HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-29, Page 5"Tr!tifrr".7".77 •
.the ...yoghler 4v,41
Moult. rereat
at lain .101100.'
,seat inat •
4r,s,,.T991, • 1"150.4.4 ,..
Lyle Watson are In 41;09
the Lefmlope 'tai
School at. Alma College, Bt.
• -• • -
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fax the day. they ,4*.d.o betweett
'he rAhmius. Throe .MiTtin 4. the .
city 4 'visit the Boy. 'PAW were
days that Little Sall was left :in.
the 0lay ,chest, There...Was the pis.'
1119 Pay, tile ,g99 Pay, the Science
.1gfilf/e4Elt AV and the PoWiitowri
Trip PAY.
Little Sail tucked 'her lirnn Sails
Clelle• to her mast there on the play
chest, How the longed far 1-111frY-
Puffy Breeze!
Then eaine the j-ake Pay! The'
Boy .carried Little Sail Ever so
gently 94 his way to the ,HarbOur
What bappineSsi She flailed right
along'!with Breeze, She sailed right
toward the big sailboats, toward
the boats with no sails .and noisy
chug7chug motors. Little Sail flap.
ped her galls in a merry "Hello"
to all the lannches, yachts and Big
Sails, as she went with :Huffy
Puffy Preeze to the Big Water
outside the harbor, ,
• The Big Sails and the Big Boats
llait Where .wtoo Ifutiy401,40
Wore greeo,
lanoecl with the lake, A. stiiinesa .
Was in the heat 14
'Been the .COlialPS..iknd the •PPY
left Little. Sail to 1190' at the we-
ter's edge while they tAR,Oe
!“1:)•4, me, •Qh DIY, they have for- canabi in the wet .004,.
.gotten me; i Suddenly—Whoofl tattle ,Sail felt
And .that.i belong .on the !sea." ! P:uffyTtiffy Breese fill her sails,
What water Igay they hac3 to-
gether! Tile children splashed.
Little ;Sail rocked .over the waves waved and tooted "Hello" back to'
Gear s him,.
.5crano"-ole t -a
s-9 is PraSti- t
Ch evys a ,sv n t: tiu, pleasurericok.
!:rtny wrn.iSStott. its miserly Wit it h gasolin e is on of s be gasoline
A flick of the switch, and
the front seat moves to
make you perfectly com-
fortable behind the w heel.
Chevrolet's Power=
Positioned Seal-a popular
power option!
I n e s With ,g44-104 •
Chevrolet OvetdriY*-1 hy
¢o Hirr.;h.lpor ,that lets
yis u - whole
AV groan ailable void,
Powerful /2.volt'
electrical systent packs
twke the punch of old
6=yoit systems.puicker, surer starling whatever the weather-big
eleitrical reserve far accessories.
The new 140 h.p. e-Flame "6"—liveliest in ewolet , history! Ultra h!gh &mores-Sion ratio (8 to P) mean{
more.efficient use of gasoline than ever before!
H a iled-to-th e-ra nd
bility WlIh
ou r suspension!.
re ien'ger-,
Rear springs
mounted wider aparte t-
side the frame'".
steady cornering, new w
Everything in auto•
matic. power features
-a fingertip raises or
lowers front and rear
windows. Power
Steering, Power Brakes
. you flame Ito
Chevrolet has itt
A luxuriously s mooth auto-
!Indic drive withpep-that's
powerglidet Lightning-fast
getaway, automatic Aeon-
shift for added passing safety.
Available with VI or
6 engines.
Weye rtmn bur 4 stytke.
I I-ease, ;fore, a
4 teAl .).44144' eve,
. slui you,
tin 41;ci
ayarehi4A-.. Ci
flow ihre t.ts cAtl
14..44 *on\ poo:4r
of Wit test
Se sensational you've-g el to sample fl--fhb record-smashing Turbo-Fire
Astonishingly quiet, instantly responsive, it's easily the most modern VS of all!
Ju bo-Drum Brakes hold the instant you
touch the peal-4300p Aaak Ati.o p. 11
ing Ino rivets!) Easy-acting /' brakes on oll 4 wheel s for CcittlEMENT srops.
