HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-08, Page 411*..1111.!,Orprir •kfAu'r' The; .04.114tlee-tVitite 04,00)104y. Ati*. SQ0011. Citizens • Swe.0 r Arvitt out 'oh Wit t after a day's work or into at night, effective control, eLBSONALS Dog Story True. —W..414 Mrs, A, x, Maddox Jr., and her On, E.(1,, of ^Midland, Oat- aria, visited Mr. and Mrs, :Stafford 13atoson, ,of ' Wingham oven the wok-end, Mr, and,Mrs, E. C. IVfolcay and two .01.1113xim, Susan and me. .hael, of .IYIerinore, Ontario, spent 'the weekend with, Mr.. and Mrs. Stafford HateSen and Mrs. J. H. McKay,,, and'Mrs, II, M. , justason 0. of Iiiteheney . spent the week-end with Mr, and G. Gannett, B, H, Miller of Detroit, i,s• frt present visiting Mr, and. 'Mrs, H, G„. Gannett, —Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Groves, Prances and "Jane, ,of Akron, Ohio,- are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Getklon Bluorld, and other relatives: • —Mr. and Mrs, A, Williamson, Toronto,. and MrS, Neil William- son; and son, Kenneth, of London, visited with , Misses Marion . and , Agnes Williamson :over the Week- .end. • Jirerrite and„Morley Williatn- 'son., are spending their • holidays here,. and. Mrs. JoineS.Knex, of Moosejaw, .and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kei:s.• of TaixfOrd, visited last week •• with and Mrs, Norman Kea-. W08•11w; PEAIRSTOOK WAN'TEll COMING EVENTS FOR SALE For the Finest in Taxi Sery LEE'S TAXI .,„ IKOCift 'SERVICE Weddings, Funerols and Shopping 'Trips Going Downtown , , Crosstown Out of town , CALL LEE'S 185 It could only happen In the stn- mortime and it could only happen in KiliotArdirxel Were it not for the fact that it is sworn to by three sober'citizens. it might be doubted, • Hero is the story. A woman was promenading around Victoria Park 'enjoying the summer sunshine.. With her wail her pa canine, walk, ing sedately. The sedate walk was on its two, hind legs, The woman held on to one forepaw. First to observe the spectaele phoned neighbors to look and make certain it was no optical illusion, xt wasn'tl—Kincardine News. THE. ;REGULAR .SATURDAY eve ening bingo, 'tinder the auspices of the Canadian Legion, will be held at the Legion Remo on Saturday at 9 ocleck, '0:104 prizes, ,C425r.r1.? Mrs, Mowbray Dies Suddenly Mrs, Virden. Mowbray,' 43, of Lucknow, who died skiddenly In - Wingham General Hospital, was the former Freda M. Mustard, of .Morris TownshiP• serviecs were held at Lneknow last Sitter- .day, the Rev, Wallace IVIeOlcart,. Lucknow Presbyterian Church, • officiating. - • Surviving besides ; her husband, are three sclp, John, Gerald and, Allan, and one ',daughter, -Shary.n, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Cameron Walsh, 33elgraye; Miss Lena Mns, tard, and one brother, ,Stonley•Mus- tard, 'Of Lucknow. DEADSTOCK REMOVED front your farm promptly fog .satiltary. nisposal,0 Telephone .eoll Palmerston 123W, Durham .49.8 or Wingham' 378, GORDON YOUNG. LIMITED. • lrrb USED WASHING MACHINES for sale, Beatty-, Thor, both earn, laletely reconditioned, hke new, ,Apply to Pattison Radio and Electric, phone 171J. 9b Harve Latnont Smith Debonair Host of 30's Was Witigham .130y The Detroit News. of June 29 90./s tribute to Harve Lamont Smith, a former resident of Wingham who was .buried in Detroit on June 40, Harve Lamont Smith went, to Detroit thirty years ago, There he met the x'arlsian Roger, a Painter with real talent who needed a manager, Roger had a canny knowledge of publicityand the YoUng Canadian became an eager pupil. Harve was an.apt pupil, too, and was soon 'accepted by soeiety. Its receptions introduced him to E. LeRoy Pelletier, Healy Ford's first advertising manager,•Pelletier, was Impressed with , Harve Lamont Sralth and made him ,protege, and' a lifetime friendship was formed, REA,1,1 ESTATE, ,t MEAT FOR SALE ]GOOD BEEF for sale by the quar- ter. Beet killed under from the Department of Health. Choice Hereford yearlings. RAY- NARD ACKERT, Holyrood, phone 24-30, Ripley, 16rrb • THE REGULAR meeting of the Wingham, Women's Institute will ,be held in the Council Chambers Thursday, Aug. 16th. Talk and slides, Miss. Effie Bower. -Lunch convener Mrs, Mundy, CE9b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Elmer Hastings wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all the neighbors, friends and relatives for all the kindness shown to them, and for the many floral tributes. Special ,thanks to Rev. D. J. MacRae, 9* IN SARNIA VERY' ACTIVE Retail Paint and Painter's Supplies Bnsigess. for Sale, also carrying a sideline of profitable Chinaware and Gifts. Low rent. J. E, Stonehouse, Broker, 108 S. Christina St,, Sarnia, Ont. 1:9b USED THRESHERS for sale: 1, 23.46 .Goodison all steel machine, cheap;. 