HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-29, Page 2a
2.---Thurwlay. April 20. 111211,
•wsmher ed Cataadlae Wieldy _News-
papers Awelatlas
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year. To
Felted States and Foreign Countries,
12.30 per year, strictly in advance.
Waltham 31 . : (;ederkh, Otal.
W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager
Thursday. April 20. lt120.
We are Informed that rotor people
(*1111ed uuderstaud achy the 10('111
newspapers offered ttt publish the
town,hall bylaw without charge. do
far as The Signal tea concerned. the ex-
planation is wla►ple. au :at. believe the
;tame explanation applies to The )star.
In the tire! plat.•, Tlw signal le-
Iievr% that (lo erk•h needs a new tow•u
ball and it Is sutfle•lently {ohne-apdr
heti to make a slcrltke, If Mutt be. f tr
the public interest. When the test;
('001011 was hesitating about the le-
aubmlwt(oh of the bylaw. The Signal.
knowing that the coat of taking the
vote would be an argument, against
re-owttullssiva decided todo whet !t
..arid lar remove- that o8leetlai and
aceerdingly offered to make the nee
Young Tender Leaves
and tips weed in
i Sunday
are sealed in air -tight aluminum foil.
Their fresh flavor is finer than any
japan or Gunpowder. Tri' SALADA.
no intention ion of 11%Iit anywhere cit••,
who bare heat their uattonallty• and
their right to exertlae• the frau:his:
because of their marriage to ilnitri
Staten citizens residing here. This
disability should be rcwuved.
• • •
l•auwit•s have almost hu•uuu Ilttlr
faces ar they turn to greet ua from
their lowly plot+• near mother eurth.
We love thrut for their velvety *oft -
near and richurea of tour. and we
give them a glad welcome b•caue-
they are amongst the tiro* flowers of
the garden. Delighting u ' .r root-
oax -
tine tiw•al year ended )larch :41st lust I neat of tya•lug. they will Limon mare
have been Issued and t•ontivae the beautifully ?or us then than at any
remarkable record of retrnt years. other time.ot the year.
To have early pimples. we must
The •'fae•oralrle halauty of trade" for winter our. own plants carefully or
the last year -halt h4 the excetl• '41f p eromm• urea• plwuts from 8 at•li hat.
exhorts over Imports-w•aa #Rn7.w11.- nuru•ry. They are already on 'sale
b• transplanted In
(u dKlch, On.
Perish ever) fond ambition.
All I've suugbt or hoped or known:
Yet how etch is mer e.niHtion:
Newt tot heaven are still my. own.
Haste. then. on from grave to glory.
Armed by Mtth. and wimps, by
Heave•u's eternal day's before thee.
God's uw'u laud ,4 Ill guide Thee
-- H. F. I.ytt.
Help u.4, our Father. to realize more
each day we five that In every sat•
Mgt w•1t11 hrmptdtlou and slu Thou.
though aft unseen, art upholding ani
guiding. Amen.
Canada's foreign trade returns for i 1 ! S. S. l.Et3SON FOR 5LAi 9th. 1321
Lessen Title-Abraa and the Kings.
IA'sen Passage --Gra. 14:1-24.
Golden Text -Rae. 3:31.
