The Signal, 1926-4-1, Page 5t:
Squibb's Products
now in stock
Squibb's Cod Liver Oil
" Cantor Oil
" Milk of Magnesia
60c, $1.25
Tooth Paste 45c
.. 44 .1 44
Epsom Salts
Liquid Petrolatum
u •.
with Agar
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 Goderich
Join Our Women's
We can 4111 add a few ttrnl-
bertt to our Womcn'A Ex-
ehange. Mettiler'hip fee, •$1
a year, ring the member the
privilege of contributiugYanel.
Work and kindred articles t
be *old on eO(luliaaiott. -
Miss S. Noble'
- British Fschaye Block -
Business College
Th.• leaittnt; commercial school
Wairrn Ontario. }:xperienad in-
stnict.or., giving thorough courses.
4 iraduat.•s piao.l in potations.
Writs for our free catalogue.
y D. ‘lel.31'HLAN, Principal
Self-made 1f Ever Made
A Paper Give' by Dr. S. Mes-
sina Before the Meas Sunday
Club •f North Street United •
II muster. if a n1IMIMrr dPtlt;era a std. -
mon w Idyll be Idmat4f has not e•yw-
tl. TMs congregation night Brien
to a phonograph as W44 . alf a fa .*. he her
i IL ids 1441/14411., rtMeata
learned from book/ without baring,
a1, to .I*•nk. matte It blood of his
Mood. he I. toot attach more than a
parrot. .1 d.s.tor 'dight know all th•-
hookl' wrinen on medicine and yet
• --• ...ter he able to rare a car'.
Mr. 1'reeiden't and Members of the 111 his „„ii rpllrre anyone nosy 1r.• n
Gabs- 1 do not prow whose pltrgw• self-made
aswvw m . Anytheonleesfr from
the subJe•t of my paper is and In
what relation to the text it woos used l the kindergarten teacher to the 1'M
ner>•itr protestant, from the Ulcer
Thu. I too not know the sls•clal oleo- 11""" rsity to the 1rlR from
thinkrl. I.
- given the chane of being self made
taut Its tat•IIIIIU a* 1
.lug that
wa* given ta to It. 1 w-IIl, bow
Understand It, leaving to you to correct
It if my It,terpretatiou le wrong. to
complete it If It 1s wanthlL. lu elevelup
It if git'el early meanly line:.
Meaning of diet Pbrare.-lf we will
luck c11.ely at the meaning of ..,'b
word, w.• tinct that "M4f' weans •„nest eominR form wlthonl• wh.ihrr im-
snailduality : lb.' ward "wad.," la parted try In•nfrasloual h41chers or
snail phrase* as th{s, mens "•'"m- n47•Irel directly through Ls•k*.
lrk•te.' "flui.flle"1••' or. ware
exactly.Through nature or through the ex
"fully aewelopeu." If wt. were to!through
of tire among his f.h the
elauge the phrase into a winnow.. it
would I*e like the following: "A man
If he is ever wade 1a self -wads.." Now,
again. 1 .found in the 4Ixfunl dlethae
That n man he metf-mode does nut
imply that he did not go through a
enrrh•ulnm of a ay*tetn of (-410 thou
follow...) in the a hMds Rf Ids own
country: It rather Implies that Ile
has. from the inner self. reacted.
worked and built onion the relnrntlou
art tout for a self -loathe man we are
A(3T "to underataud a Ulan. 811.8' uceo4 Is
1 a,a•ur.vl. Thu* the :widen..
ItELFAST. March 39. -4. -Mr. Roy ire paralrkraxel as the following: If there
Into had 11 %4•ry xurcersful sale on is a man WI14rs• amen** is assured. he
1'u.-44» last. Everything was In certainly Is it man whoop individuality
is fultl' d.•ne'I.rl*"I. M.1re.ree. the
ricer.l.111, wltlrh brought good usage empllt*Iatrlg tit• reflexive Mean -
Jos iWt "1 the word •strife" tlu• prw•t•ding
sl Joseph Hackett spent a few memoirs. may 1r• subalutt+d with the
days leaf week at the home of Icor following: -If there h. a men whose
daughter. Mr*. p'llhwl lheman, of in ey* it. Ps a'*urr41. he is a man alto
1' •e
new I
yen•. Max Itaynard. of Paramount,
•• way be
Imo fully developed his own imll-
trl•4arlliss by hlnwelf."
visited with ferrate In the burg ohe
day Itlxt aro*.