1, 28.46 •Goodison all steel machine, like new; 1, 32-51 Case .all steel machine on rubber; 1, 8 ft. grain binder No. 16. Robert N. Arthur, Massey-Harris, Ferguson Dealer, Stratroy, Ont. 25,1,9h Mrs. J. Buchanan Died in Clinton • Services for Mrs. John Buchanan; 60, of East Wawanosh ToWnshiTh who died in Clinton Hospital, were et:inducted in Auburn y , on Tuesda afternoon by the Rev: H. C, Wil- son. Interment was made in Bel- grave Ceinet,ery„ Pallbearers were her four sons and two nephews, Eldon and John Cook, -of Bel- grave. , ' Mrs. Buchanan" was 'the former Miss Mary Cook. After ' her mar- riaiko, she and:her husband farm- ed near Westfield where she was a member of Westfield United Church. Surviving ,besides her husband, are four sons, William, James, Roy and John, at home; one 'daughter, Lorna, London, and 'two brothers, Lewis wand Stanley Cook, of Bel- grave. RANGETTE, ice-box, fruit jars, child's rocker and other, furni- ture suitable for summer cottage. for sale. Apply after 6.30 p.m Aldyth Graham, 9* H•ullo- Folks! • While the war' was on I remember bearing about • a lady in Chatham, Ont, Ith.o had the problem of gasoline rationing com- pletely licked. 'She drove as much as she wanted, but without the worry of running 'out of gas. And do you remember how people used tq raise their eyebrows during the war if they thought you were using your car more than an "A" Sticker on the wind- shiodiwould allow? She didn't have ANY sticker on the wind- shield and the looks She got were envy, . not suspicion. Her name was MrS,,Eohert Gray, and she was the -widow of a pioneer automobile -rnanufaettiter, „ The ear she. ,drove was a Pioneer, too, the 1919. Detroit Metric, If you remember the ritst World War you probably remember the Mpg- electric- cars hail, Another model about the; sonic, ;time was the Anderson Electric, Mrs, 'Gray's Detroit • Electric was the last battery-driven' car running in Canada,. It was powered by 42 batteries, each of two volts, that she recharged once a week at home. She had rio radiator, no clutch, no muffler, and could go about 30 miles an hour, .Maybe someday Someone will design P; new electric ear that will give the kind of service we want 'today.. Mrs, Gray, for instance, never went 'en any long trips and the. batteries alone Areig,ited 1400 pounds. , LORNE -IlleDONALL) There's just one main reason ,why the gasci-'. line engine heat out the electric car; one pound of gas will deliver more than, 20 times the power one pound of the best storage battery can. As I say, maybe someday we'll get a good, powerful electric ear, but actually I doubt it. 'On our used car lot we've got a "lot-full" of reasons why most every-. body wants, to own one of today's cars. Good reliable cars that gave somebody else good' service 'before they decided it was time to move up a notch to a newer car. There's electricity in these cars too—in- the ignition system that's the "brains" of the car. We've checked it and everything else in the car before we even put it on our lot. POTATOES for sale, 50c. 6 qt. basket, phone 101, 9b ,—Mrs. Langridge and son, Stephen,' are yisiting for a few days with -:friends in Kitchener and Stratford. • 11/4 STOREY 7-roorn'-hrielt house on John Street for sale across. from Public School, 3-piece bath upstairs, toilet downstairs, glass- ed-in verandah, full' width of house, good building at tear' of lot, 16'x30' Apply to A. C, Adams, 1:8b TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the installation of a pressure system, finish toilets, urinal and anything else that may be required at SS. No. 13, •Howiolt Township (Lane's School), For specifications see Fred Doubledee, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders"- to be in the 'hands of 'the Secretary, Jas. Inglis, R,R. 1, Clifford, by August 16, 1956. 9b 7 ROOM HOUSE in Wingham for: sale, newly decorated. New 3 piece bath with hot and bold water. Living room has 'new hardwood floor, Apply to Box 56 Advance-Times. 