After tilt flood tlw earth. ar it La-
mm*. more fully peopled. was diritl d
by Nosh and agreed upon, by his sons
that a+•train tribes should spread out
, itkt The figures for the las!! lire this evilly and can trans r+ bi certain directions. rewwiug Carib -
years are: the padre' the of Doer. Proper praising er and farther as the increase or 11s•
Moet of the m41 Is clown del gt in raising •(•Monies should require. But the poo-
tYear _ _ F.rtP4r.1>< Imparts , p8usk+s. .They dei ght in htwl'y
l 11432 ...$ 7-10.230.650 $.747.8u4.3.= 8441. tybkaiwle•n kept louse will remain Ids were loath to separate and tea/ to
1 Mr ..: -WW.dlt1.40 taWC..ditt i, VOuiparatIVety -Mot and- waist. _ _ prevent dispersion tbes resolved to e• e
titltt On TI 111 do writ in itght so too. tallish themselves by building u city
cesnary, publication without charge. 11124 . • . 1,M3.351.Oti8 !1113• say w and n tower whew sup may reach
]firms ,.,. 1,I'u"•""•354 796.11.12,•*:? 1f they call be kept well supplied with
lit is GI to rem•tul•n•d that the loan I moltture. This eau he accomplished unto heaven." God took' outlet- of
1 114.08 , ... 1.31:x19!.7!11 !r_7.a:R.f::"i heir coin and
arw•8plrpwrtt published nr r a • q• w x u checked them. If tory had remain..1l
last Ik+rmber, and were paid for It: i Ottawa was Invaded on Friday last log of t ,.II•roII.M, manure. It shoul,l
be will dug In, working the s , our pRool4t.. with one language west of
tnil_ctitical Deville might have said ky, Jerstatl tManaswt mea an depth- ttt p !eight Invites. The for earth would Lave been left uullt-
tbat the newspaper* wanted the bylaw mostly from 1)shawa
the 'tame bylaw • • 1 t•I g with the moil a hear) dre,s. their hltentlou and t gs
I 1 NI to a
Four- Yard -Wide Linoleums
- Heavy Printed Linoleum* 4 -yards -wide. 'A good weari gt uliey. Four
new designs, 1 floral and 3 tile patterns, to choose from. Good value at per
running yard 53.95
Stair or hall Oilcloths, tel niches wide,
per -yard 400
Board pattern !tour Oilcloth for around
rooms, in \gjdtk• 1-ard, 30o, % yard. 460,
yard 600
Cocoa Mattiugs for steps and verandas;
heavy tough quality. y't yard width 650;
yard' width 860
Swiss applique Curtains of heavy Brus-
sels net. Yard wide, '21,4 yards long. lvory1
white or beige. Per pair .. , .,......$8.46
Marquisette Curtains, apeeial. 50 pairs
au sale. Four patterns. Plain with deep
insertion, late and hemstitch.. Ivory and
white. • Value $4.50, per pair........*2.96
All sines in stock in these fatuous -Wilton
guaranteed Ruga. New colorings and de-
signs. Prices are surprisingly moderato
this session.
Yard wide black satipwduehease dress Silk, heavy quality and deepest rieh raven
black. Guaranteed pure silk. Value $2.25. Per yard SIM
deft r, n six or habitd. .4o plod caused them to be for the Ling at any future time to ray
w•tso west to manure will not only affonl a rich
resubmitted In order to get another l the (appal to protest against the re- 'food for the pinuts, but will assist to "car
"haul" from the public chest. Torduction of the Julies on sutumuhllex, keeling flu. self loose und pa.rnus, and earth. drperting In eminentia at+.ert
so able to retain Its moishtrr. If the lug to language they spoke. N. the
direr was chord against fw•h crltkhm They were courteously welcomed. bur severe eauutrlen allotted 1t, thd•w hi
soil lakes toe .kle.4 out quickly. place
OKI the new3apet•s offered their eery ! rrrRerl no very etimforting mow- over It a mulch of grass clippings the Jiviiiun mads before t.ut which i Juiuwt him ou the expedition. Hr
•to ant to take p,wa•slon vf. l oelw.kr• only for himself, knowing ht.
&tumid upon thc_face . of the
tu• hail acted from mercenary .or
covettous rasons. Ile murk• the ex-
e+eniun of the food his 1111611 hall eaten
pall of the portion due those who had
vier. free.)
LearrsU1333R however. -'!be Rig'
as! flaw not revert to Nose anything
from 1te present sedan. It the new
town ball 1s built. there will 1e an
many more pfblk entertainment,.
lectures and shows that in a abort
ante. The Finance Minister .48141 1►r- from the lawn, •ne 1114.» les tlllegtwos,, flu.:
would ••foam by his gum! lie to getwalug which Is given we was under the direction of rte King of
a partially-xbaei•d spot and find 'that wee the beginning or the story of flings, who would ear to hie lw•intf' re-
Primeh Minister *aid the matter was tola Abram. whose name Is famous. hems- warded. After these things the'
the Dowers grow larger there. forward. in loth Testaments. God word of 11.- Lord came unto Abram In
the h of 11 of Parliament. The eau• Bloss Finest is Spring
menthe deputation walled, ups Ail, get the pansy is nue of the assigned hint to a land to which He a e-islnn, saying: "Frear not, Abram. 1
]Mss Macphall. the only ottoman mem- few flower's whleh will bloom the would guide him and make of him n am the shield and thy cxeIMeIi.1g greet
bar of Parliament. and were told that' whole year Tumid. the tweet 88Ibfa,_ great nation. They wear forth to go reward."
