The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-08-01, Page 8r
ttlife Whaatain, 4.44006,11.`linoot 10/0004.4014/4 'Aug 40i4
OnlAT ron SALE
•00,00 VE101. fbr !tale bY tate quo.
•tot VeerIIid tinder 110011S0
trotki. the Peparttaeat Pt
- alaulea Hereford yeatliage, RAT.-
phone 24-$0, Ripley, 'arra!
USED THRESHERS for sale", 1,
.2/3+,46 Goodleeti all steel iratehiee,
, cheap 1, 28+46 Gotaliaoh all tel
nuichirie, like aeW; 1. a2+01. Case
'ai Steel ittlehine t titiberi 1,
M+1 -a a ft, grain bi,„ No, 16,
lipbeit N. Arthur, liiftisse„),
, reigustm Dealer, attetiaa, Okla
N•EW .0Lttli.tV• ssell• Traiter
. ,fatabar, $1.25.90; 3 .ftia-
.101,1a; .$196.00.• Paate
" "Viiptie laitelleaer SherWoed 22438
to if laP
s, liorie nowi,
• • . • • o-oisolve g
ening bingo, under the anaPieas
' of the Canacliaa 'Legion, will be
hela at thea Legion Home on
LIMITED: • r arra Saturday at 0 , „oelock. Good
. . prizes; ," CE25r1.13
MSS Catherine Gibson returned
hone with her parents to ' St.
Catharines Sunday- after spending
a month with her grandparents,
Ma and lare..Ross Dolt.
Mr, Richard Shettle -of Guelph
spent two days last Week at the
bottle of his aunt, Mrs. Winnie
Remple. • . .
aft and Mrs. Earl Baker and
family of London spent a OW
QUANTITY OF. %dart and ..pint daye thie week with relatives here.
sealers'Or sale, Reasonably pric- Mr. and Mrs. Java Wilson and
ed. Phone 752. ' •, lb family and Mt, Chat, Perce
Supday at Point Clazate. .
and Mrs, Joe lieffet and
I 'would like to express my sin- Willy are vacatitming with, tela-
,• IN SARNIA . : •• eere thanks and appreciation to tives at Ottawa this ,week.
VERY ACTIVE Retail Paint aid: ell my friends, neighbors and. rela- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armatrong
Pander's Supplies Business Or tiVes • Who remembered. Me with spent Stinday at the cottage of
:-sale, 'ale° carrying a -sideline of :gifts, catds and visits avhile I Was Mr. and Mrs. Weed Davidson at
profitable ChinaWare and. Gifta,' a patient in Whighatn hospital.— Bruce Beacia
Law Mtnnie McGee. . lb Misses Helen Hoffman and Met-
JE., StonehOulea Broker, jorie Foster speak Sunday at Port
: lgin, -
;108 Cattlatine, St„' Sarnia 'Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham
Mill: the gaff of the Wingliam Spent two days lastweek at
Geheral liespital please acep myRondeau Park where they visited
gratitude for their care and kindwith Rev, and Mrs. Frank Russell
and also visited Mr.- and Mrs.
nese 'diaaing anY'few weeks in reen1 Haeold Parson. 13elitiont.
142.:Taie aburitel of lar. B. •Cotain Mr. and Mas. Irwin
and his assistant fir. Hilts, 'was Dorothy and .Garry Of Galt 'Visit -
•very, Much appreciated, and the ed .last Week With Mr. and Mrt.
,orafaea,of gat A. Nara" and Marshall + Armstrong. Gary re -
Rev. a L. Pariceraitere very help- mained for a'. lonaer visit, ,
ful,—Mabel.Walker. Mr. and Mrs: Andy Doughty of
• . Jarvis Spent Suaday with Mr.
•CloEll1<-8TONC/alAPHER want;
eti United Co-operetives koUltrY
, Witightim. Typliat,
Inveleing arid general know-
ledge of Office practice requiren,
Mail applications in own hand
writing' to Att: Pridgen,
Stipervlaor Poultry
Wirithern. lb
• LorgslrooK FOB SALE
7 CHUNKS QP PIGS for 1.:aie. Ap+
ply to Raymond Elliott, SlueVele.;
Phone 709J2.
ptnetEBIttb It= ?CIA, Heifer
for Sale, fresh tWo Weeks; Pure
Oted ..ayrehite, Heifer, ftesh li
spring. Wooleook, B.ft,
.W1/10401, .
