HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-25, Page 3HARR IS TON RRIVE4 THEM 'TWO Shows Nightly Rain or Clear First Show At Dusk. Children under 12 in cars Irffi•TI Cartoon at Each. Performance %two', "The PhoeniN, City .Story" .(Adult) . ni.0;410 Kathryn W 11,K AISON HOMESMAI a rtAta eVY43,4eil, 4t1V1)111)14 ,'t exerutive Cellitell in 1840. It is probable that Dr, Dunlo.p, noted colonizer, Mune-a Mortis Township, in 1852 the first 'settlers came to lVforris. They were: John :Christophor Corbett, ,John Wen- dell and Robert AtillefrOnif, have -sortie or Ireland to Slineee County. They made a trip merit, Ward in 1801 arid selected land, -Re- turning the next year, they ploarott some land and Preet.(41 lob bl$lci ings, being estplished by the au, Imam of 1802 on concessierni three, four and five of Morris `Township, • near the present Village of grave. About the same time the sites of „Mussels and Plyth were being cleared, William Miley being the first citizen of Breepolp and Ken. nrtta MeBean and William McCon- nell the fit* to, arrive at Myth. During' the next year settlers came in rapidly, These fnclutletf: Joseph hang land, Heater McLean, ,Abruhain Procter, Joseph 'Stubbs, William Bainee and William, John and David Geddes; to concessions. three and four; Charles Parker, Alexander : Finley, William ,Arm, strong, George Forsyth, John Sample, Charles Procter, to concoe' !ions five sail sIX; William Wilson, 'John Kelly (with a. large family 'of sons), to concessions seven and eignt; the Laidlnws and Thomas Kelly to concessions nine end 10, By 1858 all the lots in the township had been taken. up. . e meeeemeeieeeemeeneemeweeemeeneee 2 FREE ESTIMATES Ina Oil 4n.d. Gas...Heating; Conditioning; Sheet .Metal and l'' Electrical Work and Firechief Chimneys • • $ee • JOHN: CLARK • - PLUMBING and Peter Ccintelon Was MOrris Pioneer ,'Leon C41161911 of Wingharn has in his possession a, copy of "The County of Huron Gazetteer and General Business Directory for 1863- 64", a book containing a, wealth of information concerning those early days. On numerous occasions17. Cantelon has come to our assist- ance in seeyrin5 bo istory of pioneer days' in this section of the county and we are pleased to again have his aid in this and other articles which will follow on Morris Town- ship. Mr. Canteloe's great grandfather, Peter .Cantelon was a pioneer set- tler on lot 9, con. 6, Morris Town- ship, purchasing the lend in 1853 and moving his family there from Goderich Township' in 1854. He died in 1863 and his tombstone is in the cairn in $unshine Cemetery, as Peter Cantlin. Five of his sons, John, Peter (Leon Cantelon's grandfather) Arthur, 'Samuel and William once farmed. in Morris. Peter farmed in that township from about 1875 until his death in 1913, and his son-in-law, Thomas Pierce, husband of the late Annie Cantelon, still resides there. Arthur Cantelon's daughter Margaret (Mrs Ed Pollard ) is a resident of Brus- sels Leon Cantelon's father, Robert John Cantelon, lived in the same township for a few years around 1875-1882 and some Of his family or descendants have lived almost continuously in Turnberry Town- ship or Wingliam since, within a mile or so of Morris. Information concerning Morris as it appeais in,Mr, Cantelon's hook is as fellows: The 'County of Huron Gazetteer and General Business Directory' for 1863-64, states'that "this town- ship is bounded north by the Town- ship of