The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-25, Page 4ss, As'*U•v' BIRTHS USED BABY'S THINGS for cash. lied and mattress $8,50; large carriage $10; play pen $4,50; car seat $1; or all for $22.00. Phone Wingham 404w2. SIO:1 .25b Hullo Folks! As most people around here know, wrlOrig newspaner ,column itn't my line. But in handling anything, 44S important as cam, you get to know something about tnem, You get to know how the sweet purr of a good engine should sound, you hear stories about Old ears. and yoo get to know how to look after a, ear, Von get to knote good ear from a lemon • beeriuse, if yen think ,about it a minute, yoten see.,we have to BUY pars as well: ine te, So we have to 'knew what a good car is. And while we're.aliout it, we pick up a lot al hater,- • esting stories we think. are ri orth passing along, ,It's our shop'tallr . . , just like the talk of the railway men who remember the record set 'way back by -Old No, 580, or sailors,who ventral- bertha Rig Storm, or army buddies who rernem- her the Big War which IS,- of course, the one t98NE MeDONALP: they f:tag.h.l: I 'lope you'll enjoy topping la this spot every week and I ll.., I can pass along some Shop tailt ho useful. Pin riot going to get complicated or tecludeal, there aro too orally people today trying to bamboozle others with :big words and fancy plirases, All:the faney adornment hasn't been able to. change ainue things. Like honest trade, a dollar paid. for a dollar's value. Whatever you may think about the dollar today', it won't:buy More smuirl motor-, Mg than at our used car lot„As I said before, we have to buy .ea rt, as well as sell them. and before we take a c ar in we malce-sure it sound, tight, clean car. We make doubly sure after we have it, and then We offer it on our lot, CAOLSOITT MoiolaS LTD. 4^A_, CDP'fitIOWr 1956 CA POSSEiri Jib 45,91E6 3 ‘Td6441 SFRV/CE &.4*, Thoroughness — Ability — Time tested 11 Notice to a , i R The hourS for watering laWns and i gardens, are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and 11. 1 ::' •-•, '-..-'' from 6 p.m. to 9 'p.m . .. .• This will be strictly enforced, AnANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt ; 'payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for • the use of a hose or outside tap for the above • 0 - • t'• -Phone 37 for aPpointment , W'ater.Consurnert, Use Advance-Times ClaSsified Ads for Results 1611111111111111111111.11111111111111.11111111111111111141111111111111101W161111M414111115111111WIRI . . . .,• .,,.. , • • . • OPTOMETRIST .. ..„...,..........,......... . noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, wt.): has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. W..inetam.PUblieltilities-Commission; w. . C. E. .5beri, Superintendent i 9-muninsmillomminnicorminicifitalommunnummiguinumm iiiimintlflitmeirislomonswituitimmilimminsummoitismignii .=. The ALL NEW =-. ELECTRIC RAW *, IT'S TERRIFIC Canada's No. 1 ange Packed with such features as:— • TIIEUM-0-FRYER and appliances that permit operations. • 111 MERM-O-GUARD ELEMENT . . thermostatically con- trolled . makes every utensil an automatic cooker. ▪ SUPItlit JONG SIZE OVEN 9 UNLIMITED BLEAT SELIICTION for a: chalet, thous:ma heat positiOns. - no95 PRICEti FROM Easy Payinent Terms . $10.00 DOWN $2.50 PER WEEK Burke Elect ic Electrical Contracting and It epairs,k-, .i Motor Ro.,wiliiiling , . , Motor Sale8 and Serv‘A 0,,T.! Phone 474 Willgharri !"! NI . E.7i111111111111111.11111111111111111101111110111111111111111.11411,11trilillill* nitlIiiitilIot 1:1111104 IA IllA fl THERI11-0-CRIDDLE . twtl,nly dirforent Soil:tee Cooking r• " ,irr17 ".'"7 7 • . ' NW' -tapir irov Irbti harn Advanee,Tinres, Wedne*daYi lily 25 1956 HARRISON-In Wiegbarn. General Hospital on Tuesday, July 17, 2956, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Har- rison, of Teeswateri a son. RITCHIE-In Wingham General. Hospital, on Wednesday, July 18, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rit- *Ode, RR. 2, Teeswater, daugh- ter. BRRINGTON-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Sunday', July 22, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Errington, R.R. 2, Auburn, a • deughter, STRODIDER-In ,Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, July 22, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stroeder, RR. 2, Wingham, a daughter. SCOTT-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, July 23, 1956„ to Mr, and Mrs. James Scott, R,R, 1, myth, a .daughter, .1951 DODGE half ton express truck for sale, low mileage, al- ° Intik new tires, priced for quick sale. Phone 239 Wingluon, 25b USED McCLARY refrigerator for sale, $125,00. Stainton Hard- ware, 25b ROUND OAK DINING table with leaves and six chairs for sale, 115,00; roll-a-way bed and mat- tress $9.00, Tanville Hammerton, .Wingham phone 199. 