HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-08, Page 7Dorothy Cruickshank, Wingham,; Beth Johnstone, Luclrnow;' Norma
Downie, • Wirigharn• and Feene Nethery of Wingham, make up the
charming quartette passing through the "Welcome", arch as they'.
leave Belgrave schoolon. Saturday. ,
gbanl Zttli),..antrglrinitcs
ivoT01,14,1% AVVAICFM-11.10iS, MIDNIER)4Y,, AVOPST Oth,
If school days are the happiest,
then school minion days are the
next heat thing We met several
hundred people in Morris Township
et the wpek-end whose smiling
faces were proof of this.
Sisters Lillian and.. .13eeeie Campbell watch "Foe" Cruickshank
register at Stone School.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert_ Beattie, of
Walton spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. George Michie and
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bosnian 'and,
family of Ingersoll and Mrs. James
Paton of London visited with Mr,
and Mrs. George Cook over the
weelt- end.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Styles, .Billy
and Patsy of Miinico /and 'Mrs..
Margaret Lowry and Mr. 'Fred
Lowry of Dundee( are, spending
holidays with Mrs, Cork McGill,
Mrs. Clayton Logan \ and Kenny
of Moose saw, Sask., visited on
Monday with Miss Stella. Nethery.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hutton of
Kincardine, Mrs. ClaytonLogan of
MooseJaw, Mrs. James Leitch, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Leitch and John
Leitch of Owen Sound, Were vial-
tore ‘o,ver the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs, Rae Crawford .and Mrs
Annie Thynne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert,,Beyers and
Miss June Beyers of Royal Oak,
Mich., and Mr. and Mee,' Clayton
Procter of Fort Frances, wee() holi-
day week-end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Carl Procter,
Mrs, Carl Tnipe, Jack and Helen
of Galt, Mies Vera Proper of Galt
and Dick and Leonard 'Grey of
Milverton visited over the Week-end
with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Goll and
Rev, and Mrs. McLachlan, the
former Lillian Hindes of Brussels,
now of Locust Hill, spent the Week-
end with Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie Bolt.
Mr. and Mrs. toss Procter and
family of Burlington and Mr. Chas.
Procter of Oakville, were visitors
With Mr. and Mrs, Stevirate Proc-
ter for the weekeend ceiebtation,
Visitore over the Week-end and
attending the Morris Centennial
celebrations with Mr, end Mrs.
Harold Walsh were Mr, tuitlMre.
Vic Atcheeien and Dick, of Strat-
ford; Mr, and Mrs, JohnS -W teatt,
StratfOrd, Mrs, Pearl Waish,ktilyth
and Mr. Cason Ellie of Hamilton.
Mr. and Mil. d, Niag-
ara Fella N,Y., and Mr, anti Mrs,
Allan McKay and faMily, )of Wing-
harp 'visited over the' /Weeksend
With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meduire,
Mr, arid Mrs. Itualsel Walker, of
Goderich, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stahel-Meth.
Mr. and Mrs, jetties: Wightman
visited over the Week,etiti and at-
tended the Morris 'Centennial with
Me, and WS, Edgar- 'Wightman
Visitors to School Section NO' 1
were impressed with a neddel of the.
school, made by the teacher and
the children. The model had ''an
opening in the form of a chimney
through which a collection of'
money was made, while ' on the
model lawn 'stood a sign reading,
'Help Pay Our Texes'', Visitors
shelled out with real pleasure.
Long lists of past teachers.Coyer-
ed the blackboakde 'of the' schools,
and at. S.S. No. 8 and 6, a very fine
collection: of photographs" showing
classes and' teachers was on dis-
Unfortunately, lack of space deep
not,allow us to mention 'the liarries
of all the people who helped to.;
make, the "Back to School
the outstanding succese it was:
Credit is 'chi .0the'PeOPre
ris Township, who have worked
hard during the past i•n weeks .alt
ing arrangements for .•the event,.
and to the large number of people
who came from far and wide lee be
back to school again.
Their ages total 293 years! They are froni left to right, Anson
Ruflon, Clorrie, (68) Robert Earnest 'Garniss, Clinton, • (85) Jack
Garniss, Toronto (69) and Lenard' Ruttan of Gorele (71) as they
stoied outside their old school, S.S. No. 8, at the reunion of 'pupils
held on Saturday.
