HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-29, Page 3• Save Your Money Our clubbing rate for The Signal and The Catholic Record $3.75 You Save 25 cents and the cost of lending a money order. A Similar saving on other publications. The Signal 41-411.4.4141 • THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITP , Publishers. I,1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURS AF- AP]Z1L1q, 1926 Victory Bond Interest When your interest coupons become due, or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a Sav- ings avings Account in the Bank of Montreal. The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you. E. V. LESSLIE, •klanager of the liodcriah itraneh BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 1 •i,, it taker• four years of uu, trltnony to make a .emu say )w ratty like. salad .r spinarh.---Itrandon !Inn: Yolks) will often for aftee•tldng for rIre aegth( and. give thrift 4•1,.r•ra ich t114.y auuhlii t Kingatole Slend• aster.!-feirtir-. •aNpreclett•.ti •tai.• until t1(• ullArtfak/re tr. oat 111- thrr,ttte tat trttttm:- - M' . ► +NiterItcrirw.- • COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EXAMINATION REPORTS ' The following are the result.. of !lir • third eerie. of exendn:tlluns at the ' Collegiate lust((Ine. ...Attn: April 1, I 1938. The figures In b Iaakets- :not. 'tilts numbers of tapers failed in :`` 101111 1. A -4'1104T YEAR 1!011 i MRuerAI, AveraRe t4 per 44.111 (1. Honors:- Hn1Stralh►n ....81. l R. ' lk•Kenale 711. Jt. N•amladd 7K W. Rnffe)I T1t. 11. I Honors:- , M. Rubinson 7« 1144.0 , l Your Office Stationery Now is a good tiiue for you to look throujk your Stock of O wfieye Stationery said place cour order for new Suppltra. Nee pan neat any conipetRion hi quality and price. • The Signal J. Salkeld (3) 111.4 SOME REMINISCENCES M. ilrtherinttl,+n 43) . U.% OF FIFTY YEARS AGO A. Karr ) l ... ...... .1_.3Y t ++ MA. t urnk»•It43na' 52.1 M. I l.,m,t s 131 31,2 litah'nnte N hu Passed Teachers' G. Rroaute• (SI V1.7 E, 1Fal(lwtinn In 11178 11:low .:141 114.f rein.. rnnkt4 =•- 3[4'. Juh,11 iut1. N,A., of London.' H. 7'alre 1'hc rising letter' from Mr. E. t4. ' C8.welt. of the Toronto lwllrlle Ilbntry, with Cls refereed* to uhf Oates atld former pr•owiuent Uo,Ii-r 'h leen. 1I ttreattrl it* greatly. 'lir. Caswell fears au honerel same. Hls Cather. iter. James Cow well. was tester of the Aidifie•Id• Dun- gannon. lwadc,Jlur•.' nod other t•har- 64.5 gent le the llu,h'rlch dlierkt of the 7117 Methodist choral' find his unitary 14. K, .l.•h,•wln 1. Kaittlug V. Wilkins 11. rurr•11 • K. Morison • W. ()Neill' FORM 11. Average 1Ct per 1 1, Houur*; - C. E. it. ('rawlhrd.. a }►. Wenger 1' F:. Sale • W. it. Webster M. J. Ruston -- 11. Honore:- , 11. itwrl,lrar ......,. T. (`, ltut.crt,om 4 1,. 1'. Ilse) r. C. 1111111*'! D..1. ltohertson 11, . 111. ll.nnry :-- H. 1. 1tae blu>; , ,...ca: .`........41 .9 I." J. Jewell K1.3 E. M. 3tohimasn 1(f :..::, 1i-• Y 1 \W. E. floey 94.S ► A. .Ul)n- 14.7 .1. M. kl A. i.. Craig (1) 114.4 J. Hell (1) .0.7 E. E. ('uIrle (1) OS 1 K. K. 1111w.Ht, 11) ... 419. S. It. Clarke (C') 09.3 Credits t -- (i, i . J•'h++ta..,i. fi3 - . .....