Rotary safety door latches
help keep doors safely
shut in rimergencies, Also,
at slight extra cost, seat
Laelts, padded instrument
'linnet, shoulder harness-
-Chevrolet offers them all.
uiaatiy found only i
high-priced t ars--Ball-
Race :steering &ail Ball
hearings tedUcit frialon to
.a minlMurri to Make steer-
ins smoother and *Miler,
and to Make the steering,
gear More durable.
Phone 13 9 Winghe
Donald Donald Archer is really in tune with the times
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Th. itinouno of lifo insurtstici iWinEtti Cdritaditini tuft. oittoittoti:
an MO icktf
Win AtIVAttfi,31,4)..ftttrb, Oetpiterynay,•44.g, !
iLinder Strieter .traffic laws, if Tins is the 'tiPai of year when the
you're 'careless, ;you rnay sotto be I travel bug .bites .everybody, not to
. mention the mosquito, oarless, .Story Little Sail 4nd Huffy-Puffy Breeze.
$105.75 $10.00 '12 '
308.38 24.00 15
510.68 27.00 24
756.56 40.00 24
the year
to fix!
Bedford, Manager
35 WOO:Street, second floor, phone, 1501
on the waves
Clean limbed el g
right to the read Drive- with pride --Ch
e brgohairireor deck
anvrfiliegth'.11- f
on taillights leave a memorable impression,
Body-hrPlshe rtfroemngoduths
and security--the
all-steel, all-Weldd mirebe,
with extra-rigi
d c.s
f raining.
foufsesclieienit;a solid "Forl:ess
"flahy"-Guard" rear door hicks
-with pushbutton down, the,
door can't be opened even from
the inside. An important pro-
tection-at no extra zest.
Panoramic view of the road
through the. magnificent
sweep of Chevrolet's wide
windshield! A Wonderful
'view all round-driver can
easily see all 4 fender's:
o tUaguOP roomt spare! k silt
•Extrci.,10W 1." Iran •
Makes loading and uo
leading a cinch. Tw os
trunk 41015 orel'
'safely, strategically' in
Stylish secret!. Left-side
taillight swings down to
uncover the Hide-Away
Gas Cap-no more paini
damage from spilled
!Marilyn Cumming--;Christian• Science Monitor
'at xvuler play they had! Little Sail rocked
Aultc!. 0,f ;(ct.
c o mmand;yClisNreter-P.s
;:!PedOls:7.110,140:10,reik Und
.„rear.lot 4 iriore;Omtartabl e
foot ratan
4W A
2 "n f r OP
ie-qtye" :Pitchin g
Oiv e 1
ops! Anti'
3 educ Co'n 60; to .4•5 '7°1'110 'dive up • ref stife i , '- mew stoopin
_. evel. •
• Restoration of the soul is the,
greatest need of the world today.,
I don't claim • that fishing is the
best means to that end, or that
all anglers are philosophers like!
Isaak Walton. Many of them are
not anglers at all._ A- true angler
is a dangler who is content, as one,
cynical writer put it, to drop a line'
to the fish and invite him home to
dinner." But too many may re-
gard fishing as an exploit; they
work at it, and it is little wonder'
'that so many 'of our lakes are
"fished-out," They launch out In-,
to the deep water's like commercial
fishermen with every kind of
tackle but a drag-net, and some
of them would rather use'one than
return empty at the end of the day.
The other evening, at the placo
where I waS staying, a large catch,
of fish, most of t.hem- gill panting
at the gills, was displayed with
gusto by a hefty fisherman, He
said he had caught 9 fish altogeth-
er but had generously put some
smaller ono back. On the same
clay I had fished and 'caught only
one small pickerel. I had pottered
leisurely around the Shoreline
silently musing on the still watersL
the green outline of the trees with
the white clouds beyond like ar-.
gosies sailing through the blue
region of the air, (P,teuae this
lapse into poetry), Having dined.
sumptuously off my 'invited guest,
Miss Pickerel, I was comfortably
tired froth My not too strenuous.
exertions, And after listening
drowsily for a while to the Catch
and "gOt-awaY" Stories of my
fellow fishertneri, I crept ,silently
and virtuously to rest,
'One advantage, however, of a
space grip is that you would
certainly get completely away from
this troubled planet into the
vacuity of th ether and 'forget all
about pesty political problems
and ever-recurring international,
crises. Of course, if you literally.
