The Signal, 1926-4-1, Page 8di,
it rev.oday. April 1. ':1`tt - ""mals
Greeks .md Turks. Jaws' .$ .IK
Arabs and Iuttlene and li• iis of tour.
hits lett tattle„* procession.
'Morning of Manch 1st, we Meni_sst
,}Sind Cairn to view the elliptic ehur-
eie., ties N.tbmrtt•r, and the 'supposed
r-` -T wife of flog ending of Moore In the
Iwl ruche -!r. The (optic churches are
('4atbolie, dating from the Roman oc-
cupation. The earliest of the three
slates from 40 A.D. and was built over
the spot where Joseph and Mary with
st hist atter their Sigh tato l*ypt•
The other two have not as interesting
heathy. "-Christianity was decreed
the state religion undlrr the Rowena,
anal for over two centuries apparently
accepted by all After the Arabic he
-voodoo the Moslem doctrines were
forced no the people and only a min-
ority remained Christiana. The priest
told me there are now about one m11 -
lion Christians In Egypt.
The Nilumrter is a very old and
curious instrument for measuring the
rise of the waters of the Nile.
In the afternoon we took our stand
ou the Kens-el-Nil bridge too watch
King Vaud go pilot with his budy-
„mounl, on his way to open the E:gyp-
tion k thlblt.ioe. They use most
beautiful Arab horses, and the riders
teing very gay in reel and gold they
Stades wonderful picture.
I i ray text .My we resited the Cita-
del and two (anions Magnet+. !W-
hammed Ali Mosque is a copy of At.
Sophia in tixtstantlnople. The view
from the Citadel is unique. covering
Cairn. the Pyramids and many miles
of the Nile and the Nahatle. There Is
a British Highland regiment stationed
at the Citadel.
tea` . -- In the attesters" we took • bus to
the Zero. It, is am atl but splendidly
lab! out 'iiiillseaa iffy LILCO : Iawna,
floweret arHarist-tekea with overhang-
ing shrubbery. WO were fascinated by
a pair of lion cubs. Just a year old.
They were tethered. ander a tree near
the lion house. When near tbeir bed-
time their keeper took them far a
walk. They curled thetnerlvea •round
his Ings the way a cat does. They were
,vert happy until they discovered they
were being taken to bed. They hang
Mick protesting wleh the most absurd
attempt at a roar. ,
Wednesday morning we caught the
S.30 train for )(akars. where we got
donkey+ to rifle• to the Pyramids and
tombs. The 01e14•41 is the Step Lyra,
arid. built by King .Komar shout 3.100
B.C. The tombs of TI and Ptahbotep.
of atom 2Oke, 11.1'.. wen;, Ila• most In-
teresting. Some of the paintings on
the was were at. fr,reh as ft they had
- been done hnt yestenhty. They rite
The Catholic Women'a League .will
hoist a enters aartLdanuu la- he. Mh• ' ALVIN iE. S`V-',�LI..SU1s cletQt41*4I frim faurhwnt seers He Mlltkl. L•1 %-$.. walagt streets-
annk T�r pie on -Monday'. Att�( 18. Alviin L. SYaltaee, wino was saw,riated htrmwi prw•Ucally all 111. Ilte. 'Hr• --- -----•-w••■.
Valhi al KO. Musk 4y thd,' Hot thtt his fader. Y. ll. Wallas. iii the Weight the turns" facer• Ilenmfller
__not aux awls Boys, Il loatlargo,dalnoure of Y. A. Wallace h known as the old •�Iurtlu farm, and _ _
' M'. Adtaeet 4I%l1t'a eliallgoiti adver- [dun, Bathurst tenet, Toronto, dial slid- lived •tlwre• nut ll thirty-three year*. pod sAhr _et iHeK4IIJ r l'Olitoe
tisei ant wee ,rocetved pin late for thin daftly early Monday tuorningsthioboes.. arta• when he moved to (ioderich• ! Iw grtexl digrlltlon. Allay to T. R.
week. (Inc of the specials they are offer- 144 Arlington avenue, in that city. Ile the j to the Iltin,n rad, where', his YATTE'R►U)N•,
ung iti white all -wool blankets ..with.. -micas. nes taken ill (tiering thegyro, arra pawed wltl•_-PlII+s'••d, awes. _Hei•spent the lks
lir pink borders, sire :>!: s '41. at $..45 away in abtttt an Moil:The (leeched l war
mender of hi life with r his dtut{tTitrr. DEtl1R AB1.F. PROPERTY F l/ R
per pair, born an Goderich f.rtyaeven year* ages meg. Ruth Tb .utf.on. mud his sem, }Jr. HALF. -Posner North and Nelson
Gttelrrtch Ladles' clraugc Endres No. oral. HeldtoToronto when it young C, 11kr. •
Ib• lenses three dxughtrrs v to W. lt. JACKSON.
