HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-18, Page 3iiiimiliolimmitimommii•iiiiiitailiiiiiliiilliconoiliiiiiii1111111140112 , . i• ,,. • ' IMILDMAY MILLENDS. i Hai talma.. over the INVENTORY of the 6 Walkerton Garment Factory 1 ..m. (mooed up with 10,000: YARDS of - .:: .0 , Lig ..s. r.“,ssg.s, pions, witOAPC14)'018, .IFLANNELKTICE, CCIRIll.ln(Ity, BASKET CLOTH, 'VW, VEC. • OUT THEY GO COTTON. TEXTILES • and n I • Mildmay Main Street - - a1•111ouoillirmition•uolitnocimmomplirmilolimmiumiumilt YOU'RE NOT A GOOD DRIVER IF YOU HAVE THIS FAULT Parking with even part of your car on the highway is against the law. ' Good dr!ve..s always park completely off the road. Moving traffic needs all the road space. HOW GOOD ARE' YOUR DRIVING HABITS? of ial- iary reli* allies jag yon yofl 9 9c 9c 7c 9c Ith t WHITECHURCH Miss Jean Martin spent last week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. David Moffatt of Langside. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss 'and family of Plattsville spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben McClena- ghan. Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry, Fran- ces and Wayne spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell of Toronto. Mr. Robert McClenaghan of Rothsay spent last week with his brother, Mr, Harry IVIeClenaghan of „Wingham and , with relativ,es here. Mr. and Mrs. Clark McGregor and sons of Sebringvillc, spent the week-end • with his mother, Mrs. Duncan McGregor and Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Dosman of Carlshrue visited there one day last week. Mrs. George McClenaghan, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and Ivan Laidlaw were at Kitchener on Wednesday last where theyattend- ed the funeral of the late Robert Knowles, who had been ill for Many months in the hospital there. Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan is one of the surviving daughters. Mr. Robert McClenaghan accompanied them and returned to Wingharn. WROXETER Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith were Miss Eva Milne, Saskatoon; MisS Kathleen Carter, VancouVer; Mr, John Brad- en, Portage La Prairie, Man.; Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Braden, Poplar Poinc, man.; Mrs. A. Smith, Lon- don, Guests of Mr.- and Mrs, H. Wylie at their cottage "Hcwards Haven", Amberloy this week are Mrs. Marie Sath and Miss Ethel Sath, both of Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mr, and Mrs,' Thomas Burke la, on Tuesday for a holiday when they viait,Montreal and other points. Mr. and Mrs.. Gilbert Howes are holidaying, in Montreal. They re- turned to that city with their daughter,- Mrs. Jim Coombs, Who had come home for. the Centennial. Mrs, D. S, MacNaughton and John MacNaughton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Borst at New Hamburg ' .Wroxeter's Women's Institute will not hold a meeting in July. They plan a bus trip for which complete arrangements have not been made. Master Billy Ste, Marie Of, CliFs. ford is staying with his aunt, Mrs. Andrew Adams. • Guests of Misses Elsie and Mar- ian Gibson during week-end were Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson and family 'of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hart,, former • ly Erla Newton, were treated to a charivari by some of their friends and neighbors on Friday night. .Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Grainger and family spent the week-end.wi'th London friends. Barry Grainger, who had spent: the past Weelt London, returned home with them. • Murray McLean is . holidaying with relatives in Walkerton, Mrs, Ross Coates, Mrs. . Jim Sanderson, Mrs. Stuart Higgins and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton attended the meeting of the Woman!s Mis- sionary Society at Fordwich • on Wednesday evening. Guests at the Meeting were the Associate Hein- en' Group and the Woman's Auxil- iary, Trinity Church, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs, Mac Allen and sort Dick arrived on Friday at their home here. Mrs Allen returned to Montreal on Stinday„ Miss Vera Piercy of London is their guest: Miss Gertrude Sangster, Detroit, is holidaying with her sisters Mss. Ruth MacDonald and Mrs, .Lloy0 Hupfer, Mr. and Mrs. EldredI Niehol were in Walkerton on Saturday where they were guests -at the Dunn Robinson wedding, The bride was the daughter. of Dr, and Mrs, Har- old Robinscii of Walkerton, 13oth bride and groom aro irom Sttara.- toon, The ?ceremony took place in ,St. Paul's United Church and the reception was in the church hall. a is NEW LOW PRICES! Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Shown 4,00 4.95 2.75 Et Saturday t'llttItt O 3( lbal-ee'ettetki "lsy)Magaiine $3.00 (26 issues) 4,10 0 Canadian . Homo Journal 3.91) 0 American singaztne 4.85 Cluitriaino , .... 3,90 0 Popular Science 4.95 0 Canadian ltontes & Gardens 0 Look O nullity Herald and Wee ldy Star q Ittuntlug 0 Fishing in ('anada Glul,i "ten fJ Flower Grower • Itedimoic Slnaazlne Gi Outdoor Litt • 1▪ :11.1VntatitC's Rome O Congranlon • IlleCall's Magazine. 4.60 7(elirres"") q (A,1704sIsti,iinGuiTecsithsi.ingazine) 4.75 n Collier's (IMweeitly) , 44zt...58,550 11 f'] us7,47(i!tiSrnt:::tit"Mitg'azine 4.1..101151 El 111 Santedl (lorrnelO 4.75 Ilerer.,101."66 .AVOrkly o Ilumply 1/tunoty'S Prairin Partner - 6.90 4.55 4.85 1.25 4.95 O True 5entS0171Lgitzino 1.35 q Atneetenn Girt O 'Compact (10 ISsues) ...... •,.11..845° Gardening. 4.05 q Cliildren' S OlgeSt (10 issues) 1.85. Newspaper and Magazines 1 year, unless term shown 1.25 1.85 1.85 4.69 3.75 OFFER NO.1 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP: As i4i • M.r.McKnight Speaks 41 United Church • WRONETER-Mr; , McKnight of the ,Clicicon group at Listowel, WSW guest spealor at the morning :Or-. vice In the 1,Jaitcd Church On gltrl-' day. Ho told Of the work of Okleons and a special offering MO Made on their behalf. July 22nd and 29th will be ob- 'erved as holiday Sundays when no services will be held, Rev. V, Buchanan, will again take UP his work on Sunday, August 5th, .00 Wiaglwn../14v,a4c0.4.1.400,. "400 .r/14r LOOKING *two THEIR NEW HOME ' Homeward Way. , The president, Mrs. MacNaugh. ton took charge of the business period at which time a letter was read from Mrs, R, B, Palmer, ac- knowledging a gift of children's clothing Bent by Wroxeter W,M 5, to assist Dr. at4 'Mrs, Palmer in their work on the mission field., August will be observed as holi- day month, the next meeting to be held on Friday, September 11th. The hostess solved refreshments assisted by Mrs. George Gibson and social hour was enjoyed, -Central Preag Canadian Two black bear, cubs from Canada cast wary eyes over sur. roundings while exploring •their new home, in St, Louis, Mo, The cubs are the gift of John Arado of suburban Affton, who became responsible for the care of the cubs under Canadian law after he shot their mother on recent hunting trip near Sioux Narrows," Ont. Arado offered them as a gift to the zoo and George Vierheller, director, enthusiastically accepted the offer. lisimmimositionouniumni, HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE ../11111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111•1111111•111?,. LLASHMAR Drive-In Theatre LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Hwy. 86 Thurs., Fri., July 19-2(1 Richard Todd, • ' • Michael Reclgravo "The Dam Busters" Sat., Mon., July 21-23 George Montgomery, Nancy Gates "Masterson Of Kansas" Tues., Wed., , July 21-25 "Three 'Sailors And A Girl" (Colour) Gordon MacRae, ,,Jane Powell Mildmay Rotary Club B INGO ,200 IN CASH PRIZES ILDMAY Receive Letter .from- Western Mission, WROKETKR,--Mrs. Wm. O. GI h- son opened het' home for -the July naecting of the Woman's Mission. sly Society of the I./nited •retnt7c11 en Friday evening, • ',file Prograna was ;arranged and presided over by Mrs, Frank Carts, who gave the call to worship !fel, lowed by .the singing of the hymn, "Jesus •$avee, Mrs. James Sander- son chose for the Scripture lessor,, Phil., chapter 4, verses 4 to P, lowed by an interesting comIrmn- Mra. Stuart Higgins led in prayer, A poem entitled "Friend- ship" was read by Mrs. A, Munro and a reading ‘Gocl'a Ont-of-Doora" by Mrs, p, S. MacNaughton, 1VLra, George Gibson reviewed a chapter of the study book dealing with work among the Indians on the West Coast, Mrs, IP, Earls was In charge of the tople on God': Highway under the following hew% logs Highways: The Harmless Way; The Happy Way and Ths ..