These ladies are examining an ancient butter boevl at a special
display held in their old schoolhouse, Walton Public, School/ Left to
eight are; Mrs. Austin Norton, London; Mrs, A. Moduaig, Seaterth;
Mrs. Phillip Lawson, London; Mrs, William Merritt, l3lyth; Mrs, E.
Errington, Dungannon and Mrs. Agnes' Davidson,
They came front many parts of
Canada and the United States just
to be back,,in the old school house
and renew acquaintances with
friends of their you-ill; folks like
85sYearsold Robert Ernest- Garniss
tie:n Clinton and R, D. Cole of To-
ronto, who at 73, was making his
first trip batik to school in more
,,han 50 years. From Calgary came
irtrs. Agnes Davidson to the Walton
Publip School, where she revived
old friendships and talked over
times' gone by with contemporary
,:eachers anti ,pupils,
Every school in the township was
;ally decorated for the occasion,
Pictures from the papt hung on the
/rails, sharing with pride a place
with ,the ever present portrait of
our reigning monarch, People stood
'cheerfully in the rain,, waiting the
chance, to sign their' names to the
echool register. Names that were
once underscored for playing
hookey or being top of the- class
were on the : teacher's lips once
again,/ and in every instance the
teachers of the old days felt only
eostelgia at their mention and the,
memories brought tears as well - as
laughter.. '
Many of the schools • had Pee-
pared special .souvenirs to 'come'
memorate the grand occasion.
Some had given much care arid at-
tention to 'the production of hook-
lets telling the story of 10Q Yeaes
of school 'life in their Partieulai
114Qtris Conennial
'rile following are the comnatee
Ineinbera for the Morrie Township'
Centennial celebrations, to Whom
this newspaper extends cordial
,greetings and cohgratulations en a
Stieeeesful uildertaking:
Jaime, Michie, centennial preeis
dent and chairman of the histori-
cal committee; William Eleten,
'Vicespeesident of centennial corn-
mittee; Ralph Shaw, treasurer, and
member at historicel Committee;
Walter R. Shortreed, ehairmen of
program committee unrl Member of
historical committee;. George Mar-
tin, Secretary. and member Qf the
MoiMIS ViRrOus
During the Morris Centennial Dr.
W. 14 acrd M. Mcduteheon visited
et the home of Jack Clark and
.other relatives and friends, Dr,
McCutchepit, a former correspon-
dent for The Wingham Advance,
submitted, news items to the paper
from the 13russels district of Morris.
Township when he was only a' boy.
historical committee; Dick2reeter,
chairman of the peblicity and in
Vitatioo , committee.
Many, other ,people were required
to assist with the planning .and ar-
rangements and a full het would
take in a high percentage of the
residents of Morris. To all theee
we.' offer congratulations.
650 Registerat
Stone School
The register at Stone •School,
SS, No. 7 Morris Township, WO'
signed, by 650 people at the reunion
on Saturday with guests being pre-
sent from all parts of Canada
and the United States.
William Elston, chairman, called
the ga thering together at two
o'cloPk. The pupils, under the di-
rection of the teacher, Hugh Sin-
namon, gave several choruses and
musical numbers. Mrs, Norman
'Keating and Helen Haines sang
soloe and Francis Walker gave an
accordion selection, "
Nelson Higgins, a former teach-
er, gave a brief history Hof the
school. Short addresses were given
by former teachers and W. T.
Cruickshank, a former pupil, spoke
to the gathering.
The ladies of the section served
a dainty lunch and the rest of the
sodaafternoon was spent in a soda
School History
The first „school meeting was held
in 1860 at the home of Jae, .Camp-
bell, A special meeting Was called
and the present site was selected
ter the fleet school. The first three
trustees were Chas. Henderson,
Alex Campbell and Wm. Geddes.
In 1861 a log school was bull';,
and a residence for the teacher,
The first teacher was John Isbis-
ter at a salary of $200, population
296, with' pupils of school age 101
and average attendance 50. The
pupils sat on long benches around
the school. The assessment of the
section was $160, Balance .in legis-
lative grants.
