The Signal, 1926-4-1, Page 7.'Y 1 Sore, Tired Feet ,4. Bathe h Minard's and warm water, rubbing the solution into the aching parts with the finger tips. Minard's is also splen. did for s;.rains, bruises and strained ligaments PliNARD'S !(WC 06 PAIN" 11V ►M ENT l 1?• Wanted -tad- t- C tm.- miseion wish to purchase some good, straight, sound Cedar poles—thirty (30) feet long with at !card seven (7) inch top=poles to bre delivered in yards at Galerieh. Quotations received on any quantity from five to fifty. For any further partieulare apply to J.B. Kelly or L.L. Kiwi Supt. Goderich Sec'y Goderich • TH$ SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. County and District John Jubilation died at Ida 11010e oto . I3Kli1ItiRLFi Ilse luudol road Knuth of liNcadeld: mr•-11aMt 17th, agart-.iaty-are sera At -the meeting 01 $ • Juhu'* Iib. wile and two *on* survive. I A.F. R •\•M., No. 2$4. Inst week. r1,. The people of ltille7 were rating William Dark war prersent •d by the cheap lard fur a few Clays. Eight I Iuthjt• with a gold-M•a,ld WJlkiug cane tool an honorary. 'i fl1l *Ii,p. acetone- 1uunJe41 by au address,. upon his hotline coWplettd,lUty year.t a* a member of tit• craft, ilr. ihirk Joined Si. John's hind of cattle• were struck by a train there and It was found ne'ressary to have thaw alaughte'red. Thole cuts were sold at Its- it .sound. - At the home of Insvid 'Rowes., Hul- L.*}ge• August 11th.' lett township, on )lurch 17th, M1I41 Mies !Angie Downing has been to lorouto waiting ou iter sister. Mead Ilan., Downing. who has leen ill. At the uunual meeting of Un- Brus- sel* tenni,4 cf{b. helot iii the Itsuk of Nova tknhla. llw folluwjag 'Aker* were ,+.,Teter.: I'rrsi.iwlt, W. M. SW- cion-pre*Ide•lu, Ur. J. 14. White: *nrebury-tTnnlsnn•r. F. b , \\'tingtoe SI AF'ORTH leer hushaud, threw *nus lad two 1 dnuglaer... all at home. I The oknit41 4*rurrerl .udd.nlly'nt De- — 111, Wedsio• ota7. 31areh 17th, at the bruit on Thursday. March l"th. of 1111111x', NV1I114111, Itev. E. 1.. Chandler performed the tuarriage ceremony molting Mary .'0114.*, only daughter of Andrew Mucha'. I:rey township. to Billiton' %Whiner 'Inglis. mon of Mr. autl Mrs. Thus, logits, .ttw'ex*l. Itllhey Express: Farmer* in_ tido *.'etion are doing a lot of i.rurrylllg about in search of horse* this spring. and as a (•uuwrluruee the price* bare taken quite u Jump. TIw farmer* 14- wny.' Ilk.' toJ.ave a spare horse ur„twu for the spring wr•t11M5. mutt any fairly goal animal .will bring a good Klee. The_warritege of Y.lizabrih S.. only. daughte•r of Henry 14tn v onerR- alou of lere7. towankip, too John /'. Mc- Alpine. of F'ra,wrtthi. Alberto. took place Man•h 17th at Ethel .-niter1 ehpreh parsonage, Italy. D. M. Guest oIlt•latiug. The yyung couple will 'p- i side at F'raserton. • A pretty yt•eddtng took plate at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Me- t'owan. town -61p of MsKint.p. on Wed- nesday. March 24th. when their eldest daughter. 