HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-25, Page 1ALONG .THE MAIN DRAG
111;v4 P.88t,Ornin
Achievement Day, display in Wingham town hall
articlesWinghath they old. Lynda Blake's biscuits, outSide 'the •had made, . About 100 girls from town hall on 'Thursday. The girls held • their • Hu o rn County' attended.
A coroner's, inquest into the
death of '25-year-eld Edward Mar-
ley, of Phelpston; which was 'fit
haye been 'held July 22, has been'
changeds to .Friday, August 3rd.,
and will take place in the Wing-
ham Town Hall. The change ,was
announced by Coroner Dr.- W. A.
Crawford, of Wingharn.
Marley was killed when he was
caught in a mixing machine, while
trying to plear a jammed door.
The accident happened in a gravel
pit on the second Concession' of
Morris Township, south of Wing-
ham on Tuesday, July 10th.
To Work For
Film' Company •
Miss Mary Ross, daughter of Mr..
and .Mrs.. Franks, Ross,
Wingluitn, is joining the J. Arthur
Rank. 'Film •Company, as a seerez
tary din tlie organizatioa's Toronto
office. •
All former' teaohers, Students and
residents of the section are Cot-,
dirtily invited to attend the Cen-
tennial' reunion at the Belgrave
School on ' Saturday. August 4,
Registration thiroughOtit the day,
starting at 10 a,rn, 1.4orich served
t 12 noon followed by speeches
a short progrant, V25;1W
CI;OSING 1401.1Clit
H, BroWne Shoe Repair will be
dosed from Aughst 6th. to 11th
inclusive, P25,1b
A "progress report" on the new
building under construction for C,
Lloyd & Son Ltd„ on the former
MacLean property, is given in
these two pictures taken this week.
In the lowee.picture the foundation
of the new boiler rem and dry
kiln can be seen in the foreground,
The top picture is a general view
of the large building which was
first started in 'May this year, It
hopOd that Work will be com-
pleted on the. building by the be-
ginning of 1957. Local labour is
being used for the eenstruction
of ' the new building, which will be
served by the new CYR. spur line,
Appointed Manager
Of Stratford Bank
Carl MaeRAY, son of Mrs- J,
MacKay, Whig:Min, has been ap-
pointed manager , of the Stratford
branch of the Torente,DerniniOO
Bank amid the family will move to
that thy on August 7th.
Carl is 'at present manager of the
bank's lVfarinora branch and his
many friends here will welcome the
news of his appointment to a Wes-
tern ()Marie breneh,
With which is sinsigamsod th•e Gorrie Vidette and Wilmot!. News
s— •
. • • , , .
One , . • • .
Sheriff Johnny Brent, and repre- M.P., John V. Moiler, Warden of
sentatives of the Liens Club coin- Huron County and Mayor R, E.
mitten set up for this year's McKinney of Wingham,
A large crowd is expected to fill
the Wingham arena on Thursday
night for the Juliette Show, which,
with several other acts, will make
the 1% hour perforinanee one of
the greatest ever to come to Wing-
The children's parade has been
fixed to start at 1,30 P,m., Friday
,August 31st. Many prizes will be
Offered for the best Frontier Boy
and GAS; for bicycle and tricycle
contests; cowboy and cowgirl pairs;
Nelson Cardiff, M.P., Marvin Howe, Wagon set-ups; and a host of other
JOhnny Brent announced that
there Would be no reserved seats
for the performance. Tickets, he
said, would be on sale peon at
depots all over the county; The
tickets will cost 75c each 'and will
be honoured up until 8 p.m. The
show will begin at 3.30 but the
doors will open at 7.30.
Vic-'Loughlean, recreational di-
rector shas• asked boys over.,8 who
would like to play hardball to be
at the town park every Wednes-
day morning at 9 o'clock.
