HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-29, Page 14" PRINTING hat you want when you want it THE SIGNAL when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 1 ilEVENTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 17 a. ' •p.• UCH INTEREST IN VICTORIA SCHOOL'S 'HOBBY EXHIBITION Boys and Girls Show Much Skill in Making the Articles Zldlibited The "bobby" exhibition held at \'Ir tr,rla school on Friday last. under the altwplcea of the Victoria House and School Club. attracted much attetr tion. The tUapiny of hobby work was spread In three or four Hams and was surveyed by a large number of inter- rxted spectators. The various arti- elet gown --even those produced by the youngest pupils --gave evidence of mesh industry and Nktll. The exhi- bit whkdt attracted the areate•st at• tentlon wax "Thr Home of Hiawa- tha.- a miuluture Indian encamp- ment. very complete In detail. which was worked out by Barry Wenger. aon of ler. and Mrs. It. Wenger. while confined...to-his bed by Illness.- 4 epeelal ►•-affable exhibit* were an alt tomnbile (by Wm. Whiteoldrt and as aeroplane (by Raymond Dreams). while the ladles found much to admire In the fancy work made by the girl pupils. The award* of prizes were am fol- lows. the figure after the name de- noting the pupil's age: Room I. -Mr. Stonehouse. --Ger- trude F.vans. 12, ballet ion seedu. fat OBITUARY MRS. H. KENDALI. The many frlent u of Mr. and Mr-. .lobo Murphy. formerly C.N.R. con doctor out of 4ioderieh, will be Rhodos' to hear of the death of their eldest daughter, Mrs. Harry Kendall (Ver- us ). of Port Huron, Mich. She Is uurdced by her husband. her little +en, her parents and sister Mlse Helen, to whom their many friends th extend deepest aympa y JOHN H. ELLIOT'l' After a long illness John H. Elliott 11141/ at bit home In the Colborre• Apartments, Hamilton street, (krd- erkh. on Wednesday of lard week. in his seventy-third year. The d cr.,wil was born at Hayfield. the Pop of the Late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott. and lire) there until manhood. when he went Went and warted for the Great Nortlwnl Railway at 4;rest Fail* and Seattle. i14; was forced to give up his work through inns** about are years ago, when he eime to Goderlch reside. Beehive a sorrowing widow r 1--:``0". f A -ter priors SALES BOOKS Do you use Counter Check Boon P THE SIGNAL can supply these in all regular sizes and at the closest prices. (i 1 V E US A CALL. Immo GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, •PablWters. The News of the Town OddfellowA Church Service Iluron Lodge. No. 1;2. .11.44.F.. will observe the 107tH *u11lyersary of 4Nkl- IA10%1dli i by at teinHI,g divine ewr- vice In North atter! I'nitei e•hun•h 1,11 Sunday morning next. at 11 o'clock. Rev. 1'. F. Clarke. pastor of the church. will rx-upy the pulpit. prize, coins. let prize. stamps., 3rd prise. educational picture* on cushion top. 1st prier; i)ella Morsel. 14. bed- spread, Sedges' special prise, Mrs Evans' special prize: Thelma Hoty. 11, buffet seat. 2nd prize; F:dlth Lum- py, 12. apron, 3r1 prise.," centrepklc. Std prize : ti-na Craddock, 14. cake. 1st prise: Margaret Brans. ills apron. 1st prise. Home and .eboo& special. 1st prise; Joe Taylor. 12, at•a11.•akes. 1st prise; Jack /Rack. 14. wtcaiwork. let prise:" Kelso Johnston. 1:,. titins. 1st prifr•:'DOrrthy Walters, 13. apron. 2nd prise. Home and School special. fIrd prize: Stanley Tayl.... 12. t••,kiee. 2nd prise; Barry Wenger, 10. special prize, Mrs. Evans. Roam 11. -Yr. Wlbon. - Fred Orem. 14. wren house. let prise; Billy s 1 Proctor, 14. 2n wren honor. Print, Jlm Redriitt. 11. stamp e•ellrt•tion. grid prier. educational pictures. Sat prise; Dora Atkivaoti. 14. muttlue, 2,nd prize; Nw1s•y Clarke. 12, eeokles. 1st prise: Mabel Edward*. 12. embroidery, lit prise. stamp ;uU•ction. 