Turnberry; south by he Township of Hullett and MCIC1- lop; east by Grey; and on the west by Wal,Vanosh. It contains 55,160 acres, the total assessment being $2:7'T9,1142e5.0t0oW''nship - . waS suryeyed i m ib i• 1849, and was sold in :t has but very little swam* soil .is a sandy loam, an. ry good. It is watered by e' and 'North' branches of theft- t- land River, and numerous other Streams. Population, 2,833." In 1861, the total 'Occupiers of Lands' was 386, made up of S on 10 acres or less; 54 on 20 to 50 acres; $54 on 50 'to 100 acres; 65 on 100 to 200 acres; and 5 on 'upwards of 200 acres'. The total acreage held was 40,759, ter, John Slipper, and Mungo Wallace; weaver: Wm, Ireland; John., Kay, prop., carding mill; Rev. ,I. Wilton Kerr, insurance agent, corinnissiOner, in Q.B., and issuer of marriage licenses;. John N. Knecittel, tannery; Thor,. Know; toll-keeper'; Robert Kreuch, potter; general merchants; N. M. Living- ston; Muir & Reid, (Adam Reid and Andrew Muir); and A, W. 'moss. Also, john Macauley, dealer in stoves and tiliWare; Writ, Arnie etrong, prop., North American Hotel; Wni, Oliphant, painter; Samuel, H. Pearpon, mentifacterer & dealer in boots and shoes; Wm. Pinder, butcher; Isaac Show, blacksmith shop; Samuel Simile, ineroliant tailor and clothier; James Bmith, cabinet factory; Thompson & Grant, (Peter Thomp- and AleV. Grant), fanning mill makers; Win. & jet. Vanstone, props., saw, grist, and flouring mills; bavid Whiting, blacksmith; John WYnni carriage and wagon taetOry; and etc,: a a a a U All a NI a I a U Ili HANDY FOR SANDWICHES, SNACKS, ETC.--,SPECIAL 12 OZ, no ED 11 LOAF 'rim IT'S NEW! CONTAINS LEMON, GRAPEFRUIT, ORAimE, PINEAPPLE, CHERRIES, RAISINS AND, ALMONDS Sc OFF PACK I ROSE BRAND IS OZ. JAR 20 BrFe pica! C merrrme;TISSUE ALL PURPOSE FLOUR FIVE ROSES BAG 390 KLEENEX 2 pm. 390 CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO KELLOGG'S BRAN BICE 4.1.411,)7* 310 FLAKES 2 ifica 350 MORE ACTIVE DIRT REMOVER! SAVINGS AT TIME OF F•inecI3Asc1 Gc OFF PACK LARGE 330 11M3 ETERGENT CRYSTALS BOTTLE 300 COTO a. 150 METAL JAR 160 RINGS DOZ. 290 LB. Iiitellile$114.)en 4014 1001, O.* PoAt?'"3 ileii.aui lion-31 With 1,100 under eultivati0; 8,088 'AIR111140111.01thligilitilakr 14A1 under_ -grope; .1,083 ,kinder pasture;. Drive,10 Thegktrg USTOWEL Toro At 441 Hwy. s 48 in gardens and orebarthii and 8:1500 nem wood and wild lands, The. cash value of farms was: 1.380,320100; :farming implements, ;12,00_00; end produce- gardens; and orchards, $50.00..Townspeople„ (not being farinersl, held. 84 acree. There were 7.0 aero in Fall Wheat which .yielded 269 bfiehq1S.; 3,039 cores in Spring Meat, yield-. lag :01.578 heel-tele; 36 MOMS barley and 1,055' butihelec 547 acres peas, for -13,087 hes.; 517 aerce oats, for 16,310 bus.; 10 acres Indian corn, for 287 bull.; 287 acres potatoes, for $2,281 bug.; 536 acres, turnips for 91,808 bus.; 100 bus. carrots, 1 bus. beans; 137 bus. clover, timothy and other grass. seeds; 1,072 tons hay; 115 lbs. hops; 5 lhs, flag arid' hemp. There were 592 bulls, oxen and steers; 784 Mulch cows; 1,106 calves and heifers; 167 horses over 3 yeare, old; value of same $9,665.00; • 49 colts and 849 sheep; 1.,910 pigs; total value of live stools, $62,7e9,00. There - were 40,159 lbs.' 'buffer; 1,574 lbs. cheese; 17,551 lbs. meanie .sugar; 200 - yards -• cloth'; 2,026-.Yarde. flannel; 2,026 .wool; .09 200-lbsebarrele beef; 603 2.00-lbs hilts .. pork; 2 half-bbls.. salt fish; carriages kept for -pleasure, ,val-' lied at .