'Elizabeth \'eretta, became the bride of T. Vk4or Malmo, of Tor- onto. Th.. marriage • ler104M7 wad performs. by Bev. 1)r. I.arkin. The bridesmaid wax Mahn Marr Margery Mdbw-au. sister of the bride, and the bridegroom was atlepdel i►y his bro- ther. Clsreetee R. \Immo, of Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Nlmmo 4111 make tlwlr hone in Toronto. Kadin )Ise Watson. sister of Mrs. Ikowr*, was united 1n marriage to Ituer,.•l 1). Mluclruuald• of Tcerwater. Rev. lir. Ilarnhy. of Birth. perfurmwl the ,n•re•uloty. An attack of (aaelinuula wax the cause, ,4f death of 'Mrs. 4)07. wife of w•th. J. ,they, tirey towushlp. which o esitrr.rl on Marcie 2Ist in -„Iter forty sixth year. leeeidett leaves. ..•.Hees FOR ONLY Francis A. I"autkmr. In •Ids fifty- eighth ycar. The tFrnmswl was n resi- dent of tteaforth for uuuy >+ear*. Ile loores a widow, twit daughters and two solos. The funeral took plebe. trout- St. •lames' .hurell. Setlforth, to St. Jaber cenwlory ton March 22nd. ' The Ontario etaz.1N• ■ es the incorporation of the Huron Flour Nulls. I.{mI1.*I. •of Wrlfurth, with nu authorized capltnI of g11N).0111I. • uwtng to the ,v.nditha, of 1114 coun- try roads. the dir..etors' o1 the Rete - forth .Kricnitural 'society po*tp ned their spring show to Thursday, April -Se 4. the first anniversary of it.. organlsa•- thou .with at social grtht•riug ou 'rue4 1111y evening of last week. After pry. lrresaly • Kadin' there w•a* a Jeri -tetrad) 01 'mode, resoling*, etc, Mr*.' Temple 41ark. whit o'aK tle.a Noble .:rood of 1he 1444154•, Wade a brief 11,hlre*0. Nils. Isobel Douglas, who was%41 lu the-nontital at 4Motesatu fatr__ dune..week*. bas r,ovt'nrl sufficiently* to _taxes. 4'2 •rut*, baiauee *.nary s; tui -',year's d,•I,,patc* lei the D.E.A. upladut* IIr•telr slid mutates. 3.KSf, ,um •+tire more) to repro t •1114' twee - t'u1*urll adj4mruwl to nee,.) again a- 11lt: cell of the Itceve• A. l'4 )irl'E It l-'1 :LI t. 1 Ner►. *Ida at Toronto til* year. . the e•x- ite1n41*4• p11111.I1p11111.by t•twut'il• l'arricd. 4 no lettioi t.. • Ip' presented to the 4-0111117 compete at next sitting was la*sed...u'tia,tlun of tbuneilloreYoung and 11. 11111. 111- favor of lowering by 111 lets) thirty per ,11.41. the Recuse fee on Ttlre-untl rondos the tax on gas to tool II•.' links tic per 'ninon. Th. clerk wits 111.4ielioi'd to write ttheprupe'r nnlhu-* rit4. declining the payment of vermin claims fur indigent patieul. as n re.ult of report of committee of investigation. a lyders , 1,u. the - I rena- Ilror` Here drawn for''. only two lee- c41lmtw: Brown ltrotln'ra, easel book *POW:for treasurer. #b: Jew. Fowler, WI gravel and work 1 February feet/ant I. al 5.51I. Meeting . adjourned to Apr:' 1:4)1' at 2 p.m. 11. .1. iIE'r11F:KINGTON. TowIwhip Clerk. ♦SUFIELV **outwit mel pet Fe4'runry 15th; all r•%twee laera_pr, nt,,. *tattle. of former Meeting read and approved tot Iw,14,1u of 1'.• •Illors 1'uun+l'ou need Anderson. Walker .Murray *lifted 4411 „44111411 re- garding the alsae3*wellt 00 t11rt"' aere•s 144•I41nx4ng 10 hl* mother 411,41 14.,10 .,. sesstt for $34$4: 1hie all Ie:1 11111f: uect meeting. W111. tJuigley put In n claim for broken cutter and harms.. • left over until next meeting. Nullce of the M'tenlclpul Awso4•lution anti 4:0041 Rondo .