HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-08, Page 5= A- pioneer resident of St. Helens
district in„ West Wawanosh Town-
ship; '90-year-old Robinson Woods,
died on lVforiclay at his home in St
:= Surviving are his wife, two.dau-
ghters,-. Mrs. Alex. Murdie (Mabel),
and Mrs, -Mel Brown (Irene) both
of ,Kitchener, and one son, Lorne,
West. Wawanosh.'
'Funeral service was held on
Wednesday 'at 3,30 p.m. from , the
McLennan and MacKenzie Memor-
ial Cha'pel. in Lucknow, with Rev.
B. F. Green of St. Helens United.
Church offiCiating. Interment was
, In', the south , the other day a
woman got: a divorce because her,
huisband kept-n• pig in the house,
Hogging everything, no doubt.—The'
Lethbridge Herald.
, Bernard LWOW; LortfloTr) spent
last week with his mother, Aarg,
Nellie JAillow.
Mr. and Mrs, jack Gamble and
Steven are holidaying at Mill-
brxiclointlitl. with Mr, ,and Mrs. Win.
Perci, Paterson, of Toronto, has
been, renewing aerliraintanees
friends in Wingham and Bluevale,
MrS; James Kirtgn has Ixell
patient in—St. Joseph's
11:P.)4.and : Mrs. Chas., Eillett, of
Thedlord, and Miss Joy Lutz, of
_Auburn, were guests of Mr, and ,
14Visrtotarsrli-vYithrj. and Mrs, Chas.
Bosnian ottending the Morris
Centeim pti; Were; Mn, and Mrs,
Cecil Griffith and Bobby, of
Brampton; Mr, and. M'r's: Lyle Pre-
KiriPeY, of Northville, Mich„Mr,,
and Mrs., Archie MeKinney, -of
Limaington; Mr. and Mrs. John
Bosnian and sons, of West Lorne;
Mr, ,and Mrs, Jack Beaman and
children• of Ingersoll.
Mn,. and Mrs, Robert Turnbull
and. 'family, of Wyoming, spent
civic 'holiday with Mrs. Edward
Pr; and Mrs. Arthur Shaw, of
Torento, visited Mrs, Arthur Shaw
and, attended the school reunion at
No, • 10,•,Morris, on Saturday.
'The Women's Institute will meet
on Thursday evening, August 16th,
At the home of Mrs. •Harry Elliott,
The "1311.10/n1e ,Belled" will give a
poising. demonstration, The motto
will be given by Mrs. Stanley Dar-
'''Coks"{s • oisiStrs‘ irids.Kark,
R. Elmer Hastings
Dies in Morris
R. Elmer Hastings passed away
suddenly, at his home on lot 9,
con 2, Morris Township on• Thurs-
day, 'August and. He was' .in his
72nd year.
Born in Turnberry Tovvnthip, Mr.
Hastings was educated at the 9th
line of Turnberry school. He then
took up !arming, his life-long oc-
In 1914 he married Isabel Powell,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Powell of Turnberry, who'
predeceased, him two years ago. ,
Surviving are two sons, Paul of
Hespeler and Bert .of Morris; one
biother, Roy Hastings of Turnberry
Township and three grandchildren.
A son, Lieut. King' Hastings, died
in France in 1944.
Mr. Hastings was a member of
the Bltievaie United Church.
Funeral service was conducted on'
Sunday at 2,30 p.m. at the R. A.
Currie & Sons funeral home with
Rev, ,D. J. MacRae officiating. In-
terment Was in Wingham Ceme-
The Pallbearers were Bert Gar-
niss„ Harvey Edgar, Bill Elston,
Bernard Thomas, Jim Elston and
John Warwick.
ST. HELENS—Plans were made,
for the exhibit at the Lucknow
Fall ,Fair at a business meeting of
the Women's Institute held' in the
Community Hall on 'Thursday'
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, the president
was in charge. The treasurer re
posted a balance on hand of
$159,84, A trip to CKNX Television
Station was discussed foi a later
date, and it 'was decided to visit
the Huron County Museum in
Oodetich with a picnic to follow
,this Thursday :afternoon,: •
irt.was decided to-hold a Pumpkin
dont,eat„ fat tiie '$opterriber
At the conclusion a pleasant soc-
ial hour was enjoyed when a boun-
tiful lunch was served by Mrs.