Times were hard and money
scarce in the early days. In 1877
the, present school was built by
F. Pattersdn at a cost of $850 some
of the Pioneers of the section wert
Jas. McGee, P. Richardson,C. Hen-
Alex Campbell, M. Patter-
soh,' Donald 'McLean, John Elston,
Hector Mol.,ean, Chas, Campbell
Jos. Colley, Abram Procter, Jas,
`Colley, John Perdue, Wm. Geddes,
Henry Perdue, John Geddes, Wm,
Isbister, Thos. Johnston, - Robt.
Warwick, David Geddes, Thos,
Brandon; Wm. "'.Casemore, John
Casemore, John Perdue; Wm. Mills,
Wm. Wray, Thos. Brydges, Wm.
Martin, '- Archie Nicholson,. Geo.
Casemore, Jas. Laidlaw, Geo„Han-
na, John Hopper, Wm, Finiater,
Henry Hopper and J. D. McEwen.
In 1946 the Township School area
was formed and the old trustee
system .was abolished,
One generation passeth away,
and another generation cometh,
but the earth abideth forever.
During ,the 96 years there have
Veen 45 teachers as follows:
John Isbister, Walter Alexander,
„Geo. King, Martha, Gilpin, Milo
Emile, •Geo, Campbell, Thos, King,
AleeReid ee Rohe Stewart,. e,Mrs.I
,Thos. Walker, Jas. McCracken,
FiedsClarkson, Wm. Martin, Mary
Cornyn, N. A, berharte Nina Ishister,
N. Higgins, Pearl Toll, Wm. Step-
henson, .Elizabeth Johns, Alex Mp-
EWen, Duncan Allison, Cliff Pugh,
Miss 'Armstrong, Ada Fulton, Har-
vey Hoover, Eleanor Douglas,
Lauretta 'McBurney, Mrs: Orval
Robertson, Viola McLeod, Edna
Blair Shaw, Miss Andrews,
Gladys Campbell, Miss Tuff, Stew-
art• Collier, Helen ` Mulvey, June
Work, Isael Spiers,'Janet Mathers,
and Hugh Sieinamon,
Nelson Higgins, secretary
Reunii?ti 'Held at
BELGRAVE---Quite a number of
termer pupils, teachers and resi-
dents gathered at the Belgrave
School on Saturday in keeping' with
the reunion at each school section.
'At noon a lunch was served and
the following prograin was enjoyed.
9_ former pupil, Mrs. George
Johnston was ,pianist for the pro-
gram, which opened with one
verse of the Maple Leaf. The chair-
man, Edgar Wightman, gave a few
remailes. All former teachers pre-
sent were called on - for a few
words, ,
Mrs. John Nixon gave two ac-
cordion solos. Fernier pupils ,who
spoke briefly were Albert Nethery,
Jim Cosines and Norman Stone-
house. A former teacher, Mrs,
Walter Scott, gave a reading,
The program was closed with the
National Anthem.
and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and
fan-lily, of Toronto, visited with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley, Cook and also with other re-
Mr. 'and Mrs. Carmen Perrier
and family of Long Branch, visited
with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hopkins
and Rained and Mr. and Mrs, Perin
Hopkins, all of Hanover, Mr. and
Mrs. ' Gordon Carter and tinnily
and Mr. and Mrs, Beverly Wallace
of Blyth visited With Mr, and Mrs.
R011ey Marks,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, England, Of
Tugaske, Sash,, and Mrs, Atha
Scandrett and Corinne, of London,
visited over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. VanClimp,
Mrs.' i3ullen of RidgetoWn,
spent the week-end with her bro-
ther and sister-hi-law, , Mr, and
Mrs. Ted Fear and fatrillY, Miss
Wendy Pear returned to Spend two
weeks et Ridgetown with her
aunt, '
Mr. and Mrs. tinier CaMpbell,
of ritigtowoott, visited over the
weeloend with Mr, and Mrs, LaW'
Va teeee n n
Morris Township
School TeaChers
The following is a list of, teach-
ers who have taught at S.S. No. 1,
Morris: John Armour, Finlay Scott,
Hector Buie, Thomas Grey, Robert
Grey; Mary Dick, Mr. Ingram, Miss
Dickson', Miss B. Tucker, Miss Wil-
son, Miss Dross, James McLaugh-
lin, W. J. Tough, James Nicol, Mr.