1 IttG.S`rgitEP HEBEPORD bull
for sale, 2, years old, priced teas.,
enable. •Pheite 219W Jahn A, Cur..
R: 3, .161inghatii.
ARMSTRONG—In St, joseplas
Ilotantal, Lelitioe, on Satordey,
July 281,11, 1906, to Mr. and Um
Gibson AtMstreng (formerly
OWeit Irwin) a. son, James Pavid,
a brother for, gag.
81-141?VIELD-In Wieghani Geaer-
al *Oita!, on WednesdaY, July
25th, 1.9biloto Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
ward Sheffield, RA, a, Wroxeter,
a daughter.
,ToaNsTOW—th Winghain General
Hospitai, ori Thersday, July 26th1
1956, to, Xt. and Mrs. Morley
Johilston, ILR, 2, Auburn, a
daughter, .
ARNOLDiapitala Winghant General
HcMonday, July 30th,
1056, to , and Mrs. Percy Ara.
olca R,ata 'tgornmect, a. son.
DUNLOP ' 0,Winchester IR:pedal,
'Pr! Tuesday, Any 24, 1956, to Rev,
and Mrs. At a Dunlop, of Wil-
lieretberga a daughter, Susan
Lalrann. ,ti Ai •
• HYDR9 •I"OLES for sale.-APPla to
Ross McGregor, Whiteciiiireh,
ptione..612.J3, Wingharia lb
" LARGE sagE TRICYCLE triagaoci
eenditiot 'for sale. Plaine 32,4. .;i'
aHALE PRICE RCA • pusabUttoa
;• -tape recoadera year Scaci for sale.
Bound oak dining table ancl six
ehairt, $10,00. Iativille Hammer-
• ton, Wingham phone 109. . 1*
•' Or sale, lir good condition. Reas-
onable. Apply to Mrs. Bob • Case-
-more, -Phone 8,72Mi . lb
2 REES steel venetian- blinds.. for
sale, 2r3c64.", $3,00 each: APply-to
Mrs, Allan • Burepteida Catherine
Street, phone 537, ' ' lb
out/41:ft polviovoi, holt
yeur farm -promptly for sanitary
apposee • 'Telephone Pollee ta
' Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or
aalegharn 318, GORDON YOUNG
thorris, fence bottoms; new 'arid
Cleared and worked; logs skid-
ded; lawns levelled, back -filling.
Ross Hastings, phone 740, Wing -
ham. •' 25,rr27S*
Mre. Ruth Lott wishes t� sincere-
ly thank her friends for the „flow-
ers, cards, gifts and visits- during
her 'stay at the hosPital. Also the
,doctorg, nurset, Rett. A. Nitnino and
Rev. H. L. Parker for their kind-
ness, • 1*
7 'ROOM HOUSE in Wingharn for
••sale, neWly • decorated. • New 3
• piece bath With hot arid, cold
Water. Living , aeom • has new
,'hardwood floor. Apply to laox 56
Aay.atice-Tirnes. 1;9:23*
. laa DUPLEX fer reht, cOnsistihg of
4 Norris. POseesslon immediately,
, :13pply to Box 57, Advance -Times,
. • .
:• 1.*
FOR COMPLETE real estate' ser-
• vice list your.farrn, home or busi-
• ,ness with William Reed of Wing-
ham—phone 292M—salesman for
Lloyd Michel, real estate 'aria
business broker, brussels, one.
• . 1:8b,
laa. STOREY 7 -room brick house
on ...lehn Street for Sale across
.from Public Schaal, 3-plede bath
,upstairs, toilet downstairs;agass-
ed-iii • verandah, °Sell Width of
house,: good auilditg at -rear of.
'Iota 161a30' Apply to 'A. CaArlatras.
.ansured for all 'risk eoaerage?
,For informatioraphone 293, Ste*-
* eit- A. Seat, Witigham.
