HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-18, Page 4''!''be WinPala AdVionat-Thars, 103' Inesday .4dy 48, 485o Otit/14t. lay AYititro', Winghant Ontario; ,Goderich Col- legiate Thstitate, :Cdt/Lt, Murray Wilmot W. 215 Strand -Conl& Goderigh, pntaria; Not'Wel High .School ca/Capt Robert Lew- is Williams, Harriston, Ontario, Fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a ..grariciParont who • thought his grandchild Was slight'. ly less, perfect in .one or tliti). re- sPeots, UNDY'S Free Delivery - Phone 82 Quality and .Service since 1016. Save on These Week,End Specials owsmimimmon,ralamotrinsoms Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 12 oz. pkg. 23C Clover Leaf Solid WHITE , TUNA 7 oz. tin 39c , Chocolate MILKO 1 lb. pkg. 35c Clark's ' PORK & BEANS 20 oz. tin 19c 4e4/4/4:404.44404444.4.444,44 Catharines. • FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK on Josephine. " St., Wingham, consists of 4 apartments and 2 stores, mod- erately priced. A SOLID BRICK house with 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath upstairs, living room, den, kitchen and dining room, with 2 lots. A LARGE BRICK house and barn in Wingham, large sun porch. ,Has roomy interior. For further information phone 593, Stewart A. Scott, represent- ing Robert Martin, Realtor, Han- over. 11,18,25b FOR SALE 11/2 storey frame dwelling, shingle roof. Basement, 3 bedrooms and bath. 1 bedroom downstairs, Living Room, Kitchen and Dining. room Hot water Heater (propane) Heating - Stoves Lot 76x132 Immediate possession. Location - Charles Street. Apply H. C. MacLEAN, Realtor. 18:25b WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-House in Wingham or nearby town or lakeshore, Good basement, fairly good repair, Must be reasonable, for investment, Write Post Office Box 24, Wingham, giving all particulars, ,terms. ,18:25 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Joseph' Weber and family wish to express their sincere' thanks and appreciation to the nurses and staff of the Wing- ham General Hospital for the kindness shown to them in their recent sad bereavement. 18* CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thankS to those who sent cards, flowers and gifts and those who called while I was a patient in the Wingham General Hospital.-Mrs. Ernie King. 18b CARD OF. THANKS We wish to show our appreci- ation to everyone who contributed to' our reception 'with a special thanks to those who gave of their time and effort to arrange it -Very sincerely Marjorie and Bill Con- nell. 18* CARD OF THANKS • • The family of the late Mrs. Pearl Thompson wishes to express sin- cere thanks and appreciation . to all their friends, neighbors, rela- tives and to those who sent cards, flowers or helped in any way at the time of their recent sad be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. Nimmo. These kind thoughts Will always be remembered. 184 Mother Buried At Listowel After a long ilineds, 'the death Kateteartkgheesp,laagcee f in 8L5.0ndon on Sunday Mrs. Rapp Was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mm, 'Ferdinand evening of Mrs, Mary AIM Rapp, A native of Wallace Township, She was married in 1896 'to Geo. K, Rapp and they farmed in Wal- lace Township. Mr. Rapp died in 1927, and a few years later Mrs. Rapp moved td Listowel, Surviving are five sons, Oscar H,, Wingham; Alvin Q., Listowel; Mel- vin, Oakville; Earle A., Hanover, and Roy W. Rapp, Listowel; a daughter, ' Mrs. Melville Herbert, Listowel; three brothers, Levi, Karges, Listowel; Henry Karges, Kurtzville; Andrew Karges, Mani- toba; and a "Sister, Mrs. Isaiah Gedeke Kurtzville. Notice to Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from '6 p.m. to 9 p.m, An A (111 NNUAL Charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pi_ payment discount of ,,10 per cent, is made for Pi ,,the use of a hose or 'outside tap for the above '11 noted purposes. This will be *icily ,enforced. 