$465.90 and 2 carriages kopt • ?for" bire,. valued at $100.00. tnd 'eir Thurs., jeri., 3t4 ;44/ "HOUSE. OF WAX” (c„potio utAsin borejoy 'Vincent Priee 0,-0-4••••••••ee....peeee••••••••••••••••••••eeeeeee• Aton, auly Rii410 , "Lawless Streer Randolpli, Seott,' Angola Lansinirt Tillie., Wed., ,Jrule'21. Aug, "UNCHAINED" cheNter 14011S BakkalT, Ito) Two Shows Nightly, or Cletir'-• Box Office Open at 7.30 - First Show at. Dusk Children under 12 in Cars Free CaTioqas Buell Performance; inamill11111111111111111111i1111613111111111! Me. • and Mrs, Thos. Wilkinson were. the original settlers .on lot 8, con, 4, Morris, The former came to Canadk with Charles Procter and Joseph ..StubliP and the .three- men took up neighboring lots in Morris.' in the year 1856, after two years in Halton County. In the same year . Mr. Wilkinson married Susie Newcombe-, a native of Ireland, Lured above is the Wilicineen lupine es it appeared before - remodel- ling. Iai lool the property PaSSed to a. son, Charles•Wilkineopt, who sold it to the present owner, ills son, _Reward Wilkinson, in 1021. - A picture of the house as it appears today may. be - seen 'With :the crown Deed farms on page six.—Staff photos, . Fri., Sat., July 2748 wilt9QUOLS TRW" "INDIAN SCOUT" (PavV Creche( ) Greta Donble BM" fell' the whole falsity to oPPY. Bethel Methodist Clurreh 'Was then 1110 erected on Lot 6, Con. 5, at 'the 1-)russels Was Called Ainleyville • hamlet called Sunshine. Brussels, one of the. border Sunday ,Midnight iiTuly. 21) "MAD MONSTER" 'Double Bat's Daughter' EARLY MINISTERS WERE MET110111ST ;•va,roo. fluriGr4 Perth 1:,..'egi$1olor • di my 411 Pa Aitken 1111Pis Township, in Heron Wee named after Ulm. itini _Morris, of Perth, OntariO, a native Of who became a public servant in Canada., TIPfollalt, for Canada :in the War of- 1812, afterwards becorning, a Merchant in Perth. For tiont.o yortirs :he Waft It member of Parliament for Lanarlt county, then receiver- . .„ Mon., July 30-31 "SUMMRTJ1Val," (Adult) Katheryn Hepburn , Rev, Atkinso a New Connexion Methodist minister , was the first Preacher into Morris Township, He took up his .duties ' in 1853 and during that winter, travelled about the parish oln snowshoes and car- ried a pack on his. back, His territory was large and, travel was' rough through forget trails. "Flame Of The Island" HEATING.. Phone 85r7 "Wroxe.ter For several yearn he preached to Rey, Mr. Dowler is reported to villages of Morris Township, bar; have performed,the first marriage 1 aiways beep important to the ceremony in file township when townsh .p. In tine early days it Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' was known as Ainleyville, named, „Tehp Braildon was married to John „ after the first settler but the. Lawler, name of the post office was The first white baby born in Dingle, Morris was. Christopher England, description of the village about. a son of Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Eug- 1861-63 is found in. The Huron land. County Gazetteer and Business Rebecca Vance; whose home was Directory and reads as follows: in Brucefield, was engaged as tea- AINLEYVILLE (now BRTJS, eher of the first school, located on SELS): "This village• is heauti- Lot 11, Con. 6. fully situated on the middle branch Nr7i1ONAL SALAD WEEK , .11* 26th through August 4th of the Maitland River, 35 miles from Goderich, 15 from Seaforth, and 10 miles from Wroxeter, the terminus of the gravel road, It was first settled in 1865 — post office established in 1856. The name of the first post master was Wm. Grant, who is also the pre- idea-chord Marsh, Tender Crisp HEAD' LETTUCE. .... ... 