Fr11•tl.l. a oil 11righl.,r* gathered at
the home of Mi.+ Lnur••tta Ifnc'kett on
made men. their ••tt•vut and re•fpeet for her. Miss j t..lnt thrid our **1114‘e ls of will power been vl-Itlug Ids relatives here. las
Hackett was presented l with a oared { directing towards[ the gent of filveraa. returned, to ?Meths-tn. (►utnri.._-
7,ruu• tunic}- dressing table and. chair though $.'4141 etre staaatanesso might Mr. Will (:,r4►k da•llrrnd for luall
to uuit.h. ,told an addn•a' tendering1
have been rather agrhtst them [bah h► ill .(r. 1'ewddak'$ route boa week.
t.'li.•ltatiu4• ul*rn ler apprua,•ll ull't it ftlrur. 1 say "rathri' 'wand,. .
nenrriar.• was. read. .." 1 Mr. !high J)avidwn *hent last week
I if the -spiel atmosphere had offered no I Ito Hamilton.
Friday , cruiug Man•h Ptith. to show l d , pie admire ti n1 and pl Mr. J.
Canlasen Use of the "Ph
intently we hear tJW.refe•mtr•e to such 1 401)EKICH TOWNSHIP
teen 1414 (turns. Lincoln. kdt*n1. ('sr-
41erit• and n bunked other, as pelf- 1•
1.}111111'.. March :11. ---Vis+ \tart
Vanderburg. teacher of S S \o t►, Is
sp•1tling her }:aster vacation at her
home at Richmond, rllll.
Miss Olive Tichl14.urne•. of C.wlerl'•h.
wax the,4ni'at of Mr. uud Mrs Hornet-
Ilnrton on Sunday. -
Miss .lean Tartish. alio has been
clerking In .1. Calvin 'l'oll's store.
1'r.*b'ri41. Is now at home with her
Wool) lees are ti»' order of the day.
Kd. Lawis rn had one Out Monday atl.l
.1.H. Clinton one on Tlulrsd:ac of last
By ISAB}:I.HAVU.T(1S. `-i
''liederlch, oat.
i lord of heaver. ant} mirth. and sea.
'1'. Thee all prattle and glory be;
11uw .tall we show •'`Nilore to Thee
't'.1 '1'1 - . frum w'ltum w.• all derive
4 cur life, nu[ glfls, our power to glee.i
41 111/4) We ever with Thee le
t'b..lglreat aft
1it11Wit 14'11 TI►tll'N:4HIf. March
E Johnston, who had
To Theo. 1► Is,rd. who Moist create
and Who oaust destroy. help us to.
give ludo Ther allow sll giury. honor
alid pro i.e. Amen.
R. S. I.JR•RON KOK AI'K. 11111. 19211
1,47.18141 Title -The dory of ('ren-
ta m
r.s141 I'assuge-"(len• 1:1 10 2:23.
4 .olden Text -Gee. I:1.
I, takes but two chapters of the
Who. 4 4 till o! t11t• marvels .11 1'rea-
44 to that•rf111 chapter- un.
faith 11. the New Testament. namely.
He1.. X1., we read: "Through faith we
meleratau.l that the worlds were I 4*4 illustrlltlun14. rear, lurltl telt
framed by 4I. word of 1ia1, so that
!mita that Is Rade Iedng pictured Int
Ueinttt' whieli are seen were not made order to r nots.r the 4e*-riplon pt•r• I
fe•tly clear. J.
Thai 114,18 nrc,.u, lulpurtunt source
of farnl l i.otur 11►erytholy knows. audl
there are prolial.' v qtr few of Mew
Mit.•n•slet 111 a' prised( nay in the in-
dustry who alll not dud in this look -
let advice alibi' wyill help them Io im- their bei T" a ; N'rrosr their
B. C XXXXX and XXX Shingles'
Jokn Manville Asbestos Shingles.
