HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-18, Page 8• 7 take 11',:igitt I PAG ACOUSTICON of Larobtoti, Huron ritGlp.' St, N,, SAMOA Phone Di 4470 VANCE'S DRUG STORE, Wingharn FRIDAY, JULY 20th - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Have your Hearing Checked, Your ONLY trained Acousticon to give sound advice, No cord down the neck ... nothing on the kilenty:•.,-, • and your hearing is at ear level where it shatild be. Worn entirely in and behind the•ear. 'CoilTt.L- fort...and dearer, more natural hearing with'gui clothing noise or interference. Hundreds of thousands J 1 of hard of hearing people can be helped by this new development. Come in and find out it it catty help you ... or mail this coupon. It ' NS:me Aiidteltit (34, ••if4.771; *VW *444 l'"? twat Frosted Pie orris Parade Commences at 12 O'cloOk Sharp • -# ' • • AFTERNOON -- SPEAKING Morris. Township Old Boys TUG-OF=WAR North vs. South GOOD 'BALL GAME OLD TIME,MACHINERY DISPLAY BEAUTY CONTEST opeh to Morris Township Only • Evening Dresses ‘• Prizes $25.00 aiul $15,60 • entennial 5, (.4 6 t • i• • 1 at • 51 a Miss N, .Snerwood Weds .fiaelv Atex4ndof The •Winglitant Advance•Vitn.es, 'Wetbortithiy dub. I% 1O 1t, lVtelce me too brave to, lie or be kan 4oughlean unkind, Make me too understanding, too, to To Live at Belgrave mind' The little hurts companions give and friends, The careless hurts that no one '.quite intends, Make me too thoughtful to 1102', 'others so. Help me to know The inmost hearts of those in]; whom I care, Their secret Wishes, all the loads they bear, That I may •acid my courage to their own. May I make lonely folks feel lees alone And happier ones a little happier, yet , Mal I forget What ought to be forgotten and r;acall Unfailing all That •ought to be recalled, each kindly thing, , Forgetting what might sting. To' all upon my way Day after day Let rue be joy, be hope. Let my life sing. --Mary' Carolyn Davies Costume, as well as expensive jewellery, including diamond rings, can be Cleaned by immersing the pieces in a solution of one tea- Spoon of ammonia in a pint of Warm water.. Let the jewellery stand in-the solution for about half an hour. Most metals except brass and copper can be cleaned this way. FREE INPOkMATION COUPON I ACtitiSlICON '2Z$A Vrnint St, X,- SOMA PleaSerittat fall infeptiatien alba the Tithelels V10440116. SI,PM111EII SPECIALS . When the temperature goes up and thoughts turn to delectable desserts, you ean literally padlool, the oven door, Yea, it isn't neces- sary to beat up the kitchen to turn out extra-speeial desserts for cern- nany or family Meals. This simple, uncomplicated reelpe for Royal frosted pie turns out a Sophisticat- ed dessert that's as refreshing on warm day as a sea breeze. The Crest •and topping 'are made of Anger frosted cereal flakes and the filling is Made of milk, cream or undiluted exaporated milk and bee stant pudding. The life, which can be made in an Ordinary 9'-inch pie plate or 'a refrigerator lce-cube tray, is then fasl-frokeru for ap- proximately 4 hours. i't's a glamor-. ous way to include tire nutrients of milk in the 'diet. To add interest this deSsert can 'b'e made with in, start pudding Mixes In a varlet ! of flavors, And for a ''different" effect you can go finger loose and fancy free arid garnish the pie with blanched almonds, maraechinei cherries, mint leaves or whole itrawbei ries. Royal Frosted Pie 41/,u cups sugar frosted cereal flakes . # IA cup soft butter or margarine • IA cups cold milk • a cup cream or undiluted exapor4 ated milk 1/2 teaspoon 'almond flavoring 1 package instant pudding Crush sugar frosted cereal flakes unto fine crumbs; combine Well with soft butter or margarine. Press 2,, crumb mixture firmly 'on skies and bottom M a refrigerttor Pour milk and 4 Cream into bowl,. Acid alinond, flavoring and instant pudding. Beat until Smooth, about 1 minute. Pour into 'tray. Top with remaining crumb mixture. Fast freeze about 4 hotirs, 'Cut crosswise into wedge-shaped 'pieces. Serves 6. 