tato the laud of Canaan: -and into
tory time Is the early spring. when the head of (Jlllaan tlw r came•." In
uutde:nr-flatwcrs are warts and when WORLD MISSIONS
the blows reach thrid finest de the course of tltDet Ile OP wee. net
time the returns tram the printing in her opinion the •rednetlon in. the
and advertlaing required for these dun* was Justtlied- "1 t ink yds eon
events wW commutate for the loss in- leave Ottawa," she 11151. "with the b-
in the free publication of the 111•! that the budget in its ewelentials
bylaw. And these evetrta will bring ■ will stay exactly as It is." The eve11ts
revenue also to the town In the rental
Of the hall.
_The 41"11 J I are
town hall a good deal In their task of
• news -authoring and they have a Pretty'
good Idea of the catdltlona that exiet
in the present building and of the
dllh•ufles under which the officials
carry on their work with the prrs•nt
Inadequate aceomtnodattons. The
lack of a large public auditorium also
la Imprelaed t'rtanent!S upon the news-
paper men In their dealings with the
of the tiny illuarat d the futility of
"monster deputations" in Impressing
(:ouernat••t•L If two os_ leaderstthree
of the motor ter Industry had quietly
interviewed tlw Government 8)141
pointed out some way in which the In-
dustry could be relieved without the
restoration tot the duties to the fornser
level. perhaps the results would have
been more stltlsfaae•tory. Thr notion..
bile iodtt-.tt•v lots !aeons a ear% 1111-
portant lone in rattail& 8itil tto„%
wlthes 11 to b• uw•dless!y InJnred : lett
there eon be little doubt that the
lower duties have come to stay.
April has given us the cold shoul-
der. and ao we, mnM tarn to May.
s • •
isn't it great these d*ye to get ont-
! !
e :!rat ford Beacon Herald)
11'as 11.. editor of The lioderich Sig-
nal speaking tar himself. torr the coon -
Motility when he penned: -.1 thrifty
man will here a stood excess,• now for
-doors and inhale great draughts otT11uu evening letters.. Ile sill _be _watt_
gasollne-ladelt alr? lug for the first of .luly:"
• o •
Have a heart, Mr. Ferguson, and
don't bring m that Provincial election
until fiodericb folks hate had time to
tool off alter this bylaw campaign.
• • •
Sarola, as well as Owen Sound. 1s
moving to advance its claim to he
.4e1ee•ted as a depot for All : (o coal to
he brought down by the lake route
What fa (ptiderlch (loin& to this
_ Iv4lfii v►atr
tarso Agricultural College oh April
?Ind. This was nineteen tiny* later
than last year, las only six days later
than the average for thirty-eight years.
On the other haul we hear of a Ood-
erich man who has 1118 gar,k•n all in
snot ways he Is two or threw (Nye
ahead of last year. On the whole.
however. the season is n late one. •
• • •
. We frust the bars' and girls- - -and
the grown-ups troy -are not forgetting
their pansies this spring. The Signal
is again offering prises for pansies
drown at the fall fair and the children
will attain have their own pansy
*tow as le the last two years. On
page 2 of The Mood this week 11111
be Mand a well•wrltten article on
now M grow these favorite tkrwena.