STEWART A. SCO'rk n now sac
you 159 •on ;Omit cam truck in -
!Matinee. Yearly or tax Months
„ R,olieles are available Special
. rates .for farmers. Fo. aer
ItOrmation phohe 293, Wingan.m.
• Weft;
septic tanks, cesspools, cellata,
etc., pumped and cleaned,. quick
service, all wink guaranteed.
Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6,
Brussels. 15rtb
WATERLOO CA.ri•LE Breeding
Assoeiation "Where Better Bulls
' Are Uged". "For artificial hi-
, set -nitration Information or ser-
vice OM till breeds Of Cattle,
phone the Waterloo Cattle
1,3reetitng Association at: Clinton
allti 2-44i or Mildiney 130r12 be-
: tweet! 7,30 .and 9.30 ant We
have all breeds available top
quality at lew Cost." 25rrb
IF YOU ARE planning a building,
• ' project this Summer, we are in
•a position to' give you first elate
setVied for otut Cement Work,
'1•01.1se bateit ents and fletarsi
barn Walls and floors (eornpleted
In One pont., Ciudad Made
,Claittenaeri, Phitie 1.1r1,„ Bly01.
Before you buy ask about our
.La* Cost rintirrelag -SerVide with
•-• etirriplete ItittiraneedeVetate,
phi** tit Whighittil
CAMPBELL—In loving memory of
' a dear wife arid mother, Minerva
CeMpbell, Who pasSed away on
Augegt 2nd., 1955.
Orie year hae passed silica that sad
day, ' •
Whea 'ohe leved Was called
away, ' • -
God tactic her home, it Was Hi's Will,
Within othhartS she liveth still.
—Ever • remembered and sadly
missed by husband Robin and don,
Charlie. ' • -•
CA.3415 foVing inernory•ofi
• a "dear Mother and grahchnothata
"'Minerva • ottrnpbell, who p,asSed
away one year ago, Atigust '2,'
1955: ,
Those whom we love go.. out of
Sight, •-
But never out of mind,
Thea are eherigliiid in the hearts,
Of those they leave behind.
—Ever remembered by daughter
Grade, Pied and gratalehildren,
Janet and Bobby. . 1*
Of Farm property and pertonal
estate of Isabelle McLeod, late of
the 'Village of Wroxeter in the
County of Huron,* deceased, Will
be held at the property at Wawa--
eter, Ontario on Saturday, August
11, 1956 commencing at 1,30 in
Offered Or tale will be . the
farm property consisting of seven-
teen beret oa land being a fine
striall fain!, hording with good
eight room :bads house, barn dad
chicken house in good state of
repair arid situated at the edge
Of. the Village of Wroxeter;
Offered for tale Will be the
following personal' estate:. ititthen
stove,, Gas stove neatly "riote, Gen-
eral electric 7 et, ft. refrigerator,
kitchen table and chairs, kiteheil
Couch, • kitelien cabinet, electric
washing milehille, Mello, china
cabilitta chesterfield Slade, deft+
atonal 6041, library table, Cole -
Man Space' heater, writing desk,
fiber covering, bedroom tuites,
Vaetitifil eletther'tritilette Mirror,
end table, sewing Machine, ward+
tobe, English chine, garden thole,
Oil tank, 63cterision ladder, arid
articled too numerous to Mention.
TERM:* Pereonal estate ea* •
'heal estate consisting of libuse
and WM property offered subject
to reserve bid, the highest or any
bid not necessarily accepted; if
gel& ten petteritlat the day Of
tele *rid the balance in thirty
days, •
06Wird Wylie, L, G. Bode,
therinte A.. Shearer Attetitifitef
ltIteebtfiri, algb ,iftto .eVery kerne'.
Walter Harrifielcl. Mrs. Doughty
is a sister of the late Mrs. Haiti -
Mr. and Mr's. Percy Jones
Sharon and Keith of Claremont
spent the week -end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'Graham.
Mrs. Matilda Holtzman and Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Hicks and Paul of
Toronto are spending a couple of
weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Warren 2urbrigg,
Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Marriner and
two sons of Toronto spent last
week at' the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Marrinea,
Mrs. .Cliri Jai -ilea Barbara. and
David of Baden 'Visited last Week
with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram East-
man. •
Mr. Manford Durrant of Rock -
'ford, Alta., is visiting at the home
of his sisters, Mrs. 'M. Bride
and Mrs. William Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride. Mr.
and Mrs. N. M. Bride and Ur.' M.