Joke Manville Asbestos Roof
Covering. Gal./moored Ridgerow.
1 can save you money on any
of this material
East St. Phone 36SW
1 clavier whatever 'of helping the in-
T.111.OK'S ('OKNEKt► 1 4Nvidu8l to look ahead of himsrtf and
develop his own personality Pu sword-
T.1S1.1►K'14 (Y,RS}:RA March 2,f': ince stettb- the alai as nulaln. suck t
Friends and neighbors met at the home . derekNnw'at sled the coresp*'tive
kh tot have been pose
4.,me and are "Valley; Farm.- a
four -art play under the of
111r Tiding l'euple's Society of Tinton
, titiretr. ttnrte,irtr-tewtwb p. on. Thar. -
star Anvil s. at 11 p.m. Admipsfon :15
of Mrs Robert Thompson. Huron rehlevrmelts run n ,.sots and 'Si cents.
Ibl FrI•
road. on Thursday evening. March Tilde. ISue. bor:L,r,r, might suggre.t 1 l'nkn ('huren N144114*
either to steal an rxprwaion of good- I that the geolue-+felt-iaade men ars.' day night for Nunday xcM*d imp
will prrlor to 1a•r removal to 4.oderich,
when- she will mike her home; her
.sat /dray remaining on the farm. An
att.Irr+*.-- oclaliva
her worth ns u urigtll*1r and friend
eat press nte1 to Mrs. Thompson. ars
comltanl.d by n Mantle .'tisk. There
was alas. air addr.•s' for her son ReR-
gle, , from bis Sunday MdMad clan*. u
who ■iMP pre•r•ut". -
The Taylor's t'orners Ladies' Aid mmlttF 111 Its social inter:vurer. nor
wif meet -at rhe--h.•ese- ..f inns WUL Is the caw of a g.•nlu* an rx.•rp14lon.
ether In power or aeivalttr. g1•niuea. IIx rlat"" me•tlag and
--reeled his him
•the following ollleers ter the ensuing
Thiol will i. but w to hl* lot otun. •nrnrc Superintendent. Mt. .i. It. ore,
This h true, we must not target' ,111 erintemieitt, Mrs. (i• Me -
Your Appearance at Easter Tide
Will la' largely due to the .•orrectltesa of your :nit. that gar -
it int which ',ht as a, great'nj visibility. Our showings of urw
.' ring Saitilt •art ellen 114.1 yOWtg men mirror ••orreetnc=pilin
t elMaile. Popularly priced, no matter wait type of Suit
ygt1 sleet.
Haberdasher and - Dry -Cleaner.
West Street Telephone 339
630.0D to =80.00.
Iturlug the. µ1a few yearn the !taus
of Montreal has dune excellent work
throughout ('„nada by the free distri-
bution to ferment of handy guides 14
various. brunches of farming. These
booklet, hung In.•lutled "1►ivert:Mtd
Farming.- i1•t' (bud. the Mother of
Prosperity." aai1 "Poultry for the
Tartu and home
.Another booklet ha. 41418 Iwea added
to this series.. It fatretitld "Hogs for
Pork nod front." uuiI.jl 41.41114 hl 11111111
everyday language with every phase
..f the hug -raising Industry. Like then
i.r.'n1on.. hooklets. Its nape.• i. gtoatly
ruh:nuet' 1•y uuturrnus photograph',
,dud diagrams: In fact. it coolants over
of things which do appear. 141 the
creation story there are six 111% 1.140111.
each aur Iayrin1111 with. "And God
sa1d." Edell of these stage, Is .'alkyl
u day. 'taforr 4iod.begau 11I. work
or creation the earth wax without
form and void. and all Bax dark. On
.• Irl light In up -
pear and day and 1114111 were formic profits. What t t )t4Sa y 4rlmmetal-
4441 the third da( the .try land and the aide tx ince fact 1100 While 1111 411e Unita were farmed and the earth was appnrn.rl tum wont s11477sshtl prltd'i-
"Say It With Flowers''
this Easter time
Lilies, Daffodils, Tulips,
Rosea, Carnations, etc.