\s$,u•iutiuu was Then awnt. Morel Iry ('t.anclllol•* ('awt•run and Hackett both 141 [dewed on file. Carried. Moved by CottuciUora lla.•k- ett and Itlw•k that council give u grant of ;144 to the 4'hildrtu's Shelter. Curried. The auditor's gave their re- port. omit 4444 toot 1011 of 1'„tlso•Illora Itlack and Audermen 44'111 duly rwrivsl: The following neconlues were ordered 1MIid, nu motion, of ('oun44I41 t% liaekt41 :mel Camervm : 1.4w•al leotard of 114,411 h. ftr.t nw.4ing. $1:1: registration of births. deaths and uun•riage*. *)6.:4** NI. Mogan. breaking road. ;4: Jou. .\- JohnoUru, paying 114.•11 for murk oto road. $2.50: Henry 41ar,hier, *now roads. g4.25; Donald Molettn. salary as auditor. #14. supllirs; :ak,;14.:a): Ww- Mcrarthy..+.nlary u* auditor. 514: W. ext r1.11111 t0 her home herr. , • HLYTH 1)r. and Mn.. Wilford 30(1 (audit. of China. He,o are now 111 Edinburgh, 44 ..tlajnd. expect to leave April 17(1h for Tommi.' to visit 1)r. Wilford'* soother. Mr*. A. B. Carr of Myth. The "I:olde•u Rule- young women's 413,* and "The Bulkh•rs" young wont's cin*s of .Queen street chord" were tie terta11ww1 one eveuln* reeentiy-,et-*1e+ Hone• of lir. and ]tri.. 14.111. Wight - !nen ii humor of .lima •\ogle• Howatt and N,ruluu Kau,M•rs,u1. uu•wb rs of the reslw•,11ve• etasler+. hl Clew of their alg,rewch11lg marriage. William Betl. * n•skMut of Myth for Malty years. 'lied at Id* 11011,1 herr . Murch __1,d, at the age ,4( seventy nx t•LINT1O 4 .•elle$, - \1'I111111n Dell. a resident of Myth for 1111410 years. died at his home h4•jn' 3Glreh '2'ud. at the age o1 seventy -.ix years. Besides Ili. willow'. he le.v.s a fondly of growl. -1111 wan* lint da ll'gl1- ter*: itev. Father Joseph lied. of Cali• Heroin .1,4111* Will Henry- he 4'nlgnry: n ,• •' Miss 51117, c) .lis* F:,,ttler, tit h m nurse In Rosloo,st4r. Meeh.. 111141 Mi., I:I 11 fe•u. 111 4' le•reht nit, The IlatnWI1 wey41ug of the Myth lawn bowling club was heli un Fri- day' eveuli.g, when the following Al- ters we're• elect. }: 1.44 uu'mlle•rs - Ge•urge Il' 31eTagtgtrt and .l'ame's M4"- aar`- n•hle;_tlunurary'.prenhk•ut -Dr. W. .1. Milne: lonurary - vky-presidrnt Jame* Dodd. i' pre*iehan-11. H. Robinson: president --F. D. Stalker: first vice•-pr.•sbt'nt-- It. It. Meat[: se- r 1 %let -president -1t. 3. 1...4kharl ; aarretarT•tnwrttrer-]1- Telt v: Th.• various ,nwmlttees also were appointed. The annual tourney wit he hr114 oto June, 1(1. The ,4uh 1* In very goed Map• and had a very, sur - 1 ees.fi1 year. holding the hallowing: The 'Purity Flour trophy. of Gowlerich: tine Ayr. Cushion challenge trophy. of --Whish"ta-t the ,lokw--.[went trophy. of Ltn•know. - -A cool...' of real e)ttate deals were ,renhplet.d here 'last week. AIlw-Il Taylor t4lrelms}1,R John Weymouth's n•sl.h•twe. while Mr. Weymouth bought. the r,-sidtnce tend land of J. Pollard. It Is understood the lather hag pur- chased seine laud near Seaforth and w move herr.:14 into for herr is made. '.,11.111,1 lam SIM*. ,4tie of 11Fyth's Ieeet- kuowil IrshM•nt$. dI. l \\'e,bo slny- t of last r a rbool off }111-1sealtIt.. 4111t•wasin Idsaseventy- ninth venty- ninth year. .