HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-29, Page 11. WIN011iAllt• ONTARIO, ..VITAPNE$DAW, .4,001,10 PA. 195.0 With which ilr amalgani4W1 the Norris Vidette and Wroxeter New* . ALL THE FUN THE -FAIR otrAf • dl li)p's,and Dont's for Saturday's Parade DO leave Your automobile at home, if at all possible. DO be content to park—if you must drive—some distitnee from the ,parade route and Viiiiilribewn congestion. DO co-operate with' the traffic control operators, - : , - • DO keep back to theacarb ;while watching .the parade. It Will les- sen the chance of anyone getting hurt and also allow everyone a ber view, 0 keep children close at hand, Q report any emergencies to 4 , the nearest official or police bffi- cer. First-aid treatment, will be available.' DO drive and walk with. care at all times', . DON'T park on Josephine,' Min- nie,, Alfred or Scott ,Streets after 12 noose on' Saturday, Any cars left on the parade rents will be' removed at the owner's expense. DON'T double .park ormebatruct, driveways on any iii-FiC, • DON'T "expect all officers to be in' uniform, ,Alto onaduty will, be special constables identified by their red arm bands, , DON'T atternht, to, view the par, ade from a telephone pele, high ledge or other precarious Position. The daring, coaid cost a life, , DON'T, gush and press fellow spectators. A well-ordered crowd a better view and is. in less htii er, N'T., under anyeircanistances, throw fireWorks Slant in the DON'T let children . run on the street. The pre-paride and post- parade congestion will present a special hazard., , DON'T expect ' a swift route home after the parade. Delays should be expected and allowed, for. DON'T forget to enjoy yourself and remember that the abbve rules will help you, to do this, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William smith of Langside wish to announce the engagement of their eldest da'trgh- ter Mary Elizabeth to William purdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Purdon of Whitechurch. The marriage to take place on Sep- tember 7th, , F29* 3"irfri , A. --a ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Irtalnatelan Trit,a1 Dance Saturday Afternoon coitimittees. ComOiek 'Arran:pm:04 For -.Frontier Par4des. and .Conte*: • igiikototr,::- • •• Spectators at the. town park next Saturday afternogn will see' metha ,bers of the Six Nation's Indian Band presenting their tribal dance. When this picture Was taken during Frontier Days, last year the park Wing am MeetiOg to. Discuss Railway: Service: was jammed with people who had come from far and near for the celebration.--Photo by Merrill Cantolon, All the inn of the fair could 'he had -for ka penny last Week when ,yOlingsters of the town held "Penny CarniVal" in the park. Pieture- tbeit WM. Alt 114 chiiiitifir hii,0311 Vietnre below rinds LY Ida SCOUTS. MISS FRONTIER DAYS. -a-About nine member's. . of the Wingham scout Troop won't be Around town for the Frontier Plas celebrations, The lads are tak- WPart in a - 'five-day scouting coarse being held, at Owen Sound, Starting • August 29th, Those who sitecessfully pass the course will become silver arrowhead Scouts, h ; JACK AND THE CORNSTALKS-- One stranger at least was amazed to find, that corn grows „frere the larnp-standards in Wingham! Re, marking oft the phenomena! growth 41. this Part of the ceuritry, he was heard to gray :that 'no•Where Cse has he ever seen the stuff' Sprouting -frpm, the sideivelks be- fore, "Guess all ;this rain you've been having cloWn here," he said, AT HOME ON THEIR GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett of Victoria Street, Wingharri will be at home to their friends On Tues- day evening, September 4th, from 8 to 10 o'clock on the occasion of their Golden Wedding' AnniveNsary. F29* MAITLAND LODGE ikTo. 119 MEETS ON stpuivintit.8th disithiricl Lodge iip T.oiO,E. will bin its regular Meetings on Thursday, September 6th at 8,30P.M., in the lodge rooms, There Is inipertatit business on tend so all Oddfellovra are urged to attend, P29:51s NOTICE An Brownies 'Wanting to parade Are requested to meet at Scott and Minnie Streets in fall uniform en September 1, at 12,30 O'dieck, P291) W1NOHAllit BRAND iii NO, 11m i7ANA.10AN LEotON • Members of the above branch wish to Make it known that they bay° no :denneetititi With Maga., sine subscription 'campaigns in Huron Comity .sponsored' bye 'the ; Clinton ittaneit of the . Canadian. Legidri, Part of the preedechi are to supply aieltrOOM cquEptnent 'to ent8 hi Huron Opiltity, The , hain Wanch -can etr ply eletiairs, hospital ',beds ( etc., at en 'charge to atiYOrie liY"OtittesY of the Oanadiall Ikea Chops SacletY, Signed; .16hn Pattiden, Predident Clithadienttieftle Utah* b hes been received by mail clerks on these lines that their services will be dispensed with this fall. It is, assumed that the railway in- tends to out off passenger and ex- press service, as well, in line with the-.proposal which was made three yeaes ;age,: ..MoS t cipelitlea'aftect- 'ed feel that a strong protest must be registered if the railway