Order your Lilies early
Florist Phone 105
Hesse-dtaning Time
is here- and .you will need
some new
We have all. colors and
sizes of Shades in stock.
Shade made to
r. -tee-- measure and
hang them for you free of,
Kirsch Curtain Rods'
clothed -with grass and trees. Ian the
fourth day the hi'tnenly bodies. Thr
.un and mown and *tar'.. earn, Into
v1t•w- to rate over the day and night.
4M 4he• fifth day thy x.14 and land were
stacked with ash and Dlrvlx of every
kind. In. the sixth day I:od made do-
t reptiles,t inhabit 1 I the all inti* hunt
pies arrived at through w•ieutidt• *trid7
and exl*•riiseiu Cage- describe) in
cosily-utider*twal language. them, nn•
114 math- drlendeit 4111 t•lulaut.te And.
enpelislyr equipment. The farmer Is
shown how to put these prineiple* into
operation in a staple nlwt inrxpenrine
m,'Ittic anllnal14 an. 0 1 war with :4 view to '' •
1114' blvd. uud 'then *11 Ills .re•a14* ' I .1bJ4et of making I•.etlt',. TM' book -1
power wan mamifest•d In ills making kit. while destine With hog raising in
man In His own Image. i11:4 crown- t g.•neral w on -.this continent. giver:'
tag work. -itis wa4H'r-r.iw'1•-vault gu eU . 1.,. i.1 e(teiu ,-Yolk aa. regard, telt
dominion aver all other Airing things 1' and Illustrl$*1ln. to conditions attaeh-
and into his hnhds were eummtttel the I,g to hog raising in Canada, and also
herbs and frultdwaring trees a. food , 1,-, 4he veils' requlremeuts of the near
for himself and for his ereanlrc* the l i;,-tr, for ('nla(Maa hogs. A valuable
green herbs. fe,unre of it Ix an tntrothtetlnn written
Cite eumpletent's.t of the work of
creation is *.•en In Butt's resting .1n
he 'seventh day house the "heaven
and the earth were finished- and il.• l
saw tilt/. it wax •frry got.
TM• Sabbath M God's gift to man
and all down through the mgt's 11 has
\"proved tlr be ns neessa1Y a part of
role life of tamp is to the physical
ug. ".t fusty day. x 11.4}- IR+olt.
house -these are it trinity -with-
leti -Mal 1x itnt fntty.
that a gen iu*•trorn Ilwtilu : 4.1.8111.
ta...whin to his power* in the d.• art II" 11. l'Irxorganist. Mims A.'JMrid•
of Africa or the Polar regions. an Man mon: assistant orgauitd. Mrs. 1:. • far-
es by nature a 'axial 11141144. and It Is' w,N*1 •t s114tarer. Viol R. 'tell: i
14 such that he taki's' front uud coat•
•Ith a ring. tributes to the welfare of tide cow
a(, l' l* Tilt INIINrfeIl4n On April ith it 18 still a drtlatwl quest M w•
-pit• are seer, to hear of the films/al "man 1nak.s the times or the t n
of lies. Thomla.n, who has had a M- make won." Whiter. in. ,Mlwr monis.
t ^gry71. Leen- rook.• t4*4ir age or their
can• attack of the "flu." W. witall t ..
114114 a rp'adt recovery. - I age' make* tM•w. Mr ,pi11inn 1.14 that
Shovelling ,and breaking nada is l the influence is nitltlml. I son {nrlbd•tl1
the writer of the day. - 1 to think that Na1*der.h's genii*: could
)tn B. H. WlIiing and tittle son 1101 have exprrss..t Itself outside the
Harland. of llarriaton. attendkctthe ismolittons u( Europe *,.•I, ns they
funeral - of their era41tfilther. Mr. , were tot Te •nit of Thr eigtlt.r•ltth reit'
Thor. Oke. • _* 1 tory and the beginning of the nine
i leer \Ilse F:. MI -Allister uud Mr.
(toss: secretary. Mr. R. Porter: Ns-
sistaut .,rn•tarr. Mr.