1st prize: Alice Johnston. 13, cake. 3rd prize creed (•surly. 1st _prize: Jessie Mac kay, 12. *off t.wt'rs. 2114 prize: N'en Ti'1'. i•;. seed t•ullrctiun. 21111 Mr*, John Fraser ant Hr. Thi naa ElIIott 7iti*b _ eT liiyfit1' The tae'. era' took place from his Inte residence on Friday afternoon to Rayfield cem- etery. Rer. C. F. Clarke eon/Meted • the service*. sal the pallbearers were: ht. Rates. 10. Sproul. A. T. Knitting and L- Mt•Nevin. GAVIN H. MUTTON The tutden death of Gavin H. 4'lut- ten of Stratford. formerly ,of fee•burn, whish occurred an April IAth, was a stock to. hit many frie de. He had been under the doctor's fire for only a sbnrt time and nn one realized the seriow'nesa of his Uinta.... His death wee thee to heart trouble. Born near I)untktt about sixty years age, the late Mr. Clutton while quite young cpm' with his parents to reelde on the farm now ocenpied by his brother. Alex.. at to eburn. Ile morcel to Stratford thirty -tilt years ago. He leaves. iopsides his widow, formerly Miss Nellie Horton. of (blhorne town- ship. two men.. Winton} and Alen.. both at be.me. and two daughters. FeMth. nr hone, and Yrt. Robert 'tows.. of Comber; also MI}' tinter. Mi,.'Plsbteua, of Goskrkh. and two toretItrnc.-icor, 4LAUarsta. and •If',relearn. Jit. seat au earnest Chr than worker, not Duly In the Ilaptiat (hnn•h and Sabbath school. in which he wet a dcacot and teaeher. hut In his dally Intact with ethers. never !.sing an opportlmity ro alwak to them *but the thing+, of eternity. The funeral, which took plats. from his n,idence to Avondale cemetery, Strwt- f,r'I. on Tuesday. the •_11t11. was inn .Better by his paster. nth*. 11: Mc1)er- Bev. W. W. Stoddart ('allyd to Toronto Goderleh people are iiiter,•sbd 111 the announcement that s .all has been extended by 11...vereourt road Prrsl•yerian church. Turunto. to lice. W. W. Stuklart. of Youngstown. 111110. Mr. Stodttaat lit a former G.alerich buy who has b4.Ii for acne. years in the States. and his many friends In lila Ilona• tone would lw glad to ser him established in et (auadia11 large. TDr I)orero'.lttt road 4•hurih ha+ 111411 vacant ,Ince last (ictib•r, when 1)r. James Wilson, the former minixter• Was tallest to Itrampton. 1)r. Wilson ai*t is a native of Heron aid is 'a graduate of Gaderieb Collegiate -Tn- atliute Rev. Mark Turnbull at St. George's Large congregations were present at Mt. George's ebur -ti haat Smoky, at both morning and evening et rvkes. to bear Rev. Mark Turnbull. of London. fhr former well -beloved reser of St.. George's. At the morning service -a tablet in memory of the bite Mr. W. A. H. Cuff was unveiled and dedi- cated by Mr. Turnbull. in whose iccunbeucy lir. Cuff w•rvei as or. gentle and choirmaster of the church for many years. from Ir41t5 10 11111. Mr. Tprnhull slake feelingly of the talent and faithfnlnem. of the late Mr. Cuff. and his sermon, meat appropri- ately; was au et raest discourse on im- mortality. Specht menti,• was render- ed by the choir umber direction of Mr. C A. R. Wilkinson. lucluding the I•tautiful hymn, -For all the taitets who from their labors rest." w'hleh ens :nn eepeial favorite with the late , Mr. Cuff. The secretes of the day, with their hallowed memories,. will i long to remembered by those who were p1, se t.1. 