and government authorities are to real- ize the 'feeling which exists where curtailment of railway rervide is involved. LUCKNOW BOYS KILLED THURSDAY IN EAR ACCIDENT LucknoW and Winghani corn-, munities were shocked last week to hear of the tragic accident which claimed the lives of two teen- agers, Donald McTavish, 15, and Edwin. Gaunt, 13, died in the wreck- age of a car near St. Augustine last Thursday evening, Donald Gaunt, 17, who accompanied the two boys, escaped with' only minor injuries. The boys, who had been working together; were driving from the Gaunt farm to the McTavish home when the car went into a skid on a muddy section of the road and plunged over an 18-foot embank- ment to come to rest in a field on the farm of Albert Phillips. No one learned of the accident until Mr, Phillips heard the ear's horn, which one of the boys man- aged to sound until help arrived. Dr. M. H. Corrin, of Lueknow was called immediately and later the coroner, Dr. W, A. Crawford, of Wingharn, pronounced the two younger boys dead. He has sot the date of an inquest for September 7, in Wingham, Donald McTavish WAS the only son of Mrs. Gordon McTavish, and the late Mr, McTavish. In addition to his mother, he is Survived by one sister, Marilyn, his grand- :nether, Mrs, ,Mary McTavish and an uncle, Cameron McTavish, of Wingham. Edwin Ciamit is survived by his parents,'Mn mid Mrs, „Edwin Gaunt, his brother, Donald and sister, Itagefi. The double funeral was held on Sunday from the MacLennan fun 7 eral home, Luclintiw, with burial in Greenhill Cemetery. 11.ev, H. „Tan- nings, of the Anglican Church and Rev. W. Maclean of the P,'ciibY', Lakin. Church, Lucknow, officiated, The sympathy -of the entire corn- inanity is -extended to the bereaved families in their tragic loss. PINGAGEMENT, v. • Mr. and Mrs. Marry C. AiterkleY. of Witightini, attentelee the 6t13 gagernent of their daughter, Nran- t6 Mr, Harry Murray Gerrie, non of Mr, and Mrs, HarrY acne, of Winston, the wedding, to take -Tech MI, Wednesday, asp-. Juliette Show tickets are to re- main on sate until Thursday neon, They Will be obtainable at the regular outlets and at the sheriff's office on Josephine Street. 0 - 0 - 0 Costumea for rent will be arriv- ing at the sheriff's office on Thursday evening and will be available to all who want them on Friday. The sheriff's office will remain open all day, Friday to enable the costumes to be picked for the Frontier Ball. Best to get down early and ensure the right kind of dress for the ball, 0 - 0 - Entries can, still be taken up until noon on Thursday for all contests in the Frontier Days celebrations, so if you have not- yet entered get going and head f6r the sheriff's office right away—. CAUTION REQUIRED AYS POLICE CHIEF It has been pointed out by Police Chief Bert Platt that the wearing of firearms of any kind is illegal unless a special permit has been issued.. Anyone carry- ing weapons Without a permit will be liable to' a. fine, and the act of pointing a yveapon is a further offense, The. chief said that a registra- tion permit for a weapon is nut sufficient if the weapon is to' be carried on the person. A warning hes Wee been issued regarding horses in the parade. Any loud noise caused by the letting off of cap-pistols or fire- crackers could be very dangerous to the riders of the horses and to those watching the parade. A special appeal IS therefore made to -children and spectators to he as quiet as possible during the time when animals are passing. MINOR ACCIDENT VICTIMS TREATED Pour-year-old Bert van der KoIk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter van der 1(olk, Wingham, fell against a kitchen table at' home and cut his lower lip. Several stitches were required to clOse the wound, The little boy was allowed home after treatment at the Wingham General Hospital. Jeanette MacDonald, 3-year-old daughter of Ur. and Mrs. W, L. ,, id. MvoitteDonald, cut her face In a fall and needed two sutures to close the Mrs. Mabel Thompson, Wingharn, fell at her home and fractured her left wrist, A cast was applied at the hospital Where her condition is described as satisfactory. An 84-year-old woman, Mrs. Frahces Strong, R,R. 2, Gorric, was admitted to the Wingham General Hospital On Saturday with a frac- terecl hip, Her Condition Is clescrlb7 ed -as fair, Mrs. .Strong fractured her hie when she fell at her hort-M Raymond Ledtly, R,.R. 2, Atiburh, fractured his right hip when he fell fir his barn and caught his right foot In binder twine While falling. Re was taken,-to Wingham Cy/elieral Hospital, where a pin was Inserted. The accident )100110 on Priddy, and Mr. teddy is still in hospital, He Is Said to be hi a satisfactory condition. Charles, Scotts. 