family reunion was held, in their Wingham home. Among the many relatives and friends of the couple who were with them on the happy occasion, were, their 13 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Also present' were Mr. and Mrs. Hackett!s five children, four boys and a girl. Three of the boys;, Clifford',: Torn and ,Alex, are now farming the .300 acres in Ashfield Township, first settled 115 years ago in the Hack- ett name. The other son, IVrelyin, works in' the Canadian Bank' Of Commerce, at Tillsonburg. Maizie, the daughter, is now Mrs. Pharia Mather.; of Kinloss. Jenny Hackett, sister of Mr, Hackett,, who was a .bridesmaid,. and Mr., George,Hunter, brother of.' Mrs. Hackett,' .who acted as . a- greomsman,, when Mr. and Mrs. Hackett were married at .Ashfield on September 5th, 1906, 'were also present. Mr. and Mrs, Hackett have lived in Wingham for the past ten. years. Before coming to town they. farmed at Ashlield. ' WON PRIZES ON FRONTIER DAYS The - feiloWing:,were winners in the variona contests.; in. connection: With Frontier Days; Best frontier -boy,' Jon 13titeson; frontier girl, Marjorie Kieffer; doll buggy, Juliet Adams, Lois and Donna ShoWers; decorated bike, Alan Campbell and Sue Nesmith; decorated tricycle, Connie. Cath- ers and Mary Showers; decorated Wagon, Jim Nasmith; Corinne Kief- fer; Indian costume, the 'Minnie Street Tribe, of Winghamc. and Lonnie Boucher; Indian princess Karen Elliott and Debbie Foxton; cowboy, Douglas Elliott and Barrie Conron; cowgirl, 'Cheryl Scott and Freda Lott; comic dregs, Sheila CreWson, Paul Strong/ and Greg Brent. Judges of the children's parade were Mrs. R. E. McKinaey, Mrs, W. B, McCool and Mrs. M. Mc- Phail. Saturday Winners, Square dancing,' Tara Junior Farmers, Deady, Bothwell and Scenic City; amateur contest, Sha- ron Ann Grubb, Bluevale, Mary Ann Wright, Bluevale and Karen Swanson and Judy Lunn, Wing= ham. • 'olMlfitThr.oepilby 141117sIllad'xii9,born Harold Mitchell, a renaber of the Canadian blind, go feta' team, came through with tOpaionois for the Canadian con- tingtfit• at. the"LOndon • Hunt. Club. lar:VTlitirsday .and . Friday. The C.ap:snuad was led by former alit, Ametigan football ':stat , Charlie BesWelli and his teatn. won the: 36-419le• by 106". points. The .• • • Canadian score was 1466, while. the Aniarielins made it in 1360. ' • • Barbara Ann Scott King, all-time great in. the .figure skating. World; presented the teophies to the win- Mr. Mitchell, as 'top Can- adian, with a total ' snore of 223, was' Presented with the Seagram; TrpPtlY, ,'son, Douglas, who coached his father over the Cokree; was awarded the Dr. W. J; 'A.."Otenharn Trophy for •coaches, PUBLIC SCHOOL BD, LS FOR TENDERS The4irrn of Kyles & Kyles, archi- tects, acting .for the ,Wingham PublicSchppl Board, has called for tericl'erS;fOr the OOnstructio'n ''Of a7 four-rOom addition to the present schoolhuilding••• ' , : .• proVincial ,government authori- tieS have already approved , the plans submitted by the architeets and'as . soon as all'tenders: have been received they will be :examin- ed and 'the selected tender will go on to the Municipal Board :tor its approVit, before construction work. can be U# /taken. The The ho ,met ;last night (Wed- nesdaY) to ."poimine the plans' of . thenewWi' '461i.l.:....! •ZOkit.i, Attendance Higher . ' At Winghant Schools The Public School attendance 'on' the firtht day, TtiesdaY, September, 4th, was 413„ a slight increase on the attendance figure of 'the first day 'last year. One new, teacher was• added to the school staff this term, Donald Kai, formerly 'of Morris TOwnship. The attendance at the kindergar- ten was 59, just' about' the. same figure as ,last Year. Principal of the school, ',T.. S., Beattie, asks parent's whoae,..Children be five. 