\ native of S,otln1141. he e our to Myth in 147.4. -He started ill tf e' b;:n l:-to1141inR Mr*11x•4*. which he fol:un, i1 wail 1!110, 1it1,71 1,' %VW! 1114- 14du1rd p1*t MNe'eer. He ern* nth the village 4,44uc►1 for *111111• years cud l,' for throe' rears. ii, 11124 he retire 1 :rotit the p,xtma4tFr*Nip oi/41 aa- *Ilio-e4d.,1 by his etepsion, Berl 'I':, -(.-r. 14.• ban."" al whine and 11111"' s ,n- .1:nu.•*. ,Y Blyth. 110 4 Arthur and it•'4. •.t Torne)tR. .'i'tm-fnn.rnt sertiee ion Saturday- wax enta111e4s1' 1w Rev. Dr. Itaruhy. of the United church. small lump. illlla'ar 144111/11 1111• ears. Th,•.,.• 11x1' net painful. .4i,h,oe,r..)1i1 BABY'S HEALTH . there 1• 1444 Nigh to noa•11lttlr,. The uinlxdy '1* la•hno.. 41XIrhre closely by the local ,ha•tor4. - The remnhw of the tate Adam .teen- ,l,•r*ol. who pooped' away tot 1.01444+11 on )larch 211111, were interred- in the 5','111gbain cemeter7. 'Che oleeet lrrl.' who w** In his tlfteth year, was it ;solo of the late. Mr. nut Mr-. Thome. Hrvn- drrson W llie'Instiseale iota. W. .1. (rill.. of K41IG,rth MO 1I. itartlitr of Clinton have plrv•hased the lihuhn,•r bakery null r.rilauruut 11uist- newt --he 4'liutuA-- 31r__llurtllff_:- will have charged tin• b1,sha•*a. The sroocery bnsiu.•ss wh4ril- ht* heen eotionseted by D. N. *1141 Frank, \\'at*eal for the past year hall lawn purchased by Luke 111141 I4nrdui Leeson. \\'ord lens 14.411 reeeired of the .Inlay -,4 Jnintoc Tuiji a. furmi•r resi- dent of 1'ihton. of the home of hi* ,Wngliter at Wycuuaiwdug, 1'44. Mr. Tull) visited ('liutun doting the 411,1 %tom.• Week last year.. The death of 1*ane Weirer* eteeur- r,vl March lith 144 Clinton hospital af- ter 1111 I)Ine*44 of ten das. Mr. W. -avers wa. hl his ,..'v.•uty-fourth , ear an,Ttan4 t1v,sl 114 chi. hin"lt.-for "vier fifty' rears. .5 brother from -the State of Washington 1e11. with him for set. rid day, before hi. death. 'TWENTY-ONE CENTS (Seven Three Cent Stamps wml da) I will send you. by mail, post paid. a SILVERINE•KEY-RING TAG (lake illustration) stamped with Your Name and Address. DON'T DE_LAYI WRITE TO -DAY! Cents. Your Keys are Wo TJAMES CARSON DOHERTY -lila WURTEMBIJRG STREET OTTAWA. ONT r9 rah it ' rl in lit s It i•-' A" A IWY orr y not use Direct Toll Service? -. WINGH.%M • ► 1y11 hy'w-4 41f the 1'11101111111 Nn ti.mrti i(4)11xys here mel one 11tkto host j week toe form n e•ulmmTtt,e T,, ;arrange - for a Iwuymet tool ....loll evening with N, vires to iniekiugJnll employee better atainit4d. Tlo•re• are about t}f1v- Yq,ntlies 44 t',N.41. rapleteei-+ in -town. :\ stroke disease ha. been monist a111)ng 441111.• 111,111 eb4414 , 11, the INK tors statim. they hove Bever before -ecce 1i 111404-0111.1 al' thew-. The ptitirnts heron,• ren down In condition' and very weak. with u *light cold. and iA 14 Thursday. April 1, 10211. a >t Your Family and Friends want your Photograph. Make the appointment today. R. R SALLOWS • salary.g 1 It P. 144,1. Iwhunr stamps, 5444,4).. postage. g'- t1. *apilfis, a-1.25. preparing report. g7. x4'.•:alt: B. No. tel+wet. *now road. *2;. Jot+. 1',urtuey• 4441;. $0: l'er y ilcCnrthy..4.... *2; Jam riot Jamieson. supervision. ;24.:311; W\'hh- elare. paying men and opening d t.11.' ith fen hes *olio *".41.5: Jut.. 11. \\'rl.at.