HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-1, Page 44 -Thursday, A 1. 11$26, THE SIGNAL, Pridhams' (Miar;pllM►` Blue Serge Suits and Grey Serge Suits Here are Men's Suit Values that will be bigot to equal anywhere. They are the Renfrew Guaranteed Serges $plOdid quality trimming end well tailored. They are: xeoond tt)"tg'►1ne it* their price clans, from value standpoint. Single and double-breaaltd styles. Pridhams' Special Value $30.00 Our Special Order Samples are ready for your inspection Prices $25.00 to $45.00 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON MEN'S ANI) BOYS' !WEAR. PHONE 7)7 It's not too late yet -- .1'114.1141/1:1;11,1 TUNNSH'P.`;-,$ST tk I tris.-->tilsa Minnie Currey la visiting with her env'', Mrs. John reuse, ' pis 'peek. Mr*. la- }tcr'gtre vieited her mother at 't'orouto last week. The Zion Ladles Aid held their monthly meeting at the horse of Mew E. $Itebtll ou W eduesday attenuant and quilted a quilt. Miss Laura Johuatot, of Goderich, visited her friend. Nilo* 'Welsh Long, Islet Friday: KINGSBRWDGK tdl ' 1 hate„bad for last week) KINGSDRIINIE. March 2..3.2 --There was 110 w•rvi.e here on Sunday owing to .111r I11dl*psesltlon of tour pastor. Rev. •Fath,•r Isom'. )\'e hope lie will soon be ot•ll agal11. Mr. (:e.. (trophy returned last week after spending the winter mouths with Ida 141111 at Joplin. Mo. Everyone ,•nJuyell the card. party 81141 program 111 the parish hall on "St. l'atriek'a Ilay in the avenin':" Pro- ltreaatre euchre was played from abler K.30 p.m. The ladies' prizes, a dainty cake plate and a lack of cards. were weal by \lis* Marion 1)alt11I allot alis. Katie MV(titrthy rl•spee•tively. The lucky gents were Meters. J. J. Bowler and .1.. Martin. who reelvel a tie and a safety razor respectively. The *we,•t ....11s4,1111 1011% were Carried off by A. 1)altuu x1111 G. liartwy. Af- ter this distrlliutiou a short program. principally Irish, aas weH rendered. and was thoroughly appreciated by the .lul4y.ve -\1 1111• Close 1u0,•h was seri-44k Edison at seventy-11ine Saye 111 can not stop working. Ile should join a labor talion. ---Shue and !weather Jour- nal. to change that- -- - THE aid stove. See Harold Blackstone about 1 G O D E R I C H NEW STOVE Prices are right. This is your store, use it. •'� Blackstone's Furniture Exchange 011 twee Broadway of Godericl, proud pormits of • bal.) 1o), born had the pleasure of a visit 3 w.•ek ago from s Romer *deemed Piero. Sitwell With.. har hr. ('harlrs KraUug. au,i, tamely' tar. J. L (small, odic of t •week tew rrrrd Into Mr. George Wight- M. Small o,rupled the pulps luau's house oto ear 7111 cune,essiun of ago-)luuday,uud was heard by u large East \\'awanosb• lately, vacated by. and appreeirtive congreltauea. Mr. .\bur Morris leuvew an Thais.' Jia__ t'Larlpi' �1Jgllt�lt2• _ 1{l*, Annie Wightmuu, Aitauru. r141e1 with bar brother. Mr. Carl Wahianan. last Sunday. The rongregatluual otmtheinSunday elrctiou of nllk•ers school were held in the Westfield 1`1111e1 church 1111 Monday cubing• The reports of the various societies l 11fgySeveral inthis this tneighborhood are: making maple syrup. There were 444D* good runs of sap last week. }'all wheat smears to have comet through the winter to fairly good con- 1Htion. though some helots are consid- erably better than others. Thos. Wilton shipped a car of cat - tic en Saturday and a car of hogs on Monday for the -Co-operative." Hogs are still at a good figure. $12.15 being paid for this ear. .\ number from this township are U Advertise in The Signal to planning to attend the meeting of the (boorlo Educational Assea•iation• at -- Tiorotlt* next weak. !1st for -Detroit. -.'HW wife_ and. Oa' Ily are moviug to the county tows; will occupy a house on Brock street. We believe that Mr. lav' !'otter also is leaving for Detroit on Thursday. A number of our people attended the' funeral of the late !'bas. Girvin,� When buying a Set. make sure you are getting one suitable to your require- ments. Price, Performance, Up- keep, Appearance and proper installation are all points for your consider- ation. Let me demonstrate these to your satisfaction. 