2 heads 14c Na. 1 Ontario, 'Meld grown Large Cm* Slicers CUCUMBER 2 fax 19g Wed., Thurs., AUgUst1-2 ilk11111111111111111111111111111114111111111011101111111r """"""""","'"1"" ''''" """" '''''' '''' his people in log cabin hornee. El 0111f111111111NINNIIIiIIIIIIIN1111111111111111111111911111111ffillINIIINIIIIIi11101111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111011,1,1111111111114.1101011111111111.1111111111111B111111111111111111111111111111101bEIMMIC; 0 it a a a ill U a U U entennia orris 3. Large Bun dikes a a SATURDAY MORNING SCHOOL RE=UNION 5 10 a.m. School Open in your favorite school , house. CKNX Barn 'Dance at Belgrave Community Heaping full quart ho.;x, Local Grown CRISP RADISHES . . ... . No, Ontario Field - "It has excellent facilities for Mill purposes, There are two saw- mills—one driven by steam, owned by.Vanstorie & Bro. The business of the place consists of five general stores; three' blacksmith shops; two cabinet shops; one fanning- mill factory; two tin shops; one tailor 'shop; one bakery; two tav- erns; one saloon; one wagon shop; one saddlery; two drug stores; one Physician and surgeon. "The name of the post office is Dingle. Mails received daily from Seaforth, Wroxeter, and intermed- iate stations. ',Knolt Church, Ainleyville.—Built 1858;' size 28 by 34; Seats 250. Minister: Rev. W. C. Young; resi- dence, Ainleyville. Canada Presbyterian Church — Built 1857; size 30 by 40; cost $500.00; seats 300; no settled min- i s te Ainleyville Wesleyan Methodist Church—Built 1859; size 30 by BO; cost $600.00; seats 300. Min- ister, Rev. Thos. Robson; res., Ainleyville. Ainleyville. ;New Connexion Methodist Church — Built 1861; size 28 by 36; .cost $600.00; seats 250.' Minister, Rev. James Caddis; res.; Ainleyville, Ainleyville Bible Ch ristian Church — Built 1859;- size 24 by 30; cost $200.00; seats 180, Minister, Rev, Andrew Gordon; res., Ain- leyville, Ainleyville Branch Agricultural Society — Officers: W. G. Hing- sten, Pres.; Donald Scott, Vice- Pres.; Wm. Grant, Treas.; Daniel Stewart, Secretary. Directors: John Kay, John McCrae, J. IX, Shiel, R. W. Ross, Wm. Doyle, John Sample, and Wm: Annet. The Brass Band had ten mem- bers: John F. Hudson, Master. A few of those listed in the Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &'C.,' are as follows: Thos. Ballantyne, plasterer; Norman Baten, carpenter; 'Simon Powell, prop., 8ritish Hotel; E. R. Car- roll, Medical Hall; John Cook, carpenter; John Correa* cabinet ker; Andrew Davidson, Black= Smith; John Graham, prop., Ditigle Saloon; Joseph DIX, datiiet in dry goads, millinery, fancy goods, etc.; Dupew & Bally, blacksmiths; David Evans, ,T,P.; Robert Foster, butcher; Win. Grant, gen. dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, etc.; John Grewar, bakery and stbeay; Isaac J. Hawks, M.tl., PhYtilelaii, surgeon, etc.; Adam Hope, merchant; JOhn D. Hudson, saddler and harness maker; Ireland & Dodds, (Sohn Ireland & Matthew Darla), tan- ners. " Also, carpenters, builders, join- era, etc.: 13erij. Garry, ,Aleit grant, Sohn W. Morria, Chrig. Sv,rlt2er; shoeffitikeralt.,JarileA Ruh, 4, 5, TOMATOES 49c - SALAD vvgEK StMGESTIONS MAZOLA DRESSINGS GIVE YOU TASTIER,SALADS I 41 0 .rIel ADDS BEST TO SALADS! WHITF. 