•r, - loatiling-Veer lldvert. 145. Bylaw none I Al FAST Ol'TI.A Ktinu• 1.401 is gained tot relief al. rtw.r.n44ls Jolt, it I* to log.: after the telephone nr111irewvltl* of the rnm- wuu117 wM•u We learn from the Bell 's 1 report Telephone. ml 91atWa that ndttitiuu1 sod `betterments to the 4' pally'* property 1II i!r_s. made up of land, building*. ventral office equip. meat. ,,111,kh• plant and suts-rtlte'ra: equipment. 4 -est $1K,:t.2.:.:Coots.. SCHOOL &SPORT tl 1 .'F: S. K. X11. 7. l'l?IL1 t\ '1'he' following is the report off M.S. 7. l',llw,rne, for limitary alud F'eb- ry ; Carman 14te•ren*• 02 per cent. r. IV. \'erns lee 70 I4•r . pelt., 1111- 1 Dors. Tr. IfT. Corman Dut..t nn irertv'at., F (ETER • '" • James W{Is41u. stn' had fovea in poor .health since 111.4-uuluter. diel -suddenly oto 3lotnlay'.t'- Nta11•11 221111. from a aw'ven• heart- attack. Ile was 111 his, seventy-first rtlr. Ile was horn in the town*hip of 4'stmrue• Haid livor. In this nelRhl.lrM4►•1 till Iii* lot.. Hr lrnrc" n 11 -ter and several broth- ers. two oof N11,t11. Ri,1A'y and Charles. teddy 11, this vicinity. Rev. E. Sheppard. pastor of James street United church. Anile it ntrees- MPy 444 4I4'V a"o. of enuti11tterd 111 - health to give up his work at the end TOWNSHIP COUNCILS cud of the Conference year and take a ) ,years re*L The official Want of the ebureh has extended an itiiiiRt(ion to 1:.\;T W.ttY1l1Y7tstt—' ilio: io aer,ttp ill 44. stal10trnrb- ., - tath wijlt- ell the menebt j4rte•114- Can Baby's Own Tablets o ,t tor 2. appointing John, K111a1triek road superintendent. and, bylaw N,} a. pro• riding for expenditure. went• rluly tut+*441. Cow'•❑ idjonrtiett Oto motion e4f- 4;auakx4Uur*_jllack 91 Cameron to Meet March '22 at 1 p.m. CI)1.Kn1tN E Colborne township ouunell inet lu the township hall Mani' tlth at 1 p.m. .\II memlwrs p14114111): flu• U,s•re pre - aiding. The mluuton of February -euestintt_srer1-_reset tout _a,a'pt!' . 044 motion of Messrs. Wilson aria It.4d- thurpr. Taw engineer's repeal. 011 the proposed Sharpe'.- creek drain *as rend. by Ihr clerk. After it wait thor- oughly dls'f4.sl by several interested from West \5'11wanosh and -I'o111oruc. ih4 whole matter w'a. left In the hamlet 04a committee eomptaleel of the eauu- +erlta ni,--axed West 3Tasvauwh. l'nnningham and Engineer I'atter- 1 N r. Warner rn rr Walter .f 1 son. on motion and Mr. Wm. Wmts41 of West Wawa - nosh. The Iter•ve 411 West Wawautaeh prevented Ills bill of work doom. oto the boundary. Amounting to f•'tt3.K.;. A resolution was 444141411, 011 nnrt1o11 of time. Moo* 441814411or►pr +44x1-_Veltu r, th'ehrrtner the--t'tlbnrne r,ruiied a11 - posrl to the Township Trustee Ithll us i it now `,.hods. 'Elie clerk was 144- .1rIt•terl to s•p.l- t11,' *mine 10 the Mtn - biter of Education. Moved. by Cuuu chlor WI 140111. 144411111144 11V 114'111101' 11111. that If the,. toweling called to grocer to midi.. the '.report eof last wino 11. --Thelma All 110 pcv cot .• Jr. 11. --Wills Bolton 1*4 per tent.. }:wwe•rsi,n Durst, OW. Sr. 1. Elmer Fisher. • Jr. 1.- Dorothy ' her, 4tub►-Y+ralnti,- Noruua Lee: Number on null, ti: u4erage ■t- !endance, 11. 