Harvey Webb, Mrs. Allan Miller,
Mrs. Firarik McQuillin and Norma
comm You
As your husband's chief
beneficiary, would, you
Miow how to blindle the
,administration'uf his• estate?
Inexperience in such matters can be expen-
sive and cause untold worry. A sympathetic
and experienced Estate Officer •of The
Sterling Triastp, Corporation will be happy
to discuss matters with you and your
husband. Such an interview could be the
answer to your future peace of mind.
and MO. Alan .Barnard :and
children aro spending a week at
Port Blain,.
anst ,Mrs, N.P1M1P-P,
.and peneld of Ripley spent `the,
week-end with' Mrs, B. 'Barnard
and took in the Menlo, Centennial,
Other visitors at the same home
were =Mr., and Mrs, M, Burnham
and daughter; Dawn Bilen, of Thin-
,carding, ,
Miss Norma MeMinn,„of 'Toronto
was the guest of her aiater, Mrs,
Arnold .Lillow, at the .11.0114Y.
HarrY Webb, of Hamilton,
visited M. Arthur Shaw last
To avoid fatigue while driving
*star; every 100 miles Or. so .to streteh
muscles and drink coffee,or some'
other alertness beverage;: Carry `a
thermos bottle if restaurnntS are•
Stratford, Ontario
ritette Flo.: '18
St. Helens Pioneer Morris, 1939-41; John Spivey,
Bert Garniss (Miss I. Douglas) Jr, Bernald. King spent last
Inger-? Barrie' week with Mr. Vernon Gilmore in.
Passes 'in 91st Year
LIIEVALE•--Vialtara: at Brown,
toWn -.Scirocil from. -beyond the iM-.
mediate neighborboOd were; •
Mr, and Mrs. -Win, Agar, Peptic-'
ton, )3,04 Mr., and Mrs, WM, Wifod-:
POW; Port .-MoOdY, Duncan'
A0irton,„Saakateene,Snalt4 Mr. and,.
-00, Agar
' Stratford; Mr, and,
Mrs, Earl Mathers, LuCan;
Mrs,: Wilbert gatherer :Kincardine;
Mrs.George Kerr .4Onnie
Well)„ ..age 93, Brussels;. Milton
Vittle, Flint, Mich„i Mr. and Mrs..
.Nell Robb, Belleville; Mr. .404 Mrs.
Knox,. (Mary Kerr). WOO
$ask "
Mrs. Lottie 'Tun/0y, Toronto
Mishaw (baura, Turvey)
Toronto; • • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest.
Choohni, x.eationgtool .1%.414 entl
Mrs. Jack garnir7S, Toronto; WM.
Karl Knipe (Dorothy •Golly Gait;
Mrs., Gorden 'Herman (Dorothy
Stewart) Toronto; Mr, -and WS.
Lyle .MC.Kinney„ Northville,
Miss 'Luella. Brewer, London; Fred
Brewer, London; .Mrs, -.7.1VIeCreath
(Edna Rutledge)I- Toronto; Mrs;
Mai#001 (Annie Rutledge), Tor-
onto; 20.,--end Mrs, Archie MeEin,
ne.yi •Leernington; Mr.. and Mrs.
Robt, Beeman, ,Leamington,
• The present teacher; ' Newton
Galbraith, of Harriston, and -oeven,
former teachers -attended the eele.
bration: MrS. Robert Beattie (Miss
Kenny) Seaforth, (1392-90; Mrs",'
Melville Dennis (Miss E, Waddell),
Dthel;4 (1024-29); Roy Turvey, Mor--
ris, 1927-29; Harry -Garniss,
ham,- 1929-34; Mrs. Melville Math-
ens (Miss J. Woods) Morris; Mrs
PQraterleacheri cling
At S N'oa 8 Reuni - . • ' .• • . . • Qn
Mr. Campbell Trousdale of Strat- '
ford is visiting with, relatives in
the community,
Mr. Frank Sansom' of Toronto is
spending r two, weeks with Mr.