151/2 OZ. 17 0 33 OZ. • BOTTLE „: SOCIMIT SilLKON KRAFT Salad Dressing—MIRACLE KnArT ON MINAcLE ramic1-1 DELICIOUS IN SANDWICHES, ^ SALAD PLATES, ETC,: VINE AIN CLOVER LEAF FANCY RED Bottle Bottle T N 53 WHIP l'3N. 490 DRESSING 7A cp. Go CIEL SUNDAY 5 p:11. Ball Game at Beigrave 10.30 a.m. CKNX Broadcast 11 a.m. Church of your choice Drumhead and Memorial Service HEINZ sANowlpg CLUB 410LYSE—BROKEN SALAD SPREAD 'Jig' 290 oLlygs 1!)1),If. 330 Centre. Parade' at 2.30 p.m. Brussels Com, Park Seven Bands Rev• C. Krug, Speaker PICNIC BRAND—SWE',ET mil= CLUB HOUSE COCKTAIL PICKLES IS-g. 230 OLIVES S oZ. mso JAR ICHMELLO—CREAMY SALAD . 16-OZ. 350 32 OZ. TO JAR JAR tiESSING Sunday Evening Band Concert at 8.30 p.m. in Victoria Park, Brussels Special Centennial Mass and Blessing CANDY FEATURE! SPECIAL,: mecomencit's—ASSORTED JELLIES ricr INGS,„ cEirei3A. 490 ..zsznassmpagemscartva...././,,,,pffm Parishiones of St. Aliehael's•Chureh,,Blyth. extend a cordial 'invitation to attend the Centennial Mass and Blessing ,of the newly erected statue of St. Michael by The Most Rev, J. C. Cody, Bishopof London, in St. Michael's Cemetery, Morris Twp. on 'Sunday, August 5th., at 3 p.m. , Monday, Parade PRIZES FLOATS - ''' $50.00 $35.09 $e5,00, BEST CLOWN $5.00 $100'13.00 BEST COMIC COUPLE $5.00 $4.00 $2.00 BEST. DECORATED BICYCLE $5.00 $4.00 $8.00 $2.00 $1,00 BEST OLD VEHICLE " $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 • OLDEST VEHICLE TRAVEL- LING ON OWN POWER $5.00 $4.00 $3.00- LARGEST FAMILY $10,00 OLDEST COUPLE $10.00 PERSON COATING LONGEST DISTANCE 4 Bands, Clowns, Floats Para4T.Commeikes at 12 O'clock Sharp AFTERNOON — SPEAKING Morris Township Old Boys TUG.OF=WAR = North vs. South GOOD BALL GAME OLD TIME MACHINERY DISPLAY BEAUTY CONTEST Open to Morris Township Only - Evening Dresses Prizes $25.00 and $15.00 LIQUID CER() PAROWAX RUBBER JAR RINGS DOZ. $10.00 AkBEST DECORATED STORE OR USINESS PLACE in BRUSSELS $25.00 $15•00 $10.00 BEST YOKE of OXEN $25 $15 $10 v ?ED NOTi BLENDEDO CANADA 90 V NECAR GAL. 550 S NEAL ° $1.59 Pig. $119 CROWN OR CO SMALL 13 DUNSWIOIC—IN OIL m4 4 GOLD SEAL—SOLID ADA WHITE SARDINES 2 .xus i90 TUNA FISH 77111' 370 SAVINGS AT TM OP PfIncNA SC 1 Se 011' PACK a a iiminamwr .011inmia*,-.0401eqatiLIF Program at Brussels Victoria Park Monday Night 4 REG. BARS 290 PALM LIVE SOAP NOW ON SALE I AUGU'ST ISSUE FAMILY CIRCLE MAGAZINE SAVE ON ICE CREAM, 6 FLAVOURS RICIIMELLO .,COPY 7 PER Clark Johnston, Singing Irishman Lillian Jacksom, (Sinclair), Bridgen, Ont. Instrumentalist J.' Everett Myers, London, Ont., MagiCia • The KillSaS Farmer (Jack Thynne) Harvey McGee, North Bay Miss Doris Johnson, Marimba Soloist PINT. 250 014.2trx 890 ICE CREAM ERZOIC ' OALLtiil 11_ . . . . • , — . „ , FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT" VISIT YOUR DOMINION t011 P1114. DETAILS ABOUT to, VALVES Erttd"ilVt iti Dominion Stet*, le Attleetitliti011. obit dirittagttit AX Meiohfincifige Old at font silk tionrantoOd to give 'oil 100% sillIstadslott. ... „., . . .- . 1 .... o.omtNIoN wrortEs, ti r mITE D .Wirigharn 'Until Closing time BM., July II 1 i Come and Enjoy -Yourself and meet your Morris Township Old Boys foi I!! # am i Ali p **reworks Display • I Dances And a Shirt Tail Parade .--kl. tI on iiiiialiiirimotromonamtlioncitifictilliolliiiiciiimociiiiiiiiirtioominthriiiiiiiirootiocithiciiihillioiliociiiraniiiiiiiiiiiito