-._.- :..-%At 1;. M. McEwen 11) • . 161,1 J: T. Ross rte--- :.►t ; 11. Drennan III. Honors:- 1K. onors:- 1K. Macaulay (1) 11.1,3 1 D. Hell (1t - 413. l M. Smith (1) 01.5 ` R. Me3(t•harl 1i) 00.1 II 4'rwlka : - C. O'Neill (1 1 ' 7111, I E. *NMI*. 12) 393 M toad, tai 31.3 V tuna (3t :va V. rnwnley 131 37.7 ,K, lulu 111 .....i....• ,:.j.4 E. i . aethonald .111 • 39t1 S. Leggett (3, 7.4;41 It. A mei M. Jeffery (41 :511,7 it low 38 Ir•r *'Net.. reeked: -- 1►. 1 reheat •11. (rags ('. 1 oldnsnn R. lutlela,• R. Reek - 24 :4'051► TEAR(v►MMf;ueI.tt.~ .lv'rag .04 lir trent. - ()nup 1.- 1 Hesors : -- 1► i-IMattte ....140.11 4'.' Ar(fier TI9 1}r%,up II.- . H. 314 -earthy (1 1 .1).2 11. Munro 4 1 ) 11. Donors: -. Motion (21 .Prow, 111 Black 121 A9.1 ill. honors :- F. 3,Witth• 121 •, • ,413.'•1 M. flak 131 tri 1.. W1'1144.140« 121 (14,7 414.3 ICI.3 writes lo't'h, Signal ea follow•.: • • 7►i l revered by tunny on these 11..111). even 77.7 1.. teals day. 1 knew hint first In 1876 71.3 after 1114• Nee' t'unuesiou Metha114.1 rburelt, of which 1,u4 11r, 4'tsweh ..74.0 moa. a testih t mtuister. hail united In 7411 1!173 with the Wesleyan Methodist. 10 71.14 Corm "The Mr 1,iull.t Church of Can. alfa." l'Ilere were a11Jits1 UwItt, ,Ile- ltCa cessnrr 611111 US (ll eY,IMlIr'11e111 .1111 ,117.1 7311 -70)- .70.3 fki.2' V. t:il,son "(21 P. Ruhht,an 12, 14. Tobin 11►_ . , 012.1 411 Fr 1,•_:021 0 ail .S tt« ltrlaadrtul 14. Mel.•au 1:11 ... •,.,.,1 it!.fit 1. Yur}tit_.,.: i- 1; a, 1 rl,s t', K. Naftel (31 17.11 R. E. Mr1'ala• (2) 17', l High School eutraew exam!- ual}on Yt Goderich, wMUnR from. Inter miaow, and Flcv: John S. fisher. a former K'r.lIy$I). sell Rev. Mr. Caswell ware (or one year located es Joins pastors tet a douhlr elreu(t cru- iring to latlknow• They were a strong team, excelling loth es t.wvt.•h- errt and moutons. They each tau# .,( outer at to r p• 11 4 age area 1 by -The Methodist ('lurch," as II waw called utter the next union In 1KW, which took In lite F:Iriseoleh Primitive and !tilde Christian Methodist., - Mr. Ed. Caswell (. a genuine Hurn old to -191.1Vii I-N.1r,X.Ti1 _kJlTsu....a41. 1: INSURANCE. The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Fst.bli.b.d 1869. !lead Office, 11'at,•rl(.r, Ontario! D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Si,..,. Phos. 250 G1td.rich. Ontario. Sun Life Assu nce • Co. of Canada\ You carry fire inellratwe on. our home fait no Insurat►c.• nn or lite. Your bottle can easily eta' duplicated bait your life cannot he restored to your family. He consistent and earry adequate Life Jttattr*IW, . H. R. LONG, District Agent one 115 The Armstrong Real Estate and tilt 1. 11166 the tine .'.'. and Insurance Agency of 6)111 motif- $Mts'a#xg- !n -T o _ rihcnal. In July. 1%7*. 11e had the IAN (Sun Wel. Accident and Auto. Fwr iur or hendhlg the pohttshe4 lists -- .- mobile Insuraneu for the , For tisk,-Farms and houses and loft In Goderich and vicinity. Rani of them offering at about auction sale J. t- Lhidill. 111 , .IIIMYM. at the ref raeY, went line un !prices. . • • .... 1.+ the Farms •foe pale. Just a few of the NI 1\-. hake r 111 a.T +aamZuiilG,a liar Slane Need r 11, S. {1111 lit .