15-year-old ton of Mr. itrid Mrs, George Scott, tore tine' ligaments in his left knee on hursday, when he, fell on the cement, The boy Was taken to Whighani General Otiatltal where a east was applied and he Was. allowed to ration% to his hoMe with vtiataelt, singer, After the show a dance will, be held from 10 p.m, until 1 ,axn, 'Oen] late tonight Johnny Brent and his committees will be at work Putting the finishing touches on what premises to be the meet Ana- cessful three-day celebration in the history of the annual event. Large entries have been received might mean You'll be in the money„ All floats are to report to Toni Clark on Alfred Street for the 1,15 parade on Saturday. The meeting place for the children's parade, which takes place on Fri- day, is Reavie's 'service station and the time of assembly is 1 p.m. Complefes Course --Ma W. S. Hall, B.A., BEd, has completed '`a five-week course in Toronto and has received his In- termediate Guidance Certificate. The course was sponsored by the Department of Education, for the events on Friday which bee gin with a children's parade at 1:30, in the afternoon and end with a Frontier Ball at night. The official opening will take place in the park at 2 p.m. and will be followed by a, Pregta24 of Highland dancing', the choosing' Pt the Frontier Queen and a varietY concert. In the evening the Du' minion Old-Time Fiddling contest will be held in the arena, The Prolifier proven the ..day's fun and it is expected that the dance Will prove as popular as it did for the same event last year, The monster Frontier parade which begins at 1,15 on Saturday afternoen is one of the main fee,. tures of the celebration and will include aix bands, one of which will be the famous Six Nelidns dian Band, a record entry of floats and horses, clowns and coWboYa and many other special featurea. A contest to select the' best Frontier couple in costumes of the , middle 1800's, takes place at 2,30,- followed by the sensational Indian tribal dance staged, by the Six Na- tions Indians. An amateur contest, in which many local entertainers take part, is scheduled to conmmende at 3 o'clock, after which, there will be square and step dancing MA- tests, a horse show and barber shop quartet competition. At 8 p.m. the CKNX Barn Dance program, with over 50 entertain- ers and many star artists will be presented in the arena, followed by dancing until midnight. , 1 Local Skaters COmplete Tests Mias Jean Gurney has returned after two weeks at Stratford Sum- mer Skating School. She success fully tried and passed her First Figure Test and the Willow Waltz. 361in Wild Passed his Fourth Fig- ure- Test. John was highest in a class of ten. He also passed- his Blues Silvey Danee and :had Alpe honex,of being- the Partner of nine= year old : BP1,,WYI Brothels .when sheAmeame Canada's Youngest sit- vet :theiltdiSt. , • C , oegratulations to all three, and their professional,- Ross Smith'. Brenwyn Brothers was a :guest skater , in the carnival here last winter, Rain Will NOt Alter Program.. In case of rain during the Frontier Days celebration, all activates with the 'exception- of the parades, will 'take place- at the Arena, Committees in charge' of the various, events ere keeping their fingers crossed. , Weather _dur- ing the 'past two weeks itne led •aaagoededeal ef . tvarrl but R1L, pEo . in hopes that the week-end. will 'be fine. • - Whatever the' ;we'aPer, the parades are -'the only items in danger of cancellation, A meeting has been called for • in the Wingham town. hall at eight o'clock Friday evening of this week when representatives of,many of the municipalities in this section of Western Ontario will discuss the .proposed curtailment of rail service by Canadian National Railways. Tlfe —rePresentataka Will gather here, not only from the -towns and townships along the Palmerston- Kiecardine line, but from the Strat- ford to Goderich line and the Pal- merston-Southampton line as well. Only definite information. avail- able as yet is the notification which at ii bingo.. goalie-. Clark pouring a.- coot drink for her thirsty temboi,i9, In .winottrii utiltea •• vultontoto,--Atlifttoo,Thtios: Photo, • • • Ciwtol‘ rgt)4( • Tomorrow's the Mg day, the Cit". -MaX of .weeps of preparation arid! behind-theespenee ,activity by WM-. bars of ,the Lions Club to make Thursrleya Friday and Saturday memorable dart hi the community,' curtain - raiser for Wirghare'S Frontier Days .celebrations Is, the appearance -on 'Thursday evening in' the arena of Juliette, television star and popular stage and radio WDHS Students Win Scholarships Sally Sloster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lee Slosser, Wingharn, had received word that she has won the Pominion-Provineldi 13ursary for the University of Western Ontario, valued at ViOri, In addition nho will receive ft $1.50 scholarship front the litstilint College, the Wingincra Rinette club 8001;1r:imp of $1.00 and the University of Western to rio' tuition scholarship valued at .1200. Sally plant to outer tire Utouline'Coilege this fail, where she will take the arta coarse, George Prector, son Of Mr, arid Mrs. Stewart Procter, 3rd lino of Morris TWA+ ship, hag won the DoininiOn-Provitielal bursars, to the ,Ontarier Agricultural College. This schtilitrahlp entitles hint to ;5(16 each year for tour years, George will take the degree totArte at the OAC 001111116110111g With the, fall tertill •