25* , • C.C.M. BICYCLE for sale, phone 5 ring 9 Wroxcter. 25* ;LAWN s-fiD"VVER, hose and clipper$ • for sale. Phone 712 after 6.00 p.m`:'' ..25b USED THRESHERS for sale: 'Oopclisoih all steel machine, fill[4-elfeatt; 1; 28-46 Goodison all steel. Machine, like new; 1, 32-51 Case all steel machine on rubber; 1, .)V.I-171 8 ft. grain binder No, 16. Robert N. Arthur, Massey-Harris, Fexgusoit Dealer, Stratroy, Ont.' r.. 25,19b tir.}B.N INSTANTLY relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve fid3 Ilade*.a.,113eat Stiffer any euttroher2tr.SitiVO 25e' - at IcK,Ihbon's Drug Store. 27b• LARGE SIZE steel crib and mat- tress for sale; in good condition. 4 r-'• ./iRly to Mrs. Bruce Chambers, le& oxeter,' phone W. , 25b 4 IMES STEEL venetian blinds fer. sale, 3 are 28"x64." and 2 are 341.x64". '$3.00 each. Apply- to frsr Allan Bumstdad, Catherine Street, phone 537. 25b 0.114SI'OGN FOF, SALE OI. ITe„re,fo,pd. calf for ref*,,.‘Apply Coultes,. 1-743w2. 25b MISCELL,1*,NEOUS FARMERS-For custom baling call A...T. Burgers, phone 512J12 Winghant, 18;25h IS YOUR TF.LEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art. A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on, your car or truck' in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are 'available, Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 293, Wingham. 29trb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal sePtie tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone, 42r6, BrusSels. 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding ASSociation "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination Information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle* phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton 24141 or Mildmay 1.80r12. be:, tWeeri 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost." 25t.th . , NOTIM1 TO IIOME flUILOERS • IV IrOtI ARE planning a betiding project this summer, we are in pOsition to give you first class SetViee for your cement Work, House basements and floors, barn Wails and floors (completed. In one pour. Contact ljads Chrlatkrnien, phone 11'1, .Myth. 25trtb VINANCING A CAR? 4.36`,Oro yea buy ask.about our LOW' Cost Financing' Service With ethirplete IluArranee Coverage. STEWART A, SCOTT LOST TURQUOISE 1311DGIE.' lost, An. Swers to Paine Tony. Generens reward offered, Phone 49 or. 5158j, 25* DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOYE? from your farm promptly foe: sanitary disposal, Telephone c a 11 e c t: Palmerston 123.W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, 1rrb WANTED GOOD HOME for another cat and male kittens wanted, Phone 712 after 6.30 pan. 2513 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK on Josephine St., Wingham, consists of 4 apartments and 2 stores, mod- erately priced. A SOLID BRICK house with 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath upstairs, living room, den, kitchen -and dining room, with 2 lots, A LARGE BRICK house and barn in Wingham, large sttn porch, Has roomy interior. For further information phone 593, Stewart A. Scott, rePreSent- ing- Robert Martin, Realtor, Hai-t- oyer.: 11,18,25b, FOR SALE 11i storey frame dwelling, shingle roof. Basement, 3 b'edrooms and bath, bedroom downstairs, Living Room, Kitchen and Dining room Hot water Heater (propane) Heating Stoves Lot 76x132 Immediate pOssession. Location - Charles Street. Apply H. C. MacLEAN, Realtor. 