11- Anyone found watering lawn's' or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. u fiublic Utilities ,,Commission C. E. Shera, Superintendent iM ausummoloammirsorimammempannoom BUSINESS and PROF ESSIONAL 'DIRECTORY-- A, H. WHITISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO' Telephone 23 'Teeswater Wroxeler-Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., Or by appointment, , AsomMoffiftwr b. Frederick F. Homuth Phm,B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth; R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hoinuth R.O. / OPTOMETRISTS .131IONM 118 Harriston, Ontario CRAWFORD & HETHERINVON Barristers, ,,Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Yi. BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office--MoYer Block, Wingham RONALD 6, McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Rank Bldg, Residence,: Ilettenbury St, PhOnets 661 As, 45$ CLINTON. y ONTARIO' WELLINEs, 18 fitT011N) FI m RE • insurance, Co utny An all Canadian Company 10110 hag faithfully served its, poll holders for Over a century. Head OHIO Toronto It. C.-Mattoon Insurance Agency Wingham WANTED TO 'RENT 3 OR 4 ROOMS wanted to rent, with bath. Apply to Box :55, °Ad- vance-Times. 18* ITEACFIERS WANTED QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEA- cher required for principal of ° 2-roomed Public School in village. of Pordwich, State qualifications, experience, age, name of last in-. spector and* salary expected ..td East Howick Twp. School Area Board, c/o H. B. Collins, sec. -treas., phone 22r3'Fordwich, Ont, 18b MALE IIELP WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC„ good wages, permanent position, ex- cellent working conditions. Phone 520. 18b BOY OR YOUNG MAN wanted for part time Service Station work. Must be at least 5' 6" in height. Apply in writing to Box 54, Ad- Vance-Times. 18b HELP WANTED-FEMALE PAY UP BACK BILLS. Avon Cos- metics are in demand every- Where, You can earn good in- come. Openings in Wingham 'dis- trict, Write Mrs. M. StOcks, 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, Ont. 18:25b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs.' C. Jefferson would like to extend sin- cere gratitude to friends and neigh- bors for flowers sent and the many kind acts during our recent be- reavement. 18' CARD OF THANKS ", ,113.."to, express ionr- sincere appiediatiori .t*6 all•relatiVeOlelif bars and friends for the kindness and sympathy extended to us dur- ing our recent bereavement. Our "thanks4also to the, pallbearers, Rev. Charles Krug" and the Currie fun- eral home.-Norman . and Mary Coultes and family. 18b TENDERS WANTED The West Wawanosh Township School Area Board will accept ten- ders for the transporting of the pupils of No. 14 SS., 12th' conces- sion, West Wawanosh, to Fordyce, S.S. No. 12 about eight pupils and a distance of about three and three-quarter miles for the school year, September 4th, 1956, to June 30th, 1957. Tenders to be in the hands of, the secretary not later' than July 31st. The loWest or any tender not necessarily' accepted.- W. A. Stewart, Sec., Dungannon,' Ont, 18;25b IN THE MATTER. OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF E CAMERON THOMSON, of the Town of Wing- ham, in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario, operating Under trade name and style of THOMSON APPLIANCES. NOTICE is hereby given that B. Camen.on, ThoinSon made an assignment on .the 13th day of July, 1056 and that the first meet- ing of creditors 'Will be held on the 31St day of July, 1956, at 2.30 o'clock PM., ,D.S.T.1 at the 'office of Mr. Gordon' 'ferment, the Of- hotel Receiver, at the Courthouse,' In the City of London, In the Province of Ontario, DATED at London, Ontario, this; 16th day of July, 1056, Peed O. Kline, Truttee, 312 'Queens Amine, LONDON; 61CITAIt/0, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 25, 1956, for painting the Interiors of Ashfield Township 'Schools in SS. 1, and S.S. 9 with two coats of good qual- ity paint. Work to be completed by August 18, 1956. