The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-11, Page 8;Coast Rr M crust 4 • NPI4 time you are topping e pie with walnut halves, try hrewni nuts lighth !gal a tittle otwr oetore pieta as tr gsr»Ish. Mrs, A V, Goodriclge Guest Speaker at St. Andrew's WM'S The .annual Home Helpers' meeting of St, AndreW's,..Anxillary of the WKS., was :old on Tues., day afternoon;" July 3rd with Mrs. Alexander Ninano presiding and : a large .attendance of members, Home Helpers and friends, The. meeting was in charge of Horne Helpers' .secretaries,, Mrs, V, R, Harrison and Miss R. Wilson, The Scripture and Meditation- on the parable of the laborers in the vine- yard was given by Mrs, ft, J,-Scott and Miss ,Mabel Walsh led in prayer. Miss 1,411a Tayloi• sang ?, beautiftil Solo, "0 Master, Let Me Walk with Thee", TIPS FOR' TRAVEI When puking- suitcase, don'l overlook the• space inside shoes.. YOU will be surprised at the quan- tity of. heltsi brushes and other small items they'll 'hold, L'y the Way, dirty soles won't sell clothes if each pair of shoes is put into • a polythene bag. You can buy them . ivnomneiaiany s are ixes 010, if be ,'thrifty th`C bags, that carrots you want to • A polythene ,soap dish is an egw cellent travelling case for jewel- lery, It is a handy size, weighs al- most • cannot ri'loitabriaringfianneci.jottelle° rya. plastic ' Clothes take the journey better if packed systematically, Shoes and other heavy articles should be tho bottom of - the. case -so their' weight won't crush other clothing. Lingerie and sweaters can be tuck- ed - into corner's. Suite and dresses travel smoothly if folded fiat just . under the lid. :3; Wife Preservers, If winter clothes are cleaned an I well . pressed before they are put away they are 'fairly safe from moths because the pressing will kill any hidden moth eggs. Always Fresh 'Stokely's •Fancy 48 as. Tomato Juice „ 31c 'Treesweet 4g oz. ;.0r•ange, Juice . , 41c ,• , y,(16.1re ;Pork "Proeuct),.? 12 ot. „ „''.1 . .3'7c' Robinhood All rurpos6. FLOURS.. 7 IhS. 51 4SYlniler • ' 11 oz. Tall 3 TIN -ART,,ciiU.P. • 22c Carnation MILK 40 • • ,• EVERY *$1:00 .PURCHASE IN THIS • • ENTITLES YOU TO A -CHANCE ON A • ,WESTINGHOUSE DRYER 'One to .be given atvay• every Friday afternoon at 5.35 fa' the • next 8' weeks. runt roar Our Prices Are Lower it Fr We Keep Down the Upheero DeliiTer row•-•,.• PARAMOUNT VAN CV RED SOCKEYE SALMON 45c Large 10c OF, VEL deterient .. 29 No cord down the neck ..nothing On tlfAliki,' y... and your hearing is at ear level whottt-ifishqpid be, Worn entirely in and behind tire'crAft;restimi-' fort. -.and clearer, more natural itedrillayAtaut clothing noise or interference. Made possible by the development of the miniature Acousticon amplifier, an amazing achievement in transis- tor engineering, .„ Hundreds of thousands of hard of hearing people can be helped by this new development. Come in and find out if it can - help you...or mail this coupon. AOUSTICON of 'Latribton, Huron 225A IrlIONT St, N., SARNIA 1)i 4-8768 'FREE INFORMATION COUPON ACIVSTICON New look in golf bags this . sufenner is the tweedy look. The current trend away from tiro drab elbh-carriors has - been made possible by the use of plastic-conted .fabrie to replate the usual atomcomes s, It in a Wide' range of gay OW'S and patterns ant is proving •1l eril for the Ottitietie because of its lightneSS and toughness, The fabric iletta-regetant,,atta tart be cleaned with a damp elOth. Theire itre available in half a eleZerr Color's. and, ,aeVereil SIZOS, theiutips a 'hefty bag for professionals, „ i tF 11116 The A hagihaint AilVannesTinie4, PA Orga' WOMEN' TH VACATION Vhere We? a thine w11cn rnen and women were supposed to bei 't0 work on, indefinitely without a change, But modern living, With dta aceelerated tempo, has proven the wisdom, of the animal . th)4,1*X• .sow Clainled by all workere.