18:25b 9 ROOM DUPLE;;;;, hguse for sale. Modern oil furrte'W, fully insul- t ated, hot water -'heater, built-in t cupbOards, 2 bathrooms, kitchen sink upstairs' and separate en- trances, attached garage, one block oft main street -close -to stores. "Ideal for retiring couple. Write box 439, Teeswater, On- 'tarto 25* COMFORTABLE 5 room house in "sale. Good condi= tion,, modern -kitchen, tiled bath, oil furnace, garage. Apply by appointnient, phone 108J. 25* HOME FOR SALE-Wingham's , most modern up to date home, wonderful - location, $21,000, War- ren . L, Stevenson Real Estate, phone 325, Mount Forest. 25b WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-House in Wingham • or nearby town or lakeshore. Good basement, fairly good repair. Must be reasonable, for investment, Write Post Office Box 24, Wingham, giving all particulars, terms. . 18:25* WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT want- ed. Phone as after 6 p.m. 25* FOR RENT 4 ROOM APARTMENT for Tent on Josephine Street. Possession immediately. Phone 254R. 25b SMALL APARTMENT for rent. Apply to Mrs. Wm, Stokes, Vic- toria Street. 25* COTTAGE for rent in Bruce Pen- insula. Available after Aug. 6th. Reasonable rates. Phone 197_ 25* , HELL' AVANTED-FEMALE PAY UP BACK BILLS. Avon Cos- metics are in demand every- where. You can earn good in- come. Openings in Wingham dis- trict. Write Mrs. M. Stocks, 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, Ont. 18:25b SCHOOL BUS TENDERS The Board of Trustees 6f East Wawanosh School Area will receive tenders until August 7th for trans- portation of 6 pupils from No, 8 School East Wawanosh (now clos- ed), to Union School No. 17 East Wawanosh at BelgreVe beginning September 1956, Ro:pte will begin at liareoch corner on 9th con, E. Wawanosh to' l3elgrave School and return each School day. Vehicle used must be fully in- sured as a Scheel bus, the Board will contribute tip to 825,00 toward the cast of extra insurance. The lowest or any tender net neeessarily accepted. Particulars -May be had front Clarenee P. Charriney, RR 1, Bel- phone Wingliatn 400w3 or C: It Wade, I3elgrave. 18:25b Mrs. E. Lockhart • Dies, Aged 89 Mrs. B. Lockhart, died in Hamil- ton Hospital on Friday, 13th of July in her 89th year. Mrs. Lockhart had been a patient at the hospital fOP the past three months since frac- tering her hip. Formerly Grace Elilabeth Mor- ison, daughter of Angus Morrison and Anna MacKay; she was born at Kintore, Oxford County, but had spent most of her life in Kinloss and Lucknow, where she was well known, In 1888, she married Ezekiel Lockhart, who died in 1921. Her chief interests had always been her home, her family and the church. She was a member of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church and a life member of the Women's Mis- sionary Society. Tire funeral service, which was conducted.: -'the Rev. Wallace McCleanWas held at the Johnstone funeral -home. Interment was" in South Kinloss Cemetery, the bearers being William Maclntyre, Allister Hughes, Elliott Carruthers, W. G. Webster, John Wraith and Alex MacLeod. Mrs. *Lockhart was' •the last .member.of the -Morrison. family. She is survived by three sons, Harry, of Carrot River„Sask,; John of Burlington; George, of Kinloss; and by three daughters, Mrs. Elmer Johnston (Agnes) of . Lucknow; Mrs. Elwell .Webstor (Grace) - of Wingham and' Mrs. Wesley Hus- ton (Evelyn) of Kitcheeet. She was predeceased by 'her hus- band and a son, Charles- Lockhart, who lost his life in 1916 by drown- ing at Purves Lake. Dr. ThoMson Dies at Home The death occurred at his home in London on Wednesday, July 18, of Dr. Septimus Thompson, who was well-known throughout this district, 1 A leading eye, ear, a nose and . throat speeialist, he '.vas for; forty years a„menther of the faculty .of the -schpel of medicine„ of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, from which he graduated in 1000. Thompson had been ill for the past six weeks. He would have been eighty years old next October 1st. • . • Born at Strathroy, seventh son of Dr. Alexander. and Jane Stew- art Thompson, in 1876, he continued his practice until last June 6th, when he became Golf Bridge The Thursday afternoon bridge game was held at tire golf course with four tables at play. Thd prizes Went to Mrs, R. G. Gannett, Mrs. C. MacLean and Mrs. W. Isbister. The hostesses Were Mrs. H. Ed* Wards, Mrs. G. W. Howson, Mrs. Sturdy.and Mrs, T. A. Currie.” ATTENTION FARMERS SPECIAL- OFFER on a New Bell Imi)erial Threshing Machine - Only a Few Left - , - ACT FAST - ' REILIAM AND l'AItTS%-,. Now iS the time to .look over You" older Maehine and have :MST repairs dene, so that you will not be held up later. We give careful attention to 'repairs and orders for Parts, ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES: Unfitted Seaforth; Ontario Phone 268 a the formers grandparents, Mr. end Mr.:; Jos. Bailey, Aower Wingham, and M.rs. Nilson Liaise, formerly 1\lr Viola Bell and family of Toronto visited in Wingham dis- trictmcV och).wens. and Mrs. :Hooper, of Bluevale, had .a.s their .guests, Mr's. Arthur .