0 -'o • sAvoity SUGGESTION 13akyard barbecites and out-door' meals are excellent Ways to beat the heat. Ilare'S something that goes with supper on the lawn and summer menus just as bacon gee's with egg. These hot bread slices generously spread with herbeSeas- onecl butter are such a tastY'wity to' make meals interesting, They're the perfect , accompaniment for summer salads or casseroles at company and family meals. Any kind of bread can be used, but this menu suggestion is especially tasty when the slices of a long, slender crusty loaf- of French bread are spread With soft butter sea- soned with basil, marjoram and thyme and then heated, The slices spread with better are then put back together' to re-form, the loaf. The loaf is then wrapped in alumi- num foil. The Mil-wrapped loaf may he prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator, if you prefer, For' outdoor meals the loaf can he heated over the barbecue or in a 450 deg. 5', oven for 15 minutes, Savory Bread Slices 14 lb, butter Cat room tempera- , tore) 1 teaspoon basil teaspoon marjoram 14 teaspoon thyme 1 loaf enriched white bretd, sliced 'Preheat overt„ ,to 450 deg. P.' (very hot). Cream butter. Blend hi basil, marjoram anti ....thyrrie, Let- stand at reohe terriPerailire lit )east half an hone, Spread bath dde bread slides tightly With herb Vetter, Put slices together to an-' form loaf. Wrap loaf lit top. Won,: Wrapped loaf may be stored inere. frigerator if desired, until Ser'44g time), TO serve heat fall wrapped. Thar out barbecue or plate lo heated overt for 15 minutes, - 0 - A PIONiC Gailitts all toy teentai-00 htl tigeal Hefei; mi entialy iteW. Itita fpir tOokirlit Ott NINON* bra .1 Al..,11b ;AA A,b1.—AA•A• 1 texancter.Sherwood Wedding °WEIL-13MM LONG AND IS titrin" -at the ottsettif her -career a .nurse is taught never to consider any Oek Nr3o`o as normal. Impatience, fussiness, ingratitude are merely actcm,,,animcnts of :the disc use' and therefore she must nut allow her- ) self any personal reactions to such exhibitions of temperament. Wouldn't it be, a good thing if we could apply this smno rule in our gratitude to those who are suffering front soul-sickness? We know of a faini.ly Which was seriously divided because of a chance .happen, lug at the funeral of a beloved mother, There inict b een long weeks Of strain, sleeplesSneSS, fatigue which had left the ntembi,1%.; of tin: family' with frayed nerves and worn-oat bodies, no more to ire con- sidered responsible than if they were actually ill, It yvettki save many a heartache it' we would stop to consider conditions and ignore or forgive any peculiarities of -conduct that arise froM such emotional crisis., • Miss Marilyn Joan Loughlean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Vie Loughlean, of Winaham, and Mr. Murray Melville BreaThum, son of and Mrs. Melville Bradburn, •of Belgrav•e, were united in mer- rime at the St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham, on Wednesday, July 4th. The Rev. U. T.J. Parker officiated. The bride, who was given in mar- liege by .her lather, wore a eiall blue embossed eryetallete dim; with a V neckline and a tome skirt, a pale blue hat and white accessories. She carried a wrote Bible • with white orchid and atrearnera.. Mrs. Jaelc Adair, a sister , of tht. :grooni, acted as matron of 1101101,1' She wore a yellow embossed dress Similar to the bride's and she car- ried a nosegay of white mums. The groomsman was Mr. Jack Adair, of iVfolesworth, brother-in , law of Vie groom, Organist at the wedding service. was William M. Connell. The reception war; held ',11' home of the bride,' guests coming from London, Walkerton, feee. water and Wiarten, The couple visited the United. States for their honeymoon. Mr, and Mrs. Bradburn are to reside in Belgrave, On Wednesday last a rniseel, laneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Brown. Mrs. Andy Scott assisted Mrs, Brown with the. arrangements. l CC i F00 Mix, together in a bowl the sifted flour, baking miiv.cier, salt, and powdered milk. Cut in butter or margarine until mixture haS tex- ture Of coarse ,oatmeal. Traits fern to container with tightly-fitted lid which can easilye packed in•-pic- nic hamper, When ready to 'bake the biscuits, make o',Well in flour mixture and add' ..1% cups r cold water. Mix lightly, Just enough 'to dampen flour•mixtpre.:The biscuit- n , dough now is" ready to be baked on the thellet•shift oven. To bake biscuits: Place heavy stone with flat surface approxi; mately. 