HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-18, Page 5FREE DELIVERY FURNITURE • ......... ..... I ............. ........ 11.1111.011 ..... .... ..... ri time who gh re- 12 • • , . it. . .... Phone ,31 for ao!ntx.oeot , Ili it pp . 4. •570110111.0mtnitilloiltilictuimitolimuittomitcliolliitimtwoollitoott*,74-. Use..Advance4imes: Classified Ads for Resolts . N • dopommionicionimototorocianipiviAoluminiosulniniimPHOI E 000,N'.Balet Twine 'eeletwee•emeefle,leeleelee eeeleeemeedeee le;oeloekeeme,e",9e.e. P•mee'elee•ee""19111"1`..41.,f ..,04.00•101.1.1•mt Inott,ItIgliettotomitomotti.01..0-01“.timeett•Notttfoiellsomittstolowttemoortotteotastbotum.olmitc•e% • - APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET PER POUND WE SAVE A: CARLOAD IN STOCK Wanted - Used Tires! B. F. GOODRICH original equipment tubeless 6.70-15 TIRES priced from $25.00 to $65.00 and your re-cappable tire. DOWNIE'S Sunoco Service • Phone, 38J Wingham Where Your Dollar Goes' Further Charles Hodgins YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER All Canadian Twine - Made in Kitchener .1.'ET....4....sH:p..„E,04M.K.A.E. R. OPTOMETRIST • of FOrdWiett thlited 0J1.4et), had -as N tOROIVICH 'Ram Prosented 4Sis Winglonin Advanee-TimaS, tiV(Stnosin4' Ailey Associate Memhors, and the WA,- from Trinity Anglican Chureh, Mrs. W, P. 'Cooper read the inVe- cation, The meeting was 'opened with the singing of the hymn "0 Word of Cod Incarnate" and a pyayer for stewardship was offered, A yvelcome wad extended to the visitors. Thee roll call was answer- ed with "Qiielifieatione of a Chris- tian Steward", The minutes were read by the seeretarY, MO Minnie McHlwain, An invitation to join with the Mission Band at the picnic in the Gorrie Park on Wed„ August ist was extended to the W.M.S, and the Baby Band. • The program was then turned over to the committee iii charge with Mrs. ' 'Wilson' presiding, Quiet music was *played' by:Mrs. K. Graham. "Take My Life arid Let It Be" was sung, Mrs, 1), En- rig led in prayer and the Scripture lessons were read, by Mrs. F, bly, Mrs. F. Campbell, Mrs:, E. 'A. Scheafer, Mrs. j. Wilson, -"Mrs, W. Zuthrigg, A few thoughts On Christians stewardship were given by Mrs.' J. H. Pollock and the offering was taken and dedicated. Mrs, W, P. Cooper addressed the, Associate Members, and Mrs, Wm, Campbell Aplied, Mrs. K. Graham and Miss M. McElwain sang a ,ditet, -" Mrs. D. S. MaeNaughton Wrox- eter, ,was the guest speaker, 'She used as her theme, "Jesus Christ, • the Light of the World". She said to make Jesus the Light of the world we must have knowledge, we must have compassionate love. Service follows love and we who have so much will be required to giVe Much, and, we must be ready to serve riot ourselves, but all man- kind. Mrs. G. F. Johnston thanked the Mr. lobo Galbraith, •of Kerniille, Nisfin., visited Part of last 'week with Mr, 'and Mrs. Undaay Galbraith. Mr., and Mrs. Isaac ChObrttith And danghterRessle, of Risley, Sask., and. Mrs. Rnth Corbett, et Gorrie, 'visited on TeesClAY at the/ e4tne home, Mr. John Boyd visited on Sun- day with his wife in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. 30E7, Boyd ap- peared to be somewhat improved, Mr, and Mrs. W, Hargrave and Douglas and Mr. and Mrs, W, Sothern, Nancy and Gary epent Tuesday at Point Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mary Lau Brieker, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Dig and Catherine Anne,, Gibson spent Sunday at Formosa. • We welcome to the community Mr. and Mrs• C, Jacobson, of Beat. tie, Sask., who have bought the farm formerly owned by Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, the latter hav- ing left for their new home in At- wood. • Mis$ Letitia, Matthews entered St. josephre Hospital, London, on Monday, where she will undergo a torieilectomy, , Mrs. Alveretta