$meltzer, of Amulett, Sesk., formerly, of Wel- wyn, Sash., last relay, .- -Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stewart and' family, Stratford, are visiting this week. with Mr, and Mrs, Hap Swat- ridge, Diagonal Road, Wingham.. • -Mrs, Alex Baird of Mich., is visiting with her siSter', Miss E. Portren, Mr. Bob Clines, of Akron, Ohio, spent the weelt-end, with relatives Wiogbam and Bluevale.. -Mrs. Ethel Nicholson, of Wing- ham visited with Glenn and Mrs. Fraser and attended the Grey Cen- tennial. --Mr, and Mrs. John Langridge and family spent last week holiday- ing at Kincardine. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer of Maple Grove are visiting with their daughter Mrs. N. J. Whitney Grose and Mn Grose. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Little, of Seacerth visited with her sister, Miss , AUnci,(1,0dtles., do • Saturday.. , -11-lis's Mildred Redmond of Tot.' onto spent the week-end with her mother, ISTrs. R. C. Redmond, , Mr. Will - Haney and Mrs. Haney, and fotrecl time, to- call on Mr. and Mrs. William King; in Wingltarh, at the week-end. -Mrs. j, L. Muir of Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henri- etta MacDonald and other relatives. RYERSON OFFERS EXCELLENT COURSE IN JOURNALISM Four' $100 entrance scholarships. for practical journalism and print- ing management. .coiarses at The ftyerson'InStitute. of Technology, 'TO banter • were • an» Ouneed., today, Edward 'H. Schrader, director of the two courses, said %they were be- ing offered to encourage high School graduates to consider these two professions as •careers, There is a shortrege of trained personnel in both spheres. 'Many Ryerson journalism anti printing graduates have, gone into the weekly newspaper War,' den Leavens , Secretary Manage, the OntarR,), Weekly Newspapers Association, lauded the clbse co- operation 6etween • tbe:."Sehool -and weekly editors. Last ,March, •Rytir- son journalism students conducted a door-to-door survey of a weekly paper, as part of their training, to determine how thoroughly weeklies are. read.. The students discovered . almost cover-to-cover readership. Mr. Schrader . said there were' EMIT excellent job 'opportunitieS, with excellent salaries, for each student who graduated from theSe two courses last May,- The only' method for solving the shortage, he pointed out, is to attract more stud-, ants into these careers. ."3.)ractical , journalism students. Sint% techniques used in writing' and. editing' for daily and weekly newspapers;. publicity offices, and radio TV news: rooms. The pr'laing;Management graduates go into:, allele ,poSitions as estimators, assistants :14 superintendents, es- timators,: -";Prrlduction controllers, and purchasing agentS'. Entranee• requirement for journ- alism is five Crude 13 papers -and printing management. students re- quire their. Grade 12, • Competition for the entrance scholarships will be held after Ryer.son resumes September 17, Examinations will be based on high school work, • LOCAL BAR TEAMS SPLIT DECISION The; week's bull schedule got off to a bad .state vii'vvoneway oven. Ina what .the Juniors travelled to Atwood for an 18,4 trimming at the hands of the Perth County boys. Dennis, on thq=Quad for the winners permitted only six hits, Mille errors proved the down- fall of the Wingham squad. There was a runaway in the decond frame when the Atwood lads unwired in 8 suns, Wrogluin.4 ione run crane midway through the game as' Jerry ErY 04tirle... in, , Barry tine) ry nit pitching duties, t "whit). ?II: Ken Hodgkinson was the catcher. 