----• Though the two Ca.nnet be roily *ialttoOtted., tt tired body fwents to be more malty rested than a fagged • bit 13 -certain that a change of outlook, of scenery, Of food, fdothing Or Mental Viewpoint ran accomplish more than a year's;. doctoring is, able to achieve. We ate sometimea reminded that farmers and hetmewivea work on endlessly- Without vacations, This may be . ;:'true tck 4grae*Ntont but there is this, to be Said, that these OeCupuLlOns' .kberneelyes offer • more variety of tasks. and. posture and -greater freedom. to. live in. the open air than le afforded to workers in °Mee ! Or tOleker.Y, Ckne thing is certain, that farm or home life nerd. never' offers the ileadiy monotony that is so Wearying to soul and body. , Wife Preservers Six Tables at Gott club Bridge Theee were six tables of bridge at the golf course On Tilitrada afternOon.. The WIN winners were Miss C. Ishister, Mrs, W. a, Greer and Mrs., W. Adams, 'The' hoatessea were Mrs, F, Howson, C, W, ISTre, JO, tA mils and MPS Y. Mc' Pherson. The guest. Speaker, Mrs, V. V. Good ridge, was i at rod aced by Miss Corailkinson t MO." Gr-,)Odridge chose for, ne the her- inter- eating address; ,"firAidu'rande'l, To withstand temptation we need a deep-reeted '14e for jeans so that we nuiy deny self;, take up our cross And ,follow Him. ' There are many ,,burdens which .we should ,carry ourselves but there `are with Oth- ers which- should „lie left , with the Lord. When clistenraged," we, only need to count'eur:blessings, emp- tation. is •a test of. our errant:ante and is a-eign' that, We are growing spiritually: God cane. each of us to endure, to tbe end:Andthe same shall ba•saved:. ' Following ' tbe!. regular business of the meeting the secret , ary, Mrs. N. Pickett, 'resid'an .interesting let- ter from Rev. ,and,. Mrs. •GeOrge Malcolm roiesioafs'-in 'POrmosa. Miss M L. dqrrie,leci:in'tha offer- tory prayer.; ,.4ter the closing hymn tlyos, H 4iteiiipQti :Offered prayer'Oddq:diloiA4,.the meeting lunch -eas • . " ;a' • ' FLOWERS AND 'WEEDS One of the prettiest of our sum- mer weeds is the toadflax or but- ter and eggs. It brightens vacant Iota and dry pastures; its juice may be used in milk as fly poison; its leaves as a poultice; its flowers as yelloW dye. . - The throat of the blossom is closed' to all but the heavy bumble- bee with its long tongue. Its beauti- ful spikes of butter-colored cornu- ceplas, apparently holding the yolk of a tiny egg, emit a cheery odor like that of a dairy. Perhaps half its charm lies in the grass-like foliage of a peculiar bluish-green shade, springing up abundantly from the sterile ,shoots, The toad-flax is quite evidently a close relative of the cultivated garden : snap-dragon. Preheat- even :tb a 350 • deg. F. (moderate). COirAri'e,';'claieken; eon-- densedtcreana ''clitejten mushroonis, 34;euri:.a. the almonds, pimiento„ antf;grAtid Oniiiii:`•SPoon into ".keastf:,triz("?,Ortiit•.:.Bleild to- gath er bread cririiThs and buttei or margakilie: Sprialele over chicken. irixaife."'gprinkle""ailth 're- maining hlanched':alinoyds.',13alte iri preheated moderate :"ioVeit. for- 15-20 minute's; ninth" :golden brown,' Males VACATION "I'Ve had ei vacation," said Timothy Brown, 4A. fine ik`te, although. I have not left Wag. X merely vacated my worries and fears, And at once became younger by fairly five yeara. I 'vacated my ruts, and began to enjoy MY regular humdrum, but useful employ, I changed my whole outlook and vision of life, „, And made it a pastime instead of 4 strife. I've had a vacation, not vacant, a bore But fuller and freer than ever before; But, nest of vacations for fat purse or lean— A change of the seeing instead of the scene." —Dr: Amos Well Young Women's Mission circle The -limn,' "Look Sinner, Look" was sung to open the