Durrant visited 'one day laet Week
with Mr. and Mrs, Eimer Durrant
In Listowel. „
Mrs. -Elmer Pallis visited jest
week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Williamson at Thornhill, ,d
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehr spent
Sunday with Mr. arid Mre. Morley
Ward of Cainsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Filed HalablY and
Jarrie are spending this week at
Lake Coboeonk
Miss kaaen- motaYden of Strat-
ford is visiting 'for two weeks at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cordon
Miss Anna Lisa Anstorf left
last week on ail extended visit to
her homeland, ben/hark.
Mr. Vern Gilinore of Barrie
'Spent the week -end with his friend
Mr, Betraild King.
Mr. and Mit, Har'
grave and noughts attended the
held reunion Sunday in Moorefield
"Why do ;ea associate beet with
the home? People drink beet in
other Wades, Why not include
them?" We quete front a recent
statement by the advertising agen-
cy carrying the Home f...ife series of
advertisements of the U.S.- Brew-
ers VOUticlatint.
Tao answer? "The horrie 0111 rep-
resents the greatest 'opportunity
for the 04P:talon v Sales,. The
horn° la also the ultimate Pa:a/frig
ground for any product. Gime it is
accepted In the Mite, it beaMtes
part of the established American
Way of a
More beer SerVed Atheriati
bottles, then, Meatis More salek a
Stronger bulwark against the
threat of prohibition, and greater
social aceeptanee, and that is why
your adV,Ttiaing otincentrates on
• littlETAK
ed his course At the gataner school
Mn Arnold Mathore cora:Piet" F EENAGER-
in Toronto and hes Per alinbinLed
Church In Toronto',
o the Camp o the 'United
Mn and Mrs. Melville Mathere
and Mr. Henry Mazhers took a
holiday trip last week to, Tnronto,
itingston, Prince Edward Island
and the Tboueand Itilanda New
York State, Pennsylvania State,
seeing the coal fields and oil and
nettital gas Wells, returning home
by Buffalo.
Master JIM Robinson is visiting
With his aunt and uncle, Mr. ,and
Mrs. Steivart Smith and 141-nily
at Kitchenea,
The Misses Betty and Joan
Devereaux spent a few days last
Week with the Jefferson family at
their cottage at Port Elgin,
Mr. aed Mrs, Graham Chamney
and family of Goderion were Sun-
day Visitors with Iris parents, Mr.
and Mr, R. Chainaey.
There will be no service in
Donnybrook :Church next -Sunday
as Rev. Mr. Hiltz is on vacation
but there will he a joint service
in the Auburn United Church,
Jelmston—In Wingliam Hoipital
on Thersday, July 26th a) Mr, and
Mrs. Morley Johnston, RR. 2,
Aubtirn, a daughter.
Funeral Saturday
For Drowning Victim
FORIDWICI-I—Mr. and 'Mrs, atar-
veY „Meljermirt and Larry,
Torn*. MeCielnent arid Mr. Albert
Gallagher w'ere Oohing -wood. op
Friday at the home of "Mr, and
Mrs. Harold 8andersoh. • ,
Mr. arid Mrs, Sandersonre the
parents Of the late Harold Sander.
son, who was drowned in CeOrgian
13ay. The funeral Was held at
CollIngwood on Saturday. ,
Returns to Hospital
FORV,VICH—Mrs. itosr Askin
accompanied her son Bob basis '0
the Shrinersa Hospital at Montreal
last week,- where Bob had the
Cast removed from hi leg.
He will have to stay at the. hos-
pital for two or three weeks but
his mother reports 'that when he
retarns theY.eapect he willialie; all
right. He undarwent caraertadatf
operations lett year and :was' con-
fined to the Shainers' Hospital ,for
about eight Months.
Bible School Holds
Closing Program
FORDWICH—The Summer Bible
school, conducted at the Brethren
in Christ Church held its nlosing
program on' Friday night a Mrs.