0 - 0 Bantams Defeat -Listowel The. Wingham Bantams cracked out with 15-8 decision over the. Listowel kids in the park here on Wednesday evening, when Pete Carmichael stacked ,up a grand re- cord. Dering the game lie smashed out four home rums -and a triple, to bring in a total of nine runs and score five himself, Battery for Listowel was Hue- Idris and Deal while Carmichael and Walker did the chores, for Wingham. 0 - 0 - 0 Midgpts }3eat Clifford: Thursday evening the local Mid- gets had better luck when they took the Clifford boys on a 12-2 count, Highlight of the game. was Walker's home run smashed out with two runners -on bases. • Jardine, on tine mdund for Wing- harn,, regiptered. 13 ,strikeoub4 -and gave out with one lone hit fa tilt. Clifford batters, Hinkley hurled for Clifford. • .-. • ', „ •• 0 0.- 0 • Industrial Leuelle • • • • Thp,Wingham- hall„park Was busy• on Thrirsdtry when perrY Door took a beating from the Kins- men to tine tune of 5-3. Jardine arid` TeropleMan formed the battery for the winners with Gray- and Hodg- kinsen, performing for Berry Door,. Hydro defeated Bclmore in the second game of the evening. o - - Benefit Game Saturday Saturday' evening an all-star team from the Wingham Industrial League met the Belgrave nine in a benefit fixture for Herb Fuller wino had ,his leg brokan.,a week previously playing for the Berry Door squad, The, /players were pleased to turn over $1,8,51 to make. Herb a little more •comfortable in his hospital bed. Gray and Locicridgo handled tine pitching dirties for the. winners and Coultes and Irwin formed the Eel- grave battery: READ C~q 71714 749 FOR 'RESULTS • • is ,For 4Fittb"gt in Taxi Service • LEE'S TAXI . . it's 24 HOUR SERVICE Weddings, Funerals and Shopping Trips Going Downtown . . Crosstown . . Out of town . . CALL. LEE'S 185. k UNDY'S -Free Delivery- Phone- Quality and Servied since oir ' • , •r” Save On These .Week.r.nd`Specials Stokely's Spanish Style Rice or Macaroni DINNER 15 oz. tin 2 for 29c Aylmer Choice FRUIT -COCKTAIL 15;oz. tin 23c . Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. tins 2 for '23c JELL° Assorted Flavors 3 for 27c CERTO — for 'Your .lams and Jellies 8 oz. bottle 29e fresh Fruits -and Vegetables Pozen Nods Canning Supplies. „=- sio,\N;„ ',„*N :•',„ • DIED CONSTABLE, William H. - At his home 50 Stibbard Ave., Toron- to, on Sat., July 21, 1956, William H. Constable, beloved husband of Mary Ault ancllormer husband of the late Lois Light, dearly loved father of Emily (Mrs. Edward Do- herty), Florence (Mrs. H. A. Maise), Fred, Walter and the late Harry F. Constable, stepfather of Dr. J. 0„ Ault of Canandaigua, New York and Earl Ault of Corn- wall, Ont., brother of Mrs. 'I% M, Snively of California. Resting at the Trull funeral home, 2701 Yonge St. Service in. the chapel, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. 25b COMING EVENTS THE REGULAR SATURDAY ev- ening bingo, under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, will be held at the Legion Rome on Saturday at 9 oelock. Good prizes, CE25rrb CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who .helped in any way' o brighten my stay in Wingham Hospital, Special thanks to the nurses and Dr. W. A. Crawford and'Dr. ISIcMtirehrs. Margaret John- ston. • 25b IN MEMORIAM - ESTOKS-In memory of a dear mother, Mrs; Jas. Stokes,- who - passed away one year. age, „July, 25, 1955. , It's net in the grave that we think of our loved one, . It's only the house that she, lived in is there, She's yonder with Jesus, alive , in , the glory. And oh, what a comfort to know she is there,-Ever remembered by John, Jean, Carole and Lynda Stokes, 25* IN MEMORIAM STOKES-In memory of Mrs. Jas. Stokes, who passed away July 25, 1955. Sweet are the memories so silently kept, Of one we love and will never forget.-Ever remembered by husband and family. 25* TENDERS WANTED The West Wawanosh Township School Area Board will accept ten- ders for the transporting of the pupils of No. 11 S.S., 12th conces- sion, West Wawanosh; to Fordyce, S.S.*No. 12 about eight pupils and 'a distance of about three and three-quarter miles for the school. year, September 4th, 1956, to Jwie 30th, 1957. Tenders to be in tire hands of the secretary not later than July 31st; The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.