-.11• tholaah he was hat young 10 leech. he V. 11. lieCniske•y (31 53,0 }e.Mrl en1111uh)v tura 1111/11 -elle . eel' ;ie surf gals clay loam aoll; fend to 1.. M. Evens 141 r tltk•ate. ole' In dnitrlasa e. leer ort ; well fenced 1'. 1.. Walker 141 337 In Ihuw days many rural teachers (wirel; orchard. berrleo,_ etc.; good E. P. Voting took up adrnnwrt $ubJe4ls, •I. ,t• : buildings; nice appearance; on public J. R. `tirlingd (2)(l) Dungannon silent. ' His teacher, the 1t. J. Stirling 5741 ata It. F:: llfow-n. proud f his tutpll's .1.• I►. $slkeld 12) 57.a 1 R (3) '{ curl} and late with kitlR clad shoot 4 antes from llolferkh ;con• FL F.' Self. 1:11 . :r_ promising stu- h.l..w :Al per cent.. ranked;-- •h•nts itta1' sending thele up to the rrnlent to acttnol, chnnrh. store and It. T. 1'fr(mxor seller•' ezxmina solr. That so1qq•. rallwer a'qufro Peke E' gs. l ay T.F.• Griffin. year. 1x75. Wm. H. Johnetou lass'4d (Seat. a reelutrrd. D. Walters* for a lord -Slay.. rertlfilate tram Runt. 4•i arrea, x14! buttdingn! b9200; e. }y/KM 111. K Stother: o-h,u.), No. n, A.hield ;Isere t, x11 bulldln *( ;':'rola►; 8f1 acres lcerap• ul per went. Thos. 1I.,Alton from Itelfaht.'Xu. 1:t l with barn, well watered. $1,300, }, }lunula; Ashfield. and Jo:ul IWeathrrher 1 nod I 111(1 acres gaud loom toll. 110 waste others truly .i:o., W. Morgan's s hoof 06 lnterelyils.. 11o, wxtertri, all-rotmd P. Sh,•.anlowu 75.0 RI ane 101f141111404,161,situ. windmill. water In L. doll o„ t__15.4 5 ft at St. 144, -os. The , published Hats , house and ache. indmi :0 acres . 1; for (Lr yexr of wltl.•h 1 have a .Ygoy j mousy • lavyh and ---fit int: niton"" tlo. maid' fish: 43ne-1 R sue•e•.til tblrl-. t0•. .•441.11.11.4/.. venhmt to a1•1)4ot, church. market •.t.and 73** writing at t;...h•rlrlr:`lW..4 Armstrong railroad Malian. Excellent property, 4Ior. Armstrong or Mitchell,, David loo• !'rate• easy terms if desired. •, "Tr 111.1,11•., Thu.. .l number of houaca 131411 10114 to Gad- 71.7 H,•udrr.4m. Lbn I", I 1iZ7 11otrk!u.•. Je1,11. 36.1,een. lit'..., .( 3116 erieh. ullyo,l any toeetl0n or Ileus r t►7.; -ter, Mar••Lail 'tiller. _Ilan Ile lark:- (4rtul.11j Yue all lutrti,.r to ser• h,w•a. 14„I4 in i:, L, 04' ,611,! 1'. 1..6.„,..... .. 1'4'1.. . on,. npo4 .*. next 'dour to Gray 6 0,4 --weber Nlur. "i,44.4,74...._44.v.._.ti-;,- 111 N. 1'e. vtafe, Square, wafer no -14''.- I+ 11a IIviol I Ir .n it I - d tfi' :ilt3fSTRONti. W:, 1.... 0111( 1..,611 1 4-58 t:) 41..• sent.•; 10641 t:.t:1le and Insuranre Agency, h In , 4'.t: R oar'. 1'I' .•f 1. 14'.• NLr P. 0. Rex 89.ninnyt ,.,117./1.1:174 w, r•• 'fnu1 : (iodrrirh. Ont - Iwt,l; n .44,..4......_111. I.iI,, -1, .: .111.1 IT',, r.iiii,.•r: -1,7: --Rlfi==first .:,.1--_lty, _-•• n. „t 1 i, „rt, I. _hoer , ..1111\ tem. et 4,:w•1411I4. 6,01' 44 6•'14• .1 1.•14" , pti:; '.416) Pru i 11rkl,nu St titins 1 1 - n..? t, Ttreitit,0, wh-re• Ii,• 1•.1, 1111 .:., i e,••..1 in ue•r• no)- tl:,na ,nn. lei- L ..... - T-11 T. The Signal 14 r,••,.,nslhl, •' • r ...