1 have Radio Licenses for 1926. F THE FURNACE GOES ON 5-1,1 (THT( KITCHEfi RANGE MlD6el LTNE HEAT FOLKS IN AT ONCE AND LET THEM AR01TRATC- were given, and a latiauee on was reported by all. the Lathes' Aid having a Ialane• of (over $40. the ltrotherho,nl over 11411. Sunday school 1112. League $lint. The W.M.S. sent *1'44 and the (Taal,- f14.0 to the branch 1 reasurer. \tell lTEI'1I1'114 11. March :"f --Mrs. Williams. of Itranthord. is visiting with her sister. Mex .1o• Holmes. Mr. 81111 Mrs. Holt. Purdon and children visite) on Sunday with her parlous. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ander- S.011. of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Cas,. %Vighlmau an,i sou. of \We/tfleId, risitwl 011 Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. (elms. \Wiahtman, byre. Messrs Will and Thos. Moore lepe•ut ASHFORD \SHF1}:LI), March 211. -Mr's. Dhm- Isr. tot Ethel. ha 111101 visiting her father and misters the lust week. Mrs. Fraac'c•y visited with friends 111 Goderich last .week. Mr. Vm. Johns -ton went to Toronto lust Friday. Mr. John MacKay. who has returned from the hospital. is improving. The party at Lochalsh under the auspices of the young men proved to be a tlec1del wlwdess. about seventy- five IwIng present. Mr. 1'. MacNty has his brother from 4eaforth visiting him this week. We hope that the stiow will soon Ire gone and, that the nudes will be im- proved noon to dire the }:aster home - comers a good time. Rey. .1. S. Dobbins. of bear 'Landow. out.. ott'upied the 11011111 '11 the Ash- field Presbyterian church yesterday 111111 ills sermons were quite Inspiring. We are glad to report that Mrs. I Cathcart 114 improving. Mr. Bradley with his gang was ploughing the gravel road soot' we hope the cars will moon be running. Mr. lino) Campbell. of Lothian. is veryill and under the doctor's carr. Thursday Iasi with Mrs. ('nyder at St. i1/'lens. � f \I r. God,. Cottle was at Exeter on Q , \louday attending the funeral of his iter. 11r. Ernest Rtubiuson' returned on Thnrsibty, fw.m--Tutaa. - Okla... a0d. ', Minneapolis. where he visited, with L� 1111 a ' relatic,'. 118/18.118/18.mouth. i1 Mr. ,*..o.. 1004Il-Iai,•• of Exeter. n- 1�+ nlr11eot h, \Ir. Ann, 1'ornrliu.+' last I j t•., week. Mrs. Jack Johnston sia.1t last week 1Swt< r► ,rprd with relatives In \V',itgham. The T.p.11. of tire: Felteed riwere11 is We know al1 60e4 of a 110:aLing having a ...NI evo•niug on Friday, April O. problem. We can look at your furnace and your kitchen range and your liting-room grate anti tell you just; what kind of coal each .houlil have. I they may really "go on strike,' through no fault of theirs, through no fault in the duality of the coal- -' but because of an unwise selection. Let us select the rjght kind for --CALL THE- Jenner's Music Storegin°1N �"di1 Fot Good Clean Coal COA` B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 - Goderich Our Complete New Stock of 11: Staunton Semi -trimmed ' Wall Paper &� now ready for your choosing NEW BLOOD NEEDED .k IN THE SPRINGTIME -a�a.sa Exide liatteries The 014 Rell4bla Now • 11 Plats $18.50 13 Plate 20.00 Battery Charging and Electrical Troubles a Specialty F. R. MILLER Service Statim Conger Elio Ave. and victoria Street PARAMOUNT 1'AItAMOI -N'T. -March J1.--Mlsf Jean RiteM1. of 'Zion. opens the week - tool with Miss Wlnnifrel Webster, of near Imsektx►w. Mrs. Peter McDonald, who has been visiting with her daughter. Mrs. El- don Henderson, rl'tarned to her home hl llurcn. Mr. and lira. Jack Mr('harlr.. of the 2nd concession. .pc•ut an evening recently with Mr. and Mol. Jack Henderson. Mrs. THck Richards is spending a few !Ealys with friends in Ripley. Mr.. Max Barnard is visiting her ,hanghter. Mrs. Walter Alton. of lanes. Mrs: Clarence Irwin and babe. of the 2nd concesslon, are spending a few days with Mrs. lrwin's mother. Mrs. .dna. Stanley. Mr John Jamieson. of I'arnmount. has entered Ills name as n contestant in the campaign carried on by The Farmers- Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon llentlerson anti Try_ 'sir. and Mrs. Melvin Raymond were Dr. Williams' Pink pills as ai! ,:meets of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mac - Dei mid. Blood Improving, Health- I M: Jami,+.(1II vi*ited with Mrs. Ei- R,estoring Tonic don Henden -on recently. I Mr-. .