4111! Qaltlas Wedding -♦ e__-ery peppy Ebner wall spent at ZUe home ofr r. Med Yat. James.![Apra- 1 over California. lett of a population Steven- son. Bente stt•Ae(.on Monday. y aa- I of 4.000. '(1* fact that about lreventy• 2(t, when members -of rbcs family aa- !aft: , (Isar 1 unllwr are ores eighty years la a pretty gum' record. Veil. Help the Band Funds Uoings at the harbor New Jokes. mew 14'1111•. etc.. will feu- Thr steamer 1Irumusnld sells u't.04 tore the intuitret show to he• Kittle ext e-.s,eful In lir attempt to open nayiaa• Tuewday evettlhg it '►'icturiu Opera 41 at thl. Is.rt on Wednesday ufter- • House under the auy.fces of 1111• t.iuu.' 110011. she wade a de.1tiItt • attempt Club. The prueeds are for the bee, 111 break through the henty lee 0111 lit of the (1("1"Icb Ionil ulxl will 1. $1110 of the hn•al-wnter, but wits forced used for the purchase of new health- to return to the harbor. Atwitter :d- issents which are tartly ts•eikrl. The t•mpt to opa•u nits gaUuu will la• made reserved .est talc will town at Ilan• this (Thursday) 11Pter'tu0n I when the top's drug store tomur•,w I Friday) eteamers Drummond and 1l,t .'e will morning at 9 .i clue k• leave together. If they are smrera.- fe d in breaking through the ice the ('Itwwgea is C.N.R. Iteheduie • 'other lout; in the harbor will leiter (rt. Sunday next .a new time -table shortly. taloa effect on the• Canadian National The light! a• sem set to tyyrltlun Railways. Tarsi• 1 . i n .'hang' in the' for the a'ii.o 1 on Tuesday' night. time of arrlt•al or departure of trains Dredging operation« were 1•unt• at Goderit•11. but Ihr ua.reing train for w.unl.l by the Furn•a outfit at for G4alericb will have Tt.nto at 7.1.1 north stile of tau• harbor on \\'wlues- o lot'k, instead of 8.4:., an improre•- meat of thirty minute. in the running tor. TI tr only stop. east of Strat- t turd will be Woe Tormt°. Weston. Brampton, Gt-orgrt.wn, Guelph and Kitchener. -'The t • re re u - tLtough from l'otonto to (iwlrrbrlt. TIw train fearing here at 2.20 will go through to Tor(a.to. arriclug thee- i:t 7.3.1 Bottoad of 7:411. There will also tw an improvement :u the Buffalo con- nection. the morning tralir count -cling at Stratford for Buffalo, • In the Maala/rale'a Court -. lesterd,ey moruiug• in Magiatl*te s revert, years of age, wait-.twpkgeda.t-forger; rind reeivtd a eentene of from nine months to one year In the Ontario Re- formatory. 'two week* ape Owen. forged the name of Jacob Fisher to two cheques on the. Mack of Montreal. one for flle!►.i and the other for *111.90. and had them t'asbeil►y Goth .rich merdrente. When the forgery was dtwocered 'tweets had gone to Toronto. whence he els brought back Ca . Lag Bays Gaderleb Property The following is from The Border Cities (Windsor) Star of recent date: "Col. 1'. H. long and !'ani Robert, have • returnees fnmt Goderleh. where tba.._.fotaoer has purchased what is 1no..ir to -many People in Wluele o as -Honeymoon Cottage." It la situated 1,11 about half an acre. on one or th. highest points in Goderit•h, overlook- ing I.ak. Huron. Th' U01one1 luleudr 10 gu trp to Gotk•rieb in May to super- intend the bnikling of a large summer home. "When In,f:oderich Ise W1111 shown two - photographs.. ore a gnmp.. of twenty-five. tb.' other of twenty-three citizens of Guleri•h. all over righty years of age. There were twenty -eve more. but when a*el to have their photographs et kens sons• tatd they didn't want to bother -fuming up." that _-they- were. lug Sad= utlteea cwGTit ( ip•t-4,R aura , 1' -runt health elandpotnt Ontario has It all The Signal's Views on the By -Law The vote on the tone hill) 1•rte.% t take, place on M0114111 y hex t. Con tid.rabie bitterness %s uta W herr .1. .'01411041 hl OW campaign, but lu this Thr Signal lots no tam 11 . ,des to every 111111 the r,glt to his eau epithet and the right to exert his in dueller w.. far as he elle honestly NMI fairly' do so to bring Others to his views, and Its columna have 'won t available oo the .ams eauditions to loth sides in the eontrov.rsy. It sin- cerely hope., that abet. the vote it couuteti all .,.ntentlun will cease, no wattrr w hath side wins the decision, lSad that ill will uuit. ,n amity send uiwlw 111. The elgaat. of course•. has its own oldulona on the question et i e•In• and frets in duty bound to Kite thaw .-a• pression. 