'before Jaritta,ry ist, to , contact hini 'to enable the:children' to be enrolled for kindergarten. ' There is an increase of 20 pupils this term at the Wingham District High Schk561. The number of pupils who attended on the first day of the term was 452. In Grade 9 there are 181 pupils; Grade 10, 111 pupils; Grade 11, 82 pupils; Grade 12, 58 pupils; ,Grade 13, 20 pupils. There is an increase of one on the teaching staff, Three new teachers this term are, Mrs. B. Menzies, Miss Mary Ann Cleland and G. O'Brien: Weather Has Effect. On Frontier Days Financially this year's Frontier Days celebrations were riot such a success as they were last year. However, The Wingham Lions Club, who, are the organizers of the annual celebrations, are not in the red and blame the weather and the late harvest for affecting the' drop In 'their cash receipts. D. NEWMAN LEAVING FOR BAFFIN LAND Marching ban,p0.,, children in Ian.' 'ey dram e9Whoya, Indians, 'horses, clowns; fitikishine and rein, were . the ingredients of this year's' tYron. tier. Days; held in.Wingham from Thtir8dey evening until Saturday at ',midnight. The whole 'event Carried with It a strong.flevour of pioneer days, 'the; laughter and merriment, 'of the, past and the' 'promise of a gay and '..prosperous town: Great credit is due :to the mem- berg of .the ..Lions Club of Wing- 'ham for- 'the presentation of this Frontier TVS idea, 4. development which •f011owed the town's 75th: anniversary celebration,, which was observed two years. ago: The 15th anniversary was so Unieb enjoyed' that the. Lions have decided to Continue the tradition of an an- nual kodd time' in the town at the lowest pOssible east to the people who come out to join in the fun. Last year and this Year the: celebrations 'have been outstanding successes. Frontier Days bring back 'the ,spirit of an alder time when .friendliness and good heigh- liorliiiess were paramouat ,virtues. • Opened Thursday Night "',The 1956 Frontier DitYs got Off to a rip-roaring' start oh Thura-, day evening ' With the Juliette $now,, held in the Wingham- arena, which proved to be One of the fin- est evenings .of entertainment ever presented .in WinOhara, After the' concert a dance 'WO held in the arena and the cif:mi.:Ile-feature (M- eter set the pace .for. the following two days of fun and enjoyment. Bright' sunshine. on Friday after- noon brought out. a record entry for the children's .,parade.. The beys and girls .assembled at Rea- vie's garage. and, led 'by the Lions' Boys and Girls Band, marched up the main •street to the park, where judging of the costumes took place.. Spectators lined the. route to Welch the colorful procession of more than 200 children, clowns, bi- cycles and. tricycles, as well as, the girls who were :to take 'part in the Frontier Queen. ,contest, each as- tride a horse. ' • • After the, judging, of the various classes bad been • completed,,.Sha-; ron Ann. Grubb°, 'Linda Greene and Sandra MacLennan. gave a fine deitionstration of Highland. dancing. - ' Opened by John Ha:nna, •The Frontier Days were officially. opened by John W, Henna; .1VI.P.P., and he was accoMpanied on the of- 004 Platiorn.1 M.P., John Fist: c pt' ItUron 'Count)'; Mayp,t! 