MeDurmin, J. B. Hazelwood, George
Bielby, Miss Isbister, Miss Ester
Armstrong, Miss McArter, Miss
Jenkins, Miss Bowers, Miss Stev-
ens, Herb Toll, Miss Fear, "Miss
Allen, Miss Cora Armstrong, Miss
Hewett, Miss Potter, Miss Snow-,
den, Mies* Morrison, Miss Smith,
Miss Higgins, Miss Lockhart, Miss
McDonald, Miss Mills, Miss How-
ard, Mrs, Anderson, Miss Adams,
Mrs. Plunket and Miss Coward.
0 - 0 - 0
SS. No, 5 Morris
John Irvin, George Blackwell,
Annie Smith, Kate Smith, James
Knechtel l Thomas Robertson; May
Mtelholland, James Nicol, May Ir-
vin, Pbtter, Richard Ad-
ams, Christie, Halliday, Alice Dick,
A. C, Russell, W, J, Frost, Mary
Halliday, John Armour, James'
Stewart, James Arnistrong, Bert
Passmore, W. J. Brennau, , George
Bryans, H. D. Ainley, Edna Reid,
Minnie Wheatley,i May Scott, Ida
Cornish, Lille Taylor, Clayton
Procter, Bessie Mien, Clarence
Johnston, P. Reesier, Helen Gras-
by, Edith Lockhart, Dorothy Col-
ley, John Hood, George McNichol,
Florence Imley, Isobel Mcponald,
Elizabeth Ferguson, Olive Rintoul,
Joali Whitfield, Ada Dow, lertice
Langley and Mrs. E. MeCreath,
800 Attend Morris
enterinial Dinner
About 800 people attended the
special clineer heel at 'tile 1301greVe
Community Hall on Sunday. The
dinner was part of the Morris
Townshie Centenrial celebrations
held over the week-end.
Congregations from every thureh
in the area attended, '
Robert Higgins -,
In hospital
appendectomy was perform-
ed on Robert Higgins, 'in. Wingham
General Hospital, on Wednesday.
Mr. Higgins, who Is from Bel-
grave, was reported to be,' as well
AS can be expected at Site time of
going to press, He Was admitted.
to hospital on Tuesday.
Mre Higgins and his wife were
active on Morris Township Cen-
tennial committees.
Diana Morland Visited at the
home of Mr. arid Mrs, Weir Eck-
ensweiller of HolyrOod last week,
A number from this community
attended the Morris Centennial at
Brussels on Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes of
Kitchener spent a week's holiday
with the litter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, T. C. Vittie,
Mr, and Mrs, James Pritchard
`and Patsy of Galt have been holi-
daying with relatives.
Jack and Bob Steurnol Spent the
week-end at leVasaga Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nay and Bob-
bie of Waterloo are spending a
week With Mr. and Mrs. J. Mus-
grove, Other guests at the same
home on Saturday Were Mr, and
Mrs, P. Merklingee, Mrs, Ken Ray-
mond, Mrs. Ruth Schwarlt and Mr.
Carl Cook, all of Kitchener,
Dr, Finlayson Sunnybroolt
Hospital, Toronto, anti Mrs. Finlay-
son were giteste of Mrs. L. N.
Whitley on Monday of this week.
Mrs. Minnie Irwin and Mrs. Belle
GreaVes are moving •to the former
Cecil Day home which Mrs, Clar-
ence SparlMg has had converted
into apartments, •
Mr. Edward Verguson Sask-'
ateen, Bask., Is visiting his parents,
Mr. end Mrs, Robert Verguson,
Mr; Robert Grahame has been
cohfined to bed for the last week.
Prieuds arc honing. he will soon be
able to be around again,
A Britieh employer plaits to give
bonnere to workers who LIME smok-
ing. Cash on the . beats New
Year's resolution any,,. time. —St,
Catharines Standard,
Brian Travis, a pupil of Walton School, gets a handshake from John
Hanna, MLA for Huron-Bruce, as pasb and present pupils prepare
to, take part in a parade at Walton.