monthly meeting of the Baptist Young Women's Mission circle held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. :Nat'l Weitz. .hollowing prayer by the presi- dent, the minutes were read and business conducted. Miss Betty Collar, 'Mrs. Frank Collar and. Mrs.' Wm. -Kirkwood participated in a season of praYee and •the hymn "I Will sing the Wondrous Story" was sung. Some very interesting readings were given by Mrs, Bruce MacLean, Mrs. Merrill Cantelori and Mrs. Geo. Hotchkiss regarding the suf- fering of the .Christians In Greece and some remarkable conversions, also the history of the Lipasinater Church. Mrs. Geo. Hotchkiss conducted a very helpful period basing her remarks on 2 Peter 3-18 Grow -in grace and in the knowledge of tile Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. "I Will Sing or My Redeemer" 'was sung and .11iliss M, Jones dis7 -missed the meeting with prayer. A social time was enjoyed. Mitchell Electric Service Limited ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING • INDUSTRIAL • • COMMERCIAL • DOMESTIC 41k, MOTOR REPAIRS AS COMFORTABLE AS EAST AS A BRAND EARL' EXCEPT Rt4la HERE Veattv Sated •S SeAlceie RANGES WASHERS PUMPS, Phone: Molesworth 1 Hawaiian -Ham. • 2 culls groin:id...baked or boiled ham or luireheen meat 1 cup rot* , fine"- enriched bread crumbs What Ivery Bride Should .Know• • .• • • • Push-button stoves and automa- tic washing machines aren't the only modern inventions the June bride of 1956 will be dealing with., She will also be entrusted with the' care of her husband's precious no- iron shirts. • Probably he himself has been coping quite adequately with the drip-dry technique, but from now on -he'll be helpless. as a baby when it comes to keeping his clothes in order. And he'll he expecting his shirts- to he whiter • and his collars to' be,amoother than he's ever had tneni•beferni •,, ,The.neWeet thing in men's shirts are • those of ter'ylene. This new Canadian fibre , needs 'little or no• -ironing and :does -not yellow in de-, tergents: Keeping shirts freshis all very easy, but the bride who is Particular about her husband's op..' pearance might like -to hear the shirt,makers' instructions• f o r maintaining that band-Vox look; • It -is beat' to wash terylene' shirts. by nand becanse,- a washing ma-, 'chine may-put in the- fabric, which you'll need to iron out .of teiw"tirds, But if you do ,choose to neap. machine, avoid putting them, through the wringer :or Wang the: spin-dry technique, Just lift them; from •the rinse water. - . . -, If you live In a hard-water area, - tise synthetic detergent. Soap and-. hard water tan cause "greying"' in. any fabric,' either natural or -man, made, Use the tail of the shirt' to ,rub specially soiled spots such as collar and cuffs. ,Rinse well, Preferably in hot Water. To avoid, ironing-, do not wring out the 'shirt. Shake off the water And hang it on. a wooden hanger, to drip-dry. (Mani .hangers might- cause rust stains,) Fasten the top button and 'smooth out the -collar and cuffs between thumb and fore,. finger.. Don't • expect miracles— any Wrinkle in the wet fabric will likely 'atilt -be there when it's dryt Scald milk, Stir In shortening, tablespoons granulaLed sugar and salt. Let cool lukewarm, 'Mean. while, dissolve 1 teaspOon grann7 lated sugar In ).-• cup lukewarm water. Sprinkle yeast on top of water. Let stand :10 minutes, then stir well, Stir in lukewarmmint MiXture, Add beaten egg and half the flour. Beat until smooth, Stir in remaining flour: Turn out ani lightly floured board. Knead nail. Snrooth and elastic, Place in well- grpaged howl: brush 'tOp with shortening, Cover with olean towel; Let rise its warm place, ,free from dealt, until doubled in' balk, about one ban- and 30 minutes, -Pturth down - the dough Arid turn Ont-"•,on lightly floured board. '-Divide-punched down dough,into three equal pieces; Roll .out pooh piece into:a 4.0-inch circle, Fit into a :9-inch pie pan. Pat all over *Tr- fade. Trim pastry even with 'edge of pan, Press pastry onto edge with tines of fork. Brush entire ear, face of crusts with egg white,. Let rise in warm place, free frdin draft, until doubled in bulk, about 20 minates.• Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degrees. P7, (moderate). With fork,' thoroughly prick entire'sur- face of crusts. Bake In preheated moderate oven 8 minutes, Crtists should be only very light in coior--- Do Not Brown, (Makes-three 0- inch crusts OR a quantity of, ap- petiters or canapes), • "Yeast-Riz" dough may alsto he prepared for individual canapes,: appetizers, snacks, etc. After dough has been punched down and turned out on a lightly floured hoard, roll out to about 14-inch thickness. Cut into rounds with a 2-inch cookie .cutter or glass. Place rounds on a; greased-baking-sheet. Let rise 'until doubled in bulk, about 20 minutes: Meanwhile, preheat oven to deg. P. (moderate). Make a de- pression in the centre of each circle with the bottom of a glees abOut 1)-h-inches in diameter, "(Din, the glass in flour before each use, to prevent sticking), Brush each. round with slightly beaten white of egg. Bake in preheated moderate.' oven for 8 minutes/Minature trusts snbuld only be very light in color.--: Do not brown. To store, cool ertistsp stack and wrap in aluminum foil;' Hold in refrigerator one to ten days, as needed. When ready to nee, fill depressions with suggested fill: ings and bake in oven preheated' to 350 degrees F. (moderate) about 15 minutes, or until crust is golden brown, (Note: If an uncooked fill-' ing is used, such as liquid egg and milk mixture, miniature cruets Will require longer baking in -order-AO cook , and set filling). w4- * vAMATitoNS ON A THEME something that's just us modern as a trip to the mean. It's, a ,discovery that should, like many new convenienee products; have far7reaehing effeetS.ou thocitelten, This latest idea to save homemak- ers' time is a Yeast-risen• crust on the "brown 'n serve'. theme, that makee • light Walt of three Meals at a time. And the.' behtftjt'.'of it is,,. that it is all rigida% y„.,oui= own ellen with your finest •ingrddienta, and can be stored'up to •tentlays in the refrigerator or even' longer in the deep "freeze,' "Yeast-Rie 'not' only standa you in- good% stead at Et. tantalizing Main dish•-to.tiffer nw- expected .guests tar .to • serve the family when you ,Are,l tits/led, bet it • is a unique new base la iseeruiiip- tious snacks. and.eanape,s„aP*11. as the fouudatfoli for , clesseit a new, twist, • • • • . ' • Here 'thin brand new' "Yeast-Riz" crust is featured in .. three main dishes for buffet, tenet:leen 'or sup- per to please familyor.frieride. The busy homemakers can whiirilp this festive dish in, a tricall ,she has to do is take the artiste- Otit'of the refrigerator, add the fillings; which can alSo be made, afi•edd';:apd pop them into the Oven: .1"l0..trick is that the "Yeast-131e' qs UStS i.ean be prepared and•partialiyhaked when- ever you have tire, 'then ;peered in the refrigerator as lonitaS ten dayg before they are. giverr•the,^prown- and-serve treatme4t.;•:„Thitl,s why many hornemakers•win make three or more, crusts as the' retitle sug- gests to have 'extras on.harid when in a hurry or entertairting",a large group. As idea-starters ifoisfillings, .i • ; • we suggest variations of three fav- orites, ham—crowned.witli',a pretty and tasty topping of pineapple and coconut, chielien -7-riehlY-flavored with toasted almende,,and;an ele- gant seafood combination'' of lob-' • ster, shrimp •and •cialb likta • rich' cream sauce. . • • "Yeast-Riz" Crust (basic. recipe) cup milk- x/i, cup shortening _ • : 6 tablespoons granulated. sugar A teaspoon salt , • - I4 cup luke,wavirywater"' 1 teaspoon., granulated, sugar 1 envelope active wiry: yeast 1 whole egg, beaten'. 