The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-01, Page 10Psst! Now's the time to see us were hoving a big Goodyear tire saiel iii•or oast "vitaili.is .MARATHON, SIZES 6.7G *13 6000 *16 Goodyear Tires - getreading Parrs Truck 'Service It Practical Instruction all Commercial Subjects, • Courses 'Approved by the Canadian Business &heels Assdelation. 61 Modern Equipment. Tuition, — $18.00 per Month' • FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER fhb GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE East Street Gederich, Ontario Phone 428 • Mfg. •0634mlirnid 1'49'416,, allv.anre-..lan,ies,, WeOites0„4.•,, Itug„, tt, Pla;,1 Welcome Visitor At this season of the year we eau begin to .e$,peet our almoner visitors. Them are different types of guests, soon whose visit with 'us is, looked forward to with a real thrill and pleasure; and -the, other kind whose stay is something to be endured for good manners' Allowing for natural differences of teinperament and understanding which always go towards the making of congenial relationships, there are still some. ordinary, thoughtful practices: which may, be cultivated by any guest to the 'comfort of her hostess and to the furthering of her own enjoyment,. A guest should state clearly the exact date and manner of her arrival and the length of her stay.. She .should bring with .bor clothing best suited to the kind of entertainment likely to be offered, She Should provide herself with proper toilet articles, cosmetics and he careful at all times to see that her room or. the bathroom are not littered up. with the untidy remains of her dressing, A Small Mending kit will keep her from- untimely calls upon her hostess and if :there .are occasional small chores to do such as pressing clothes, .these should .he done at a time that does not conflict with household. arrangements, No really. considerate friend will show boredom with ..anything that may . be provided. for her entertairunerit, Tar will she ..fall to see to it that she-isnot too constantly •tinderfoot, The woman of .the'houSe has many things to attend to and will appreciate time in which.to--tiP. them, There is no surer way for any guest to make hers if disliked than to criticize the behaviour of 'children or show that they annoy het. After 'all, if she does net -like:them she does not need to 'Coine 'where they are, PI . F(041,0140 $/$TO THROUOR tRAININO THE PRFECT GUEST • i She answered by' return of post r Athlete's foot is about as contag- ions as appendicitis; aceording to' a recent study in a medical jouratil by three skin specialists-z•-Which 'is good news as the swimming season gets under full swing, ' • Foot specialists, wifti . see mdFe' athlete's foot than anybody' else, say that the shoes .yOu- wear play the most important part in keeping your feet remain cool arid .dry. Hat and moist' skin is ,a perfect breed- ing grciund for the fungi,,, Shoes with both ;leather uppers and soles are best, the Net doetors add, because the microscopic Pores in leather allow ,air• eirticlate freely around your .feet„.keepirig them dry and relatively' ,cool, In addition, properly fitted leather shoes will not buckle on.twist out of shape, rubbing blisters or chafed spots,, which allow athlete's foot fungi to enter. The three dermatologists report- ed that desipte their best efforts they had 'been unable toy develop...a single ease of athlete's, foot in 15 volunteers whose feet were liber- ally daubed with the %fungus. The researchers' conclusion was NOT CONTROUS it Plastic Wpod plastered on a nicely-shaped - wine ubottle transforms it into convincing "pottery" Leave surface slightly rough, • 4t. Decorate yout psendo,nottery with odds and ends palnL 'Z'he earthy braWria and :eons . folmo mot, ,otrouve'. Clues to Deafness (Tice Chicago Tribune) Stat i stics on deafness are ehring- ...111g„ The cisorder is becoming more .COtnitiOn In the .oltier group because more people people aro living, to au age when hearing tiefleivadea occur. On the otinr hand, derifncss is less treatie9t iu youngbtera today be- Ottaee ear infeetioas are easier to treat with the wonder drugs. Between these two extremes in age are the millions of working Men and women who are subjected to industrial noises. Hearing" is im- paired, especially v. bon Working', in a continuous racket without ear plugs. The majority of hearing defeats in ehildren tan, be eared Lie arrest- ed If diseowred early. Parents should suspect the condition when the youngster beetunea inattentive, assurees an awkward listening pus- tare,' or develops. speveh. peculiari- ties. Other telltale signs are slow- nevi in learning, shyness in playing with other children, and excessive fatigue, • Parents May try a simple hear- ing test, The youngster covers the left ear with the palm of his hand • and stands with the right ear to- ward the mother or • father, He is asked to repeat various numbers starting with seven and, going down to one. After the right ear is tested, the child turns around and re- peats the performance v.