man. He leaves his wife and father. At streets. �pyl,
44:1. tntendx bolding x imolai. and
and ones w•n : Mrs. ilitrry WhnLf. 11r
a remix r of file Mxer11tie• ogler, he war trait. Miele.; ; Mrs. Ruth Thompson. /4 ►'l-1`aGE ON w/DTII NTR11 T
damp Iii the Stith. a hall on Ewell- very aelikuown. liewas a memb•r,u(
Monday. April Sih. Music by rice F:1- %etaal•edouk Lodge, Antiquity Chapter 'lat•h ii •Mrs. Alvin Way, Kippwt. tor .vale or rent. It t Id by
lion ne h,strx.-)Iargt•ritr Sproul. of Royal Arch Masons, Geoffrey Ire Fe and Mn. C. the. also one slater, Mrs. April 10th will be rented�Poa eeion
' t•r. Two bro
Rev. Set. 31 Akkuar YrrW story of Knights Templar 11'11! Vahstm*•. Brnmill sett 1st. 1lF:XRY HOIt\)�'Y. 3t
Come and see "Valley tarn.," a and Jlanwaia Temple of Nobles of the therm prele•rnsrl him: Samuel. of
four -act play under the auspices of MysticShriee. The inneral took place Itulrw•tuin. Moa.. and John. mf GodDM $ALR. -BLED BARLEY, NI\-
the Young People's Society of legion Tu'tay 10Pna.pwrtcemetery. erk-h. In'religinn the late Mr. Oke lie row IIA.r, 21; (tanner arta.
ehun•It. t:oderk•b tow-nship, on Thurs. was a sloes,*MethuNsl. Thr tun- Timothy wed and sweet clover.
dent April M. ar!t p.m. Admission. 85 MRS. F..I. PRIDHA\I real wervle w•as tsIIndbetetl by Rev, F. FRANK 1.. YOUNG. It. at. 5. Goderich.
tents and 2•' eats. After a log illness Mn. Pritthsttt. t'• Elliott_ The pulllwarers nesse four Teleph ne'V rinw 20$.
t:,•orge Brown was arrested riatur• widue of the late Fred J. Pridham, of nephews, John and Itoia•rt (K•e of Beta
day night for creating it dlaturbatwe liod oriel, .kparted this life on Sunday told,. and Gus wee Ambrose Vnastuiw L'OR riil.E:.---YI 1.IAJN' BLl)tlti()Y
In a store ou the Square. Hr will last at the leant of Iwr daughter, \in. rat fienmlller. :The iutermeut was in
l sect clover seed. Goternmrat
have to answer charges before
the Arthur Reid. Tarontu, with wham she Maitland ov,na itry• resit No. 2. ['eke tC5.7:o per huabel
magistrate of Intoxication and of do- hat! �n minertlw death of ler husband Il- K, MONTGOMERY. P, K. R. 1. God -
years ago. Sint. Pridhant was born
Ing damage to property. in Goderich, the daughter .1 the late t`milei church heaCtyttrbl , society pride, lir telephone 3'1r00Q
ladles of the Marine ma•lat Mr. area Mrs. Francis Stewed'. and lived A meeting of the interim t.mmlt-
1'lub are rutrrtaiulng Ihr members in this town practically all her life. She tee of the Huron Presbyterial of the y)H.LOW SWEET CLOVER SEED.
ltd chltlnp: mariners lit an `'at-home ' ,ease„, two sons, Reg. and Mlaitlated, and Patted Chureh of Canada was heid at a SCARIFIED. F011 SAi,E.- Oov-
nn Thursday. April 1st. in their cluto a daughter, Bins, Arthur Reid. all Living the nN•M•. Clinton. an Manch 17th to eminent test No. 45.6390. Price $4.50
rooms on North street. Further de- in Toronto. The body was brought 10 arrange fur the nrganiratiott of the per bushel. RAYMOND FINIOAN,
tail* will appear next week. Golerich, accompanied by all the mem- pre•shyterial. %boot will be made up H. It. 1. Ilnugulaion. Telephone 7kr5.
The Signal received n few line•s this hereof tate family, and was laid in its of the wumrn'm missionary anziliar- Dungannon .vntral.
w. -e4 from Mr. J. 11. $waleel,l. who reettnr( lair n lea lit the former, Methodist and Pres
with itrw. Swaffrbi has been winter•
ing at Emelt., Florida. Ife• states that
they leave there on Manch 31st and �� "adt d•oewandlad� Ttte funeral
will go to Cleveland lactose nturntng service leas conducted Rev. C. F.
tenni^ Clarke, pastor of North Street 1'nittd
Mr. Geo laitbwaite, who has kept church, and the pallbearers were the
track of ttw date of the breaking up 0 Iwo mons, the eon -in-law and a nephew. fop_41ederl.•tt Methodist district: MTrc _.-- _..�._._..__.-.
the Maitland River for twenty-six years. Mr. Ernest J. Pridham. The casket was Mollard. orguuizer for Exeter distnIet. FOR BALI: 011 ERCHAJiGE.-
mya the bterk-.W law week was the sttrruundwl by beautiful dowers, laded. and Yrs. Gee 511 .-v, Clinton • ■ Brick residenee, .:.. water heat -
latest, at least in 'elation •tIl. a mg very 1 • morale 0 • er Mrs. ,umming. St. 1. ens; ` ra.
F.sster, in his record. t'mully, he eats, firma with which 11* two sono are eon- -James fismIlton: Hoderteh_ amt _lira. electric light. hardwood •flonp'a._Jat
the ire goes and alIwt three wens flirted. Besides those aln•adv mention- Geom. Telford. Blyth. it was dr- lot.• well situated of Britannia road.
before Easter. stat Mr: N. T. i'ridham of Tws, ter, tided to hold the Inaugural meeting: E:snprlrr at JENNER'S MUSIC
Members of the Horticultural ticiety brother-in-law of the ckcra,odl, ass taeee in Ontarin street church. ('llntem. ons 14"'KE'•
an• booking ahead to tics epeeist
Goderich Con- for the funeral, Ta: sins. April 27th. and arrange -
tennis( and are makingspecial ain•hases IN"riF. FOR RALE.-FI\"F:-ROOM
of bulbs, shrubs, etc.. for planting in t , •meals were mater for this nrsewHnt.
order to make a i s11owin next year. JAkff's31aDMi -EDMUND- HENI)kWo413. -- when sperlat [q+nttPrer vrttt lwf prrweat.. - frame ase on Elizabeth street.
