The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-22, Page 1etheeliele „ :17.a.7:arrY
r-k. •
With which is' amalgamated the Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
By The Pedestrian
. '
Johnny Brent's house was one of
the mein tergets in Wingham drip-
Mg last week's lightning storm.
When Johnny' returned from his
potjare pa Tuesday he fennd gnost
• of Iffie fusee In the houee had
blown, that ,a radio set had been
deetroyed and, other eleetricel ap-
pliances damaged. Johnny saichthat
as far as he knew the weatherman
is net a 'regular listener to his
radio pregrams, and figures he was
just plain unlucky.
* *a
a PRETTY. SNIFTY a.- If Wilt
Hamilton and .Harry Brewne look
dressier than usual this week don't
think it's because Frentler Days
are hest around the cornet Iteal
reason is .04 heth" are expert
-bowlers. They showed, Clinton a
thing„er two last 'Week, With three
Wine in. the Men's doubles eonena-
ment' held there: FirsCptiza-Wae
couple, of custom-made suits; and
Wilt and. Harry are Wearing them!.
IN THE MONEY-Walt leIcKib-
hon Wei .,among the priee,winners
at the third annual .swimming and
diving Meet sponsored, by 'Mount
Forest Lions. Club, held 'last week
at ene: Mount ForeSt community
owimtnirtg Pooh A tele:Yelper:re from
Mount Forest took:the 'Senior ,class
and a Teeswater teeth captured the
junior honors. r ".
week Howard Sheri:randy. conite
oeily :greeted a^ couPle as , they en-.
tered his coffee shop."When he.,got
no response he askeileahhief
might do for them. After an enebare
ra.ssing delay the lady ,asked How-
ard If he really didn't know his own
Cher. And sure enough, it- was
',other Glenn, just nrrived from
(Vella,.. Howard ,hail ,'last seen
him in 1930. * *
There may be trouble 'n store for
members of, the Lionli Cleib•Who fail
to wear' their ,Western headgear,
Stetting Thureday of 'this' week
the: Sheriff and his deputiee will
appiehend any 'Lion wile appear*
on 'the street Without' his frontier
chapeau-The fine,' so, we: heati is
One buck per ,,convietion,' Weetern
hats•-of. all kinder tare 'available in
many, of the local Steeek•eribeensei
on a hydro pole Oh !Minnie °Shieet
is causing 'eautious°•centern,X0 the
tqlks ,along the street:- Beenme the
bees • get' pretty, Peeved • When the
youngsters' start trying dislodge
their)' home with sticks and Stones.
Lucky for the. youngster's.- the
hive , is high enough ,°, out -of
range, . r.
4., • W, * te, • , •
a a •
)RM isrctlAiViirorrn we!, avvas t he: winner"aUtlie betneae
championship" for • ti4'
Kibbon Tionhy, which. wailpleYed
for over the. •WinghaM ,emette last
,Wednesday. It. wes-e,re'ehandiefen
;match played Out by .:Me, elyeeviooe
;and. Mr. W. 112',:Freneliir and einly:
decided at thee';IaSt hole which
Note' made 'en - tilted' to Mr'
Freneh's !Min The clikeneildn'e
score was .82. Mr. French, took 80,
but had giveh Norm eAtehdicap
of. five. • •
'On Tuesday. evening Sheriff Johnny Brent Mayor
McKinney President of the Lions Club Whitney
Grose • and Norm Weiwooci, left 'Wingham in a
Model T Ford of 1914 vintage, to deliver a message
to the, citizens of Walkerton to attend the coming a
Frontier Days celebrations in Wingham, Mayor - • •
Krarapp accepted the invitation on behalf of •the
people Of Walkerton at a "short ceremony held in
the' Walkerton ball park. Left to right , are
Whitney .Grose, Barry Wenger, Johnny Brent,
Moor McKinney, Mayor Krampp, Norm Welwood,
, Mike McPhail rand Hugh Carmieheel:
' epeeemee eeeee heeeeewei, e"- •
1A'tird ate
Looking forward to Frontier Days are Brian.