6 inches in height on the ground close ,to • edge .of fire. Fold aluminuin toil in half cross-wise, and place "on top of . stone, with folded edge away ficiin fire. Lift , top half of aluniiiium foil to form '45 degree angle, .SupPort in,' this p'osition with foleed 'green sticks tor Sitailar nen-inflarnmable means of support) firmly.ernbedc.iedin, the ground, Grease surface o , f covering stone, which acts as bot- tom-, of reflector . oven. prop cults by the tablespoonful onto this greased= surface.. The foil held at this '45 degree angle feflects th6 . heat'from the fire into the "oven". When biscuits have browned on 'top, turn them over and continue baking for a minute or two. poi- Ing Otte should not excee.d 10' minutes if fire is hot enough.' thef bilifid In.' ti be Opped. stlit044 CIS"'6111M *ROW Useful just new Is the coot -a , looking tummet dress that Mat that hitt forth Unadorned tr nicely ieeestorized for d sty Wear, Here Is such h trea'Sure itt , biitiek Silk shantung.The eaffed Nit tietkline hat double :suing ?tip at either ;Side and It a dash 'Of to' 'Firevtliorits roistiiay :at Dances -And a )01iirt Itait Parade moor Is .do,frAbie, a egOred• Viltrf0 •A. . .0.1ashions Lighted. taperti and baskets cif pink, and white 'rummer flowers formed the setting fn ISiertb Street United Chnreh, 00detteh, tor wedding Of WItte interest last week, when Nortne, Ottherine $herwootl, daUghtet 'of Nft• end kfrs. James 8 herikOod., beeanto the bride of Mtn hieWit Alezaridet, son of Mew fil0 Uts, ;.Ateh iklexatt., der, of Wingliatn. The Dickinson Perrot...Med " the 'double ring cerernony, escorted Up the White 'Carpeted aisle by her father., OW b'r'i'd'e 'Wore a floor-length •goWn et Whispering taffeta with fitted bodice, featur- ing a pointed 'neekiiite -ante lily point eleei?es. Tiffee iace-trimmed tiers fOtrited - the IlooPed •skirt which dipped to A titin. At the back, 4 rnatthing lade, cap trim- ano.d with seed pearls held her fin- gertip veil attd site 'carried a bou- quet of „white garticiaas. 'Vies Harvey Ttusa;` Sudbury, at- tended, hr.sitker AS Mitten of hon- or, wearing a,.,:"floeterlength geWn of pink ' eiribrolikered hyloh - and : inatching PietUre hat, The bridesmaids Vt'rere Miss Lorraine Smith, Walten, and Miss SYlvise Alexancler,!'Whigharri,"SiSter of the groom. The. ' bridesmaids wore dresses 'of blue 'thilbroidered pylot and matching,• picture hias, All . three attendliiits cattied basitets pink roses, blare and White 'carna- tions and Inurns. Janette and "Sandra ire's, both . nieces of the bride, doted as floWer!'-: girls. They 'Ni'ch'e 'dressed alike in, laee trimined :arid ;hand 'eh* told e ed nylon iorgandy with m'at'ching bon- nets and they car-tied shukil bee-, brats ni sun-1liter fielders'.. Bob Chia* of the A.C.M.P., Ot- tawa, WAS :hest Maiil arid the Usti- e'rs Were Alinterd: civic Alfie Leeson; . Won. Organist Was Mrs, J. Snide''. and .the 'soloist: Was Gordon.ktitiPP, pf Liondela, Wing- ham 13rOWi4S:sliti 'Cuba; 'of Which: the britle.end gittitiir hind i*M1 lea.- the bridal party left the chtirch. Receiving guests at Tiger Dun- lop Inn, the bride's Mother wore a ,steel blue gown of tucked and lace-trimmed taffeta with,pink ac- eessories. The groom's mother as.; sisted, wearing a dress of azure Mile With white accessories, Both Wore corsages of pink ,carriations cir'S, foto h ghatti Of. hnh'or rosebuds. • 10- it*:,,Sthool Open xn :your fatiorite school • hnuSe... fa • Ball tame at 13e1grave POIZES 4 oci*A1*(::A„.., Ise.