111, Signed has for year% been aehotatlug the ere#loi of a new Town bait and is frankly in favor of the bylaw. Even opportrnta of the by- aw I"• , r T bU11(7dhu requires -a largl-"exltraditure• for re - lair,. anti .'•nrratiou. find this wotlkl not give us auythi ng much better than what we now have. When we are. spending money. would it not be more economical. looking ahead ■ few years. io er.aomethintr worth while.. and ta• .pedally to provide a large auditorium for public gatherings. the lack of whkh has been a handicap t. the town h,r many years': by °Menet Whiteside. ale tame out _ . from England a few years ago nerd 'The prevision of a suitable pia.,, and the town *111 thaw Dr n4lrvw! of had worked for two or three years 011 annual payments much greater than for t•ettertaiumenls. lt'ctureet and large the amount necessary MN carry the n farm in Colborne town/drip.' public gatherings is t natter of_Buic 1 ----- William Letson. of town. nn Monday town hail doh, l.ytnw �e t, thehA Importance. G..Irrich is the county words, acro If his bylaw carrlro, f. , was s.utwuwt to a term o1 six 1" 11110 town. but it has ti".li..rrst atltummut•tw mouths in the llntatiu Reformatory las rate from 1t, hn snot wait at► . dation {u this resl.l•t of ell for towns ;jr, i for beating hit mother. peevishly rrhuel. �\'hy not an - I Is It realized how- large4y the y g people of G.xlertch. in their seeking of amtuu•me•at and reereatitct, are con- tlucd to the dative hath and tine pewi- t..rms7 Wh;'re else ran They go:' The new t1,w11 hall woltld provide exce•I- le•ut at'.muushetiot for ••utertaiuwrltt of a whoksom. kind. \\'. belie,e this was one of t1he chief ubjeet w'11ieb 11r. MaeKay'Itad to mind in offering( his contribution of $12.00e. .o the building fund. all. because of his pot - crone Inters -so lu this feature of Ude project. .omnwwity require -melds re- 4wir..1 spacial nitentkit in the ptY,s for the new hall. Can we lightly push these ron.id,rattuut aside? There is the question nt site. Fra,kly. Thr Signal believes that a letter site than the premed one exttdd be had. but could we ever exposit to have the ratepayrrt agreed upon this'? It everybody. were to reflis 10,.__, rote for any hut his own favorite elle, we nlloLTiT fief,!- of anyw'Dere. the querliop Is not whether this alto Or that Ix the better one. but whether we are to have a new hall on the present site ..r not at all --at any rate not 'far u geed neatly year*. Then then• is the financial qu;wtioa. It has Recti pointed out time and agsin that In two or three years the fired payments on several large de- benture issue/. will have hetet made trembled to redebrrtie 'with them the. e o u fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Stevenson. n native' of Ileprey township. limy comity. awl Mrs. 7l[ereataII. a natty trf-G•sirrk•'. town- ship. Huron county, wet.. married in it '_0th, 14711. hey s:ttl1.i 011 the Lake nod. .\sh I.1. andmelded there for forty-two yea retiring front active term life eight year, IMO. 111114;1.t • whit they hart* rel sided to 4; wlerieh. Ha cntifnl gifts of gold and dowers were re1•feel-from the memlw•rs of the Nanny: Mr. and 1 Mrs. Albert Stevenson. Quebec street: town: firs. G. Ashtrne and family. Lang easel today.- PERSONAL MENTION ; Sylvia Sulkelil, Be plain ►1.14' Lurknow mt A r Mr. Terence Ilnsw•y' is, riiitluR I mitt, who eta.k. in highest terms of p st prix„., . 3 1prize' life of the de reit L, embndd.rr int -IDC' t bnia•tt'r gal is p t muaatr r 1 Swath. .ream cattily c ,r I . :t d ine•: Fish., Th.; plll.•nr.rt were Mx young men prize; Muth arum the Suu,tay WL4al eines known nth. 12. !wad work. int Df as 'The Chorus." of w'hith Mr. tch('Int- • . Chit - reel!. 12, cream candy, 1st prize: Mildred sem. t Wil 14 mbroieiery fat tan wax at one thine the tent•h, r. r I and Mrs. Alex. Chinon. :Messrs. Henry. se•% primnehis. let prize', tally. lit ; Hillary and Homer Horton. the eak.. 16. •w friar: Mar tota ire; 414 nd prim.: Gordon 4'ate• ualkslNl plutureu. let I UIPPPe Fdlth Hud Eliznl.Ptlt -Horton ret Jenner. 