A three-week prpgram of, crafts,
games and singing is scheduled
from August 6th to 24th,
Registration will take place at
the Wingham United Church gym
Monday, August 6th at 9 o'clock.,
Children 4 years to 12 years are
welcome to attend. Helping Mar-
lene MacKenzie will be Irene Saint
and Shirley Armstrong, These girls
have been working hard preparing
a worthwhile program and it can
'only 'be sUccessful if all 'Children
4 years to 12 years attend. There
will be lots! of fun for all the
Carmidhael doesn't owing.. the old
hickory, at a hardball too" Often
nowadays, but son Pete is, right in,
there supporting the 'family honor;
Last. Wednesday night: while play-:
ing .with the Bantam teem in the
local ball park , he came lip with
four home runs and a triple, Mike
senior began to glow with fond
iteinoties. Twenty years previously
to the day—he had done exactly
6. Sanic...thiPg..
0 - b .1- 4' "
Johnny Brent almost failed to leave
himself in officg for Frontier Days
when he Caine' a‘eropper.'on Sun-
'day. In domp#1..nYe l3vith.Dielt,,Ballan-
tyne the two Were iidirig;:lohnnky's
horses near LortdOn bridge and
while crossing 'a swarnpy spot both
horses- and', riders were mired, well
above the' withers, ,Thes, eherriff,
says he was powerful tired by the
,time he -:thad ,darided•: the ;horag to.
safety. . . .
Rev. H. L. Parker, rector of St.
Paal's Anglican Church, Wingham,
leaves next week for H.MC.S.
IR will take a three-Week course
rnwallis, in Nova Scotia, where
with the Royal Canediati Navy as a
chaplain. Following the coursehe
will take on active chaplain's dut-
ies for two weeks before returning
to his parish in Winghann.
Mra, Parker, Elizabeth and Barry
Will spend the month with her
parbnts at Glencoe,
Farm Is Owned By
W. J. Henderson
Top picture: . The boys form a
"horsestioe" around the flagstaff
as •the flag is lowered at the close
of 'damp on• Sunday evening.
Centre picture:. At camp, settling
, in under canvas is a great part of
the open-air life.' The boys in the
picture are: Ron Vegan, Paul
,Strong, Jack Galbraith, Dennis,'
Callan, John Bennett, Fraser
.8trongsand John Madill. Bottom:
Preparing to Move out are VVing-
ham Cubs, Charles Congram, Mal-
colm McLeod, Tomity Ellacott,'
David Carruthers, Lynn Hickey,
G • Doug Sinnamon, Bruce auley
and Daryl Gibson.
John W, Hanna, M,P,P. Is the
proud possessor of a photo taken
on Dominion Day as he presented:.
the winner's trophy to E,
for of Toronto "opening his borae,
.Neartic, Won the opening day race.
Jockey Gornes stanch; between the
two, Alm made the presentation
in his capacity as a member of
the Ontario Racing Commission,
Last Friday evening Mr. Hanna
attended the races at the Woodbine
Raceway,- where a horse owned by
Reg, Meade of Goderich won. the
feature harness event of the even-
Thirty Cubs from Wingham who'
spent last week-end at Camp Mar-
tyn, near Inverhuron are agreed
on one thing at, leapt, the open-air
life's the life. For some of the boys,
it was their first camping experi-
ence. It won't be their last, because
everyone of the lads had the time
of his young life,;;
With District Commissioner Ar-
chie Gowanloek in charge of the
two-day caipp, it couldn't, be any-
thing but a grand affair, 'but the
Scout commissioner passed the
credit on to the 'four young Cub
leaders,. Bill Rintoul, David Cam-
eron, Don McLean and Kenneth
Holmes, by saying, "These young
fellows are doing a great job of
work with the Cubs. Nothing seems
too much troublekto them, They
deserve any pats on the back that
might be going for the success of
the Wingham Cub's camp."
The Camp Martyn property be-
longs to the Walkerton Boy Scouts
Troop but is used by many of the
scouts in the area, Next month a
troop is coming from Hamilton for
a stay at the camp as well as
Scouts from Guelph and Listowel,
Cooking facilities and dining ac-
commodation are "laid on" in a
,permanent building 'hut the boys
are taught to pitch their own sleep-
,quertere,, traditionally, under,
canVas, "
Bi g feature of the. camp life Is
of course, the campfire. Around
the blaze the fellows swap yarns
sing songs and capture the feeling
of comradeship, an essential in the
art ,of happy living.
Outsider May Get
Dogcatcher's Job
Concerned /over the number of
dogs which are running at large
in the ,community and the !lumen
ous complaints of property owners
the town council has decided to
bring in an outside person to act
as dog catcher if necessary. Lem'
by-law prohibits the freedom of
dogs at this season of the year and
the council feels that a non-resident
would have less compunction about
enforcing the restrictions when re
Owners of 'dogs are asked for the
last time to comply with the by-lav
before drastic and unpleasant act-
ion in the matter is taken.