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R, W. Kilpatrick, Sec., Ashfield TWp, School Area, 11,R, 7, Luek- noW, Ontario. Phoife Dungannon 77r2, 18b TENDERS WANTED Tender Will be redeiVed by the undersigned until .1111Y 25, 1956, for one furnace (coal or, oil) to fterit the tWo-roorri Dungannon School tl.S.S, to be installed b4fore Sept, 1st, 1956, Lowest lir any tender not necessarily accepted, It, T, Kil patrick, Sec,, Ashfield Twp, School At* 'HR. 7, Ltieknow, "Ontario., Phony Dungannon 77174 18b tit• U . • • JaiS ' he ALL NEW U U U U U • U U Packed with such features ass- .• • THERM-O-FRYER and THERM-0-GRIDDLE . . . appliances that permit twenty "different Surface Cooking operations. THERVI-041UARD 'ELEMENT . . thermostatidally eon- trolled , . . makes every utensil an automatic cooker, • SUPER KING- SIZE 'OVEN I • UNLIMITED HEAT SELECTION for a choice of over a theiisand •heat ponitiontff PRICED FROM $17 .95 9 Easy Payment Terms $10.01) DOWN $2.50 PER WEEK Electrical CoTracting And Repairs Motor Re.winding Motor Sales and Service 'Phone 414 Wingham ifficillalliffillifilliftlitifill1111111111.111O111111111twitimil *lir *lag U U U U U U ELECTRIC RAE IT'S TERRIFIC Canada's'Na. 1. Range Burke Electric BUILDING LOTS on Diagonal. Road for sale. Apply to J. Garbutt Jr., phone 481, 27:4;11:18b DUPLEX BRICK HOUSE for sale, on Bristol Terrace, new heavy wiring in both apartments, 1,156 taxes $136. Fill price, $5,000. Terms $500 cash, balance in monthly payments over a period of 8 years at 6% interest, For full particulars please apply 'to. John Falconer, 913 Union Street, Kitchener, phone SH3-9717 or 576 Wingham.' 11:18b FIVE ROOM brick home for sale. Most central location, all modern conveniences. Apply post office bok 445 or phone 124 in evenings, 6 to 8. 1118* `Tis sweet to know we will meet again, When partings are noAnore. And my dear brother whom I loved so well, Is only gone before. • Some day, some time my eyes 'shall see The face, I loved so Well Some day, sometime his hand shall clasp . • To never say farewell. 18b -Alice Edgar, 79 Wiley St., St: EDGAR,--Irt affectionate re.mern- branee of Fred. Edgari who de- parted this life July 20th, 1951, Five years are Passed and gone Singe you were called away, How well do I remember That sad and lonely day, There is a face that is haunting me, ever, There is a voice I arn longing to . hear, There is a smile I'll', remember, Though I try to forget every tear. There is a sad but sweet remem brance, There is a memory fond and true, There is a token of affection Fred, And a heartache still for you. The funeral service, .which was held on Tuesday, was performed by the Rev. W. A. Durst of ,the Evangelical Chnrclf, Wallace Town- ship. The' lineal took place in Fairview' CemeterY. DIED WEBER-On Tuesday, July 10th, at the 'Wingham General Hospi- tal, Mrs.° Matilda Weber, For- mosa, at the age of 69. She is sur- vived by her huSband, Joseph Weber. GOETZ-Michael Goetz, ,aged 78, of Teeswater, at Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, July 13. He is survived by his daughter, Margaret Goetz, Witnesses to Hold London Conference The Wingham congregation of Jehovah's •Witnesses will be trav- elling shortly to London to attend' a four-day religious convention to be held, July 19•22 in the Grand- stand at Queen's Park. Approxi- mately 6,000 are expected to be present with 115 Ontario congre- gations participating. From Wing- ham 41 delegates will attend. Mr. E, Falconer, prealdifig min- ister of the group, in discussing this announcement pointed to the Challenge to 'Christian thinking and Christian Works in, the rising tide, of materialism "The object of the 'program", ke said, "IS' to encourage people to appreciate the Bible as a practical guide to living. We maintain that if a religion is worth 'believ- ing it is worth' putting into .prac.: tice, Public morale requires a depth religion, rather than a super- ficial`'appreciation of God and His purposes, God's kingdom under Christ is the only real hope; for humankind and people must ..be helped to appreciate it as a real- ity." • Keynote of the convention is the DEADSTOCIC WANTED DEADS'fOOK REMOVED from, your farm, promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone pollee t: Palmerston 123W, Durham '398 or Winghanr 278. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, irrh IN 111CNOWAN Wingham Boy Goes To, Banff Camp One hundred and• seven ..Catla- (Ilan Army Cadets left 'CAMP. IP' Perwash by rail for Banff, Alberta, on Thursday, July 121li, to Attend the National Cadet camp. This trip is a reward for being judged Ont- arie's outstanding cadets over the previous years training, To cfualify for this trip they mist have at- tali-led the standard of "Cadet First Class" or Master Cadet; must he 16 years of age and Must have their parents approval. In addition their character and academic standing is taken Into , account. They must be recommended by their school principal, the ehief 'instructor of': their corps and the Arca Cadet Mrs, Joseph Schneider, Officer, Nor the past two weeks these Cadets have undergone refresher training and have been outfitted with tropical worsted uniforms for. the trip. The officer in-charge of the group ' Mc, rnd Mrs James. Porter of Detroit a0,,,visiting with friends in Wingham and with her mother, Mrs, Win, I.)eig,• who is a patient in Wingharn. General Hospital, -Mr.. and Mrs, Elwell Webster :Attended the. funeral'of her mother, Mrs., Ezekiel Lockhart, at the now funeral llortie on Monday. She was in her eighty-eighth year and interment .was'in Greenhill. Cerrie-I tery, .-Mrs, Grant .Ernest and dangle, ter, Suzanne .frorn Vancouveri .B;C„ ae visiting .with Mr. and Mrs, jaclt Ernest, of Wingham, -Mr, and lVcrs„ jack Bowden, of Detroit, ivvere visitors last week with Miss Elsie Bowden. -Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Durrant and daughter, Donna, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr, and FOR SALE , CORNS? Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve and Pads -fer pain- ful eon's and callouses, Quickly effective. Salve 50c--Pads 25e--at • WicKibbens Drug Store. 19b • SPARE. RIBS, SAUERKRAUT' served every Friday, Saturday Piglit, C„orrirnereial Hotel, For- mesa.. HEAL-In Clinton Hospital, on SundaY, `July 15, 1950,"to Mr. and Mrs. John E, 'Heal, of Hensall, a daughter, THORNTON-,In Winglia,m Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, July 11, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Doran Thornton, R.R. 2, 'Gorrie, a son. RUTTAN-In Wingharn General Hospital, on Wednesday, July 11, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ruttan,, Gorrie, a son. • ' MacDONALD,-.In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday,. July 12, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, Wingham, a son. DICKISON-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, July 12, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Cordon Dickison, Teespater, a daughter. LEAHY=In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, July 13, 1956, to Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Leahy, Teeswater, a daughter. WELWOOD-In Wingham ,General Hospital, on Satffi"day, July '14, 1956; to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welwood, Wingham, a son. Mrs. Pearl Thompson Dies in Wingham The death took place last week of Pearl Amelia Walker, wife of the late Ernest. Thompson, in Wingham on Tuesday, July 10th, after a short illness. Mrs, Thonni- son was born in Turnberry and was in her 62nd year. Her husband predeceased her twenty-eight years ago. Educated im Wingham, she was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a- member of the Majestic Rebekah Lodge and a member of the Mary Hastings Ciub Surviving are her two daughters, Mrs. D. F. MacKenzie, Hopkins- ville, Kentucky, and Mrs. K. C. Baker, Wingham, also three grand- daughters. The funeral was held on Friday, July 13th, from the S. J. Walker funeral home, Rev. A. Nimmo conducted the service. Pallbearers were: Chas. Cathers, W. T. Cruick- shank; Gordon Walker,. John Dav- idson, Norman Thompson and Roy Adair. • Interment took