12. knitting. and Mrs. Wm. Reston went from God. try Hinonttk44r 1•t,- PeW. erieh to attend the funeral. trees. 3rd prize. bliss Rohl -neon.- Mar paper tlew.rs, let Iz.. IN. work. 211d !aL tot prise" Verve toot. :tr.t prize: Ruth us. 21141 prize. taffy. sedettald. 12. mann. an,•s Thomwl, 10. tea prize: Burke Mel.er.l. 10. 2ne1 prtze: -11tH -White• ti. int) ern.. let prize. eree- prim•: 1rrernard Mae4hm- te, let twist.: Ralph Wal- t. ant price • hittth . yarn- s. 2nd prise: tl•nue Ma - educational pictures, 2nd !t)•. 11. apron. 2nd S1100 rtah special. e 4rin..`•pil- t/LM•L _1/Nts: Misr' l.itthtg. Jud prize. Cake. tan Sproul. 12. 101\ 14. aril Reeve. 11k woodwork. 2nd Molter. 13. bird hull•.. sump .olleetien 1st prize. , Ile til4w. 1st prize. tarts. 1st' Marjory i'nntrle•. 11. knitting. e; Lillian Serene. 13, cro(het- prize bm,tI orkt 1st twig.: y.•, 11. wr -1, latll.le. let price; bonito-. 122. • dean wools. itt Irl 1 rney. 12, wren t nrtIT•-- Mn eke• I prize; i'hyl- ' 111 prize; house, 3rd prise ( Bert - .tor eon.. an. 12. !tell. 19. ('hill Carter. rd pi Audrey Nikes, 2n11 prime: 1r - tore and arrow. let Iwo mod gr- ief, lrfoak r-i,aetj•lfhttl 12. watt Ie Atkii wen. Tit. Ih'a Ilar- Is•tt e let f tuck. Ile j�h w el Ilrindle'y. int wherlhnrruw. 2..11 prize. int Home nnj)howrtt•ii4 $11e'inl prize: 1 Hous;. 2t •rt tirorge. 11. bird' 114.wi and Scioto! Club wire; William foray. n. bird house. 3rd prize: Clayton i\'eet.m. 1 A. wren house. :hill prize: Gertrude Wheeler. 9. mittens. 'rut prie. - em• htrddery. 1st prize: itnb•nn Sehrant. 10. plain sewing. 3rd prize: Jean_ Rnb'rtenn. -x. crocheting. pot prize; -Jnnn Ler. 9. knitting. sot wise. Room 1t.-'IWi, N,rirn.-Thelma 1141. 7. plain • -ening. 3rd prize; Either Lee. 7, knitting. 2nd' prier: 14111.1• H".IL q, .wrap book, let pals'; Ruhr (`lark, 7. scrap Itwrk, ani prise: Ihlrlou Mackay. 7. pleb' o,w•htg..hld prise; Pearl 1t...ps•. 1. tally. 2n11 prize:File Johnston. T. st.np Ise*. Faiaginti#Atat•laY. 9. muf- f flue pre 'twist.; -Katherine 3lurrny, 7, linin sewing. tet prize. 1t.s.m 1 N. -lit"•, V. Watton . - Noreen Sproul. S. tally. I -t Prise: 111•len Thoma., 7. taffy. :1ni prise; Gertrude Sturdy. 7. intuit rawly. 2nd prise; Betty Whitten, 7. towel, 3rd prime: (;unlet Mathieson. 7. PrerMr. 2111 prise; 1t4'ttle Thompson. A. nail lox. 211(1 prise: Jean Yat.tdam. 9. do l's quilt. 2nd prise: Jean Eliek. A. (Moil's dans. 2n41 prise; Ruth Deer. n. hilt. let prize. Speelal Mus 4:11tt.S WOitK Margaret Evans. 1st prize for work on material tkunetd by Homo and Schaal /'nth. $1.00: Irene - -Pollan. .1,h do., t0.- : i h,r.tity- wetter,. Rrd 1.. 2: a•. 1 1RK 4,4. RrInd iey, ext prize for nark 14. 1 ate IJ1 donated by Home nail 4111• : Rolseft G.ortre. 2nd ( t.rre pM•eeatell by Mr. . A. 1A ••!den f 1. hiMr by Ririe-t►trilt Marney +1 F.yer.harp pencil. $l: boy'.. itsrry Wenger -- Firer -harp ae•neil. *1. donated by Mrs. F. Itrrt. Albert : Mr. mud )1t' tt. Me - Whinney. Dungannon; Mr. and MI•s.{ 11. Munroe. Lethbridge. Aim.; Mr.l `end lir-Jsre:-*=;keerwwou. ea4ur,. Sask.. and Wilfred. of (ittn;•sbot01. Al - belle. Messages of congratulation and , good wishes 11.1.1r1.11.01141111 from many friends. 11 r. and Mrs. Stevenson new lath in the e•'tJoymeU ..f g/nal health. and the wish of their many friend* le Hint they may have ninny more park of, health and happiness together. I:rane( The lady Joao.* Race 1Mllt Mer- rier it epi•r•itl prize of 73e for the bed The jndgee were *4 W. 1' Moir - tory., Mn. C. elfeonrt. Mrw, ilownle. d Wee -re H. Eds o n's. J. f`1Rrte. .