1 w. . Or,
alas. Mit phell 1' Introloing in the
1BouseCtiillmnus' .1 11111 to provide
qhs! ditto wnme•n who marry
elletnl shall not thereby bow thjeir
Canadian nationality. if they n,ntirµlr
to rookie In Canada• it t. 10 le hnpiwl '
that Parliament will adopt Mira Mae-
phafl'a propwlrvl. ?be Mimed more
feat ware bas .ailed attention to the
Diet diet there are Ia.tencea in (nod -
"rich of souses who hore lived lit
Canada all their Musa, sad who hove
wable to bar bait Abram and his Maio. An In*tau.•r of the way in which
end herd; and his nephew. Int. with amid has comecomeout of the evit of war -
Thr &anlenrr who Is ambitious to
grow his own early -blooming {wnoy hla snbatun•e: so they deckled to time perils and lurdelipa is given by
planta may Pio so by amble the !.eel wtewlrute, 14.1 choosing the plain of the iter. E. W. Doulton. a mltafouary
Jordan and Abram dwelling In the or till' 1' tur'h Mkw4eatary Seel 1)' les
lute in Auguot or rorty inrep18 In land of t'anaan. rise land was Iwo- Tauganyikr . Territory. Ile writes:
and wittering the young plants in a {ltd nnJ nmongwt these Canaanite. "At one of one out-snuloua. Nan.Pwx.
►r tar or t.Iwuth a tau ur-111tec- .Lrrw waw T•-w.trl'-g"Ing
huh mulch of .traw or leaves. !'lanes While sojourning there 1 war began. I esu. the evmmeneetnont of which Is of
loafed on the south side of it hall or the tiro we rend of in tote Wrllonres. • Inter tt. One of our teacher.. to e•.►
tight tome 11111 often Ibci• through the ''t' bore- stn„ Ori.,ttnt of 11 trw•rn+r 1.11111• l'alNun• at tM• 1lalllbe .of the Ger-
wlutrr without any protection. .%Imam and I.,I were concerned In lw
t. Inus, fl •- e
ed t.o this plat.nd W11011aniin
Select a cool. eau L par holly-
F•.,nr kings Invaded the country over hldlo, taught some of liar p+gole to
shaded plate for the seed lost dip in
the sell deeply nod make it as fine as
possible. Wow the seals thinly hl
drills six ho right inch.'' apart. cover
lightly. but firm the -ell well after
covering the seed. If the soil Is ,t .v
It sl Id M• well waterad after the
wvol la con•rrd. '11cu 1.111(4• it light
e+.eeriog of .1 raw or hay over the bed
nnt:l the revere: ilmefs- are well
started. 1\'11eu thte plants have la-
ctone well estallished, pods the• nnil•t,
lightly aside from the 108 aid whet.
that'• shtow''three or ftnlr.l.'are4 remove
1t entirely. and keep the gr tont well
cult It -ABA.
The last pia, is to whirr the yJuug
plants le a viola -frame with a glass
lash-_ Tiny will be -ranch larger and
flower earlier than the plant' wio-
1,rd outside. '
From Spring Sewing
Pansy seed may also he sown early
In the ••n•inp no a cold -frame :or in
sttntttrt tones Ina sunny- whitlow. la -
:boors. 1t must be remembered. loos -
..er. that poonsy plants like p1e1My of
cool. fresh air. and 11111'1 out ho kept
clow- nod warm,
The wed may he wont outdoors 11',
.11/11 a' rho• grnlmd can he workup ht
the spring. The snmller•flowv'ret1
varieties wlll•Idossom throughout the \
Here are
the facts ...
When 8 telephone orders
can be taken in the time
required for one order
over the' counter - as
has been proven - and
the amountof a telephone
sale averages almost a
third more, as it does,
can there be any doubt
in your mind that the
merchant who uses the
telephone consistently
will win out over the
rival who does not?
Can you afford to over-
look the rapidly increas-
ing importance of the
telephone in yotr busi-
ness for increasing sales
and reducing the Dost of
selritig ?
Be ,open-minded. Try It
-- not spasmodically, bat
consistently, and judge
for yourself.
which tire kings ruled!. They hold the read the New Te,etttts•nt, nod was the
r0notry waste turd eurich.d, thefts
!Marcs salt the spill'. Lot livid in
the invuiie+l country. the pdnin of Jor-
dan. was 111Y1•11 with the other in-
habitants and carried toff with them.