Anyone wishing s pin wilIt the Society After a long illnrsm fames Edmund each
president and Iwo eh•icgatew farm Int 211. Has stone founelution. eltrtrie
in its petldmats atntuld notify the perm. Henderson, $ former resident of Gc derrh• ice b suxillary will make up the 1'rctm lights and water inside; good brei lot
tart, Dl r. I1. T. Edwards• and the last surviving sctn .4 Una. James hyterlal, which will (*flyer the egtlre Gtr gardca• 1 "in ell chip nod ac-
$tmngh of town. died en E'rida, last in ,•rtnnt . as the Presbytery toss, ' ('rpt small el..w n payment. \\'rite te
the hospital at London. where he had I MISS M. FiNI,AYSIJN.:2ltN: Jefferson
leen under treatment the greater part of -� DIAD 1 F.e Detroit. Mids.. apt. 1)1.
s rear. That deceased was bort at Nile - ----
ti(p sirwyearw sale arnl when s ,ray carne t:IR17a Charles I.l --- a 7 / FOR SALE. -IN THE TOWN -
March l:oelet sch and learned tits trade of bale- Marc, A r SII I I• of Goderich. on 1'rotlaeal
ing. which he afterwante carried on at years. highway. eve mitre from Goderich and
different placer in the Province. He went •
to Lrwmineton over twenty yearns ago and 1'RIDHAM.--,1t Toronto. on Sunday. rix from Clinton. adjacent to church
was itt business. there until a year ago. } . Manch 2e 1. .%1J.r Ashton rime•th, and school, comprising thirty acres of
whwuhithealth brokedown. Ho was with v, et the. late F. J. Pridham. rent-cllas land well tile -drained.
his mother here for 'several mouths beforeI HENI)EK$(1X.--At London. on Fri- Goof; cement block seven -roamed
Dl'NIiAN\ON going to the hospital at tendon. His wife ( day. Merrell 191, James . F,dmuud house: oank-barn 40x50: driving
died four years ago nn.l behoves, a family • Hrndtsnon. son of -Mrs, - James house and garage 3Ct80; orchard of
DI NGANN(rN. Harsh ::L-- . our bmoys aril one girt Harold, 'di Striate'. oteliTRh. aged ,;T rata. Tu5 good winter apples: never -fairing
0 A! by hr state to t'•hwle xtetl_gelded WANTED • that amount. 5 mouths'credit will -be
• ewer llarlingtup. Ott. He was mar- Oita oa tnbrnleWng approved Joist
rhea in 1.415 u, Ellen Ito -Il, wt(u.. pn j�/OHK HL' TUTS • DAY WANTED. noted, or a discount at 4 per cent.
pp i Shetland cemetery on
Wedneedtj atter:won atter a servile held
hyieran Illumine. firs. J. E. Hogg FOR d+AI.E2 T1Y0 COMFORTABLE
Pres -
in Beophry undertaking parlors and was appointed "key" woaun for this • dwelling* In good locations In
attended b many 'who had known and district and Sara brier, of WIngham, I;ialrrtch. Also forty acres of good
secretary. Mr. Hogg named the fol• pasture lated elth an shun nee of
lowing. who form the members of the water, close• to town. Terms to suit
committee•: Mrs. Andrew. organiser( pturlattrs. T. (:1:NI)RY,
12 element I , verandah swig& runty
mod hickory venetian and lawn seat4
wj,9do,w Ooxes, ,renaadth rugs, waits
atragb{ allowed for each -oa eredtt 1 dap matlbiee and w 1 Inger, Ogden hosed
amount Minieu' tpols, awulaea-t screen wire. T
BERT 'TAYLOR, T. QUNDRT, dues, lawn awwete ertoptlad6er, cad
Proprietor. ' , Auctioneer. ull stove. ironing board, eleatris times
ter, electric bed warmer, ei etrte trail
ti number of sealers, god alt kernel
TEKMS.- C*ab.
Proprietor. Auctioned*
Dr. Clark 1a offering for lmmedtabe
sale the Clark homestead in QoIbora4
township (lot 9, Wouetaalon 9, W. 1).%d
teutahning 100 acres. It will be sale
un eery reaiouable terms. All Ir
formation regarding same may be hof
from Dr. !'lark, Goderlch.
will sell -by public auction at lot 7,
tencetodon 1. E. D. Colborne. 1'i miles
east of Itenmlller. un
TI'}"41)A V . .\14t11, I:101
at 1 p.m. aberp:
Horaea.--Dratt gelding. 10 years
olel : 'treft gr1e11ng. •'( yearns old : agrl-
eultural filly, :t years ole! : general Pur-
pose mere, 10 years old.