Clark:, Brian Carr, John W'elwood and Lynda
Clark, as they• set off in an ancient car for
Walkerton on Tuesday evening to take part in a
publieity drive for next Week, • s celebrations.
elee'ree, aere
A ,,ear driven by Carl thArey, 17-year-olcl Hewielt
'township Youth, trashed into the 'porch of Mr, and
Sire, lI'red Hambly's hate, FordWich, on. Satur,.
day evening, The porch Was completely wrecked
and the driver of the ear Outfoxed facial injurica,
Wingham Ccet,ple Mark 35th Anniversary
. •
•"°' ", eee e a
a „jar t
t # •
• < 4 g 4
a a
Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGee, Frances Street, Winghare, celebrated their
35th wedding anniversary on Friday, August 17th. The couple were
guests, of' honor at a sutprise party given by their nieces and nephews
at Jim Halliday'e home in town. Mr. and Mrs. meGqe were presented
with a television light, to mark the happy occasion.
Helping',Hand .
Practured. Toe
14-year-old, Laurie Stuckey, e'er'',
of Mr. E. Stuckey, Wingharn, frac-
tured• his right tee while helping
to install a bath •tub at their new, „„t ,,,,,,
home. The boy Wae taken to
Wingham., General Hospital, where
a ,cast was applied and he was '
allowed home. -
Traffic Offences
Heard atWinghant
Twenty-four cases were heard by
Magistrate D. E, Holmes, Q.C. at
the magistrate's Court In Wingham
on Monday.
Fifteen minor traffic highway
offences - the result of a road-
block set up by 0.P.1?. traffic
squad were dealt with, Pines
ranging from $10 to $25 were he-
posed on the remaining cases.
Mrs, Currie Injured.
In .Fall' at Home •
On Atigust 15, Mrs. Wilhemina
Ctirrie of Wingham 'slipped at her
home • and injured her leg. It was
thonghtethat, she had fractured her
hip, but an examination at the
,hospital found that she 'had suf-
fered only bruises to the leg and
hip. She remained at the hospital.
for treatment.,
PRESENTATION2111:,•-... '1:41ohn -Cravford.. •• - •,'• PARADE, BARN DANCE. . -, , : • ••-; .., .' • Horne from- Europe: .• • - , • . - _ • ••- - • '-• • : - - ..,....... .+7,6,,,,,,dia,,,,,:::....,4,....44.4.a.:ai..4”,-......4,11,0i, , ; ; . " • . • ' . ' .. .4' ,4.0 • • 1 ' , •nr21:,
i J
John Crawford son 'of Mr. 'and ,, , 111 ,
Mrs. J. H. Craevfeecla returned
on Satitrday after spending ten
weeks travelling in the • British
Isles and Western - Europe. He
was a' member of a party of 19
young people who, made :the trip
under the auspiees of the univer-
sity of Toronto tours,,- ,travelling
13,000 miles. . .
The party returned to •Canade
on the steamer Americ 'which was
one, of the ° vessels elainaged in
Quebec harbour before -the ship
docked. Norte were beetteed.
Dilring his visit to Erigiend and
Scotland , John. called eri tare
former members.oif the RAF who
had been stationed at.Pert Albert
during World War II and who
were frequent visitors at the Craw-
ford home in Wingham' during
their stay in Canada. .
St. Catharine's Club
To.Attend Contest
More than 40 members of e club
known' as the Pioneers of Cana-
dian Folk Music, located in St.
Catharines, :have made arrange-
ments to attend :the DominionOld Causes Accident Time Fiddling Contest in the Wing-
An early morning August mist ham Arena. The contest takes place
caused , a car accident tot, T. P. on•Friday evening, August 31st and
O'Malley, R.R. 2, Teeswater, on the the St. Kits people will remain
morning of Aughst 8th, Mr. over night at the Hotel Brunswick:
O'Malley drove his truck into a The club Is composed of people
ditch to avoid a truck which from all Walks of life who are in-
suddenly appeared out of the mist, terested, in old-time Canadian mu-
He was; taken to ehe Wingham sic and dancing. They wear similar
General Hospital with fractueed clothing when travelling to out-of-
ribs, a fractured breast-bane and town events, so will be readily re
re collapsed lung. His 'condition is cognized when they arrive here by
Morning Mist
described as satisfactory, „
Walkerton Message -Arrive-S.
ours by Old Poiiy Express Route
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson,
Belgiive,„OntetiO, wish' to elle
nounce the engageinent tit their
daughter, Donee May, to Mr..