,Harry Sansom.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Devitt
spent the holiday week-end at,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Ward and
son of Brantford spent ' several
days, last week with Mr,' and Mrs.
Harry Lohr.
Mrs. ,Ruby Forester returned to
Toronto last week after spending'
several weeks here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witmer and
two-children of Waterloo visited ,
a few days last week with the
former's mother, Mrs Edith Wit-
Sunday and week-en,d visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride were
Mrs. Gordon MacDiarmid and
three children of Ottawa, Mrs. J.
W.. Richardson of Whitby, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Riddell and Marilee
of Teviotdale, and Mr. R. A. Hill
and Bobby of Preston. The latter-
is remaining for 'a week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs: Maurice Wallace of
Hamilton visited a couple of days
last week with Mr. ' and Mrs.
Atchison Wallace.
Misses Joan and Elaine .Derner-
ling of London are spending a
week at their home here. .
Mr, and Mrs. E. Hargrave visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Atwood at Teeswater.
Mr. and. Mrs. Don Scott and
family of Owen Sound, Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Scnieder and family of
Markham were week-end and
Sunday visitors with Mr. arid Mrs.
Art Mitchell.
Messrs, Ivan Campbell and Alan
Mitchell are spending several days
in Detroit this week.
Mrs. 'Ruth Corbett of iGorrie is'
spending this week with Mr. and
Mrs, Lindsay Galbraith,
Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Tachauer
of Toronto visited one day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Har-
grave and Mr. and Mrs. W. Har-
Messrs. James Vittie, Mel Allan
and Carl Ettinger, attended the
drumhead service in Brussels on
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin of
Detroit, Mich,, are visiting a few
days this week. with Mr...and Mrs,
'Art Forester •' •
Mr. and Mrs', Stan Foreifiter
;ed SundayAith ar4 s,Mrs; Carl.
Bender at GOWarietown, Miss
Linda Bender returned home after
spendirig the past two weeks with
,her grandparents. .
Mr. Alex Wray of Toronto visited
over the week-end here. Mrs.
Wray and Brian returned 'home
with him after visiting laet week
With relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R.. Campbell of
Toronto visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs, Crosby So-
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Browne and
fa:11111y spent the week-end on a
motor trip through Northern On-
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Froihe of
Georgetown, and Mr. and Mr"
George Moss and. Karen of Galt
visited a couple of days last week
with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Campbell.
Master'Lobby Campbell returned
home with his grandparents for a
ample of weeks,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gibson of
Toronto visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Holt.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred litimbly and
Janie are visiting this week with
relatives in Detroit, Mich.
Miss Dorethy Campbell of •Ham-
ilton visited the past week with
her parents, Mr. and • Mit. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Corbett of
Woodstock Balled on friends here
one day last week.
Miss Donna Wray visited a few
days last week with her friend,
Miss Shirley 1Viehring, near Lis-
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Lynn and
Karen and Mrs. Earl Ridley visit-
ed over the week-end With Mr.
and IVEre. Keith Ridley in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs, Gletip Dolg visited
over the holiday with Mt. and .
Mrs, Ross Doig.
Mr, and Mrs. George Treilbewey
and fandly of Stratford Visited
day with Mr, and Mrs. Alex KeitX
Mr. and MrS, Joe 'Heiler and
family spent several days last
week with relatives in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harris and
farnily; Brownsville, visited last
week with Mrs. Nellie Gamble,
Master John klarriS remained. for
a longer visit.
Mr. ,and ATM 'Toni Bannerr of
Detroit, Mich., viSited last week
with Mr. and Mts. Boyden Devitt,
Miss. Letitia IVfatthews spent
last week in London with Mr, and
Mrs. Mae Corbett.
Master Bobby Bride visited last
Week with Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Riddell at Teviotaale.
Mr. and Mrs, Anson Dernerling
of "Kirkfield spent the week-end
at their = home here, The latter
remained for, a week,
Mr, sEd Gordon returned home
last week after spending six Weeks
In 'the western provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of
Guelph visited last weak with Mr.
and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith.
