HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-18, Page 112
With -which, is small smated the C;prrie Vidette and Wrozeter News
iv Th. Pedestrian
198 'Toppled_ .Coliggete.,
Vacation StiloaCourse:
The Wingharn. Vacation Bible
$01001 held its final session for
1900 la4 Friday.evening •in the
United Church, many parents and
friends attending,
The Rev, A. Nimmo welcomed
the audience which filled the Sun-
day School room. Mrs. B. N. Car-
rie, with Mrs, G. Davidson at the
piano, conducted the lively sing-
song and all were delighted to hear
the many lovely new songs the
children had learned.
The Beginners' Department, un-
der the direction of Mrs. A,
teal and Miss 1C, pringle, sang
their special Vacation School song
rain brought the Men's dotibles of
the Western -Foundry 13ovvling
tournament to a sudden end, after
of a few ends, had been played
Friday evening. There was a full'
entry of players and a new date!
for the game will be set in the
near future,. '
ON THE JOB—It was a matter
of ..'business as tisuar this week
for Herb Puller, lying with a brok-
en leg at the hospital', Herb had
his leg broken in a softball game
lapt. Thursday evehing and he has
been reeeiving at,. his*, bed-
aide these past, few dayNincladin0
salesmen and travellers
next few weeks motorists waing,
the highway between Wingham and.
Blyth, will find driving ""smooth
sailing" again..! Workmen began;
this week laying a ;hew hot, tap
surface- which should inalie for a
big improvement on :thia' road.,
* * . *,
reinforced concrete bridge of two
60-foot spans is to take lire place
Of the first steel' hildge, 'built ,.in
Huron County, ;spanning:. the..i:ii`lait••:•
lend River at Brussels.
It , is estimated ibift the Mew
bridge will cost morittl10.05b,000:
and will be the largest .> ridge built,
in thp County% this
PIXEVALV-.-- Achievement Day
for South TfurOn Homemaking
cittha was held. at Beaforth on
Jane 11th, J'aluevale Belles" join-
ed with the south Huron, clubs at
the Seaforth District High School
when 160 girls were present, theft'
project being •"18npper Dishesl',
Mrs. Howard Filsinger, home econ-•
omist for Huron-Bruce, was in
The "Biuevale Belles" won the
following.awards: Six year honor
certificates and silver crested pins
to Joyce Hoffman, Brenda Breck-
enridge and Eleanor Smith;
Four-year honor certificates to
11.oretta Fischer .and Marie Johns-
ton; -
Two-year honor certificates to.
Shirley Johnston, Joan McFarlane,
Carol Greig and Sharen"Montgom-
Elaine .Kirton and Carol Creig
demonstrated the making of tea
The !'Bluevale Belles'' have a
membership of 15; Mrs. Jos. Hor-
ton has ,beeri leader of the project
and Mips mina Johnston, assis-
tant. Mrs Horton has a record
of leadership for fiVe different pro-
and nine of the children recited
the verses whlen they had learned
each day.
The Primary Department predue,
ud a playlet on Jesus' visit fp the
Temple in which all took a part
at.,2 all recited Psalm 1.00, MrSJ
G. W, Tiffin directed this group.
The Junior Department, led by
Miss V. McLaughlin with the
help of Mrs. A. Themsen and Miss
Isbister, did an excellent job of
choral reading, Jill Thomson re-
cited the books of the new Testa-
mefit and several Juniors recited
a poem, The whole group sang
their special new song.
:Rev, A. Nimino presented the at:
tendence certificates, following the
attendance officer's report given
by Mrs. 1.1, AreBurriey. One huntlr'0
and ninety-eight children register-,
ed at the school; the highest at-
tendance was 1.37 for several days
and the lowest attendance was 100
on the first-day. Sixty-nine child-
ren had 100 per cent attendance
and 'they received gold stars on
their certificates; thirty others
missed only one or two days and
they merited the gold star award.
The offering will be sent to India
to aid in children's work in two
medical, college hospitals.
Nienno thanked the teaphers
and their'lriany assistants for the
wonderftif *Work they had done.
He thanked also the refreshment
committee and especially Foxton's
Dairy for the supply of 98 quarts •
of milk for the. school children.