'g.d''1c „pp 'Pf of. Walkerton; -Marir Kinney of Winihrga;::541..iT Pc14,0••• shank: and Whitney aro', vroal-• dent . of the Irons, diAbC4Refiff' Johnny. Erent 44101.6 0,1)14.4k•VICIt Bellentine, acted as irtaiteitao of ceremonies, One :of the main highlights ,of the afternoons .P4.9.COCiingS`'*.aVt* selection,' of the:!;Fpritier f$4,00en This year the loner!'went• tractive Shirley Boucher of Wing= (Please turn . tO 'Pag?.. ) . .t4ree . • Leave .on Trip To Labrador Norm ..Welty cod left . Wingha_m, oir" : • John Cruickshank, .I• d. Blake:.and. Monday on' the first stage' of, their . journey''bY..air to Goose •44.45.;;Tab-. rador, where they areto .clo 'public ity work • for the Ria4z...rearo of- -the trip is to be spent iear-Indian 'House Lake on the geOrigg • Oilier, 'which floWs into Ungava; Bay.. The. • . beys• hope••to..tili Atlantic. sialmOn. •• •• • ":.•• • ' The trip is expected' to take about • ten dayi. cut off as *ell. ' The 'lines which are affected 'by the mail service. 'change are 'those from Palmerston _to 'Seithampton, Palmerston to -Kincardine and Stratford to Goderich Mail clerks on these lines were nOtified some time ago that their service's would shortly be dispensed with. Expressing his views on the pat- ter,' Mayor R. E. MOKinaey ,of Whighant ' Bald, "riOWis lie t1* to take action. the'tallWay. wants, le eopripMise; let Ahem.. stl4 r t at the top." • L. E. Cardiff --eXPreased the pp- Mien that the railway Would find it difficult to prove' that the mines in question are .:aotnally losing' money. Marvin 'Howe,:•pOinted Out the fact that only the poetal auth- orities have been 'notified, of the' proposed change `and k ''CillStiOli6d OA reason for keePhig; .Municipal representatives in the dark about the plans. . - Following the discusalohs a cern- mittee was named to take , what- ever action is ,deemed necessary to maintain the present rail 'services and to seek 'an improvement "If that is poSsible. Mayor- "Joseph Chilvers, of Kincardine, will head the committee Which as follows: Mayor JA I.% Huckins, Goderich; Dr, E, A. McMaster, •of Seaforth; Mayor, D. Leith,• Lis- towel; Mayor Edward BaCkley,' of Southampton; Reeve Norman Ha- gedorn, Paisley; Reeve R. G. Bridge and Percy. Watt, PitImere- ten; Mayor R. E.,Mcitinney, Wing- ham. , Committee secretax•y.will be Aubin Lautinslauger, of Kincar- dine 1 ALONG THE MAIN DRAG QUIET-Isn't it quiet around the home these days, It, lä alnlost as if something had suddenlychanged— course the children are' haelt at school again and that may have something to do with it. 0 - 0 - 0 iiST—Sheriff John Brent g...ies well deserved holiday this , after he ties up any loose ends that may be left from Frontier Days celebrations, We hope he will have as good a time as' he seemed to be having during' Frontier Days. .o - b - o MORE HOLIDAYS-L4We ,,,, feel. a • public holiday should- be clpelared '!' every time the Weather foreeaSters say.. it will rain. Then we' den have all that extra, time ,off work to -laze around in The.,attnehitie, ' • ' 0 - 0 - 0 .. ' . . THREE CHEERS-L-The Ineinbers of the Whigharn,Lions Chili did a wonderful job organizing this year's Frontier Days .but the big- gest cheer•of all should go to a.cer- tain Lion who was seen looking after two little Boat beys, they Were really, beating the daylights, mit of that Lion'a nerves! O - 0 - 0 AT HOME ,ON THEIR ' GOLDEN ANNIVERSAtit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMurray, Brussels, Vvillsbe at home 'to their' friends and neighbors on`Wednes- day evening, September 10, from 7 to 10 o'clock on the oceasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, F5* NOTICE The regular Meeting j the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the council chamber on FridaV, Sept Wilber 7th, at 3 o'clock, Olood at. tendance is hoped for as • there 'are, important matters to be disetissed. F51) TEA AND BARE SALE The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church of