Mr. and, Mrs. 'Stan ,Stephonson
attended the funeral of a relative
AIM 'Strome and KatObleen,
Mrs. Los Burrows of f,,, radon and
mit.:.,0,Kned.,,c7atyrol; of British COW-
bia visited friends i n the ventowni,' •
Mr, . and Mrs. Fred Dernerling
SPent the Weak-end Pension
_ and. Mrs.. .gorden
Of Kitchener visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Adam zurbrigg.
Milton .and. Mr. and: Mr's., Den
Mr. and Mrs, Trey Ifaingtock of
Bateman of .Brussels visited Sun-
in Toronto one day last week,
Brown meat and onion. Add other ingredients, salt and pepper'to taste.
Simmer over low heat about 00 minutes, Spoon into 6.8 toasted, buttered bens;
garnish. Serve at once with ice-cold Cokel4Coce.Cola puts sparkle into all your,
summer meals, Its delicious taste makes foodmorefun.
Bring home the Coke today
1,t)*(-"?' Otte,S ljt
Muevate Churches"
LUEVALE—In Knox Presby.
terian -Church 'on Centennial Sian.
day, Bev, M. McNabb obese for his
SUbject °Pioneers—They or Us?"
In the UnKed Church, Rev, Wm,
Bleekinoro, B.A,, B.D„ of Tor.
onto, - preached, He dwelt on the
early history of Morris Township;
deSertwriP the pioneers as people of
:,great vision and steady persoyer-
anee, Their lives have left a Ilea-
tage to snecgetling generations,
The choir sang the anthem, "The
Lord Is 1V1j) Light" and Mr. and
Mrs,. C, 13, Hoffman and Joyce, as
a trio sang "How Great Then Art".
There was a large attendance.
Coos a 1 pate
Telephone 200w Wingharn
972 Boy St., Toronto 1-9 Dunlop 51;, Barrie
2-2 •
1 Poiind ground beef
1/2 ,eup chopped obion
1 'tblsp. prepared mustard
Sibs OtiOS
441,. z •
Wilik$4100411044,110400*Ok i§V;
over the week-end with Mr, and
Mrlit. Ira :Schaefer, fw4th
„Om. and Mrs,.Howard Harrls and;
aeCoraPerited Mpo. ttoriten of dnysi
*furls and ,ffeather, vialted
Mrs. DX
4ay- Vitti Mr. and. Mrs,- Art Karids Mr. .4." adiawa, The latter remained Toronto psi (41
and en SaturdaY 104 Toronto for with
bar home in Colonsay, Sask., after and Mrs. „ ,Cirarg4 . visiting the past month with rela-' „. Mn, and 'Mrs.. 41i, tivbs ,here. baby of Loadqm,.
Mr, and Iirro, Nolonn Armstrong! week with Mr. end
and MISR Margaret Armstrong and ton. Miss6hiriely
Miss Margaret. Armstrong visited. ed. 'home with .
41 few dOYS last week with Mr. Weekzend guests
and 'Mrs, M, Invin at Port were,. Mr. and Mrs., Elgin, 404 sent anal'
Mn. ond Mrs, Feleient of Pert all et .4rerente,' •
A comfortable lounge by day -..a 4ongortable 'bed
at night! Sturdy Spring construction, •With ply-
wood wardrobe. Choice of colours and materials.
$46.50 $52.51Y $64.50
Easy Budget Terms
tg 5
Issued'for $100 and Upwards
33/4% sPaenrd 4 ntuel
Interest, is Payable By Coupon or By Cheque
You May 'Invest by Mail
Dundee at Market Lane' & Market ,Square, London, Ont.
In the heart of the shopping district
4)4,44.,:cesst ol
lirowntown School
BLTANALE----Oentennial c e 1 e,
bratinna in Morris. schools were a
great IltreCeSS, irgiging, by the
hearty greetings heard an (every
side and the runnber who returned
with SntlitialaSM to seelleaOf„forin-
er days.