1►. ' his (To
[iluurt,.1. 111•8 N. Skrwt'Ibj :.wistanl
librarian. Mr. II. Johnston. ` Mtwoes 11.,
J►nvlds,tl :n141 11. Colwell. having 'I*er-
feo-t attendance and IMk,, retypes during
the yw►t hr their i•rertit. areoli' wiu-
uer14 of 1 1411•'• ial prlxe. The star
.Ines 4•f tl. ..eir`wnr'-Vise A. Ingrid-
. •u'_ •Irr' of gb1• 14w1ug to x
utismide'stuuding It was found neer- l also gall, bras nun
sur)' 1.: 1.,-}1.48. 4114' 4'' Pati 'ler- t tell the living cream
vier here last Sunday.. tier. C. }'• 1 had peva glren d.rmi
1'larke. who a -as to have charge of 4 r .•cord for the eunfo
I+.4 Il1 F;b enu's htl•entloas Anted the ..•r41:" 1tavr :n "nu t'.t•rulun d,•n1Pn41 he lull created and 4I4*. 1 pitie.l hl.
41.4 .mune genius
L*lssibs• I( tint [years w :_r, m r444"4ay. -------- -solitude- Ile lad AIL about btu The
i iw genht's hod livivl flit} ,tats j beautiful things of nature .I -the•
-onbl= l.• •trill, n iii: TT 7a tr
Nalsdron.. ;bogh the times were as
Bedroom Suites De lj►nxe
We may way that every one of mar l
present offering• in bedroom warta e 1
ander this classification.'
e brew y an - rat aril of our
of the day ; hence the poen t
prevent suites and single pieces.
Sale of Baking at
C. M.Robertson's Store
Saturday, Apel 3rd •
Commencing at 2 :11) p .u.
Under auspices of C.G.I.T.
of North St. United Church
' Get your
Markers and Permit
Furniture Funeral Director
Hamilton Street. Goderich. Ont.
by Mr. (:.'Il. Rothwell. Tt S.A.. 1). ion Animal '11u.11anllman at the Vent-
ral }:pit*•rimelrtal Farm. (►ttawa. This
hurl*lut•tbut ,Linter -Rt-
length with that most profitable breeds
and types and methal* .1 feeding- lr1
Camilla. and in general offers ex....Mott
1dvio.• for guidance In reading the
Is.o144,•4 and punting 114.' methods de-
,r•rlh*'el interlirar't
A trey s on, of the booklet may 1*e
'obratne d on at nm -latent
1:ud 11:►f ollly noels. .man x Ilring stn! brown of the ilnttk .4- )4attrwal..
hut Ire air hint n capable being. Ire
Ea*t Strrrt. Phone 10*.
wit: gtv work to - lies. Th.. 4..ra. - :vie.-1.dr,rlhly meeting of the 1'10.
143111144d, a • i •deo awl 11.• took the"iIn•n': mit 14.s•i.•.) 44111 b,. h.1.4 oto
i. oleic of t tftrrnetm torsi. 1H 411:• peas..
min ,inti poi Stint Int r the iia 'Tuesday-
Edea 141 dre7e it ,dud to keep it. - IM. in tit' .111*-r1nt.•nde•ut•s odk•r..lvrr the'
e tock 414111ming ll,i,, -Stank.
ocet which ,he
iot.' taut was -.
.if the 110111 .<,wwlr■ Tuir ■ Tt1!'
Easter Millinery
1 114- hind thrj NiLE
sooner. Hut un. t other ..•".""". lirlug things of r lower or.h't. b' 1 ht• • - - -
late war 4114 not gice'. x g.•nlus nr i _
NH.}_ ,lull :t1. -ail .\brit 4th 'feet ,..IPnuh Wonfd turn a iarndl
favorable ao u h Pest years ago fire' y rinte a di-, tet. and la LanJlttr intoa .Giti-
the anitltal Sunda si Ischio• T
110.1 I ♦lb I t it 1
t'vewlr, nu .\Irxauder the Lrrut' .Suess .1 (the evening was. tkf•
ex Ires.ioi 4f n Napo run. 'a 1 • , 1 chnreh war 111.1." 14
' , " $4 I;..l •aid. 1 alit make u
The Thearetieal waning at tart i4414116.1 I n e; for lest.