• rhioir,l-,utter.. KEPIIK T OF 1101.1 14111P.YLENTS for 64Y41 ending' 114 t4'' 11 -- 22 , i1Y'ti : Mc .3u- Ilur.ui Gnw burn _1'mon t)- T.tLl lloa. 111 -37 12111 Se400 27 3411 Thi• .mo,.1)1 .. : 2ti 41tei . - - 4111 ' Frtr. ii, '.'j ,. •1 - 641,•4). !;ug. 41 . l.l.t• alul f.r•d, r• N 2141 -14444444o 4'.'.u... 14. him '11)0 orders_ bnr14-Praa,+ylt,uuia State I':r.111. SITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO COURSES FOR ACHERS blic H..lth and sae. A Cene*ru Unn. X/ SSti: tshr. rCourses M A.trnnor,,, French, GeologZ Ger- • .y , d tte. Libe.rf nal end eth- thmeehout se..kAP. (Inerer.oy R. A. C.....• h,ful ..at inn. Summer School JULY 5th to AUGUST 14th For Inlnr,n.Ilen write the i+ireeder• Q,. /1. R. le.e,s -.n, et Dr. A. P. R. Nowelle,Aegis- t 4',v. E. 31.a 01 141 •.. .<• .<.....A.1; E. Fel t t -eI• W. rix 110 w s 131 .... 1 11. Ito!1 44.1 .3. i1,4'onn.11 (:t I It. TI.•nlpM., I4' .... .1 Sproul 1 1 r F'11RM 1. 1t livn•age n1 per can' I. !tour 1s: F !a•1 M 11rlrvt•• . 1 EI!leort .: tt. lhmrr - 1►. 11orison J. 11. Lean 11.1 E.•4;;r.in.r 11.'('!161,' •711_ 141.51.;._- .\. 1', ell:nu(.' . :7:1;114;2 ,) F. I •rn•r r 1: t 1; Murray ,r,;,.} -•:. 6'orufi4!) 111 J:. Cook. ," , ,ta1. llnh•h e 2, .... -Steep- atitl l a2.= t4' trcnr t r ....116.4 ;'!:• , 111 hot•}. 121 ! H. t'ruet.'nI-.41 t . , . , ,tti.3 F. 1'µrnu:•k .JAL__ E.' Long 1'21 . , _Ai. .1. .‘11,14- • l ll••tr o f t 114 L. Ktnrd} 1'1, IYt.7 11.1101 ':4'l per 4+•141.. rnnhc,i „rf • t'. SWnr.r11 lliltlra.l Jo!iIl toh -741.1 .1. It,le4•lilt•r a•1, 11. 146)-)' Pete' ..,r' 1'. 31.6:w, n ,.••._s" 11. Kt n(13- ....... W, (►sit, niest.n . 511.:1\I, al. Klly •,,.711.7 .1. 1\fief:e4• .. , ..1.1. J. .51., 16 ' ' •'fir.; F:. Huwle.r .. - 1- W\'!tt, l• I 1 i • rte Hof,ol 1.. ) ,-l'4ll,.al .. . ''1.1 S.,j,4,1.6....... .. _ 1 M:n t f l,uKtou 7a, 1: ifui h 1.. ire)) ._ .3. SH,y;w . r_ -- 1I I. 11.11•.r.:-.•,- '. hair„r.:'. F:.la-rut•,!.-. --" -- 11. J(4rr:r.,,1, 1 1 r 11. 1'411i-l.l, r 1. Y. -.ter • \W. New4Y,ntl„• I;. l,urrrby 11 .. • • t•r•sItrs:.- It T)rdnrott _ 1 4 Menet- 4 2i - ' - I:. Cooper 111 \I. Yer►ritr.,n 1 1 , .. . N. Metiel•tllh( 411 .. . Yerg11s414 111 Ne•Wt 1.• 1•'t 15 ,n 1 ---111-0-044:-...N i 11.1.•• w:ate. found Chi. F•111t 11 111. .3 ..:F .3t,'r11fe 50 is r ern.. .7,7 I' 11. il,l.,r.: - i:S 11. (6.•1.111) IT'S ALL IN THE BLEND ueHighway, Water Cigars . High-grade Imported Tobacco .19, et rests, 1, WolterWolter?'. (h. 1, Pr! Rat and 1 Oc. lines llal'hni! THIS 0 A TRIAL AND Highway" oyd & Son i:. I /1/rata ulorulnx 111 n welt nn Ch, Intro- e.1 I1,, pnrlrtr, '11l14-es.I.et-1;5 M• hl't»p ,..mon trip. rtl.l.t •!v 0111.•, ft111n tows. When refs, 6 '.. - air..,• :h!• no,fnirnc. lei+. Nirh„I• ,lu we. nll44inf Iron. lu•r ' room. nee! 16 .,;arch aur iunnrtiintrl) iii nit aii .1. A Luui°i15`i•h50ihd fralA :h,• 72:i yell torr atlr.lch•d alletttlan. :Ind the 111.. N441;;;1....41 had .$). lu .i11•l.ea1lh for the p:4'.1 tu. **'air*: 11066 mon. !,el'fle-,rtfirly tle'for.•.. ,41 ,1tlrinl, the 1.11-t enoyl, of do',. the u. rpt it 4.111 .f o n_Lufirt' Ict st•c+ M. If. tomer-, • t1. 