Cattle.-Yoliel Angus Brow. 7 years.
due In July; Durham /row. 7 years,
fre•sda 1 month; black cow, 6 years. dne MISS EDNA ROBINSON, VIYIT1DIq
In July; holstein cow. 9 years, fresh 1 aurae. For terms, etc., telephone '
month: Hulateiu erow•.-S years. due Oe 425, Goderich.
tuber; Holstein tow, 9 year, due 11` ---
tuber: Holuteln sew. 8 yeas old. due
I k•toter : l ourd Angus bull. 18 mnntba ;
4 1.teeru. 2 years old.
Sheep,-elxty choice breeding ewes
to Iamb 1n May: 1 Oxford ram: 1
Shn.psllire ram.
Piga.--Flow with 18 *go; .uw with
111 pigs; low due to farrow ; 4 sows.
due May 3rd to Jane 5t: 3 yeller(
sows. due lune 20th to 24th : 211
chunks, 73 no 143 Iia,
Hew. -Forty Sena mad pullets.
Impkroes ts.-rieve n -ft. Deering hie -
der. 111 goal shape: 6 -ft. Deering
mower. nearly new : 10 (1. steel rake;
Idoad der Ma -
■ rr a CU t valor; ro
valor; Maney-Narrls sed drill; -f't.
steel roller ; Deering tarn blotter;
1'oekshutt manure spreader : Oliver
corn eulttvator, bean and dice attach.
.H s bw..,nrv, 2 wet iron bar-
rows.--lu * -.1:.f1., -2-walklug plows;
7 Oliver riding plows; Cocksbutt twin
plow: potato plow; steel stoneboat;
fanning mill: Wheelbarrow ; rout pals
per: Adams wagon ben. pig rack atad
springs: heat y steel truck. and
basket hay, ruck ; • 2 sats Bain
shoot sleighs. in good aliape ; new
corn rack : rnht-r-tire top buggy :
duttrr: 3009 -lb. aeales: feed evoker:
galyauize,I chicken amp; power sheep
tipper attachment : 2 gas drums; 1
duty fork. ears. rept• and cable; set
slat -.dings: 10' -It. Vested grain
grintk•r: Titan 10x211 tractor: Blizzard
N. 3 ensilage• hoe. nearly new, distal-.
hutor•pipes; 0 -in. rubber Mit. about 911
feet : 3 -in. rnliber dept. about ^s3 fart :
set Illmter woo.i harness: wet team
harness: it number of ash wagon
tougtte•s end harrow drafts:a quantity
Irma pests: No. .3 Imlay churn. new;
sap kettle; n quantity of timothy
bay: 2110 Istiehets well and feed mixed
grain Nisar t : :1.111 bushels No. 1
standard reelosene,l s�e•reenings:a quan-
tity of white blu•%,m sweet clover
Seed :wltIITI.-t n,vs. doublet roes and
1.nmf•raus order artkka.
Everything will be dlslwes s! aI. -as
the farms axe rented.
the wevteier abt►uhl he 1t t
the mile wilt he held tinder eovrr.
TERMS -AH annum of 110 ant!
Holier. Hmh : MR that amount. seven
months' credit will be glvetf mn fur -
Oohing approved Joint tote-. ,\ ills-
evuu4 .f 4 per dent. straight allowed
for crash an trent amounts. etraneers
const ba v.• references frons thAlr
E:%1t.1 F1t(HER. T. (SUNDRY.
Proprietor, auctioneer.
M. 1L 4
MaseeyHarris hay airy
H 1 11 F *t & World deka•
111e regular meeting et the God -
"rich t\'omet'a ln'stttnte will he held at
the home of Mrs. Marshall. Keays
street. on Thuli+tdtiv. Apr11__erti. it is
expected that the district president,
Mrs. l'ntkkshank. of Win chant. will
Ie preseett and also Mlsw McAlister. of
.auburn. The . roll call will be
answerer! by .xchauge• of hullos and
you the most vivid idea of the lite M• McKenzie and mdtg. Nakulm. Itch Whither, and latwn•nee. vtluuutn, Jlarwl INt MKJtfOKIAa1 water supply. Fol' further portico-
be the ,utcirnr E:ayl.tisow. The .nn llatutday for a two weeks' visit to 31axineand George. lit !maw. Ile was Ian apply to Ori1VAi.D GINN, E. S
tomb- of the Sacred hulls are tangs , 1'I1)K. Ili Iaciug
memory mt our
Toronto. Mr. McKenzie Intends to a� awrnls•r of the 1"ui1e1 !'bune. The
and shin. ,Isar father. John ('rck, who eruPtYrl 1, Ga' -reach. Phone 16008.
ulalrr{ runnel c11xmIN•r hewn out of m the order of alaecalfr•n, Ire mutwm
tie ofi
spend TLtstr? !herr Alan. trN k lar• ton alandu frau the hnmr rat Ian rear onus year age today. Matrrb
solid rack. The bodies I wummitra) The Mission Hand will hold their p y , ,_
kava been .n moved to the museum. late entertainment on G.ttst Frl. \Ir. and Sirs. Jmuer rtrongh, Eamtntreet, I '�Ith1 1 r_,. AUCTION BALIE
but lbs hoge granite sanophagi still Ito Maitland cemetery. The service was' 11 b his Irving Tulip is silent,
day. April 2mod• , e.Nalta•tet by 1L•` F A 1•ear-taf London -1_ -tpd his trice hte,art crus.• to beat
remain. The timers] of the Isle 1'IIaA tar r wtIo Cl' ••• '
rat:lurnu•r_ putmtoe_ui _ll te_sltYtftS.-l. 1'c$ .tic. mist. his .well4d u>s'te fontatrpa
Thnrsdlny ne vent at tiie Txh1hG vat plowed through) the• cillap• of Tors-, gonki• ern frlingly, alai Re•e. ".11.; Jet-� ted tit, -tae- wr ',wets h. gnvL H4)1'SE FI`RNISFI X(iS,
Goo. 51'o were eh•Iitrllterl by some only affront.* to lhmgaunot tannery•' lemon. pastor of Victoria -Inert church, _Sadly
Au attractive display of oldies' - erNF missed by t1'ulrrr alert (liar-
ply assisted. During for rr•rvice all appntp-; loner - '
bewitiful Arab More-, dttncittg to band
musk. They kept perfect time and
with their gay trappings and piety?.