Frontier Days celebrations, met on
Monday evening in the former
CKNX office on Josephine Street,
and' worked out some of their ideas
for this year's big Frontier Days
program, to be held in Wingharn,
on August 30th, 31st, and Septem-
ber 1st,
Plans for ,the event „include ;tile
televising of the Saturday parade,
Two TV cameras will record the
parade "live" and will give TV
viewers their first "fire-side view
of the highlights in the grand
procession. The celebrations will
alst2 be given a complete radio
features. A =big-name :band hai bran
booked for the FrontiOr 'Ball to
take Place In the Weeping. •
On tbe Saturday a horse-show
i with prizes for the first and *wail
pieces, will be held, with entries
coming from Hanover, E2Seter,
London and ListoWel. ''
`Anytime now the former CENX
building yv,111 be turned late the
headquarters for the celebrations.
An old-fashioned !rent ';vith hitsh-
• big rails, will give the building
au authentic frontier-day look' and
the whole town of Wingham 'Will
:follow suit, From this weekinn
I plans for the Big Day will 'go into
.' top gear,
'The following committees are in
charge of the arrangements for
Frontier Days. : '
Executive Cornmsttee-•-,W, T.
Cruickshank, Chairman;'' E. Mc-
Kinney, H. Carrnichae4" W. Grose.
I ,Promotion — Hugh Carrniehael,
Stewart Beattie, Ed. 'Edigheffer,
1Wilf Hamilton, Hal MacLean, Don
!Nesmith, Al Pm:don, George Seett,
Don Goodridge. • „,
Publicity—Barry. 'Wenger, Jilin
greens at the Wingliain Golf Club
course have recently been .trimmed
and repaired by the greenkeeper,
Herb Campbell. "Two members o1
Oho Hydro' Commission, Matt Boyd
and Ross. Dnndas went over to the
course itiet week and' set to work
bolstering up a big elire tree whieh
was In danger of felling."
NECK and NECK—Alan Allen-
dorf, last year's Golf" ClUb chatnij
ion, found Some strong oPpoSition
in the golf of Omar Haselgrove.
After 18 holes the two .boys were
.still equal and it took nine more
holes tetore• Alan got the lead on
:Omar. •
e 0 -
TUNE, UP—Barberalop quartets
Will Soon be heard giving out with
some, of that old "Good elope Har-
Mony". The boys will be,. getting
into tune for the 'quartet•coetests
Whiph s willi be one of the features
in this year'''s Frontiei; "Day 'cele,
brations: • .
DON'T ,RUSH MEN- SenleOrle's
going to be picked to present Jilli-
ette, Cl3q$ Billy ,O'Connor
' television :show; ;with bunch
of roses', when the yieing lady
Comes to Winkham for the Fron-
tier celebratiOn.
,kritsti&irseftealier, ,IssneS.
, The three-days of celehration will
be declailed officially opened at
2.15 p.m. on Thursday. It is hoped
that John Hanna, M.P.P.• for Hpr-
on-Bruce, will officiate. The plat-
form party is e)q:Pocted. to include
Galbraith, W. T. Cruickshank, john
Decoration—Jack Alexander, El- , ,•
OF REC. ACTIVITIES Clark, Miller Davis, Vern Dunlop,
wood .Armitage, Jim Carr, Percy
Dr. McKibben, Frank Madill, Clar-
ence. Ritchie, E. M. Stuckey, Lee,
Vance, D, Nfilier, 0. Struthers.
Make-up=Clarence Armitage,
Program and .entertainment-Bill
Conron, Dr. Crawford, Stan Hall,
0, Haselgrove, Dr., MacLennan; H.
V. Pym, Gerd Buchanan.,
Finance—Norm -WelwoOd, Floyd
Blakely, Harley Crawferd, Wilf
French, H, Carmichael, Bill Me-
Cool, E, McKinney, George Rose,
Norm Smith, Bill Tiffin, 0. Struth-
Property' and Lighting—Rod
MacIntosh„ Don Cameron, Bill
Cruikshank, Bob Hetherington,
Bill Currie,,.Reis MacRae, Norm.
Parade—Mike MesPhail, Toni
Currie, Doc Howson, jacks McKibe
bon, Jack Reavie.