'At1IT '21 r • M. f do t 1+--r 4'ri•dll, -- - 1;. \\ailWr 111 ..e Ik1,3 J. W. Craigia Real Estate and insurance Give a Diamond i In all the realm of gifts what can compare with the peerless Diamond THE GIFT OF GIFTS 'Typifying beauty and endur- , ing love, its brilliance never fades, its message never falters, 'and its beauty endures forever. E. C. Robertson Diamond Merchant and Jeweller Plane 136 Goderick, Ont. 14088ES - HOUSES ALL KiNDS FOR 8611.11 Several beautiful red brick houses. including two bungalows, modern la 1,1417 respect. Four nice frame cot- S1;7ua. 413011. 121110 and• f2310. A number of 7 and ri Aunt frame louses, from $1509 up. Some roe! good bargains at the pre.ent Haw. if you intend buyIng come le and give me an opportunity of show- ing yon the ple•,•rl i have tor .Vale. P. 1. RYAN Reel Elate and Insurance. 'Done 86._ Five Houses For Sale Small, medillli and large. Well Seeme for price~;. tions,and W. J. ow II Auto, Life, Sick a Accident Insurance. Phone 292 Nelson Street, East 0. F. Carey & Son, Limited. , BODY OF YOUNG WOMAN Gssop mum, wooji Ion sAty Bond Brokers DISCOVERED IN WELL eldest ontigiiiri• or Mr. 31t.1 Stock Brokers and Bond Dealers ,_,[4t•1 F;. 1311.01 1 1 t .. It. 11rr,) . 1 IGvhno1NI 121 1. Jolur.rn, 410 `. a nnusn►1 1. t;taut 1. finder (L'4' i11.Ir F:. Fformw, 4-3-e..-....-...... , S. Hyatt 121 34.14 F: A Davidson (3, ., E. Clark 4':r !t -•:. 1 a F:. Fir!d 111 - 61. Fowler 11) ... a M. Mem,- 13) t.l A. Fraser 11 . 1. 1:. Jewell 131. , !,,w :4'l per hentmeekt4l : , - 12.3 11. Sati,10rM,1t itelow :d1 Ise rant., renkel: .._ t l6)rwhl s _ - ...... .17.11 ., )t. Not naked. n rliin1 ntA' It. Kne•shaw- Not rankel,r 1.011.64 pr'•1nt ail ../,I1'potter 1: • 11111 ,•Ti,,; >zllr rt` ere -{wiles --0040 1001 `--Tar-pareIrl..4.--lnterestel to et *min.-. .10- rant make ,•s111s11atlegr as fn nttenrtlnt given to h.luie Jowly. are noivi.nl that *Indents M. full • In Yarm. t.11 and If. 11.0w1•r SchoolJ, WhiterM3.2 tr•n'her14' awl mat rlculnlloq coon.... 1'. fine. 711.1 9111.1 look.. 35 per cent. 1r1 the Rah - Donors :- J4,•ts of /•nnn,llntlllt tnrt. rl'14retdly, A. orfs/ eta'• a rill' met 10. English grnnotion r. ;neology and phypiniugLet Porth f. s u ns to he rrr,tlt3Mlls.% to 1)64' ,I,,,•afinp Tk•- 6't.a }alrrme11 n. worthy of 1.•Inx an00441 Mtn a errti61eate hr the.,• .ulJe•t,. Sln- 667rnTM Who Tan below that etnnratng over. 111.6 fn-' to writent the examination art 01,3 -by the Eflit..ntion item rttn,•nt held Jane 1i In :at !noway.... for which a 30,11 /ppof 11.18) perleper Is charged. R. \\'nrtele (f) 21/2 1. I'. 111'ME. it. f1e•0heringtnn (31 'PIA 1'Nhrllel. P 1, _r . 1, New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stock 'and Crain Our board room is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p. m. daily. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building - - - Goderich, Ont. nail ;„ • TORM 11! Average 114.4 per I. Ilonnta:--• lIttetie (1) 71.1 W Johns D. \slows 111 Donors: • 111. Nslri. ft) f,, 114 10171 AUTOMOBILEINSURANCE Now is the time to insure your automobile against Legal Liability for Bodily Injuries or Death Legal Liability for Damage to Property of Others Collision Damage to the Automobile Fire and Transportation Theft RATES HAVE BEEN REDUCED "Thnt which is toot worth 1- \\orth owning - Geo. Williams, Insurance Agent Mort h 41.148-1, tioderivh. Astallaike