melee Bedouin riders were a sight to
gladden the eye.
We mall from Alexandria on Mardi
12111 for Brindisi. thetee tet Naples, an-
Heing there on 25th.
William Masan. of London. was ar-
temtcd at Parkhill Manch 2*n1 on a
1 alt Merritt -to -4.1,y by the hisses Far-
row to sell by ptblle auction at their
y ` !UMW. corner ttt-Waterloo and Iight-
teats and' was made on Tittle • nate hymn was sunt; by r, 11 . J. Mair
da afternoon at Alton's store- ata! airs, i>. Hetnh•r•,n:• The llbstrers •
Mrs. (Muff has returued home after; nen•.1. Bell. E. (e• Smith, .iohn McNev OUNners BALE REG,JSTER . hnu+•, streets. Goderkh. on
apeetiPing the reinter with her dough- I ia, Harry 04s1e1. Wm. •te%en' and WYne. ! _.__ sATI'IrDAY. APRIL 10111
; Tichesrrne. ilajsy k•vt-iy Howerr were sent i Tuesday, .11rif i:t. Abet ion sate tit commenrtt[g at 1 o ehwk *barn,:
fret-------bvirienetslwreatiLal-Lasa ttfigtun.- farm stock nnd-ltutde•nterrts.-pntferty All the cuutrnts .•t the bruit•, in.
CARL0W ' of Mr. Ecru Fishei. at lot 7.•eisslon etudlug: 1.iving room furniture. din -
('.1111.4)w, Mardi 31.- Mr. .Io• ('HAI;LErl toleVIN . 1, E. D. Colborne. 1'.i miles east of iug room furniture, Mrinorm furniture.
Yonne. of Detroit. spent a few days in the {parsing of \Mr. Charles Girviu. i Ib•btuille•r. v -7-: piano std stat. ctal rangy, netNgea-
with his pwrenM. Mr. and Mfa- tar- (;e.h•rieh kers an le**.rwl--sol rtsptyted - -"tor. 3 piece(• to•rattdnh a.1. hammock,
wanner iw.0-d seven mouths ago for eiu>sn. Sir.tnrviu xis 15 nn w.1\est F:%RD OF Tfl1N16R t•Ievtrie washer. S carpet sw-e•pemtl
l dot' Young. ---__ j _ - -_-_-- % (let&_ nuts•
a riMtMttrn r+[ tate O.T.A. -in having I Mr. T. H. I%llstMl Lt lq Toronto this i N'aw•. it.,mtlw-d;irr+n4wows*teai4itra*i +t►,-ultter. asps• rifer. -ear
liquor at the Clinton oke Ia.yx' reunhoti l wesk•wtfh two carloads of cattle and 1 Nile, m t't45. N'ht•n .1 far young nun he It S. J.1 S. STILer�Gl1 .1X t, THE
'energies nod hrktltn•t, ttit,Iie . glass -
last summer. He was taken !adore naadeinn 11n adjoining farm. where he M wars. crulery. ganlru bice•, pnle+t
Magistrate Andrews of Clinton and i'YY, .f hugs. Mr' Xelsn Pearson also E'.13I1I,Y of th. het • .1, KL lime
' tontines a attic• and Lt this week. mails (or bio.w If and his vv ire one .d the end• and immer na other antcles. •
• war Meet • $l4$ -and tome- The .war, • tg$ newt attrwcttvrhnm.-+•f-thateeenn+rnsity. ,. ,1,,,...,}',.,53,,I1,11..1
ler Is tt h f et1-rls_It:iit minter•
-3fr. awl Mrs. }torted riprnng, or ,Ail- :;,•Ring hip tarn' ab et ten rm age+, les, thanks fetr ksitth tats vtit•i 11 1.tIIlritjL, H1t 4U- 1.. :--
rani had been held ml nee !amt August , form[, were• fru• guests Of Mr. and Mrs. year. fh.• Iih�css .tF u Is b,c.,d sink anti There ts• ae. swearre _...._
uatTedu. Gdtderich, wawa he rnjnct•p rr• i t T" GI'N111tY• Atmtitmrer,
until Haman could be located 1 Rom. Wilson one dry this week. . tiremeut fret the strenttins activnt-••t -oft falter• -mrd nl'e in their (lane of its-' -
A sleigh -load of our young peopieIfarm life. \Ir. esirvin ttw.k o creative' movement.
gent• �� AI'4TN1X 5.11.E OF 1-'AKM 4T(N`K.
took Lt. the -Idol gJr4w► at flenmllldrrl Infonet in pNlbhc *tf in.. M•Iltg A -F llatol ---'
wt}i.11`ie t:rRTrl•k'#+ KArst'Lit 7Ar Vtirn -MRF.-h'tiC}Z'Fhfci -s-" iIF:Z7i>•.'Fit IYl•I,K:]l F'1T14 LT(', --_ ------ --
last Frl,tay n., . a/wt rPporr tits
r. k • I+slda' m
• 11 done., r I pony miner• its innugnretion. as manager of truife•ririg her gratrhtl ttmnl:a
and later as vie •pn,tnle rat In Lie. hnt t 1
ll Amountant. 102 Ontario street.