William Leslie'. Shaw, son. of Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Shear; Rothsay,
Ontario. The marriage Will take
place in Knox finked Chureh,. Bel-
grave, on Saturday, Septerilber 1,
at 2.30 o'clock. F23b
John Rae
Breaks Leg
Five-year-Old JOhn Rae; son of
Mr. And Mrs. Murray Rae: of Wing-
ham, fractured his left leg while
playing on Thtersday, August 16,
He was taken to Winghtarii General
Hospital where .a cast evas'applied.
John was allowed 'home after
e •
lilleelAGEMENT . •
and Mrs. -Stewatt Cowan,
Minnie Street, WW1` to' announce
the engagement of their 'youngest
daughter, Joy Evon, to Kenneth
Attain Thompson; son ,of Mt. and
ette. Robert. ThOnippon; Wingham.
The Martine to take pitice'on Sat-
urday, September 1st, 19541e
• Mt and Mrs. Edgar R. 'Hattieon,
of Whigherri, wish to announce the
engagement of their,,Onty daughter,
MindDodge to Elmer' Fleming
Benign, son of Me, Fleming S.
Bellegh, of Winghttill„ and the late
Mrs, Ballagh. The. marriage will
take place. On September '.5th, at
3 o'clock in :St,AndtcW's PreSbY'
Wien Church,Winghalei, 14'21*
• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ,Piledbief of
Whighain, atineunde'ithe 'engage=
Meet be their dalighter, June 'Gail,
James. Petrie ifolMes; son
b 'and ee,' Br E. of
• i Mb, The wedding take
plate the Middle of SepteMbor.
The Shortage of trained nerses
at the Wingham General Hospital,,
and the hope of recruiting girls for
the nursing profession, was teimed
es being "'grim" by H, 0, MapLean,
chairinan of. the hespital board,
after; he had heard the manage
meat, committee's report at the
monthly meeting of the board, held
last week.
The management committee re-
ported resignations, mainly be-
eaves of marriage, as one of the
reasons wh/ it was so difficult to
maintain a full staff of nurses at
the. hospital, The committee also
intimated that the housing shortage
in Winglia,m kept trained nurses
froze outside the district from
coming to Wingham Hospital,
The management committee's re-
pert contained the fact that no
recommendations for salary in-
creases had been made.
Chairman H. C, MacLean told
the board that 'he had received a
cheque from the Department of
Health for the sum of $8,750, the
federal grant, which was, said Mr.
MacLean, $3000 lase than origin-
ally promised,
The reports of the property com-
mittee, the finance committee and
the building committee were read.
It was decided by the board that
the building committee should ap-
ply foie a permit to enable hot-mix,
surfeee pathways, to be built around
the hospital, and that a sign should
be erected near the entranbe td'
the hospital to indicate parking
for doctors,
Brigade Called to
Beaver Lumber
Wingham 'Fire Brigade 'was
ed tee the premises of Beaver Lum-
ber Company in Wingharri, on
Wed4esday last. The fire was not
of ag serious nature and no great
damage was done. •
I The. small blaze, which was dis-
covered at one end of the lumber,
shed,' wee quickly extinguished by,.
Don Breckeeiridge of Beaver Lum-
ber. • . '
Axe Severs
Boy's Toe •
The good deed of a 14-year-old
Brantford boy back-fired and land-
ed him in the Wingham General
Hospital lard week. . •
The, boy,. Phillip Torek, of 28
Mary Street, Brantford, was giving
his. grandfather a. hand to cut
wood at the latter's home in Tees-
watet, when the axe skidded and
cut the lad's right toe, almost
severing it.
Surgery was performed at 'the
hospital where the boy is said to
be in.satisfactory coadition.
Company Honors ,
Local Salesman
It has been announced that
Michael McPhail, local representa-
tive for The Mutual Life Assurance
Company of Canada, has qualified
for membership in the company's
Conservative Club for 1956.
This is one of the highest honors
a member of the company's field
force can earn. Membership in 'this
club requires consistent production
over a period of years of a large
volume of new insurance, so care-
fully planned for the policy holders
that .a high percentage of it re-
mains in force.
A television program -took the.
Hainbly family in off the porch
of their Fordwieli Home on Satur-
day evening. A few minutes later,
while they Were sitting watching
the Jacky Gleeson Show, a car
crashed into the porch, completely
wrecking it.