- W. A. Stewart, Sec., Dungarmon, Ont. 18:25h CONTROL . . . PROMOTION? Our Provincial legislators in On- tario know what dangers lie in uncontrolled liquor sale, They know too that there is little use expecting social responsibility from brewers and distillers. Over and over again they have proved their real interest to be in .profits not people. One of their specious pleas is that because their business is legal it merits freedom. in advertising. But there is a. vast difference be- tween beer and bread, or whiskey and wheat. Why Control laws for alcoholic beverages and not for food and furniture? We are all coming to realize more, and more that all Itintla of people are getting hurt through insufficient control of this liquor business, Indeed, we are led to ask Whether we, have "control" or "promotion" when we read such figures 'as" these. Last year the Ontario -Government re- ceived 55,000,000 dollars in liquor revenue -- an increase of 10,000,000 over 10541 25b Horse Killed In 2.Car Collision A horsc was killed in a collision With tWO cars fin Monday oh High- way 4 and thee' Mlles west of Walkerton, The horse, belonging: to Lome Turnbull, carne into col- Ifsieri with a WeSt-boinid vehicle driven by Dwittid of Rah- over, said Tilt hotac was thrown in Pent of cast-bound ettr, -driven by James Malt, of WroXeter, Darnage to the ears was eat:haat, ed at OM T .'••7•7•-••.• FOR SALE, 'SPA1RN RIES, sAmeRKRAUT 40rVed every Friday, Saturday 141011t, COMItterchtl Hotta, For- k: ;11Ciaa, 4,I1,18,25* . „ MEAT FOR -GOOD BEEF for sale by the quer- ' • ter. Beef killed wider license • from the Department of Health. Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY- ,. NARD ACKERT, Ho ly r o d, • phone 24-30, Ripley. Itirrb Ty:ANTENNA. complete with rotar 'fo'b sale, also Westinghouse 8 eu. '• ft, refrigerator, 5 years old. Phone 683J. 25b ORDER YOUR black currants, Ready now. Apply to George Baird, Town Plot. 25* awd STUMPS, stones, haw- horns, "fence bottoms; new land ----cleared and worked; logs skid- ded; lawns levelled, back-filling. Ross Hastings, phone 740, Wing- ham. 25,rr27S* .0-Atpaths old pigs for sale..: lokiply'Mrs. Fred Tuck, phone W12 Wingham. 25b BuLLDOZLNG thr CAM) Or TitirANRS The relatives of Dr, Henry Ririthy V,f3, wish to express their Sibetre thanks to friends end neighbours few Demi tributes trod nob 2EI Will loon othtt acts of kindness ahown to • Zirtb "25*. Iberia in .their reeent bereavement, --Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Carter spent the week-end with the lat- ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Radon, of London, --Mr. and Mrs, Iauville Haranier- ton, Warwick and Roger have re- turned from their -trip to St. Step- hen, New: Brunswick, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Barr and Coralle is remaining at the coast fop the test of the sum- mer, -Mr. and Mrs. George Fryfogh. of Hempstead, N.Y.,; are visiting with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Fry- fogle, -Miss Mary Pattison of Port Elgin visited with old friends and neighbors, last Thursday. -Mrs,-Polar of Calgary, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs, W. Bush- field. ---Word has been received - that Sol. Cloakey is planning to be bore for. the Morris Centennial August 4, 5 and 6 and will leave Moose Jaw, Sask., July 25 via C.N.R. -Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vanner, of London spent the week-end with "47 McKenzie Bridge Still on the List Jahn W. Fianna, M.P.P., received a letter from Highways Minister James Allen last week in which the department head mentioned that the rebuilding of the McKenzie bridge in Winglitun is still on the agenda,- although no date -for the job was set, - Reconatruction.of the bridge is a• subject of vital interest to Wing- ham. and district people, not only because of the hazard the old nar- row bridge presenta to traffic, -bet because of plans for beautification. of the town's northern entrance Whieh will be carried out wheir the • new bridge is in place. Mrs. M. Overend Is • • • Honored 13y Friends Friends, and neighbor's of Mrs. • Miles Overenti gathered at the borne of MN. Lloyd Elliott last. 'Wediresday evening tO honor her before departure for .her new Mime In Vernon, BE, An enjoyable even- lug win; spent, during Which she was presented , with a .gift, Lunch was served by the hostess, Assisted by Mrs. John Strong, •