1:9:23* 'They worked. together on many civic promotions and, Harve became campaign director fin- the Port. Huron Blue Water Bridge, aide to the' Ildrinsworth committees and' secretary of the-,Old Grasse Pointe Yacht Club. He, was groans host and soc- society columns' floWed with Etc,: counts of parties 'he4 gave for Such friends as Prince Louis Ferdinand von Hohenzollern, grandson of the Kaiser and the Baroness -Lillian von Manteuffel. Another of his friends was Princess Sojie Mak- soutoff, whom he, encouraged to open a 'tea room using her old world recipes. In 1935 he travelled 'without fan- fare to St. ,Thomas, and married the girl who faScinated him more than baronesses 'or princesses; Miss Elizabeth' Garrett. With Beth his wife, Harve no longer' fancied the oldlife of'dinner parties , and balls and she ,joined him in his past years of service to the Osteopathic Association, , Mr. Smith died - in' the Detroit Osteopathic Hospital folloWing a heart attack, at the age of 60. -For fifteen years he hai 'devoted his time as executive secretary and public relations counsel for the Michigan Association of Osteopath- ic Physicians and Surgeons. * • 6-ROOM FRAME cottage on Alice Street, •Oingham for sale. Price cheap for quick sale. Apply to Crawford & Hetherington. Wing- ham. 9b USED TABLETOP Frigidaire range for sale, lamp, Clock, deep- well cooker. Apply to Pattison Radio & Electric, phone 1713. 9b ARGUS C3 35 mm, camera with leather carrying case, plus flash attachments for sale. Purchase price was $74.95, immediate sale $40, Phone 160. 9b • - THAT BIGGER MARKET "Soon now, the large group of 'War and post-War' babies • ,will begin reaching legal drinking age and (we) the brewers will have that bigger market: fer their pro- ducts.: And i,t should be' the best group of peer` drinkers to come along in a long, while, because more of ,those people have seen beer served in their home and come to accept it as , a perfect social bevetage than ever before in' history. Nothing we can 'do to speed up their entry into' the ,mar- ket;,)Mt it's bound .to' come, just as sure' as day, follows night." "We have no intention of giv- ing up our right to sell: alcohol in your Jiving room, :and note is• nothing- anybody can do to stop us." "With complete and admirable frankness the LBI, (Licensed. Bev- erage Industries, Inc. public re- lations voice for the' liquor traffic in` the 'U.S.A.) freely .,admits that its goal is `an expansion,of sales'." • r'-` THE 'VOICE—May 1956 9b HOUSE FOR SALE, 3 bedrooms, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ISABEL McLEOD, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, deceas- ed. NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the late ISABEL MeLEOD, above described, who died on the, 7th day of March, 1955, at the Town of Burlington in the County of Peel, and who was the widow of the late John McLeod who re- sided at the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, are re-. quired to send their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned solici- tor, before the 5th day of Septem- ber, 1956. After said date, the estate will be 'distributed and the Executors will only be liable for claims of which they have then received notice. DATED at Walkerton this 7th day of August, A.D., 1956. J. Howard Wylie and Thomas Shearer, Executors of the Estate of Isabel McLeod, ,deceased, by their solicitor, CAMPBELL GRANT, Q.C., Walkerton, Ontario. 9,23,30b DRESSED CHICKENS for sale, 6 to 8 lbs. Apply to Mrs. Har- old Elliott, phone 709w4. 9b sitting and dining room; hard- wood floors; inodern kitchen with tiled floor, built-in, cup- boards, double sink; new bath- room; good basement; automatic oil heating; newly decorated; well located. Phone R. Rider, 631w. 9* DIED .26 PIGS for sale. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery, phone 74331. 9'. DEACON—Suddenly in sEast Wa- wanosh Township, •on -Wednes- d,ay, August , 8th, 1956, Harry Deacon eldest son of the' late Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Deaebn. At time of going, to, press the funeral arrangements were -in- complete. • eopyRia HT 1956 e..$1055eTT HEINTZIVIAN PIANO for sale in excellent condition. Price $300. Phone 251 or apply between 7 and 8 in the evenings, 9h 1946 CHEV. PANEL truck for sale $125. Phone 473J. 9b SIX ROOM red brick house for sale or rent, modern convenienc- es, goad location. Apply to Box 59 The Advance-Times. 8b SPARERIBS, Sauerkraut, served every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at Commercial Hotel, Formosa. 9,23,5,19* RIGHT ROOM house, garage and three acres of land for sale. LoW down payment considered. M. Phippen, 11 Elmview Ave., Willowdale. 9,22,29b 2 CRIBS for sale in good condi- tion. Phone 210. 