-10.1 the left ear egpoSed, Other homemade hearing tests include listening to the tick of 4 watch or the click of two coins. The best method is, the audiometer which Measures how much hearing remains and how Much is lost at different tone levels, Loss of hearing in adults array progress so slowly it escapes de- teetion for years, Deafness is atia- peeted when the individual hears hatter in noisy places or not so well at church or while listening to a quiet radio or TV program, The same can be said if harsh sounds become actually painful or when head noises or' ear ringing prove bothersome. The defect becomes more ob- vious when it is difficult to carry on a conversation and the indivi- dual finds he is scowling, frowning, or napping the ear while others are talking, When this stage is reach- ed, a competent ear, nose and throat Specialist ought to be con, suited. Never make the mistake of start- ing with an audiologist, hearing consultant, or acoustician who is trained to fit and Sell only one particular hearing aid. Deafness may be due to wax that can be removed in, two minutes, with re- storation of hearing, Futhermore, some types of deafness are notdin- proved with a hearing aid or the individual may be temperamentally unsuited to wear the device. 4011)40 tOri*,(4.,100) The home of Mr. and. Mrs. LOIN, Atwood, was the setting for a blue and white twilight wedding when their daughter, Mary Mar- garet Love, beearae the bride of John Jtiii'VeP PrOugliton, son of lyIr, and hfrs. ,rarnea );)rougliton, of At» Wood, The Rev, 0, l‘,/f, Lewis, of Atwood Presbyterian. Qbarch, offi- elated in a garden setting of blue delphinium, white lilies and chry- santhennima, • The bribe Ware an ankle-length gown of ethereal blue chiffon with a small matching laee petal hat arid carried a bouquet of white gar- cleolaS and stephanotis. Miss Pauline PrOughton and MiSa Nora Love wore *flower girls In butterfly gown 0 of white embreld,- ered nylon organdy with blue rib- bon rashes and blue and white carnation coronets, They carried nosegays of blue and white carna- tions. Scottish wedding music was play- ed by Piper W. L. Pearson, of rr*ro. The bride's mother, receiving guests wore a sheath dress of petal pink with black accessories and corsage 'of pink carnations, The groom's mother assisting wore a gown of navy crepe and lacWith a corsage of red roses, . For traveling' to the Maritimes and the Eastern United Stafes the bride chose a ,black sheath dress with white Eton- jacket and a cor- sage of white gardenias. The, bride is a graduate of Strat- ford Hospital Sehbol, Of 'Nursing and is' a former member of the staff pf Huron County Health Unit. Beqrded Irises. Right after blooming IS the best time to divide bearddd iriSes, says nurserymen, Cluinpe'may be lifted with digging fork and excess soil washed off, and the rootstock cut, or broken apart, so that at least two swollen joints, or "toes" re- main attached 'to each fail of lea- ves. Reset the divisions in well- worked soil, at a depth of one, inch, and stay with us for a moment— "it is the de-creased resistance of the skin of the human host with a resultant activity of the fungi, pre- viously lying dormant as, opportu- nists on the patient's own feet, which is usually responsible for such attacks." What this' means is that you're not likely to pick up athlete's foot in the swimming pool, shower, etc., if your feet are in good shape. But you can develop a case any place, any time, if the natural resistance of your feet is' weakened. So• look to your shoes this summer. Wine bottles, empty but too pretty to throw out, are 'collect- ing dust on the top shelf of many a 'kitchen enpboard. An elegantly-shaped bottle can' easily be transformed into what passes for decorative hand-made pottery. All you need is a 'little paint and plastic wood. This putty-like material • is used for filling cracks and holes in wood and can be obtained from any CIL paint dealer, =hardware or variety store. The only tool you need to make yoilr own "pottery", is a .knife. '• . • • • . The trick, is to plaster the bottle with, the ,plastic ,wood.. Use only it 6,41,Vith 4'linife.. tic:it 'Worry about getting sriloOth.+1-ialf the liteptiti.; ;of this, ipspucippttery is its rciughnes;. When the whole bottle is over, ed from base to neck with an ev- en coat, let it stand for an hour Or po to harden, While it is drying, you can 'pre-, pare paint for decorating the bottle. Any odds and ends of colours and mixtures of paint can be used for this job, but the earthy colours—browns and greens—are most effective, Just dab, away to your heart's content—any colour your fancy decreee You can add "antique"' interest by letting some of the paint drip down'the side-of the vase, Of course, if you don't like the results; you can easily `remedy the situation by starting again With a fresh coat, Ift.'s remarkably easy to achieve an effective transformation. As a conversation—piece, wine-bottle "Pettery" is uneNcelled I Just a Word of advice—plastic wood sticks to the fingdis. Thig can be prevented by, using a hand cream called "Pro-Tek" (available in the same store) which keeps paint--and plastic wood-froiri sticking to the fingers. Nail polish remover is effective for the clean., Op job.'" W .6 P re s e ry This Wornan's Job Teslirig Soil Sozanne'St. .elais is a City girl, but ,She's helping grow 'oats 4nci carrots: all over _the province of Qtiebec.