Belgrave is holding a tea and bake sale in the Foresters' Hall, on Priday, September 21st, F5b 21.0 REGIMENT • . COMMENCES tHAn44100 The Officers and NCCO of the 21St. Regiment will begin training en September 10, Ranks begin par- ading on Monday, September 17th, .F5b CLOSING NOTICE Adams' Hairdressing will be closed from September 14 to Sep- tember 29, inclusive, F5* GUEST SPEAKER AT BAPTIST CHURCH On Sunday the guest speaker at the Baptist Church will be Mr, Ross Laidiaw of Kitcheher. You are invited to attend. F5b R FREE—Whitney Grpsc president of the Wiegham •Lions handed out more than 25 doien lee- cream cones ,at the park last Fri- day, courtesy of the 'BrunsWick Hetel, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert' SOini Dealt of kingettni wish to autiounee the engagement of their only daughter, Mary tanet Irene to Robert togene MeMorray, eldest son of Mr. and Mr"8, Robert gnmes McMurray of Wingharri, Ontario, The marriage Will take place on Saturday, Sap. teinber 20, 1050, at g o'clock hi St, Unites Anglican Church, Inigston Ontario. 1716 4 POLICE INVEST1hA1l RASH Of ROBBERIES Seven break-ins ovei the week- 'bad in this district were reported to pollee. Three took place late Friday or early Saturday morning in Wingham and in each case sums of money were stolen,. Hamilton Beverages plant, Mc- Kee Bros.. Ltd, agricultural imple- Monts, and Cunningham Motors were the raiders' , targets. The thieves entered, the buildings through windows in each case, and it is thought that the Shale gang 10 responsible for all' the robberies, " yelgrave Co-operative was en- tered late Saturday or early day morning' but it is belleVe.d that they were frightened off When they heard someone approaching, Noth-, Mg Was reported stolen, Three other break-ins, involving tile theft of money were reported, from ton, Dublin and Brodliagen, Police 'are still investigating the theftS. O far no attests have been made, further outbreak of robberies Was reported from the TeesWater arid Kincardine .district yesterday. Pull details were, not available at the time of going to press but it Is understood that three break-ins were reported from the Teeswatet area and one froin Kiadardine. Queen'of the Wild Frontier Frontier Queen, athlietive t hirley toucher, Who gained the during judging on krldity onor Don't look now but your Advance-Times is show- ing. It was, and to advantage, because charming Lois and Donne. Showers gained a second prize • • • in the children's parade held In Wingham On Friday.. They are pictured here on their Way to the park where the judging was held: WINS DOMINION FIDDLING CONTEST Many will be interested to knOW that Mrs, rted'NeWriaaii of Clinton, forinerlY of Wingham, and her son, L.S.C.S. Douglas NeWintin, left on Sunday for a trip 'to 'Edmonton, Alberta, where they will visit With: Miss Betty •Sinie Newman, who has position as stenographer With the civil 'service at the tdnienton port, .Douglas is oil silt-weeks home leave 'Min Man., and reports next month at Ottawa for two ,Weeka before leaving by plane forFrobisher, Baffin Land. A.C, 1 Donald NeWitian, with his Wife and fablily has also been on leave' from :Mont Apiett, repotted on Tuesday at North Bay; Mrs Newman and ttie children are with her . parents, Mr, and 1121'3,AF David But61101On, Edward Street, key BenWicit she-WS the champion fiddler'S: trophy, left to tight, jails? Morrison, t; MortiSon, Roy 11681 Vit. 'Newman secures a home Which he won, to :1Year-Old Judy Morrison, „after Benwitir, .0„Atibeault arid Whitney Giese, presIA, in North Day, 'the PreSentatiOh Of' DAUS at the arena. Vein dent o f the Lions that, , • it 4 P.