2- cups 'sifted dirfolied all purpose flour '' .1 egg White slightly beaien time s. is Imo mr- tl R,EAIVI HOUSE 141 .mustard 1, can; crushed pineapple, drained 1, 0-inch. "rea-st-Itit"-"crust 2 taiNsPooris :Melted hutte'r or margarine ' - • 14 nix brown sugar,. . • ys Op 'shredded 'coconut 'Preliecti 360 ' deg.- rn(n1114,e'i'faint:1;eile'fimbhbeiClii hred gro 4 t.uhiarrihns, and mustard..Stir.in .the, drained;:cruShe'd•pii=•o.iiiiei,b'esO'tv0: reeleiter foi toPang):.:SPOoriffarri": hatter .into 4Y-east-kik" CrUst. bine melted: butter' Or: Margarine with brown ,SUgar :and remaining crushed pineapple,':Spoen' on top of, ham mixture: Op.O.nitio with 'coco- nut, Bake iir.rAreheatee moderate oven for 20-25 -rtilinutee.Serve hot, Makes 4 to 6 .Seafood Surprise If you are extra fussy (a4com- yrion characteristic of_ brides.) you ta make n occasionally give the •,,shiit?a "tin:lob-up with an iron; Dili; ..,Surd the, ircin is relatively conk— a rayon setting, provides, all the heat necessary. '44' cupi butter or margarine tablespoons enriched flour -)/2 teaspoon edit •2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon' grated onion 1 teaspoon lemon juice Few drops hot pepper sauce 1 cup milk 1 egg yolk, slightly beaten lh cup flat crabmeat =h cup canned lobster, cut into small pieces IA cup cooked, cleaned- shrimp, cut into small pieces 1.,egg white, beaten until stiff but not dry 1 9-fneh "Yeast Ftiz" Crust The only advantage in poor writ- ing is the number of mistakes in spelling it covers up. John C. Colombo, Architect Preheat Oven to 850 degrees F, (moderate). Melt butter or rnagar- Me in saucepan. Thoroughly blend in flew., salt, parsley, onion, lemon juice and hot pepper sauce; grad- ually add milk, stirring contsant- ty to keep mixture smooth. Cook until sauce has thickened and is satiny smooth, Remove, from heat Add egg yolk slowly, stirring con- stantly. Return to heat and cook, stirring constantly, nail mixture conies to a boil, Remove from heat. Stir in erabmeat, lobster and Shrimp. Fold egg white into sea- food miXtere.Pour into "Yeast-Ale Crust, Bake In preheated oven for 15 to Minutes, until Crust is golden brovin, Makes 4 to 6 aerV- ergs. Split-Level nr-Strt.ig aliorric in the modern Manner--.it brick and siding, beauty, There's a maximum of living coimforts packed into this design. The huge living teem is complemented. •• by a rear picture window and the cheerful firo. place. The separate dining room adjoins, the. kitchen.dinette. Up a .,short flight of stairs there are three bedrooms. Besides having its. own, pria. vato bathroom, the master Far hash closet ;along' one entire' wall,Far relaxation, enter. mining or watching TV, .there ,is playroom, only a few- steps, away from .the aro*, i There. s another fireplace in. this room, and an entrance. to the outdoors, An elitra bedroom and bath on this level is ideal for A. maid or guests. Don't overlook that large basement, so handy for storage, hobbies, workshop. * 4 0 A king-Sited sketch plan of,this house it atikildibt to readers, Simply send 260- .in.toiti.to..Modeth Plan Service)Department 118- Lincoln' konaitiga- mt, Vethoui 11.Y. Ateert 1;6 * * Chiciren Alniondette 2 clips chopped cooked or Canned'' chicken 1, 10-Oz; can condensed cream of chicken soup ih cup sliced eocilted or canned mushrooms 9'2 cup slivered blanched alitonde 2 tablespoons chopped pins-lento 2 teaspoons grated onion 1, 9.11-ich ""feast-Rist" Crust • ottp fine 'enriched bread. erumbs tabiestioims Melted butter or margarine gO&A ,tilkourst.,. N., Saran J • Please rush full information about the Tubelems. Bar-Pone, lame Adcltes I ”. City .„ ...... ..... .. ; ... ...... v0Vity .......... Ltwa,i 14.6. n