\. ('ook vl*itel Lucknow Every lea,w woman and .bili needs friends this week. new. rich. red Mood at this time of ' the y,.er. That is 11 r•41.111 181. fart. ' .UI doctors know it. The bi'.! grows 1 thin 81111 psatr ill the whit leve• is nr4t enough of it. and sprin h„w•s 111• ecce[. Take mons. and see, how many pawepb• are pale and sallow at :Lis time of the year. They v01111118 111 of ia•iilg easily fired. _Their appetite, to por, and they are often depressed and low-spirited. That is Mother Na titre urging them to improve their blood supply: b111 often their diges- N• . keI •l *o that they cannot ;: `.2 HAYFIELD iIAYFI}:1.1). March 30. -On Wed-! aesday. April 704. the Zurich Junior Dramatic Society will • prevent "The Little 4'lodhopper" In the town hall. under the auspice,. of the Bayfield imbue library. Mtsw Helen Gerrie left. on' Wedneie I day to e.pend the vacation at her home at Ingersoll. mr Clarence Pollok espent a couple of days in Inning last week. ' Mrs. J. W. Tippet returned home on Tuesday. (laving spent a week with her mister at London. Mi*s J. -,.'ie Metcalf. of Detroit. Is cx also• I+e•sakf �roe� spending the Rooter vacation with her parent'. Dr. W. F. and Mrw. Metcalf. at' 1)r. A. Newtou-Brady returned homeI e on Friday after coding a tew days I*t" in Toronto. Mrs. F. H. Paull tett/rued on Rotor - day after a ton weeks' vacation at : toe" Galt and London. I r1a.ew:(A J(rs, F. W. Baker. who haft been visiting her daughter. Yew. Victor hurt. at Loudon. returned on Tuesday. Mr. Grahauf Elliott has taken a ponitinn at Kitchener. sa.st{aaiie The Y.P.S. met on Friday evening fdiril fats last. An intereethlg and instructive chapter from o'•ifereses of our Home.! Mand." on Louis Pasteur, was read hy Miss Mary Paliott. An }aster Det' • was suggested but there were some def- I' ferenees of opinion on the subject of ,Nanning. so the motion was with- drawn. After the buMnees meeting' Wag 81111141111t a few minutes were spent in community singing. after which the program committee took ehnrge of n geography contest which proved to he interesting. The next n•gular mret- Ina will be on Friday. April Ath. A service will be held In Trinity church on Good Friday evening at o'clock. no *ervlee being held on Weekleaday. On Easter 1/ay matin* and servk•e of holy communion will be held In Trinity church at 11 a.m. Through- out the 'going and swimmer months Smithey school will be held at 10 a.m. There Is quite an epidemic of In- fluenza In the 'rillagr• and surrounding country. The ler jam in the river last week caused some excitement in the vil- iege. The river was much higher than it had leen for same years, hot the jam tuadually worked out and now the river is quit,• low. increase your galea 11111 tlotl I* I turn food into 1,11aa1 without help. 1 ilere• is where modern medical science conies to the resw•ue. 1►r. Williams' Pink !'Ills have a dlre•t notion 101 114,• Irlosl and enable you to get full use of the 111ooa1-making elements -in your meal{. Yost worn feel their !affect-. your appetite improves, your tlerr•es ore xte•adler, color notunls to the ch(v'ks and lips, you have more vim anon energy 70441- a►* work - elth-leas fatigne. Thr 141(1114 of Dr. Williams' Pink !'ills to alt who are in what is known r-serft-'rU d-_:_ _- '-- Af...h4tit.k ..1a. proved hy the experience ,If Mrs. Alex. McKenzie. Schumacher. Ont.. who ways: -"1 was in a completely run- down temditlon. Nervousnesee, sleep- Mcwwnesw. and loss of vitality were all taking their toll. I felt Miserable all the time and began to feel that my 11111e was hnlw1rr.1. as 1 final taken a number of rem(die, with little or no relief. 1 had often read of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Puts, and finally decided to try them. i got 44 half doien boxes. and by the time I had taken about half of theeln. there was no doubt i hind nt last found the medicine i needed to restore my llenith. 1 emitln11111 the liar of the pills. gninIng strength day by day. until i waw Moll enjoying good health and happiness.. 1 strongly re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink !'ills to every man. woman or tehlld who Is in 11 min -down conditfcal, feeding sure that the pills will moon restore them to health and strength. - it - nether you- - wee .,rl.wtal t -4N--ser merely feel 1aldly tire(' and not.of- sorts, yon mhnuld try Dr. William rink Pills title spring. They are anht by me11elle dealers everywhere, or will be trot by mall at ISA events n box. hy writing The Dr. WIlllamti Medketne Co., Brockville,,Ont. AI:BURN a 11' I VI LC. March 31.