Stratford- Phase 1(160. Ras. 1J$SJ.
is LIVE STDG[ him amnia
Telepbooe No. 119.
Galea attended to atywk-re and reel
Wort made to give aadatalle k
Farmers' sale totes discounted. t
will conduct any sale la case. mast*
of Huron. For Iaformatlog appy d
P. J. RA; Ramiltoa St., or oedema
lett with him will resiiiS prompt ale
• for household inlets _- Ghia
etc, tor the Clouser of Htllsom,
Addrem ail oommina -tierce te oltia
STALKER. Ahearn P. 0.
L. COLS. R. 0..
West Street. Goderich.
honor Oaduate of the C nadld
Ophthalmic College of Tarotte.
Eyes examined by the latest S.
blot and the proper tittle, a rash*
at moderate pekes. Ontario Roatf
of Examiners Certificate No. 8TS
�T. W. H. JACKSON, Orpahi
and Director o. ''teak. Nord!
street Methodist church. -Distraction
elven in Voice Culture, Organ, Piano,
Violin. Guitar. Theory. eta. titedlo ar.1
resldasee. 87 North street. Pons Mt
Chronic organic and nervous did'
eases. Consultation free. Omens
}sours' 2 to 5, in, 7 to 9 p.m.. excepts
' Ing Monday and Thursday afternoons
j -and evenings, and by appointment.
Residence and ofOre-Cor. Basal
tied Victoria streets.
\ P(IliTAXT .11'i'Tf(JX SALK" CFO
maws .1ND He►1'ssuitsl.1) VCR -
For Rent
is now available for any-
one wishing to rent for
amateur shows or concerts.
For terms apply to
Wesley M. McLean
P. 0. Box 50
nam w.• ern •,• MR. IIE.HT N-•TAYI.1)R.
l ales 11'ttr, Watson' had a very mors I argon A rien!It mol Niety he hell la ..r the numberless kindnesses' es- will sell by public atletlotr et ht W. H
.•r•wfnl wood M -e one day last week. r( g teud-4 4,11- The 11ut-i- Itt her hus-
Slr. E'Imrr Woheitson has tapped bins i Vruminent utticinl p ctmiti.n, Kivitrg wonky 1 timid and also for the many ..ea rnu• :12. concession 4, Fast Wawanosh. on
p aastmtatar in plans (.r the •aMlrYas of that l
' trees lout• r6erta4e le:O l° of rap I"' I organization. •In NIk. 3lethe dist church/ shins of sympathy she ham reeivel in .FItinAT lPRiL 9th.
far. ' •
li7r 1•'rencettr rat. --.___-
hr gxve� devoted and jjntthhtl service for I P I ■t 11 ri ebo•k
, Mrs. Tho).,;.Me;f'Isee, spent a few I luny ears and laterltae ntt•sxiatell with `
dloys Inst wean .With. Mrs. Samuel Ills-' JJ Mal'�ea--t h0 henry draught brood
p the official 'roam .d NarUt mfrs[ church, i • - I man • ti :deem old, In foal:, 1 Clyde
set. of 1latttefds . • lidxierich, always giving valrtcri personal' FOR SALE I mare. siring 4 years old, weight 12 c
! _ idle - k.--Wilaoa's many friends am and financial soppiest -teak enterprises. Oft _
1 glad to leapt' that her heallb Is 1m• coummnity welfare. in Iris. ind'fa-� airs. ; 1 ttraught curt. riving stare
tignble and loyalty unlmo mtlel. He was
I .Id.
j proving. Clark Hrnw. tie• intending to rale` w man of umu•twliy cheer/al, tn'ntlr and
One Complete Thresher Outfit I 1'a/ties--e1nc grade Derham craw. 9
1 yrnrs old, fn•sM•nwr Mnnh :Aad; 1
their t..-., 'Min ....en.w and ern straw- sympatbetk• spirit, that . made his tenons' Itne 1-;x:tn lbn•tpar tractor, one
,,•,� 1-„arY nLl o Starck P.'Lth' 1 f.Werieede bothseide-+...1••-.k.p. Fee a fessilom separator Toy ossa, self
year and a half ser had suffered from an ter.,kr and straw blower 120 -ft. drive'x'w' i year" tie► c I1 Ilan 1(Nh : 1
Incurable disease, an.l the end came re•glsten•d 1►nrham cow, (4yt'*rs old.
belt : one anti
plo cern blower. 30 -ft.
i{{ ,
peaeefoill;- on. Sunday morning, "He blawpilw and .tlstrMatur. One Ham-
lam- . frrsht•nwt Jann•ry Loth : 1 rnw. 10
walked with (Oil and be was not: for rears nail. freshened in September.