( 1 Thomann and C Tw..dk' • J. H. Robertaeo Buys Knerbtel B\tal- mom Mr. .1. Iloward Robertson. formerly tet lt"bertxm -fere¢•.. *rovers. Of tmrn. is ..xt,it i his buwlnes* tot Strntfonl. according to the fgllna-hie paragraph from The Stratford Ikalou•Iierat(t: Owing to cuntbuu•d iil•h,ulth Aaron Knehtld, head of the retnti show con- cern. Knoche! & 1'1,ntpaeuy. 32 'Welling- ton stn•Pt, has ben obliged"to sett urn 4.-cie . new- jar. ^'^' es- it- Is the weirkingmutr--semi -the-ma►�-�41 ti, r ow•..e ar -pn•srat. .1. 11. IGlw•rtiion. when hat leen "peril- .f tnntlerate means who al►ould arise site all the property that will be re- mitred. emitre . ' and taking e•reryA►b1R into • of tile 4bu what this Wein tion campaign✓' �'. .\s an Instant 0• til l92''t. then. to tut up the new luring a recent elm.- building? For at mist tau very gold ;kerich could barn i reasons. Mr. MacKny's contribution had 11 mooting ultilreniesl by the Prime' of i12AMa1 wnnld u.l thee Is• nrall- liinister bud a entrain•• auditorium' able. Further. the Avery tender. been available hat in want -of Who the nr.ling was held elsewhere. Many which has been provisionally Re - other opportunities of he•ariu • deed mit 1. Is $11.0 1 loner than Huy other IM k R that was reepirrd. Nutt It Is doubtful 1 addr•sws, Kraal musk and R•wal caret• 1 If to favorable o tender would Is• rr- taltem,•nt generally have hu doubt lain oris"et br the people e id Goderl'h fr the asses• cans•. trued again. Adding the two atu,untu, the town wives $21,1aa1 by going ahead wit1, the building waw•. lug the• sloe hgrlwts ialtrhle. 1110 the' oPlortunity whirls the bylaw af• manse at :to \W'ellingtrnt street. Mr. fords. When the wealthy man. the Itoti•niuu plaits 10 worn Into the wen who ihw•Ni't limit 1„ rouut hip Kniehtel store evelntnnlly. Intl--in-tate pennies. wares or-neree groat show he meantime w'fll continue to operate Ill. ,an st,yt on the tjalu au.t go to Tir- store 111 :141 \\'etlllugtui-treet. FSI. onto or London and /mJoy Ilhnslf. \\'ageinst, for ninny yar gasoel Uet The man In urdineoz elrenenstnnees with 3tr. Kies -Mo in hit rut•rpriwrt.} t'an's afford to tL, thft: he and hie wilt .'.Minns w:111 111'. Itolw•raron. I fancily have to take what they eau get Mr. 1{111.•...-..11 tame hl Stratford In friends In Detroit.in their home towm and under e•xl,t- Mr.,1f, .'4. Tofeni_lot c1 ersjat• ou! fIt,' fall of 1!24nnd tewrk over the lug conditions they pct eery little of an extendeol trip to Itetroit. ""' ol• - f 1 araAnl d . r. Walter Dalton. of Ih•frott. visit -1 eel t end. In town hist week-r11d. Mlsu MiKhmon ntten.k•i the onto- :Ler nto mer nt Iltwry openings nt Toronto 1 Oda - week I Mr. Waiter . Heitnuu, ,tt ,$iratliinl. whirl* haw !pip Keri A ,ibii f*rtm4'ut whl,'li growl 'tzt. tidily under itis dlr etlon, 11e bad 1f it ennoble ituditnritin: e,nb1 vre;e. 111111x11 building of w'hkh two ellen not - - _ _ -_ tit the week-elnl it., town. r• tishnroty'�-_. 'nixie Initiation Deep mystery veiled the purists •OBITUARY heti, of St. 4i00140.', 14111r1.11on Tues. 1. -- day eyes itg when uo•►nh.rs of the :tNG1'S M.KIN NI IN newly formed RebaseI 'I'nxis lkinare Atter 441 itluest ut three tau nth■, cud .I•1e•r..1 neer ul. mbe•r- of Ili. Matt- I Kris M4Flnton diel at his homy at land Toni. square were initiated in T t S t h • t Mn'-. Visiting at the 1 ngt Roberts.• Square Initiating Ie11tIl. r1 ,it it1w1a I' Sknitll. 14411Ili11.1. and tome fo Canada Mr. R. Stone! . .lnik Carves. ea*. bt 11417. when h. r,.ldcd In Loseknow. nest ltnr•ki..ridgo• and .hle•k Sl-lk.Id,' Ile then Icft for the copper country in 1 tletlmN were all 11.pt hl our tram anal totter residing here for fire years, went serer brw►Rta out mu, -by - nue, WW1. _tsn Tnnttrttr >srrplr 'a 'Ran. Its wtra folded and tied. and then guide) into i n retired mining engineer. null _an• n Mr dimly light III cluunl.