• • Prom miles around,fermers send sthriples of. their 'soil to the C-I-L seils• laboratory, io Mentreal mid ,there Petite ,Mrs. St, Qeiais takes over. As a Seit-tesfer,'..114 job' is to antilY40 the. soil- to ,see hOw the farmer can improve his evens .1 by the use of fertilizer. Through el4emicat tests, she de- termines the ipereentage of organic matter in the .soll, the content of calcium,. Magnesium and pqtash, and whether it' is alkaline or acidic. When all,results are compiled, a qoalified agronomist sends the farmer a fortilizer "prescription" to' correct his soil's deficiencies. This yOung laboratory, farmer started out in the business world as a stenographer. When an open-, log came in the soils laboratory three year's ago, she jamped aa the optiortunity tu try something new, Although she didn't have any pre- vious training in chemistry, in two months Mrs. St, Gelais was at home amid test tubes and chemicals. When asked if she missed -the secretarial work, Mrs. St. Gelala said that she still uses her secre- tarial training for writing up the final reports. "Actually my time now is divided between the techni- cal work of testing soil, and the more clerical work Connected with the reports", she explained, "It is much more interesting because I'm not doing the same thing all the time," • :Mtg. St, GelaiS estimates that in brie year she anitlyses approximate- ly 4,000 samples of soil. "Most of the ''sainfiles are sent in to us by farmers," she niti; ,",14.1t occasion- allyisthere is a flower gardener who wants to know what type of fertili- zer he needs hi his garden." Whether the land is to grow turnips or tulips, this girl -with the test tubes is always ready to find out what ails the soil. ,. Golf .Bridqe The Thursday afterneon bridge game was • held at the pif course, with fedi. tables in. The prizes went to MrS. D. B. Porter, Mrs, H. P, carmirhaei and lifrs. R. G. Gannett. The hostesses .were Wm, Is- bister,• Miss Teno Ishister, Miss kathleen Pringle and Misa Phyllia Johns, The invitation of her host. She caught the train she said, she would And changed at stations as she should. She brought a small and lightish' box And keys belonging to.the Food rich and rare she did not beg, But ate the boiled and scrambled egg. When offered. lukewarm .tea, she drank it, • And did not crave an extra blanket, Nor extra, pillow for her 'head. She seemed to like 'the' spare-room bed. She brought her own self-filling pen, And always went to bed at ten She left no little things behind But stories new and-gpsaip kind. "Oh you men are ,all alike. You went to that show last night just to see the pretty girls," "Now, honey, that isn't .so. You know pretty girls, don't mean a thing to me—it's you I love," Make Your Own Attractive Psuedo-Pottery iiothiei broom boyett odike it eititi> get at tobwebs ahd dusty creiricts Yoxir reoriii. The ecivert elide testlir °did 1. broeni kitid st4 hi ptiwt With elatfieited led -Ther„,.iits,,,,,essill liot KITCHEN—running water cuts chen r.hores—loundry and ' are done in half the the. reueli easier le yialer the stock ta raltif Otettateh agaltitt fleet YOUR .SHARE (ANADA'S MAUR Ygn. can .4hare in 041.100.'s. growing prosperity by 4.0114 .XTIVOStOr's CAtiOda'S lfirgeat .rnuttlel Nod, informtion conga your IpYOstors Syncliegte ropfe§eritetive. Thos. A, Jardin P11000, 'WI 0111:17. John W. Waines 3, usTowEL none fon —Cer3rat Prone Capadian Second granddaughter of Prime Minister' St. Laurent , graduate from the qiCAF univerSitY reserve afficerV trainiag Course, Therese Sanisen is congratulated by' Dr, E: president of the University of Weatern Ontario., $ister Monique, 'right, graduated in 1955. The cadets take three summen'S training and, continue their 'studies at university to qualify for their commissions. t gioll.6.316 V100.1 'at CAtlAbA c.nada'A 14 f7.+I mPtu411 4.4 0,11C16 VIIMNIPM OFfIcEP rnifICIFM tIVE% Property. owners jn subdivided areas in Huron County, alk:e 'hereby notified to DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS ON THEIR PROPERTY BEFORE AUGVST 13th, 1956 After this date proceedings will be taken to have the weeds destroyed in accordance with the Weed Control Act. W. R. Douoall, Huron County.,Weed Inspector. 4700 CA ING urham Arena FRIDAY, AVG- 3rd - 12 GAMES $50 3 •SPECI\ALS $200 $1,000 Jackpot Special Must' Go Share-thel-wealth Game 12 REGULAR* GAMES $1.00 Extra cards 25c, 5 for $1.00 GAME STARTS 9 P.M. SHARP SPONSORED Bv. PITEIIAM SERVICE CLUBS FREE DOOR .PRIZE • • . ;1956 FORD FORDOR • Efluipped • with stir conditioning, spare tire, tank of gas and license plates. BRINE THIS COUPON WITH, YOU — ENTITLES YOU TO A FREE CHANCE ON TIIE OAR NOTE — ONE 'COUPON PER PERSON' Why lug water by hand shy longer? Install a Duro Pumping System now and enjoy runnins. water as you pay for it, Save time,, save laboil, cnt Operating costs. AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for limp, fixtures ahd installationi too 4 The BMW Budget ylan will cover your'co/mi plete Water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroorn fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost Of installation, ;You can have the whole job dotte NtAii(-3tid pay for it over the next year and a half, Ask for an estlinate of the cost of labour and material worked out On the Emco nUtIge't Plan, Vistif Or PhOue Us Without Deicty !Wuhan' Brost, Wiiigham Ofit. .RUNIRIN4 .WATER ',,at• you pay 'for_ ,it :on the. budget af.tOkci0M—W1 the conven- ience of cl. Oft horhe. to protect your fen* s' hecillti and add to your conifort.