S} Kitool( him. -Rev. C_-F_Clarke, -aa Men rrnctnr plow. 3 -bottom: rnllingi'
- - ..safer, coattlitpli skbdrners; 07TIF Trate"• 41t` --
sated try'rvi Ford. cunT Tw
Moo tractor. donhh• flaw•, 20 on croft, "lel: tint' al time pt Mk; 1 cow.
funeral service at hie residence an Tins- o years a,ItL freshened In November;
day, anti Rev. Ti'Aoy White, pastor of 1 ft Thi!► mriflt is fi ftmt-t'Iaxa# heitOre riming1 year old: 1 yearling
Nile United clntn•h, officiated at thegrave condition. I vier for -ipik k male. y
in I1ingannon cemetery when. interment $1: 51.1at, ibomnn fnr selling, boys
heifer. northers'. 20(11110; 1 yearling
was made. Among the numerous floral
have all gene to do for theme-Iyrn, heifer. eligible for regimiratlon ; 1 year-
ling ttibtitew expressive of ?yngoethy h./ Mist. ,TAI. 'CHIBHOI.>A[, Hng heeifer. grade: 1 black heifer,
tx :rJt Girth' in her tx•n•aveuu•nt were a basket riming 1 year, herby beef : 1 blaek steer,
• - 3, (bittern:h.
rising 1 year. baby leer; 1 black steer.
o/ snare from the /:odlrrich Rural Tele-, R. K. l;It4lPru:h, Ise
phone Comeau, a ?pray of hvacintle 7 Month% old; 1 steer exit. 5 mdro(h's
from eta lens Club .1 North itn•K ,ro RENt obi: 1 atter P'sIf. 2 motels old: 3 amnia
church. and a crescent trete' the Woman's; -Itiv ?. '
Mim?ionary Society and Lathe' Aid of pt_-__4►nP hmdml sew: Block)
Nortlratreet church. 1kakler him wife, RENT. -APARTMENT ABOVE
work? old.
Mr. (Wein leaves a brother, Joule" (fir.O Brlen'a Apply ALEX. $AUN• Poultry-T11irt,r lsrrnd RcrP1t Inn?
vin of Nie, and a n iter .f nieces and DERE. 1 year old, t n
feeptewa, who. will mise a beloved rela-
tive. Mr, Sant F naou of Borrie. Ti, RI -.NT. -THE FtIRM}Jt IN)1'1:- Iiple111rata-One low waggni; 1
I LAS property on Muirinnd road- set .f sbighet: t top buggy. steel tire:
Ileo. J. J. Fe ut.onnf , Nis. Mr. John 1 Itelf-s feeder miter: 1 Mna ey-Itirrls
Feetgason of Iloh, hk', R \Ir. Will Per. It -von arses. with !Rawl ttunr luaus-' horse Irak-: 1 Ma,ewey-Harris dis•
gown of smingtnville, Rev. I1. T. Fergu- apply 1.. L. KNOX. Town Clerk.
non at Leamington, brothers of Mrs. (lir- harrow : 1 StatesvHarrls seed ttrlll.
VIII, also a *Iter, Mrs, Evan? of Ihtrling• Q(/it itENT,--IN)E'Bi.p: ROOMS. 11 low• : 1 Frost A Wnort mower, (tft.
tgei and Mr. and Mrs. 1i. Eilberof (ends ref : 1 ?Ing!- plow : 1 ta•In plow : 1
ironwereamong, tlleasm from a ditrtance (ntnlwhet or unfurnished; slaty scaffler: I wh-ellarn,w: I gravel
who went instant for ?Ise funeral.
electric. lights; one room has a are. hes: 1 whits nab tongue. 12 feet
place: centralONA!.ly located. Apply at Wig} 1 togging ehaln: 1 erowhnr; 3
THOMAS OKE:. s THE fl1HNA1. OF ERS hunches shingb+: 1 %•t dnnld,• hnrnr•st :
The drnth of Mr. Tllamam (eke /t0• - - I K'ord ear. 1919 model.'
carrel on Tuesday morning- Meech TRNI11II8 Grain -one hundred and fifty hush.
2:trd. at the home of his daughter. Mrm. rho mixed grabs: i0 bushel+ sled gat?
Itnih Thompson. 1:e.ltricl, tranship.
TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY (Granary Fillers) : :1t 1Ntshrl* two -
where he had made his Mame for sonic the Ymblic Library Board for the rowel' barley, ft for seed: 2 hag?
time previous to his death. Tim late decorating. of the reading roam, ataek •mall potatoes; 3 Isms salt: 1 bag
Mr 1ikr heel reached the age mf four- room and hallo of the public library, chuck feed; grltnllty or hay anti
score and nine years Mil for sons- Rork to be .lone same no the work in silage.
time Led Mvf en Invnlid. However. rhe children', ram and the Wert Errrythlttg nen.( 1e mom without re
through all his affliction he serer erom- room. wails cleaned and Ulna coats of *erre. I* the proprietor Itis sold the
pia hied and Le was cheery and bright paint. Tenders I:Welv'ed until April farm.
to the last Mr. Oke was horn In 3Ut. Tendert to be left with the sec- TERMS Ilan. mirage, grain, and all
England In 1tkf7. \Viten quite a young rotary. MR. T. M. KIlrle. 21 MUM!, of $10 and tinder, -ooh; over
Ing gtatel int eertnent:
rtrtt BUT A ••
i�NY w,td�t •�)
Don't decorate your walls and ceilings and then
have a le: k frotn the roof spoil everything. 1
t l
Spring rains are coming.
Fix that roof now.
We have the men and material
ready to do the job. .r•„ r.