At No, $ school, usually known
as BrOWntoWli, there were 004
adult registrations. The fine Mod-
ern seheei with its inviting grounds
formed the Setting for a happy :got-
together. The *interior Was bright
flowers, the large basket of
blooms on the teaeher'e desk being,
the gift of Miss Be,sole Moses, of
Brussels, a Omer teacher.
Part ,of the afternoon was abort
in meeting friends and 'viewing the
pieturos of school grouPs which
lined the walla, '
A prograrisk was giVen on the
lawn with Bob Fraser as chair-
man, Charles Johnston lave a wel-
coming address. Pupils -of the
school sang choruses'including
"The Little 'Red School -,Horree",
"The , General Store", "Old Een-.
tueky Home" and "Faireet Lord
The Thomas brothers gave , a
elarinet duet. Eight ,,pppile per-
formed a square. dance With Keith
Johnston as ealier,oftwBruce Rob-
ertson sang A comic,songlo
accompaniment and Afre,..... Charles
Beaman and Mrs: ',Glenn Sellers.
sang an Old-tithe song -ill quaint
old-time costunaes. Ross Smi'th's.
solos were "Gone Art Those HaP,pY,
Days" and ."The. End. of, a Perfect
Day"..- Mrs. 'Nora"Moffat ,was,' ac-'
companist, The 'Harmon sisters
played a piano,..duet.
Prizes were given: for those' corn-
ing .the longest 'distance, won by
Mr. and -We. Wm. WoodroW,- if
Port Moody, 13.cr; 'for ,-the oldest.
person present, won by , Robert
Shaw, now ,93-, who,..in his .reply;
'recited !''Bingen • on 'the
with his former' vigor ; .to the oldest.
former teacher, of .the,sehoot wer
by Mrs. Beatty, of Seaforth, ,form-
erly Miss Kenny, and for the mar=
ried couple who had continued to
live longest., in the section, won'by:
Mr.- and Mrs. Wallace Agar,
Though the rain came ,just 'at
the conclusion of- the ' -program,
spirits were not appreciably damp-
ened and everyone had enjoyed a'
haPpy time.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bryan of
Hillsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Redman of Orton were recent
guests of Mr, G. A. Webb and Mr.
and Mrs. E, W. Rice.
'Miss Mae Ferguson and Mrs.
Cora Durham of St. George and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson of
Waterloo were visitors laat week
with their sister, Mrs. Chester Tay-
lor and Mr. Taylor,
Master Terry Johnston of Blue-'
vale was a visitor last week With
Terry Wilson,
Miss Helen Cameron, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cameron, of
Mackie, Alberta, was a visitor 'last
week 'with Mr. and Mrs. John Cam-
eron and Don, Miss' Cameron had
attended the C.G,I.T. Camp near
Huntsville as 'a delegate fr,om
Southern Alberta, •
We are sorry to report the death
on Sunday of Mr. Robinson Woods,
Mr, Woods who observed his nine-
tieth birthday on July 11th, has
been quite ill for several weeks,
Everyone is invited to 'attend the
common-Jay picnic this (Thursday)
afternoon. Plans are to meet at the,
Musetim at Gederieb early after
dinner, Picnic ,plates will be sup-.
plied, Bring other dishes etc,
Staff Sgt. Frank BUndt of the
LIB. Army and Mr. Gordon Sundt
of California and their sister, Mrs.
Joe Anderson and Delores, of be.,
itthit Were Week-end gilehts of Mr,
and MrS. Gordon MacPheredn.
Mrs., keith Black spent a' few
days. in London last week with her
husband, who was on a short !env°
from Lachine, quebec and with her
slater, Miss /sabelle MacPherson,
M168 Anna Stuart of Toronto was
home for" the holiday week-end.
tert‘L"Were you lucky at ' the
'ritteS'yesterdayl i r
Mark—"I ,should think r
found 'a -,quarter after the last rate ,
so I didn't We to walk ,hornet" •
1 10V4-oz, can condensed'
chicken gumbo soup
It's too bad my wife was over weight
when we had the accident, otherwise the
We're tops at fixing tops . or any other pia
of an auto body. Try us .► . and see!