place in Wing- ham Cemetery. Miss F. McCallum Passes at Hos pitat 4 ,,,k191'4%, died iri tFie Wingham Ueneial146-s- pitai on Tuesday, July filth, in her eighty-fourth var. She, had • been ill for some time. Miss McCallum was a member of the Wingham United Church 'The funeral services were conduct- ed from the R. A. Currie & Soni funeral home, on Thursday, July 12, the Rev, Alexander Nimmo offici- ated ih the absence of the Rev. D, J. MacRae.. Surviving are two brothers and four Sisters, They are Duncan, of Saskatoon; John, of .Belgrave; Susan (Mrs. Edgar 'Vincent) of Springfield, Ont., Miss ,Mary Mc- Callum and Annie (Mrs. George Olver) 'Wingham, and Margaret (Mrs. Chris. Nethpry) BOgrave. The pallbearers weret James Murray, Stewart IVIeBurney, Gor- don Robinson, William Blaelt, James McCallum ,and William Nethery. gotoot, BUS TENDERS The Board, ,of Trustees of EaSt WawariEish Shool Area will receive tenders"until:August 7th for trans- portatiOn of 6 pupils from No. 8 sehool East Wawanosh (nbw clos- ed), to Union School No, 17 East Wawanosh Relgravo beginning September 1956, , Route Will begin ot aViarnoch Corner on 9th con, E. Wawanosh to Belgrave School and return each School day.' Vehicle used Must be fully in, slued as a Scheel bus, the Board will contribute i4, to $25,00 toward the cost of extra insurance, The loWe$t or any tender not necessarily accepted. Particulars May be had from Clarence P. Cliairiney, R.A. 1, Rel. getiVe,' phont Whighana 4400W2 or C IL Wader IteleaVe. 18.;bh PICIROlfASIN 10I11413,1ilNal 'SIDS - School Boards throughoUt Gorier- lob, akfcKillop .and nuilett Town- ships recently purchased for their Schools the latest in Reference Books obtainable VIZ the Book of Knowledge an di publication and printed in its entirety at Owen Sound), Lands and ,Peoples,. Liv- ing Together in the Modern wprld, The .Child's World, )(Ming Folks. Library and 2 Volume Dictionary. Wingham .General ..Bospital was among the first purchaset•O'vt this brand NEW Set of the Book - of Knowledge last December ,for use by its patients, and staff, ' P1.81) BIRTHS MEAT FOR SALE 'GOOD BEEF for sale by the quar- ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings, .RAY-. .NARD ACKERT, Holyroo d, • Phone 24-30, Ripley, 1Grrb YOU ARE INTERESTED IN Setting out a new patch of Rasp- berries this fall or next spring contact the Meadowbrooke Nurs- ery, Box 357, Trenton, Ont., for new licavy'hearine,^ varieties, full planting instructions and care cultural management supplied. All replies must be in by July 21st. 11:1$1) MAHOGANY Music Cabinet for sale; also studio couch, suitable for summer cottage. Phone 712 after 6.30 1.m. 18* WOODEN BED and springs for sale. Full size, in good condition. $3.00. Phone 603W. 18b LARGE SIZE Steel Crib for sale; in good condition. Also felt mat- tress. Cheap. Apply to Mrs. Bruce Chambers, Wrdxeter, phone 69. 18b COLLIE PUPPIES for, sale. Ap- ply to Clare VanCamp, phone Brussels, 15r18. 18b CHILD'S red and white tricycle lost. Finder please call 699, SEA BREEZE Electric Ironer, 60 cycle, excellent condition; lawn mower, 16" cut, ball bearing, rub- ber tires, used one, year. Phone 672J. 18* 1917 MODEL T FORD TOURING for sale. Excellent condition, good tires. Jim Renwick, Belmore, phone 17r32, 18* • "MiSohltillsIEOUS FARMERS-For custom baling call A. J, Burgers, phone 512.112 Wingham. 18;25b XS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art, A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save You 15% on your car or truck in- *surance. Yearly or six months' policies ere available. Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and- cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding ;;Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial, in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a,m. We have all breeds available - top ' quality at low cost." 25rrb NOTICE ,TO HOME BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a building project this summer, we are in a position to give you first class service for your cement work, House basements and ( floors, barn walls and floors (completed in one pour. Contact Mads Christensen, phone 11r7, 25rrrb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A.' SCOTT Phone 293 Wirigharn 25rrb LOST 'LOST-Rhinestone necklace On the Main Street or at 'Graham sale on Saturday. Pinder please call 166, 18b WALLET lost in. Gorrie Corrantin, ity containing money and licenses on Saturday night at the Centennial dance. Call col- lect WtOketer 2r11. Reward, 18b AVESTOCK FOIL SALE • Mk I'XCa,a for sale, Apply to. Got-, dein a11, thieVale, phone 61011:2. .1.8b PIGS,. Wert Weeks old for sale, Apply to Hurry Cook, rho,* 1214, W12. -Miss Lottie Hammond, BA., Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Meredith, Toronto, . were visitors last week at •the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Harron, Victoria Street. -Mr. and Mrs,°° Clayton Gam- mage and son Tommy visited with Mrs. W. M. Connell and friends on 'Monday. -Misses Penny Bell and Agatha Vandenbroeke of Petrolia ' spent the last two weeks with the, form- ers grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Edgar and Mrs. M. Bell. • -Douglas Hamilton and Philip Adams left on Friday from Lon- don by bus to Camp Queen Eliza- beth at Honey Harbour for two weeks' holidays. -Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman are leaving this week to spend a week with their son Dr, G. W. Burgman 'and family in Kirkland Lake. -Paul and ..Beverley Bell of .Petrolia are spending their holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. 'and Mrs. F. Edgar and Mrs. M. Bell. Susan Vincent , and son Harold, Springfield,_ Ont., and Miss Susan Allison, London, at- tended the,, funeral of Miss Flora McCallum lon71:hurstlay..last. ' -Mr. and Mrs. ,Adam Sholdice and family, returning home from a trip to „called on Belgrave ,and friends enronte. =and Mrs, A. E. C. Pentland of Decatur, Ill,, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. B. McCool and Mr. McCool and Mrs, J, H, Chrsitie. Weekend visitors at the'same home were Graeme and Brien Christie, of Toronto. -Mrs, Jeffrey Hawkins and family of London visited last week with, her parents,, Mr.. and Mrs. Stafford Bateson, to their Manitoba, L--1 Wingham a For the Finest in Service LEE'S TAXI- . .. it's 24 HOUR SERVICE Weddings, Funerals and Shopping Trips 1, Going Downtown . • Crosstown , . . Out of town . . • CALL LEE'S - 185 L,•111•11M1111111111011.11•111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 is•Major W. D, B, Ritchie of Sarnia Central Collegiate Institute. The train conducting 'officer is Major G. H,. Higgins of Cornwall Colleg- iate and Vocational School. Also accompanying the group was Major Q. A. Goudreault, Sturgeon Falls High School, Sgt. , J. L. A/ICC-inn, Cornwall arid Sgt. D, W. Blair of the Instructional and Administra- tive Cadre, London. The Western Ontario Cadets in- clude: Seaforth District High' School, Cdt/Lt, Frankling Charles Bryans, Seaforth, Ontario; Clinton 'District Collegiate Institute, alt/ Lt. Albert Charles Clifford, Matilda Street, Clinton, Ontario; Listowel °District High _Scheel, Cdt/Lt. Charles Gidley, Main Street, Lis- towel, Ontario; Lucknow District High School, Cdt/Lt. George Arnold Hartford, Box' 17, Lucknow, Ont- ario; , Wingham District High, ,Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Frozen Foods Canning. Supplies cropp's FRUIT COCKTAIL Choice, Quality 15 oz. tin 19c --Mrs. -Frank Galbraith 'and ill grandson,:'Robert 'Charles Pollard 11 of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. • and Mrs. W. A. Galbaith last week. special lecture 'Why P,erthanent Peace Will Come in Our Day'% to be held Sunday July 22 at 3 p.m. The speaker will be Mr. Percy Chapman, Toronto, supervisor of Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada. All sessions are open to the public but a .‘spegial invitation is being extend- ed to attend the Sunday 'afternoon' lecture. U U WANTED WANTED'-Used Boy's Juvenile Bicycle. Size 17-18 Frame, Phone Wroxeter 9r2. 1.8b REAL ESTATE