Goderich Planing Mills Ltd.
ei os
4bes a'
Lam- luatrueted by Dr. W. F. Clark ,
to sell by puddle atwtion at the pr@et-
Ines In the Town of Iiod'Hch. on
' • SATi'RI),1Y. _LJ'It1L 17th '
cotnlue/k•4tg at 1__o'chxk altarpt___
Pastel Na. 1. -The eitmparaftl'e
new brick n•altenee, turner of 'Vic-
Victoria and Newgate 'streets. ruutaliting ,
li.iug room with tile fireplace, dlutat(
rmrm, kitchen. four herkatms, loath -
room. room. sleeping. ta.r•h. A well lighted t
£T1 EAR. 14081, THROAT
Late Meuse Surgeon New York 0110
tbalmle and Aural Hospital, adatar
aL Moorefield Eye Hospital • sad
Golden Square Throat Hapital, Lome
don, Eng. • -
63 Waterloo lit. f''$trmtford. 'IYl•
hose 407.
ly At He,:p1 Bedford aoderiet, on the
evening of 4hird 'Monday of osis i
month. from 7 o'clock, till the-lbll6tw►
Ing day.. TnewdAy, at 1 p.m. �w
Itas'meit nnder whole. benne and a , -e-
splendid het water heating syateds, I DroLFY E. HOLMES
The hntse• 1s welt 1111111 and eultdtert i Barrister, Etc.
Ili every partlimbo r and ham 11 number Ofllee-HamIIton street, Gpderie*.
of special -featnre's to rn•nmmenrt It. Phan# 27.
There Is also n well equipped d stable s - -?"-
with nhntalnlwe• et nom for autos. I /t IEAGER. K. ('., RAIIR19TtR,
Parcel No. 2.--A very comfortable U. SOLICITOR, Notary *iWi. and
fntln/' dwt'Ulnit_ e•ure red w•Itit neral i Oomveyaucer. Ocoee :Qpurt Hsi,
siding. Situate{ on Victoria street. 0oderlch.
This house contains Ilring room, din -1 es--
ing room. kttehe•n. four bedrooms and R. DARROW,. BARR,�$T1 aQ
bath, has splendid eleefrk- littti`ri 1 • Rdectsmar to 1. I.. ]loess, L
._Tlt> ,asnow-rti. m mak. Lays.,m ( _...
age• i *bout 41 fart on Victoria atred.
They_ will 1' offered -ts one hit; it
not sukl trot t . n y will be sold neper•
TE1LMri.- lo per cent. of purchase
porky to he toed at time of (rale, ital-
anre within alt days or arrangements,
may he made am tat further payment,,
The properties may he Inspected any
afternoon after April 3rd.
\t the lame time all the contents of
the amok hOdtte (live Clarkle home)
ell��m• *std. room, ��
del"! room, bedroom atul ktdilen �KILLOP MUTUAL FIRS IS.
Mrnlehinge Including: A -parse wicker
%•t. large tlaren prt. Iarge nplmletcred SURANCF, ('O. -Farm and Isolated
arm chairs, Mortis chair and sir- town property insured: -
prat flutes teethe, ptrkitali and (-halm. OHeestl•-Jas Connolly. Prow. solea
floor lamp. walnut whatnot. rhrrry ries P. 0.; Jan Evans, View -Poems
%riling elesk, comIinel hook -ase and Beeebwood P. 0.; D. F. McGrew.
welling desk. 3-ser•tion bookcase and See --Tree.,, lieatort)1 P. 0.
numbers of books. mantle clock, rug Directors -A. Broadfoot. 1 1`
12'-,l!. rug lt►x9. runner 3x12. piss No 8. Snatorts• John 0. 0rtwe, 51
hires. cwrtaint and small rug., hull 4 Walton; 'Vllllam Rtnn, R. R. het
mirror wad sent. dining room fnrnl 2. R, Seatortb; John B,maefwies. Esse-
tnre. alio, all tiiihew, glassware. sl1v.•r- hagen; (Ian. McCartney, R. 1t- No, fla
warp and entlery: 'Lies ••onapi.t, sets Rasforth; Robert Ferris, Harlot*
of t-droom furniture. Including 1 Murray Glisson, Br•ucefteild; Jam,
enamel suit, cinINinhtg tart. smarms.. Evans, Beeeitwood: James Coswelya
sprligIrevteer. chiffonier, Indy'. Goderich.
writing desk end chair; will Is sold Agents -.I. W. Yae, dsi-i $
all trgetlw•r: eer-rnl bedroom rigs Alex. L.Iteh, R. R Ne. 1. (ieQlataaf
at It ell eurtanitt and ovtrdrapcm: Mn John Murray. 8eaterdi; 1. H1aaaerp(
eon•- a IrctrIc heat -r, 1 droi.hoa l Baatwrth. Polley-boldees ds sets
singer %•wing mnehine with nator. I payments and get thin heel reseeds.
large mirror. hnmps•rm. tower hank ad at _- J. Morrie:Fs •3lotkta8 Stew,
.•f+; %wing nam asst otfomana. kit Charon; It. R. cotes (heesry,
chef, eabingf refrigerator, glamor coot atom Argot (1.1i 4-b. or
Istnrd. fall leaf table. electric. Male Geier I Stet.. 19ayONL
Office -The^ Senate, lderfb►-
011' 1 --
BAaanrrrmy Rte:, -
Hamfllon81.. (lodericn.