•r. where member .f Rlr.nlnle' 1'nntbytrrl'nn lid h esus iuNlafrd in tin•u. The see- • 1 ,' by slier Peal pa•rtornlniret erre of a hutnon'ms Knthertnr: fair daughter.. Mrs. Hort tad 1 arg•• of ate eereuurofe..' The Mlehlgan. returning to G,derlelt, anti 11 a hnNlu. lit lit, eortite l 1 yIds IAM afire pn.galnu. Inn conattstnn of the e're- mint being 91 l'rl.spr•t e.is•tery' G.w of the late John Ac4csltl. whkh Alt.1 110.11100 1 h toys n•tlre 1, to another - ; acttrrwl Im Ttatro ray. Apr11 .loth, at room. where several irhrteMi were WILLIAM Mel,F01) her verdrianco.--Ml_dt favor/h. atrtreL- hind Silt -ion niniiT:-Tr a.m.. (seeder' _ i.e. 11. t'. jtrrnii,i and lir. R.11. wntihiOL Alter-°Tbe-bitsr b the _ , thh dna thy Immo' meeting of rim-PrSynod- lyterian Synod .rf Hno nttlt.nm!-toom don. Mr.. Fwlwlu 11,-41114 will v the first time sht.e 1,.'r mnrrlagt' on Wwlneslny. Mnj• 5th. from 4 to n 11.14114'k.11.14114'k.Her mother. Mr.. GeGeorgreceive1'. 11111, mrlll receive with. ler. air. and Mrs. itoltert Johnston and Mr. Hobert 11.11 .have returned from Sault Ste. Mari.. where they were ft• Wieling !lie funeral of Mr. i►trtld .1. Bell. eldest nun of the Litt Mr. Willis 1101., Siio.a t h»- Woad.- -The member* of Heron Lewlge. 1.41.0.F.. w111 *Steno! thit aervIee. :t p.m.. Sunday te•htol. 7..p.m---..renhig merrily. The Dtitjor. Rev. 4'. F. Clarke. Will 1.011111W1nct the aervtrrt. .T1s• twelftii 8111111111 meeting of Maitland 1'r,:hct,riel S.a•Irty bf the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church in Canada will he held in the Presby. feriae]ehnreh. Brussels. oTuesday. n May 11111. opening ,et'w.t.n at 10 n no.: 111101.1100/1111101.1100/1.Pt,n nt 1:1/1 p.m.: Peening twwbp m at 7 p.m. Srltl spa•nkere during the wertlon's • include held. A deliotirt�-Tnih !L was -en Iib, hinny friends heard with ti" - - T r t as. "i moved nese wht} --- lbw. H.:'). and Ilea Armstrong. I>titr- haat. lntekof Kong -Motion. Smith China. and u.•r: irr. etorhea. At toestraler. The Inaugural meeting of the Pres- byterial_ 'res-byterial_ Women a Missionary Ihrelet; of the iJnron Presbytery of the Coifed rhumb tette held at Clinton 011 T10.11- day. The ltd1' preeeN from Gawl- Kteh•were M.sdamee Hamilton. ('n1- tarn.. Andrew. Aitken. l'inrke. J. R. lnhntn. lhtetnn. E. .t.hnttnn, It. T. Pllillip•. McNevh,..1 W. Moore. P. W. rnrrio•. Nwflel, Howell etwl tole, aro! Miaow. M. J. Roberta.. :'4 David/ton. itume Money nail Clarke. The revi- ler eamper meeting of the t'niwhytir' wins held at Clinton on the name (My and WAN attend."' by Rev. .1 E. Forel. Fto•r. C. }' Clarke. Ret. S. ).'Remo and Meeker. G. M. Elliott. Win 101111.'. C. M. Hoberttos. R. 11 Tache and'}►^ Entn •rTrn. report e of the pre -went Meg it, t slant gwtherinO «111 )1e Alen nett week. tr - �'„ at ^I`Tor efts Rr. iv ..ri nr iter t• tRMr tem tne•mlw•ro weer bed by Jao•k deaett th of William M.fietal: who intowel will-knoiwn and .elemel nol4lent of i'nrrdw In arms ref ten Tnxlr eon*, away nt tet` trome•. •Idrosis street, sen Glwl•rlcit. Ther int. Mr. AcLewrh sella__ for many years our of tee leading operetta -Mk -n tttth'rteh, ills death tack plaid: about twenty year"( alio and n trw' years later hire. Acts** Hud her thoughlrns removed to Tor- - onto. While, it resident of Iindeik4t the deceased sen, ml aetive'tnember of North etnet Mrttt.dtst ihur,h. She tarte one son. .1..1ttt T. Acheson, of Winiip•g. anti Mee *molders: Mro. lite,,) a♦'. W. llullltsrakt•. of Handl•un; menrur of the Ynhnw'ki. thanked 11,, _Au�11_�_ of (1111,111. mid one elxlr'r. hirti R' N. Merritt. of Kitchener; 11-o. member. of fh• Malttand 'rnvf. "a(r+. .\!fret Tehbntt of town. Mr. 11MP. lane. of float -nit, an*the Phar* Sgnnr, for their • aorlxhmt,• and .'x-, 3114.1.1.1111 weir a stann••h I.IIw•ral. The l:ltaaheth and brunt. of Toronto. A l.r,....1 hf•.ri-•rre that flits ,Ile,,".-fol-711.