Grace Vee of Collingwood, director
of the school was in charge, '
Miss Catherine Cullen led* the
singing. The classes presented
songs, Bible memory verses,. stor-
ies and lespons learned in the
two weeks. Mrs. Vee reported an
eni•Ohnent of '67. The offering,
taken daily Which will go to. the
orphanage, amounted to $30.00.
Special prizes were given to
several 'pupils and diplomas were
presented to 50. Rev. Ceeii Cul/en
addressed the graduates and Mr.
Earl Col3er led prayer,
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith -visited
Sunday with the Littera aunt,
Mrs. Emma Nairn in St. Maaya.
Sunday visitors with Mr. -and
Mrs. Les Loughran were Mr. and
Mrsa-Leonard Rolls of Detroit,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abils
of Moorefield and Mr., and MrS.
Sanford Cromie of Preston. .
Mr. Armando Falcioni 6f Port
Colborne is spending several weeks
with his sister, Mrs. John Tudan
and Mr, Tuden. • ;
Mrs. W. Pindet, Valerie and
Dianne of Willowdale visited One
day last week with Mr, and Mrs,'
Peter Browne. The latter two
remained for a longer vitit and
Mits jeonne Browne rettirned a to
Willowdale for a week,
Mr, Bruce Williamson of London
spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. Emma Williamson.
Mins Peggy Gibsen visited last
week with Mr. and MrS. Clarence
Mr, Peter Chiomey of Port Col,
borne visited a. few days last
Week with Mr, and Mrs. Alex
Mr. David Aldrich of Galt 'spent
the past week here. Ma and Mrs,
Dick Atdrieh visited ever the
Week -end hi the community.
Mrs, *Inn Warren is spending
a few days thie week at amble
Mrs, Rey' Hartman and Mar -
one of Gowanstown visited one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
nest Sittirions,
Mr. and Mrs. Deil 8eluider and
arm& of Mtcherier Visited over.
he Week -end With Mr, and Mrs.
the home
theft avowed purpose to get lie& .0
Mrs. Dori *Ridley this Week
ecoraptinied Mr, and Mrs. 'Cecil
and Keret!. ot Meter trip
o tracebridge, Calendar and
North Bay. '
Mr, arid Mrs. Sack Brielter aticl
Amity Of Ititehebet vialted
he wook-end With Mr, and WS.
M • Lou
tacker returned horrid with 'het
arents after speddiag the past
ar Oore, ss Mary
hree Weeks here,
The Wingbairt Calf Club have
planned 4 teenage field day for Sat-
urday, September 10th. Golf alaba
will be supplied to the teenagers by
regular Club members, •
The exeeutive of the Wingharn
Golf -Ciub have had the field+daY
idea "on the boil" for some den-
aidetable time. The Club has al+
ways eneottraged youngsters to
take an active interest in the geme
and would be happy to welcome
any teenagers from the aistriet in-
terested ia starting,
During the Field Day, each tent. -
same will be aecaraPaniedby a
Member of the Wingham Club, and
golf clubs will be supplied, so that
any teenager, whether he has clubs
of his own or not, will be well
ealiipped, A supper' iati3 be served
by the ladies, and a cOunit will be
taken in 'the schools to give the
Caterers 'an' idea of. how , many will
be present. •
. •
The committee would ,be 'glad if
all members will keep ' Sabladay,
September 15th ,:313en ,and he' avail-
able te' lend the teenagers tvband
,f necessary, a club—about
1.30 M the, afternoon. •
The carnmittee also ••anaoueees.
that mere golf + baa played,
over the.Wingharn linitslithia year
than any, previous year since the
Chibis formation. The ClubCaamp-
ionship is neatly don tothe eTghts
and has.created a great. deal of in-
terest. arid enjoyment Neat Week
should gee the ,play down' to .four
contestaata, They are'" the' semi-
finalists anal the name of the•win-
ner of 'the" Club Championship
phauld be announced by the end of
August. '
The Ladies' Club, uadea Mrs.