1er114't of uflUrt•s, which resnarl as
Phrase: Thr ,w4f-mall.. Inas, as ruut•_)1147'4s' lttrlt•Ttmi'nrh'tet: Mr. lanae
111*. uu4ie• has uo'M train- I ('nrir assistant superiutcud'•ut. Mr.
nig. He it nils dent teacher.extn . .%ndren '.)1114,1 ; secretary. Mr, Frank
..If- We may ns,' to wine extent is '• \tette : tri,,iat',i•. Mr. pint. Me -
i" man ',elf -taught? What is i" ;gilt • missionary :weriute•ndent.
Slnttliew Henry. Ih his .Wtuurt•ntary.1
says of the giving ..f--A/i.11.-a a*r►tk:
meet that the wrrtlton, ie:1* mad o u
rPh..._uut .1t the +►dl' of .14.Ietn: Hot
tna.k• not 4f Iris hemfi to top Mtn. 41444;
not of hl. fell to be lenx.ifed ulsotf4
the purpose of .Metol rdueathn't 711,a.• ,less , I', White: temperance s1tjs•r-I 1.4- hint. bit out of his side to Is-equal
• maw -E la _ 1
-- Monday *nd-Tne*day
tote i:n.t.'r 111'ndny at :;.'' t ;I'
F•I fir.NI'E 1iIH)tt. TOM 14I4lI1I
in 1 1 , 84 - and es. -i1 ng rnuuvll
,141;;'-i+.11 married life today.
.Illi\t' .iTAMN .
I1t Ili MOLIPiIr
gic'stions will find the din.•1 or In- Table: 4'radle li.rlt with111tn. under Inns arm to he tont-
eller t answer In the fullufollowing•'•414- 1 sltl*'rlot.•tldrit, Mintrudeut. Vee John l.: Louie $ucll : or- I mot d. uud nett. his lit al l 1.. 10. IN..
elusive part of the paler. 1f we ern I !mel.- 11 tilt Adam 84114 x axon gunlst. \11+. Very Ik.gte. s+siaant or
to understand Ilsewwulug of "ar•lt-1f ganist, Mrs. leslie Pentland. hhu that was 111 come: f+rr. out'of the
nadtc' in an alwr►tute sense. we .544f. { -,1 t. )1Is r a• Mends* mot
of in that: the r."'01t4 1tf14ta, MT
dud that to a very few men in the his- IUmudrd 1hr funrr.11 .1( \Ir. ('118*. 4ia ,pulse. the rhnrrh, 44:18 footed. when
tory of mankind It mold Ile npplierl. van. h.rut• rooter -1y ..f 11114 roinnlnity- ,life i,r. xl.•pt the• 'stress, 11,' d, r .i.rp. .1f
La there u mnn, n.. tuntter burr high •kr t ,.-,ten,i,-ito the 4tereuv11 -.i.. 1, n••an the 4t,•s. yu ord.•r to
wnalltF to Its fullest extent? The
answer to this intention is \o:
..r at least we * 1on d testy tont ITC
lint 1
sa, •'"fi14i"i'fir' i r
he ranks 111 the• hli4tury 41f leis dreelulr t14mlly, which Ills side wens 411:•1114. /11111 ttt`4f.'
meat of the human mind and Ila *etly+ Mr \burr Jiurris null family •,a n' carie not blood• uud outer. bll*td t4
J. W. MacVicar
at Mlac' icur'a Sl1Oe -tote
North Side of Square
P.O. Box 414, Goderich
Thteaded Rubber
Makes This Possible
This is a Willard Charged
b*iieidry Battery.
has never been any battery
solution in it -and we
don't fill it until you buy
it. Incidentally, this is the
only way you can get a
brand new battery. Ask
us why.
Barker Bros. Station
Phone 41;w
alar 11'att r H'a;O1t1F:RIl'II. ()NT.