9b REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Shorty, the new ,apprentide was asked if he minded' being. kidded about his small stature. „ "Think a dime feels small with a bunch of nickels ?" he retorted. USED REFRIGERATORS for sale, 1 Frigidaire, 1 Westinghouse, 2 Kelvinators all in good condi- tion. APply to Pattison radio & Electric, phone 1713...Db ELLIQTT—In. Winghaln General Hospital, on Wednesday, August 8th, 1956; Matthew H. Elliott, in his 89th• year, Funeral service will be held' from the R. A: Cur- rie & Sons ,funeral home,''on Friday, -August.10th, at , 2 p.m. Interment in Wingham Cemetery. MOFFATT—In Wingham „General Hospltal, on Tuesday, August'Ith, 1956, Peter Moffatt; in Ails 89th year. Funeral service will belfeld from the R.A. Currie & Sons ftmeral home, on Thursday ; Aug- ust 9th, at 2 p.m. Rev. „Maurice McNabb officiating. Intermentin Wroxeter Cemetery. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Listings on farms - homes - businesses - small hold- ings, properties - all descriptions, contact Sohn Hall, phone 116, Lucknow, Ont, agent for W. L. Stevenson Real Estate, Mt. Forest. 9b Notice to Water Consts glitoloollummoimmoROugostounimmummummot U The hours for Watering lawns and gardens are froth '6 a.m: to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p,m,, IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingharn. 2rrb FOR RENT r e U ESTATE AUCTION SALE STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, For further information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb WANTED TO RENT Rev. J. C. Ferrier • The Rev. James Carleton Fer- rier, a former resident of Tees- water, ' who served for 44 years with, the Anglican Church, died Sunday at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. He was 85 years of age. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less promp( i payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above ,noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawn's or gardens, w has not paid for this service will be U Dollar Day Winners ROOMS OR apartment wanted to rent. Apply to Mrs. Elton Ma- hood; R.R, 1, Wroxeter. • 9*,, SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick ];,,serviee, all work guaranteed. Louis Blake, phone 421:6, Brussels. o' 15ttb billed accordingly. i. 6,,-ROOM MODERN, apartment in Whitechurch for rent, posses- sion immediately, reasonable. rent. Apply to H. C.. Laughren, Listowel, phone 391M Listowel. 8*. • This will be strictly enforced. U Of Farm property and personal estate of Isabella McLeod, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, deceased, will be held at the property at Wrox- eter, Ontario on Saturday, August 11, 1956 commencing at 1.30 in afternoon. Offered for, sale will be the farm .property consisting of seven- teen acres of land being a fine small farm holding with good eight room brick house, .barn and chicken .house in. good state of repair and stxtiatgd of the,et.V-illage"•;•of f-Wkbteegi;-4'!";"''''' Offered, for sale will' be the following personal estate: Kitchen stove, Gas stove nearly new, Gen- eral electric 7 cu. ft. refrigerator, kitchen table and chairs, kitchen couch, kitchen cabinet, electric washing machine, radio, china cabinet, chesterfield suite, occa- sional chairs, library table, Cole- man space heater, writing desk, floor covering, 2 bedroom suites, vacuum cleaner, antique mirror, end table,. sewing machine, ward- robe, English china, garden tools, oil tank, extension ladder, and articles too numerous to mention,' TERM: Personal estate cash Real, estate consisting of house and farm property offered subject to, reserve bid, the highest or any bid not necessarily accepted; if sold, ten percentum the day of sale and the balance in thirty days, J. Howard Wylie, L. G. Bryce,' Thomas A. Shearer Auctioneer Executors, 1,8b HELP WANTED—FEMALE - a U U 0 it - Y,; ''Ut i lities Commissioil - ;0 , - t . 163 ;751118111111111111111111010111111131111/111•1111111111110111111111111E1112111E01110111M111;1111 .0111011114,111111T1 C E. ,Thera, Superintendent CAPABLE WOMAN for' cafeteria work in the hospital wanted. Send applications with reference to Mrs. I. Morrey, Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, 9b 113.0,11ar Day Winners- who were 'rnak5ink .purclifises,:iWeitittlie,-tdaeni, iValkert SthAelitir last week were: Mrs. James Dick- son, R.R. 1, Clifford, Ontario; Mrs.: Marie Phillips, Wingham; Mrs. Glen Hayeso Goderich; Mrs. Oliver Anderson, R.R. 5, Wingham and Mrs. 3. Czerniawski, R,R, 3, Wingham. Local dollar day prize-winners at Burke's store were: Mrs, A, Mel Nevin, .john Thompson and Clar- ence Borho. 