:it was about 8.30 in the evening
when the ear driven lier 17-yeer-
old, Carl D'Arey, .canie'across the
He bridge into leardwiele failed
In keep the ear ender .centeol and
it first hit parked vehicle, be-
longing to 20-year-old, Howard .14,
Toner, Gorrie, which Waq standing
outside a testenteet, • bouneed
through , a picket fence, •etilested
About feet of laWh end ended
nit demolishing the porch.
When Ceesteble J, 1 Lewis• of
the Winglutin PecivInleird Pollee
arrived At the smile, the driver
of • the eat ribald not be leekted,
fled after a sear ,h hint been 'made,
IhArey Was found lying at the
roadside s, aneeidetable direettirei
from the scene of the eteldeet,
The bey said he had wandered
benalme his head Was hurting.
and he Waen't Mite of where he
was or what lied happened, He .
was taken. to Wingham Cotieral
nospital with facial injuries. NO
other. person was injured.
0101ME • YOKES
Buckboards, buggies wagone and
every type of old-faehiogied vehicle
arc need for the big Frontier Days
parade on Saturday, September 1,
Of course, horses are equally im-
Those who have such equipment
available for the big day are asked
to contact Johnny Brent at once.
Those who plan on eetering
floats or other vehicles are asked
to get in touch with him, at once
so that the organization of the
perade can be completed as soon
as possible and proper positions al-
The parade will line up along
Scott and Minnie Streets as was
the case last Year, Some thought
was given to having the parade as-
semble along Carling Terrace but
it was decided that the hill offered
too many obstacles for this pur-
pose, so the fernier assembly area
was selected.
A bigger prize list than ever be-
fore is One of the features of the
Frontier Days, celebratioes.
The following are the events and
cash prizes that go with there: Old-
time fiddling, four prizes, 1st„
$100, 2nd., $75, 3rd, $50 and 4th,
$25; Highland dancing, 1st, $45,.
2nch $5; Amateur contest, 1st, $25,
2nd, $10 and '3rd, $5; Square danc-
ing, $40; Step da,ncing, 1st, $10, 2nd,
$5; Barber shop qu,artet, $35;
Horse show parade let, $15, 2nd,
$7.50, 3rd,' $5;,„ Horse show, saddle,
1st, $15, 2nd, $7.50, and 3rd, $5;
Frontier couple, $10; • Children's
Parade •Prizes, Frontier boy $5,
V't'tintier girl, -$5e^ Deeorated 'buggy,
let, $2, 2nd, $1; Decorated wagon,
1st, $2, 2nd $1; Bleyele or -tricycle;
1st, $2; 2nd, $1; Indian, 1st, $2, 2nd,
$1; Indian princess,. 1st, $2, 2nd,
$1; Cowboy, 1st, $2, 2nd, $1; Cow-
girl, 1st, $2, 2nd, $1.,
Mts. Jae, CaMhbell receiver)
pest card' reeently1Mtil it Mend In
Etigliend tillowing it carnet of the
Village of Winghafito o, nice little
, •
Last week the former CKNX
building on -Josephine Street got
its face lifted and now looks just
like a real old-time office for
Sheriff Brent with wood panelling
around the walls and notices out-
side. *
Last week the banners declaring
Wingham's Frontier Days were
hoisted across the main street and
several of the citizens started to
sport ten-gallon hats.
Already this year's celebrations
are shaping up for the big suocess
they have been in the past In fact,
with this year's added attractions
it looks as if it Will be bigger and
better than it harever been before, *
The sheriff extends an open in-
vitation to all the surrounding
townships to enter floats in the big
parade. He feels there can't be
too many, Ho was also informed
this week that many of the fine
horses entered this year at the
Canadian National Exhibition will
be on show in Wingham during
the -festivities. * * *
• This week saw' 0, start being
made hi the window displays by the
merchants of town and hats are on
sale in many of the stores. Every
one is expected to wear some kind
of garb for the celebrations. This
dressing up, after ell, is 'one of the
best features of the Frontier Days
and one way In which all can joie
in the fun.
* * *
Information about the three-dav
event can be' obtained at Sheriff
Brent's offiee and inquiries about
every aspect of Frontier Days can
now be dealt with. The sheriff's"
telephone number is 999.