•ref t,,i7c--joiai,:_4tit-Trine tit-r-aeler.t:_.alaee- Mhui Jepule btw7tl. of VVSnnl• meeting nuetlrl be molt a start Ind noon to Maitbind cemetery. Vet. 1', r. alit, elrit-tv.t. The ilsxly wait that n. Ih1 ,let". g• 1.3 !herr would h^ Clink.' of North street rutted church. brought to (loderlell by the noon • 1'.N.R. train on Thorn/bar fait. arms - ending' with three cheers for the 111- Tm•, my morning. April 21). The de - 11•91. sw 1440. 41r_1 . 4idw1- •1ue-r-,. s.r} l health 1 1 'di and to the leaders of the two itis 1„ x week Iri4..rh 1,1• death. when i'ytrrittlws. Mr. Wilkinson and lir. Stone- It; mntracTrit Tsfwemttl: wail! hie - CAPTURE 0? VIS RIDGE A MILITARY MARVEL Tribute from llaJnr Curzon 10 ('an- ado's Gallant Soldier - 'ries follenciut: i. nn .stent teem a letter respired by Mr. .\. 4 ,,rzo1 of the Hnroo r.nd. tram hit brother. Nikko. ('Innen. inter 'Atli Htwttart. in F:trrranod .. - - - - '1 hare JHA retnrnwl from urate. where 1 visited sixty retnrterlcs on the S.nmw• end found diem ell well kept. 1 visited \'Imy 111.1*, end con elder 1t marvellous how lord Brits and hie gallant ('nnnrllnn. ever car- ried It and 11.11s .d.p1s11 the It.e'li from reaching 1111. (.wJ$Iw ports. The feat will g. (1,wn in hl•lv.rt ata mili- tary marvel. not to ear tabraele." • Major Coma% he* r.rv.l fifty year. In the army and was aeeletant remount .Aker In the neer *ter on the staff of General Roller. .•ir, i., hone. Leslie Evans Hud I>,mgint Clarke were ewk.d to ghe their .opin- ion of the Initlaflou, aril both very etrengty declared It to hire been "rhe very best.' .Mr. t4n,rh.mw' spoke a few word. of appreciation to the at.- haw lee for their Invitation to help in t11c Inttlattnn, Hr. WItkfirstn. the ronght th3r11 affected Ws Mart. 11. war born lu (iuderirl: toaus111p. near Nolm.trlllt. tltotu slaty -seven y.are ago. and lied in the tawir,hij n11t11 hie jemur111 to down 111.01t 1 ightee n' y.ir. ago. 111'. sister .\toil. pre -le- ,,nal) hint 1,.11 ,years. If- le survived try two trrothwrs. Jahn: rd tpwn: met nonny more encl. tneettstge to follow. The program nae fittingly dowse'. by Ihr• .Ingh.g ref Me 4rtnnlul Trihnl I'rny,r and 4 word of prayer by Mr. 11'Ilklnaon. _' it It litter; 'ting to noote- f i -at tate, pre•gnt time there are .11 r.N.ir.T. remove nt work In 11.wdrrich. f.nr more thin there were n year n1». There are three grottos In the leo United churches. one In Knox slut^e.'1 and faro In SI. George's ,lir/•h. Those who are bending this ('.14.N.T. pro grim --the only lays progrnm In ; kwl erieh--nrr plean.d wilt, the w 3. It hat been reeel'.d and fed that as le become" better known anti 1l, worth reeler/tired It will b'e0m. a tree) fa. - for In the toy life of Oils imumtwttty. „oat.,,, i4 •' s''•'• 5" , r' lnniel by lir. .1. T. Ache•'on, Rev. r. twitter. seer. 111.ssrs. R. C. I11'k•hrr, 8,.• )),Itlnrake fad hes ton..'tllnu. 1114 i•oam McKay. ln.'ldlilinu, .lobo Mhlnty Hud Mat 8,.• R. N. Merritt. The interment seat ro ! made In YalftaoA rAmt.tery• the hmrlal MRK.( -ft -ft. W/x)1)S t wervtre 4er4tg 4r+w41xfl'.t l.v tie-': liAr - The p.•..l.be of temierieh learned HMllnnk', mels nephavrA 0! the de- • with mtn•h rrpdvr4: of (he 41,401, wt (reared. Ma. 11. J. Acheson. of town. Mrs. I:eerRe Wrealx. which ..rurr••d DWI Newer.. F rel Fnrd. JAN. Ford awl at her hone. Rb. Patrick'. etnit. .tt (:."..1'rlcrka of (tllatwn. meted /01 Tturwluy last. Mrs. Wools !lied not benr•re The demotes(' was In has It t. in the 15..0 of health singe lest ''ighty-ninth y.nr. ,e July- hal her condition had nppnr- ently Improves! greatly tip to a work ' I. ('bOil/fRl('H '1'OMVI�fi1P before her crater. when she sen• 'train - 'stricken ilea. Roods, wln..i maiden The Itenmillrr Circuit end, well/ nam. was Martha i.. McDonald. wee errand the play "The Vinsge lawyer" torn at Intermit. IMI_ a Mumbler of he Bethel eh,rch con Friday vermin,. Mr. and Yrs. James Meltonald. bat May 7. at te n'elnek. *It I W ' '` ' a n=t',