Wallace spent' the week-end 'in Kitchener With Mr, and Mrs. Harold Chapinan. Master John and Don. BilbY, of 'Niagara Falls are spending the week.end • with Mr. and -Mrs. Har- old Pollock. '•'• Mrs. • Dayton and Mr. and Mrs, Teal, who attended the Howicic Centennial. and visited their sis- ters, Mrs, J. Warrell and Mrs. W. Foster and other relatives and 'friends, have returned to their bermes in Arrow River, Manitoba. ' Mrs. Jack • Holt •spent several days last Week With his• grandpar- ents; Mr. Curd Mrs.: Ed-Matthews. ' Mrs.:Jennie Mosure,spent several speaker tend 'presented her with a girt. Mrs. W. E. Hainetoek closed , the Meeting" with prayer. — • „ Mrs; H. Doib invited the ladies fo":the` basement ."for a cup of tea and asocial. time. • P i o M r t arr age FOPPIVICH-444.04 Margaret, Waa pleasantly -surprised en Friday evening when a number of girls gathered at the hame of Miss Matiorle /Fester, to honor her on her apnroaebing nisirriage; The evening was SPent in a so: eial way and the bride-elect wafi ereeeeted with a hostess ehair, Margaret'thanked tbe girls' and a delicious lunch was ,scryed. days last week at the home ef pMaritnaenrdstoMnrs. Arnold 14,1300gal at Mr. and Mrs, Harvey MeDermitt,. Larry and Lloyd C.,ober spent a day last week at Point Clarke. Mr. Gilbert MeDerinitt. returned home with them for a feW rlaYS, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor, MT's. ,Cassie Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Walker and dith, Mr. George Dane atld Miss Margaret Dane, all of Gerrie, Were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mareliiill Arm- strong, Mr. George ArMstrong• rethreed Monday to, his . hOme at 'Tyner, 'Seek., after spending a inoatyi with his brothel', Marehall, end. other relatives. 'Mr, and Mrs: "Orville ouy and Mrs. F.lorenee Walkae, visited:One day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R.' Howe. Mr. and , Mrs. • Sheldon Wilson and family, of Helidayeburg, Pa., are visiting in'the doreinuriity fer two:weeks. Miss :Dianne CarsWell deft' last week fo'r Camp MirirniChi' at Port . . Elgin for ten dayi. • Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Wray,. and. Donna and Nancy . Sethern are spending this Week at Pcirt, Elgin. Miss ,Elieabeth patt'eraon.is at- tending the NatiOnal, camp at Muskoka. She wee'. one' of 69 girls. choeen from "4"c6o.es 'Canada to 'repreeent the 3l,00l',1 C.G.I.T. members. .. • Mr, Sack Eoeter and Miss Sher- on • O'Brecht of,. Mindeo '"epent the week-end :with "tfie .fOrrner's mo-. tiler, Mrs. Ruhy: Foster..2 , ded Mrs. • RoYden . Devitt spent One day last week ,in kitch- telknMee,ra.ssutmei'mer` ,trionths 'et 'the home Ward :tOin:, is 'spending of his grandparents, Mr.-and Mrs. MorleY at CairieVille.. Mr. aed Mrs.' Beri .Wineton end Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Alberta, spent a feW; '.daiy last week at Niagara Falls. ."" • Mr. Hruce Williamson, Of, Lon-. don, visitea . over ' the- week-end with his mother, Mre. Emma Wil- liamson. Mr. and Mrs, Wray Cooper and Elizabeth Anne .sPeet week- end at Gregory Lake near.• Sand- field' with their .daughter, Miss Marilyn Cooper:„ Mr. Jack Dolg, ef St, Catharines, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: Ross Doig, Mr.. and AIM Bob Holland and children, of Kitchener, visited part of last week with Mr, and Mrs. Everitt Allen, Mr. arid Mrs. Har- old, Hibbert and children, of God- 'erich, visited . on. Sunday at the• same home. P t I. • Attend GranddalVizter .,.:"WHITECHT.JRGH--,Mr.,14 and Mrs,' 'A? E. 