After the sing-song the display
of handicrafts was inspected ,and
refreshments were served.
B!h' ENTRY,f(111•..
0. E. Loberg, president of Gurney
Products Limited, Montreal was
elected president of the Canadian
Institute of Stove and Furnace
Manufacturers and A. G. Salmon,
general manager, Beach Foundry
Linfittk,pttawa, vice-president, at
the Institute's 16th annual Meeting
',held at the Tadoussac"' Hotel, Que-
Directors 'elected were: .C.
Clare,' Clare 'Brotherg Limited,
Preston, Ontario; F. W. Crossley,
The Coleman Lamp and Stove Co.,
Ltd., Toronto; E. M. S. Fisher,
The Enterprise Foundry, Co. Ltd.,
Sackville, N.B.; R. J. Hester, Enam-
el & Heating Products Ltd., Sack-
villa, NB.; J. P. Thibault, La
Fonderie de L'islet Ltee, L'Isiet,
Quebec; G W. Tiffin, Western
Foundry Co. Ltd., Wingham, Ont-
ario and H. Young, Renfrew Elec-
tric Refrigerator Co. Ltd., Ren-
f Ontario.
Little Girl Drops
From Moving Car
Valerie King, age 3, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Xing, Toron-
to, fell from her father's car as
the vehicle was travelling through
Wingham on Monday. Fortunately
the ear was not moving at great
speed. The child received brush
burns and •suffered from shock.
Valerie was detained in the Wing-
ham' General I-Tospital for treat-
99th' BantryReturns after
Week at Petawawa Camp
, .
•,',1,ast: Monday night, at ,tha,Wing,
ham Bowling green a mixed doub-
les tournament was held And 22
ilnks took part. Teams Were from
Stratford, Goderich, Teeswitter; •
Lucknow and Wingham.
• The following gained prizes:—Tst,
Mr. and Mrs, Archie T Lair, 4rees,
water; and: 7. McDonald and Mrs.
D. Sanderson, Stratford; 3rd. •Mr:
and Mrs. George Baechler, Code;
rich: 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Harvex
SCrimegour, Goderich; 5th, HoWard
Sherbondy and IVIrs. Joe kerr,
Boy Injured,.in '
Fall from Wagon
A hole in the . ground 'caused an
accident which injured ai 7-year-old
boy, visiting his uncle on'a farth
at TeesWater on Monday. ..„
The boy, Robert , Hawkins, 152
Paisley, Street, Guelph;' was
spending his stirmiter holidays and
was taking a ride on top of a•load
of hay when the wheel.of the way
on struck a gthund hog hele. Rob-
ert was threitin to the ground and
received a; badly fractured leg. He
is in the Wingharri General Hospi-
tal undergoing treatment. He is
the son' of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hawkins, Guelph.
Ilrytnates Hold
Miases Barbara Henry- and ;N,Tancy
Casernore were hoste'eses at,a fare-
well party' for ROzenne ,.::arid,, Janette
Lorenz When ,playinittispfl.(he girls
were invited, 'ind a ':"fun-pecked:
afternoon was spent at .the' Wading
A. picnic lunch was % served arid:
Rosanne Rosanne and. Janette were present=
ed „Okitli a gift. And .Wilihed• a .safe^
end happy jeuiney to their':7.e.W
lihm4 In ,Manitoba by.tneir Wing-
Vern ;61411s. . •,. .;:- , , . , •
'The girls, with their:050er, MrS,
Lorenz have., been : :Staying, with
their grandparents, Mr.',. and Mrs.
Fred MacLean for ,t.be'.phst "few
Months while their' f a theri.';a mem:.
her. of ,the RCAF WaSq6n.:,course in
the West. Their newl,horrie .will be
MacDonald, ' Manitoba: .,
., \)ADEMENT . .4. . .% • A..,
.i 61.r. arid Mrs. E. ltusSeil,HoPper9
Exeter, Ontario, announce '..i the
marriage of their daughter,", Mar-,
garet Joan, to' Vl4t,O;, Norther'',
Kyle, son of Mra Matguertte ;Kyle';
of Toronto, and the late,:Dr:',Nor-,,
Man, bavid kyle • of: 'Fergus, en:!