- Mr. Robt. Stalker. who has been visiti11g rola- rives ill Kauknk,.•. Illiuuls, retttr9el home 1:st week. Miss Edith M,urridge visited frien41s ill atratL,rd over the week -end. \lis Sadie Porter. who spent the winter with relative in Detroit. ('441111' 11..1111• 11144 week. Mr. Clayton -Baxter, of Toronto Uni- versity. is visiting with Rev. and Mrs. 1'. Moo, Mrs. M. Allen. who 11 iletw'lt an .ga•ration- 111 Goh•r11'h howl.ital last week. is. we are pleased to way. 10- I,r. villa as well ns ran be expected. -\ joint' meeting of the Women's Mi•'.ionary Societies of the former 11 thodist 81111 Presbyterian (bungles ons held 011 Tuesday afternoon in Knox Flailed church. where the two wa'lrties organize) as • milted body. tin Thursday of last week the ice (ill ills: Maitland River broke up and went out tory quietly. Torre has 11e4'11 110 t ,drink tau far as we kttow. instead of Knox 1.harch-liciiiiklY school taking up the review on Sun - ,.ay morning last it took up a mta- -onary program. which was both en- tertaining and instructive. There is now a very live Sunday school in Knox church. with over one hundred on the roll. The *ervicea next Sunday horning and evening will be In keep- ing eeping with }:aster. Spacial music will he rea.ieret hy (Ile.eholr. Mr. Jilin Rall, of (Tatham. Is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. H. H111. The Choral Society which was or- ganized here at New Tear's Intends putting en a concert the 90th of April. 14wing to the Hitless of Mr. Gracie there wax no *•mice la the Baptist lbnrch on Sunday morning. WIRSTIFIELD Wjr,STFI};LD. Marek alt. -Wedding lolls were ringing on Friday last, when MI** Edna Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David (took. was nnited In the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. if'red Cook, soil of Mee. (`ods and the late John Cook. by Rev. P. S• Benita Of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Kittle Taylor are the If you wish to buy your Chevro- let on time. the nearest thing to cash is the GMAC plan - General Motors' own plan for sail- ing its cars on time. which is available to oar purchasers. Full protection in any weather - comfort in winter -snugness against snow, sleet, and rain -that's what you enjoy liken you drive the Chevrolet touring cart Fine quality curtains. carefully tail- ored and close fitting, keep the cold out and warmth in. Entrance and s:it to both wits are unhampered and free because the curtains are supported by rigid rods and swing with the doors. The Chevrolet touring is the lowest - priced car of equal quality and equip•• meat on the market. It offers all the advantages of economical operation all the year around: an open car for the open road in summer and snug comfort for winter driving. Come in! Satisfy yourself that here is a low-priced touring car that offers real all-weather protection. SOUTH ST., GODERICH 01.4 LOYAL IA1YAL. March 30. -The snow hat 1lisapla•nnel and road traffic In re - 110414 11(1101111 conditions. The midi 1111111 11811 hex trmihles Taiii Yff1r,1101 he can get through all right now. We are glad to know that Mr. .Innen Young, who has had a long spell of Illneve, is now able to be out on his verandah on ane days. Mr. Voting la one of our old atandhrt at Loyal, and we hope to are him around again 38 usual when the summer weather eomea. Seh11/11 elosrw on Thursday for the Eager 14senthrn. MIM, Amos. teacher in H.S. No. 1, will 'dolt her home at Pn rkhlll. Mew. Lorne Macdonald. of Peter (s,ro. with her little elm. la visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. -Hering - ton. Nth coneeaston. The people of Smith's Hill Merck tr, 7`iasa"II! i7 ak'1°s�r d mel :..: x ,9re,. i',"";fi: •,'' pO '+Vk":; A\""•.,0I 4,"Nd' '^ "'f -- ,� x i 1,1r, since, HO I� F►EN Cloud Has a Silver Lining very Y e,e Here's hoping they're inside out for Easter In case they are, we have a few suggestions for your EASTER OUTFIT ORIENT HOSE Purple Stripe, full fashioned Silk to the top, full fashioned and Chiffon. full fashioned SUPERSILK HOSE 30 new shades to choose from. Ladies' Silk Gloves in the new shades Lark, Silver, Pongee and Black and White. E HIBBERT PhtMe 96 •