Cerieession—Dr, Irwin, Bill EinSh-
field, Fred DaVidson, Howeird
bendy. '
Listing the Crown heed Farms
in Morris ToWnsnip last week The
Advance-Times' incorrectly stated
that lot 5, don, 1, which was settled
by Thomas Henderson is now own-
ed by Thomas Henderebn Jr. The•
owner of this propertY ,is W. Jos.
Henderson. . -
Special speaker at the Wingham
BaptiA Church, Mr. Robs Laidla*
of Kitchener. You are invited to
attend all services, F25))
Tne Invitation Committee of
School Section No, 8 Morris ex-
tends an invitation to everyone
wh,o Would like to attend the re-
union on 'Saturday, Aug. 4 at No.
8 scheol. There will be a program
Saturday afternoon, Wallace Agar,
All former teachers, students
and residents or, any 7.0110, did net,
receive an invitation frOin SS, No.
10, Morris and the BlueVald school
are invited to etirne to the No. 10
school on Saturday, August 4th
to join'in the Centennial Reunion.
School opens at 10 a.ni, Registra-
tion begine at 12 noon, Program
at 2' p,m, Lunch will be, served
by the ladles at 5 •p,ril, 'Everybody
welcome. .VIOla Canmbell, Seer&
tary. 3 P.26b
Swimniing lessons sponsored by
the 'Wingham Rcereation Council
are now miming unite smoothly,
;boo have been around 170 names
registered With an average of 125
ehildren going twice weekly, If
transportation becomes a problem,
only those that registered by July
3ed will be taken,
The youngsters are capably
'taught at the Teeswater pool by
George Ring, jack puffy and Miss
Marlene lVfahbod. There are four
different classes beginners, juniors,
intermediates , slid • Se M6, The
hOsinntrei and junior cusses are
'eXeetWeirtelly large.
ation of their custom.
Each of the stores participating
has lined up an attractive array of
merchandise, specially marked at
bargain prices for the•Dollar Sav-
ings Days and shoppers in this dis-
trict will watch with interest Pot
the good buys which they , have
come to expect during this sale
Below you Will find a list of the
stores which are taking part in
Dollar Saving Days:
Remingto/fe IGA. Grocery, Dun-
lop's Shoe Store, Lockridge Butchti
Shop, Burke Electric, Fairyland,
Red Front Grocery, Vance's Drug
Store, Weiwood's Variety Store
Stedman Store, Earl's Men's and
Boys' Wear, J, Mason & sori, AleX-
andee'e Hardware, Meehan Hard.;
ware, Carmichael's FaMily Store,
Angus Grocery, Walker Home Fur-.
nishings, Omar Haselgrove's Smelt°
Shop, MacLean Cow Co.,
tyre's Bakery, FooRton Dairy, Slos
eer'e Barber Shop, Wingham Mot-
ors, Templernan Cleaners, Craw-
ford Motors, Canadian Tire Store,
Bert Armstrong, Wingham Fruit
Market, Beaver tumbet Co., nil
.Angus, Downie's SerVite, Crossett
Motors, Huron Motors, Lough tean's
Barber Shop,' Callan Shoes, 'The
Winghain Advanee-'rimes, Hanna's
Ladles' and Men's Wear, Walker
Stores, Hayden's Barber Shop,
Hamilton Jewellery, Sherboady's
Coffee Shop, Mundy's Grocery, R.,
A, Currie & Sons, 'Deyellth Meat
lVfarket, Kline's Store, Wing's
Grill, Crompton jewellery, Armies
tape Cleaners, MeRibbons Drug
Store, Hotel' Brunswick, Edighof-
fer's bcpartinent Store, "Caskan-
ate s Service 'Station, Cutthiegliata
Motors, Rush Ladies' Wear; Patti-
son taco and Electric,
Fifty-four Stores Will Take
Part in Dollar Saving Days
The annual shopping event which
has become familiar to residents of
Wingham and district, 'known as
Winghain Dollar Saving Days is
scheduled to open Thursday, Aug-
ust 2 and will continue until the
end of the week.
Those who are' shopping in the
participating stores this year are
in for some pleasant surprises, for
the niereharits have arranged a
special feature. ,In each store tak-
ing part an alarm clock will be set
to 'ring at an unspecified hour.
Those who 'have made purchases
at that time and ere still in the
store Will receive One dollar each—
hi 'token orthe merchant's appreci-
,Member$ of the Dungannon Modern Cooks and .. Where theY gave a ,demonstretion of their home-
the Thingarmon Cooking Lassies, admire 12-year- Making course and displayed many. of the