#APP/IR wbF W1501116 WELL- 0110116E- STaCK UP To" DAY COMMUNITY, CENTRE Two Shows Nightly - Hain or Clear First. Show At Dusk Children under 12 in cars FREE Cartoon at Each Performance Wed., Thurs., July 18-19 "DESERT SANDS" Ralph Meeker, Marla English Fri., Sat., July ,20-21 Abbott & COstella Meet The Keystone Cops and George Formby in 'COME ON GEORGE' Mon., Tues., July 23-24 "It Came From Beneath The Sea" "Creature With The Atom Brain" Wednesday, July 25 Doors open 8.00 p.m. Games start 9.00,p.m.; $500 SPECIAL DoT TWO $100 SPECIALS ONE SHAREITHE,WEALTH 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $40.00 Two Shows Nightly; Rain or Clear - Box Office Open at 7.30 • First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in Cars Free Cartoons at Each Performance ill11111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111.111111' DEPARTMENT' OF' HIGHWAYS-.ONTARIO Admission $1.00 -- Extra and Special Cards'25c, or 5 for $1.00 SA (11 MONEY IMRGAIN-COUNTEROffERS INOW tirrie.00 You'll .never:90t -a7:better: deal! ohm tions 0 .murlit be pre and al ong th [emend supp le tow ha 0 efor town' defene to NI the glamorous new:.PLYAIICOUT • THIS NEWSPAPER FOR ONE FULL YEAR WITH . numb a by t Poe cemen iy itse Dtodt10 :hat N]T1 unto belie OFFER No. 2 3 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A $4.95 OFFER No. 4 4 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A , $5.60 ...s.ssrssassjeilallaitatftleSt$S11.- OFFER No. 3 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A I MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B $5.50 poop) Ind h 1p the' Ilers I 3 111119 ssibilit 'es ma Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order, GROUP A O Maclean's Magazine (13 issues) 6 Mos. 1 0 Canadian Home Journal I Yr. O Liberty Magazine 2 Yrs. O Family Herald & Weekly Star I Yr. O Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer I Yr. O Saturday Night (bi-weekly) I Yr. 0 Country Guide 2 Yrs. • Chatelaine I Yr. O Farmers' Magazine 2 Yrs. 13 Canadian Poultry Review 2 Yrs. O La Revue Populaire I Yr. O Rod & Gun in Canada ..- .... 1 Yr. O Modern Screen 1 Yr. Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order. GROUP B cos th repare them thi s Wet ions 0 mssib 1; do a Ol [-born I ,liav Palo dange man ells eve You get the freshest styling and the sweetest performance on the road when you own the fastest selling Plymouth in history! If you've been waiting for the right time to buy, that right time is here! There's the biggest choice ever right now on the car that's setting all kinds of records in sales. You'll enjoy the sparkle of Plymouth's new styling: You'll thrill, to its dashing take-off ancrgo. You'll naarveLat the agtCal ease.pUshlbiittori PowerFlite gives you. Drive the ar -fhilfaidie4tablished the styling trend for the future. Al re's 'so much summer ahead . . . and . . rfiblidy ahead if you deal light now. ' Your favourite ,colour and model ii twaiting for you at your Plymouth Oeater's. Drop in and' 'drive home carefree in the Plymouth you want todOI 'Chrysier Cokporation, of Catzetclqi Limited q Redbook Magazine O Coronet 0 Maclean's Magazine El McCall's Magazine 0' True Story Canadian Homes & Gardens q Sports Afield q Photoplay O Parents: Magazine O American Home • Tho Ensign O American Girl - 71 Christian Life (Per'Consetvative Christian Leaders) " "1 Hunting & Fishing in Canada - Li Outdoor Life ..... I Yr. Yr. I Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Vir.rri ONLY PLYMOUTH-- of the lowest priced 3- gives you: Push-button PowerFlite automatic transmission! Mechanically per.' feet, troubletfree and located safely on your left out of harm's way. New Flight-Sweep Styling ! It's the freshest looking car on the road t and the best-selling Plymouth in history. . Famous Oriflow Shock Absorbers[ Cushion the toad, smooth out oven the rough. est bumps, and there's no bounce or sway. Safety-Rim Wheels.! You got extra protectionlor your family, A ribbon of steel helps hold tire to wheel in case of blowout, prevents aucldoxi loss of ale. ALL OPFERS ARE GUARANTEED PLYM OUT 6 orW3 , CHECK MAGA`ZINES DESIRED AND ENCLOSE WITH COUPON I Gentlemen: I 'enclose Ple‘ase send Me the offer' I checked, with a year's subscription to lo.ur newspaper. OR ..... .14 I 1 811•04 Or ........... .1446..444.41414,14 ..... .444 ....4.4.N.Irarft Everypeny likes its looks loves its Go! '""° WiNGitIAM,.. ONTARIO CUNNINGHAM. .MOTORS4 *V* 0(iao Minn, 4 to 8 1Vor746- 1.'oulem Or niknif.thr no Post , „ „ • Climax'flower of elate weekly or, TV. 'Chock your •newspa par for dale mid time. s. Names Omitted wRoxETEtt-TWO Mmes were omitted froM theOlVroxeter east in the recent Centennial pageant, list- ed in last week's paper, Mrs, Ruth MacDonald Was the gypsy with the crystal ball tind Mrs Everitt Oath- era danced the Preach minuet with her father, Mr Thonh0 Sangster Others taking part were Camp- bell Brown, narrator; Mrs. H. HerniltOn, Mr, arid. MrS. Glenn McMichael, Ian Howes and Mar. guerite Pura, Berva Gallaher, Mrs,. Charles Gathers, Rose Mall' Mang, and Gilbert HOw,ca, Art Gibson, Nei( Calton,. Harold Robinson, David Vreeland and Mrs. D. S. Maellaughton. Assisting off stage were Men Edgar, tell MelliehM1 and Sohn' Maellaughten, eY