Fri'day', July • 13, 1956, 'it •.'/Iiagara
Falls,' Ontario. , : '..'•!, ,,
' Mr, , and Mrs. Kyle • Will- reside
in Toronto,' where they are enter-
ing their final year in Medicine
in "SepteMber at the' EniverSlty of
Toronto. * , F18b
Reception. and dance will he held
in Eelgra.ve Forester's Hall, in hon-
or of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brad-
burn, on • Priclay, July 2.9„LadieS
please bring lunch. Everyone wel-
come. . F18*
Paperwork was a pleaSure for .the
children • at the Vacation Bible
School , at the United Church last
week. Among the projects under-
taken were paper-boats and models
of churches made from paper. ' At
top Mrs. G. W. Tiffin gives the
children some pointers on thOw it
should he'done. In the second pic-
ture John Phillips and Marilyn Tif-
fin provide a study in concentration
as they work atitheir coloring Pro-.
ject, At , the left Miss Verna Mc-
Laughlin, one of the ladies who
conducted. classes, instructs girls
in the making of paper lamp shad-
es. 'Loft to right are Mary Lou
Jamieson; Miss McLaughlin, ti ted'a
. Lott, Karen Cantelon and Brenda
Comm- Below, bays at the school
Went in for - carpentry in an impro-
vised shop in one of the church
rooms, JohnBennett, Dick Scott
and Charles Sangster try their
hand at some fretwork.--Advance-
Times photos,
Local Church Scene
Of Farmers' Service
Present4tions to
Miles Overend
Miles Overend, who has bekti
with The Advance-Tithes strati fcili
the past three and a half years,
)eft' Wingham at the week-end to
take up a position with the Ver-
non News in British Coltimbia. He
took with him many happy re-
minders of his pleasant association
with the .people of this town. '
Members of the Canadian Legion
presented' him with a wallet and
nicineY. The Bey Scout troop, of
which he' had been scoutmaster ter
some time, presented him with a
Scout blazer badge and the group
c' inmittee of the Cubs and Scouts
gave him an electric razor.
At an informal presentation
ceremony at the office of Tht Ad-
vance-Times Mr, and Mrs. Over-
end were presented with a desk
set, luncheon cloth and brief ease,
Mr. Overend and son Tim left
by car for B.C. on 1Vionday, while
Mrs. Overend and her mother will
follow at the end of the month.
Harold "Shorty" Brooks and
Nancy Elliott, both of Wingham,
were successful in gaining figure-
! skating awards at the Stratford
Summer Skating School recently.
"Shorty" passed his first figures
and fourteen-step examination and
Nancy successfully completed her
preliminary figures, Dutch waltz
and canasta tango.
The Stratford Summer Skating
School is being run by Ross Smith,
who Is to be the pro for the 1956-57
Wingham Skating Club program,
Members of the 99th Battery,
Wingham, returned from summer
training' camp at Petawawa last
Week-end. .The Battery was. head-
ed ',by. Capt. J. A. Jackson. The
officer commanding the regiment
'during their week of training was
-Major M, R. Oliver of Listowel, ,
The 'headquarters staff were:-
Paymaster, Lt. J. A. Stephens; 'Ad-
futant; Lt. ',.T. J. Lewis and W: 0.
The total strength this year was
92, comprising approximately
thirty from each of the three
batteries. The two other batteries
were the 97th, Walkerton, under
Capt.' E. McCannel, and the 100th
Listowel, tinder Capt. E. W. New-
ton of Brussels.
A strenuous week's training was
completed and on the final day
the regiment entered the field
competition for gunnery. .
A large number of the gunners
who attended are boys of high
school age, and they acquitted
themselves extremely well,' the
officers reported.
Members of the Listowel Battery
Pipe Band, under the leadership
of 'Pipe Major N. Workman sup-
plied the military music,
Also at the camp were Several
squadrons of the reserve tank
force, and on the Thursday a
"joint scheme" was carried out by
tanks and artillery,
Mrs. E. Templeman
Injured in Fall
Friday, July 13th, Was an unlucky
day for Mrs. Elizabeth Temple-
men of Wingham, The 86-year-old
lady injured her right hip when
she fell at her home,. She is at
present in the Wingham General
Hospital where her condition Was
described as "only fait."