'Perfect attendance for January - Dorothy' Fisher. Perfect nthedatree for February— F:liner Lee. Ruby Young. + 144 sort -+examinations. IitENE JEI•'►'ER14)N, PERCY ROBINSON Fuller Brush Service Orders taken for Muller , Brushes of all kil,4b4. Resides,• corner Trafalgar Waft and Cambria Road. Gederiela. COAL Empire Anthracite Stove sire. A car just is • Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump ;13.11'0 a ton Briquettes A first-class fuel for stoves and furweces. Let i. supply your want• in Fuel. Prompt service and reasoonkbe prices. 'Teacher. :w 1N THE SPRING Best be Guarded With The -spring -is-- * a11au- .elf -anxiety to .mothers who. have little ours in the biome. ('olullt}nn'. make It nmestutr• to keep elle 1/11117 Indoor/I. He Is often e4tillitleot too overheated. badly vent(• •laud rn,11114 111111 catches .1111144 which rack Ilia n'huh• *)tulle. Ti' guard against this n hoe, of ltahy's 1)011 Tab- lets should 144• kept 111 the 111411s' nnil an 0,"'a4141n.41 1kale seven- the haby• to kelp hi. stomach and L/wels working regularly. Tills w111 prevent 40441x, Panel 1441111•44 or cone- and keep haby well. The Tablet. are Kuhl I,v merlt- eint• deafen or toy mail at 25 tent* 11 Iwrx from The i)r. Williams Medicine Co„ Brookville. tent. lull UIUIIIa ► High Blood Pressure is I're\ented when lisert•hidneu' are Regulated with Dr. Chases dncy xvet• I &ri L iLill ' "-1 Electric Wiring We specialise in Wiring of all kinds. Leet us give you an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones, Motors, Dynamos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm systems All Work Guaranteed Oook, boa sad Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the best Electric Irons and 'l'..ii ter, wade ill ('lulud11. ::OBT. TMT. El.- bre tool \\..t Nt Hsuse I'hone ':.IJ store SS Direct Toll Service is the quickest way to reach by telephone any of the points shown below., Just give the number of the distant telephone to your local operator and hold the line while con- nection is established. There is no delay. if you do not know the number, ask "Informall tion." ke your • the line called is busy, your operator number and call you later. fat', Direct Toll Service is available to each of the following places at the rates quoted :—, -- Carlow 10c. * Goderich Dungannon lOe. 4 ` * Goderich neon -15c. Goderich -- Wingham 20c. • For 5 minutes talk. all 'others S ninon*. Use Direct Toll Service—the rates are the service speedy. r;r J. T. PATTOP, r a •nr•4 '" District Manager! 4 a moderate, • cons. the pastor.- -- Jona .Wolper's, realest nt the last 3liuute, of previous meeting were in...tins of the village commit for n rend and ainlinted. t'.omlnutlt•Ittt4gls hllllarb and poolroom license WW1 were reeek ed from the Ontario Eehr refnsrl- cation .