Others' in the picture are:- Mrs, Jim McDonald, Alvin McDonald,
Mr, William Turnbull, Mrs. Jim Smith, Mrs. Les Oliver„eand B.
for care of-soil and types of mall- ej:.
of Agriculture speak of the need
agement needed. .
mentioned that Mr. Strang had re-
sociate at the annual meeting of
the Canadian Seed Growers, , one
of several such honors conferred in
growing registered ecied..
Huron County Sep and Crop Im-
eeounetnye-ral farming
been made a Robertson As
each year for excellence in
Elmer Webster, a director of the
provement Asseciation asked for
association. Warden John Fish.,
a minute's silence ' in memory of
Richard Procter, president of the
extended greetings from the
"Good care, . good management operations are
and good husbandry is the answer carried on •at the County Home
to good produce," said Prof. Raith- with. one hired- man, The 'produce
by. "Good farmers will not depend grown is sold to the Home and
on crops, livestock or soil so much accurate records ate kept. Of the
as hi good business management. 26 cows, 14 are R.O.P. tests and
Farming needs a lot of thought, during the month of June they pro-
study and a lot of overtime." duced $664 worth of milk, The
The speaker was introduced by Home used 472 gallons of pasteu-
Harry Sturdy of Clinton, first vice- rized milk and 53 quarts of cream
president of the association, and during that month.
thanked by H. H. Strang, second One cattle beast is used every
vice-president of the Ontario Soil four of five weeks and hogs are
and Crop Improvement Association, butchered as they are needed.
who was a student of the profes- Twenty-one select hogs were ship-
ear's at O.A.C, G. W. Montgomery pod recently,
LY arrE1-1 R E
Thurs., Fri., Sat, Aug. 9-10-11 Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug: 16-17-18
Lisa Gaye Alan Ladd Joanne Dru
"Hell On trigeo Bay"
A gangster melodrama, about
crime of the San Promised
waterfront with Alan Ladd as
the courageous ex-cop.
Mon., Puce., Aug. 26-Z1-2Z
Merin Ford tamest gorgnine
Mom, These Wed., Aug. 18.14-15
Carol Ohmart Tom Tyren
"The &Ada How"
(Atha P,Mertainitient)
A lurid melodrama, featuring
several new Ades.
(Adult gritettainnient)
Although this tale unfolds hi
the West this *biro is net
the usual type of Western.
This IS an adult action Plante'
which Is interesting and eerie,
Committee Members
Mr. R. D. Cole, Toronto, signs the regieter at his old school, S.S,
while, left to right, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mr. James IVIichle, Mrs.
George Martin, fre.: James Mich_ is (Mr. Cole's sister) and Mr.
Stewayt Cloakcy look on.
his fleld4titelsere Which Wet reckoned to be almost 100-year-Old
Ile Indies who operated it as a coffee stand on •Sattirday, stood
) the strain of •supplying coffee by the, gallon for the ftie,ny
e Who, dame alOng. In the pieture ere,: petteirig
'fit the Water Zva Warwick and Mra. Prank Shaw.
A claesiecnn scene over the week-end shows ex-teacher ,Mrs, C. J.
Weitiman (Miss Mary .1eIcKellan to past pupils) signing her' name
on the 'blackboard at S. No. 3, Left to right are C. A, Wilkinson,
Clarence his son ROSS arid George Nicholson hi the foreground;
Mrs, Weitznimi, her husband C. J. Weitzman of Niagara Mrs.
Joint McArter and -Sam AlcoOlt,
Mrs, William Eteten'Of Wingham makes pUrchase of .a souvenir •-
Stone Scheel, Rebind her, 80-year-old, Mr's, Nellie Scott of LiiclenOW -
looks on,
Se? e•-•
Mrs. George Mains (Florence Jackson) /lyth,,-, and Mrs, J. g, Mason
(Bessie Taylor) Goderieh, subScribe at S'S. 1, their old school, which
they visited last week during the Morris Township Centennial Cele-
Farmers Visit •
County Home Farm
About 200 farmers, members of
the Huron 'COunty Soil and Crop
Improvement Association, with
wives and children, visited test
plots at the Huron County Home
last week and heard Prof. George
Raithby, 'head of the animal hus-
bandry division of the Department
Johnny Johnston
This will appeal to the Rock
and Roll Fans and features
some of the nations top ar-
tists, There is Also a collection
of the favourite songs of the