Herb Carripbell, areplahning
Olubt0ornpetition for are,
in month; It will, be a handi-
cap. elimination 'similar , to- the
men's. - Mrs. Duval„ team :caPtain,-
wila.receiVe your •naine; if you have
not already . ••
'Civiaholiday willbe a 'big day at
the ..GolfaOlub. teeing'-offaat .1.30
pan.; the, men will .have .straight
handicap. corapetition, Subper will
be. served from =5.30, to 6.30. -Atter
siniper there will he a cempetition
for men'. „d' WornOn,, they will go
out in foursoraes, each layer .'will
be. allowed 'one club of his. choice,
each:foursome • allowed' one ball
with each member of theloui•some
hitting'. in itOrn. The foursome, coni.
ingih. with the loweat Score being
the winner. 'Any players or
holiday - visitors' will be. velar wel-,
conie !it the gelf course On 'Monday,
cavie holiday. • -
, .
($14 ow $rniles
r-Sclar Piaytioo$ .
An ..autoneobile .creali And a, Con*
ValeaCellee in hospital ..brings Dan
Matson, portrayed by Pick. Powell,.
into discussion 'with a woman 4v1i0
•Is swathed 44 bandages in "Success
Story", this week'sdrama. on Four
Star Playhouse on Sunday at 9 p.m..
over Channel fa ,
At the beginning their phUpspph-
tes sharplY‘divergent; he being ,
a Man 'Who :Palues success :above all •
else.-Theage,.ath or Ilia .4iShanfirable •
boss amid the Woman.'s :shining
spirit help to change the course of
Millions 'of Canadians have seen
CSC -TV announcer' John O'Leary
on the ,C330 News: But rarely—
becauSe this work is, of a • more
serious .nature have they ever
seen him ensile, • However, this is
bow he Woke off -camera:
"Mannequin", adapted for tele-
vision by Norman Klenrrian from
the-comecly by Larry MeCatiee will
be been ori General Motors Theatre
on Tuesday night at $ o'clock over
Channel 8. •
It is the story of the.exploits of
two Canadians, Mike and. Paul, in
Paris, Mike is tying his hand at
sculpture, while Paul is in public
relations for a •laarisian faahion,
hole and are both in love with an
lutist's model.
Starting in "IVrannequie" is
George -McCaiwan,• Powys, Thornas,
Vera ICamis and Jack Creley.
Star Stage • -
"The Man in the" Black 'Robe"
tells the, alualling story ef one of
the. mott 'OCRing ,tind bizarre cases.
'in the histOry of Atilerican
Aaw. A mebstea se terrorites ati
entire City that, he is able to" get
away with niurder, A retirinejnige
decides /to risk his life in' an
attempt to gain.. a conviction'
against the poWe'rfill racketeer. '
Be atire to See Pain 'Douglas In
'"The Man. in • the Black Robe",
With 'Joseph dotien as narrator,
playing on CKNX.TV. Friday at
9.60 *p.m, . ,
Huron Juniors
See New Track
feature. An interestingfu o f •the
Huron County 4-H Clubs' 'trip to
Toronto on Saturday was a visit to
FOR LYCEUIN'Fill. the New Woodbine race track, at -
Next.Moriday, Tuesday. ari'd Wed-
• •
nesday, evenings, 'August 6/ 7' and 8
one of. the better. class .,productions
will .13,,e shown ea:the:screen' of the
Lyceum. Theatke• VVitigham,
"Meet NO • in Lit Vegas" features
three lainouS Rellyweba Stars, Dan
Dailey, Cyd 'Pharisee :and . Agnes
afooaeaelid,:ageillit•theliaekdreip Of
the tenants Nevada, cit,' with its
fabillens caahme and hotels.
Dan Dailey is- perfectly cast as
the 'gay aarieliea with a yen for
gambling' and Cyd Charipse'. is,. the
beautifuli, But aloof ballerina, Who
aceidentally brinks luck to Dan
bailey, Softie outateriding musical
natribeti ate "'rankle audatfiliehy"
and "The Gal *With the -::•kanet
Shoes". •
• .
Betty 'Phillips
Mere Is Betty .Phillips, who, along
with Ernie Prehtice, teleltitiOn
Viewers meet every week ria the
VancouVer program "Lolly
Too ,Togethor they bring
,a tileaSaitit hitlf.hour of light enter.
lathirient With particular Stress
'en folk hefigi Mid ballads,
ranged :by John W. Harma.M.P.P.