'Budcton 'and ''Jefr.. and Mrs. Thoe.,•Morrison and fainily attend- ed the marriage of the former's granddaughter, Joan Margaret Hamilton and William John Barr, son of Mrs, John Barr and the late Mr. Barr. The marriage was solemnized in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Saturday, at 3 p.m. with Rev. Norman Caswell officiating. They also attended the reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb ila,milton when about sixty guests were in attend- ance. Husband Passes in Toronto /Hospital .WHITECHORCH—A former resi•-: dent of this community, Harold Sperling, passed away on Sunday at Sennybrook Hospital in Toronto, where he had been a patient for the past few years. ' He was the son of the late John Snarling and Mrs, Emma Brown- ing, who suivives and serVed with the P.CAF during the last war.,He Was le his 94th year. SurViving besides his mother and hie Wife, the former trent Moore or Wingham, are a daughter Marie (Mrs. Allan Barger) Of Atriberley and a son, Douglas, of Toronto: a brother/ Ernest 'Snarling of Tor. onto and three Sisters, ' Puneral. serViee Was herd from the Trull funeral honie in Termite MandaY evening and interment Was in Winghain eethetety on Theaday with Rev. Alexander INTlintrio Offlelating, ilallheitrera from thio oommunity Wig* t smile doys. 3ame• *auk Pi.•14 votti 4, A ihistroft. SUNK 01011REN ENTERTAIN AT WHITEOHPROII—The regular meeting Of the WOmen's Institute was held en Tuesday evening last in the Memorial Hall here, with the president, Igrs, Oeerge Fieher, presiding, After the opening exercises, the ladies decided to hold their picnic no* Month on August 14th, at rieefeyater, at the swimming pool grounds, and gave a cordial MO,- tatlon for all to attend, Mrs, Frank Ream and Mrs, Victor Emerson Were appointed to .ati:en4 the rally Southampten on August ie. The following pregram was then Presented: Mac Armstrong played two piano sol0; Mre. Frank 13,0st$ gave the report of the meeting and banquet she and Mrs. Metcalf had attended in Guelph M. June; Mrs. Emerson conducted a quiz on the handbook. a group of children from Holmes' School sang, "Twenty Froggies Went to School"; Mrs. Charles Shiell gave the report of the convention held for secre- taries at Guelph, in May; the 'Holmes' School children preeented a bureorouS dialogue. Mrs. Metcalf gkve a very inter- estieg talk on the topic, "Strikes", and their effect on a eoMmueitY, Mae Ross with his drum, and Mary 13,0es EleconiPanying, gave several musical numbers and the National Anthem closed the meeting. Lunch. was served with the hos- teases, Mrs. Owen King and Mrs, Frank Rose, in charge. Family. Gathers to Fete*Mrs. Mcl3urney wi-IrrECHuRCII—Mr, lnd Mrs. Alex Shiell and Donald, of St. Thomas, Mrs. Milton McBurneY, Miss Gwen MeBurney and Mr. and,. Mrs, Ross Smith, of • London, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1VfcBurney of Turn- berry) and VVingham relatIves, and Megnrney relatives in E. Wawa- nosh gathered at, the 10th bridge picnic grounds on Sunday to cele- brate with Mrs, Sam McBurne,y, of Wingham, her eightrfifth birth- day. When' rain threatened the gebup Moved to the old family boxne,"now the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1VIcBurney, and all enjoyed the social family get-together. WHITECHURCH Mr..Adam McBurney of Kingston helidaying at his home in E. Wawanosh. Mr. .and .1sitrs. Walter Tamps and Roy an& Leonard expect eo move to Woodstock this week-end. • Forest Armitage of London is holidaying at the home of his aunt, Mrs. John McBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook and family' of Wingham, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of IVIarnoch and Bev- erley efayed to spend this week with his grandparents. Quite a number of B., Wawanosh people 'attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Jefferson of W. Wawa- noeh, held in Donnybrook Church on Suriday with interment in Greenhill Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and sons visited on Sunday at the home' of his sister, Mrs. Jos. ThoMpson of Goderich. Mr, Bert Thempsbn' was spending. this week With N. Dakota relatives. Crewson and ledy Reid QW:ingliam are. visiting' at the ern6 'of ihe •latt.