Abram, hearing of Int'' plight, whit
all speed armed his trained et -tenni -
atoll set off In pursuit. This' is the
:tidy military Gabon we ever find
Atoram,e•tlgagOrl in. He wits i,romINerl
to it not io .'u rich 111111..4.1f bot 1.' 11"111
hl! 'Mot her's ..11 itn4''11111 (1lumluutur
tams of It that never was any military
expedition undertaken. prosecuted
and tinished nese• honorably than this
of Abrams.
}le'divi,b.1l his small army :so. as to
nre•!t- , m -iliffe•ront-- quarters at
olive :1114 I14. made the :Mark at night
that 1e might snrltris• the enemy.
11r• .f c,..1'ikd 7n rest -Moog his kinsman
with all that' 'whoops! to hlln.
11u ,tlrttui s. return as rtrtnr the
King of Sodom went viii G, ,nw•st htm
to l' jiti x 1.19 respect for and grati-
tude to hits. hut. before the portico -
tare of tint lowering are re,+sobs!. we
have the story of Melchizedek told.
fie was king of Salem and priest of
the must high Leel. As a king 1n•
mule "pts -lou !or the wants of
w 1.11th. l*rt „took, maymaybran) and Ili. un As mindmindhe re-
,.-a...... . t s
be started In phis w;ty-. f.r Iltooming
111 the
dulls• euverltlg four t1m.' their din-
meter.-'Che,elrlls Who'll(' be s•terif
full Sow- the sled 11 it I• In
1116.110a aorto s sport "by n bit -wine
blessed .lbrnin H 114 he ble+ta•d (tot
who lend pati".! him to triumph over
111% enemies in.returtt for We Went.
a-- oat itudba-sur sltturi
tram iVeT l;i•-I* f- it o'i`il'itTltd
vation. When the young 11lawta are „burls he had taken.
well ttertwl, wlurwinR several leaves.Th.; king of Sodom ,onshk•ted him-
tU1•y should he trausplautwl to the- s•If nn,k'r great obllgatlott to \tram
1..118 h1 which they are to blade.
and he reque•A1.11 him I. keep the
When pansy plants have been In goods. gie•ing up the emotive!, only.
bloom for a long time to the t•aR,rh, t Abram had ant gone 11 war -faring for
Ihr !ranches twosome mate Tong and enrk'hmelnt, so refused the least bit. of
slender and tilt" flowers 1ery mach rewral, Tu prrvrat further per -
entailer. It the plant i' :closely ex- 8lstence on the post of the king.
amtwd-fresh branch...4 will he fossa •\swam nfirnurt his reveal pry an
starting out in the 1,entre of the plant. ' ,path. •
The old Irranehes which have two.}le womb( be gttanld in his tote
• blooming should ire mit tzar the nod`,Ine, n, that !herr would he n.. COW..
*ted the yup11K. torrent hrsnehea of -
IuwOed tAytaTwot out. 1'lois trimming :e'u
cutting Antos to come same time ieT-
fore the fl.eers tier nHowt.1l to get
small, and before the Pismo become
exhnuktol In I.kwtmi,g. work the
soil well an.nrni the' plant' of the
time of trimming. to keep up a strong.
healthy growth.-- Ity The Girl with
the Hot., in The 1e,ndon Advertiser.
Satiate a Gnat Many
(Wt,odst,ek Sentinel -Review)
Opps.Itlon rrltles say that the rat
to automobile tint** wee insole tea
satisfy the Privy -mit -ea. If that be
'o. there most Is. a good mans more
Progressives. 1s the eotmttry than the
e!et•1Mn return, Indicate..
A .back f,mcr Is the shartset"die•
tents. iletween two gtl*elps.-Penny!•
rants Punch Hoard.
The stenographer seat for the tall
ye st'r.lay and was gone "n her.
ISpring clothes,-P.fwrh•t, Examlaer.
loclnls of bringing to 4'hrist two \i•a-
rege, who were Iwlptizwl hr fur alt.stt
tour years ago. These tau earn have
since sou several for Christ. tire of
wlw.te -hove been baptized since my
return. nod they 11410 carry on n school
anti hate built a small church. anti are
fitting all hhe•y coo to Influents. their
frHow -men : They are not paid
agente bat are dolng the work quite
voluntarily. The halht•r tt0 one of
flies• nen Is very rich in rattle and is
furious rat his -en's e.,nyerst,n. Ht•
hat rn1IPttint le will disinherit him."