Th6 Ipvitation ,Committee of the
Stone School for the Centennial
extends an invitation to all who
would like ,to attend the, reunion
on August 4th or to any' who may
have been inlssed on the • list.
Nelson Higgins Chairinan, 41.8b
Rapp'S Bakery will ,be, cloSed for
vacation frotri.JUly 2310 august
inclusive, . , • * Flab
rapitEr051AL REV$PN
4 ,,GRXT
Centennial Reunion 'at 8.8. NO. 4
Grey, on SnitOay, aftOno'bn, July,
22nd, 13r10 .,p,r0g;tirri at 3 , Pan,
Lunch served at 5,Arrt. ibriter
teachers, Students and reSkients of
the SeetiA are cOrgiAily
A'reception will be held in Wrok-
*ter Community Hall on Friday,
Jr:11y 20th; for Mr, an4 Mr's,- Mlle
Sangster'S •orcheatra. Ladles'
please bring lundh, AVeryedie is
virelcerne. $1.8 4.
Wingham kink in
Fourth' Place
Two rinks fr9in the Ladies'
Lawn Bowling club of Wingham
competed in a trebles tournament
At Owen Sound On Wednesday. '
The rinks Were comprised of
Mrs. R; DuVal,, skip; MIS's, Y, Me-
Phersom and Mr's, C. Lloyd; Mrs.
11. Harrisour skip; Mrs. F. Stur-
dy and Mrs, G. MacKay,
Mrs, Harrison and her rink were
succesSful In Whining fourth prize.
To Teach at Brantford
Ruth Webb and her Sister, Lois
On Sunday, Slily .22nd, the
Eighth Annual Interderioniinational
Junior Farmer Church Service is
to be held at 7.30 p.m., In. St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Junior Fanners, ' their parents
and trimly, have been corttially
invitetj to attend and it 18 expect-
ed that Junior Farmers from all
over Huron County will attend
the service, Taking part will be
a Antler Partner choir,
ad4ess will be given by the
ftev, Alexander Nlmino, Minister
of the ,. St. 'Andrew's Presbyterian
The theme of the Rev. Nimine'S
address will be 'The Breakitigq.J.P
of Fallow Orbilinl.".
Big Elm Tree
Re-plants Itself
One of two big elm trees blown
over by last week'S high Winds re-
fused to lie down and jumped back
into the grotind, to stand leafless
ttieladrol.imbless, but proudly in tha
place 'it had stood for so Many
Both tree5 lay with theit roots
broken and people gathered at the
10th bridge to aft them Up. As the
top branches Were removed the
trunk of one (5f the elms Showed a
tendeney to swing Upright--a, few
moments latet eVerYente's mike.
nicht it did just that—the actieti
settled the roota back into the
ground again.
Ouest speaker Sunday at all Ser.4
vices will be Rev. Bernard Plariws
glut of the Dolt 'Credit taptik,
Chutch. You are itiVited to attend,
Film ShoWn at Ann, both graduates of 'VC/Ingham
Berry Door Plant
Last WedneSday' eVening Lloyd
,.13urgintin Travel 4'004! Will *1
closed JUly 19 to 26 iiiciuSiVe,
District High School, are to begin
their teaching careers this fall at
Brantford. The girls are the dattgh-
Item- of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Webb,
1, Lueknow, 'mons +Tiotbout
illitaVe you decided on your fit
1phe riontlet Days,'parede, Ole14,
180 Old vehicles, eatitc::
Wegott8; yont elibied. Eh:
tries to Johnny *mit as isobia
possible, V.18b
I br. 0. Howson'S dental office
Wilt be closed from July 2g to
AngliSt 6 inelualVew P18*
Dance in the Community MPhil).
rial Hall, Whiteehilreh, Oh Friday,
July 20, to the, music nt Job '14 if.
thrett-pleee orchestlia.
sion ii0e. Lunch etninter. ' F18b
`Casey' CaPertiore entertained meM-
bets bf the staff of the Berry
.Door to., Ltd. With 4 anlated Moyle
which he had taken when the staff
travelled by bus to the torrifiany'S
Main plant at BlitaingliaM, Midi.,
Olt July 2nd,
:t1ttir . 111wh.