,take to the woods beyond the,
reach of the mail and the news-
papers, you can let the rest .of the,
world go by and live in a newsless
and restful vacuum. But even
that is impossible—I had for-
gotten about the radio.
Long before rapid transportation
and instant o o. m nt'u nicatioin
Wordsworth complained; '
world is' too much with us,". and
that iS more than ever true today.
There is no absolute escape, but we
can get momentary" release in
fishing: The Psalmist must have
been on angler, • for he gratefully,
recalled his periodic escapes "be-
side the .still waters", and he add-
ed, "He restoreth my soul."
By Lewis Milligan
In my article entitled "All
Aboard for Mars!" I had a little
fun with the would-he space travel-'
lers. I commended the trip as a
means of escape from the then
babbling confusion of pipe-line
politics, but concluded that a trip
to the quiet fishing waters would
provide a better and safer way of
• .13y Lanr#4 Latliaer bloyd.
'• In chrisitiaa .Seignee ;Monitor
"This Is the day! I know this is
the 4.00,y1" Littte Sail roiled' her
Mossy :red deelt..closer to the r front
of the :store -toy counter. Bret
White -sails floated, ;xi the , breeze
frfah the eivetrk fan ,on the
•11haVe the enantor,
'What ,aliretty picture I must
. •
This toy counter is .rio place, for
The Boy CAW. He pielted Little
Sail pp from the •counter,.
"Oh carry ...PAM" . me, this
•Y9.17 Little Sail whispered,
her sails .071 .he .gentlisl.?rflAP, •
• 'The 'BOY1Pft'lbg ,toy ..pqmitar with
Little Sail 'hugged .-.019.40 t.t1
"rm on my w4,y; 9/1 PlY
way!" Little 'Bail settled her! soil',
her, as they bouncectalong past her
on the waves of the Big Water. ,
"Sail Ine 94, sail ine on, Huffy,
Puffy Breeze," $all sang
through her sails with glee.
Then it happened; Little Sail was
s urprised; Huffy Puffy Breeze left
her, The waves of the Big Water,
smoothed till all was like the glass
on the toy store counter. Little
Sail rested, her sails drooping be-
side her mast' in the' cairn.
Now all the boats,.were turned
toward the harbor shore.
"How do they do it, how' do they
do it?" Little Sail tried and tried
to go through the water. She could
not follow. Sbe watched them With
longing. - •
Then , she. knew! Every boat had
a skipper! She had thought Huffy-
Puffy Breeze was enough but She
needed a skipper.
The. gun left the sky. The star
lanterns hung overhead in the
night. The calm held L ittle Sail
fast and she Became very sleepy,
It was when she could not stay
awake a moment longer that the
"putt-putt, putt-putt-putt" startled
Little Sail libld her mast very
straight, but her sails quivered,
"What is this? What is this?"
"Whirr4Tr-rr," then "Swish-ish,
ish!" Little Sail was scooped high'
out of the Big Water.
"Now what do you know! Away
out here. Lost you are—well, well,
Well." The Man held her in his
two large hands.
"Putt-putt, putt-putt," the engine
boat sped away over the 13ig Water
calm like 'the glass. Then. Little
Sail could see the harbor shore
lights beckoning in the distance.
They were getting closer and clos-
er. At last she had a skipper! This
was. how it felt to have direction.
She sighed, and folded her sails
in content,
* 4r *
Thai star lanterns overhead were
put away and the sun made anotha _
d you see a sailing
"Mister, di
boat, about so long, anywhere near
your boat? We are asking every-
body about her." Little Sail heard
the Boy. the voice of
The Man picked up Little Sail
off the soft cushion in his speed
the Boy hugged her
close in his arms.