1, LADY OR GIRL wanted for gen- eral housekeeping, Steady em- ployment. Apply to box 58, The Advance-Times. 9* BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WATERLOO CAT ILE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice fron1 all breeds of cattle, phbne the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associatipn at: Clinton HU 2-3441 or Mildrnay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9,30 a,m. We have all breeds available — tap quality at low cost." 25rrb NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS IF 'YOU ARE planning a building project this summer, we are in a position to give you first class service for your cement work. House 'basements and floors, barn walls end floors (completed in one pour. Contact Made Christensen, phone 11r7, Blyth. 25rrrb 'Meet the panel on "Who's the Guest", that new weekly variety- quiz show on CBC Television. U is the job -of newspaper col- umnist Frank Tumpane (left), singer-showgirl Colleen Delaney, and actor-comedian Sammy Sales to guess the identity of the guests. The guests are people well known in the entertainment ' field and after their identity has been disclosed they brighten FIRE DESTROYS MOLESWORTH BARN HELP WANTED A. H. IFTAVISH BOOKKEEPER WANTED, male or female, experience required, typing. Apply in own handwrit- ing stating experience and re- erences. Permanent position with good salary. Apply to Box K, Lucknow. 8b CRAWFORD & EIEBERINNTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY. PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO ,Telephone Teeswater Wroketer—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 part., or by appointment. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Barristers, Solicitors, Ete, Winghaai, Phone 48 J. It CRAWFORD, 4C. • R. S, IIETIIERINGTON, /11••••••••64111MMIIM:16111Y1101A661,11M1Miltl ildl. hi ALAN WILLIAMS BAKERY PRODUCTS Salesmen wanted. Steady employment, good salary, hospitalization and sick benefits available. Apply even- ings C. Robinson, Minnie Street, at Victoria, Wingham, 9* .FINANCING A CAR? • Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service With, einitplete Insurance • Coverage, • STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 203. Wingham ,TEACIFIERS WANTED J, If, BUSHFIELD Q.C. Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. " Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola Hontutli R.O. orTommtursTs PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario Phone 770 PROTESTANT teacher wanted for SS, No, 16, HOWic,k Township, Duties to Commence September 4th. Apply stating salary, quali. fications to James Inglis Score. tary-Treasurer, R,R, No, 1, Clifford, FOR SI-1/NGLING: or house reeair- • Mg see GeorgIlaird, Town Plot, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Lban Office--Meyer Block, Wingbann Complete Real Estate Service , List your forth, 'home or business with GENERAL BULLDOZING CARD OP THANKS I would like to express my Sin- cere thanks to all my friends and neighbors and relatiVes who re-, Membered' me 'with treats, cards and flower:a, Speelal thanks to t)r, W. A.. Crawford and De A, D. UelvIttreity andstaff at the Wing , ham General lIfisSPital.,--=Mrs, gel On Reid. 13* /iiitEtitil OM FIRE DIGOTNG Tt,TIVIPS, stones, haw, thorns, felled bottoms; new land cleared and Worked; logs skid de'; lawns levelled; haek-finirig. Ross Hastings,. phone /40, Wing.' horn, 25,tr37S* WILLIAM REED RONALD h. MCCANN LOST WINGHAM 'PRONE 292M Salesman for Lloyd Mickel Real Estate, Moines* Broker Breteseki oat Public Accountant ("Mee; rte al Bank Bldg. Residence: I'tattenbury St, Phones 1101 & 455 CLINTON' * ONTARIO Insurance Company Est, 1840 , An ail Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century, Read Offiee Toronto 0, MacLean Iiistirtiireo Agetie* Wingliana Fite, coMpletely destroyed a barn on the farm of Paul AdttinsotWo Miles West of IVioleSWortit, on Highway 86 lad 'Wednesday afternoon, This year's dre,p"of My Wag being blown into the Mow,. with little remaining outside when Manta Went to a 'nearby mitrearit td,get vitter tor his trader, At, this point he Saat Aerate in the Platt/NG Ob and rreel lost in the 'vicinity' of golnata SC11661, $46Watd. Phentle 242W, building and 'so rapidly did the fire spread that he Was Unable to save any of the contents, Deafroyedi in addition to the hay crop was a quantity of grain, nine soft and their pigs, and a threshing Machine, the loss being only'partially covered by insurance, The barn was not located on 1Vtr, AdelitS' borne &tin. but on a second property Which he Operate*,