‘r'S trtii4parents, Mt; arid\ Mrs, Herson Irwin. Quife nurnber vot E. Wdwanosh folks Were at Seaferth on Saturday attending the Orange celebration and many attended the Orange service at Belgrave on Sunday. Janet and David 13eeeroft spent the week-end with their grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and family were in London on Fri- day and Ruth Taylor left to visit her aunt, Mrs. Leonard Cane, of Windsor. Barbara Cdultes accom- panied her and went to visit at the home ' of heel) aunt, Mrs. Allan Arnies of Windsor. Mrs. Ross Smith of London spent a few days last week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Thompson and other relatives in this district, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. ahd Mrs. Jack Siebert visited with Mr. Thompson in London on Sunday, Mr, diebert left on Mon- day for his home in Montreal, but Mrs, Siebert Will .8pend this week here. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coultes and family, Mr. and Mit. Sohn Gaunt and fainily, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lea- ver and family attended the Coultee family picnic .et Godtrich Harbor Park On Subday, Mr. and Mrs. Sharp of Teesweter Visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Smyth Of Ectet Wawanosh, Shiela and Janie Coulter, of Lbricibil, Who have been visiting for two Weeks cit the home of their atint, Mra. Neble GreenaWaY, fe. turned •home oh Sunday with their parente, ancf Mrs. Chtirlde Cotilter. Mr. and Mee, cordon Robb and children, of Amberley vieited on Sunday with Me, and 1VIrs, Lorne Scott. Miss Iessie Vinlayson of Eip• thendville Visited on Pridoty 'with Mrs, Sleben at Mrs, Ftahlt ii -., guests at the ' July Meeting the ThOrPtighileSS — Ability ----, Time tested * i Phone 139 %/bighorn Ingham Motors . the :broad _highwy in a. evrolet AW6orld Of ple4SItire at your call you'll proudly- .say every- carefree clay That Chevioiet's the greatest of thew all . • . • . • . .. .... • . .. . . Yessir, yotl,piek a terrific traveller when you choose Chevrolet! That's something you sense the minute you ease it out-into traffic . . „ just a nudge of your toe, and „you can feel this great road 'car say ."Let's go!" You'll thrill to the responsiveness, the rock-steadiness of the Chevrolet ride, the sweet and sure control! There's a Chev- rolet waiting for you now. Come try it. A General Motors Value Dunn - Robinsqp p VOWS ot t'Valkerton ,chl4P014 170411.01110. 4 )19T.41 Ints.0114..,, elder daughter of Dr, and l'ArS., the gropm is principal OarOld Robinsen beeame the bride; miss 1/4,,,),1,04 paeoropt of John Herhert DUtin, son of Mr. awl mrs„ Beeeeoft arid Mrs. Dunn, of Saskatnon, SaSit., the wedding., The happy couple SPACE-SAVER A comfortable lounge by day - a con-rfortable 'bed • at night! Sturdy Spring construction, with ply-. wood wardrobe. Choice of coloUrs and materials. • $46,50, $52.60 164.50 Easy Budget Terms Let us install a new Duro Water System and get all the water you want, instantly, at the turn of a tap. It costs you only about ic per 1,000 gallons. ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and our installationNcbarge Our all-inclusive EMCO 33.01)GET PLAN covers your complete system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all your building and the cest installa4 tion, You can enjoy the comfort, savings, leisure and safety of water while yea pay for it. We Will be glad to give you a free estimate of .the cost or laboui and materials. Phone or come int() oar shop and see how really inexperiaive ranting Water the D10110 way tan be. A DISCOUNT OF 10% will be given o_n all orders of Storm Windows during the MONTH OF JULY We will measure and instill windows if--desired. "tt Wingluan MACHAN BROS. ,„ ont, tenpins Mira Woe Co. LiTitiodlioo.