If fes w114r has chivelrq*rl hh own i*•r- leaving tills ..rinmillity today to hike' pirrha.,• His church. and wnt•f tr
up rr-Ilene,. 111 I:.tlelhh. We vrivh
tlletLL l•-t•r3' soce•xs. M1 Xlorris hast
Ito not know. If wee are to a gee rented, his farm to Mr: iln•vey Milliff.'
w•h4 Is IIot npeI to livillg on 1144e111•-
iii ibe- rvw .- - or pupl*lst11 ev a rnt•e tor'` farm so wr-wig-h hint *mirex :t1+•.
al , i wt. IDs*t nal t _ erh ' .wa .-i t Xis• j aarstmta*. •m
end \\ehowlav to UK 1•
aneSb et Willard Battery men
r' ` 4* Ifenven on tarh S
are the only pelt -made cors. With 1ilAdvs Segos, etileTt daughter of Mr.
reference to men, my opinion Is that
the only gnat hinds of the world. to
the rarions forms of human activity,
whether lhtelle•tnnl ur preetkatl, such
na Socrates, i'Into. .Aristotle, 1►ante.
Shakespeare; Galileo. Marron, iddilwm::
l.inr,4n. Me.. were self-m*41e men.
What, then, of the other men .1f tit.
letters, silence. i*dlth'$. iinente. and.
In general, of any other man 8144' 4,tls
excelled in the practice of any ms•fiI
activity In the human community?
My answer is that every luan,.tno mat•
ter what his lath Itt 11fe. Is entitled
to be railed self-made only if ami Mr
tntntm-tt as he has developed lila in-
dividuality end contribntd 111* own
Itrrranality in hi* work In the t7rrm-
nnmlty. Men like *tarty ---to borrow
an e1pre•p1o11 from atrtr4114ro*y--may
he (lap*ifled as of Heat. soros , third.
and .fourth mignitadr, each One !fe-
lon/SIM; to the fleet or fourth clap* }e•
var.44at to she 4raunalltr that - he ha*
and Mrs. Ernest Scums of Nth.. ass
nt►1te1 Pu marriage to Mr. '.V*4n, was the 4.411ly. '1141 more than 1 eolith)
Thompson, of t:,,lrrieli township. It•'v. believe that a hook of botany 1h -
I.. 4'. White officiating. ,••curing them ,•ontd grow by mere
Easter )aerviee-N, s; Sunday will ,•hemleal forces. Rebind all other
- mark tlu• Ieglunlrie -Of `heir--IfFwtF "r* 41111,13446 ireTiniii-No fall-Titiek • uii The, is
it:mined Nib. United rirrtllt. services flthh' t1.111h, „hi
the 10.1410 04;4}
1*eh14 :IV:,l 141 I'orT :\11w'rt. 1..4.burn fiat- ----
and Nile dumber.. Special ntunln r. s, v w;a'a :ti .• - Mild .11 Weekly.
for the Easter sorvbr• which 88111 be _ - -
held at NE*. in 11n. evening. hay•• been IU\GsISKIIIIiE'
11'r pare,!. The ,•11,41' will ruder .t*•- -
purify It to IIIms4•!f, f }:ph r 'S:r. 2ft1.
Lord Kehl.' unrr 14411 of him he
sins walking 1.H11.'wllet4 lit tu.. e.uud.,
:Irr - v111t.t 1C
Tru )'on T• at4: liF-Fs
grass and flower• w.• $er around tut
arow by mere chemb41l forces?" "No.:*
Wednewlay an Thurs.lay -
11:SsI•; 1.. 1 $KY
preilul, the. great I'a mount hit.
}inti of exeitillg dra14ul, s' 'tate +Iden•
ilia' 11111 Iwnuor
"1'11.1.1 1W THE IiA1.1 '
Pattie ('nmelp
d, t-ekgwd and expree.el. A lawyer
may know all the laws of all the man- nc'• 1)l:"low, Mt. Tl:.o. 11 iMe, Mr.
tr's of 111" earth, and yet 1 w.e4t Unkrw \IIIIMn, Mi°: piini t:1n''n
f th
'1361 66111.11.•: 0414 -a 114. ri•lt hull, 1114mr.
ultitM(-ti-.Zion. kisser.- win Is•
Pref.( 100 I.y a comber 1 111.• u ell
the 4:1 la t:tris' i-ist •i,..,
('cnerceatlonal Mrrtit►tt: 'II.'• 1111-
,,,m,111:11:1111111 I
,,,m,114414!ionnl Inv, ting 4f VI(c
United eltnrrh w•..s 141,1 Marell :14144*.