"A nice boat, Son. But she needs
a Skipper. Have to keep your eye
on a good boat. She was out in the
Big Water last night. Tod far." The
Man put, a baud on, , the Boy's
shoulder. The Boy nodded his head,
Now Little Sail knew she would
never be without a Skipper any
more. The Boy knew, too, that she
needed more than Huffy-Puffy
Conservation. Corner
It would appear that hunters
who shoot groundhogs, and bang
them on the fences are not too
'popular With either the farmers
or people who drive the highwaSTs
and back roads, As one person
summed it up "Why spoil the
beauty of our countryside with de-
caying and smelling animals."
We certainly agree the sight of
decaying animals is disagreeable,
and hunters would be well advised
to leave the dead animal on the,
land and out of site.
Complaints such as this tend tc,
prohibit - hunting, and hunters'
should be most grateful to land-
owners who' still allow hunting on
their land.
* *
Under the Fishery Regulations!!
it is ; unlawful to take fish by;
means other than angling, and,
the definition of angling, is to fish,
with a pole or line held in the:
Anyone taking fish by ineanSi
other than angling is open to,
prosecution, regardless of the type
of fish being taken.
Everything comes to him who
hustles while he waits,--Thomas E.,
sleep to restore the energies of
the body, and the Psalmist tells.
ua that he found rest and reStorn,-.
thin for his Soul in the green pas.'
tures and by the still waters.
Since this has developed Into a:
Seinnitt, I Might its Well conclude
with a parsonie admonition to'
these Who cannot or do notcate,
to go .a-fishing, CM to elltireh
sit down in the green pastures.
and Meditate bekide the still VW-
eta 'of the gospel of peace • and
Itiortaiity, and you. ,ebalt find
Not IIis gid
'Travellet,--Your son lust threw a
stone at me, '`
Irishman-4)1d he lilt :you,?
Irishman-Well then, he wasn't-
my- boy,
Mrs, ',John away vigtoit
her ;brother, Mr. Vosap
Wieghsria reeerrtly. nit. Vog`rixt
able to be home frem the h.P4p,
Mrs, John who has h'Ssea,,..
in poor health ,f6* some thne, vfe
taken to the Winghem liospitaltihn)
The Gorrie WI, will 'boo -into
September ,meeting at. the homes,
Mx's, John Baylor at 8,00 P.M., \oh
TuesdaY evening, September 4,
Boll eau, "llama roue 'Blrthd.4y Plower".
Mr, and Mrs', Cam Bdgar, •
and Mrs. •Geo. *own. J0011 and
Sean spent Sunday at .1-lanaillon
and Dundas, . • „
Marilyn Cumming—Christien :Science Mon ter.
"Nifle boat. $op, hat She needs a Skipper," Said the Man
Extra safety.-Chavrellarst
new T3 Seared-Beam, Head-
lamps actually. add 80' ,to •
Your night:time $44,1140. Exclusive alming lugs- et. sure, full benefits. '•
fam ed Glide-Ride Front t
Suspension, Spherical b
Dial design lets we
• tepu over rough. spots"
all you feel is the superbly
smordh, steady tide'
That word "rest" brings ine back
the word "restoration", Literally
they are two different words, but
they are intInuttplY relaxed. The
latter means to re-Stere, and
ImP11010 "Iketi4ho *l41 title' &mint 'In-
nOtiOn* killto nO li,orasio% rest and rettoration Unto your,
between them. a., 'hied_ test lh squat
A DISCOUNT OF 570 will be given on
all orders of Storm Windows during t
We will 'measure and install windows 'if desiive
DundaS St. at Market Lane & Market . Square, London, Ont..:
In the heart of the shopping distriet
Interest is Payable By Coupon or By Cheque
You May' Invest by Mail'
Issued for $100 and Upwards
Per Annum
S ,and Tears
Miss Mabel Trvvin of Varriatoa,•,i
anent WednesdaY 'afternoon Kidx
her sister, 1110s Blorna Irwin. ••