* ,105:66 Oit gr,tunWlv *sltit 400-0' * !t% 3 ijoivitc toirtitt SOO 1`4.00 83:00 • M:Egt ilEcottAtiti* braeat tth..ta $V06 10.06 0.:00 Vkiktett. OA* istAto )01* ni,biggt Vtittil* IA SIG ON' OWN ftWett, 84.40it PIA,* * ilAtttiggir pAistra loco tithk'Sit ettnAlLE IttitS0N• 'tin/0140 t...01VESt htflAletZbk 0'6;00 ittk' btEdetaittb oft tli ittiSiNtgt 14.414kg lit iithtIgsittA 1, *Ass ltiggt VOIKig OWN OS $10 a I I a U U a t1 I4X-Bittft barite art itAg..enaire Community ' -Centre. - tati4 C'cf0ett at SAOp.tit; -7' • • Vittotitt llrottels- ' • m. S. Pe,t14f 'U'00 ti 1.41 1V140 ,itod glessin 11 onday, Parade Leavingi•for their honeymoon, to be spent in New York and the east- ern and southern ;States, the bride wore an ensemble of avocado green German print with matching acces- sories and a corsage' of orchids. Out of town guests at the Weel ding were. from Detroit; Ottawa, Sarnia, London, Toronto, Windsor, Sudbury, Woodstoclk, Oshawa, St, 111411141111Rialitiklitglilli Iiii1411111141,14 IV1111111111til HS I la11111114111111411111111N1111111111111111111,1101111111111111 1111141111111111111 11 11111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Come and Enjoy Yourself and meet out Motris Township Old Bow S • Monday Night Program at Brussels Victoria Park ituitikt Pattlier (lackVityhrit) *tislevey Malttf bay Miss Doris Johnsoh, Mdriihha Soloist' „SATURDAY' MORNING -: - • ;SCHOOL REF:UNION Pictured after their wedding•at North Street United Church,cGoderich, are Mr, and Mrs. John Lewis Alexander. Mrs. Alexander is the former Nortna Catherine Sherwood, edanghter Of Mr. and Mrs, James -Sher- wood. The double ring ceremony was performed by the'ReV. H. Dick- inson, • (Photo by Connell) SUNDAY . 16.30 San., CKNX Broadcast • 11 a.m. Church of your choiCe Drumhead .and Memorial Service Parade at 2.30 p.m. — Brussels Corn. 'a'rk Seven gands. •-• Rev,' C. Krug Speaker Parishioners of StiMiehairs Church, ItlYtiv extend 'a cordial invitation to attend ttie C'enteudid. Miss and •Blessing of the newly erected statue of St. Miehtel by the Most Bev. J. C. Cody, D.D., Bispo :of -Ifondon, in St. -11liebaePs Cemetery, WOW August •MIL, at 3 p.m, . Clark .Johnston, Singing Irishman L1116iii Jatittott, (Sintiait), sfidgett, Ont. tristruirmatatist J. EVerett Myers,- London, Ont., Magician Maybe Charles Dickens was gazing into a crystal or•aln min= — ball when he Made this prediction a century ago about a strange new metal called alb minum. Tee Wrote: "What do you think of metal as white as silver, as unalterable as gold, as easily melted as cop per, as tough as iron?.. . In proportion as The cheap pro thIction of aluminnm,becomes more and more an establish fact, the more we shall find t entering'into household uses for travel.% purposes, for'in stance, for which its lIghtneSS no small merit." , Very good, Charles.-- 'ape daily that bit, about cheap pro daction. That day has arrived, as Alcan's vast production and worlfitsales prove. ALUMINUM COMPANY -'O, CANADA, LTD. (ALCA • id • .11./, •Atl, whether it's a weederrfire yon'built by rubbing two Stichsliogether or "posh" barbecue. iii' yoUr . own backyard. The dry 'ingredients for those Foil-Baked. BiscultS can be mixed before, you leave for the picnic. Just before serving time 'the Water is added and the dough dropped by tablespoenfulonto a greased sheet of 'aluminum foil. The aluminum- foil can be supported by a stone arid make-sihtt props with pronged ends to hold the foil securely,. If -the 'day is suitable for heating the oven, the biscUits Can be drop- ped by the tablespoonful 'onto a greased cookie sheet and baked for 10 minutes or until.lightly browned. This recipe is one yoU'll appreciate in summer-time for powdered -milk can always he kept on hand, . • Foil-Baked Biscuits 4 cups sifted h11-MirpoSe-flour 8 teaspoons baking poWder 1 teaspoon salt ' 0/e •cup powdered milk (Whole of skinted) •• • ' 8 tablespoons butter or margarine ' cups cold Water 24 'inch lengths' of • • aluminum foil 17110014S, :WinOuttat tong •IonaltneW And 1.)Pngentt. Before hat wedding the 1,0§. was geest of honour tl,t sitower§ in V.Vinghturi„ London ttild Crewe arid 'at a troUsseatt -tea given by her .1‘. mother, !She Was., asp : presented . with gifts from- the WinOkkra. Public Scheel.' Staff, Of which was a, Member, the •Wile ArOwnies and leaders and tire`. Choir' of the Winghttart Presh len Church,