Softball Team .
owner_ R04$.t.- • •
'The members of the Len Craw-
ford Dodgers girls' softball team
will enjoy a wiener roast at Arri-
•berley Beech on Friday evening.
'In case of rain the event will take
place on on Monday night.
plate not tar from Clanterbury ih
11`t n I'.
Mee, thetephell'e friend could not
reineMber 'her Tarried: name, but
The Mali must go? throught Yes,
thet'e" the 'watchword ' with the
Wingham Frontier Deere Pony Ex-
press, Leaving Walkerton at high
noon •Q11 Wednereley the rider*
Making lip the pony paireso team
dashed out'Nq, 9 Highway • and
south along No. 4 with greetings
from Mayor Krarepp in the north-
ern town to,the, people of Wingham
me the occasion of their second an-
nual Frontier Days,
The ride was made in a little lese
than•two hours flat. Sheriff John
Brent .left Walkerton on the first
lap of the trip and then dashed
ahead to ride the -,final Tap into
Wingham, where he . placed the
message :in the fiends of Mayor
E, McKinney on the Steps of
the town hall. Progress reports
were phoned in from various points
along the way as the rider's passed
and when :the second lest lap •was
started the bell 'in the town' hall
pealed' erinomme to all and
sundry that, the mail was coming
On Tuesday evening $4 group, of
men travelling In 144 Ford '04r, driven by Norm WelwOod drove
at a steady 20-mile-an-heer clip 'to
Walkerton, where Mayor McKinney
was met by Mayor. Kraznpe, to re-
ceive. an invitation for the people
of the Bruce County town to , at-
tend Frontier Days in Winghant
next week.
As was the ease last year the
pony express ride was greeted With
a great deal of interest all along
the way as village and 'county
people gathered at the intersections
to watch the ridees go through. A
Crowd of nearly 200 witnessed •the
departure of 'the pony express
from Walkerton and there was a
good 'turnout for the, arrival In
As a special event a Doll' Show
was held on Wednesday,.August
15th. There were all sizes:, and
shapes of dolls. The , follOWing
were the winners:. bigg-e0t. doll,
Brenda Conron; smalleet
Freda Lott; best, dressed dole let
Beverly Cunningham,e2nd Sandra
Cameron; fanciest dressed,! 'Karen
Elliott; oldest dell; Freda Lett;,
youngest doll, Edna May Atari-
strong; doll with the •ptettieseeara
longest hair, Joan Burohilfea
When she cAttie to the Allege
cd whit the earth simply
addressing It to Vivian, 6/0
nu% La.clical Wear. Of. course, 'it ,at-
rivet) without difficulty,
• • • Dr, A, W. Irwin was presented
with a desle Set; by inerebers of the
Wingham Lions Club at a farewell'
party' held- 'at Wingham Golf Club.
on Tuesday evening.
• Marty members, of the Lions
Club attended to' honor Dr. Irwin
and' to, show their appreciation for
his work in. Wingham and for his
activity in the, Liohs Club.
°Lion • T. A. Currie mate the
presentation of the desk set, and
in a, short but sincere speech, Dr,
Ii'wln -thanked the members for
their ,kindness. , •
Dr. -and Mrs. Irwin leave for
Fleride iheaefew weeks where he
has' purchased a motel business,
•A native- of Wingham, De; Ir-
win and his good wife will be
sincerely Missed in this commun-
ity, where, both have been active
and popular for many years.'
The big, Frontier Days parade on
Saturday, September 1st and' the
CKNX Barn Dance in the arena
that evening will both he televised.
Those who have never watched
the televising of a pregrairi will be
Ideeply interested in the technical
operations' which are needed to put
the program on the air. Screen's
will be set up in the arena at night
so that the spectators 'can watch
not only the live program, but the
television picture resew-eh.
This week is the •final, week of
summer playground •activity.
ery Monday, - Wednesday and
Thursday morning there has been
a recreation •programma at the.
:Unitede CliurehergeMnaiitim •-• -' -
On Monday, Augast 13th, 'a pip- •
nic was held in the' town park
With about 70, childten attending,
After lunch the older YOungetets
played' ball, While, the younger
ones enjoyed , splashing In ,the
wading pool. ,
ea ...ea •