Most of the world's blg Jobs are The eldieulty In uplifting drama !e
held by tarn whodota't: care a whoop 'bat, those who want it purer daft -,-
what the ladiew think of Valentino: patroniste it much auyw*y. Altoona
Erie Times. Tribune.
Vote for the By-law
and Progress
The Petitions presented to the Town Council
read as follows:
Warm the liniment, spread it
vet brown paper -n..1 coyer the --
7.77 >fiter'1!Iliw4t=sesias' F` -rte
relieves ati..leas.
7::e , toed:cine chest. 41
T.. the Mayor and Council .1 the Town of Guderirh,
The petition tot the uuderstrnod Freeholders and Ratepayers of
Illy Town of Ooderteh showeth:- i
TH-\T the bylaw to pr.t iM• Muds f..r a new almlit•iptl bulltkug
as submitted tit the -electors at 11*- mmnielpal election 1 Januar)'
4th, 1!r18. sus defeated toy a every small majority.
THAT ee 19414-ve flat the said bylaw weer submitted at a
inopportune tithe.
THAT 1101' steps}.•s dict 1101 ba re'uflkIt.t( Ihmr within trbl
to c.onatelcr the Information sent out a few days heron. the Alloy
a1el your petitioners believe tial liar viral ors could tom vote mor
Intelligently ou the matter. • .
THAT we believethe Bylaw would now I,e t+lltsid
YOUR PETITIONERS Iprop•rty owners) pray that y
orabl• Rudy only be pleased to again submit the hylan
payers at au early (late.
---- qe lar
T.. Ne Mayor mot Courted of t
of flotlerieb.
WHEREAS the bylaw to ann. ze the wtectIop •t
bulltLug for Ihr Town 41f I:olerirh wens properly
ratepayers at the pills on the 4th day of January,
AND 1\'1ttM{E.:O the said bylaw was defeat
the ratepayers;
NOW the Inolersigurd respectfully
should not 1, lnitnuitted again for vote mutt at
lane*ry 4th. 1ti($
Petition No. 1, which was the mo
represented a very mut•h larger assessm
bylaw be anhwlited Al eh early bate.
Petition No. 2 also was very largely rti;,,tt
that the bylaw be not submitted Instil at le .t
'January 4th, 1926 (the last municipal elec
Ratepayers quite in favor of a new
either one of the petitions.
You can we that No. 2 petition w
Town Hall but that the Rubtnireion of the
If' the vote !fere del4ed ant' next
only Oven -more Months, the build;
b* i qrr, and the town would iu all p
ai1cent• yy d generous donation of 912,
eau/Ale-a' cited e
'ripen Hal ter any
'May.. Ott the of
iljought the dela)_
tare the 'tows
• $ehr that
of the' fact th
,toe bylaw is
who Gilford ell
A restful night on Lake Erie ,.
on one of the Great Ships of the C ar t iUs• make* a pleases!
break isrney. A good bed in a clean. cook et,
a long. sound sleep land en appetizing bre *fast in tits j -
Malawi "lgaANDasr•-CITY Or E1tlE"-"CITY OF sU/FAL0 : r'
Daly M., ht to Neoamktr 15th
Leave adkto- POO P. M Emma 1 Lek.. Cte.dnr-tetA P. 114.
Attlee f ..ske.i eqo A- M.-
fkeadard Tam I Atom Name- •7410 A. 114.• nom me ••C OP BUFFALO' ar.l..t 7 >o AAA.
Ceawrrlions for Ceder Potato A bellow. Toledo, fletrolt rad M►te rtata.
Aek your ticket moat or tomb* neat be Heae vvie C Lim blew
1w m•new itt
Automobile itate-$7J0.
3.2.~ bo*
do '-
l s.eha4, Ohio
I hear Rea Tbilisi Y
Geodes our litems...
la um, Illseelva
Fars $5.50
k -t
t .i
11Mit persona opp9sl+d
public improvement w
and, loony of Air
again tthmitting
Solt expenses.
ion *Seta
'ft of g1
Ing as
Vete "FO