Tit f 70 'a
e pa ya was escorted bout
the property 13y. George Henry,
vice-chairman of the board which
Operates the New Woodbine, The
Party was accompanied by Art
Bolton, assistant agricultural repre-
sentative, Clinton, ,
Prterlds Hold, Party
'Poi Grover Children
kiss Judy Reid; Paul and Terry
Gardner, assiated by their mothers,
held a farewell party. for Billy
,and Rodney Grover on Wednesday
,aftertiooh. The- twenty-five ehild-
;ren prOent spent the. afternoon
splashing, hi 'wading peels' and
playing games on' the lawn.
During the picnic- lunch Rodhey
and Billy were presented with
game of table hoekey and wished
a safe and happy journey to their
new ;mine. in Winnipeg.
'The boys expressed their appreci-
ation for their gift. Ice cream
cones, decorated as clowns, were
passed out to the children before
the party drew to a close,
Patrick St., Wirigham
Phone li0.
'lust CLASS '
Owing to lack of apace, itin
tthiriPelled• to COnfitie my repairs
to watches only,
George Williams
Located hi
Per the lilneat in Taki Service
44 HOUR Stitirlet
• Weddings, Ptinerals and
shopping Trips
• Cosstotvn .§,
Out Of tOtan
G. W. Montgomery says that wilt
continued fine weather the week
of July 23rd. to'28th, hayl vas
almost completed in the ty.
The cutting of tall wheat Coalmen,
cod in the south .end of the county
and indications are for an average
crop. Hay aftermath And pastures
have made tremendous, greWtn And
cash e'rops such as beans, corn And.
spgar beets have Continued to make
Hullo Folks!
We don't know why people come into our lot and kick
tiro of the' cars they're looking at. We never, have been able
Otiite fignre it out,
The tires on the nsed ears at our ttied ear lot, can tell you a
lot 'about the quality automobilea that pass' through our hands.
And you don't have to do any kicking.
''Tires' that are worn in spots, or that are worn only on one
side of the tread ,and not on the other, are signs of front wheels
out of, alignment, ..veilly-WCorn tires are one of those clues, 'like
of White coat on your tongue, that means general good
Tires that are free from cuts and bruises
give a geed indication of the kind of :Owner that
had the car before yno. A driver inclined to
ft's bard on the tires, or' course, and may also
damage the steeling gear and linkage anti knock
utoi,4 mark tlres.
• . —
These, signs on 'the Aires, or. lack of them, will
give you an idea, 'too, of the general care the
previous owner gave his eat.
Take- your .time when you look overyour
E 1:111/the Wheel . .4,, '. used car, ask the questions you want ',to know
take it out on the road for 0., good 'Mb/.
Wheel yourself and see what it Will de.
That's the way WE sell cars . . . and the proof of this
Pudding is .in the fact that so many People Who have bought ears
from ue come back to buy another. .
. lylayte-they kick the tires, but they never kick 'about the ears
they've belight. ' '
'Two Outstanding vcilues on our teed car lot at the, present
tini.e:1:eltr-55 . CheVrolet Sedan, Wye -toile .11Itie,' well equiPped,
formerly 'owned by Mr. Ed. Ediglroffer of Wingbain; also ,a, 1954
DeSoto :Sedan, Blite'.15 GroY, Fully equipped, an, above average
automobile, •
.41011.511'T AVD.
rossEihlio atii•cck
5/9LE,9 Sk--/eV/CE
pHoNiE. 9
•Notice to
F .
Water Cortsumers- ,
The hours for watering lawns an
1 gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and
from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m,
• '-This will be strictly enforced,
An ANNUAL charge of14.44 gross, less prompt
•i paynient discount of 10 per cent, is made for
tfie use of a hos' e or outside tap for the abov
, noted purposes.
i Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who
F.: has not paid for this service will be "-
Fri ' billed accordingly.
Wingham reline Utilities Commission
.C E..ghera, Superintendent
k‹.•1-1 kepAlcz
SHop . I. •
^ .
It's too bad my wile was our weight
whbt we had the accident, otherwise the
car doesn't have a mark on it! .
We!re tops at fixing tops or any other part
of an auto body, Try us . and ste
Pilot* 139 Winghgtoi