\"soelatlon, asking that n 4144' 1)r. W. 1':. %WWill<es: of )1 a o.r,. hag mere. lie ,p'.lnte4 to attend the &.loon. been appointed n coroner for 111or.nt meeting 111 Toronto in April. and from eount7, to anrreed__the' late 1)r. the Saltation Army, Toronto, asking H7nllmen for a grant In aidof the work being „ r carried on by that In*l ltlatInn. No IA'CKNOW '""' Region was taken regarding alpoint Inept 01 H delegate too the 11.1,:,A.. lt, the death (of Mrs. Tennent. while the *nen tot ;15 watt rule( the• willow of the lslu-1)r. Tennant. l.ttek• Salvation .army. - 'n w lows or, 014 sold unfelt wrtw•mwl N. Johnston was present and *rated resident. Mr*. Tennant was eighty- that the real ,llownnee to his farm owe year,. of ago. She spent the on the s. h, lot 'ter, 4oneesalon 4. had ;treater part of the wtntel• with her .wan (.tsual Ila atul asked the t,unell *nu, John' F.. at 11/1111olo, and after rt.- to take steps •to remedy tl:l% grilse Marlo ing bonne t0') weeks Hiro a she eon- se. Ter clerk was In'tructell trleted pnellmonte. .ler lmdwud. notify Mr. Park.* to have this ole who NOM prominent In public affair. atrm'tlotr rPmorvd forthwith. for many years. doled In 1902 at the Re•511rdlug pureharin1 of new clad age of slily -four. !holden the son. machinery and the *4gw,lnting of John r. Tennant of ..tendon. a dough- patrolmen wits 1.1,1 over till the April_ . iceears---*11. ritir-«t-.IR►yaawL-tut the ter, 11 MN Agnes. anrriteye. Ln,know has 1441 ,anther highly latter. however. being played at 2:• respected citizen In the ,heath of Mrs. tents an hour and 51) cent. for Ido Wm. Alltel. who 4M,r•rri away Am- Sete and team. alae 21 rent* An hour for day. March 21st. Rt the age of- xaxty• slay work on summer roads. The , eight years. Mrs. .1111*, hod been l,, Reece WW1 alsr Inate11.1t1 441'pthmnre falling. health for some thaw. 11er a nat!il,M wino ter wls'rate,the lark,• im.bond. who conducted a large Imph'- grader this rumbas 441(11)4*• event tombless In Imeknnw for many 'rho following arotultie wen• i14ld : 7P*r.. died In Heel. Fire 441144* and .1. 'heti.... underont*hing on more , two daughters +wlre've • William. of Atm 4. $1; ethyl. Porter. work on reed. l'll.thnm : i4vsn, of trweu /hound: 11•611: Wis. A. t!errle. do.. $2.30: fico. Rouen. In elle United, state*: Itandd I'Unite•s, 414. $1.7S; the •AiIr*tion 11107, Toronto. gent. 113; The Muhl - Mahe! 1'4x11, O' town. and the Nttssd1( ...lied World, asseso cent rolls *1141 dos N Lor and north*. of Tomb). •l 1. 11; - 3. - P. Town, retold Lt1r•Itnnw Rebekah INoFRr celebrated ogs, ' ' 4V' • Smart Coats and Frocks for, .4. the Easter Procession '$ r3111e ^"flat&rtiett'fefeMeWes%`t o CiOATS In a great variety, Smart Styles, Good Quality, Spring --Weight Fabrics, and Reasonable. Prices. Materials - are in Soft Velour, Duvetyne,Suedines, Poiret Twill and French Tri- cotine, cotine, both for Matron and Miss.—flared and straight line effects, in all the newest shades. • 9,,11sf Tuve, f .‘ DRESSES In Rich, Flat Crepes, Crepe De Chine and Satin -faced Crepe. This Spring's most popular Silks make delightful dresses in m i ly. malty becoming styles. Flared and straight line effects with long and short sleeves.*tLN,1„iterg, MILLINERY:, *r, All that is new and smart for the spring in this Special Easter Display yJl .laiif • I a r r144'41.',ter vote tole..«.: At the eirk F3thii •?:A„""P"' j _ .. - , 'r` `"r` " r.": 44.44N*,'._•4' glEt:A'da Royal Ladies' Read -to-Wear Co. EAST SIDE OF SQUARE GODERiCH tr revere ti ik • 'f 4b