11 Was 1'i 1•111e1 in i'r*atl're 11111111f the
T'nIfr!1T if`•lf'fnrur-RA',,, ,, ,,, 44! 11444
11e e!, lin of e:II4 for the .14•
suing year took p:*e•. Mem4s•rs of
K1N44S14Rita; E. --Mies* -
tot -alit l4l-1. » to \1r ,cud Mrs. T._L t<nit
I,111 4.11 1114. /1 1'11V/11, 4.f a tinily troy obi
TFritwIab, 311tH Ti
Mr. ferry and \Ills K 111 ah4' 4r'ity
!eft this-w.v'k for 4.1 roil. They will
I*• greatly misMrl by thls•ir many
trlrpds here. who 811414 lheln ,•onttnnrl nc nnet tot th1tif,s.
ST. At'Gl'l4TiNE
Friday and Saturday
makes Ill,. Isrv. to Iimk'tieh patrons hi
p eharneteritef on iii a Mama
tinglderl*rlt'* adventures lu the, rip-
- nutria' Wept :.__ _ .-;
"SCAR 11.1. "AN"
- ".f.P1tON'E_ mut--
4111.1tkr, "KINK 1.E.41{V*
\• ,•a. r ,nes) r9lnrvt..
Mcl'sun. Mr. loam. Tn1.b. Mr. ('1*r-
tintyhe.ttatn to fall him rl 'tar a '' 1'nmmlltee of stewards Is el1111s.v,1 of
fmtrth magnitude if be did not creole I Mr. ttatrner Dwain.'. Mt. I:entie Celt -
tun Mr: ihtvid Molt -Men 114141 Mr.
John'. TIM,. FI:an.•lal reports were
flew toed by all organizations :11•
noon his knowledge; while i *out.
l call til.' shoemaker who nskes artist1c
+hors ,n,•h as they have never leen
tootle before a star of the first magi l-
mk' If Giotto. the great Italian
11'141110 r. lute. not expressed 111* own In-
t divIdwnllty in his paintings. 6414 art
1 won* have loot only a rsprollreHrm
or the Art of rltihUf. his grave
elndlag the Smut -Ay. +eh401, visa'; 1Nr111
(inlb), \Yumrn's MI.•:nnsry :twittery.
l.n,ltrs' .1441. trll*tre h*far,1 and nein:
Mrr41, all of which were adopted a•
Iter. At'(1FsTIN}: Nar:d1 '."•rh.-
Miss F►aacwa lt.•td hs ellaltltlg at Nf
Ma*on MrAllister s• at Present.
Mr. and Mrs. Thom. Krdrinwrn visited
at Mrs. Ellen Thomullon'* one sing
last week.
Mr. H. 4 *ttll hell. of Wr.1t144d. '41stu
Sauda) *t Mr. .% E. Juhrt/ol's.
MI•• Ile*trk" 1sl•A.mau is V114111ng
her 1111111, \Ir- John Thompson.
1j11111• 11 number In 1111* vicinity sr'
,telt with the grippe.
': 4x1
p n.
Universal 'Millinery
(11,1 II3-.lro
North Siete of 4 4U11r.
Special for this week at
10 dozen anent s home-
All -wool Sox
in brown, grey. green, hea-
ther, lovat and black.
Sizes 10 to 11 I-2.
Regular price 65c. Clear-
ing out at
45c or 3 pairs
for1I.25. -
For this week only.
'Twill Soon Be Time
to throw off your goloshe ; and
overshoes. What are your Shoes
Our new stocks of -Spring go,m14 are now arriving, and
comprise s'1me of the nicest, snappiest lines shown in
a long time- at very moderate prices. You are in-
vited to look at our goods and you will be impressed -
hy their quality and appearance..
"The Leading Shoe Store'
l'hcne IRif 11'. REG SHARMAN